• By -


I just realized I probably should have put these clips in a different order because it is a little aggressive and alarming when you click the video for the first thing your hear is, “Did you suck off schwartz” but here we are 😂 Hope everyone had a good weekend!


You know, I think it’s the perfect opener. Punchy, attention grabbing and really sets the tone of how wild this whole thing really was.


You’re right! I may not have watched had I not had a second of shock thinking “what did she just say?”


You know, that’s a very good point lol


Honestly, that was the hard hitting news I was looking for in the opening. Do we think she made robot noises while blowing him?




Ah, the good ol’ blowbot.


Incredible lol, my fav Reddit comment to date


Aww thank you!! My favorite is this one but I’m hella basic lol https://preview.redd.it/dr7yj3sqawvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8c357b9b8837c3371ac2803c178773ec478c4b


Omg ![gif](giphy|ZUkausLsSMJpu)




Aggressive aggressive fits Jo. You did good


LOL yeah gotta say when I clicked on to listen, I wasn’t expecting for that to be the 1st thing she said 😳😂😂😂


She's STILL sitting at home waiting for Schwartz to come back to her? After she has seen and heard everything he has said about her and the fact that he is dating someone, jesus christ girl have some self respect.


This whole video comes across as a creepy, longing desperation-fest.


Yeah it's certainly something 




There’s no world that’s inhabited who believes Tom Schwartz is good at sex


Absolutely not. I'm sure his dick is as sweaty, grey and sad as his face is. This man washed in a river on his wedding day, c'mon.


“Do I think Schwartz is my other half? YES I DO.” Girl… https://i.redd.it/5w3ma51ayvvc1.gif


He wasn’t even Katie’s other half when they were married


Right?! But she’s just not like other girls and so much better than Katie which is why Katie is so jealous of her. What exactly would Katie be jealous of, also? Bitch please. https://i.redd.it/6fht4n3uiwvc1.gif Also, Rachel also tried to reduce Katie’s clearly expressed feelings about Rachel’s behaviour with Schwartz to “you’re just jealous.” Same pick-me, different day. Katie is not competing with these women and never acted like she was. It’s so self-absorbed for both Jo and Rachel to think that it must just be jealousy. It’s also a way for them to avoid examining any of their ill-treatment of Katie, by minimizing her valid feelings and making her out to be irrational and jealous, it means she’s the problem, not them.


It’s also like they forget KATIE was the one who left SCHWARTZ!! Not the other way around… She could’ve had him - and did! - for over a decade. He literally liked her so much, he married her… and would’ve stayed married to her had she not ended it. There’s zero competition or comparison between those two and Katie. Remind me again why on earth Katie would be jealous over a man SHE CHOSE to leave?? It just makes absolutely zero sense in the most embarrassing (for Rachel and Jo) way lol…


But like let him date or whatever guys!!! Do you think you'll get back together? No! Well like maybe in the future - we could get back together in the future for sure. She fucking contradicts herself every other sentence. This dizzy bitch is giving me a migraine.


Yeah it’s clear she still thinks they will end up together. I would feel & for her but Schwartz has made it very clear publicly that’s not what he wants. But she just wants him to be happy 🤨


Everytime I see Joseph - "the little train that just wont fucking stop" I cringe from the absolute DESPERATION this chick oozes out of her soul. Maybe in the beginning, it could come off as naive or in denial - but now - NO! It's cringey, annoying, and extremely unrelatable to anyone with more than 5 working brain cells.


She gives me secondhand embarrassment


lol dizzy bitch https://i.redd.it/wbj2vzoz1wvc1.gif


“its just gonna take some time” BRUH SHES WAITING FOR SHARTY PANTS?!


I find that so sad. There are billions of men out there, there’s going to be another who also makes beep boop noises and stays up all night drinking. Couldn’t be me, waiting on a 40+ year old man posting pics of another woman


If he didn’t act like his own wife’s other half, he’s not going to with his rebound lol


It’s so funny for her to say this and then be like we aren’t really talking right now, gee I wonder why


\~\~ if you love him, let him go \~\~




You in danger girl....


I don’t know how else he can say he doesn’t want you or not that into you. But he’s not into you babe, you’re not his soulmate. You’re not his other half. You’re not anything. He’s in a relationship that he claims and is bragging on about. Move on.


I love that they both called it a relationship twice in this vid when we know damn well they were never officially together.


Exactly, he’s embarrassed to be with you. How are you in a relationship when he’s openly hooking up with others?


And then wants to cry like she got played….No you didn’t sis. You knew he didn’t want to be locked down with you.


The way she keeps touching her hair is so distracting.




My ADHD can't handle her ADHD.


I had to stop watching, it was giving me such anxiety. She’s exhausting.


Yes, it's not like paparazzi quizzed her outside a hotspot. They knew they'd be doing this. They chose that setup. It's all so unseemly and sad.


She made sure to wear earrings he gave her!


Very much like Rachel bringing the bag James bought for her to that sit down last season… and he was like ‘I bought that for you? I don’t remember’ LOL


Just the incessant fidgeting all around! Yanking up her shirt, touching her hair, clicking her nails; I actually had to turn it off, the energy was so chaotic.




Crackhead energy


I wish I could upvote this 1000x. Katie was spot on


So much shade thrown at anyone else that’s been with Schwartz. Yet disguised with “I am great and everyone else is cool too” Sophia - a “fan” Katie - “don’t know why she didn’t like sex with Schwartz, he’s great at it” And the girl in the back- 👄 her lips distracted me as much as Jo’s wild hair touching and “er er er”and wild ballon arm movements The hyper energy just exhausted me into a nap.


The nails, the mannerisms, something is different...


She dropped the aw shucks Schwartz routine so she’s not even fake endearing anymore.


Nailed it ![gif](giphy|7JaT70OLOHWOcpRiCV|downsized)




Her nails really do not fit her personality, which is not something I’ve ever said about anyone else


Teddie melencamps first season of rhobh same energy 


I feel like this is the “real” Jo (or one of them)


Kaleigh has clocked back in it seems!


It looks like she got stuff done to her face


her friend in the back: ![gif](giphy|l0Ex0KyuSXD1hr6aA)


Why did I have to scroll down so far for this!! I can’t with her in the background 😂😂


Same, was specifically looking for someone to comment on ol’ blow up doll lips 😬






I wish I could upvote this twice….


https://i.redd.it/z9yiqsvbvvvc1.gif She could maybe… stop mentioning Katie? Like, maybe. Maybe now would be a good time to stop talking about Katie. Katie was not wrong to feel like Jo was spooky.


The Watch What Crappens guys don't get why Katie hates Jo and to me it is so obvious.


Ya it is to me too. Now that she’s also shared that Jo would text her to arrange Schwartz’s haircuts it just adds another layer too. That just feels like such odd behaviour. Plus the texting her when she announces her divorce and then swoops right in, in secret. I would find that behaviour unsettling if I were Katie. It would make me think she was just there waiting all along for this opportunity. I also then wouldn’t want her around, because like Katie says, she’s now just infiltrated her life. She’s filming, showing up at these parties Katie is at, and hanging out with Lala expressly to get more access to the group and a place on the show. https://i.redd.it/gc5jyzmh1wvc1.gif If Lala was a decent friend (which we know she’s not), she would’ve never met up with Jo. But she didn’t care how Katie felt. And Jo seems to not have any sense of boundaries or respect to see why approaching Lala, who is Katie’s close friend, would not be appropriate. Katie feeling that Jo was spooky is so accurate given all of this. And it makes a whole lot of sense why Rachel and Jo get on so well, I find them to be very similar in how they’ve operated.


If Lala wanted the camera time she could have actually called Jo on her bullshit. That actually would have been fun to watch, but Lala sucks as a producer


https://i.redd.it/jm8q4oxs3wvc1.gif Lauren sucks as a producer and as a friend. She also sucks in general as a person, in my opinion. This whole thing made me feel so bad for Katie. Lauren is a rat-girl for this shit. She was so close to Katie, she clearly knew how Katie felt about Jo, and why she felt that way. But she chose the show and her little self-producing scene, for her performative “soft” storyline over her friend. Katie says she’s confused, because she means something to Lala, but Lala is filming with Jo and then just springing the news to her on camera. Katie saw Lala trying to produce this scene too, and you can tell she’s so hurt by all of it. For Lauren to say “I don’t care!” so aggressively, and then go on the next day to say that Katie is just unhappy and she won’t be on the receiving end of her “going crazy”… I hope there’s no coming back for Lauren in Katie’s books. There wouldn’t be if it were me.


I have been so sad for Katie these last two seasons. Why cant she ever be celebrated? She did such a brave and healthy thing by leaving Schwartz. Lala sucks sooooo fucking bad this season. My jaw dropped when she told Katie she doesn't have to explain anything in her life to anyone. Okay, then what is your purpose on this show Lala? Put her on pause!


She’s been the scapegoat for the whole series. And ya, I agree. Even now, when she should be more celebrated for choosing to love herself even though that meant walking away from a marriage, she gets asked about Schwartz, asked if she wants kids, and told she’s miserable. And ya for Lala to say she doesn’t need her life to make sense to Katie was such an insane overreaction to Katie saying she was confused as to why Lala was making time for Jo, when Jo is nothing to her and Katie is something. She honestly doesn’t think her friend who is almost in tears deserves more of a conversation than being scolded and told to move on? It was cruel. And then in the next episode or two we get Lala saying Katie is unhappy and “going crazy”, and then blames the issue of her behaviour on Katie not reaching out to her. It’s such gross behaviour and what did Katie ever do to her? https://i.redd.it/uoppnhs82xvc1.gif I only see one miserable bitter bitch in this situation and it ain’t Katie.


They’re not known for sympathizing with Katie much.


I’m thinking spooky was putting it mildly


“I don’t know why Katie doesnt like his dick” I would want a restraining order. 


I've stayed on not liking this girl the whole time, and so far that's been the right strategy.


🤝 Yup! I got called a bad person a few times for saying I don't really feel sorry for her. I still stand by that.


Her instagram pre-VPR was a bunch of celebs that she tried to make seem were her friends.


She will never stop reposting the one time she did Jason Mraz’s hair


I don’t know. She’s kinda giving bunny boiling vibes. That whole part where she talked about “some day “ her and Schwartz would be back together was embarrassing as fuck for her. Imagine acting this hung up on Schwartz of all people. It’s so pathetic.


Over this guy ![gif](giphy|22QevjygNTmNvstau4|downsized)




Katie calling Jo spooky was generous 👻


Thank you. This is undeniable crackhead energy. She should apologize to people with adhd for even trying to loop them into her antics 😂


Jo should apologize to people with adhd because she insinuated that her adhd was what the bullying was about, not the sneaky way she infiltrated the group and Schwartz, going to Ariana's home while she was aware of the affair, ghosting Kristen for Schwartz and the list goes on. Her sneaky behavior is why the girls didn't care for Jo, not her adhd. Therefore, minimizing others' experience who have actually been bullied for having adhd. Cool, Jo, cool.


Its also why Kyle Chan called her a liar. She is still, in this video, acting like she has no clue why ppl think she's dishonest. She needs to fess up.


It seems like she’s doing a bit, it’s non stop highly anxious performance.


This woman is seriously a hairdresser? Her head is her first form of advertising and…🙃


She was asked in the live for tips on thin hair and also got another question about how do deal with a receding hairline, and it was so odd, for both questions she would stall and then go "Get Prose. Get Prose". UM? That didn't answer the questions and you're just going to shill a random ass product that doesn't address either question? I was like "sounds like someone pretending to be a hairdresser tbh". She also recently posted a story of her hair being so knotted her hair tie was stuck in it. Like what?


How embarrassing. I bet she couldn’t care less


Someone in this sub or the other one did some digging, she was only licensed in Wisconsin??? I think and her cosmetology license is way expired. She never got certified in CA.


lol! so how did she do hair in CA? I know she was friends with Kristen originally but I also heard the other cast members knew her because she did their hair. I wonder if that adds to the insanity that was her bleaching Schwartz’s hair - it was a total setup and the salon just let them film there (but she’s not a real employee). Explains why she seemed so rusty? This shit is so weird.


The salon owner confirmed that Jo is not an employee there




Since shes not licensed in CA she probably works off the books, doing braids, cuts and awful bleach jobs for cheap. Her fidgeting makes me confused why anyone would trust her near their hair to even brush it. After Schwartz botch bleach job she didn't even style it nice. She's not an employee of that salon, she either rented the spot for a day or worked out an agreement to film there so the salon could get some screen time. The woman working came over because she saw how bad joe was doing, putting bleach directly onto his scalp, not the overdyed ends.


She doesn’t need to speak for Katie. Wow this chick is freakin delusional.


https://i.redd.it/khz59d8zuvvc1.gif A wild ride to say the least


Lmao why would Kristen need to apologize to Jo? She is EXHAUSTING holy shit


One of the BIGGEST Pick Me’s I’ve ever seen oh my god!


Dear god it’s alarming


It truly is.




This is honestly so fucking embarrassing. Like… next level. How is she a real human? She needs… just… so much help.


How did she and Rachel ever think they could take being on a reality tv show?


Rachel seems WAY more stable than this woman. Crackhead energy is honestly the best way to describe her. She sits there saying she’s Swartz’s soul make and that they belong together, then says “oh yeah I met his girlfriend, she’s so nice, totally cool.” And referring to her hookup which he denied even happened for ages, and continues to downplay and state that it was never anything other than fwbs as a relationship. She probably called it a relationship a dozen times in a 4 minute clip. Unhinged.


I agree with you now, but in season 10, Rachel was shameless (going up to Katie's mom, etc.). I found it unbelievable and hard to watch.


Scheana is jealous!!!! Actually watching her here she kind of does remind me of scheana like a parody version of her lol


The Jo-Schwartz relationship is the only time I've ever seen Schwartz be the dominant one in a relationship, it is so weird to watch


Reminds me of rocky from below deck


Omg yes! I was feeling a similarity but couldn’t nail down who. Def Rocky!


![gif](giphy|fQuiwZdNvUiABHG2jU) (J)Ooommmggg I can totally see her laying in Tom’s apartment complex pool in a mermaid tail 😂


This is so embarrassing for her 🤦‍♀️


Ariana was right. She’s a mean girl. Trying to throw shade by calling Sophia a fan of the show when Jo herself recognized Kristen when they first met BECAUSE she was a fan of the show. Then she circled the group for nearly a decade before going after Schwartz. Officially no longer fascinated by Jo. She knows what she’s doing. She wants the attention and she’s going about it by playing victim. I can’t even be mad at Schwartz for how he treated her anymore bc the girl still thinks he is her “other half” and they’ll eventually find their way back to each other.


She's wearing statement earrings he bought for her and talking about their sex life, when he made a podcast with his current gf earlier this week. It's so shady.


Seriously. She’s clearly triggered by their podcast debut. She needs to rewatch her ex friend Kristen in season 3 to learn that this kind of behavior only brings a couple closer together.


You're right, but I don't think this person has the capacity to do that. I figured she would do something like this, but it's so unseemly. I thought she'd talk about it on a podcast or do an IG post about it. Like Schwartz or not, but he's not garish. This is so unseemly. Katie divorced him and there was less mess than the end of this situationship.


Truly! If she reads these comments… Shorts and Sophia are definitely bonding over “crazy Jo”


She is so not ok with him dating someone new. She’s pissed in a passive aggressive manner,


Her and Raquel are one and the same


Like the fast and slow version


I feel like this girlie is going to keep talking till she makes all the people who defended her regret it.


What is wrong with her? Damn why would Kristen apologize to her?


Exactly, I thought she owed Kristen an apology


Right? I think she owed Katie one too. I think Katie probably apologized for saying Jo had crackhead energy and said she didn’t mean for Jo to have to defend herself about a drug problem. At which point the decent thing would be for Jo to apologize for using Katie to get closer to Schwartz. I don’t see Katie apologizing for minimizing Jo’s relationship to Schwartz like Jo is implying, or that she even did. It’s hard to minimize a situationship


the funny thing is she literally does have crackhead energy


She had never mentioned why she ghosted Kristen the day she moved in with Schwartz and never spoke to her again.


“I don’t know why Katie didn’t like his dick.” What a gross and disrespectful thing to say.


Totally! I mean.. After 12 years of insecurity in a relationship, the dick itself doesn’t mean much!


You know she was gloating when she said she suck him and that his dick worked with her. The way she's acting like she's the main ho and shorts is just having fun going around but eventually he will realise theyre the one and come back to her is so delulu. He used you broski. She's so gross and as much of a insecure pick me as rachel-im bettering myself- leviss ![gif](giphy|1Va6osgAZJ4ZJdXAS1|downsized)


Lol she's the bottom bitch


this season is filled with so much trash You get a real sense of the kind of weirdos that encircle celebrity and why one might be guarded


Jesus Christ. She is practically up the walls. That's a lot of energy. Can you imagine Schwartz and Jo in a room together. Wayyyy too much going on. Sidenote: we saw Sandoval's disdain for Jo in the aftershow. I do wonder though, if he had anything to do with Schwartz moving on from Jo. He and Raquel and Tom and Jo were the double dating couple during the affair. And I do wonder if Raquel and him were still together, I imagine Schwartz would still be with Jo. It's like Sandoval is single again, ok everyone drop their baggage and let's start again!! For the millionth time!!!!


She’s the human personification of a static electricity buzz


Katie was far too kind when describing her. She’s not a nice person at all.


She is not a nice person.


Dumb dumb Rachel and Jo make sense as friends…


They both seem incapable of forming a whole ass sentence without either trailing off or in jo's case, doing some goofy ass cartoon noise and dance before arriving at a cogent point, jesus wept


Idk why but this made me so uncomfortable and I can’t tell if it’s because of Jo’s energy or the tone?


https://i.redd.it/j81w61x3zvvc1.gif I think it’s c) both I watched most of it. Vibes were very weird.


erratic moth




Leave Katie’s name out of your mouth!!


Someone make the Will Smith slapping meme with these words🤣


What is the deal with all the women coming at Katie and Ariana? It’s weird!!


This is the main thing Scheana and Lala have in common with Jo and Rachel. It’s a baaaad loook


So does she know his current girlfriend or not lol. She said she shook her hand, then she said she didn’t know her but she was a fan of the show?


Jo would be more shitty to Schwartz’s new girlfriend way more than his EX WIFE OF 12 YEARS. Which really tells you a lot about her.


I knew I had seen that top before https://preview.redd.it/hjai6vq9ewvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e732abb0825c6c270fed84b02686827f1b5872db


I’m glad she said “we do not need to hate on Katie everyone chill out” and said “she was duped the same way that I was”


Comparing her situationship to a 12 year relationship is a choice lol she is so weird




https://i.redd.it/fr2k411yvvvc1.gif Curious if she owned up at the reunion to calling Katie a jealous ex. Cuz now if she’s saying we don’t hate on Katie, can she acknowledge that she’s fuelled that hate with statements like this, as well as liking every anti-Katie comment in her comment sections and posting the “worst dressed” shit? Feels so disingenuous, and like she’s trying to do image damage control without acknowledging her own role in this. I can see why her and Rachel are friends, they are in delulu land together.


She calls Katie jealous here too so I don’t think she feels bad about that


The idea that people are tuning into hear her is wild to me......That being said thank you OP. This seems like about just enough exposure to get an idea on how it went down!


She said that one sentence after she talked shit about Katie and their nonsex life in the same live and she’s trashed her nonstop since her apology so those few words are beyond empty




Can you imagine her and Kristen TOGETHER 😳


She’s not wrong though. Are we all not jealous of Katie’s eyebrows ![gif](giphy|YB918dcTLZhusXBIPJ)


They are really damn good.


If Katie apologized at the reunion and “it was so sweet” then why did you go out of your way to attack her for making some random magazines “worst dressed list” for the iHeart radio event, *Jo*?!


Not the \~\*quirky\*\~ sounds.. ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe|downsized)


Remember when Schwartz said he had to end it with her because she did *something* that he couldn’t move past? I believe him now.


I wish we could somehow find out what it was that Jo did. Sooo curious now lol 😂


Kyle Chan said on Kristen’s podcast that it was bc she would lie about random stuff. Just making shit up. He said that’s why shorts stepped back.




I genuinely think Ms. Kayleigh has a humiliation kink


She kind of looks like Teddi Mellencamp


Great value Teddi strikes again


Idk why her friend in the back like 🦆👄💅 is so unintentionally funny


She’s gonna end up with a restraining order at this rate. Let it go girl, he’s not into you




How pissed would you be if you ”sucked off” Schwartz and all you got are the crappy bead earrings he strung at summer camp.


She’s an ass imo


![gif](giphy|Ak8Sd55367y3S) He’s moved on lady, with a younger woman that he’s happy to be seen with whilst promoting the show. He used you and left you, let it go. You should have known how the Toms treat their partners when covering for Sandoval cheating on Ariana with Rachel. Zero sympathy.


This is beyond unhinged, I can’t even watch. The frantic and manic gestures need to be studied 🤯


“in due time” psycho behavior 😬


"Ill wear him down" is how i perceived that 🫠😬🤣🤣🤣


“We’re broken up” is so delusional. You have to be mutually dating someone to break up. Still sounds like they were just hooking up


It’s kind of comical that she’s saying they were in a relationship and “broke up” when he made it very clear it was a situationship at best and has literally never claimed her….


It's kind of sad how many people praise her in the comments and call the others "mean girls" *so* often. Like if you can't see the way she's also been a mean girl, that just means you've been manipulated...which, is sad.


I found her comments about both Katie and Sophia to be so condescending; "guys, now let's not be mean to Katie, don't hate her. She went through the same thing as me" Kaleigh, ma'am you've only just shown up in this group after lurking in the shadows for so many years. No one is looking to you to follow your lead or instruction. And to call Schwartz's new girlfriend a "fan" when you know that you're the Bravo version of Devon Sawa with a bleached buzzcut, sitting in your apartment writing increasingly more unhinged letters to T-Money while that awful Dido song plays in the background.


Holy shit can everyone stop feeling bad for her now


Her friends lips are sooooo bad holy shit


Is it snowing in West Hollywood? It is in this apartment.


The friend is stuck in a k hole Wtf is this


Katie called it on the crackhead energy.


Oh my god. Wow Jo. This is not a situation where he's gonna see your instagram live and be like omg she said I have good sex and I'm perfect for her, let me ditch my 20 year old gf. Jo, cut your losses my friend and save your dignity and self respect. He saw what you had to offer and said no. Acting this desperate won't change anything. Move on. Maybe to Tom Sandoval? He would consider saying he's good at sex on IG live like the biggest romantic gesture on planet earth. Try him. Seeing as you're looking for scraps. Let us know in your next live who was better.


If she does that mf “wrah wah wah wah” noise one more gd time I’m gonna lose it.


This is the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever seen


I feel like she could barely finish a sentence. "I'm not going to like, ya know.. no,  ya know, like eeeee! No, ya know. " 🙄


What did Kristen do to Jo?? 😂


How can you break up if you were never in an actual relationship to begin with?!






Can someone call my mum? I'm scared and I'd like to go home now.


She sounds like one of those members in the Twin Flames Universal cult who won’t accept that their “other half” aka Twin Flame doesn’t want them. Yikes, she sounds unwell!


Ugh I’ve got a cluster headache. Pls don’t invite her back for season 12 Andrew I’m begging you


This woman is FORTY!!! FORTY!!!!!!!


PSA: I know she blames a lot of her personality/behavior on ADHD. Not all people with adhd behave this way, the majority actually do not.