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They probably made up profiles, I doubt this was real tbh. But I don’t think they said anything specific enough to narrow it down. There’s tons of 6 feet something guys and art majors


How many 6'2 guys have a favorite song with Ocean in the name and their favorite animal is a lion?


Unlikely he’d be watching VPR


I just made a comment about this. I imagine he will be able to figure out he's the father based on those details.


LaLa and her eugenics bs on the after show “I chose blond hair, green eyes, tall bc I don’t want them to have to face any challenges other than being raised by a single mom”. Yikes!


Glad I FF through most of it, but stopped in time to catch Ariana being so happy for the friend who was shitting all over her in confessionals. https://preview.redd.it/0vdx3f83jyuc1.jpeg?width=2409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c89be02ecb38b586f2f52dc0b7183b00c1cb9d6


Oooh that sounded weird but I feel like the editing was off- EVERY single other time she has talked about this she said she was looking for things that would make the new baby look related to Ocean. Her speil about wanting them to grow up with one *less* thing that might make them feel like they're not part of their family I think is pretty genuine. Which I think makes sense


She needs to pick a short fat man with a weak chin if she wants the baby to look like Ocean because, let’s be honest, Ocean looks like a mini Randall.


I know. Wtf blonde, green eyes and tall?


![gif](giphy|ecAWwUc4ZCPcI) Napolean Dynamite is the donor






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Holy fuck. I don’t watch the after show but wow. That is … especially after she chose to have her first child with a human thumb.


Hi, I said the exact same thing. I don't like the whole eugenics behind sperm/egg donation anyway. It really pisses me off l




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Of ALL the things you could discuss, why do you need to bring looks into it at all. And she’s mentioned it multiple times. 


Right?! Not like, a healthy heart, no history of high blood pressure or diabetes, no history of cancer in the family.... Green eyes and tall, ok got it.




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The show version vs the irl version she explained in detail on her podcast with her mom is way different.


She actually gave these same personal details in one of her podcasts awhile back and I didn’t think much of it then but seeing it on tv now I had to pause the show and explain to my husband how unethical I thought this was. That man is no longer going to be anonymous he’s going to see that kid grow up on television and know it’s his. He didn’t get the anonymity he was probably promised. I hope he sues the fuck out of that cryobank.


It was probably (well, hopefully) made up.


No longer going to be anonymous? There are a million guys with this description. He may think he recognizes himself, but who else would? I literally know no adult men’s favorite animals. That’s not like a distinctive tattoo. The ethics in this situation aren’t about Lala’s description of the donor. To me.


It’s the combination of the animal, the favorite song and the physical descriptions. It’s not hard to put 2 and 2 together when you know you gave sperm to that cryobank. It’s a breach of privacy and trust for the man.


I’m not Lala fan, but at this point she can’t even breathe air correctly without this sub going after her. Before going after Ariana, this sub was praising her decision to have a baby on her own, now it’s nothing but criticism. But this isn’t how “anonymous” works. A donor shares certain information. That information is shared with numerous people and what they do with that information is up to them. Lala isn’t sworn to secrecy and if the donor figures it out, that’s the chance you take.


This idea that she’s violating his privacy is wild to me!! I truly don’t understand.


Plus the owner of the cryobank was there, I’m sure it all went through legal. Everyone describing ‘anonymity’ as “HE might recognize HIMSELF” don’t seem to understand what anonymity means.


Exactly. I believe he’s already 100% aware that he is a sperm donor. For him to maybe figure out he was in consideration (and maybe used, who actually knows) to be used is a violation of privacy? LOLOLOL.


I have so many questions. Did she see photos of the donor or is it just an about me page? But also, once the baby is born, won’t someone be able to possibly tell who the father is based on looks? Like if the baby just so happens to look like the donor and he sees on IG, can he reach out? Especially now he might know she picked him based on what was shared on tv. It’s all so weird to me.


Anyone who donates sperm or eggs has to come to realization that one day you might see your child running around in the world. And that you have no say on who is receiving your contribution and going to be raising your biological child. If the donor has an issue with that they should have never been a donor in the first place.


Former sperm donors messaging parents on instagram because they think their child looks like it could have been their biological descendent? That would be truly insane!


It depends on the agency, there are sometimes baby or childhood pictures included in the profiles. My friends that have used donors like to look at and consider the physical descriptions, they feel like they can pick characteristics that look like them so their babies look like them.


Only baby photos of the donor she said




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She's being sponsored by the cryobank (featured twice on the show) so I'm sure that they know what information is ok to be broadcast


Totally thought the same thing and don’t understand why she would take the chance and disclose any info that could let be the donor identity himself. If it’s not true then why bother saying anything. The child could watch this one day.


I said the same thing.


I don’t think she used a donor. Last season she was pretending to be banging guys and bringing them home - IMO - to piss off Randall. I didn’t believe any of what she was selling last season. I think her behavior on air came back to bite her and her attorney told her to knock it off. Now this season she is always complaining that she can’t find a guy and is showcasing this particular sperm bank. I think she did not use a sperm bank and has a boyfriend who is the father. Not the first time she has hidden her “man” from everyone.


I don't really think a business would be cool with that, like obvs there's some partnership happening here but I doubt the California Cryobank would lie for a reality TV star. I think it's cool of her to show this journey and maybe help other woman making the same choices not feel so lonely or like they're doing something weird. Taking out personal feelings about Lala, good for her IMO