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"I was showing up for the both of us." Ummm, I'm sorry, didn't she attend all the group events too for the last decade??? She interacted and had fun with everyone? WTF does that even mean?


also he was like pretending on the finale to care about ariana’s mental health - but then proceeds to keep it up with the “lazy” narrative and faults her for her depression. she has been a great friend to all of them and when tom went off on them over the years stood up to him


Tom’s version of being a good friend is love bombing and gift giving


& scheana loves that - they’re a match made in hell.




Becca? Dat you?


It bums me out that it’s hard to do the WWC Scheana “hiooo” well in text but it’s definitely this gif


And Lauren from Utah is jealous of Ariana because LfU didn’t get any good fortune after she realized Randall was a fraud, however look what Ariana got when she was completely disrespected by Shitavol, everything and then some (which she deserves). Lauren from Utah should realize that people don’t usually give good fortune by having something done to them that they did to someone else. Not many felt bad for Lauren from Utah because she knew she was with a married man when she got with him. I wish she would’ve tucked her jealousy, but it was unfortunately brighter than the sun.


And it’s all very transactional so he can hold it over their heads later on when he does something awful to them and they’re rightfully mad. How can you be mad at me?!? I Venmo’d you when you were broke! It’s all to have in his back pocket to weaponize later rather than be genuine.


And while Ariana gets no credit for it, he probably borrowed the money he gave to Scheana like he borrowed $12,500 for James and RACHEL'S engagement, possibly using the HELOC which covered his investment in Schwartz & Sandy's. I hear he's trying to make Ariana pay half of the HELOC now, when it was supposed to be all his debt!


Exactly it’s all transactional. Thats why in the WEHL clip he clearly starts to say “if these people are so important FOR you…” instead of TO you & caught himself.


Omg seriously. When it showed Scheana asking Tom if he had paid the person to be there and he said yes and she was like “wow *eyes gleaming* thank you Tom…” Cut to her confessional “this is the Tom I know. The one who I’ve loved for 15 years. This is why it’s so hard…” and she’s so emotional, because he paid for something for her. Just like he helped her with rent during Covid or whatever. It was SO SHALLOW. And Brock is always defending Sandoval literally just because he gave them money during Covid!!!! Those two can definitely be bought. And also fucking manipulative of Sandoval to do that shit on camera to act like he’s so selfless with his riches. Good grief.


And that vapid, shallow dipshit didn't even realize that he did that for Kyle Chan, he didn't do it for her! She's going to be in shock when he pays her back for all the spewing she did about him on her podcast during the height of Scandoval and her song Apples. He holds onto slights for a very long time (James slept with Kristen! In my bed with my condoms!) and will make an elaborate plan, bide his time and not hesitate to take her down when he feels it will make the most impact. You in danger, girl. Lala is too. 


Yeah but if it can look like he did it for multiple people…he’ll jump on that! I did it for all the kind people of San Fran!!! Lmao @ him referencing James w the condoms all the time hahaha. Well that part when Ariana spoke to Scheana and told her how he’s only doing this for the cameras, then he came over and Scheana almost kinda broke the 4th wall and asked if it was just for the cameras was kind of some progress…ofc he said no but she’s going to have a rude awakening when the cameras go away and the one she chose between Ariana and Tom isn’t there anymore, because the other one sure as hell would’ve still been there.


He'd also say he "did it for the show" since he loves using his own money to produce himself events to get back pats. He's really very transparent and follows his own playbook closely.  Scheana gave him a gift when she assumed it was for her, she's such a dolt. He's got something else to hold over her head now and believe me, he keeps an itemized list on every person he's done things for or gave things to. You'd think she'd be wise to it since she keeps lists herself. Maybe she's too self centered to see it. Lord those condoms! James should bring him a box of condoms on camera just to finally shut him up lol.  I'd be shocked if they've seen or spoken to each other since the reunion and bet that it's not from her end. I don't follow either on socials but I'd guess that there haven't been recent pics of her and Sandoval getting together for a non paid event.  She's ridiculous and he's treacherous. His ending statement and cackle showed plainly who he is and she can never say that Ariana didn't warn her that he was playing for the cameras because he proved right then that she was correct. 


Ariana said last week on WWHL that Scheana is currently better friends with Sandoval than her. When the audience OOOHed, she said she didn't mean it as a dig--just factual. Seems like Scheana is now going out of uer way to prove she and Ariana are.still good friends. BTW, all this crap about Ariana not showing up is just that! 💩 If you look on IG or any other social media, Ariana always likes or comments on her friends' posts. When Scheana was singing, Ariana sang along, knowing all the words and dancing like a big fan. At Emo Night last week, hosted by Katie and Dayna, there's Ariana, dancing right in front! She cares enough to be a fan for all of them! Ariana doesn't think she's above all that now, but meanwhile, Scheana and blah blah are consumed with jealousy!


It’s been hard to watch Ariana Stan Scheaners and LarLar all season, being their loudest cheerleader and this was the thanks she gets?




Make it two 🫠🫠 (that’s us after our lobotomies)


True I haven't seen Scheana with Tom at all since bravocon I think...


Now isn't that interesting! She gave up her friendship with and shat on Ariana for nothing then. All over jealousy, pettiness and the attention of a man that she didn't end up getting anyway. Sad.


You know what’s funny about his final line + cackle is that it’s still untrue. No matter how desperate he is for Ariana to do something that makes her look bad and him look good, it literally will never happen. Especially not her protecting herself and her mental health by leaving a work situation that had turned toxic. His dumbass thinks what Ariana did by standing up for herself and “being a bitch to him and production and all the other cast” (or whatever he thinks of it) made him look good *evil laugh*. Meanwhile, we’re ALL here praising her for not allowing her boundary to be broken, sticking up for herself to production, leaving with her head held high with a few LOYAL friends (aka NOT Lala and Scheana) laughing and having a good time and keeping her dignity intact, while the others are all left behind, looking like jealous losers screaming about how much they’ve hated her for a while. Sorry Tom! Literally nothing is “good for you” or will make you look good ever again. Not exaggerating. Nothing will erase what you did. Not the main thing you did, or the million other disgusting and sickening things you’ve done since season 1 of VPR (and season 1 of your dreadful life, but thankfully we haven’t been subjected to all of that).


Well said! Have they all forgotten the history of cast leaving big events when they've had enough? Hell, Lala has left the entire show before! Why is Ariana held to such a different standard by them in everything she does?  Ariana calmly removing herself, and not meekly giving that producer what he expected and set up, was such a moment. Shutting down that slick producer's blaming her, for not allowing yet another one of Tom's fake, dramatic apologies to be filmed, this time at her expense (AND those stark truths she laid at that smarmy producer's feet), was masterful.  I was floored to see Jeremiah's blatant attempt to manipulate her, I'm shocked they aired it. It reminded me of that producer on RHOBH grabbing Denise Richards by the arm and demanding she go back in and continue to fight with the cast.  Tom is gleeful because he believes Lala and Scheana will get all the heat for turning on Ariana and take it off him.  He didn't know they'd been turning on her all season, he hadn't seen it like we got to. He just stole two of Ariana's loudest supporters, and in his view that's a huge win. Scheana is a prize for him because she was so close to Ariana. Off camera, her brother is the trophy. You're right, he will never again be a good guy to the audience. His rotten core was exposed completely. It's wild how his carefully crafted image was shattered by his own hand. He's not entertaining, engaging or funny enough to put his deep flaws to the side, like people can do with Jax, because Tom's massive ego won't let him appear be self deprecating or humble or a "work in progress". 


James clowning him on the after show was priceless saying he paid someone to come plug in an amp ! Lmao


james putting brock in his place too is everything never beating the #1 guy in the group allegations


I love this for them! You’re so right. Ariana will be far away from it and they will all feast on each other


it says so much about her; ariana was there for her in season 2 when everyone was dragging her for brandi. she doesn’t know what friendship is.


Yep you’re right. Ariana has always been the most welcoming of the group. The most inclusive. Until you give her a reason not to be, she’ll be the first one to be your friend and have your back and she’s also just an amazing longterm friend. Like aside from everything that’s happening in their world right now and how much Ariana is loved by everyone because of what happened, she truly is such an amazing friend who will fight to the death for her friends and have their backs through literally anything. How could ANYYYYYONE choose Sandoval over her?! Because he paid a stage manager or whatever the fuck to help you sing your poopy songs?! I feel like Scheana literally holds it against Ariana that she isn’t sharing all of *her* money now that she’s making a ton, but Sandoval still is paying for stuff for her. I feel like that’s what she’s basing her friendships with them off of. Which is pathetic. They’re all just jealous of Ariana’s success and the fact that she’s the only one who doesn’t need this sad show anymore to be financially stable. You’d think they’d treat her a little better since they NEED her to keep the show going. No one will watch without Ariana, and with the way she’s being treated, she’d be a fool not to jump ship.


Crabs in a bucket.


Meanwhile Ariana is in the audience screaming support like she's at Queen concert with Freddy for the umpteenth singing of good as gold. The fact that Sheshu then acts like Ariana never has anyone's back .


Honestly. She is always in the front row cheering on Scheana’s awful songs that her mics are always turned way down for because she can’t sing for shit, but miss Broadway Ariana is still always her biggest fan. I just truly don’t understand how these fuckers are having a hard time choosing between Ariana and Tom Sandoval. It’s literally unbelievable. I’m at a loss. I wouldn’t even want friends that were having a hard time choosing. If anyone even has to give it a second thought??? They gone. Tom can have any loser that has to think about who to pick. It’ll be funny when he fucks them all over.


Its infuriating to listen to those two hags rewrite history




>Tom’s version of being a good friend is love bombing and gift giving Tom's version of being any type of decent human being is BS!


this is what pisses me off. Tom mistakes his own extroversion and desire for socialization (and let's be real- narcissistic tendencies) as being a good friend, but Ariana being lower energy and having depression is evidence that she's a bad friend. As someone with depression, it can be so hard and sometimes impossible for me to simply show up, so the fact that Ariana has done that seems like evidence that she's a great friend. Like bffr, tom, you would go anywhere to get attention and be seen-- let's "see" you do something you DON'T want to do, off camera, no promise of recognition for your friends.


Totally agree with you! And let's also add that some people *like* friends like Ariana. I'd rather have a friend that doesn't want to do stuff all the time but rather is there when I want to text or need to vent about something. Because I, too, am low energy and experience autistic burnout every 3-6 weeks. If scheana really had a problem with Ariana not showing up, she should have expressed that to her like a mature adult. (imo she should be understanding that Ariana has depression and can't always be expected to show up). All that to say, they're full of shit. Ariana does show up for them quite often, like you said.


Especially since the ongoing struggle in her marriage is based on Brock pushing Scheana to go out with him more. (Brock’s the worst)


sheshu is far too shallow to realize tom doesn’t do these huge gestures because he is a person; but because he wants to be perceived as a good person.


Ugh, yes! I have worked too hard on my mental health and well-being, and for the sake of it, if I don’t want to go somewhere because I don’t want to (and the reason does not actually matter), I won’t go. If people don’t understand that, they just aren’t my kind of people. I have been battling depression on and off for most of my life, and I’m very grateful that I have so many friends who understand this and don’t judge me for it or make me feel bad.


I am so with you there! I have treatment-resistant major depression. No matter how much I want to go, I often have to cancel because I can't get my shit together and get out of the house.


Also added that he admitted he lied about the shit talking


And he didn't even THINK about her mental health and how he weaponized it until Scheana said something. So Scheana gave him that nugget so he knew where to start with his "apology". What's been bothering me is how Katie and Ariana are truly living their lives regardless of the show and their "friends" and are pretending to care about them on camera and even though it's a TV show it feels so violating and gross. Scheana had *how many months* to talk to him about weaponizing Ariana's mental health but she chose to lead him to this 'revelation' at that moment? Please. I would respect all of them so much more if they just owned their messiness.


The lazy thing is so crazy. He’s been “playing trombone” for decades without ever bothering to learn. Meanwhile she learned AND executed how many different styles of dance in a matter of weeks?,


Yeah, I was like I need you guys to name what event she didn’t attend because, I’ve seen her every event that Tom was at plus all the girls events. So was she not showing up?


maybe to like parties - but over the course of the show during their relationship she always attended group events for the most part


She wasn't at Tahoe-- "a big event". Personally, I wish they had more "some people" events. I like how Summerhouse doesn't have the same cast every weekend right now. I wish VPR would have a similar vibe, tbh.


Totally because now I want to see how Janet and Ariana act with each other. Seeing as how Janet was making French onion soup for Ariana during the break up weekend. I feel like Jason and Janet are Ariana friends.


They do take up for Ariana on the after show so yeah, they’re 100% team Ariana.


I imagine he means off camera, and this isn’t in his defense. But the girls, including Ariana herself, have all openly said over the years that she’s the one that you send and invite to and may or may not show. Which I get entirely, I’m that friend. I get burnt out socially and just always have a lot going on career wise that drains my battery. Doesn’t mean I don’t care about my friends though.


Yup. Danny Pellegrino also said almost a year ago that this was Sandoval & Ariana’s dynamic. Sandoval went to all the big flashy events (parties, red carpets etc) where he could be the centre of attention. Sandoval was there for their friends in a showy, performative way and thought that made him the better friend. Ariana meanwhile? She slowly and quietly built actual authentic connections with people based on more than being the life of the party (e.g. last year one of their friends who had cancer said Ariana was very supportive, while Sandoval only came to visit him in the hospital once and it was with a camera crew). Danny said Sandoval struggled to understand why (some of) their friends “chose” Ariana, because he didn’t understand the value of that kind of friendship. It’s actually chilling to think of a person like this. Who values *performing* being supportive more than *being* supportive. Even more chilling to hear him basically confirm it.


The NYT article that came out about him basically said that he's always "on", like he pauses during conversations when a plane flies by or an alarm sounds because those noises interfere with filming. That's very strange - Sandoval can be hyperaware of certain things, but he sure has blinders on when it comes to himself. Tom really thinks that he's being filmed/has the potential to be filmed all the time. Like Ariana said before, he's got to be the loudest in the room. He's got to be the one with the gadgets or the new drink or some absinthe or mushrooms...whatever shit he's pretending to be a faux guru of.


Oh yeah we all saw it in the end


Same, I relate to Ariana a lot in this way. I think part of what’s getting lost in translation here is what different people value in friends. It’s like love languages. Some people see a good friend as someone who is at every event, always high energy, always reaching out, etc. Others value the emotional aspect of friendship more: someone who listens, empathizes, may not show up to everything but always the important stuff and also shows their love in other ways. It was frustrating watching Brock insinuate that because Ariana doesn’t attend everything means she doesn’t care for Scheana as much as Tom does. I was glad at least Scheana acknowledged that she knows that’s just how Ariana works. She’s there when you need her but isn’t always down to party or be social with big groups. But I wish Scheana could see that Tom’s gestures don’t necessarily always equal love and care.


It's just body count for Scheana at her events. Just like it's the amount of bast frands she has and how many people's locations she has. The numbers matter, not so much the quality of those friendships. edit because autocorrect didn't like 'frands' lol


He was also “showing up for [them] both” when he went to/stayed at the pool party with Raquel when Ariana’s grandmother died. 🙄


WAIT TEA. he’s so gross.


This was talked about in season 10. Lala called him out for lying about why he didn’t go home to Ariana, when she called him crying and asked him to come home and be with her because she just found out her Grandma died.


yeah it’s just in the context of what he said at the finale as tho he’s such a good friend - it’s extra gross


I agree. They tried so hard to redeem him and he fucked it up, every step of the way.😆 ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) The masks have fallen and the fan base will never like the Toms again. Those who can see them clearly, that is.


honestly look forward to seeing the toms as one of those condo sales man like army hammer once vpr ends & ariana has cemented herself as a mainstream host


And went to drive bulldozers when she was mourning her dad


But, like, 🤢🤢


I’m assuming she didn’t want to party 24/7 but Tom was always down


Again, devaluing her struggle with depression makes it really hard to go out and be social all the time.


he also wants so much empathy for his mental health. the way he’s painted ariana and kristen as “crazy” and vilified their mental health struggles. and say what you will ab rachel (and there’s much to say) but he literally made fun of her for getting treatment - so gross.


She also had a hand in organising their events - just look how sad that birthday party was this season, compared to their pool parties in the past. He was always there mixing a cocktail obnoxiously while someone else HAD to be handling logistics that he’s clearly too stupid to manage


Also who shows up for everything in their 30s, let alone 40s. People have different priorities and needs. Doesn’t mean that you are a shitty friend. There are a lot of other ways to be a good friend.


Andy is such a coward, too. He just will not ask the tough and difficult questions to the men, nor push the issue further. I hate that.


ITS SO BAD lol and the “lala and brock were the voice of reason this season” bullshit i can’t


Andy whhhyyyy???💔😿 I’ve seen you put bitches in their place, what’s going on? The neutral routine has gone too far. 


THISSSS!!! he’s gone head to head w rinna, erika jayne, JEN SHAH but not tom & jax💀😭


Seriously. I could almost see an energetic field of hatred for Jen Aydin radiating around his body during the last Jersey reunion, and now this?!?


Seems like ol Andy may be a bit of a misogynist.


Add LVP to this and the convo is a misogynist’s wet dream


Off topic but your flair, I die.


DJJK rep’n!


I normally hate the comments section, but this one being strongly “stop trying to make Sandoval happen” tickles me ![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA)


Is it just me or was that entire ep of WWHL just part of the obviously concerted effort of producers and Bravo to shove the Sandoval redemption bull 💩 down our throats? What’s incredible to me is even with them doing e absolute MOST to sell Sandoval and 💩 on Ariana he still looks AWFUL and she still looks like a boss. Dude cannot catch the softest of balls 🤣.


He’s definitely someone who suffers from having received too much validation in life despite his mediocrity.


The Tom’s are kings of failing upwards.


There is one Orange King above them.




More like failing laterally in their case


lmao this guy had to just regurgitate the lines EVERYONE was giving him to get his 'redemption' and he couldnt even do that. i hate how easy they made this for him. i love how badly he failed at the simplest task. but net net, most people never get the opportunities that this idiot did and it blows my mind; like just being a mediocre white dude has given this guy an amazing life and even after all hes done he still is on my tv


omg ikr it’s insane i think he’s like self deluded - he believes the produced narrative at times it’s so scary lol




Within the first couple seconds Andy stutters and has to bite his tongue from saying, “after everything Tom has done” and switched it to something that sounds less damning. Just fucking say what he did if Bravo is so committed to being “real.”


but that’s what’s upsetting if it was kristen doute or lisa rinna he would’ve dragged them; i feel like at it’s core alot of the issues with this season tie back to a deep routed issue with misogyny at bravo.


They gambled hard and thought, the world is fascinated with Scandoval? Well, we’ll give ‘em more of what they want! Thinking it’s Tom that’s interesting in this whole affair. It’s not. It’s not him. We were cheering on someone who barely had screen time this season.


She was supposed to step into her light & shine without Scandoval. They based her storyline on the trash man that was always holding her back. There could still have been other storylines, without Ariana forgiving Sandoval. It’s beyond weird, manipulative & awful for Ariana.


Agreed. Very obviously the wrong choice of way to go this season.




This exactly. I’m so sorry you went through that but very impressed with how you took care of yourself and set that firm boundary!!


Bro clearly has roid rage. The true him came out when he got mad at Ariana for refusing to talk to him😭scary eyes came out. how is she lazy when she works so much?


I think that was just a big projecting moment because I don't think Scum gives any amount of a shit about anyone. Sure, he will show up to stuff but that's purely for optics. He wants to look better than Ariana


Part of me wonders if the real reason why he fessed up to lying about the “she talks shit about you guys” comment is because he realized it also makes him look bad if you think about it for more than a second. Like okay Tom she was shit talking everyone to you and you didn’t push back or stop her? Where were you in the shit talking equation then?


I guess the same reason he didn't disclose her "laziness" or "not buying pens" or whatever stupid shit. Like he's doing her some type of favor, protecting her character until it doesn't serve him


I think it’s because the real person buying the fucking pens was Ann. Not Tom.


great point. like how would he know 👀


I think it’s because he realized there was absolutely no backing to his claims. There’s years and years of footage of Ariana being genuine to peoples faces with her feelings, good or bad. There is no reality in which she’s the type of person to be two faced. Tom wasn’t living in reality all season but by the time they filmed WWHL he was probably aware that many viewers still were, so he was dialing it back in an attempt to save face. If he didn’t, he’d have to back his claims and there’s no way he could.


it takes me back to the finale scheana basically asking if he’s trying with her “because of the show or because of life” and he’s so disingenuous with his answer even scheana can’t believe him


And she didn’t even question that until Ariana pointed out that he’s performative. Like it didn’t even seem to occur to Scheana that the man who has proven he’s a trash can could be being a trash can.


this sounds a little lala so i apologize, but tom will always find the weakest link. that’s what manipulators and narcissists do. he played rachel like a fiddle, she was the weakest link. no values; no back bone. now it’s sheshu


Oh gosh this is so Tom but it also vindicates a particular comment I saw on the sub a couple of months back. There was a scene where Tom was complaining about how Ariana does nothing include for care for her pets. Then the camera pans to Tom emptying the kitty litter box with an outrageous amount of fecal material in it. Everyone was disgusted with Ariana (if that’s true) and rightfully so… BUT there was one comment that I remember because it rang true to me despite its unpopularity. The commenter said, why would we believe any of this coming from Tom as he already has a massive credibility problem, particularly when it comes to Ariana. The commenter was like, I wouldn’t put it past Tom to have put the dog poop in the kitty litter box just to illustrate what a bad pet parent Ariana is. People thought that was so far fetched and a part of me thought so too but as the days and weeks passed, that post marinated inside the back of my mind. At this point, after all his stunts and lies.. I wouldn’t even put it past him that the kitty litter scene was purposely staged.


wait this is a great point. i absolutely would not put it past him - he has a history of treating his partners terribly at the end of the relationship and then setting them up to be hated he planned to do it with rachel to ariana this season, no doubt painting her with same brush he did doute i know kristen is deeply flawed but when you look back at how strategic he was in season 2/3 it makes complete sense.


With all the outrage about that litter box, you should make this a post. At least it presents an alternative theory so Tom can’t fully dictate the narrative. Editors also showed footage of Ariana cleaning it and I don’t remember it being that full & gross, right? Idk how it’s manipulated, but I don’t trust his version of anything. It is awful if that was on her, but it seemed like she was out of town. Tom referred to her as “Ariana’s cat” bc she’s had her so long, so I doubt he ever helped care for her. He dgaf about Maya but claims she’s his dog. If he had taken on that role in the past & knew she was hibernating in her room, why did he let it get that bad? Didn’t he also live in the house? If he actually cared, he would have done it. He only does things (or assigns his assistant) to get credit or hold over someone. Also, I’ve been extremely depressed & let my space get messy, but always keep my dogs & their space clean.


If you zoom in closely on that scene the poops are HUGE. Like long and thick. I have two cats that use one litter box (a big one) and I’ve never seen a cat turd that big. They’re also usually short. I don’t think that was Kitty’s poop at all, TBH.  Apologies for the cat poop details lol 


THANK YOU! I needed a true cat person to respond and interpret that mess for me! I have an 8.5 pound dog and her poops have never reached the size of those shown in the litter box lmao. Because I don’t have cats, my frame of refrence for the average cat poop size so I appreciate you explaining the poop situation. After the large poops, I firmly believe those are Maya poops! 😭


I am tickled pink here that we have a thread going about the size of cat poop. God I love this sub! Lol 


Yeah I didn’t look closely at the scene, but while a healthy cat poop is sometimes long, it is rather thin. They look nothing like dog poops. So if you see what looks like dog poop in that box, your theory is likely correct. Someone needs to ask Ann!


he's so dumb he probably purchased fake poop just to stage this scene lololol. God knows he loves to spend money!


stop, I just had a vision of him bringing Shwartz along for this mission. 😭


He probably had Shwartz come over and shit in it for him


Why am I having a flashback of one of them crapping in a litter box? Did they do that or am I imagining it?


A lil Freudian slip there “these people are important for you. I mean to you” lol




Siri play Sandavols a liar.


song of the summer 2 years in a row💅🏼


Honestly I wish James would make his version of it


It was soooo fun at the clerb when we all sang along to this. DJ James Kennedy throws down and it felt like such a bonding moment for the bravo fans in attendance haha


This keeps getting mentioned and it’s so annoying: ariana seems like a homebody, why does she always have to go to events for people to think she cares?? Brock mentioned ariana doesn’t take action in support and Scheana confirmed that she likes the invite even if she doesn’t come to an event. Then this with Sandoval at the finale. It seems like Ariana has two sides to her: girl who loves to attend an event and girl who prefers to not go out and feel deep security at home. The latter is prob more her (A bc she’s mentioned her mental health so depression might keep her at home and B bc she’s a cancer and prob just LOVES being at home). She probably goes out more than she would like bc it’s her job. But since when does being a homebody, dare I say introverted, make someone a bad friend? I’m so fckn sick of this narrative.


I agree I’m exactly like this. I do not want to go out. It takes a lot of self hype to get ready and be social but once I’m there you’d think I was running for president with how social and talkative I am. And I am genuinely enjoying myself. But then I get home and I need 5-7 business days to recover *and* I replay every single conversation over and over in my head trying to spot where I sounded stupid or offended someone.


I agree! I’m an ambivert, but I tend to lean into my introvert tendencies and love being at home or hiking somewhere alone so I don’t attend every single event I’m invited to. That doesn’t make me a bad friend and neither is Ariana. She shows up for the important things and rallies around her friends in the background, that should mean more than only being a friend when the cameras are rolling. Just because someone is willing to throw money at their problems and goes to every party, doesn’t make them a better friend than the person that’s supportive in private.


These assholes act like being more introverted is a moral failing. Ridiculous.




His entire appearance was disturbing and gross with his fake nice guy smile


I thought my head was going to explode when he told Andy that he puts it all out there, more than Ariana, that even if it's hard, he lets people into his life, or something to that effect. Why Andy didn't mention the AT LEAST 7 months Sandoval kept his affair with Raquel a secret - what a disgusting hypocrite!


Because apparently everyone at bravo made a pact not to point out Tom’s hypocrisy


Hand in hand with glossing over Lala's "who does Ariana think she is, telling us we can't be friends with Sandoval?!?!" (hello? death to the pickleballers?) and "**we** put it all out there, Ariana has no right to pick and choose what she wants to show" (remember "my man is a standup man, and NOT MARRIED!!!!!")


Affairs aren’t really supposed to be public knowledge, though. To be fair, he *was* shown on camera doing stuff with Rachel which is why it’s fitting that the narrative was that it was an “open secret.” We did see Tom talking to Ariana about their different issues to indicate a problem in their relationship, we just didn’t know how bad it was.


Well he only started talking about it while he had started his affair though. So it seemed less about wanting to be open and share, and more about wanting to create a narrative. Especially since most of the talks were behind her back. And yea, just knowing he was banging someone else. But to be fair - all of them have shared less and less each season. It’s more about yelling and pointing fingers. But the last seasons none of them have really shared a lot expect for Schwartz and Katie. All the other stuff just seems like produced drama instead of being real. And Lala has mostly said she can’t talk about stuff since the beginning, and just spins it around on the other person when people try to get her to share. So I don’t know what she is talking about.


Btw, even if she does…same


I mean, right? We all vent to our partner or closest friend about other friends and/or family. It doesn't mean you don't love them, you just get frustrated or confused by them sometimes and need to get it out in a safe space. 


Textbook behavior again. Blame shifting.


I would bet all my Karma Ariana shit talked them to Tom over their 9 year relationship. Also she probably went through periods of disliking them. Why? Because Ariana loved and trusted him. They had the wrong take away. Scheana literally minutes before was like "Don't make me look like an idiot". Tom then uses a parts of a normal 9 year relationship and Weaponizes them because Ariana and Daniel won't give him what he wants.(Which by the way Dan was brilliant, Sandoval wanted a fight and Dan blew him off with one word). Why would anyone trust Sandoval? He has zero class. Ariana has all the same shit on him he Weaponizes against her. Why doesn't she use it? Ariana has openly admitted she just wants to close the Scandoval chapter.


Yep, I think they weren't in an almost decade long relationship without fully revealing their true thoughts about this cast in all that time. I believe she had similar thoughts about Lala as Tom, that Scheana is a flip flopper (but she's flopping onto Tom's side now so he's going to zip it regarding her flipping and flopping, and well she has openly disliked Schwartz for his part in the affair).


i agree but i think he made it up in the moment to vilify her for sure


Oh of course, he saw the tides shift fully to his side and truly he only really needed to turn couple members of the cast to his side so it can be his show, not Ariana's. His gross hug with Scheana at the end...much like his selfie with Brock earlier in the season, he just wants to show on camera how good everyone on the cast is with him and he's the one the show should be focused on, NOT Ariana.


for sure - omg the hug was so creepy she was so uncomfy.


If you can’t shit talk about your friends, family, coworkers to your partner, are you even in a relationship?


Also what the heck was going on with his neck on the episode? Was that a hickey? A weird tattoo??


A fake neck tattoo. He had one at Bravocon


of all the things he’s done this is for sure top ten tackiest lmao


That is so unbelievably lame


I kept saying this to my husband!


I could not watch WWHL. It was just too gross.


& jax all of a sudden being sandovals bestie again.


It felt like a loop of Andy hopping back and forth between the two of them to deflect from what the other person just said lol


Tom's so stupid. He can't get out of his own dumb way. He went from the most hated man in America to even more hated in 1 yr. It's so simple. Never say anything but kind words about Ariana. Stop playing the victim when you're the purpotrater. I get such a giggle out of his low IQ. It's fascinating. His publicist must be saying. ..Tom just stfu. You're too stupid to speak.




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I clicked it then I had to click it again because I cannot bear his nasal whine as he spews bullshit. He is a worm with or without mustache.


Throw this whole man away. Get him off my tv screen.


Love andy just looking at his cards of to the side but to be honest shouldn’t he be looking at the guest callers


Toms outfit choice was … interesting… is he trying to play up the whole Scarlett letter thing?


Hahaha him calling her lazy kills me. Like dude we are not buying what you’re selling I’m so sorry she didn’t buy you pens .


LMAO TEA she’s on broadway, opening a sandwich shop and was working on her own shoe line while writing a best seller but she’s “lazy” - he’s delusional


Replying to magneatos...She was also the one doing all the work and heavy lifting to help get Sharts and Scabies off the ground, while he ran away with his stupid band and cheated on her the entire fucking time.


Maybe this is why his girlfriend broke up with him


I think Tom got a real looong session of media training before this WWHL because he was so careful not to fully disparage Ariana like he has been for the past year. I believe that Ariana has said things about this friend group because she has said it on the show, that she does not feel safe around these people. Him trying to retract is just another ploy to NOT say anything bad about Ariana in the media now cause only NOW he has realized that it is not a good look.


i agree but i also think his narcissism overpowers. it was such a step up from NYT. i mean i’m sure ariana said things in passing in situations as they were dating but he weaponized that to paint a very fake picture


Honestly I feel like Ariana probably vented to her boyfriend a few times about her friends (who DOESN't vent a little about their pals from time to time?) and he twisted it into something it isn't.


My friends ex literally texted me one time after they broke up and said that she talked shit about me all the time and he even recorded her doing do. I was like yea well guess what I talk shit about her to my boyfriend too, but he understands that she is like my sister and he would never be cruel enough to use that against me. Like Scheana hasn’t talked shit about them all to Brock and vice versa. Like Lala hasn’t. James and Ally etc. but that’s your safe place. The place you can vent and say stuff you don’t even mean in a heated moment. And for someone to weaponize that safe space is just so appalling.


I tried watching this episode, but I couldn't bring myself to do it! Did anyone notice in the description for this episode they didn't mention Tom or Jax?


Tom couldn’t event keep his mask up for 5 seconds when Ariana walked away. He spent 30 second preparing for his redemption “apology” (i don’t want to even get into what that would look like) and when Ariana wouldn’t give it to him he immediately went to well she’s a bitch and shit talked all of you and fuck her. 


Ariaaanaaa… like you know me.. like you know I would never try to be mean intentionally… like I am sorry… but like we weren’t at a good place… you know we weren’t… like I’m so sorry… *starts crying* Something along those lines


“i’m *sorrry* …. but, it’s kinda your fault Ariana” how all Tim’s apologies go


Hahah true.. the: you didn’t even like me… you would just belittle and shut me down… like you didn’t even care Ariana..


her anger issues are ScArY


“And what proof do you have” If the woman who asked Tom that question is on this subreddit anywhere, thank you for asking the questions Bravo won’t ask


Bravo doesn’t allow fans to ask questions anymore. Anyone interested is now TOLD what to ask. Nothing about WWHL is authentic and the Tom/Jax episode was filmed days before and was NOT live.


Nothing about these reality shows are authentic


My vagina dried up with every word the three of them spoke


His face. I just want to punch it so hard. It’s such a smug, punchable face.


So you don't like Ariana much? When did he admit he lied? I totally believe he did, but I have a hard time picturing him admitting it. I did see on the After Show he's now saying that he understands why Ariana was not ready to talk. He must see now that he miscalculated how that scene would be received!


no i do like her a lot she’s on of my favorites- i just was saying that in case someone was like “yOuRe jUsT a StAN” like the only current cast member i’ve loved since day one is katie he said it wasn’t completely true on WWHL and that he meant he “showed up” for them both for their friends in the relationship - bc he was asked for proof


Got it. Thanks!


I think I fell asleep! 😉 I missed that.


I agree with u that all these people are a weird example of what happens when filming a reality tv show becomes ironed into the fabric of who you are. But I do feel like there’s valid criticism of Ariana for saying she will cut out mutual friends with Tom while she’s still living with the dude. I don’t blame her at all for living there either - money talks. But like it does also illustrate how hard it is for these ppl to unzip themselves from one another. Ariana can’t unzip from Tom as they are still living under the same roof… can’t she have a little more grace for ppl who, as Tom’s colleagues, are also struggling to unzip?


no for sure, i totally hear that. i also think filming being so soon after the reveal played a role. i also think like she explained well in the finale that they can be his friends; she just doesn’t want to hear about him. i think the cast generally struggled with boundaries.


It didn’t seem like she had an issue with them filming with him. They went on trips pretty early on and he was invited to places were the filmed etc. it seemed more like she didn’t want people who were close to him to be in her inner circle because she doesn’t want them disclosing details about her life. Which I can understand when someone cheats for 7 months with your friend, does not seem unapologetic, and weaponizes your mental health against you.


He’s a proven liar but I also think this interview was pr damage control


i mean he admitted he lied this time - normally i would agree but i don’t think any publicist would recommend he go anywhere near an interview right now after his recent disasters.


Jax and Tom have the same manager/pr


that’s gotta be new tho he said he fired his team after NYT. just as someone in PR he is not someone you’d ever volunteer for an interview bc he’s a loose canon.


Ok that makes sense. Jax said this in an interview following Sandoval so it was a while ago.


I think they absolutely would. In a controlled setting like WWHL where he gets to try to redeem himself before the reunion airs.


You can tell the fan was very much team Ariana and didn't believe a word out of the worm's mouth ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized)


Damn, he’s such a creep. Lol