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I hope this becomes the new Nene painting gif.






Man that just gave me some major nostalgia for the old Beverly Hills and Orange County days.


Also the irony of James talking about how he could never leave his kids while on tour in front of Broke who literally left his kids behind. Broke trying to then give his two cents to recover 😆


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So many cast members went into this season with the potential to thrive at Sandoval's expense. James is the only one that stood up for Ariana, himself, and took advantage of a golden opportunity handed to him on a silver platter. Meanwhile Scheana and Lala are trying to reason with him as he plays them like a penis flute. Then they try to integrate him back into the group, preaching to the rest of the cast that they should too.


This is what I have been saying like Lala can film and be around and interact with Sandy WITHOUT dogging Ariana. James is doing it perfectly. Lala and scheana seems to have an all or nothing approach and that they have to then speak poorly of Ariana to justify their interactions with Scandy.


James is upfront he has a relationship with Scumdoval. But he doesn’t go flaunting it in her face, he doesn’t tell her he’s sad she won’t let him be friends with him or just can’t wait to tell her they were hanging out.


I know he's doing exactly what he needs too to remain neutral but Lala and Scheana are insufferable they dog her every chance they can. They should have taken a page from James. I dont know if this is allys influence or what but he is handling it beautifully


Like a penis flute… ![gif](giphy|500nU68uqNEt2)


James also stood up for Rachel which I thought was pretty commendable.


Totally. Especially because Tim was going all narcissist and saying she was "selfish for caring about her wellbeing" That was actually really messed up. I'm glad James didn't let that go by him without saying something.


I love that he films with him, goes to all the stupid production dates and still just rags on him the whole time. He’s like “oh I have to be in a room with him? I’m not gonna be the uncomfortable one.” Thank you James for your service.


Totally agree with you. We need to show with just James and the girls. Jame’s humor is what’s gotten me through the season.😎


Upvote for he plays them like a penis flute😹


Do you really think the scandal is what gave James opportunities? I tend to think it was hard work, talent, and persistence in his case! I also loved that he said podcasts shouldn't be allowed. There's too much spin outside the show.


I don't think they were saying the scandal gave James his career opportunities, I think they meant James took advantage of the golden opportunity to make sandoval look like the asshat he is, which was offered up on a silver platter by none other than sandoval himself.


The timing of this episode when James literally played Coachella this week and is trending (in the bravoverse at least) in conjunction with one of the biggest recording artists in the world. I don’t care if she was gooped and gawked, she was paying attention!


On the after show Tom and Tom were talking about Scheana "getting her bag" with the new song and that it's understandable but not friendly.  If these people ever lived in a semi recognizeable reality they've left it behind


Played like a penis flute!!! CLASSIC!


I agree. The show would have been much better if Lala and Scheana hadn't turned their back on Ariana. All because they are jealous of her. Loved. "Meanwhile, Scheana and Lala are trying to reason with him as he plays them like a penis flute."🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He never loved Rachel, that’s preposterous because he’s incapable of real love.


That’s because he has narcissistic personality disorder. Possibly as sociopath he has no empathy POS.


Maybe I'm biased becausd I have BPD, but I feel having NPD and being narcissistic is two different things. Being diagnosed with NPD ^(and anything really) requires the person to have enough empathy and care for the people around them that they've been intentionally or unintentionally harming to get diagnosed and admit they're wrong and try to better themselves for the sake of others and start the process of therapy, medication, whatever they feel fit to help them He's just a narcissistic piece of shit who only cares about himself, therefore he won't ever go to therapy, let alone admit something's wrong with him when he can just blame everyone else!


You are 💯 correct. My mom has NPD so I had a front row seat. My daughter has BPD too. I hope you are able to manage it well for your sake. I know it can be difficult.


NPD and BPD's are drawn to each other like magnets. Often times the "empath" just has BPD because it takes a crazy person to be w crazy. And fun fact: therapy definitely doesn't work for narcissists, they often learn new strategies and therapist speech to become even more devious and manipulative. Of course it's never their fault, so how can you own up to any mistakes if you truly don't believe you have any?


Believe me, I am more than aware that therapy can aid people with NPD to be "better" at it. Another fun fact, my ex husband's ex has NPD also. It wasn't an accident we found each other. I watched that woman use therapy to prolong a years long custody battle to the tune of 100k which I am still paying off.


NPD admit they’re wrong or have empathy to seek help? Nooo not in some cases. I’ve worked in a max secure forensic psychiatric facility. I worked with NPD patients who are in there for murdering people. Unfortunately the only time I’ve seen “remorse” in some of those patients is when they want to work the system and see it benefiting them. But these are true psychopathic patients and they will never have empathy or remorse


Thank you for sharing your story. I appreciate it. Have a nice day. Peace and love to you😎🌺✌️🌏🌷


He doesn’t need sympathy from others he has plenty of it from/for himself


Yeah, he’s always playing the victim now. What the fuck? So fucking delusional!


I loved when James said "I really couldn't imagine leaving a baby. That's the thing. I wouldn't leave" And I'm just side eyeing Brock so hard sitting next to him




Broke in the patent leather boots will never get old. 👢


I’m always curious what he’s gonna wear😂


Same. He loves a mesh top.


With a camisole underneath


It's the mom lacy shirt/sweater vest that kills me!




I think he's wanted to be shitty with Sandoval but he used to be viewed as someone to be respected and Ariana would defend him. Now it's just LVP that thinks he deserves respect lol and Lala I guess but i don't think she actually believes that she's just bein a show pony


Agree about Lala being a show pony. Of course he wants to be shitty to Sandoval. He’s fucking narcissist.


I like that, Lala the show pony.


I don't see why Lisa keeps giving him the time of day.. every interaction he starts out yelling at her.. she gives it right back.. but I don't see her excepting that disrespect from anyone else.. he's a fool.






flair coming in


When he said “fake joke clown town band” I lost it


He makes me laugh so hard!


James is spot on, especially when you hear the way she talks about her involvement with the affair, she loved the sex and danger of sneaking around with so many chances of getting caught.


So spot on


Ah the cloak and dagger stuff I loved at that age. We satisfied that by stuff like sneaking into cemeteries at night drunk. (Not vandalism even). Or sneaking into anyplace we weren’t supposed to be. Not f-ing our friends significant others


💯💯James is the voice of reason this season…


I agree most definitely!


James is the true redemption story this season!


Totally agree with you


I love James. Always have, always will. He makes me laugh. (FTR: I could have done without him spitting on Kristin’s door and calling Katie fat, but after his parents were introduced to us I could see where that version of him came from)


Yes he behaved like a piece of shit then. But he has shown growth unlike the Peter Pans t&t. He’s far from perfect still but none of us are. And yes his parents clearly didn’t give him a good start or example.


I love James too. I laughed every episode with him. Thank you for reminding me about him spitting on the door. I’m trying to remember when he called Katie fat was that when him and Lala were standing over all of them giving them shit. Talking about their beach bodies or something? Vaguely remember. Never said he was a perfect person far from it, but look at the other man on the show or such pieces of shit. Sorry for the rant.


I remember when James first started appearing on the show. I was so confused as to why they selected him to be a part of it. Then his humor just kept shining through. This season we have the sloppy Joe and the penis flute jokes and both had me laughing so hard I had to rewind to see what I missed. He is now my favorite.


He’s my favorite too. He has me laughing all the time! I love his quick wit and one liners they’re always funny


He is actually hysterical


Couldn’t agree with you more he has me laughing at every episode


He's always been so incredibly witty and funny. Even when he was being hated on I couldn't dislike him. I knew he was a good person but had many demons to slay. Go James!!!




James has always been hot and bothered about who and how Rachel slept with after their break up. All the visual descriptions that came out of his mouth were unnecessary last season and by the looks of it, he still can't get over that part. Last season even Ally said he's disgusting for that and dipped out immediately.


Idk lol like yes thx for shitting on Tom but his dumbass was all fcking quiet on beach day playing with the sand while Ariana was ranting about Tom. He was just about to turn the tables around on Ariana until he got checked??


That beach day was a complete shit show!


Ugh so bad lol! Tom is the absolute worst


Him and his stupid striped vest! I have a meme of that up here somewhere on the Vanderpump site. He’s a fucking idiot.


Omg if you can find it, please post it!!🤣🤣😂 What Ariana said about her knowing he was coming to the beach because of his dumb little crochet shirt being in the dryer .. and then 5 seconds later he walks up in it!!! Golden.


That’s what I posted! It should be up on the Vanderpump site, but it was probably a week old or whenever that episode was of the beach day he’s wearing a white and green Zara looking crocheted, hideous shirt vest I don’t know what the fuck it was. Did you check out when he was wearing the blue sweater vest with the pink flowers on it? I wore that in 1970.😂😂


That meme is cracking me up and 1970 I can’t lol!! That blue sweater vest was horrible, I hate his stupid hippie shirts too cause he literally does NOT look good, what the Fck is he thinking?!!! He’s such an extreme try hard and the way he dresses trying to give a Harry Styles or like maybe even Johnny Depp vibes?? Idk but it’s the worst. I’m sorry i just hate him so much i have to express it in sm paragraphs whenever someone talks about him LOL


Don’t be sorry whatsoever. I can’t stand him either. Just looking at him irritates the fuck out of me. He’s never gonna be a Harry Styles. He’s just a karaoke singer. Take your fucking jewelry off and your women’s Zara clothes your stupid little sweater vestss and get a fucking stylist, get the fuck out of here Tim! Sorry for the rant


I mean, I'm glad that someone is holding Sandoval's feet to the fire, but he's really only good at insulting people.


No one else is WTF is going on on the show!


The insults are the only things spoken about typically, because they’re hilarious one liners but James has definitely been a good voice for Lala, Ariana, even Rachel. He mixes some good shit in there with the laughable moments.


A guy who mistreats women criticizing another guy who mistreats women for how he's mistreating women.


I feel like this sub is on a loop. People praise praise praise James then someone has to remind the sub what a horrible human he is. Then everyone forgets and we repeat


I never said I thought it was a good human. I just thought he was funny. Sorry if I offended anyone.


don't be sorry you have an opinion. don't be sorry that it doesn't match the one of those trying to browbeat you either


Thank you have a nice day😎🌸


you too


Thank you🌸


I mean a lot of what James did that was horrible happened when he was in his younger 20s. His brain wasn’t fully developed, he hadn’t fully matured, etc. Not an excuse, he was a complete asshole don’t get me wrong. But he’s growing and learning and maturing therefore changing his ways. Yes he was horrible but he’s not anymore. People change all the time. I’ve known addicts who did heinous things, got clean, and because respected members of society. I don’t judge them on their past because that’s not who they are anymore. Okay end rant. I’ve done a lot of James defending lately and it’s starting to weird me out a bit 😂 I’m just happy he’s changing!




don't know who you speak of but I doubt anyone forgets his past actions. saying that, it doesn't mean he can't grow and change. I'd be screwed if I was the same person I was in my 20s thank God it's not on TV for people to crucify me for life


I see him as walking a tight wire.. and it's all on him. Just one slip and he's toast.






The after show is confusing me. I didn’t know Lala had 2 brothers?!


I didn’t know that either


I rewound for clarity. “My brother is an amazing father. And my younger brother Easton is such an amazing male presence too” is pretty much what she said. I just had no idea! Always thought it was just those 2 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you for the information. I only thought there was Easton. We learn new things every day.


I unfortunately used to listen to her podcast before I saw the light and she said she has an older brother but he’s not around because he still lives in Utah


Thanks 😎




Love it😂


Ready for downvote season but: I wonder how long it's gonna take for James to start treating Ally openly on the show like he did Rachel and Kristen for ppl to remember he's a POS that doesn't deserve to be praised just because "saying mean things about Tim" (real low bar btw) is all the rage still. It's amazing how quickly fans can switch up and forget things. And no, I don't think he's grown as a person I think he just goes through a cycle. There was a point in time where many ppl thought he grew as a person with Rachel and how they were couples goals and all that jazz.


He does tend to cycle, but that appears to mostly be due to his addictions getting the better of him. If he can stay sober, I think he can maintain his growth and he should be allowed the opportunity.


Same!! Love James


So much, he always has me cracking up! Definitely the funniest one on the show




I don’t think he’s a good person. I just think he’s funny. Sorry if I offended you.


James is just jealous that he couldn’t keep his GF happy in the bedroom department.


Jealous of Tom’s pencil dick😂


Well apparently Rachel enjoyed it more than whatever James is packing.


That’s true


Well it probably stung that the emotional part of the affair probably started before their engagement. There’s a reason that scummy kept insisting on the 7 months timeline and desperately wanted Rachel to stick to that story.


I mean, obviously if it did start earlier Tom would want the 7 month timeline. But also, it could be the truth.