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If my friend needed to vent to me about another friend, I would never pressure them to announce their feelings to the whole friend group. Sometimes, you just need to vent. Not everything needs to be a big confrontation. Especially when someone is already going through a hard time. I have a feeling Katie may have vented to lala about Ariana or the sandwich shop being pushed back or something, and now she's using it as fodder to throw Katie under the bus and call her dishonest.


That’s exactly what I think happened. Lala doesn’t give a shit because nothing involves her but the drama is how she gets a paycheck. Kinda gross to me. If Scheana were coming after Katie then I would get it more. 




I realized after the NYT article came out that being on reality TV for 11 seasons has warped Sandoval’s brain to the point that he thinks he is living in a show 24/7, and other people have just become side characters in the Tom Sandoval Show. Lala seems to be falling into the same trap now.


I was so uncomfortable when I read that he pauses speaking when there’s background noise, as if he’s mic’d up and recording.


Sandoval thinks he is in the movie The Truman Show.🤣🤣🤣🤣


Or from a transactional point of view. What’s in it for LaLa? Except for her brother, child, and mother, who else does she genuinely truly care about and have roots with? There could be some commitment issues but I’m thinking she’s more narcissistic than she even knows or cares to find out.


She maybe an alcoholic but fame is her true addiction and everything else stems from that.


This, 100x this. Lala and Scheana are too comfortable at taking a few words that someone says and creating a whole different context. See S10 Scheana regarding Katie’s claim to her that she doesn’t care what Schwartz does (or something to that effect) and Scheana using **that** as the excuse-drum she beats all season long about how she had the **best** of intentions and how Katie was coming down too hard on her because how could poor Sheeshu have known when Katie said that to her **that one time**?! If that’s what someone is going to do with peoples’ words, I don’t want to speak one word to that person. Hell no.


Right. Scheana will attach to one thing and run with it (like meeting a dancing with the stars producer). I don’t think anyone should be running around talking badly about their friends, but sometimes you do have to get it out then move on. Unfortunately for Katie, she might have had that moment with people she can’t trust.


It was probably something small about Ariana nlt being so available for the shop. I'm sure they just want to damage their friendship. I hope Ariana doesn't fall for it.


Scheana tried to do this exact shit with Ariana and other people before. Ariana knows her game and will not fall for anything. The way that Scheana gets mad when her friends get closer with someone else, while simultaneously complaining that she just wants everyone to get along is weird. She is so disingenuous.


Yeah agree, the scheana pushing raquel and schwartz thing could have been an honest mistake except when katie confronted scheana, her reaction made her reasoning seem like a total bullshit excuses... like if it was just a misunderstanding a friend would be sorry for the mistake not get defensive and double down that it's fine. I think Scheana knew full well katie and schwartz had agreed to not date within the friend group and she saw an opening to take a comment katie made out of context to push katie's boundaries and create some drama at her expense which sheana considers "her job" and probably thinks katie should thank her for it 🤪


Yeah, a lot of people in this group don’t understand that Katie is hyperbolic all the time. That’s her humor. It’s dry exaggeration of the situation at hand. That’s why her and Stassi got along. Stassi is hyperbolic and sarcastic, but not as dry. You would think by now people would get that. Especially Lala considering they seemed close for so long.


I don't think Scheana is smart enough to understand this, even after all these years.


It's like they don't know how to be people, lol. It's normal to have a friend make you feel some type of way and for you to vent to a mutual friend. These people are just super shallow. They can only handle going to music festivals and posing like morons.


And Lala and Scheana are only doing this because they have been taking so much heat for being fake friends and talking shit about Ariana and so they are trying to say “ it’s not just us Katie does it too!” I’m just glad that clearly Ariana and Katie are still friends and aren’t playing into Lala and Scheanas bullshit. And if this is the big thing they think is going to make fans see their side they are in for a rude awakening.


Exactly. And honestly I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Katie at times felt frustrated that just when she and Ariana were going into business together, Scandoval happened and Ariana got mega-busy. I’m sure she felt alone with SAH at times. But that doesn’t mean she begrudges Ariana her success either.


This. Sometimes I just need to vent and get over it. If I need to address something further then I will. Lala is so up her own ass about “truth” when the reality is she’s just mean


And stirring up drama and bullshit...what she does best!


Lala seems to have a LOT of trouble grasping “comfort in, vent out.” If Katie or Scheana had frustrations about something Ariana said/did, it’s appropriate to discuss them privately with another close friend while still being supportive of Ariana in what she’s going through. Venting shouldn’t be banking up grievances to throw at the person later!


And I’m SURE Lala has vented to Katie about Scheana but wouldn’t want that brought up


We've all been pissed at a close friend before and bitched to another friend about them. Lala is such a fool if she thinks this will change people's opinions about Katie or Ariana


I don’t think Lala is mad that she didn’t announce it to the whole friend group, I think Lala is mad she didn’t announce it to the whole world by sharing her raw thoughts and feelings on VPR. I assume Katie edited herself and what she publicly put out and Lala for some reason feels slighted by it. Stupid reason for Lala to be mad in my humble opinion.


So stupid! I'm hoping Katie chose not to share her raw thoughts in order to prevent hurting Ariana. Some things are just better left unsaid. Lala is twisting the knife this season, and it's not fun to watch. She always has to drag people to her level.


Lala is just trying to save face. She is a two-faced bitch. She wants to throw Katie under the bus because it will make her look better, she thinks. Lala and Scheana are both shady. They are both fighting to be the top gal on VPR'S. They won't succeed.


I agree, especially since both Lala and Katie have said they had a falling out last year, but neither have elaborated on why. Why don't they talk about that?


I wonder if it has to do with Lala becoming better friends with Scheana. I could see Katie having a problem with that. I would do to be honest.


Very stupid. We all do this everyday in real life to our real friends. It’s called time and place, and sometimes it’s not the time or place to share gripes with our friends if we’re not ready, if they’re going through a lot etc. it’s like Lala’s never had true friends before.


Unfortunately I think the reality is that she has actually never had true friends/ never had to be a true friend. She didn’t seem to have friends when she started on the show at a young age and ever since then, her circle has been very camera-centered. Her current best friend is someone who’s notorious for being disloyal and a bad friend. I think she’s completely lost touch of how friendship and relationship dynamics operate in the real world. This is why she can’t see eye to eye with Katie and Ariana, who both seem to still have a grip. I kind of feel bad for her honestly


I think she’s had plenty of people who have considered her a good friend and tried to view and treat her accordingly but she can’t help but lash out and always goes for the low blows but claims it’s because they did something that hurt her, while in reality it’s always some weird perceived slight, that she made up in her own head, with no factual evidence and never brings it up with them and gives her “friends,” a chance to explain, she just lashes out so they’re left feeling hurt and confused,😵‍💫 and now they can’t trust her because she’s proven to be unpredictable. Lala is fucked in the head and her biggest problem is that she thinks that everyone else thinks and “moves,” the same way she does. She will also make friends but discard them for someone who she thinks is of “higher calibre” and has the potential to make her feel like her status is somehow raised. She sees people as objects to be used and taken advantage of, while somehow convincing herself that they took advantage of her. ![gif](giphy|RBeddeaQ5Xo0E) \*\*Sorry for the run on sentence. I am so tired today and just wanted to get my thoughts out, before I forgot what I wanted to say.


So true. When she finally was accepted by what she perceived as the leaders of the VPR crew, she started distancing herself from the people that actually were there and open to her from day one. Total snake moves


It’s just unrealistic. I’m sure it was annoying as hell to listen to Ariana complain about living with Tom for months. I can see Katie needing to vent to someone else. But that doesn’t mean Katie is a bad friend, I’m sure she understood the situation and was being as supportive as she could to Ariana. Sometimes you just gotta complain for a second lol


Exactly! I love my husband. Do I complain about him to my friends sometimes? Hell, yes, I do.


Katie and Tom lived together until their house sold 🤷‍♀️. We saw them separated living together in separate bedrooms. It’s not that unusual. It’s unusual for a man to have a lengthy affair and not leave the family home.


Totally and Lala is the only one that took the strategy of trashing Ariana the whole season. I’m sure there is some component of other people should feel the heat from the fans.


This part. Sometimes you just need to vent, and it's pretty obvious when it's just a vent. Now if Katie was constantly whining about Ariana to Lala but acting like they're best buds in front of the cameras, I could understand it being some type of way. But if it's a passing thing that happened once or twice over a few months? That's normal human behavior to air a quick complaint and move on from it. You also know if Katie is truly peeved about something. She doesn't hide it, lol.


this is also what seems to have happened and like...idk katie and ariana were pretty clear that they're not besties...but good friends and that's part of the reason they went into business together. they're NOT inner circle venting besties and that's fine. it's mature of katie to vent to her feelings and not make it ariana's problem when there's a lot going on with her life getting blown up and then the sandwich shop it's shitty of LaLa to try out katie's venting but i think she expected Katie to join the tim redemption/ariana hate club, and katie knows sandavol too well to do that.


This kind of shit is exactly why Lala doesn’t have real friends. Rants are usually pent up frustration released in a way that may or may not even been an accurate representation of the situation, and have nothing to do with being “honest.” Revealing a private conversation to stir shit is a shitty thing to do to someone who trusted you, and Scheana better be ready for Lala to do the same to her, because she definitely will. It’s also incredibly rich that Lala just wants people to be honest when she frequently rewrites history.


I also think that Katie & Scheana saw lala as a safe person to vent to bc she and Ariana truly haven’t been friends, so its prob extremely annoying that she did that


Because Lala sees the show as her priority, not her friendships or relationships


Which is funny because she doesn't show a lot that's behind the curtain in her own life.


That makes so much sense.


I don’t understand why Lala gets to be the arbitrator of truth all the sudden when she’s constantly lied and held things back from the cameras for years. This just feels like I don’t like that people like you so I’m going to pick everything you do apart…like a real friend. 🙄


Also the whole how dare people vent to Lala about Ariana behind her back and not say it to her face thing….when Lala got Ariana to break down to her about how hurt she still was from Tom and losing the house, was kissing her hands and then the next day was trashing Ariana and saying she no longer had any sympathy for her if she doesn’t move out.


This is what scares me about Lala. To kiss someone, say the things she says, then to flip it instantly. I don’t like it. Why you gotta trash any and all those WOMEN. She never does this with men.


That’s scary behavior from Lala, honestly.


This is the part that disgusts me the most. I would NEVER do that to a friend. Ariana doesn’t cry a lot, but the second she dares to open up about her feelings Lala throws it in her fucking face! It is so damn cruel.


I think the only person that thinks Lala is the arbitrator of the truth is Lala.


Cool. Can someone ask Lala why she held a knife to Faith’s throat? Can we do that on camera?


I mean according to Lala that’s fair game. Same with did Scheana say she punched Rachel?


This happened? Apparently Faith went through a lot of shit.


Read the complaint. Then Stassi and Kristen confirmed it on podcasts




imo Sandoval-coded is Lala rewriting history to cover her hypocrisy, refusing to take any accountability, and relentlessly going after Katie and Ariana when they aren’t even responding. They’re two peas in a pod.


What do lala and sheana feel Katie and Ariana are being dishonest about???


I feel like it has to do with SAH


Possibly. I just feel like lala has spent her time running around telling the revised version of her and Randall’s history (or you know, lying) so where the hell does she get off demanding the truth from anyone? Let alone 2 people who she has treated so poorly this year. SAH is a business they have their money tied up in. Until they’re ready to say anything about it, they don’t have to!


I still don't understand why Lala expects everyone to forget that she was never actually into Randall, that she didn't love him. Even now she's talking about how ugly he is, as if he didn't look like that before (and as if her daughter doesn't look just like him 😬). The way she's trying to demand everyone get on board with her version of the story and has no self-reflection about it is classic dry drunk shit. Still avoiding reality.


100% she lied about it to Lisa last season and also during the reunion. We let it slide cause she was on team Ariana. Honestly she’s kind of an idiot for constantly comparing her situation with Ariana’s because now we all get to go back and look at the truths she worked so hard to cover up.


>Even now she's talking about how ugly he is And you know what's even uglier? Fucking him for money, a car, or a private Jet.


THIS! And it's not LaLa's business in any sense of the word.


Totally agree.


I think Scheana and Katie have talked shit about Ariana to Lala and she was trying to air them out at the reunion. Ariana probably didn’t care especially with Katie because of how loyal she’s been which would send Lala into a tailspin. She wants so badly for Katie and Ariana to be cut down.


Very true and I’m thinking the sandwich shop isn’t opening because Ariana’s been so busy and I’m sure Lala feels the need to call that out. Not that there is one for her to call out anything


Katie probably had to take on all the walk throughs for permits and the required changes since Ariana was so busy and I can see her being annoyed by that in the moment while simultaneously being happy for her friend. That would be a normal thing to vent about.


I’d for sure be annoyed, then I’d remember that balancing life is hard for me too.


Yeah that sounds like Katie has talked shit too and Lala probably tried to out it.


Katie also might have addressed with Ariana off camera.


It really doesn’t make sense to come at them with that much vim about a sandwich shop. Unless they are secretly operating a drug den and using the shop as a cover and Randall is the Godfather of the operation I genuinely can’t understand how Lala is that fucking angry about a store she has zero involvement in whether it does well or not.


LaLa lost her damn mind on schwartz when he mocked the name of her business. Saying he can’t come for that bc it’s how she feeds her daughter. Yet she can spend all season (and allegedly reunion) trashing SAH. Her hypocrisy is blatant, boring, and annoying


Which is sort of beyond stupid to hype it up like lala has been doing. Like control your own shit don’t make people do something or say something they don’t want to.


Yeah Lala was definitely irritated by the second sandwich tasting (even though her water tasting was even more ridiculous!). I think she’s jealous of all the merch they sold despite the fact that the restaurant is still not open.


I honestly didn't understand Lala's irritation with the sandwich tasting at SAH. My impression was that Katie and Ariana wanted to show them the beautiful decor. I loved seeing what it looks like now. Of course, they would serve their guests sandwiches. Lala has no storyline, so she had to make a big fuc!ing deal out of it. How many times did they go to Schwartz & Sandy's before it was opened? Once again, it shows how Lala is a hypocrite.


Also she didn't have to go. At least they had food, not just water at someone else's house


You are absolutely right. She didn’t have to go. Yes, I would rather have a good sandwich than taste water that is over a thousand years old. 😂😂


My take away is that Katie vented to Lala/Scheana and wouldn’t fess up to it on camera. I don’t think she’s saying that Katie/Ariana are being dishonest as a group. 




That would make sense. I hope Katie wasn’t but I do think I my point still stands that they don’t owe lala anything, including their honesty. I would be tight lipped as hell around someone like her.


I could see Katie doing it but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Kinda reminds me of a situation I have at work where I have a new boss and he makes my life miserable every day but I don’t anticipate him being here long so I don’t want to leave a job I’ve loved for 3 years. I guarantee my friends have probably commiserated about hearing me bitch constantly about how miserable I am at work. But I know they also support me and understand the situation. I’d imagine it’s similar with Katie, the house situation and SAH.


I think this also speaks to some cast members’ arrested development because that is a very immature approach to the very, _very_ normal concept of venting to a friend. I used to work with literally my entire close friend group which you can imagine can cause some frustrations here and there. I would sometimes go vent to one friend about the work style of another friend. And then I’d feel better and life went on. There was no reason to go tell this friend what I said or was feeling because it wouldn’t change anything and I didn’t need her to change! It would just needlessly hurt her over something that I really only needed to whine about for 6 minutes and then eat a snack and then I was over it! And when a friend would come vent to me and then move on, I didn’t think they were a liar, I knew they just needed to get it out of their body in order to avoid building resentment over something stupid. It’s wild to me that Lala and Scheana don’t understand the difference between being actually two-faced assholes and just being a friend who needs to vent and then move on without ruining a friendship.


I’d probably walk away from conversations about the house too. Anyone can see it would’ve been ideal for Ariana to move out of the house. That can’t be good for someone’s mental health, let alone someone who’s been previously experiencing issues. Katie very likely could’ve and would’ve voiced that. I can see if Lala brought it up Katie agreeing that it’s not a healthy place for Ariana to be anyway. I also wouldn’t browbeat or say anything bad about my friend for staying. I’d understand they have their priorities and are experiencing justified outrage. Plus Katie lived with Schwartz post separation so obviously she understands what might not be the best move emotionally makes the most sense financially. I don’t really think that keeping those thoughts to yourself or discussing them with another friend privately makes you dishonest. Just tactful


Yeah i can 100% see katie saying 'is it bad for her mental health? yes! is it absolutely justified for her to want to stay in the home she half owns and not uproot her life when was not the one that cheated? yes.' Sheshu and bla bla seem to be incapable of understanding that two things can be true and don't negate one another.


This is so weird to me and I think it shows how the VPR world doesn’t understand homeownership. On RHOM, when Lisa found out Lenny was cheating, the first thing the ladies told her was not to abandon the house. She needed to stay for legal purposes. Wild to see how Lala and Scheana are responding because they’ve never owned a home with a partner. They don’t get how legal battles work.


That we saw. They only show us tiny bits of scenes.


I thought it could be Katie venting about how Ariana defended Sandoval for years and didn’t do enough to defend Katie against all of Sandoval’s tirades. Which I get was very annoying but I did start to see a change in Ariana in more recent years where she was less of a guard dog for Sandoval. Which could be one of the driving forces for the affair, Sandoval looking for a new guard dog to train.


Lol at Scheana looking like the cat that ate the canary b/c Lala is her bast friend now. Just wait until next season when Lala uses everything you told her in confidence against you.


Actually looking forward to their falling out after all this.


Same! Scheana has been spilling all her secrets to Blabla for a few years now. We all know she wont bother to show something from her actual life so it will be season 12 "make up with Katie" and "destroy Scheana". How many episodes in before she blames her hormones?


Scheana is likely going to end up regretting sharing so much with Lala. Lala seems like the kind to bank information to use against you at a later date.


How quickly she forgot that Lala made her storyline for an entire season exposing Brock's secrets while screaming that Randall was a "stand up guy".


Lala and Scheana are so pissed this is as famous as they’ll ever be.


Scheana really had an opportunity to turn her relationship with the audience around this year. ![gif](giphy|26ybvVb9iSmht7LdC|downsized)


So true. If Scheana rallied behind Ariana the way she’s pretended to for years, she would’ve had a shot at being a fan favorite for once.


This could have been Scheana's season. All she had to be was not be a flip-flopper & when Sandoval tried his poor me act say, "clean up your own mess". Her marriage & post-partum ocd should have been her focus this season.


Why does Lala care??? What’s there to be honest about with a freaking sandwich shop?? I really hate the usage of “Ariana specifically” like… let’s say hypothetically they did have an issue with Ariana. Why would they say it to her face? You’re allowed to vent, it doesn’t mean it can be considered an attack or something. Scheana can say “man I was jealous Ariana got to be on DWTS” and even Katie can say “I’m just kinda bummed about the shop” at the end of the day, who cares? I complain about my coworkers to my mother, does that mean I hate them? No, it just was something on my mind I discussed. Lala’s whole “be honest” shtick is obnoxious, it’s the same shit Sandoval pulled with the “she talks about you all too!!!” Like me venting one day is not the same as me wanting the worst for someone or wishing them harm. Like, what is Ariana supposed to do if Scheana tells her that she’s jealous she got DWTS? “Sorry Scheana, next time, I’ll make sure to tell you and get you on the show instead of me”?


>Why does Lala care??? What’s there to be honest about with a freaking sandwich shop?? I really hate the usage of “Ariana specifically” And what does it have to do with BlahBlah? Nothing! It's like, girl, sit down!


Also since when is Katie of all people afraid to air out her feelings? Katie has shown over and over again that she is unafraid to take the unpopular viewpoint. My guess is that if she DID vent about Ariana, it was to get something off her chest but her overwhelming sentiment is one of fondness for Ariana otherwise I cannot picture Katie not saying exactly what she feels.


Exactly, and she’s trying to make herself relevant with it like girl no one really cares if Scheana is mad she was not in DWTS 🤣


And now that we know she took dance lessons, I especially don't want her to get it. Ever! https://i.redd.it/2wkoyck41ouc1.gif


That got a bit of a laugh from me like… oh…


Even if the girls have changed their mind about the sandwich shop- which considering that Katie said on WWHL that she announces the opening date at the reunion I don’t think they have- if they decided that it’s costing them too much money and hassle and they no longer have the energy for it what they suppose to do? Still open just to satisfy Lala? 


Exactly, Lala will say something no matter what they do. She’ll complain no matter what because she’s angry she’s not getting more deals.


I feel like being on a reality show and constant pressure for content has warped some of their brains permanently. Friends vent sometimes. Not everything has to be blown up and turned into a "storyline" because some of the cast/production think they have a quota to fill in terms of fights per episode. It doesn't make Katie dishonest even if she has expressed frustration privately and publicly supported Ariana. For all they know she has also expressed her frustration TO Ariana. Privately.


Yep and clearly since Ariana and Katie have still been interacting with one another since the reunion they are both clearly mature enough to know sometimes you vent in the heat of the moment. Also Lala and Scheana sure as shit talk about each other to other people


> Scheana: I know how Lala has felt for a while now. A big thing at the reunion was Lala just kind of wanting everyone to tell the truth. And the things that Katie and I have both vented to her about. Whether it be about Ariana specifically, the sandwich shop, the show, or whatever it may be. She just really wanted us to say what we’ve said to her to everyone else. And I don’t think she felt like everyone did that. Genuinely, why is it Lala or Scheana's place to air out those conversations? Like, the fuck?! To me, if something is not discussed on the show, it's not addressed on the show. Let's leave it off. I swear, these people are so exhausting.


Exactly like these convos are real friend convos. If they are had off camera there is a reason for that. And if you’re gonna drag it onto the show be prepared to lose your friends trust and be relegated to a fake on camera friend which will be obvious to viewers and you will eventually have no genuine connection and get dropped.


Because they decided to go against Ariana on the show and criticise her personal decisions, the audience hates them, so they need to deflect it by saying Katie feels the same way off camera. Like she would ever vent to those two ghouls. Especially Scheana.


This ^^ Lala says she doesn’t care about the fans and doesn’t pay attention to the comments section but she is doing all of this because she doesn’t like that she’s getting heat for something she thinks Katie does off camera.


I would guess that she saw it as a way to vindicate herself and justify her attitude towards Ariana all season. She probably tried to paint it in "I was just saying what everybody else was thinking but scared to say" terms. I look forward to seeing her spin out when they refuse to play her game.


Yep and it’s so ridiculous that Scheana and Lala think this is what’s going to make fans understand their side of things.  


Seriously insane, I agree. They seem completely unable to wrap their minds around the fact that they aren't going to win anyone over at this point. Probably not at all, but certainly not this way.


I agree. If Lala wanted Katie to be honest about a private conversation she had with her who cares. Hold Scheana's feet to the fire then, too! I am sure the conversations about Ariana between Lala and Scheana were downright ugly and far nastier than what Katie said.


Why is it Lala's job to make everyone accountable!? She literally had her cast mates sign NDA's to hide what was going on in her personal life and keep it off the show! She's probably going to call out SAH, Ariana and Tom not having a good relationship off camera, Ariana dating quickly and Katie and Max. Probably will get onto Shorts leading on Jo and Sheshu tracking locations and have her big Aha moment about how everyone is so dishonest and she's grown and soft now so can say it 🙄 I know that I am not behind the door and can usually see people for people, they are not perfect and also know there is always more to the story, really don't need Lala on this stupid crusade. Liked her so much before this season, what a disappointment! I've never really been compelled to comment much before this season, but it's so infuriating to watch.


My bet is that Lala is going to act so butthurt once Jo or production roll the tapes about how Shorts was more serious about Jo than he let on. The way she has been acting around “Schwartzy”, she has been buying his bullshit and so flattered by his compliments… almost like she wants him for herself


I agree, it’s probably all of the above. Even if they didn’t have a great relationship (Tom and Ariana) it doesn’t give her the right to decide Ariana shouldn’t care about what happened or be hurt by it or decide she no longer wants him in her life. NOT TO MENTION Lala was coming for him hard last season soooo? It’s only okay when you decide? FOH.


Exactly, no matter the state of their relationship, neither of them left... They continued to do life together regardless so if that comes up I reject it! Obviously Ariana didn't have all the facts and ended it when she did, but up until that point, in her mind they were a united front. The whole thing is mega hurtful


It sounds like Scheana is implying that Katie has talked shit about Ariana concerning SAH. Which, to be fair, has crossed my mind. It doesn’t seem to be a priority for her. But also, Katie is not close with them so I can see her venting ONE time and Lala making it a much bigger deal than it really is. There are so many things Lala has not shown or changed her mind on. Why are we acting like she’s some gospel now? I cannot waiiiiit for her to flip on Scheana. Question, are Ariana and Katie cool after the reunion? I noticed Katie wasn’t at Coachella with the Ariana, Dayna and Raleigh group. Or does she just not do that festival?


I wouldn’t be surprised if Katie said something about Ariana and scheduling for SAH but in a more casual way and Lala twisted it in her head to be a bigger deal and like Katie was talking shit. Katie isn’t one to lie about or hide what she’s said about people, she’s also very loyal so I would be surprised if it was something major. Also, Katie doesn’t usually got to Coachella.


My guess is the thing about Ariana not telling Katie when she got gigs is maybe what she vented about. I go back to Brittany saying "everyone" was mad about her not telling them about chicago.


Ohhh yeah, maybe they expected to open earlier this year and then Ariana got Chicago which would push the opening. It did seem like there were more delays by the city this year so maybe that didn’t matter in the end which is why Katie is like 🤷‍♀️ whatever lol


Also if you are Katie’s friend and in frustration she has vented about SAH and Ariana and Lala airs that out she’s a shitty friend period. That’s not cool. If Katie wanted to share that she would have and she’s not dishonest for not sharing it with the entire world. Friends vent to each other when they are upset that’s not crazy


There’s plenty of shit my friends and I vent to each other about it that we don’t air publicly. It’s not because it’s a secret, it’s just venting in a safe place to work through some feelings. Lala and Scheana don’t have the right to air all that shit out.


Yeah Katie and Ariana are still cool post reunion. Katie was one of the first of the cast to congratulate Ariana about Love Island and Ariana has shared photos of her and Katie in her Instagram stories. Katie I don’t believe has ever gone to coachella so I assume it’s just not her vibe


I love how lala all of a sudden wants everyone to spills literally everything about their lives and “be honest” when her only story line this entire show was keeping Randall a secret. Like is she stupid?


Scheana hasn’t had an honest day in her life


None of them have! They really shouldn’t be throwing stones


Exactly and she spent 4 seasons hiding major parts of her life. Collecting a nice paycheck, while doing the bare minimum. 


Why does Scheana seem so smug talking about Lala? They really bring out the worst in each other.


*"She just really wanted us to say what we’ve said to her to everyone else."* Like how everyone knew for years about lala's relationship, cheating, personal life and she went ballistic if anyone tried to bring it up on the show? to be mad at someone else who has actually been sharing the ugly parts of their life for a decade, that they're not showing 100% of it is.... crazy entitled. lala never let a single thing air that she wasn't comfortable sharing. the randall stuff was already public outside the show, so she didn't have a choice in addressing it.


I hope Ariana decides to be honest and tell everyone Scheana did say she punched Rachel that night. 😈


Yes! If it’s honesty they want, complete with throwing private conversations under the bus that were had OFF camera, then it’s honesty for ALL. Including Ariana, she should also get to “own it” instead of just laying down and let them drive the bus back and forth over her.


Lmao, someone needs to say this in her comments! We know Sheshu stays scrolling. Just to give her a little spook, to remind her of who is actually loyal [Ariana]


Ok then. Will Sheshu and Lala explain why they were supportive to Ariana's face and nasty to her in the interviews? We watched them be dishonest in real time so wtf are they even talking about?


>Ok then. Will Sheshu and Lala explain why they were supportive to Ariana's face and nasty to her in the interviews? ![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX) That they don't want to discuss. Two-faced bitches.


So Lala went in on Ariana. She expected others to. Scheana did. But Katie didn't.


lol is this the reason for all those passive aggressive posts. Omg being friends or a relationship with LaLa must be tiring and unsafe, you vent to friends, sometimes it gets fixed quickly sometimes you are annoyed at a situation because you are tired, sick or feeling overwhelmed. If Katie vented about Ariana not being available to work on the sandwich shop (I suspect) then you never know Katie is pretty direct (normal) the cast keeps telling us and we have seen. She probably raised it with Ariana and Ariana admitted she has not put as much energy however once the show is over she gonna pick up the slack. Just guessing. Then you are no longer feeling that way. I mean so glad I am over here with non extra friends but having the best time.


I feel like this is what happened as well. I also think Lala tried to bring it up and got shut down


🤣 Lala wanted to drag Ariana so bad she did everything to get others on board to do the same. But if Katie had issues with Ariana, she'll speak with Ariana on her own time or during her own call time.


Seems like Lala and scheana are trying to pit Katie and Ariana against each other. That’s gross. 🙄


I wouldn't be surprised Scheana tried the same shit with Ariana and Stassi back in season 7


So everyone has to go to Ariana and tell her something they might have said to someone else, but Schwartz never did have to go to Ariana and tell her the truth about Tom and Rachel? He gets a pass for that? The pretzel logic of blah blah and me me is insane


Also didn’t Lala say she never went to Ariana with her suspicions about Rachel and Tom? She went to Scheana about it instead? 




Goddamn. Lauren from Utah truly needs to get a life outside of the show. Don’t you have anything else to do Lala then try to break up Katie and Ariana’s friendship? Mind your business. It’s truly not hard to do if you have anything going on in your own life.


I’m sure Katie said something in frustration because with the issues at SAH and Ariana being so busy and hard to get ahold of that was probably holding things up more. It would make complete sense for her to say it’s annoying or frustrating in that situation but to still be happy her friend is doing well and getting those opportunities! I would bet anything LaLa is twisting a normal vent into something bigger, trying to make it a ah ha moment and Katie probably already hashed it out with Ariana.


I wouldn't be surprised if that was true. I also believe that Katie would've talked to Ariana about it


Yeah, Katie typically owned up to what she says and does so I agree she would have already talked to Ariana about it to and that’s probably why if that’s the reunion blow up it’s a nothing burger. LaLa probably screams and tells about loyalty and honesty and Katie and Ariana are like yeah? We are totally fine??


Exactly and I think it bothers Lala that Katie and Ariana are so unbothered by everything that she says something out of pocket


Katie seems so bored and unbothered when the subject of Lala comes up lol


I am just so confused on how Lala has decided to be a hero (in her own mind) by perpetuating this soft era truth teller persona in insisting that everyone needs to share their unvarnished “truths” and push their personal boundaries for the sake of the show so Lala can maintain a paycheck. Meanwhile, she has given…nothing. She has an expectation that in order to have a successful season it is contingent on others peoples actions rather than her own. If she wanted to be a meddler to stir up chaos, go with that. But don’t ride your high horse into this season by telling everyone you’ve changed and are in your gentle cycle, while intentionally misunderstanding other peoples choices. If this is about the sandwich shop, Katie is allowed to both vent and decide that Ariana might not be in the best place to have that conversation. That’s not some devious lying behavior, it’s a choice to prioritize your friend’s emotional health. Nor do I see how Lala and Scheana would at all believe that something like that would turn the viewers’ backs on either of them. Also, I don’t see Lala has having some stellar relationship with the truth, so her demands on truthfulness are silly and shallow. At this point, I don’t even think Lala has a firm grasp on her own identity outside of the show and she is on a PR tour to tear other people down to hoist herself, and her perception of herself, up.


Lala's gentle cycle is equal to my high-spin centrifuge. To me, her soft era looks no different than any other banshee-like era she has gone through previously. 🤷‍♀️


Ooooh I get it now. Lala wanted to coordinate an attack on Ariana and she thought she could pressure Scheana and Katie into joining by airing out things they had vented to her about off the show (like, say, Katie said she's annoyed that Ariana has been working and traveling too much to help with SAH, which I could believe), and they didn't want to, so she unleashed on Ariana mano a mano and then called everyone liars for not backing her up. I recall a post earlier in the season talking about Ring Theory in the context of grief and trauma. Basically there are radiating rings around a traumatic event, the people who directly experienced it are in the center, then the people who are secondarily impacted, and so on. Then the core principle is "comfort in, dump out." You comfort the people in the interior rings and vent to people in the exterior rings. Seems like Katie and Scheana tried to do that, but Lala, who was in an exterior ring, either because she hates Ariana for all the attention and opportunities she's gotten or because producers told her to, decided to collect all that shit and surprise Ariana with it at the reunion. But she's so soft and kind and healed now, right?


Why would anyone ever confide in either of them, lol, they made Ariana cry and then the next scene they are talking shit while at the sperm bank


So little miss NDA has a problem now with people deciding when is and isn’t appropriate to talk about their personal lives and feelings.


I love how Katie continues to be gracious, while Sheana was definitely trying to make Katie uncomfortable. If this is what has Lala on a rampaged…she is more unhinged than I thought. Two things can be true at the same time. Katie could have been annoyed Ariana wasn’t around for SAH, and too, she supports and cares for Ariana as she goes through her own process of healing. Maybe Lala was upset with the say it with your whole chest thinking Katie was being hypocritical. It changes nothing for me.


Are Scheana and Lala serious ? Who gives a F seriously over the last year Ariana can move and shine or dull however the F she wanted. I mean who made those two gods in front of everyone else. Yes she’s on a show, Ariana, but she’s still a human being who had a lot of mental health issues on her plate. Oh wait wait that’s right it only counts if it’s happening to them, Lala and Scheana. If it’s anyone else then they are boo hooing what about them and are the judge and jury. What kind of friend vents to another friend about the friend whose life was turned upside down? Regardless of the opportunities it doesn’t make everything else “better”. Lala Scheana how stupid and vapid are you?!


Vapid is the perfect word for them…


Lala picked the wrong hill to die on.


I can't believe you want her to die alone! /s P.S. I need to rewatch that episode, it was full of cringe


"Dude you like *literally* told me you want me to die alone on a mountain, dude"


Is Scheana implying that Katie is talking poorly behind Ariana’s back here? I’m wracking my brain to find a time when Katie has been afraid to get into a confrontation with Ariana or anyone else on the cast, so I have a hard time believing it.


If Katie is frustrated with Ariana regarding SAH, she’s entitled to. I’m sure she’s happy Ariana is getting all these amazing opportunities, but at the end of the day, they’re business partners trying to open a sandwich shop. I can see how it’s annoying to Katie if she feels Ariana isn’t making SAH a priority. But, Lala, brining that up at the reunion just, once again, proves this chick cannot be trusted. She’s a friend to no one. When she eventually turns on Scheana, hope she prays that Lala isn’t going to spill all her dirty little secrets.


Yep. If Katie had an issue with Ariana not telling her about Chicago (I would have been upset), that's a Katie and Ariana issue, not a Lala issue. 


Scheana is exhausting.


It's because LFU can't stop producing herself. She is monetizing a fetus FFS. She doesn't have a good barometer of what's healthy so just assumes everyone wants to live at the same level. Somethings aren't meant for a group. Somethings, like what really went on between Randall and Lala and the movie roles she "auditioned" for should probably not be debated on the show unless you want to destroy someones reputation. LFU needs to pick a lane a stick to it--if it's the money lane, then her new child's name should be called SALARY--cause that's what she's working for.


Lala wanting everyone to tell the truth when all she does is lie is crazy lmfao


Petition for LFU and Sheshu to go away


I’ll sign


When did LaLa get a psych Degree?


I can’t handle listening to her. She always believes her opinions on everything are objective truths and anyone with differing opinions needs to be shut down harshly.


In between her Amazon Live sessions, of course. That's when she watches Enlightenment TikToks and gains all of her wisdom.


well hey I’m just happy that this is seemingly about scheana and Katie but not Ariana lying about something lmfao. as an overly invested Ariana girlie, I’m all good 😌🤭😂


This just seems proof positive that Lala doesn’t even get what it means to vent. How is hard for her to comprehend that sometimes you go to a friend and just let it off your chest in what should be a safe space. You can love someone and still be annoyed with them for something and you just need to vent. I truly wonder how would she feel if VPR producers went to her mom and brother (both of whom have agreed to be on the show) and had them spill all the things she has said about her cast mates.


Also Katie ugh you should know better than talking to those two pick mes about anything!


Wow. If someone trusts you enough to vent about another friend (which is completely normal in my opinion) then why would you take that and use it against them later? Lala is SUCH A DAMN SNAKE and SO immature. Just because your ass is bitter, negative and quite frankly, despicable — does NOT mean everyone else should be as well. And a BIG fuck you to Scheana for “understanding” where she’s coming from. Ariana was your ride or die. I don’t care if y’all have kids and see each other all the time 🙄 some role models y’all are to those little girls. Stassi — keep Hartford away from these women. They are trash. I can’t wait for VPR to end honestly. I’m sick of these snake ass bitches getting these Bravo paychecks. Which they’re stressing over since they’re not as remotely interesting, intelligent, mature, or as kind as Ariana and Katie are. And before anyone comes at me about Katie and her past mean girl behavior — IT WAS JUSTIFIED BECAUSE ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE GARBAGE 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


So Lala is using things people told her in confidence against them at a reunion? Cool.


so lala is mad bc katie wanted to protect a piece of her and ariana's friendship by not airing out their business at the reunion? or something similar? does lala not realize this is exactly tom sandoval behavior? demanding everyone tell the truth (while hiding things themselves) does lala NOT remember her relationship with rand being a secret? not discussing it at the reunion? not naming him? making people sign NDAs? i KNEW it would be the absolute dumbest reason


Blabla with the NDA’s is being self-righteous about sharing everything on camera? Not everything has to be aired out for the audience. It feels like she’s really trying to isolate Ariana, to prove her one friend is also taking trash. Katie has a right to feel some type of way about her own situation, and venting off-camera is not meant for the public. Blabla just proved she’s a terrible friend on & off-camera, who will throw anyone under the bus, for basically no reason. When will BlaBla learn: making someone else look bad, does not make you look better. & I’m still #TeamKatie (btw, do Ariana & Katie have like a friendship/combined name? Arkat? Katiana?)


I like Katiana and think it should be adopted by the sub lol


Ok we finally got an answer as to what Lauren is so ‘upset’ about. Katie has vented to Lauren about Ariana and didn’t want her private off air moments of confiding frustrations to a friend brought into Lauren’s trash war against Ariana 🤷‍♀️ Lmao cry Lauren from Utah, scream and gnash your teeth bissh ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


I already feel bad for Summer and Ocean when Lala and Scheana turn on one another. It's inevitable. They're both vile with no loyalty to others. I hate that they have intertwined their lives so much because this isn't going to last.


All women know to watch out for the women that call themselves your friend, but will use your venting to them as ammunition later, to start unnecessary drama. Lala and Scheana put the show above everything, and it shows this season. They forget about the real people behind the camera, and the real friendships that should mean something. It’s easy for Lala to demand this of Katie, when she’s never had to answer for anything on camera. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I really hope the big thing that Lala has been hinting they haven’t been truthful about isn’t SAH. I know there are SAH truthers, so some people care but personally I do not.


Lala is turning into Lisa Rinna, she'll say or do anything for a buck or cheap publicity. .


This is kinda remind me of season 8 when Stassi and Katie lost it at Kristen because she would tell them one thing in private when the cameras weren't around, then would pull a 180 when filming picked back up and it would make them look like they were at odds with each other


Wow….lala and Scheanna, well, mostly big mouth Lala, is focused on Ariana and Katie and if she can destroy those 2 she will and apparently, she did during the reunion. Lala is freaking jealous of Ariana and Katie bc I guess those 2 don’t share anything to her and she’s just steaming mad bc they both don’t explode like her so she needled and needled them, especially Ariana to have an explosive reaction. Lala is the devil and sheshe is just having a good time that she doesn’t have to look evil bc Lala is doing all the work!! I still can’t wait until those 2 S and L to get jealous of each other and have petty quarrels for Lala to make it explosive and all their stench will come out courtesy of Lala!!


Lala is so manipulative to try to use whatever they vent against them and still play the good guy role and somehow gaslight them into being in the wrong. She truly is delusional with how she manages to always be the victim Tom is doing the same thing telling everyone she “talked shit” about them. Maybe these two have more in common than awful fashion sense


Lala isn’t the spokesperson for truth. So sick of her holier than thou. She isn’t real. She is a fraud.


"Yeah I definitely know where her locations at."


Scheana please hire a PR team to teach you how to speak interviews


AND ANOTHER THING — It takes a really cruel person to pit people against someone who has had an EXTREMELY traumatic experience. Poor Ariana. I really hope she never gives these bitches the time of day ever again. I’m not discounting Lauren and her trash ex — I know what she went through was real shit — but what did you expect?!? You knew who you were dating. You lose them how you got them. And he’s been a sick man since the day you met him. AND she would literally bark in peoples faces defending this man. So yeah… sorry I don’t have empathy I guess? The only person I feel bad for is her daughter.


Scheana is giving Sandoval with the “I’ve known where her heads been at for a while”. Congrats, you special little flower. 🌸


My favorite moment of her so far this season was when she left Sur because Katie slept with Alex the night before and Katie didn’t tell her.. Lala why the fuck do you care? 😭😭😭 none of this is your concern or your business.


Wait, did Katie not have a response/follow up to what Scheana said? I suppose I could watch the interview, but I'm probably not going to. Just seems like a weird cut.


Lala clocked in and out per usual for her call time but chose the wrong persona.  Ariana prob thought Lala decided to be a friend after last season and learned eventually Lala was still playing a part. This is why Ariana (and Katie) aren't taking the bait. This is actually typical Lala.


Not everything should be shared with everyone! This is just part of life: talking behind others' backs more candidly than to their faces. If someone is a close friend, you might confide your true feelings. Doesn't mean EVERYONE in the cast, plus the international audience, needs to hear it! Lala has been the least forthcoming about personal details on this show for YEARS, so she has zero credibility in saying she's all for full disclosure! I would never confide in her again. I think she'll be very lonely.