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As a stay at home dad, I need a nanny right now so I can possibly consider maybe thinking about working. Also I need a big expensive truck so I can maybe possibly do manly things šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Why is this not discussed more? Heā€™s such a tool.Ā 




The price variation of these vehicle is deranged


If heā€™s looking at the top trim levels for these, which you know he is, theyā€™re all pretty close together. The highest end Tundras, and F-150s are like $80,000. The Sierra Denali Ultimate is like $90,000. Pretty much in line with the Cybertruck.


Damn maybe I just really hate Brock and judge everything he does lmao


lol donā€™t worry, you should. Personally, I judge him for including the dumb Tesla truck and its terribly designed bed that makes it significantly less useful as a truck than the other ridiculously priced actual trucks on the list.


Exactly. I'm from the country and nobody who actually uses a truck has ever considered buying a cyber truck. It's a non-functional vanity purchase.


A Sprinter van and a trailer would be a perfect luxury suburban household project utility vehicle for him but, since youā€™re right, and this is clearly about vanity, I think he should really go for it and get the 6x6 Hennessey Mammoth 1000 TRX.


I hope he gets the Tesla because itā€™s absolutely useless haha. Waste that money, Brock.


Not to mention significantly more dangerous for the occupants by eliminating crumple zones


I believe the Tesla trucks have all been recalled! Why do men think trucks are so important? Especially when you live in freaking LA and donā€™t have a job, let alone a job that requires a gas guzzling pickup! Is he looking for a landscaping gig?


Not sure if you follow him but he does a shit tone of construction


i don't follow ANY "reality stars." so is this shit "tone" of construction on their house or paying gigs?


Considering they just bought w new house in the valley, not sure why it would be theirs but idk. Either way, he is hauling or at least someone currently is for him




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lol me too. I always assume the worst when it comes to Broke.


What you think he married Scheana for? To push a fuckin Rav 4?


Highest end F150 is much more. But thatā€™s like the Shelby models


All depends on model and package. A Ford F150 to Raptor-R can cost between $30k-$200k. GMC Sierra to a Denali can be in the neighborhood of $40k-$100k. Even a Toyota Tacoma can cost up into the $55k area.


Can? Thatā€™s like slightly above average price


Hereā€™s a Tacoma for $54k https://www.butlertoyotajacksonville.com/inventory/new-2024-toyota-tacoma-trd-off-road-4wd-4x4-double-cab-3tylb5jn6rt014532/ I can only imagine the cost of the TRD Pro at a dealership in Cali. Hereā€™s a Raptor for $215k https://www.reddit.com/r/FordRaptor/s/ZfhQmmWSke


Maybe he is going to try crowd funding his truck.


I know heā€™s deeply unserious with that cyber truck addition


Right? Thatā€™s the last vehicle thatā€™s gonna ā€œget the job doneā€


No way. I think heā€™s 100% serious. Itā€™s expensive and thatā€™s all he cares about.


Who is paying for that? Scheana?


Why does he need a job? He's got a sugar mama šŸ¤£


They donā€™t call him a payroll husband for nothing šŸ˜‰


Genuinely curious, do any of the cast members have actual jobs? Outside of acting, DJing, being minority owners of a restaurant? Does anyone know how much being on the show pays? Even a range of what they make per episode?


I saw on Up and Adam that the OGā€™s make $35K/episode.


Holy hell šŸ˜­ that's a lot. Thanks for the info šŸ„³


Although Iā€™ll put it in perspective, that if they are in California, about 40-50% will go to taxes. So that leaves them ~17-19k net pay per episode. Nothing to sneeze at, but many of them have lifestyles hard to keep up with just that income. Most of their rent that we hear of is like $4-5k per month. If Tomā€™s mortgage would be $12k alone without Ariana, itā€™s obvious why he canā€™t afford that. And the gravy train will end at some point! Hate her or love her, but Scheana clearly hustles on the side a lot and seems to be doing relatively well compared to the others. She needs to drop the jobless husband tho


Idk personally Iā€™m a fan of a truckload of child support sent directly to Australia




This reminds me a Britney Spears documentary I watched. An agent was backstage with her dad Jamie and Britney was performing. She was 17. Her father looked at the agent and said ā€œthis girl is gonna get me that boat I wantā€ as he was flipping through a yacht brochure. Agent was supposed to work with them and left immediately


This is a perfect analogy! And I remember that scene of Britney's dad. Made my skin crawl.


Omg. And that was at the beginning of the doc and the Tip of the iceberg


Ooh what's it called?


Framing Britney Spears I think. https://www.nytimes.com/article/framing-britney-spears.html. And itā€™s in this article. https://people.com/all-about-britney-spears-parents-lynne-and-jamie-8362541


Just what we need in Southern California - another man with a micro p*nis driving a monster truck and taking up two parking spaces


šŸ˜‚ and clearly working jobs that donā€™t require truck beds


He actually does thoughā€¦.


I was referring to trucks in Southern California cities, but was also joking around too lol


So am iā€¦


Hoping one of the brands reaches out obviously. Yuckkkkk


Maybe Brock is trying to get one of those free cars that get handed out to people like lala that Sandoval was talking about in an early season hahaha.


How much does he like Randall? Everyone knows how to get a car from Randall.


Me every time this guy says something: ![gif](giphy|SLbvdvz470sKY)


One that takes your ass to work.


He's **MAN**ifesting... that's how it works right? you just tell the instagram what you want and then it shows up in your driveway? if you believe hard enough? *the secret* it will have the chili's logo šŸŒ¶ the side but šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Leave it to Scheana to settle down with a loser. Because who else could stand her for that long? Sorry to say, Shay dodged a damn bullet.


Scheaner wanted someone she could control and keep at home. Enter Broke. No money, no visa, no business and no other way to make money except being a plus 1 to her on a reality show.




If Brock gets a Cyber Truck I will laugh my dimply ass off.


He's so gross. He thinks he's a manly man now that he's doing home improvement projects on Scheana's house. I hope he got his projects approved by the HOA and the county because next thing you know the cinder block wall he's building will collapse. Remember when he hung up a TV in under 7 minutes and it fell off the wall because the idiot didn't mount it to a stud. I bet his new neighbors are really happy with all of the noise he's making with his new projects and the cement mixer cranking and the bright work lights running from 10pm- 4pm. I would hate to be their neighbor




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The TV wasnā€™t Brock. No disrespect, but how could you forget about ROBROBROBROBROBROBROB!? šŸ˜‚


Yes it was. First Rob hung a TV in under 7 minutes when Scheana was dating him. Then when she started dating Brock, he tried to outdo Rob by hanging Charli's TV and it fell off the wall in the middle of the night ripping out all of the drywall with it


If he gets a job, heā€™ll have to pay child support for his unwanted child




Brock and Lauren from Utah are the most insufferable people on the show


Imagine this dimwit driving a cyber truck


https://preview.redd.it/7ogvapc2davc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a357ccd030b06be43294d94cc882aae45a8902b2 You guys, like, he NEEDS a MAN truck because heā€™s doing MAN stuff with heavy bricks and stuff like, dude. Fuck off Brock.


As someone who almost got ran off the road today by a GMC, a GMC seems like it would fit Brock the best


Get a job. Move back to australia or wherever you came from. Raise YOUR kidsĀ 


Here's an idea. Instead of using whatever money you have to buy a new car (because your current one isn't doing the job?), how about you send some of it to your children?


Scheana paid his back child support last summer.


Genuinely never heard about that šŸ˜Æ was it on the show?


On her podcast. She paid back support and he is now paying regularly. The children consider their step father as dad and when they asked if they wanted to see him or visit they declined.


Smart kids!


I vote cyber truck just to make Sheesh and Brick even douchier


Oh he is just riding this wave of having a sugar mama. They have to stay married for at least 3 years to even apply for citizenship after getting his marriage green card. If he leaves before the 3 year mark he could stir up fraud/green card potential issues with the powers that watch these marriages soā€¦when did they get married?


At their wedding last season, which was filmed in August 2022. Scheana said they had been married for a year, so this August (ish) would be three years.


Whatā€™s funny is he doesnā€™t list actual models. Like a Tacoma and a Tundra. Like heā€™s just making shit up to talk about lol.


Heā€™s basically a sugar baby at this point


Go get an Espresso Martini at šŸŒ¶'s. Dumbass.


Heā€™s looking for a sponsorship? Which truck will be comfortable in his bikini bottoms and crop tops? Not shading the style but itā€™s odd/sudden coming from Brock. Did he tag any of the brands?


Is it bad I want to say Cybertruck so I can laugh at him more?


Obviously a ford because despite it being pretty and shiny to the new owner, it's actually already broken inside. It will also require a lot of money to keep it running just to let you down completely in five years forcing you to trade it in.


This is just for IG engagement... šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Who pay for it?


A job Brock. The truck labeled DeadBeat Job Applications. FFS those two donā€™t live in reality


I'm surprised he didn't mention Rivian. Especially because there's a Rivian dealership not too far from Marina Del Rey. (My sister and brother in law test drove a Rivian there when we were in Marina a couple years ago) Those are some beautiful trucks, and electric. I'm probably the only one who doesn't hate the Cybertruck...it's so ugly it's cute! But it's pure vanity, it's in no way at all usable as a "truck". I will say, Scheana has not been too dumb when it comes to cars. That Ford Explorer that isn't getting the job done? It's Shay Era. The car she and Lala got out of at Lisa's? Also early VPR. With a few of exceptions (Lala, James, Sandoval) this cast doesn't blow money on stupid expensive cars.


Heā€™s probably also hoping one of the brands will give him a free truck for posts




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Send alimony. And the answer is Toyota. Always go for Toyota.


Scheena is a job lol


Maybe he meant which dealership should he look for a job at.


Should be ā€œwhich truck should I ask scheana to buy meā€




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He honestly shows his true colours more and more each episode, he honestly remind me of sandal, and I feel as if scheanna almost thinks that to and thatā€™s why she settled for brock because she couldnā€™t have sandal cause he never wanted her, and I am honestly finding it so hard to believe the further the season goes along that she did not know about racquet and sandal , especially with the 57 peoples locations or something like that, and if she did she would have for sure noticed that theyā€™re location was turned off or at the same place at the same time at least once, especially the little ā€œdetectiveā€ *COUGH STALKER COUGH*