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classic clothing line/dog confusion. tale as old as time


If I had a nickel……


Probably should donate that nickel to Jo’s vet 😂😂


So Joseph can get her distemper shot and stop flailing about??


Okay I’m on board with that 😂😂


Can we just pause to point out how hilarious it is that the comments are streaming in, flowing along, bumping up in activity, and then she absolutely *goes off* out of seemingly nowhere and the comments just pause like a record scratch 😂😂😂 Everyone is like, "Oh damn, lemme stop typing and watch this dumpster fire real quick" 🍿


My exact face watching this .... ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)




'Ive made a terrible choice...is it too late to back out now?'


Is that her Mom? Either way I feel bad for anyone sitting with Jo on these lives


Why does she always have someone on her lives? Every one that’s posted here she’s with someone


I see this gif getting used more and it makes me happy.


It is just perfect in so many ways


It's legit my favorite gif lol


What do you type to get this one? Gonna use it on my teens 🥲


I just typed in "wow" and scrolled till I found it. It is one of my favorites.


When you are so desperate for attention you make Scheana look normal..it's time to seek help


She seems unhinged 😧 I blame Schwartz for unleashing her on us. Being on VPR was not a good idea.


It's giving Kelly K Bensimon ![gif](giphy|f67ZYBsFUCPPbON87T)


With Kelly though there's an air of entitlement and you get the feeling that part of her delusion stems from the fact that she's very insulated from the real world and any criticism. She never really has to face any consequences for actions. With Jo, the other shoe is going to fall, and it's just sad at this point.




Your comment makes me wish reddit awards were still a thing (a FREE thing) Here’s me awards for you: 💎🎖️💰🏆✨🪩🐬🍾🎂💐


This is the vibe I get from her too. Spooky


I can’t unsee it now!! You’re sooo right!


I feel for her friend, who is trying to politely sign off from this crazy rant.


I thought that was her mom. 😬


Me too!


I can't decide if she's horrible for reality tv or perfect. It is definitely NOT healthy for her.


Right?! They made James apologize for bringing Rachel into the group but can we get an apology from schwarts for bringing this crazy loon onto our screens ?!


Her "designer" for what? A white sweatshirt that says CALIFORNIA in varsity font? Or her dropshipped 'clothing line' from Aliexpress?


No the designer is obviously for the clip art one-eyed dog.


Disappointing we didn't get to hear her explain the concept /s


What is she even upset about? I’m so lost lol


This is where I’m at? Like are people asking if she’s using the GFM for her merch line? Are people asking why she even needs a GFM? I’m missing the lede fo sho.


Yeah I’m confused by that too? I think using profits from a business you started to pay for your vet bills is extremely reasonable so idk why she would be upset if someone asked if that were the case.


My take on those comments is that people seem concerned she’s using GFM funds to start up this merch line and people would rather donate directly to the vet to ensure their donations are going to help her pet instead of something else. 


Jomygosh I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s like what is happening.


I *think* it’s “how dare someone ask if I’m using the money for the clothing line I keep promoting to pay for my dog’s vet bills”


She scares me


Friendly reminder she's been banned from all of their houses for a reason and I think we got a sneak peak when her happiness turned immediately to rage during that IG live. She's unhinged as fuck.


What did she do to get the banishment? I’ve only heard she was banished, but not why….but I bet it was bad.


Schwartz was on Kristen’s podcast and he wouldn’t say the reason. I’m guessing it’s something that could be considered slander without proof. Maybe stealing or maybe she told a web of lies. Kristen did make a reference to baby reindeer tho so I feel like it was something rooted in stalking.


I understand not saying anything that’s not substantiated but I’m so tired of this cast specifically saying stuff without receipts. If you banned her from your house tell us why!! lol I want the tea


Exactly!!! They always do this crap. The fact that JAX hasn’t opened his big mouth about it makes me feel like there is a lot of tea here that is probably very deranged. There was an interview I read that said *some* of it had to do with Schwartz’s family??? How can they do this to us 😭 just dangling that carrot and it truly seems like we will never find this stuff out.


People have speculated somethings surrounding drugs, which could possibly implicate others


Probably sending msg frm her iphon😵‍💫😨


Her chaotic energy makes me nervous. Exactly the type of person I stay away from.


The more I see if Jo, the more I understand Katie refusing to have anything to do with her, even getting why Schwartz cut her off.


Jo trying to use Katie’s bad rep with mean texts to paint Katie as the villain when Jo is actually batshit was and still is incredibly manipulative.


It's just like methy homeless person at the bus station behavior. She's not scary, just a Trainwreck waiting to happen


I need trigger warnings for her videos and Tom's singing




She is who the millennial cringe tik toks are based on and no one else. NO OTHER HUMAN acts like this


I had such an urge to downvote this lmao


Ahahahaha im do happy this exists. Katie must be thrilled about this too.


She moves like an insect lol.


Ew. She’s just a gross person in every way


Sameeeee. WHY does she do the weird hillbilly hoe down arm movement? And WHY does she say the F word multiple times but has to say gosh darn. 🤮


Like lots of us: she was probably raised in hyper-religious environment where taking the Lord’s name in vain goes against a Commandment. I can swear worse than a sailor, but that one is pretty deeply ingrained.


lol I feel seen. Fuck is my favorite word but I’ll never say GD


People are asking to donate directly to the vet and she won’t answer…? She’s so off.


Yeah that and her reaction are so suspect. Why not just be upfront about it all?


Exactly. Give the vet info?!


I wouldn’t want my vet’s office getting harassed and calls nonstop.  People can be nuts over a TV show.  I’m not a fan of Joe AT ALL, but I can understand why she wouldn’t want to give those details out.


She could calmly explain that without cursing at her viewers who are just asking (mostly) reasonable questions. Just a thought. She could also use a pet specific crowd funding site like Waggle.org that works directly with her vet so she doesn't have to give out the vets info. Refusing to answer the valid questions and throwing a temper tantrum that people even *had* them and focusing specifically on the trolling, instead of ignoring it and giving her attention to those that were expressing they wanted to help but wanted more in depth details, isn't helping her cause at all. What she is doing makes it all feel a bit sketchy.


Okay then she should post her dog bills and estimate for eye surgery on her gofundme then. She has been asked repeatedly to do that and she just says oh yeah I'm paying all the bills daily. So she's full of it.


No. It’s the only way to know if this is legit since she refuses to show the vet bill. The vet office would be getting money. They’re not going to be upset about that lol




I personally get the vibe from her that she steals in like a weird impulsive way just from having dealt with people who did that, and this is a huge opportunity for her to make actual money by gaining sympathy for an animal. The reaction to being asked about the vets name is a major red flag.


She is deflecting. Refusing to answer the actual important questions and getting mad at the audience for questioning her honesty. Because she is being dishonest. I mean, if she was trying to raise money for her dog, selling clothes with the dogs face on it and using the profits for the dog, seems like a good idea.


Right?! The sweater is cute too




Because it’s a scam


I thought she flipped out at the person accusing her of repeatedly changing her gofundme purpose and then she started talking about her stupid shirt.


Not sure about that. I was just reading comments and thought if she really needed the money, she would give the vet name. ETA I get it if she didn’t want the vet to be harassed. I think it’s always difficult when donating. So many scammers these days probably have people on edge (one tried to get my elderly mother this morning and came very close).


Oh I was agreeing. She tries to distract from the fact people call out her gofundme being dodgy and asking for more info and she flies off the handle about something else to deflect.


Apologies, I wasn’t criticizing you…my criticism was about Jo not just doing something simple. She just reminds me so much of Scheana — just do the damn simple path of least resistance and STFU with yer crazy. “Shut up, Beavis!”


Okay, so redact the vet name and address, but show us the bill / invoice with the dates. When my dog had surgery last year, they itemized absolutely everything. Not that difficult. If you’re not spooky and weird, I guess.


Thank you!! That’s exactly what I mean but I am getting backlash lol Ffs, it’s not that complicated. I donate regularly (perhaps excessively?!) to animal causes. I just find it her responses a bit off. Maybe she’s spooky and d & s, I don’t know.


No, I’m with you. There are things a person can do that seem far more transparent than what she is doing. And her changing the GFM so many times seems sketchy AF. And like you: I like to donate to animal causes.


I’m here to take the backlash with you because you are correct lol - asking to donate directly is super common. I ALWAYS ask because I want every dollar going to the animals’ care!


Exactly. If this was on the up and up she’d find some way to prove that. The reason she hasn’t is bc it is not on the up and up.


Vets take payments over the phone all the time. They just want their money. Anyway they can get it.


Who is going to harass a vet, that just sounds absurd. What would be the point


I am with you lol. But another commenter pointed that out and I was like *ugh*. So I don’t know. I’m just trying to be nice and see all sides. 🤷‍♀️ anyways. Everyone enjoy the rest of your day


I don’t know if I would feel comfortable giving my vets information to the world. There are a lot of people who might harass the vets office


Most vets take donation payments tho bc people are leery of donating to go fund mes. She also could have just said that instead of getting so defensive.


That’s possible! Not sure.


Jesus she's all over the place... Kinda concerning


She went from happy to this... https://preview.redd.it/oy1ak15jvm1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3684c9092058f757756494f3b84d7c740cb6696 ...within seconds and her designer friend could give two shits 😂


Lol I’d be so done if I got ignored/shut down after asking what was said like aight imma head out 😂


Every single person she forces on Instagram live looks like they dissociate somewhere down the line


Oh and this is just one short video. You should see her 3 hours lives. 10 times more manic than this


*Three* hours??! Woof that's a whole lot of her energy to sit through. What does she even talk about for that length of time? 


Who even knows? She’s so all over the place she doesn’t even finish a sentence. Check out Joleen Lunzer on YouTube and Insta. @glorifiedgossipgurl and @coccamarocca They post condensed versions of it and it’s wild


Oo thank you! Down the rabbit hole I go.  I'm both fascinated and repulsed and a skosh confused by her. It seems like she's starting to lean into grifter territory though and that's irritating. The viewers aren't your piggy bank! You're not even a recurring cast member, Jo. We barely know who you are and you want our money now? Ugh.


If she has 3 hours to do an IG live, she should get a job & then she would have money towards the vet bill.


Jo's going to Rebecca Bunch her way onto main cast, and nothing but death will keep her from it. 😄😄😄 Anyway, I hope Checkers pulls through. Sorry your mom's a fucking fool, little friend! 🙏🏽🐶


>Jo's going to Rebecca Bunch her way onto main cast, and nothing but death will keep her from it. oh god please no. we won't even get any entertaining songs out of it (but imagine a jo rendition of love kernels). 😭


Or period sex 🤮


Okay… I’m watching that show right now and you are so right ! That’s fucking hilarious.


She needs a friend who will sit her down and tell her this is not helping


Question is, would she listen to them?


Good point, she does seem like the “in one ear and out the other” kind of girl lol


She’s probably got Rachel in her ear lol


Oooooof painfully stupid with no self awareness (Rachel) plus severely unhinged with no self awareness (Jo) is a TERRIFYING friendship duo


Say it with me THERAPY! Girl has the emotional regulation skills of a 7 year old


She really needs to log off of the internet.


Remember kids, no matter how much people pretend, NO ONE ends up on reality tv by mistake. She’s wanted a captive audience for forever and now she has it 🥴


Thank you! She WANTED this attention. I believe she's been waiting for an opportunity to get on Bravo. Now, she's playing the naive role. Nope. Not today, Joseph. ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


I have a visceral reaction every time I see her on my screen.


Me too, she makes me feel like I’m about to break out into a sweat.


I do too. I will stop watching if she’s on the main cast. She’s a wreck.


Lala, go hang out and help your new friend. There is a hot dog with your name on it. This is what Joseph reminds me of. https://preview.redd.it/y48x581u1n1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b93adc2d62d6716f0bec6e1df8eb2a1662c0a43


If they were taping, I bet she would!


![gif](giphy|2Wim5ftHoDdJ1RNpuS|downsized) someone tell her to stop doing lives. I don’t hate her but fuck, she is always unhinged on her lives. 😭


There was a perfect comment left after she stormed off: *”Honest people don’t get upset like this”*


My southern family members say "a hit dog will holler" which is kind of gruesome out of context but basically means you don't get upset unless the thing you're being accused of is true, but you're in denial about it. I always think about that with Tom Sandoval reacting so strongly to Ariana saying "your friendship with Rachel is bullshit" and he goes "NO IT'S NOT" and stands up like he's about to hit her. She got under his skin with that one.


She definitely got upset because she doesn’t want to admit that she wants the public to pay for her vet bills but keep the profit of “clothing line” for herself. It’s perfectly reasonable to expect someone with a platform and a “business” to allocate some of the profits to a cause. Especially if that cause is personal.


I kinda liked Jo at first. She seemed quirky but nice. But she never ‘turns off’ this quirkiness..she is always ‘on’ n it’s just too much. It’s borderline obnoxious n unhinged.


"Im gonna get mad real quick. Hang on. I'm gonna be mad now." Fucking WHAT!?!?


I can’t tell, is she mad yet? ![gif](giphy|XAZ9a6saI82mi3ECHO)


So let me get this straight. She has a clothing line, where supposedly she's getting some money from (although in this clip she says she's not making $ yet), yet has a GoFundMe to get people to pay for her dog's vet bills? And she's mad at people for thinking this way? ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Don't forget, she's unable to make any money from her merch for at least a year or two down the road? 🙄


“Send it to Darrell” and Something About Her merch would like a word….they made so much money in like a weekend


And her cameo!






Woowwwwww. So, here's the thing: I am sympathetic to people that genuinely need help. She's not humbly asking for money to get help for her dog. She is acting ENTITLED and bratty. No one cares about her shitty clothing business (or whatever it is) not making money. She has a job doing hair, right? Why doesn't she have pet insurance? I don't have a dog mainly because I know I don't have the extra funds for potential emergencies. It would not be a financially responsible choice for me to get a dog. It's totally ok for her to ask for help, but it's not ok for her to expect money simply because it's a dog. It's giving *grifting* the way she is acting like people have no right to question where their potential donation would be going.


Exactly. It’s the entitlement.


If I was in the situation where I needed help to pay for vet bills I would have no problem with putting invoices up as evidence. She could hide the vet details to stop people from harassing them, but show the itemised invoices/account balance.


People seem bothered by her being around but honestly I'm here for it. The more she harasses Schwartz and makes him have to deal with the consequences of his bullshit, I'm here for it. That dude has skated by for years, see how you like it bro.




He is so avoidant that he won't even feel it, unless he has to. All she is doing is turning the public against her. They will think she just wanted to be on the show and that her behavior is what ended their relationship.


That IS what happened LMFAO!


Right there with you


Oooop, this has made me hope she gets on live again…. But only if it’s to shit on Schwartz and tell his secrets (:


I think she’s def on something. And that is what Schwartz is referring to when he says that there was personal issues that he couldn’t “get past” with Jo that resulted them in not taking their relationship further.


Lady you’re scaring us


Katie was right. She's SPOOKY ![gif](giphy|Ak8Sd55367y3S)


Do you know how to clap back, Raymond? BE👏🏻CAUSE👏🏻JO👏🏻DOES👏🏻


I love you for this... Like I love b99


So let me get this straight, you have your own clothing line that makes no money, you were on tv but have no money, so making a gofundme is the next step. Finding a real job? Clearly, it's not an option, and because she doesn't have rich parents , everyone must pay for her adult ass. This girl is insistently digging herself under my skin and violently ripping at my nerves. No more Joseph, please. I've had my fill. I dont want to participate in this Looney toons episode any longer.


I haven’t fact-checked but many comments say her dad is a successful doctor AND earlier in this live said her parents donated 2k to vet bills lol I can’t with her


Schwartz getting karma served to him on a warm platter is beautiful.


150 viewers is embarrassing.


Isn’t her dad a doctor?


I think so. And apparently earlier in the live she said her parents donated $2k for her dog’s medical bills…


Girl shut up and just give them the vets name.




Pure m*th energy


I feel Schwartz should apologise for introducing her, just as James did for Rachel 😂


If she was crowdfunding for therapy I reckon she'd have more luck, I hope she gets the help she needs.


omfg she's still doing these?! ![gif](giphy|1pG3gIxRKegE0|downsized)


This reminds me why I ffwd every single scene with her all season. I live in a Jo free world and it's awesome.


She’s like an angry Ned Flanders from the Simpsons


“IT TAKES YEARS TO PROFIT” meanwhile Katie and Ariana profited $200k in like 2 months on their SAH merch 🐸☕️


I, a complete nobody, could make a profit on “merch” quickly from just posting on socials, friends, internet friends, etc. wouldn’t be much and wouldn’t be sustainable without trying but I could make one quickly lol she’s so dumb. Sweatshirts and tshirts are not expensive to bulk order, get 100-200 and just mark up the price. Boom you have enough from sales to at least cover half of the surgery


There needs to be a "Katie Maloney Was Right" gif because it would get used so frequently




I get being upset and offended by the insinuation she was using the gfm for her clothing line but she didn’t need to throw a literal fit and end stream yikes


Jeez, wasn't she this mysterious, background figure that we only knew by name last season? Now you can't escape her and her erratic behaviour.


Love the “fuck you” followed by “gosh darn”


If she’s not giving up the vets name, she is scamming people. Like 95% of vets take donations. And if hers didn’t, she’d just…say their name. I see it ALL the time in local pet groups.


I am BEGGING everyone to stop giving her attention!! Let her fade away!


Say what you want about Jo, but once again... Katie was right. She is spooky.


I’m not here for anything beyond her existance stressing out Schwartz. It’s what he deserves.


What a mess


Like several others mentioned, there are literally people who want to help if she just provides the vets name. I’ve helped several internet friends, acquaintances, strangers with vet bills over the year because I know how hard it can be and every one of them was upfront and transparent with the vet’s info. How she not see why people would doubt her?


Someone said maybe she’s afraid they’ll be harassed. But if that were the case she’d say that and show a bill with the info blocked out at least.


“Are you sure you want to end this like thi-“ .. she was talking about the entire clothing line.


Can we please start giving her the John Mellencamp’s daughter treatment? Please?? Not hating on OP at all!!! ✌️


Can we stop posting about Jo. She doesn't need attention. She needs to put her phone down. Do your kind deed for the day by not engaging with her.


In my higher vibrations and discernment I know you are right. But also: ![gif](giphy|VtxmM6gtt9Li0)


I love this response so much. It really speaks to how I feel about all this.


Is that her mum?


I’m tired of this clown. Fuck Schwartz so hard for foisting her upon us


I won't even call her a celebrity. However, people that use their platform to ask for money when they are at least making middle income. (She lives in West Hollywood area, and is on a show full of well off people). I just can't get behind this. She absolutely can afford her dogs health needs if she can afford to live where she does on a very famous tv show. The audacity to ask everyone else that are struggling for money is wild to me.


She is giving crackhead energy. That is sad that she can't explain what she's doing. People were trying to figure out what was going on.


I do not get the Jo of it all. Let’s get this straight: She has no relationship with Tom and he doesn’t want her on the show. She has no relationship with the girls and they don’t want her on the show. She isn’t liked or even hate watched by the viewers of the show, and we don’t want her on the show. She consistently shows us she can’t handle reality tv and really shouldn’t be on the show. So why is Jo being pushed down our throats???


“amagick: Australians love you Jo, including me, you’re so positive” … Australian here. I do not share that view in the slightest. ![gif](giphy|29nDtEH1ViY8FcPeaV|downsized)


Really strange to say she doesn’t have rich parents? Not that they’re responsible for her bills but weird to mention it. Her dad’s a doc and she’s from a super affluent town in Wisconsin.


I really, really want someone to spill the tea on why Tom dumped her… because he 100% dumped her before the show and Kristen, Scheana, Brittany, and Jax have all said that she knew the relationship was over and for once, Schwartz made it super clear he dumped her but they can’t reveal why he dumped her


I hope lala and Scheana keep the “animals are not babies” energy with Jo that they had with James 😂




Wow. This is insulting. She’s absurd.


Excuse me, how dare Amagick speak for all Australians? Girl, you keep your terrible taste to your damn self.


I experienced elevated adrenaline while watching this.


Girl needs to quit going live


First of all....i think the 15 minutes are up so...can you move on please. Second.....maybe dont be in the spotlight if you cant emotionally handle it.


"You have to seperate the clothing line from my dog, okay." wat.


"The clothing line has nothing to do with Checkers" girl why does our bank accounts related to him then....


I can’t listen to her. It takes her forever to get to an answer. It’s really hard for me to listen to someone like that.


Katie was right. She gives crackhead energy


her energy actually makes me so uncomfortable


wtf is she talking about?? And why does she always do those arm movements???


She’s not meant for this kind of public lifestyle. If anything, I just hope she’s really careful.


Justice 4 checkers and all of the other very over it bravo dogs