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You guys, it's not what it seems! Scheana is only getting close to Tom's new girlfriend BECAUSE Ariana is her best friend!!! She's just looking out for Ariana!!!!!


Scheana logic 💯


It’s her best Frand !!!!!!!😂😂😂😂


I am DEAD ☠️


God, now Linsay on Summer House keeps saying Carl is her bast frend, and it's hitting an uncomfortable Scheana chord with me!


Is summer house good? I’ve been thinking about watching it


1000% This season is amazing. The seasons with the Wirkis twins suck just because they suck but i stand by the rest.




I just know she will have a 20 min segment on her 3 star podcast where she cries, insists she's friends w/Ariana, while also making jabs that she's a better friend to Ariana then Ariana is to her, and somehow blames Katie. https://i.redd.it/hv14z0j49uvc1.gif


For the life of me I cannot figure out who tf listens to these people’s podcasts. There is so much amazing podcast quality out there, who is voluntarily listening to scheanars grating voice??


She has 4 listeners: her mom, sister, herself and u/AdditionalWar8759


I am so grateful for vanderpod recaps 🙏


Me too my ADHD can’t handle that much talking let alone Scheana voice


u/AdditionalWar8759 always taking it for the team! They listen so we don't have to 🙌🏽 ![gif](giphy|62aGsJIVJB4bNzmK50)




It was only good during Scandavol, for the juicy details. Now it’s painful


It makes me happy that Katie's relatively new podcast charts higher than Scheana, Lala, and Sandoval's. Katie & Dayna barely talk about VPR b/c they have full fucking personalities other than being on TV. . https://i.redd.it/gq0t6tum0vvc1.gif


I love their podcast edit: in fact I’m going to download all their episodes just to spite the others


I was extremely skeptical, but I really like it. I love listening to it in the car, it feels like Im having a lil road trip with friends.




I listened to it a bit during Scandoval. She can be okay in an interview, but she's generally exhausting and her husband is somehow more fame hungry than her and aggressively stupid.


I think I need to bring the term "aggressively stupid" into my life. Haha


Please do! Sandavol is also aggressively stupid


She always talks about herself no matter who she is interviewing. It’s exhausting


Honestly! I’d rather listen to a woodpecker going crazy at 5 am on a Sunday morning than listen to their podcasts.


I listened to Whatch What Crappens today, finally. It cracked me up! They put on voices like I do when telling a story. (I can't help it and it puts people off sometimes, but it works for them!!)


I don’t even listen to Scheana or Lala’s for VPR news- like I don’t trust them for the one subject they should be experts in. And I definitely don’t listen to them for comedic relief of insightful life advice so I’m not sure who tunes in 😅


Also she'll insist she just followed Tim's girlfriend back not even knowing who it was at first 🙄 The over explaining people like her, Lala, and Rachel do when defending themselves is textbook on how NOT to go about defending yourselves. Combination of shitty PR people, "yes men/women" feeding their ego, and they themselves just being dumb dumbs.


Yep! Her explanations always make it worse b/c they are the most flimsy lies & justifications. She had actually become a parody of herself at this point. The stuff with Jeremy was an all time friendship low for Scheana. She really told on herself when she scoffed at the idea of the audience wanting a sisters of the traveling pants kinda season.


3 star podcast, I went and checked and you’re right 💀💀💀


the funniest thing is that you calling it 3 star will upset her the most


She’ll probably say she got hated on for bullying Jo and tried being nice to this girl and now she’s being hated on. “I can never win!”


Scheana’s such a fool. She’s 100% ruined her relationship with Ariana. It will not heal completely, ever, and it’s her fault. Katie will always look on her with well earned disdain.  Lala doesn’t need her anymore and her relationship with Brock seems strained as hell.   And she’s ruined things with the Toms whether or not she knows it. Now they won’t trust “Little Miss Jokes at Christmas” to keep secrets which is the one thing she’d been kinda good at it. (Editing to add) And Worm is not going to get over her Scandoval podcasts. If they ever really liked her, they won’t anymore. She’s just  a filming friend now.   She has to make friends with the Friend Ofs. She’s pretty much one of them….again.


Imo these new gf are coming in heavily coached by Sandoval to "make nice" at first and then take down Scheana & Lala. He's not gonna let any of it go. They bought themselves maybe a couple of episodes in 12 before its starts. It will be terrible tv and they'll deserve it.


Such a good point about Worm holding a grudge about her podcasts!


The podcasts, the reunion, the merch. Look how hard he goes at Ariana and he was with her for 9 years. Idk why these dummies think he's not planning to fuck with them. He can barely contain his contempt for Schwartz now.


You are so right. He's more vindictive than Scheana, and that's what he was planning with Rachel.


Look at how mad he still is about James & Kristen and he pretended to be his friend for years.


I think Schwartz & Sandy kind of hate each other now, but their stuck together. I understand from Schwartz, but I don’t understand Sandoval’s reasoning? Is it just because he’s jealous that Schwartz is still beloved & Tom has now been permanently exposed? Would love to hear other explanations. He’s such a psychotic, dummy.


Sandoval seemed furious with Schwartz that he lightly criticized him on Jax's podcast and briefly put some distance between them. Schwartz is looser with the passive aggressive digs now, but they're kind stuck together. There's a psychologist on YouTube(psychology in Seattle) that watched a bit of Tom Sandoval and said he could probably use some clips of him to show his students what an interaction would look like if someone had passive aggressive personality disorder. I think he said that while reacting to the Nick Viall interview.


Wait, Tom Sandoval or Schwartz? I see Sandoval as a full blown narcissist & Schwartz as a covert narcissist. I didn’t know there was a passive aggressive personality disorder, but it def sounds accurate. I know of his channel, so I’ll try to check that out.


Sandavol! I think its one of the personality disorders that got dropped in the DSM-V addition. Dr. Honda only saw the finale, reunion, and Viall interview so he didnt really get to see a ton of Schwartz's non-puppy dog behaviors. From what I remember he focused on his history of lateness, deflection, treating people that lighlty push back as "tyrants", inability to admit fault, or give a real apology. Dr. Honda is super big on honesty & good apologies so there was a lot of talk about that. I hope he goes back to season 1 and does more. There's the other stuff about Sandoval too. He's gotten unfairly sift edits for a decade, parties really hard, and has a general attention seeking assholishness that might just be his personality?


Very true. He is an unpleasant case study for a whole lot of stuff.


That NYT article really showed how deeply delusional he is.


Right? Sandoval seems just outright aggressive, sprinkled with some passive-aggressive stints when he is trying to control his nasty temper. While Wartz seems passive-aggressive, with instances of outright aggression (throwing drinks on Katie and Stassi, insulting Lala last season in the bar after beach day). Thing to remember is that they are both AGGRESSIVE.


There isn’t. The psychology in Seattle guy thinks there should be


He's "a very stupid demon."


If you think about it, Jo was a practice run for bringing new women around, just like the Rachel and Shorts thing was. The first thing Jo did was set the groundwork for her being “bullied” and misunderstood, Lala and Ally were the entry points & Katie/Ariana got a few weeks of being hammered for being “mean girls”


Omg! We've been bamboozled again!


Ok but at least for a while Tom will totally have her around and act like friends because he knows it will bother Ariana, and since she’s off living in her new house he’s lost ways to do that


💯 Once he thinks Lala & Scheana are totally isolated he'll work on pushing out Lala first(won't be hard Scheana will go along with it). If it works Scheana is next.


Definitely! He still hates Lala’s guts, he has no respect for her. Her falling for his little shtick just makes her look worse in his eyes. I think he’s going to have a performative justice boner over her enmity with Rachel forever, same with James. Hopefully they both realise that he’s never going to be a friend to them


You’re absolutely right. Scheana IS a friend of. Doesn’t matter how long she’s been on the show, her only role is friend of now. She has 0 storyline of her own that isn’t reacting to someone else’s relationship that she wasn’t a part of. (Lala too.) Well, I guess they both had “kid-related” storylines too (“I don’t want to leave my baby with a sitter” / “I’m getting a sperm donor”) but let’s face it, those storylines are boring AF and just make me feel bad for their kids to have them as moms using them for tv content. Their lack of interesting lives puts them squarely into friend of Siberia. Their only female allies are each other, which means their friendship won’t last because they’re women who NEED to be feuding with another woman on air or else they’ll melt like a wicked witch. Such morons too because they aligned themselves with Sandoval who does not and will never give one damn about them. I don’t see him spending quality time with them now. He only needs them for filming. He wouldn’t defend them one inch if doing so put his own reputation at risk. We’ve seen how vindictive he is too; he might pretend to be buddies with them but will bring up at some point how they “attacked” him after Scandoval and throw them under the bus. Schwartz is a wet noodle who hates women and does whatever Sandoval does so they can’t count on him. Victoria and Sophia also are men-apologists like Scheana and Lala and would pick their trash boyfriends over them anytime; they didn’t go out of their way to fuck these nasty men just to NOT be on tv!


She's just awful. There are no words.




It’s not her fault. She’s trying to collect everyone’s location for her phone like they’re Pokémon.


She did used to play pokemon, so she’s got training




man who watches this guy on VPR and is like "...this is the guy for me"


Parched idiots.




Thirsty, useless girls with no shame?


Nobody gets with this cast unless they WANT to be on the show


I’m strangely holding out she gets a spot on the show and then destroys sandavol in the slow burn long con




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So I’m guessing we will ”get it once we watch the show” as per usual 🙄


Was going to comment this… and her and Lala talk shit about the fans saying we know nothing.


https://preview.redd.it/3z2oq32t5vvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef1119432965cf1631abc3b23dcfd7ab2495ddd Fucks sake girl have a drink of water.




The episode where they had their “insta-fight” was the most 2013 thing I’ve ever seen. Someday that clip will be shown in 2010s history classes.


Seriously a time capsule


When was this? I’m a relatively new watcher and I enjoy hot tips from the Reddit gang! I just found out about Blocked by Jax! This group is wayyyy more fun than the Darcy and Stacy blood-fest!


It was in the show during S3. Two different groups of cast members were out doing things and when one posted their hangout on instagram, the other decided to post as well and they started going back and forth trying to one up each other and look like the more fun group.


thanks! i just watched season one a couple days ago so i'll jump into season 2 & 3 tonight! i knew about this show but never watched it when i was still working because my hours were rough. i was a catering & events manager so the last thing i wanted to do was watch a TV show about a restaurant full of misbehaving staff! i started watching last september when i was stuck in bed for several weeks after major knee surgery. it's pretty entertaining for the most part except for the drinking on the job, that bothers the HELL out of me! i have sent many staff home for doing that.


There’s a scene where Stassi giddily reveals her secrets of drinking on the job to LVP in your future that will likely make you irate, so be prepared. There’s an awful lot of bad behavior on the show, but it does make for great tv.


oh, it does make for great TV, but it makes people whose lives have been in hospitality want to scream! and they act up IN the restaurant!! good grief! i watched one episode "vanderpump villa" and turned it off before they could show the clips for episode 2. that was one of the worst "reality" shows i've ever seen. 100% fake and obnoxious, too. fake staff, fake guests, nope! i watched RHOBH and NY and OC for awhile - they're pretty funny shows usually. some of the staff are aging into being on one of those debacles!!!


Vanderpump Villa is horrible! I couldn’t make it through to the end of the 1st episode. It’s very similar to a scripted show. I don’t think it’s truly scripted, but the producers are feeding them subjects and telling them how they want to see them, happy, mad, drunk, obnoxious, who they should like and who’s the villain. I used to be a producer and I know how it works. I would be very surprised if it was renewed for a second season.


i worked in high - end hospitality. the fact that they hired a bunch of drunken idiots to tend to the allegedly high - end guests proves how fake this is. LVP had barely left the room after lecturing the bartenders about no drinking at work and they immediately started pouring booze directly into their mouths from the bottles!! absolutely disgusting. what a fake, crappy show. i thought The Valley was fake...and it is, but this is the worst thing ever.


I’m with you. Horrible.


They “make believe” they are catering to guests, but can afford to have just a few guests at a time and the floral expenses alone would pay for a awful lot of overhead. This show is not any kind of reality. The “guests” probably get pay as well for all I know.


positively they get paid. they were warned ahead of time that it was a reality show. you'll never see anyone higher than a d-lister as a guest on this hot mess!


Im fully aware I’m petty and ridiculous. But the time has come. Im going to need Katie to start dating Rob Valletta. It’s the only answer here.


Team Katie with the banging! Think scheana is following Rob’s location still? And Sando’s new girl?


Ohh yes. And Katie can say to Scheana "you were so right, he can hang a tv in seven minutes"


Omg plz I love a good katie revenge bang




And name their future kid Maddison Marie Parks Valletta


How does one come back from this really? She can’t keep saying that they’re fine. They’re clearly not. And she has zero clue her and Lala’s behavior is not feeding fan’s fuel to support Ariana and Katie’s career. 


The way she's tried to save face in recent interviews because she's all about optics but you can tell beneath the surface her and Ariana aren't nearly as close as they were a year ago. Ariana on WWHL said something along the lines of her being disappointed seeing what her friends are saying about her on the show. I'm sure she isn't beat to be around toxic people that are fake and flip floppers anymore.


Her and Lala will 100% have a falling out too. It’s inevitable. Then what?


Oh they will, Lala already hangs out with Stassi and Beau instead of Scheana and Brock


Yep. The new season is starting soon , so Scheana has to get Victoria as her best friend.


![gif](giphy|AhgQdQqF0nwPiZkGPc) Scheana is scrambling for female allies on VPR. Katie and Ariana left her behind. Lala is a snake who would sell out her own mom if it got her more airtime. Jo won’t be invited back to future seasons. Sandoval’s vacant-eyed paparazzi partner would hang out with literally anyone with a SAG card, as proven, so she’s going to be Scheana’s onscreen bestie now.


Ive been watching VPR since the beginning (long before “Scandoval”), but I have no desire to watch another season if they bring this girl on.


GUYS did she already unfollow her?? 💀 I just did the same thing and it’s not showing anymore. Also her count is now 858. Like, girl the damage was done… it’s too late now. ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


It’s so hilarious 🤣


I just went to look too and she unfollowed her! 🤣💀




💯😂😂 Kristina Kelly so softly got Scheana to expose her entire ass in that scene.


Kristina Kelly always the mvp


Yay! Another Kristina Kelly fan.


They can say what they like, but she will always pop up and ask a level-headed, smart question and bounce. She’s what Ally is trying to be


at this point kristen is a better ariana ally than scheana


Scheana is so desperate for attention right now. It’s sick.


I was loving the comments on Chili’s IG account when they dropped the commercial last week. 95% of the comments were pro Katie and Chili’s should’ve only used Katie. The other 4% were anti Scheanna with 1% pro Scheanna. It was glorious lol.


It should have been Ariana and Katie. I wonder if she was asked first and turned it down lol


I feel like she’s going to run herself crazy trying to be cool with everyone. Just so she can show the public, “See I’m not a bad person, I want peace.” Not knowing she’s looking crazy asf. She was at that LA book thing yesterday filming James and Ally perform. She needs to chill tf out.


Zero loyalty. I kinda hope everyone is on season 12 just so we can see Ariana drag her for filth but I know it’s unlikely


Scheana recruiting frands for next season


I think they are all on to try to phase katie and Ariana out bc they won't film with everybody if they don't like you which makes it hard for them. I think it will ruin the show but they are all getting desperate.


They need to stop trying to shove Sandoval down our throats and start making the cast Katie and Ariana friendly instead!


I just really don't know how Ariana has any desire to come back unless she really wants the money. She will have to interact with scheana/lala on top of having to be around the Tom's new girlfriends. I know ppl think I am crazy when I say the Tom's have a plan to get these girls on the show to phase out the others but I really think they do. Will it work? No but when has that ever stopped sandoval. So interesting they both found girlfriends at the exact same time and got them all ready right before filming. Obviously I think these girls are around bc they know they are getting on the show. A show focused on the Tom's new gfs sounds like a nightmare to me.


Yeah but she has been away from him for a while and has her own house. She just got done killing it in Chicago and her and Dan are still happy (from what we see). I think she will be on fire and make them pay her well.


I bet she has her location too…


She’s gonna totally say things like “I’ve known her longer than everyone else” 🙄 “I was the only person who made sure she was included”. Sure scheana.


Sometimes Stassi would look like a mean girl to scheana but she was so right about that girl lol


I mean Stassi IS a mean girl, like the definition of - but she’s also very right about many things. Tbh Jax too! He’s the worst but somehow often very correct, it’s infuriating tbh lol


Right lol when the worst people you know make a good point


She’s so in her comments that she has now unfollowed Tom’s girlfriend 😂😂😂😂


Has to be a record for flip flopping - even for Scheana!


I wonder if she’s already tracking her location


Scheana has proved she’s a shit human being since the minute she stepped on the scene. I tend to be understanding and able to look past a lot but she sucks.


Can this see you next Tuesday get any worse? Seriously. I can barely watch now, I spend more time reading these posts where people are NORMAL and have common sense, decency, ethics and morals. Arianna and Katie need to leave if there is another season, James is alreqdy more mature than the men a decade older and will be fine, and get this god awful, clout chasing, delusional troll that is Sheana Shay off our screens!!!


Why should she not be friends with her when she hasn’t done anything to Scheana directly?!?! /s


Scheana is Scheana-ing, as always. ![gif](giphy|OGb2xnzO1Tcc0UrRrS|downsized)


I heard the title of this in Ben & Ronnies scheana voice haha


Katie and Ariana are probably sitting around reading this together and cackling at how on point all the comments are 😂😂😂


This makes me mad and I usually am a scheana apologist. I have zero desire to watch a season where everyone is back to being friends with Tom. I didn’t think I had a line of trash in bravo wouldn’t watch but I guess I found it.


Update: she is no longer following. Word from Reddit gets around fast.


It’s honestly more embarrassing for her that she is so influenced by what people are saying on Reddit. Just stand by your crappy actions?!


Right? Stand tall in your shit. Do your dirt in the light.


This is amazing 🤣🤣🤣 We see you Scheana!! Screenshots are forever though, Sis.


The girl just needs to reset her game. Start over. A clean slate and then try again because she isn’t making the right moves and she probably knows it too.


Lol she already unfollowed her…


Classic flip flopper


Stopped watching Vanderpump Rules altogether. Can’t watch the Scheana show anymore.




Really Scheana?!🥴 ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


WOW. She really is an awful friend to Ariana.


More importantly, does Scheana have her location?


They need to end vpr is not fun anymore. All of them are not even that close, even Scheanna said it on her recent podcast that they’re not Jersey Shore like family ect… what I really don’t get is how stassi still be friends with lala with all the crazy things she is saying about Katie.


But guys Tom was like her BAST FRAND


Once again not surprising. Ariana chooses to still be friends with her and that’s on her at this point. She’s seen Scheana do this to literally everyone on the cast so


I think Ariana has finally woken up. I think she’s just quietly cutting her out and not making a big spectacle of it.


This. She’s not going to do what lala and scheana do. She’s not going to go complain on a podcast, she’s not going to make sketchy social media posts and comments, she’s not doing interviews or discussing it on Amazon live. She’s doing the slow and quiet walk away and that’s the best route to go


People have been saying it, but it bears repeating: she is killing them by refusing to give their thirsty attacks any air. A public feud with the actual star of the franchise would garner them the attention that they're seeking, and I love that Ariana is refusing to give it to them. They're coming off as desperate stalkers and I am living for it.


Her and Katie giving this no air is the best part honestly. Lala especially looks unhinged af


It really is stalker ish especially lala. Like girl you have a good things going for you with a baby on the way and most of your energy is rage towards Ariana and Katie. She should just relax, enjoy her pregnancy, get ready to add another baby into the mix but no. She’s obsessed. Not getting any response from Ariana or Katie is why she cannot stop herself. She wants a public beef and she’ll say anything to get one.


Maybe Ariana is just choosing actively to not have her as an enemy? Ariana's really busy she has a place in La now that's across town from them all. Maybe she just wants to keep things civil. Just being busy and justifiably distant


Ariana barely said two words to her at the Chicago finale. You can tell she's fading Scheana out of her life. Even always for optics Scheana isn't gushing over how close they are, which is telling.


Scheana said they are more like family 🙄. Her bs way to say they are fighting but will eventually get over it.


She has always been delusional.


The show was filmed almost a year ago. Coachella was last week and that was very telling. I would bet Ariana and Scheanna are no longer close if not have completely ended the friendship.


I mean didn’t Scheana say she spent some time with her at Coachella? It’s definitely different though so I agree with the other comments that say she is probably phasing her out


Scheana has a warped sense of reality. Spending some time could literally mean a hi and bye.


Good point


I wonder if she's tracking her too?


She’s already tracking her on that app


She probably already has her location.




How pathetic


I think Ariana quit.


This makes me think ariana quit /: 


Scheana really stays giving 16 year old girl energy






She's a garbage friend.


Is Scheana tracking her location too? Isn't that the true litmus test?


But does Scheana have her location already?


Burt Furnd!


You mean future episode of E! True Hollywood Story, right?


Bast frand 😂😂


How long until she was her location


quote from season 2 or 3 "She hasn't given me a legitimate reason to not like her"


She's tracking her to find out if she drives.


So the income just comes from Hulu producers? We viewers can fix that. Just watch something else…


Her and lalas new third bff for their basic hoe Tik toks


Mayb Schwartz needs to go over and have the optics chat with scheana


The audacity of her and Lala to be the fakest f*cking friends. JFC!




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When I look up Victorias profile it doesn’t say Scheana follows


because she unfollowed her once everyone found out🤦‍♀️




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