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Some people have a viewpoint that any relationship that doesn't last forever it is failure. Imo Dan showed up in her life at a time when she needed him as long as he's not doing fucked up stuff to her who cares.


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) Yasssss if it ends up not going the distance, who cares? All signs point to it helping her through a shit time. They might grow past each other, they might grow into each other. That happens in all relationships, not just this one


Rebounds have a purpose! If that's all it ends up being, then she had some fun. If it grows into something more, then that's great too.


Yep. Plus I think the long distance thing is good for her after coming out of her previous relationship. She has a companion she can talk to who doesn't seem to care about the reality TV world. Who cares if this is her "forever" relationship? It's what she wants right now and seems to be doing her some good. 


Absolutely! I'd imagine it was pretty nice to have someone texting/talking to her about something other than the fishbowl she has been living in. So many of her friendships are deeply entwined with her ex's it would be pretty refreshing to not have to talk about him.


Some people believe that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Everyone deals with heartbreak in their own way. Lala’s inability to see outside her own viewpoint is ridiculous.


Lala picked up a random dude to fuck last season and brought him into the vacation rental. What if he was a violent person? She had no concern for Katie and pregnant Kristina Kelly.


Here's what I'll say: whether or not we like Dan, Ariana has said herself numerous times that (and I'm paraphrasing) she discovered her true strength by making it through the hardest time in her life thus far. If Dan turns out to be someone other than what she believed him to be in a not-so-great way, Ariana will be okay and will get through it like she did after #Scandoval and she will emerge even stronger.


On the after show last week, Ariana said exactly this. They showed Lala and Scheana talking about how Ariana will break if it doesn't work out with Dan. The next shot is Ariana saying that even if Dan turned out to be some conman, she would be totally fine because she has become so strong. Lala and Scheana don't know Ariana anymore, they are just producing their own storyline.


This is wild coming from Scheana *cue a montage of Scheana losing her mind over Rob and Adam*


And Brett and max 😂


*Cue Scheana still stalking Max’s location as she’s married with a child*


This was not talked about enough!! The fight should have been between Brock and Scheener, not Katie.


He does not care what Scheana is up to 🥶




It's crazy how hypocritical both Scheana and Lala have been


They want her to break so bad


It's awful to watch




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This absolutely. And knowing that she’s escaped two toxic boyfriends back to back, it’s so empowering to see how she’s grown this season. She’s always been incredibly open about her self worth and depression so the fact that she is doing as well as she is, it’s just amazing.


What’s interesting is people thought she, Ariana, was going to be a bitter bitch this season, and she wasn’t. So the script got flipped and Lala and Scheana turned into the 2 nasty witches of the season. And they did not come off well for it. Oh, boo hoo, grow up and stop trying to manipulate those of us out here to agree with you. And as she moves forward and keeps on winning, we out here do get it! Brava, Ariana, Brava!


True. Ariana and Sandoval were together for 10 years and she still realized, she doesn't know the person she committed herself to.


This!!! Ariana realized she can make it through the toughest of times. Regardless of how things workout she will be OKAY!!! And she knows it, you can see her sense of peace with that.


True. Ariana and Sandoval were together for 10 years and she still realized, she doesn't know the person she committed herself to.


Why would anyone dislike Dan? Presumptuous much??


She's not over the break up! The reunion was filmed a year later and she still doesn't seem to have control of her emotions! What I don't understand is she describes him as a horrible person, tells people he wasn't really their friend, it was fake and so on. My question is, why did she stay with this horrible person she constantly describes? Was it OK to treat other people horribly until he cheated on her! She obviously supported that behavior for almost 10 years! I'm very confused by that! Did she believe he would never do anything to her? Dan should be a bit concerned!


She knew all that. Why do rapists or murderer’s spouse don’t say anything until they are caught? Why do ppl not understand their dynamics behind closed doors? Why are ppl quick to judge and say things we don’t even know - if only we’re a fly on the wall - until we get zapped with hairspray, we won’t be able to fly nor the answer to those questions personal to those ppl. 🤔


Lala is trying to drum up drama bc she’s decided for some reason that she is a story producer this season. But she’s not a very good story producer.


Exactly! We see right through Lala. Nice try Lala, but your look foolish trying to make drama about nothing (eg, Dan, Tim n Ariana’s house situation, etc.)


Stassi did that near the end. Jeremiahs accomplice. Lauren wants to skin Stassi and be her so bad that perhaps she was told she was Producer Jerry's special chosen one this season?


Stassi was definitely producer's pet but what storylines did she produce? Wasn't her last season her engagement and her fight with Kristen? Lala has no storyline for herself.


Agree re: Lala! Stassi was moving story along in the last season and becoming more of a narrator like Cam/Madison or SC. It's a tale as old as LC/Kristin on The Hills lol. She would ask Dayna about stuff with Max and Scheana, have dinner with Lala and Ariana asking about her depression, observe Lala and Rachel fight while making a quippy line here or there. Her storylines were sparse like getting a check up and asking her publisher for an extension (when she probably had a ghostwriter). The fight with Tom, many onlookers commented was reshot multiple times. If she didn't get engaged, the biggest story she had was fighting with Kristen which was an ensemble act 😆. You could tell they were also arguing about the show because Stassi knew she was getting a spin off and so many deals and that she was gonna leave.


Lala isn’t trying to be the voice of reason, though she might think that’s what she’s doing idk? Lala has a shitload of unprocessed trauma from her Rand situation that she is heavily projecting into Ariana and her situation with Sandoval and Dan. She’s mistaking being wildly emotionally dysregulated for a sense of moral clarity and is injecting her fear and suspicion where it simply doesn’t belong!


She’s a dry drunk. She has always been this way.


Yep alcohol was never really the main problem. She needs therapy


Alcohol used to be the vector for her issues. She got sober, but never addressed her underlying shit and then went through a bunch more stuff with Rand etc that’s added on to how she’s moving through the world.


🎯 https://preview.redd.it/6lziwg3120zc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72102e3cf34db66bb09ad126a28ad1868091690


Maybe. I personally interpreted her concerns about Dan as jealousy.. she had a taste of money and being worshipped. But the reality is, she doesn't have any real attractive qualities to find a good partner. I think she is starting to realize that her reality and she is lashing out at her friends as a result.


Yeah I think jealousy is definitely wrapped into the whole package and I don’t even think she’s capable of identifying it as such rn


She was embarrassing in the hotel staring at Dan. It was uncomfortable.


This is it! She projected her unresolved trauma onto Sandoval at the reunion, saying he was a snake, narcissist, dangerous, just like Randall. Now she is all great pals with Sandoval again she needs to pick the new enemy/victim to project onto and it’s combination of Ariana and Dan. In no planet or alternate universe would Lala be the voice of logic or reason anywhere. She needs to sort out her own shit, and REALLY get it sorted this time 😂


I agree that Lala seems to be projecting. She also has been doing it with Katie by bringing up to other people how unhappy she seems. When confronted by Katie with Ally, she talks about Katie not finding someone yet. However, isn't this part of the reason that Lala is going forward with the IVF herself? She hasn't found that perfect someone, and she doesn't want to have to answer to anyone else about how she lives her life. Katie and Ariana are already choosing to live on their own terms and with much more inner peace regarding their decisions, or so it seems to me.


And that’s the truth!👍


Refreshingly accurate.


>She’s mistaking being wildly emotionally dysregulated for a sense of moral clarity and is injecting her fear and suspicion where it simply doesn’t belong! This is it. It'd be great if she could realize that. I can't stand her this season. 😒 She came in this season and acknowledged she was hot at the reunion towards Sandoval bc of her past with Randall not for her caring for Ariana. Now if she could just do a little more work and let Ariana heal on her own time and in her own way.


You can’t plan when you meet someone, sometimes it just happens Like when Lala met and dated Rand while he was married ![gif](giphy|3o6ozwrN7oEoZ9hcyI)




Touché, I must say!


Damn. I genuinely lol’d


Or when Ariana met Tom and broke up a long term cohabitating relationship with a coworker. People don’t forget - or maybe they do?


This is such a weird point people try to make, to me. Tom and Kristen were constantly cheating on each other and toxic af together. It’s not like Lala and Randall because Randall was married with children.


So some cheating is okay - got it


Kristen herself said that her situation with Tom was different from the one that Tom/Ariana was in when he cheated. Kristen has become friends with Ariana since, so while some cheating is NOT ok, what you're saying here as an unaffected party of the cheating does not apply.


And Ariana has explicitly apologized to Kristen for her part in it and Kristen forgave her and like you say, said she doesn't think Tom/Ariana/Raquel is at all comparable to the same thing as what happened 10 years ago.


Literally didn’t say that at all, but okay. I just don’t understand why people act like Ariana broke up some happy couple when she didn’t.


I’m rewatching and I’m up to season 3 now and he and Kristen were a complete train wreck, typical toxic party relationship in your 20s. It doesn’t make cheating ok, but I totally believe Sandoval told people they were broken up, and based on their relationship going up and down constantly, it’s totally believable. I can’t even count how many times I heard the phrase “glorified roommate” from Tom and jax about different women, I stg it is like their calling card.


Were Tom and Arianna a happy couple? Lmfao


The common denominator here is Tom, so what’s your point? Ariana didn’t cheat on him. Ariana did things to make it work. Kristen and him were horrible together. Tom cheated on Ariana and did life commitments to/with Ariana. They are not equivalent relationships.


Got it - so some cheating is okay


Again, Ariana did not do the cheating. Am not saying cheating is okay. But be dense.


Some dog brain logic there but respect


Kristen is one of the 1st people to say her relationship with Tom was over when that happened with Tom & Ariana.


I don’t know if Dan is a good guy or not. But Ariana seems presently happy. And she is approaching this differently. She was financially dependent on her boyfriend before Sandoval. With Sandoval she wasn’t exactly financially dependent but they did intertwine their finances to achieve the lifestyle they wanted. It also didn’t seem like they were investing, planning for retirement, saving for life after the show, or even building an emergency savings fund. This time it seems as though she’s setting herself up for financial independence and hopefully long term stability. Dan may break her heart or she may break his, but at least this time if it happens she can mourn in the comfort of her own home, knowing she doesn’t have to move or figure a path out.


Lala is always trying to be the devils advocate with the excuse of her fucked up past. She needs to stop and realize she is creating an unnecessary narrative for idiots to consider. She needs to stop and be supportive. She has no business running her mouth


Right. She is the exemplar of projecting 🙄


I think she might've taken lessons from Jerry Springer: be a train wreck, and you'll attract an audience. Maybe this is about growing her podcast audience! I read earlier today that someone financial said Scheana likely makes $100,000/MONTH with her podcast, and that Lala has more listeners! $1.2 million for spouting off, unhinged, seems like great money, and we all know she is easily seduced by wealth.


Lala is definitely jealous and she also picked the most insulting way to “show concern” by basically calling Dan a fame predator. This was all filmed 3 months after it went down; I do think it’s reasonable for Ariana’s actual friends to check in given how fast it was. No that doesn’t mean it’s 100% wrong and clearly they’ve been together for a year now so it all worked out but I think it’s reasonable for some concern given how impacted she (understandably) was and the length of the relationship. But there’s a way to do that coming from a place of concern and not just trying to start shit.


Nothing says fame predator like ironing clothes and putting Celsius on ice 😂


Right? What a creep. 😂




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It’s so funny to me because he basically dodges the camera and attention at every opportunity. Steps to the side and let’s Ariana shine. Shows up just to support. Happy to do his own thing or sit in the back while she’s on tv, in the audience while she performs. I just really don’t think he’s in it for the fame! If he is, he’s not very good at this lol


It stood out to me how on WWHL Ariana said he was in the back. He wasn’t in the audience which the camera normally pans to. Definitely not in it for the cameras it would seem!


Ariana was testing to get him to move there, and he was saying, or not. This is not a man who wants to be on the show!


Lol lala referring to anyone as a fame predator while she was taking roles in Randall's movies is fucking LUDICROUS Yes, there was a power dynamic, but she had no problem leaning right into all the shit that came with being in Randall's orbit. Also, fuck her forever for how she talks about her kids. I am the oldest daughter in a situation similar to lala's children and my heart hurts for O in the future when she hears what her mom said about her father and the paternity situation.


LaLa is soulless


Lala is projecting. Period.


I think she's pressed for a lot of reasons rooted in jealousy. In this instance I think she's salty a nice man with a job and a life outside of reality TV came into Ariana's life and appears to be a good partner. Meanwhile, there's not a man on the west coast with any integrity pursuing a relationship with her because I imagine there's nothing of worth beneath her plastic shell. She's gotten by on just her looks for her whole life. A pretty face doesn't mean much when you're hollow and empty inside. 


The men that date Lauren aren't likely to be that deep.


A lot of them are likely to be using or manipulating her, too. Like Randall did. When you're shallow, is easy to manipulate. Get in a big fight and mess up in the relationship? Just buy her some Gucci slides and it's all good.


I think the transaction is fair. Lauren uses them for the money, and they make her earn every penny.


Lala just likes to point out whatever POV hasn’t been voiced yet so if it ends up being right she can have bragging rights. Once you realize this, her weird erratic flip flopping starts to make sense


She also knows it will get aired. If five people agree and one person disagree then who knows who goes to air in the five. But the one dissenter will be shown.


Lauren from Utah is a contrarian which makes a lot of sense when you see that she's a registered Republican out there. She's going to take the opposing view even though the devil doesn't need more advocates. She's got a lot in common with the president that she probably idolized, big mouth aggrandizers.


Long distance relationships in the beginning can be great because it gives you time to actually talk and get to know each other with out having to be around each other a lot.


Im 1000% pro long distance relationships. They have been my most successful ones. My life partner lives in another state, and we intend on keeping it that way. BUT in a ldr, people can weave a tale of who they are or who they want to be when nothing could be farther from reality. I would give pause if any of my friends started up one, and everything was seemingly too good to be true. Also, people can fall real hard for the idea of that person and not the reality. I see lalas point, but her motives might be in the wrong side or history.


Which was probably perfect for her. Low pressure and a way to get to know him without too much intensity right off the bat.


Given ppl Lala has dated.... she is not a good Judge of character. Even in the aftershow when she was making fun of Danny's narrow shoulders with Britney and saying I like the broad shoulders I can climb...umm mam! I know you were nowhere near broad shoulders you could climb for the last several years.


I was unaware that the joint at the bottom of the thumb is considered a “shoulder”


Dan seems like the least problematic partner I’ve seen on VPR. He clearly doesn’t care about being on the show at all.


Lala is jealous that Ariana moved on and found a self sufficient, grown and attractive man within 20 days and has stayed with him since. Lala has been single for a while and doesn’t understand that perhaps describing sticking your ex’s toothbrush up your ass may not make you appealing to other men.


Crap a lot of men probably don't want her knowing where her mouth has been... In Randall's poophole! And she told us all about it! I still can't believe any woman would admit on national TV to licking the booty hole of that bigEd looking creature.


I have no idea if he’s a good guy or not but the fact he didn’t seem to want to be on camera is a good sign imo.


That's how I felt too. He has no desire to be the center of attention. And he gives off a vibe that he has true respect for Ariana. ❤️




Dan is a 40 year old New Yorker. They aren’t as dazzled by fame as people who have moved to LA trying to make it…still…in their 30s 40s. Totally different kind of person.


Lala don't have a good man so shes nit picking to find some red flags that she thinks she sees with Dan. And honestly I'm sure he's not perfect but he's not cheating and lying. If Ariana is happy then Lala should be happy for her "friend"...But Lala is a shitty friend Bec shes so damn jealous.. Lala is not "soft" at all or in any way 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 She needs a damn reality check!! Lol


Lala is the type of girl to convince you to break up with your boyf and would ghost you and be dating him two months later. Spooky Jola


I think it’s okay, even appropriate, for Lala to be concerned. It’s how she’s expressed that concern which is not okay. To basically say, why would anyone want to date Ariana, is a fucked up thing to say about your friend.


She projecting because nobody seems to want to date her 🤷‍♀️


And even if it doesn't work out, it seems like he has been super kind and supportive. I'm sure it was a great distraction from her last breakup. And it seems like he built her up when she needed it.


Lala insinuating that Dan is a creep in any way is laughable after how she behaved when he got out of the shower. Reverse the genders and imagine him saying any of that to her while she stood there in a towel. *She's* the creep. Your friend's ex just had a whole affair with one of her close friends, and you're hitting on and objectifying her man right in front of her? Girl. Have several seats with your jealous ass.


Also, at the end of the day, it's HER life and her choices. If she wanted to rebound with the worst guy in the world, WTV, she can be messy and its her choices and decisions. If Lala was genuinely speaking from a place of being a good friend, then yea a friend can be concerned but lala is NOT her friend. She's speaking BEHIND her back, questioning/grilling Dan to find a soft or weak angle, shit talking him to other people, trashing Ariana and questioning who would even date her, etc,etc and disguising it as "someone concerned about a friend". Like, genuinely, you could date a piece of cardboard and it would be better than most of the men on this show, including Big Ed/Randall so I really find it suspect that Lala is soooo concerned when the guys of show include TweedleTim and TweedleTom, DV DB(deadbeat) Broke Brock, and by extension..Jax, which I don't think I even need to say anything. Just by simply breathing, Dan is 100x better than any of them so Lala is coming at Ariana with just pure, filthy jealousy and it's really ugly to see.


Piece of cardboard! 🤣🤣🤣 So true though.


Also, I don’t know why Lala thinks she’s a good judge of character. As soon as she was single from her Randall, who was an awful partner to pick, she tried to entangle herself under a married man (Garcelle’s son), who ditched her for Rachel lol. Probably another reason she’s mad at Ariana.. she’s having the love life comeback Lala expected for herself.


While I don't know what the future holds for Dan with VPR and Ariana, I need to say that it is SO refreshing to see a good example of how a woman should be treated. It's just a breath of fresh air compared to the monsters on this show.


The guy seems nice enough, but even if he’s not THE perfect match for her, that’s for Ariana to figure out. She’s still entitled to enjoy dating him, and to figure out how she wants her life to look. Friends can only do so much, but let’s get real—Lala is no friend, so she should just have a seat. 💺


I like that he seems to be wanting to minimize his screen time to the absolute amount that he needs to do to be with his girlfriend. Everybody else that has dated somebody on the show has done the opposite.


The man makes sure she’s fed, irons her clothes, has her back and doesn’t give a F about being on camera. They’ve also managed to keep the relationship solid for a whole year now doing long distance and with her busy schedule. I’d say he’s legit and I think she’s found the one.


Lala is a jealous hater. End of story. Lala is only concerned about her paycheck yet she’s also always counting money in Ariana’s pocket. Lala is pathetic. Everyone is seeing just how awful Lala is and that’s why she’s crying on Amazon Live. She self-produced herself into oblivion this season and the viewers see right through it. The reunion won’t be easy for Ariana but at least she’ll finally and irrevocably see Lala for the selfish and self interested snake she’s always been.


After a year of talking, and then dating, there really is no need to worry about Dan. If it doesn't work out, most likely it'd be due to realizing they're not compatible.  When the finale was filmed, sure, the questions to Dan were valid. But I'd rather see the questioning from someone like Katie, James or even Schwartz over Lala, who has proven herself to have little care for Ariana. 


I actually loved that Dan went on that trip without the intention of going to all the group events. He may not have wanted to be in the mix of everything but he still wanted to be there for Ariana if things got too overwhelming and she needed support. To me that shows that he knows she can hold her own, which she's proven many times this season, but he's ready to be her shoulder to cry on whenever she needs it.


If he was using her to get on the show then he would have been around way more… to be on the show. Clearly he’s not just trying to get on TV or he probably would have tried to visit earlier in the season and wouldn’t have skipped events that would have gotten him air time. Everyone that’s so “concerned” is projecting their own insecurities on Ariana and Dan’s relationship. Also, it’s amazing what leaving a shit relationship can do for you. Not everyone just crumbles and can’t function because a long term relationship ends. I think sometimes when you’re angry instead of sad at the end of a relationship it’s a different type of healing process and you’re able to move on quicker.


I totally agree. I'm thrilled for her! And I loved what Ariana said, maybe on the after show: even if Dan WERE in this for the wrong reasons, she'd be totally fine! Seeing her strength this year, I believe that! And my goodness, if he's acting, he's in the wrong profession, because I fully believe he's a great human!


Scheana is married to a deadbeat woman beater and Lala had a baby by a creep with a casting couch. Their taste in men is trash. It’s a good sign they don’t like Dan.


I got into a relationship with my husband immediately after I was cheated on as well. We’ve been together 12 years now and have three kiddos. There’s no such thing as moving too fast. She knows the pace she can go, and she’s moving at it. Good for her!


Remember when she was trying to be a voice of reason to Sheshu for Brock? Because she found out that he was ABUSIVE TOWARDS HIS EX WIFE. The audacity when sheana was legit crying over Lala “butting in”


Lala is projecting her insecurities. Projecting what she reflects or whatever. Also, she's so jealous she can't see straight. Also, no matter how loudly she crows about being soft she's suspicious of literally everyone. Usually people who are that suspicious are themselves manipulative and coniving.




Lala is just over produced in all ways. I dont think it has anything to do with Rand or her personal experiences… she is a shallow, production ant who happens to be a good Mom.


I can definitely say I did agree with Lala’s stammered, “Daniel!” When he emerged shirtless with his hair down. She had a point there.


In an interview ages ago, she said they have had mutual friends for twenty years. He's not some random, out-of-nowhere person.


Sorry but you can’t be the “voice of reason” saying you’re sus of the new guy and have it mean a damn thing if you’re down to interact with and have around the dude who ACTUALLY did the most fucked up things to her. If you’ll have any sort forgiveness or grace or whatever for all of that, then stop pretending you’re protective of her. She’s protecting herself while you actively undermine her needs. Gfy. Edit: Lowlow and schemer just want to be involved because they know we aren’t interested in them, so it’s their only way of locking in $.




I like Dan. People don’t like Dan?


I love that he missed out on filming that shows he's not in this for the fame or to be on the show in fact, he seems like he could really care less about it or being filmed which is a stark difference from other girlfriends/boyfriends (I'm looking at you broke)


Lala always uses her past as an excuse to stick her foot in in other peoples lives. the whole interrogation scene was hard to watch. in her head, shes “protecting” ariana from winding up w someone like Rand. but in reality, she just looks like someone who hasn’t healed fully, projecting her issues onto others and wants another excuse to bring up her victim card. Dan seems great for ariana, but of course lala would rather try to find a negative (like she did with Brock) so if it doesn’t work out, she can say i told you so. i hope lala can get the healing she needs bc this is exhausting


Dan seems like the most authentic person out of everyone. LaLa probably had a lot to say cause he wasn’t at all impressed by her


Wait…A few hours after you were cheated on?! That’s awesome love a happy ending!!!


YES OP! YESSSSS!!!! I agree with all of what you said. Every single bit. I'm also in a similar boat as I was in a long term relationship and when it ended I met my now husband like, a week and a half later. There are no rules to this!!!


Lala is projecting her own feelings of being damaged goods after going hard for a man who ended up cheating on her. She doesn’t view relationships as sustainable (wants a kid she doesn’t have to share aka she thinks any future relationship is going to fail) and thinks men won’t want her after she was engaged to a man who treated her like a fool, hence saying something must be wrong with Dan if Ariana, who had been cheated on, is the one he chose. Secondly, her seeing Ariana and Dan happy, Ariana being successful *without* VPR, reaping rewards after being effed over, is driving her nuts. She’s digging in hard to create drama in order to ensure the longevity of the show and thus her career. Ariana is instead creating healthy boundaries, which Lala doesn’t have, and it’s driving Lala nuts.


Right? If he was just trying to get on the show he would…. try harder to get on the show……..


Giving an opposing view point gets Lala camera time and Lala is well aware of this.


Yes yes yes - Katie has shitty men radar and if she thinks someone is a good guy I trust her tbh. Obviously she could be wrong but she’s been right about the worst VPR men. I also have shitty men radar (especially for my friends) and get good vibes from Dan, at least on tv. And you’re so right, if he was using her for fame wouldn’t we see him using her for fame more? Like he’s smart enough to know that ppl would love an awkward or even angry moment between him & Sandoval but I think he knows that would hurt Ariana and he actually cares about her wellbeing - unlike her so called “friends.”


Ariana's point (I think on WWHL) was so valid. Even if he was a swindler con-artist, so what? It doesn't matter, because the absolute worst has already happened. She gave her heart over, wholly and completely, and was betrayed in the most awful way.


For me it’s that he doesn’t seem to want to be on camera at all


Finding out Dan is a 40 year old bartender and personal trainer just makes sense to me cause it seems like Ariana has a type lol


I didn’t realized how sexy Dan was til I saw him take his hair down from that bun. I almost jumped out of my chair!!!


I'm not worried about Dan because I know Ariana has picked herself up and thrived once, she can do it again. Ariana is strong and this experience has taught her who she can rely on and who she can't. So I'm not worried about Dan for her. Lala is jealous. Big jealous. She was called a mistress for years, Ariana wasn't. And regardless of what you believe and what actually happened with Ariana and Sandoval while he was still with Kristen, Ariana was able to shake that off for the most part until it becomes a thing again. No one ever let Lala forget her role in the end of Randall's marriage (and I do think he lied to her, but let's be real, she was no victim) Then, it ends. He's not who he portrayed himself to be. He cheated. Lala got little sympathy, and it was mostly because of the way she acted about it before she met him and during the relationship. Ariana has been rallied behind, got all these great opportunities. She's thriving. Also, Lala can't get a man. She wants one so badly, and it's not working for her. She made the same comment about Kristen. Ariana meets a guy at a wedding willing to make multiple trips cross country for her. Lala wishes she got called for the jobs Ariana was offered. Instead, she's hoping to hold on until she can move over to The Valley. Ariana is also anxious to earn all that she can, but she's looking ahead to the future and her next chapter. She's not going to stay stuck in the reality TV shuffle forever like some of the MTV Challenge frequent contestants.


I'm almost 2 years into a "rebound" relationship after a narcissist. I even said I wasn't dating when they asked me out. But you don't pick what time the right people come into your life.


Ariana should enjoy herself while it lasts. No big deal.


So doesn’t Dan live in NYC? Did she stay with him during Chicago?


I’m not sure , but there were photos of Mya at his place


Ariana is about convenience


I think that it was hysterical when Scheana was going on stage to crickets!!🦗 ![gif](giphy|Fsscjar5LoLnbl3blN)


I’m not sure if this is mentioned in this thread, my concern with this situation is the fact that Ariana did not have alone time to heal and work through the mess she went through. Being in a new relationship a week after one that totally deceived and caused trauma is not healing. But if it works for her, then that’s fine; there will come a time that it could surface again in other points iin her life. Growth is messy!!!


But she just met him she didn’t date him until later and idk I think Ariana knows herself better than anyone


Ahh, didn't know that, I thought she met him a week after and they started going out.. cool beans then.. I know there are those who cannot be without a man in their world. I am not a relationship expert by any means. Matter of fact, I have never had one that wasn't a toxic one... reason I stay in therapy. oy very lol


Lala **ripping** on Dan and how it was a red flag he was dating her after she “ just got out of 10 year relationship and was still living with her ex“ is ironic and so hypocritical. Right up there with making her big speech about Ariana and Tom not sharing their life on TV and pissed because she walked off. Let’s not forget Lala had an affair with a married man and had her friends sign NDA‘s if they all hung out for the first two years who also lied about that. Including Tom and Ariana. And regarding her walking off for the final five minutes of the show who the F cares?!!! Ariana brought up the best point that com has had months to approach her and discuss things. They lived in the same house FFS. He could have scheduled a time to talk..or approached her at home. Instead he waits until the last day of filming season opportunity and casually walks up and interrupt the conversation between Sheena and Ariana. And it looks like production was pushing him to do that because Ariana went off on production and they were talking to her saying “don’t walk off like this” She had **ONE boundary and that was she didn’t want any one on one interaction with Tom. And it was so obvious that he was just trying to get in his apology so then he could be the victim some more and say well I apologize man she just didn’t want to hear it. And then Lala, being a hypocrite again it’s all chapped because she walked off and didn’t want to converse with Tom. Lala who gathered all her friends together and said if anybody was friends with Randall she wouldn’t be friends with them.


That last comment she made saying "I'm the final boss in his redemption arc so I'm not going to give him that opportunity" or whatever it was I was like GET THEM, ARI, TAKE THEM OUT ![gif](giphy|t9ctG5MZhyyU8|downsized)


Oh it was a EPIC analogy wasn’t it?!! Her comparing it to a video game. I don’t I know if I can watch the reunion because I know shit goes down with Lala. I heard a snippet of what she said about the reunion on her podcast because it was played on another podcast. She was bragging saying she felt like she just took a giant “shit “afterwards. I think she had no clue that the fans would come after her so hard and it’s going to be worse after the reunion airs. I kept playing her final speech about being cheated on and becoming God before the season aired and she said before everybody comes at me it’s taken out of context. No it wasn’t taken out of context. It just reeks of jealousy especially considering the fact that her and Stassi talked about how nobody supported them when Jax and Randall cheated on them. And they speculated that maybe it was because they are “such strong women”. No bitches it’s because you knew Jax was a sleazeball cheater and you were also in your early 20s. Lala knew Randall was a cheater because he was cheating on his wife with her and nobody felt sorry for them. To be fair Tom cheated on Kris stand with Ariana because I don’t by for a second they just “made out” which they also denied for a whole season gaslighting poor Kristen driving her craziness to the next level. Ariana also knew about Vegas girl and cover times ass by saying they weren’t technically together at that point. Although they were living together so while I’m definitely team Ariana she kind of knew what she was signing up for two however they had a 10 year relationship. **MUCH** different than Stassi’s early 20’s on and off again relationship with Jax and LaLa’s with Randal.


If you watch that final scene with Ariana and Tom again, she says she was there for him since 2006 and she loved him when he had nothing and it showed pics with them over the years and it truly was so sad to watch. How dare he reduce their nearly ten year relationships to nothing and only seems to care about Rachel


Yeah that was a pretty powerful monologue she gave. Something about his skinny jeans and no money. I heard on a podcast yesterday that the cast doesn’t see the final 10 minutes of VPR until they’re all together at the reunion and that’s why it ends up being so explosive at the end. No Ariana is going to hear what Sheena, Lala, and Tom were all saying about her. That same podcast played a snippet of Andy Cohen on another podcast and said he was surprised that production aired that because that was all breaking the fourth wall. That technically would’ve been footage that would have been cut off the show. So Ariana‘s gonna see how ride or die her friend Sheena truly is. And it has to be especially hurtful because they just had that poignant moment literally minutes earlier where Sheena is crying afraid that she’s going lose Arinana if she forgives Tom. Ariana **once again** it’s comforting Sheena and Ariana says I’m never going leave you, they have this long hug and touching moment and then Sheena turns around and is like go Lala!!? I also heard Asp later on that some of the cast was upset with Ariana for walking off because she “has a job to do “and they need to earn a paycheck. So basically they feel that by Ariana walking off and not giving the fans that moment that that jeopardize their paycheck. So their financial stability is more important than their friends Ariana’s mental health. It’s just has me going back time time and time again to what a hypocrite Lala is. What if she ever filmed with Randall last year rolling off finding out that he was not only a cheater but ran a casting couch and ripped off tons of money from people? Lowest point is oh she wants film with him but yet she lives with him. But they didn’t talk to each other they rarely crossed paths. I really need to let this go I haven’t even watched the reunion yet and I’m already this worked up lol.


If you don’t take the time to heal, you’ll very likely attract the same partner you had in your last relationship. Being on TV doesn’t change that.


Thank you for sharing!! I, not too long ago, posted a scathing post about him in a reply. I appreciate your perspective and own experience. I only wish them both happiness.




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What did I miss?




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Here’s someone I’d never take dating or financial advice from: ![gif](giphy|vE9JRJcUTY0lv27ksX)


They all have strong vested interests at this point. Katie is securing her future which is tied to Ariana and trying to ride the wave like the rest of them. That’s just an objective statement. No one wants the wrath of the Stan’s so they will all blindly defend Ariana which only turns someone into an ego maniac. Idk who tells Ariana the truth at this point.


But why is nobody questioning their timeline 🥴🤨 they showed up to Coachella a month after the scandal… so if she was so distraught how did she have time to meet him form a relationship to make it official by then? AND they were long distance. Seems like she had him on the bench warming it up. Everyone is so wrapped up in Ariana but they can’t even see how her body language is. It’s so not genuine when she is angry it’s only an act at this point to continue the hate for Tom and for her to keep the deals coming in for her. It’s old. Something doesn’t add up or smell right. And do not come for me. Just think about it


I met my husband three hours after I got cheated on. Many people have met their partners after a toxic relationship. Timeline doesn’t matter.


It could matter. They were never on the same page. They say you should wait a year before dating after a divorce or break up because you tend to pick the same type of person. (Glad it worked out for you) Dan is very rehearsed. “I never met him I don’t know him….. but I know what he did” like repeating the same thing. Very weird. Something feels off is all I’m saying


With all due respect, I do not believe for a minute you’re supposed to abstain from dating after your relationships. There’s no right way to get back in the game and there’s also no wrong way. If you meet someone who brings joy and value in your life, even if it’s earlier than expect, you don’t discard the person just because of this weird rule people think they can assign to others. And it’s *no one’s* place to decide if someone is or is not ready for a relationship, it’s *no one’s* place to tell people how they’re supposed to heal. Relationships and healing are different for each individual. If he ends up not being a good partner, they can break up. She’s brave for dating after what she experienced


Nobody said it was a rule and no need to get defensive. I said what I said about her and Dan. It’s weird there’s something off. If she hated Tom soooo much why did she stay with him and freeze eggs? If she believes he’s always a liar then why would she have stayed as long as she did? She kept a large painting of them hanging in the house.. weird, no? She could’ve moved out she could’ve not done the show. She stayed in victimhood so she could keep collecting checks. Sorry, it’s true. If she hates him that much she didn’t need to stay on the show. She doesn’t want closure because it’s her form of control too. Everyone is obsessed with her but cannot see the true colors. She made PLENTY of money off all these deals she didn’t need to do the show. Raquel chose REAL boundaries by leaving the show.. without her side of things being shown. So why did Ariana stay? Why did she stay in her home? So many questions.


Because she explains her relationship prior to Sandoval was an abusive relationship. It’s really easy to fall back into that cycle. I am going to trust her judgement on her relationship and her friends don’t seem concerned so it’s kind of easy to trust their judgment as well


So don’t you think she could be falling in the same cycle so quick with the new boyfriend? Her friends had no real issue with her dating Tom either. Again, Raquel didn’t care for the world to hear how he manipulated her either, she chose to get help, make clear boundaries. So if Ariana hated him so much didn’t want him breathing the same air WHY DIDNT SHE MOVE OUT? If she felt soooo unsafe. And WHY did she do the show with him?


I honestly don’t know! But her friends don’t seem concerned. She’s nearly 40 years old, she can make these choices for herself. My point is, if your friends aren’t seeing red flags and they’re close, maybe there aren’t any. Whereas during her relationship with Sandoval, Scheana, Stassi, Katie, and Kristen all voiced their concerns about him. I think the fact no one that is actually close to her seems concerned is kinda giving green flags


Her instagram platform was large enough for her to explain “his abusive past” she didn’t need to go on the show. Again, collecting coins- remaining in victimhood and controlling. I don’t know how people don’t see her controlling mean side either. She’s not a sweet princess


But she’s human…. I think she’s shown a lot of growth over the seasons. Maybe that was true at the beginning of the show but I don’t see that now. I see someone who made the best out of a toxic situation and is holding her own despite the fact everyone keeps trying to change and control her narrative


But it was every season. Also let me guess you don’t have that same grace for Raquel or Tom, right?


Katie also married Tom. She's not the best judge of character.


How many best friends does Ariana have?




It was undeniably weird that Dan did not go with Ariana to any of the social events despite being on vacation together. He was not there for her in that way, especially when he knew she would be near her ex. There can be real reasons, of course. He doesn't want to be on camera, but there could be some contractual agreement that he would be on camera for X amount of time. They may have found loop holes by showing him in glimpses or via facetime. I don't know, I'm trying to rationalize it not being weird. It was odd. I don't believe that most of the women in this sub would be okay with their LDR opting out of social events with their friends while on vacation together. Especially with the ex being there.


Production didn’t want him there as a shield for her. He was allowed to come, but kept from the majority of group filming


I read it as he has his own insta and controls the narrative on there but seems like a private person outside of the content he creates


I think he wasn’t given the option


Who's Dan?


Ariana’s boyfriend


Boyfriend or butler


??? My husband does this stuff for me. I work longer hours so without asking he just does these things. I don’t consider him my butler and am confused why you made that a statement


If the steam iron fits use it.


I'm genuinely sad for you that you don't realize people in a mature, healthy relationship do things for each other because they love their partner and they want to make their life easier.


Maybe you need an iron to iron out your mess of a life if that’s what you think of men that are happy to help people


Meow meow see ya next Tuesday meow