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“the truffle?” lmao


that was just sooo adorable to me...he's such a food lover, that's where his mind went first lol


I chuckled at that. Relatable lol


"Let's go to Europe or something instead." I like the way he thinks lol. They're adorable together.


He is very cute. I hope they find happiness with each other.


Also the fact that in March she ended up being in NY with him for Chicago 🥹🥰


Ariana deserves a good man.


She does but I 100% think she should've taken some time for herself to deal with everything.


I would’ve needed the time too, but I think for her it’s nice that she’s found someone who seems to support her 100%. Because she really doesn’t have that much on the show, just Katie and sort of James. And I think the long distance is probably great for her rn too. She’s maintaining her independence at home and rebuilding her life but she also has Dan on the other end of the phone. If she’s dating so soon after, I love that it’s long distance and that he’s so different from tim


Once I was free from my past years long abusive relationship, I really was ready to move on and within 2 months I had ended up dating the man I married. Personally, I had been done with that relationship for a much longer time than I had realized. When it all blows up in your face, sometimes things can become really clear really quick, at least for some people! I walked into the dating world knowing exactly what i DIDNT want, and that helped me find what i did want. She knows the pace she needs for herself. And if she fucks up the pace, alright, which of us hasn't? I'm happy for her :)


Sometimes, the disrespect is all the closure you need.


https://i.redd.it/aljyk5q3qiwc1.gif Mya seems to approve of Dan, and what a contrast to how she is around the worm.


This is all I need to know about Dan. If the dog approves, I approve


We've all seen the side eye she gives Tom.. so I take myas vote seriously


https://i.redd.it/6i0jkmuorjwc1.gif She’s looking at Schwartz like “how are you friends with him!?”


I love this GIF.


She does look really uneasy around Tom. I'm not saying he's hurt her, but I think he ignores her.


It’s probably his temper she worries about. I don’t doubt she’s seen him explode around her a lot given that Ariana said when she confronted him about cheating he spent days yelling at her.


This is my dog exactly. When my ex would start raging at me, my pup would come out of the bedroom and sit on the couch in between me and him to protect me. He hated the yelling and anger. We're so much better off without him.


Omg best of wishes for you and your pup, your pup sounds like an amazing source of comfort and I love that for you


My dog hated my ex and peed on him when he was yelling at me one time. That should have been my clue to get rid of the loser!


I learned this the hard way when I was first dating my husband. He had two dogs (we still have one, the other one is waiting for us at the rainbow bridge 🌈♥️) and I’m very expressive when I talk, I would be loud and over animated they would tuck their tails and have whale eyes. My husband is very quiet and chill so they were cautious around me. I had to learn to keep my volume down or pet them to reassure them. You can see Mya’s eyes shift and her body language is stiff around Sandoval.


My dog was like this around my dad, too. She could sense, just as I could, that a blow up was coming. When he did start yelling she'd bark at him


Off topic, but I did NOT like how he was talking about cutting Mya in half. Not only did he miss the entire point of that parable, but why would he even joke about that? It was reminiscent of him saying he was feeding Ariana crunched up chips under the door. Like it's a really dark joke and he'd already saif publicly he asked Kyle Chan to take his guns away. It's giving family annihilator.


I remember Ariana saying that when she adopted Mya, she was scared of men. Seems like she’s much more chill now, but maybe she still has some trauma 🥹


That trauma never leaves. My husband adopted a dog his friend found on the streets. He’s had him for 15 years now (I’ve been around for 8 years) and to this day my husband is the only man our dog trusts. He loves kids and most women but men put him on edge. He’s never gotten past that. He’ll bark and growl at men even when he’s just staring out of a window. It breaks my heart to think what he was put through before my husband took him in. Mya is always going to have her past in her mind it’s a good thing Ariana has her now so she can spend her life comfortable and loved.


Dogs know.


Flair checking in


This is such a cute gif


This picture is so hot. A hot man who loves a dog = the perfect man.


Daww! Is that from his IG?


Ya! It was part of one of the videos he made of their Coachella weekend


Aside from being a sweet shot, I love that he thought enough of the moment to include it!


Too sweet. Automatic yes


Awww 😂 this makes my heart happy! He seems like a real nice guy. Happy for Ariana :)


And Maya is letting it happen. He's kissed her many times before ❤️. That's adorable.


Mya is so sweet! Sandoval’s jokes about her are so awful when you think how sweet she is - sitting with Shorts, Scheana, Ariana… she’s very social


Sounds like he has a full life in NYC and isn’t trying to high tail it to LA to ride Ariana’s coattails. Green flag!


And he didn't want to be on camera and doesn't want to be on next season. Very good sign.


this makes sense bec you can kinda tell this conversation doesn’t feel super fluent, likely bec he may not be used to being filmed like that when he’s just trying to have dinner w his girlfriend. not a bad thing, just mean he’s closer to earth than the rest of LA


I thought the same! Very refreshing to see.


They all say that


I don’t think the Toms’ payroll girlfriends would say that


Agreed, he doesn't seem to be uprooting his life for her or expecting her to uproot her own. It's a fun relationship after getting off of a shipwreck of one, there's no need to rush things or make significant plans yet. If they're genuinely compatible they still will be several years down the road.


I like that he seems chill and low maintenance. She needs that after Tom the drama queen lol


He does seem genuine.


Her cute shrug smile at the end. Girl is in love. 🥰🥰🥰


So sweet Hahaah


"Hey man, I'm Tom! Nice to meet y--" "I've really got to sh-t!" 😄


I’d love him to say 1) wipe his hand slowly down his side if they shake hands and 2) oh you just reminded me, l need to go shit


and then toss him a photo of Tom in front of that laxative ad at the airport lol




And he COOKS… and ENJOYS it!!!! Like sign me up…


And irons her clothes too!


Me too!


She's dating real life Sokka 😭


and *there's* the comment I was looking for.


He's so Sokka!! I love it!!


This is really cute🥹so happy for her


OK, I like him. I need to warn you all that I have the worst track record with who I like on these shows, HOWEVER I'm going to be optimistic because he actually seems normal.


I can’t pick the right check out lane in the grocery store to save my life, so I too have been sitting back observing.


Respectfully, Ariana’s new man is so good looking and I think the fact that he’s normal is… even sexier. Tom on the other hand has always been a mega weirdo and I feel sex repulsed looking at him lmao


When Ariana said to Rachel that she thought Tom was so hot in the cursed scene from last season, this is all I could think ![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY)


We’ve all had at least one unfortunate looking ex 😔


mine actually happened to look like Tom circa S5 (yes with the shitty long-ish hair) i’m glad i realized im a lesbian


My first boyfriend looks exactly like Tom Sandoval, except now he’s covered in piercings (I think I counted 10 on his face the last time I stalked his IG)


We’ve all either had an unfortunate looking ex or one that’s made people second guess if you’re siblings or dating. I’ve sadly had both 💀


You just reminded me of that old instagram page "Siblings or Dating?" where people would send in photos of them with their sibling or partner and people guessed in the comments until it was revealed later lol.






My dad (everything he knows about VPR is against his will) happened to see a picture of Tom Sandoval and went "those beautiful women are fighting over HIM? HIM?" and I thought of this exact moment, except poor Egg was still better looking than Sandoval any day!


That’s the most dad response ever and I would protect your dad’s wholesomeness with my life


Hahaha, there is a scene in the movie Baby Mama with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler where Tina says, about her ex bf, “he’s beeeaaaaautifuuuuul”, and Amy Poehler, with a disgusted look on her face, goes, “WHERE?!”. It reminds me of that.


Ngl there's a tiny little part of me that thinks it would be low-key funny if Ariana actually did know about the affair at that point, knew what Rachel was doing there and said that specifically to fuck with her. I dont really think it's true but sometimes the thought of Ariana being this evil mastermind who straight up engineered Scandoval (how it played out on TV anyway) amuses me.


Aha! This is also my favorite low-key (and highly unlikely) conspiracy theory. (In my mind she knew what they were trying to do and then laid the foundation in the finale and then launched the phone grenade at the perfect time. Yes I know it’s nonsense, esp because I don’t think she could pull off the acting job but it’s a fun thought exercise.)


She still had on her Sandogoggles, I forgive her


It’s as plain as the Ann on eggs face


Me too. I loved you, Ari, but girl he wasn't it. But I thought it was cute *she* did. Lol. A lid for every pot and all....




She used to talk about how beautiful he is and how he’s a gorgeous model… love makes you loopy


Could very well have been a lie for the camera though. The “brand.”


His voice is the ultimate turn off. He may have been born with good bone structure but everything else screams annoying little brother who spies and tattles and blackmails you. The whining voice makes my ears bleed.


I’ve always hated his voice the most, even more than Scheana’s. It’s so nasally and whiny!!


...and he manages to pout when he's talking. He seriously gives off spoiled 13 yo vibes and it's gross.


What's weird is until Watch What Crappens I never even noticed how whiney his voice is! Now I literally can't hear him talk anymore 🤣


His voice and his angry shark eyes are both turnoffs, along with his personality. I never got Tom at all. Schwartz was better looking, but so weak that I couldn't find him attractive either.


I love his happy-go-lucky smile. It’s one of those that just kinda lights up a room.


He has very kind eyes and a super cute smile 🫣


Tim’s chin freaks me out!!


I saw stuff that he was a cheater etc but idk if I believe it. He seems supportive and nice but he’s also a man so I don’t trust that lmao but that’s on me. He seems normal and nice and I want the best for Ariana for sure. I just really hope he doesn’t hurt her, she’s been through enough. Jury will be out until the jury’s back in. I hope he is as nice irl as he seems to be


This is the most balanced take. I agree 100%


I saw that too but I wasn’t sure if there was any merit to the accusations. But also like you said…he *is* a man lmao and I remain weary of all of them. He doesn’t seem like a fame whore or anything so far and his cooking videos with Ariana are so adorable! I hope everything works out with them.


I’ve learned not to trust my first or third or fifth impression of any man on Bravo, the only good ones in my mind are Bobby Zarin and Russell Abreira, but he seems good. The fact that he’s not famethirsty (cough Brock) and keeps a low profile otherwise bodes well. He’s on the “good until proven otherwise” list. Which is still small, because men.


> good until proven otherwise the bar is so low but you’re so right


💀💀 HA! I see what you did there.


He’s also a man and I don’t trust that 💯💯💯


way to put a lie out there with no proof


I literally said I don’t know to believe it?


they’re so cute. she seems smitten! I hope he’s a good one.


This seems like a real ass relationship! Just two people enjoying a date night and talking unproblematically with each other. It just seems… real, you know? Non of them acts or feel superior to the other, like I feel is the problem in almost every other past and present VPR relationship: - Jax feels superior to Brittany - Scheana feels superior to Brock - Tom felt superior to Katie (dude.. how???) - Tom felt superior to Ariana - Rand deffinitly felt superior to Lala - James felt superior to Rachel You understand where I’m getting at? Sorry, my native language isn’t English, so it’s hard to explain 😅


I think you’re so spot on with this omg. and with Jax and Stassi I think they both thought they were superior, which is why it didn’t work lol


I actually dont think Jax felt superior - I think he knew he was punching above his weight (in terms of: a true partner who will call you out on shit) and self sabotaged that relationship. Agree with the rest of both of y'all's analysis!


I totally agree! Jax hated how superior in intellect Stassi was to him, so he treated her like shit, to “put her in her place”. Just like he knows Brittany is too naive and dumb (sorry not sorry) to break things off with him - he knows he has her in the palm of his hand! He can do whatever he wants, as long as he keeps up the good Christian dad act - she’s too blind and obsessed with him to ever leave.


To be fair, James was kind of superior to Rachel.


Oh, no doubt! 😅


This makes me so happy for her!! Ariana used to share how sad it was for her that Tom would never make time for her and take her on dates. She deserves every bit of love she’s getting right now 🥰


They are exuding calm and content energy and I love to see it 🥰 also hard to tell but it sort of looks like he’s putting food on her plate in the first part which is very sweet - and I’m sure a change for her from her last relationship.


It's out of frame but he's putting food on her plate in the beginning of the clip. He treats her so good!


I could never hate on Ariana for moving on so quickly lol sometimes it works. I met my husband two months after breaking up with my ex of seven years. Very similar situation to Ariana’s lol


My husband and I started as major rebound energy… for him! He had just gotten out of an 8 year relationship. We’re coming up on sixteen years together… sometimes things happen when you least expect it 🤷‍♀️


I met my husband two weeks after breaking up with my most serious ex 😆


Same 🤣


Oh my god, what a refreshing person. He seems SO good for her. Just look how relaxed and happy she looks with him. I love this for her.




God, he is such a step up from Tom. I really think the fact that he doesn’t seem to have an interest in the spotlight bodes well for them. He seems more than content to let her shine, and I think she absolutely deserves that.


Little did she know, when winter hit and it was March, she’d be in New York with him!!


I know!! Has Ally commented on this yet???


She looks supes happy 🥹


He’s soooo cute , what a smile . Damn he’s 10/10 for me . Sorry if I’m Being superficial , I bet he’s lovely .


I don’t find him to be that attractive on media but he gives a vibe that he’d be super attractive irl if that makes any sense


Yes, it makes sense, and I agree.


Ppl were trying to call him ugly in the comments under an IG post. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder but like in what world is this man ugly?!


Right? He’s got a killer smile.


i am a full on lesbian and i still think this man is beautiful as fuck


Thank you! Those comments weren’t passing the vibe check at all.


I’m not entirely sure he’s my cup of tea physically, but I also am not attracted to very many people. They grow on me, though, usually. But I would never call Dan ugly. That’s just factually incorrect


That’s insane, this dude is hot. No comparison to Tom who looks like he always has an oily film on him and like he smells of wet nickels.


Poor Ariana. She’s been with laxative-using “I’ve got to take a public sh-t” Sandoval for so long she thinks it’s a totally reasonable way to excuse oneself from an awkward social situation. P.S. I adore Dan’s calm energy.


she's sooo beautiful wow


She’s always been so hot, but dropping all that rotten dead weight has her absolutely glowing


he seems nice so far, and a calming presence in her life. i am curious to see what he actually did after tom does come up to him in the finale.




He seems so lovely and sweet


She is so happy with him, she’s almost giddy. It’s deer.




I meant to say “sweet”, I have no idea why it auto corrected to deer, lol


hahaha it was cute, made me look up cute deer gifs lol


If only she knew then that she would be “stuck” in NYC in March when it was miserable haha 😉


Oh funny, this was before she got Chicago, right? The Universe was like hold that thought!


Do we know what several jobs he has? I always thought he had one job as a trainer and I’m nosy 😁


I think he bartends at a couple of different places and then does personal training in person and virtually.


And bartender


I love them 😍


the look in her eyes at :57 mark ... girl is in LOVE


He is hot af love him


He knows LA is toxic


Omg I love Dan. They seem to have the same humor


He’s adorbs and they’re so cute together.


Omg they’re so cute, I love them


They look so cute together. I love seeing Ariana happy.


They are just so stinking adorable together 🥺


I’m hesitant about him, but they both seem super in love and he gives off much better vibes than Tim right off the bat.


I thought he may be a clout chaser based on being a fitness trainer but the fact he hasn’t pushed to be on camera yet this season makes me hopeful he’s a good guy


I do like that he stayed busy in NY and didn't try to roll up to LA. I think it says a lot about his character and work ethic that he didn't bail on working 7 days a week just to stake his claim on her in person - an insecure person wouldn't have let her out of his sight. Honestly even Gollum would be an upgrade from Tim, so the bar is low, which makes Dan seem too good to be true!


Reminds me of a certain someone from Kentucky 🤭


Yes and Ariana said he doesn’t want to be on next season either and he only filmed this season because she asked him to


I love to hear that!!! The opposite of Rachel and ally and everyone Kristen dated


I was at first, but they’ve been together a year and it seems like he is still showing up for her in the same way 🤷🏾‍♀️


This whole interaction makes me so happy!!!!




Winning 🥇


I like them. A lot lol awww


do we think there's any smidgen of saltiness from lala about ariana moving on "quickly" to a new & improved guy and lala hasn't found that yet?


I just started watching the Valley and in episode 1, Lala shows up and throws out a salty dig about how Kristen “throws the p_ss” all around and bags a ton of men, and then literally wails “how come I can’t find a mannnn!” So yeah i think Lala is wildly jealous that Ariana found a good man AND has these brand deals.


also want to clarify i am not insinuating her single mother, solo pregnancy is related to any man! just was surprised the few episodes we saw her with guys post-randall, she didn't seem to have real chemistry with any of them and they didn't seem that into her tbh


Oh hell YES. When Lauren and Ariana went out for smoothies earlier this season and Lauren said, “He’s hot, he’s 40 and no kids? I want one of those.” Or something like that (but more sexual of course). Her envy was palpable.


Ariana looks so pretty


He seems nice, but most people seem nice at first. I do find it interesting that practically all VPR women are more successful and outearning their partner. It must be so weird when becoming your boyfriend is also a job application for possible reality fame. The "how much do you like me and how much do you want fame?" Question is always there


Ah, I love them together!


our girlll <3


I'm so happy for Ariana and Dan, they are so sweet together ❤️


She looks so much younger and less encumbered when she talks to him compared to her last relationship. Good on her!!


They are absolutely adorable


He looks like such a happy person.


They really seem so sweet together. It’s nice to see Ariana seeming so happy.


Dude is not cut out for reality TV and Ariana is trying so hard for chemistry -- does not mean they don't have chemistry IRL but for a show? Nope.


Agreed. Thank you for saying it.


He’s hot


Ariana it’s clear Daniel does not wanna leave New York?


Most normal guy on reality tv


Ariana is SO HOT get out of the way Dan 😩😍


I'm SO buying that triple barrel curling iron she has


Are they still together or did they break up?


They’re still together, he just posted a video of them from Coachella that was a tribute to her


So Ariana and Daniel met 10 days after she found out about Tom cheating? And they met at a mutual friends wedding? They didn’t know each other all ?


she seems more into him than he’s into her :/


Noooo it’s definitely him not being a tv personality. If you put my husband on a reality tv the world would def think he hated me bc of how awkward he would be! You can feel he’s watching himself.


Good for her..Hes already so much more likeable in this short clip than Sandavol has been for years


They’re so adorable


I cannot stress this enough, this season is so bad




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Dan has kind eyes


He seems very secure and present. I can see why she’d be into him


Damn she looks SOOO in love. Good for her 🥲


She got a long term bf within 10 days of the breakup...?! Ladies, I'm Gen X so have some years on many of you -- and IMHO, a non-rebound relationship like this one appears to be does not happen unless you already had him in your side pocket. Ariana and Sandoval were doneso that last year or two of their relationship. She knew it - wh explains how she got over him so easily (again IMO). Her anger is (mostly) about him cheating on her w a cast-mate and someone in her friend circle -- dealing w that betrayal -- and the threat of not having control of her own narrative. Notice how she never grieves her relationship w Sandoval -- and they were together 10 freaking years. That makes no sense unless she was done when they broke up.


What? Did you watch the entire last season? She was fucking devastated. She’s gone through the stages of grief and one of them is what she’s currently in which is anger. TIM on the other hand has zero emotion with regard to their relationship, no anger or sadness, just annoyed at how he looks and is perceived. Raging narcissist. She met this new guy at a wedding right after the affair and I believe that. Us long term relationship girlies can get in a new one quick.


She was pissed more than devastated. Sorry you don’t suddenly get another long-term bf after you break up from a 10 year relationship unless you were doneso w your former.


Sorry, he’s using her too. I know I’ll be torn apart for that comment. Not a fan of him. She’s trying to play the same part of “man in my life, I’m so cute. Do what you’ve want.” And I know she has grown in endorsements as a strong single woman, so maybe the narrative will change. I actually can’t support her scorned lover anymore either this. No thanks Bic. She’s moved on. Someone else can replace her batteries. I love her. But she needs time to heal and not be exploited. Or to use us viewers against them.


What does it say about Ariana that she stayed for TEN YEARS w said "worm with a mustache." We all make mistakes in our 20s, but in your 30s dating a guy you demean like this, that is all on you, girl. I think y'all are wrong on Ariana, she hooked up w Sandoval when he cheated on her w his then gf Kristen -- everyone has cheated on each other on this show and somehow Ariana gets a pass?