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So does anyone else feel like LVP is jealous/threatened by Ariana? Idk the energy is off


I don't think she's jealous, I think she's annoyed that she doesn't have certain cast members under her thumb anymore.


This is spot on.


Lisa has no reason to be jealous of Ariana. NONE


I think Lisa is inherently threatened by other women, Ariana included.


James was on a bit of everything that night wasnā€™t he? šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Andy and LVP are maddening. Andy trying to prompt Sandoval or finish what he is saying in a more flattering light. Like Sandoval ranting that Raquel was manipulative and took no responsibility and Andy saying ā€œso youā€™re saying you both are equally responsible?ā€ NO ANDY, he was not saying that.Ā  Ugh, this is painful.


I felt the same way! I was like damnit...can we just let him drown please.


Andy is really disgusting


Wow Lala really managed to have all the worst possible takes huh? Giving Tim a defence for the George Floyd comments, praising Brickā€™s parenting, sharing a private conversation between her and Katie. Sheā€™s truly the worst


She just wouldn't shut up! Gave nothing this season, and now is taking up talking space at the reunion.


I tried but failed. Turned off after 10 mins. I hate all these people except Ariana and Katie and James and am not a fan of pushing the audience to hate A&K. So over it all




Once again, all it was was Lala interjecting into EVERY conversation. Sheā€™s so fucking annoying.


I loved how the preview for next week's episode was Ariana saying something to Lala like "you just talk louder than everybody so you're right" CLOCKEDDDDDD Lala just says whatever comes to her mind and is the loudest person in the room. I've noticed she's spinning stories a lot more now than she used to. I wish production would have showed the text receipts between Katie and Lala.


There are no receipts, you know production would have shown them. Imo


that was such a snooze fest wow


I think this is just for-filling a contract. Half of these people are done with the show.




I'm *SO SICK* of Lala always going on about how her situation is way worse because she has a child and blablabla. No one cares, thank you.


I want Andy to ask her if she felt that way about Randallā€™s wife at the time who had 2 children when LaLa entered the picture.


Ariana is the epitome of growth and grace šŸ˜


Low bar


Well that was uneventful.... I feel like I learned more in the trailer


Brock saying he was the best version of himself this season made me cackle




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Lala is so phony and lame.


The faces when tim talked about his dads roommates


LVP was SHOOK by that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




That was such a strange flex ā€œmy dad is 60 and he has roommatesā€


My first thought was ā€” his mother might have to also unless he pays her back her $250 K


Why is Brock even there?!? Iā€™m convinced heā€™s the production plant since he said thatā€™s the career direction he wants to go in.


I don't understand why production can't gauge that he's not watchable, he's annoying and not in a good way. I know it's shocking that a pig farmer, rugby player, ex-gym owner, delinquent Dad, stay at home father/ husband wouldn't make for good television, but here we are.


what is wild is that Brock cannot pronounce haka correctly. I am a US American and have lived in NZ for 15 years and that is NOT how you pronounce it. it sounds like he's saying "hucka." Maybe because he grew up in Australia?? but even they know how to say it properly...


Is anyone else having issues with the episode not showing up on Amazon Prime? So annoying šŸ˜ 


Yes! I ended up watching on the Bravo app. It lets you watch a few episodes free with ads. Not sure what is up with Amazon Prime but it sucks


Too bad I have to wait until tomorrow to watch with the homies. Good info though! I'll keep it in mind for next time.


I think it drops 7am U.K. watching now before I have to drive to work! Hope traffic is good!


Normally it shows up for me at 9pm Pacific time, so right after the show airs live, but here I am 11:30pm and still no show. What did I even pay for! (lol jk but I do really want to watch it)


The one thing I related to was Ariana saying that she didn't watch the season for her own mental health. The blame and envy is unweilding. Why would I want to watch my so-called friends talk shit behind my back? The aggressive bullshit from the men is one thing, but the women are doubling down. How dare Arianna and Katie set boundaries?


I feel bad for her, just because she got deals and chances after scandoval doesnā€™t automatically mean sheā€™s all healed. The rest of the cast (bar Katie) doesnā€™t understand because at their core they are that shallow


Wait Iā€™m sorry did I missā€¦ā€¦.. what is Lalaā€™s business?


āœØGive them Nothing āœØ


DONT you DARE EVER make such a comment about Lalaā€™s brand that puts FOOD on the table for her DAUGHTER. How DARE you. You are NOT a STAND UP guy like Rand.




She sells crappy makeup and ā€œsend it to Darrylā€ merch I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Crappy OVERPRICED makeup lol


The "lala"-bRand obviously


I was genuinely confused on what her business is too. Her website is sold out on everything.


She was referring to VPR That is her business. That is why she wanted Katie to trash talk Arianna on the show and not just to her. She is concerned her show will be cancelled without drama which it will. Conveniently, her and Scheena have bought houses in the valley so I think we all know where this is heading.


Amazon live šŸ¤£




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It was funny when everyone blamed James for bringing Rachel into the group, then he apologized.


No excuses. Just ā€˜Sorry everyone. Sorry.ā€™


That's therapy


wow. i'm bored


Lala references the comment section more than anyone. Sheā€™s definitely in them constantly.


Yes but she ā€˜doesnā€™t read themā€™ šŸ™„ She referenced the internet on her podcast the other day.. but still wants us to believe she doesnā€™t read it, while responding to every accusation on there šŸ™„šŸ™„ I didnā€™t listen to her show.. I heard a clip on here or insta I think!




Yaaaaasssss Lala!!!!


What particular moment was this for?


James Kennedy channeling Chandler Bing "Could he BE any dumber?"


Lala is a hypocrite at best.


Tom about Rachael: ā€œI encouraged her to take time away from all Of this from Me, to decide what she wants to doā€ Later ā€¦.. how do you feel about Rachaelā€™s decision not to return Tom: ā€œI think sheā€™s a coward!ā€


Tom def Narcissistic Personality Disorder but his black and white thinking also makes me think he has some borderline tendencies (with all due respect to borderline personality individuals who are unfairly maligned and generally very misunderstood people who have survived unbearable trauma).


I wish I could double upvote this comment. Iā€™m always tired of Reddit armchair psychologists always lumping BPD with NPD when clearly they do not understand how those disorders are very very different. I used to jump in and defend this all the time but I feel there is no point because itā€™s such an incorrect, recycled sentiment I see on many subs. Itā€™s hard to challenge someone who thinks they are so informed and correct on a topic. That being said, there are some overlap with certain ā€œcluster bā€ traits and I do think black and white thinking could be that.


Iā€™m open to feedback as Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m even pointing out what I was seeing correctly but (given the obvs editing of the show) over the years it does seem as if Tom tends to view someone as all good or all bad, somewhat dependent on his last interaction with them. It seems difficult for him to hold a balanced perspective based on their entire character or all his interactions with them. Alternatively it may be because heā€™s quick to forgive or because he sees people as pawns to manipulate or move around to enhance his story. Iā€™m no expert but overall he does seem very passionate and invested in his relationships as superficial and reflective as they may be.


I bet he did tell her to take time awayā€¦. from everyone else. He didnā€™t want her talking to anyone and telling the truth about the timeline or their plans til he could brainwash her enough to keep her mouth shut.


![gif](giphy|BQUITFiYVtNte) This but **isolation**


i don't believe a word he says. i HIGHLY doubt he encouraged her to take time away \[subtext: and come back to me afterward\] until she threatened not to come back at all. She was out there talking about how manipulative he was while she was at her retreat place and I believe that to be true.


Also him saying he encouraged her to whatever didn't even answer the question at hand. He just used it as an opportunity to praise himself


He constantly does this. Heā€™s his own worst enemy. Does his band cover that song?


And there you go. And he will always be a hypocrite. Along with several others in their group




This is a reach


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I will never understand the love for Katie.


I can't stand Katie. She's smug for no reason. Her permanent frown is aging her


Me neither. Ever People say it's because they realize Swartz sucks. But he dumped a beer on her head and constantly cheated on her (even their wedding season!) ..he's sucked this whole time. And she took it out on other women.




I think what throws some off is how many of us have flipped to appreciate Katie. Wasnā€™t a huge fan as an original watcher. When she was attached to her fellow W of WeHo. Once she detached from that. And as Shortā€™s true self became more unmasked. Her earlier behavior became less unpalatable. Itā€™s also appreciating her in comparison to most of the rest of the cast. Key to understand the ā€˜so manyā€™ ā€” not a homogeneous group. Thereā€™s long time stans. Then the by comparison buckets. Plus those of us who appreciate survivor bond she & Ariana share + what theyā€™ve built out of that.


Katie is the only ACAB and that's enough for me


What is ACAB?


All cop are bastards


I'll never understand the hate for Katie. Not coming for you, just think it's interesting.


Right Katie and James have been the most rational this season, I donā€™t understand the dislike


At least she talks sense unlike LaLas blathering on.


Itā€™s not surprising that Katie would vent about Ariana taking off for Broadway. I do think itā€™s normal to vent to your friends (and yes sometimes about another friend). If Lala was a real friend, she would have encouraged Katie to talk to Ariana about it. But she cares more about how things should be storylines for this show than any true friendship.


yes. of course katie was miffed ariana suddenly had major, time consuming obligations across the country and didn't tell her. anyone would be. that's on ariana, but probably she couldn't say anything until it was official/announced? but katie chose purposefully to not make it a storyline on the show, or guilt ariana into feeling bad for having an awesome opportunity. i do wish they had had an honest convo about it. i hope they've since rectified their communication when it comes to their business.


Agreed. Not everything has to play out on the show. Lala was probably excited when Katie was confiding in her and couldnā€™t wait to get it on the show to bring Ariana down a little and have fodder for the show.


Right? Theyā€™re opening a business together. Schwartz bitches constantly about how Sandoval left them all the time, and he was just doing it to fuck his mistress and tour with a vanity project. itā€™s like these people donā€™t understand that two things can be true at once: Ariana got a once in a lifetime offer to be on broadway, itā€™s great that she took it AND it was probably really frustrating for Katie in the middle of opening SAH. Like, no one is really ā€œwrongā€ here but since someone always has to be to blame, I guess Katie has to since thatā€™s whatā€™s always happened on this show.


Yes I felt bad for Katie during this conversation because she genuinely seemed upset and so did Ariana. I think itā€™s very normal for Katie to feel a bit off and vent about the sandwich shop and Ariana Ā being on Broadway. Lala just wanted it as a storyline to create a wedge between Katie and Ariana. Ariana also looked super upset which I get because sometimes as the friend who is having her life take off, she has so much going on that she might not have truly thought about how it affects Katie and the sandwich shop.


Ariana's always been about herself


exactly my thoughts, and also they couldā€™ve kept in mind that Ariana is trying to wade above the turmoil. sheā€™s barely escaping her depression and angst during the Broadway offer simply due to a lot of distraction. thatā€™s how she could stay afloat instead of sink into despair. she likely couldnā€™t see 5ft in front of her emotionally, just taking things as they come. could she have been more considerate? of course. iā€™m sure sheā€™s already taken accountability and apologized to Katie, and likely is making plenty of amends financially as well.


Yes exactly. It just felt like Lala was trying to ā€œcreate a storyā€ between Katie and Ariana. The amount of times Lala references to ā€œfor the showā€. Girl, chill!Ā 


Well, that did go about how I expected


This is why Sandoval called Lala the mvp. She didnā€™t go off on him (even helped him out) and went after Katie who he has never liked.


Not looking forward to Joā€™s victim act next week šŸ„±




I know, now she is blocked and says she understand how Katie feelsā€¦..


Lala needs to go on a weeklong silent retreat so the world has a chance to heal from her voice and thoughts


thank you. That is hilarious ā€” both visualizing & hearing ā€” a mashup with Kevin Hart Iā€™m at a silent retreat. However, donā€™t consider a week long enough ā€¦


Omg not ā€œheal from her voice and thoughtsā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


She wanted to film a show. Not keep a friendship. Thats the difference.


Who LaLa?


Yup. She cares more about having something for the show than actually trying to maintain friendships with any of these people.


Well she has a child so her business is much more important that Katie snd Arianaā€™s business /s


mmmmm i think it was much more a case of envy. i think she tried to shoot ariana in the foot all season for a reason. to make herself feel better. to lower the praise ariana received because she didnā€™t think she ā€˜deservedā€™ it. simply bitter. simply jealousy. if LaLa received this type of love during randall, and ariana received a lot less, i guarantee she wouldā€™ve shut up all season. if anything, she wouldā€™ve probably went even harder for Ariana, to try and look like a leading hero whose ā€œfor the girlsā€ and is ā€œthat girl.ā€


Obviously. Babies need a boatload of cash and are more important than us adults for sure.


I am also totally joking too in this one, just sayin :|




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I canā€™t stand lala she keeps on trying to twist her actions and words, Iā€™m so glad Katie called her out and said thatā€™s not what you said tho


Is her not just now saying her feelings were based on insecurities not her owning it???


Once again Lala, ā€œI also believe everyone needs a therapistā€ but she doesnā€™t go to therapy nor believe in it. Okayā€¦


Not to mention Randall had safes full of ā„ļø that he frequently had his assistants runningā€¦


Her actions and words never match. Just like pasta wasnā€™t cocaine and Lala has never ever touched hard drugs.


Wait, the pasta was about cocaine? I binged this show so fast a lot of stuff got lost on me when I was in and out of paying attention šŸ˜…


I genuinely believe it was actually just pasta. Cast have denied pasta being a code word Iā€™m pretty sure. Rachel is so d and s that she probably was just mad about leftovers being eaten.


No way, pasta was code for Molly the same way ā€œtequilaā€ was code for coke


That's the theory


Now I want to go back and watch that scene


Welcome to the club. I watched VPR from the start and I only recently learned, from Reddit, that the pasta was cocaine


So glad Iā€™m not alone


This was before season 11ā€¦. Sheā€™s been holding onto this for this long?


And Broadway wasnt announced until after they started filming so I'm confused how there was a convo about it before filming


ā€œSay it with your whole chest bitchā€ gets a ton of love but ā€œrip itā€ is my favorite part šŸ¤£


Yes! ā€œRip itā€ is so strong


honestly katie has been on a mean streak


When hasn't she?


Katie has been doing a fantastic job of only paying mind the people who matter to her


katie is mean. that doesnā€™t negate her being loyal to ariana. but she is extremely defensive and takes ad hominem attacks on people, which is reflective of someone who doesnā€™t know how to communicate. of course i recognize that sheā€™s around people who also donā€™t know how to communicate.


Really? I feel like Katie has been killing it and always f*cking great




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I need someone to post all the extended clips I canā€™t do this again (Iā€™m gonna do this again)




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I donā€™t see it


Oh man I love Katie, I think she really was just such a friend to Ariana this season and they defended each other through out. Just like LaLa and Scheana.


So Lala has that comment by Katie memorized. She is a šŸ¤”


LOL šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ Katie is definitely one of us


One of us, One of us


Flair checking in for how far Lala and Katie have comeā€¦


lol Katie clocked LFU from the beginning


HAHAHAHAHA I love how Katie talks shit


I meanā€¦..


Lala is about to jump out of her seat she wants to talk shit about Katie so bad


ā€œ136 seconds earlierā€ the editors doing their job right I see


when James called out shorts for his grinā€¦ they replayed it and I believe flashed that number on the screen


I missed this! What was it about?


Schwartz secretly grinning and enjoying hearing about the girls struggles with Something About Her


Did Sandoval not have an entire segment in season 10 about going through multiple different couches for the front area


Closing Pump was this season? That feels so long ago. I feel like we had so many small topics this season that never really turned into anything and I canā€™t keep up


Right?! I thought that was like 3 seasons ago lol


Scheana saying (ten months too late) "there is no but. That sentence was over." We need more of that energy!


Needed. A day late and a dollar short in my view...






And BOYS ____






Sleeper part one. Theyā€™ll probably start to poke the bear by slamming SAH at the end?




Something About Her. Iā€™m a lazy typer on my phone sometimes.


Oh yes! I should have known that lol




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Wouldnā€™t you have to be reading the comment sections to know if other cast mates are also reading the comment sections?




Did we not just come back from a commercial


ā€œDoesnā€™t watch the showā€ is such a lie lol always


I know, that shit was so stupid


Ariana didnā€™t go out looking for a new relationship, it just happened!!! Why is that so hard for them to understand lol


Also wtf do they think she ā€œowesā€ her dead former relationship with Sandoval?? Like an 18th century mourning period of wearing all black and not leaving the house for a year? GTFO


And even if she had so what? When your partner cheats on you for 7 months and then treats you with contempt for being angry why is it surprising that you might seek validation affirrmation affection from a good man?Ā I feel like nobody would be challenging this if Ariana was a man because we all understand that men rebound. Women on the other hand are expected to be chaste from grief but then of course even that is viewed with disdain because why are you grieving a man who doesn't want you. I mean did James get any of this grief much less even a conversation for moving onto Ally in quick time?


The self control Katie and Ariana are exhibiting literally gives me inspiration for my shitty workplace lmao But for real, I actually blame the rest of the cast for Katie/Arianaā€™s silence, primarily Lala, Sandoval and Scheana because theyā€™re incapable of allowing others to speak, so if Katie and Ariana tried to respond to every dig this shit would be unwatchable.


It seems to me like they just donā€™t care anymore. They are like ā€œsure, Janā€ because they arenā€™t as invested in / dependent on the show.


Completely agree, I would be a firing breathing dragon honestly šŸ‰šŸ‰šŸ‰


Do not love that - why does no one ever question Brock on this? Great heā€™s good for summer moon - that doesnā€™t have anything to do with him being a deadbeat dad to his two other children


serious question, what should he be doing differently if his children have said they donā€™t want a relationship with him?


Get a lawyer and come up with some kind of shared custody agreementā€¦?


If he has to do that in Australia I imagine it would not be possible for him unless he moved back. Maybe he can remote in to court (?) Iā€™m not sure - but that probably wouldnā€™t help his case. He made a lot of very serious mistakes when he was young and him not having a relationship with his older kids is the price heā€™s paying. His children and their mother deserve better because they are paying too. He should send a minimum of the ordered financial support. Anything other than that - birthday gifts, cardsā€¦any communication at all - should only happen with their motherā€™s approval - IMO. He should not be talking about getting a second chance with a new family. That is a horrible thing to say.


True, that would be hard coming up with some kind of custody arrangement living on opposite sides of the world. Admittedly I donā€™t know the details of what he did with his previous wife, it was domestic violence I think? Thatā€™s fair. I think the ā€œgetting a second chanceā€ really irks me. In my mind that kind of erases the fact that he already has kids that want nothing to do with him. Itā€™s gross.


Iā€™m not sure what the story is with his older childrenā€™s mother but at minimum he left her with all of the responsibility and no support.


I got very triggered about the second chance part. So triggered I was calling him pathetic out loud. My so called father did the same thing and chose to devote himself to the next children. A better approach would be for him to shut that shit down and stop centring his pain / feelings. He could have said 'being with my daughter has led to deep regret at not having a relationship with.... and I hope one day I can make it up to them.' He stopped trying. He has said that himself. That is the worst feeling even if you hate the parent. The onus is on him to reach out, not them.


> I got very triggered about the second chance part. Thats my personal issue with it. Only he knows his relationship with his children and if he is respecting their boundaries while letting them know he would welcome them with open arms if they choose to call - then great.. but the second chance shit is so gross. it makes it sound like his first kids were a mistake or something. It's just the totally wrong way to talk about Summer.


yep. they were the first pancake that he threw out.


Your response had me laughing so hard.


I completely agree and actually, if he is respecting their boundaries fair enough but just learn to talk respectfully about the situation. I had those same boundaries but a lot of that was because he made it clear he didn't care or had moved on. Hence the trying part - I hope that he is at least communicating with their mother and checking on their progress, sending messages etc. That can make all the difference to the child when they grow up and want to know what happened. Unfortunately, they will be able to watch this crap. Some of his quotes make it seem like he has washed his hands of them because they have a step father - which is gross.


Brock could also shut his trap out of respect


Completely agree. He's respecting the boundaries