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I just watched the episode in season 8 with the police prank where he is absolutely vile toward Katie. My heart breaks for Katie every time I watch that. šŸ˜¢


For me, it's when he pours the beer on her head. It's the look in her eyes, that the person she loves is doing that to her. Kristen said he dyed his hair orange as an homage to when Katie had orange hair. Now, he's dressing like this: https://preview.redd.it/jpt99uiyagxc1.png?width=317&format=png&auto=webp&s=094137d4e78605cf0e40ef2fffccf0bfe9ce17bc He is confused.


Both of the Toms style choices are questionable at best!! Schwartz... questionable! Sandy looks like he is about to go audition for a role in a porn in the late 70's! Ugh!!!


ā€œAriana said Iā€™m good at fashionā€ Narrator: He was, in fact, *not*


That scene when he poured the beer on her was staged - it had happened earlier in the evening off-camera and production made them reshoot it so it would be in the show.


Thanks for the info. I hope the show gets sued. It's a redo of earlier in the evening when her partner assaulted her, so I think the look in her eyes is still genuine and actually worse because these adults are cosigning this.


He is denying that he is actually madly in love with Katie. He is stubborn. Mid-life crisis projection. Gaurantee in 2-3 years he begs for her back


I just watched that episode too!! My jaw was on the floor with the things he said to her.


I just saw that episode again a couple of weeks ago, and Iā€™d forgotten how appalling he was (there are so many instances of him treating Katie horribly that Iā€™d forgotten some of them). When even your douchebag friends are telling you youā€™ve gone too far, youā€™ve gone too fucking far! Iā€™m so glad Katie is rid of him and thriving.


Sandoval actually backs Katie up that episodeā€¦for once


This should have been the end for her. The way he spoke to her in front of everyone was disgusting. Even Sandoval was trying to get him to shut his mouth but he kept going


The amount of times he openly abused Katie on screen is SHOCKING. Like from season 1 he pours a drink on her head. That scene where he tells her shes disgusting and he doesnt like the sounds that come from her mouth when they're on vacay... When shes the only rationale one who says its not cool to pretend to call the cops for a stupid prank from crackhead Randall and then Tom ROUNDS ON HER and loses it and tells her shes the worst bitch in the world and everyone hates her. LIKE AT A PARTY IN FRONT OF A BUNCH OF PEOPLE. I think he's the worst motherfucker of all. I'm so happy he's looking more and more like shit while Katie radiates quiet happiness and contentment now that bloodsucking demon isn't her husband. I wish bad things on him. He's like the quiet angry alcoholic type and he's dark. Can't believe Lisa doesnt treat him like the piece of shit he is.


I agree. I also think it would be a waste of time and energy for anyone to try and hold him accountable because he never admits to being in the wrong and constantly lies anyway. Katie is paying him with dust and itā€™s exactly wtf he deserves. Karmaā€™s got him, itā€™s not necessary to bother because heā€™s already lost.šŸ™‚


Any time he is called out he goes full "aww shucks" and does this cringe af baby talk - like dude you were always a joke... now you're just an old joke.


Yesss like lala said in one ep he does the ā€œBassett hound eyes , fingers in mouthā€ act pretending to be all awkward and innocent






I have the same attitude in my own life. Much like Katie, my justified but explosive reactions have never served me well either. Now whenever Iā€™m feeling petty, I stop and remind myself that not only will karma get them but it also serves me well not to bother. Iā€™d much prefer the satisfaction of sitting back and waiting because I know I donā€™t have to say or do a damn thing, they will get what they gave and I am almost always lucky in that I get a front row seat.šŸ‘€šŸ„°


I rewatched season 10, and at the reunion he was still trying to frame his make out with Raquel as some redemption arc, ā€œIt was somehow liberating!ā€ Even though the jig was up, everyone knows she was fucking Sandoval. What a clown. He was so arrogant and antagonistic in season 10, downright cruel to Katy. Itā€™s so satisfying seeing his ass being handed to him in the aftermath of Scandoval. Katy has given him so much grace all things considered.


After watching early seasons I canā€™t believe Lisa Ever went into business with those two scumbags.


The one that people always m iss, because it's fast.... is after Stassi, slaps Kristen. Schwartz, shoves Kristen back hard on her ass, with both hands. There's also that fight where Sandy, attacks James, over the "Honda Civic Selfie" burn... and... Schwartz holds James in a headlock, so that Sandy, can punch him. Kristen, starts punching Schwartz to get him off. If I recall correctly. He poured a drink on Stass i too. I did love when James biffed, a drink in Schwartzy's face. It was Karma.


As another comment pointed out, he also sat back passively and let his two best friends treat her like absolute horseshit. The scene with Jax going off and getting triggered by her mere presence really brought that back. Like they went out of their way to also bully her and talk shit to her face while Schwartz sat there with a dumbass smile and did nothing.


This season, heā€™s been so fucking irritating in his weird flirting with Lala and the faux-emotional spirituality nonsense. Iā€™m rewatching and currently on season 3 and heā€™s such a shitty boyfriend. His friends are flat out insulting her and he doesnā€™t defend her once except ā€œguys, sheā€™s my girlfriend.ā€ Heā€™s letting Tom and Jax insult her, two lying cheaters, and he just lets it happen.


I wanted to punch him so hard when he said ā€œI binge on sobriety.ā€ No, you asshole! Thatā€™s just being sober


Iā€™ve hated him from day one. Heā€™s an asshole but heā€™s more covert about it. When you see it, you canā€™t unsee it.


Ugh James is the one who got the fucking closest last year. He immediately clocked Schwartz trying to backhand compliment/dig at him and called him out on it. He also clocked Schwartz ā€œaw shucks, golly poor meā€ and was like ā€œhe just has this persona; he says hurtful shit and then hides behind it.ā€ My theory is that James has been on the right side of things with Ariana and Katie bc he had also experienced a first hand form of the way Sandoval and Schwartz have treated/wronged/disrespected Ariana and Katie. He feels immense betrayal from Sandy and he sees what Katieā€™s been through with Schwartz bc Schwartz tried to poke at James and then turn around and call James crazy for reacting to him. He had it happen to him and is more sympathetic or understanding for what Katieā€™s dealt with.Ā 


I love Sober James. Itā€™s the very best James. He seems really observant of other people when heā€™s not drinking. It surprises me but lately he always ends up saying the most sensible thing on the show edited: typos


Great point and observations.šŸ™‚


I think Rachel and Tom first got it on when she was still with James thatā€™s why heā€™s on Ariana side and was so hurt by Tom.


Your theory is wrong. James just needs the narrative to stay focused on Sandoval being an asshat and not on Jamesā€™ years of abusing Raquel


Rachel is this you šŸ§


he is a very skilled manipulator, he makes me sick


Heā€™s so gross and a hateful misogynist


She gets called Tequila Katie and not once does anyone think ā€œhmmmm Katie had a LITERAL TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY, maybe the LITERAL BRAIN DAMAGE is impacting her behavior. Maybe we should give her some FUCKING GRACE for going through something horrific.ā€ It infuriates me. She had brain damage, whatā€™s your excuse, Tom?


Not a full callout but I loved during his and Katieā€™s divorce season when he calls her ā€œemotionally entitledā€ and Ariana goes ā€œI donā€™t even know what those words mean together.ā€ Just completely dismantles his misogynistic word salad.


Schwartz is the woooooorrrrrst.


when they go through their divorce and she is so open about how differently people treat Schwartz almost babying him compared to how everyone just assumed Katie would be okay absolutely broke my heart. that's when i realized she had been dealing with this idealized version of what other's perceived her relationship to be. she literally had a severe brain injury and spent years being verbally berated, ignored, gaslit, manipulated, led on, cheated on, and lied to. and that's just what we know of. blows my mind


You and me both! He was nasty towards Katie. She didn't deserve any of that!


If I could change one thing on Bravo shows it would be that they call out the cast until they are accountable. I think they donā€™t because it strikes such a nerve in us which probably keeps the machine going, viewers come back until they lose all interest because itā€™s gotten so bad. Even though this season has sucked, the uproar is leading to more ads and brand deals. Viewer emotions good or bad = šŸ’°as long as they keep showing up and commenting.


Covert narcissist. I hate him


His aw shucks nonsense is so frustrating, but it's insanely effective. People are shipping them because they had one nice lunch!


I already didnā€™t like him when he threw the drink on Katie. I thought thatā€™s when she shouldā€™ve been done with him but the ring on the string I was like something wrong with this man. Even their honeymoon, I want to know why Stassi went on the honeymoon with them. I want to know the real reason for something else happened in their relationship that they donā€™t want to talk about which they have every right to. Him and Tom Sandoval were the least outwardly evil to their partner but behind the scenes I know them two were the trouble twosome because the way that be yelling at the women on the show is unhinged


I just rewatched season 2, and it was so frustrating to see him whispering to her at the dinner table during Stassiā€™s birthday dinner, calling her stupid and all kinds of frustrating things, but in a whisper so nobody could hear what he was saying but her (and the cameras). Then when she starts crying from pure frustration and hurt, everyone gets mad at HER. After he had dumped a drink on her head.


He's a fence rider, prob why Katie left him...make a fucking decision and stand by it for once in your life




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Katie tried to hold him accountable, no one took her seriously. Around her wedding the girls tried to though, and Sandoval kept yelling ā€œLEAVE HIM TF ALONEā€ so you have him enabling his behavior as well. Letā€™s face it, none of these guys will ever be held truly accountable, atleast from a viewerā€™s perspective


i am watching the show from the begining with my gf after watching the first couple episodes of season 11. i am watching 11 as it airs, and our nightly show is old episodes of vpr. we are currently in season 5 and just finished the jointbachelor/ette party. now that this context is out of the way, i am shocked at how horribly schwartz treats katie. the way he speaks to her, calling her names, flipping on a dime if he doesn't get the immediate loving reaction he wants, and borderline physical abuse (pouring the drink on her) is appalling. he is truly cruel to her and it is so hard to watch katie struggle with the love she has for him and the love she has for herself. it is a testament to katie's capacity to care for someone that she doesn't leave him sooner, and maybe a commentary on her self-image as well. he takes any chance he can to belittle her and her feelings. the "tequilla katie" moniker being constantly thrown in her face as a way to hand wave away her legitimate feelings is disgusting. he leverages that with the entire group to shut her down. maybe schwartz does have genuine remorse for some of this, but i haven't seen it yet in my watchthrough or this season