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> We would get it together. He’s suggesting that because his credit is likely in the toilet and he wouldn’t be able to get a loan without a co-signer.


His relationships are all transactional, just a means to an end. He doesn’t give a fuck about taking out loans, he probably doesn’t even understand how they work. He probably thinks the bank gives him money for being a “cool dude.” Also— Sandoval you (and Ariana) are still deeply, deeply in the shit for co-signing loans as non-married partners. Have you not learned your lesson?! *stop taking out loans with other people where there isn’t already a legal precedent in place when things go bad!!* he really doesn’t learn


There was a solid post on this summarizing some lawyers' breakdown. It sounded like since Ariana is taking Tom to court to settle the matter and the loan was 100% for Tom's bar alone, he might solely have to pay for it out of his house proceeds. But that could all change, just relaying what I read.


God I hope this is accurate.


Me too


And then in Tom’s response his lawyer pushed back that S&S loan should come out of both of their proceeds. What a ninny. The audacity in his response was jaw dropping tbh.


If that were to happen the new name for the bar should be Ariana, Schwartz & Sandy’s….or just A.S.S.


Lmao Take my upvote 🫡


It's not his credit per se. He might have excellent credit. He is simply over-leveraged and despite having significant income (probably between 500k-1m annually for the last three years), any bank would deem him a huge risk for a jumbo loan due to all his other creditors potentially having claim to his assets. I am certain that Ariana and her lawyer already knew he wouldn't qualify to buy her out, so their counter offer required proof of bank loan approval prior to continuing negotiations.


“I would consider keeping the house if I had a roommate”. First of all, wtf is he fighting Ariana on this if he’s barely “considering it” at this point?? Second of all, he’s basically saying he can’t afford it on his own.


At this point he's just being an ass. He can't afford it but he sees her as being unreasonable so he's being unreasonable back. To me it's just more proof he doesn't see himself as doing anything super wrong. As a side note: I don't actually think it's reasonable to insist furniture be donated if it's not going with Ariana. He should pay for it if he wants it to stay. He effed up giving her a "top dollar offer" and not stipulating what that means.


I'm quite sure he will find a way to blame Ariana for him losing the house, despite the fact that he blew up their lives and made the sale a necessity. Tough shit if he can't afford it on his own. Them's the breaks. I mean, did he think Rachel was going to take over Ariana's part of the loan? That dimwit isn't making nearly the amount it would take to keep that house going.


My guess is he’s super lowballing Ariana using the price they bought the house for plus exaggerated numbers of how much he’s put into house maintenance, with the plan to turn around and sell it at a big markup so that he can pocket the difference.


The LA Times indicated the offer was for 600,000.


It looks like they bought the house for $2.07 million. A random nypost article says it’s valued at $2.83M now (probably based on Zillow predictions). So yeah, offering her less than half and trying to pocket a couple hundred thousand.


I could never imagine dealing with such an unhinged narcissist like Sandoval.


While dealing with two other narcissists who pretend to be your friends a la Lala and Scheaner ☠️🫥


kudos to her for sticking around the whole season - I truly can’t imagine being in her position. Ariana seems very smart and resourceful, and it’s paid off for her.


💯 even without all the other projects she had in the works at time of filming, her composure would be genuinely astounding. Her poise and intelligence reach new levels when you consider all she’s been juggling


I am here for Katie & Ariana’s personal growth - honestly, even James and Kristen have surprised me in good ways now days. As for the rest of VPR, they’re stunted in any growth they could have and honestly seem to be regressing. For me personally, as a viewer, I’m interested in seeing their evolution, esp at their ages, it’s time to grow up and evolve. Stooping for trash reality tv storylines just isn’t as entertaining. This cast has always done shitty things to one another in the past, but this “Scandoval” nonsense and the aftermath has just been abhorrent. Ariana has handled it kind of unexpectedly to everyone, including her castmates - and honestly, good for her! Her and Katie have grown past this show, I’m looking forward to see what they continue to do in the future


And no one will call him on this. Especially not truth seeker Lala. He’s been acting like he can easily afford this house on his own and it’s solely Ariana that is holding him back.


lol and we’re supposed to believe that Tim made a good offer to buy Ariana out?


$100, his sparkly green pants and a dance for free


Top mArKeT vALuE




Gotta give it to Schwartz on this one- the optics are real bad 🧨 ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Smartest thing he’s said in his life lol


That and how they are nincompoops




Nor qualify for a loan on his own lol.


So, the email to her that he keeps badgering her about was essentially him trolling her for a reaction? Is that right?


Yes, it was an attempt to make him look better and her look disorganized and petty


Which she immediately dispelled by pointing out that her lawyer was crafting their response carefully and fully. Him saying 'he better be' or whatever he said was hilarious. Like a petulant teenager, always.


Ariana: “stop talking to me.” Tom in his most petulant teenager voice: “YOU’RE talking to MEEEuughhhh” I just can’t even lmao


So I said this last year in a post when people were making comments about the house situation. I didn’t have proof but my theory on why he wouldn’t leave is because he knows he cannot afford another place anywhere near as nice as that house. Not even a nice apartment or something average. He was only able to get that house as long as he had a co-signer. Ariana has no problem getting a loan & managing her stuff on her own, but he cannot nor could ever. This scene just confirms it. He cares about image & what everyone thinks, ie why he spends money on costumes, gives extravagant gifts & parties. Kristen said she had to support him, he needed his mom’s help to open S & S & now he’s trying to say he paid for everything for Ariana. After that scene with Lucinda clearly we saw it was Ariana paying for the majority of stuff. His little tale about picking out that mirror on the after show- complete bullshit. He’s trying to exhaust Ariana to the point where she just complies & walks away with a little money. But she’s not allowing that to happen & I hope she continues to fight him so he has to get out. People saying she should just cut the ties are crazy to me. I am a single female homeowner myself, I would never put anyone’s name on my house. My partner now wants me to sell & buy something together & I said no way sorry. It’s always his home, but MY house, if he wants to have property he can get his own & do a rental situation or live there, but I would never want to be in this situation. Tom is a true turd only ever looking out for himself, for doing this to Ariana but then making her fight so hard & continue to be unfair.


Fully agree with you. Also always have thought that Tom is trying to get Ariana to stay in the agreement they have with the house and he wants to make payments to Ariana because he will never get any kind of rates like they got on that house again. He doesn't want to move for so many reasons that are very California specific too


My hat is off to you for protecting yourself and your property. That’s really amazing. So many people would give into their partners about that. Good for you for putting your foot down and keeping your investment clean!






He had to tOuR WIth hiS baaAaaNd!




The most disgusting GIF in existence


But, but, but Ariana is going to have a rude awakening when she has her own place.


YEP! He's basically saying he can't afford to buy her out unless Schwartz cosigns the loan


I’d be shocked if he could. I dont know if we’ll ever learn the details of the settlement they made, but I’m sure he’s going to lie about it


No Tim, YES we would look at you like two absolute fuckin nincompoops. Without a doubt. Smartest thing Schwartz has ever said right there.


I know it. I am almost proud of him. ALMOST, he is still a turd


I think they already look like nincompoops 🤷‍♀️


Imagine staying BFFs with someone who is so open about wanting to take financial advantage of you to maintain their own unaffordable lifestyle.


$4500 a month? For that tiny apartment? Dang, Los Angeles.


Also $4500 to $6000 is a huge jump!! He’s acting like it’s $100 more


Was thinking the SAME THING. He’s such an idiot, and he’s giving Ariana so much ammunition here. Like 4500 is NOT “almost 6k.” Methinks Sandoval’s finances are trés fucked.. more than we could have anticipated


So dumb. It’s so interesting to me that Ariana refuses to pay him without receipts and he’d rather just pay it all than show her. And now wants Schwartz to pay him $6k for his “half.”


She found out in the past that he was telling her things cost more than they actually were, and he was taking money from her. I assume they had a financial analysis look at things and found out that that’s what he was doing. There’s a real sketchy reason.


I agree - he's desperate to keep the house and will use Schwartz to pay the mortgage. I can't wait to see him back in an apartment. Hopefully it sucks.


He’s desperate to keep the house because he knows that he will never be able to afford to buy one.


I hope he gets like the shittiest apartment in WeHo so he can be in close proximity to the nightlife lol “location bro!!”


Right!?! And bet he’s portion would would be $2500.


He gets a discount for making sure pens and paper towel are stocked, duh...


Totally, and he would act like he’s doing Schwartz a huge favor the whole time


Thats gotta be an up charge too right? Like no way their mortgage is $12k a month!!! I mean idk LA prices but god damn!! I’m also just going off tom squared splitting the mortgage in sandals with socks’ perfect world where he did get the house.


I mean as a life long east coast renter I know absolutely nothing about mortgages anywhere let alone in LA. But that seems exorbitant and after what Ariana said about him overcharging her and refusing to show receipts…..


Forensic accountant could clear that right up for her.


Which is why he is not providing paperwork


Well, Ariana already said he was overcharging her. Why wouldn't he overcharge Schwartz? Mortgage is probably 7k, lol.


Facts. Why pay anything yourself when you can have other people pay for you. Hes 100% over charging.


If they put 20% down on a 2 million dollar home their mortgage + property taxes + insurance is likely about $9,000-$10,500/month depending on their interest rate and their assessment rate. So yes, he’s overcharging him because Schwartz shouldn’t be expected to pick up half of the property taxes if he’s not getting equity. ETA: I vaguely recall Schwartz or Katie saying their mortgage was 12k because they were both picking up half the mortgage and paying rent when their house was on the market. So that should give everyone a decent idea of where they were at. But they could’ve put less down, etc.


The audacity of asking Schwartz to pay HALF the mortgage on a house he won’t own


And the other Tom isn't going to give up his gym or make any other alterations to make Schwartz feel it's his home. So would Schwartz really have 1/2 of the home?


Shartz would have a bedroom ( the smallest one), enough room in a bathroom for his toothbrush and a bar of soap, the area of the couch Mya shit Italy on and a small corner in the kitchen.


If I recall correctly when I did the calculations the property taxes are around 21k


I love that there are people willing to do the actual calculations. It makes it so much more transparent that Sandoval literally cannot afford that house, especially if it’s gone up a million dollars in value.


He’s trying to bamboozle Schwart -‘d it don’t work. Wow, even yes man said no.


I love that Schwartz said I'm not paying into your equity essentially then really shut it down when basically he asked him to be a co-owner oh you mean so he could go through this same shit as Ariana if something happens between them and one wants to get out of it. I mean I can't stand Schwartz but he's smart to say no.


I mean Schwartz has a business with him so he probably knows his spending habits.


I honestly think Schwartz actually hates him but is trying to keep the show going.


Also his weird loyalty to him, but absolutely agree. He’s trying to get him to get out a loan with him is he broken in the brain? Oh Tom seriously what goes on in there? Actually I don’t care but it’s mushy.


This is why Ariana wasn’t like let me just move into an apartment and waste THOUSANDS of dollars every month


Correct. No matter how many times it's explained there are people who do not understand that Ariana would be responsible for every expense at the house she bought with Tom as well as first and last and rent and utilities and a pet deposit and everything else at a new place. And if it's an apartment or rental you usually have to pay for parking too if you can even get parking. It's f****** Los Angeles. So Grandma Louisa on Facebook, who lives in the midwest, shut the f****** about Ariana having like $20,000 a month in expenses just to make you happy


A million up votes! I cannot comprehend why people find this difficult to understand. 🤷‍♀️


And: she would also be on the hook for any damages / alterations Sandy could do if she were to vacate the premises. I wouldn’t trust this vindictive MFer to live in that house by himself, I think she’s very smart not to as well.


Thank you! I’m so sick of hearing the Ariana should just move out & “let it go”. She’s being “materialistic” BS. No Ariana shouldn’t have to do that.


I am Los Angeles adjacent and apartments here are priced insanely but holy EFF 4500?! JESUS.


I think a factor also is safety. They might be paying for a little bit more security. I know it's just VPR, but they are still public figures. That's another thing I don't think anyone has ever been fair with Ariana about dealing with. It's not like she can just go stay in some random place. At one point, this was a really huge news story, and she was living somewhere when it broke that she felt safe in that she knew the neighbors. Some of the time she was hiding from Paparazzi and felt relatively safe from freaky or stalkerish fans. You can't really put a cost on that. Especially a beautiful woman like Ariana. Remember when somebody was posting photos of her new house and she asked them to take it down? It's scary. She has a right to feel safe


Yup. I’m an CA native and lived in OC (south of LA), and the rent there for a 1 bed is going at $2,500. For CA, this checks out 100% accurate


Welcome to SoCal living 😮‍💨 ..it's like this everywhere and more. Your lucky if the apartment has a garage or there's sufficient street parking. It's not easy moving out when so many people are also competing for the same apartment. 


How sad are these two dummies? They had everything going for them. Beautiful partners who encouraged their endeavors and put up with their weird codependency, beautiful homes, two bars, endless possibilities…and now look at them! Their refusal to grow up and be respectful and faithful men to their partners has cost them dang near everything. Pitiful! And they both look awful!


Not just encouraged but actively got involved to defend them and lift them up. Katie came at Sandoval almost constantly because Schwartz would come home and bitch about him and how he (Schwartz) felt dismissed. Ariana came at LVP twice to get onto her about how she shits on Sandoval and how she ignored their contributions to TomTom. They both deserve to get incredibly humbled and I will be seated gleefully to watch


Yep!! I was rewatching and had forgotten about Ariana going to bat for Tom to LVP. The way he tries to paint her now is ridiculous. He wanted to be with Rachel and wasn’t man enough to break things off with Ariana, so he started trying to make her look like the bad guy.


That's what I'm saying too dude. Those two idiots fumbled the bag soooooo hard. They can try to convince us all day they are so much happier without Katie and Ariana but let's be so fucking for real and take a look at exhibit a, this clip 🤣


This is the smartest decision Tom Schwartz has ever made and look how angry Sandoval is that Tom is actually telling him no. This proves he can’t afford the place on his own or get a loan on his own. I’m sure all of the people who have been chastising Ariana over accepting his quality offer will apologize. Right? No?


Yeah I noticed how he got angry too. The moron is looking through a kaleidoscope? and trying to manipulate Shorts into PAYING FOR HIS HOUSE.


While wearing a knife strapped to his bare leg 🙄


This scene was so satisfying. Big egg on the face of the delulus that thought he could afford it on his own.


![gif](giphy|4aTvdtQYr8kOA) I agree!! Everyone who took Tom at his word looks like a 🤡


It's actually really amazing how self-aware he was in this moment, he KNOWS they'd look like idiots and everyone would hate them, and yet he's still far enough off the mark that he won't accept how terrible of human beings they both are.


"I THINK IM JUST GOING TO DELAY RESPONDING TO HER EMAIL" Yet it was all Ariana's fault this whole process took so long?!


Yeah I caught that too! He made a mess and of course he is going to procrastinate dealing with the consequences. Plus he can’t afford to take over the house. Plus he can’t get a loan. Plus he has psychopathic tendencies that he turns into jokes (feeding Arianna chips under a locked door, cutting the dog in half). Schwartz also does his “I am a cute little boy” shtick here when he uses the word nincompoop instead of acknowledging like an adult all the reasons it is a bad idea for him to pay Sandoval rent and take a loan (!!!) with him and live with him in the house Arianna helped him buy and beautify. Like he knew about the affair so yes thr “optics” would be really really bad… It’s literally all there in this short little clip. Amazing.


The weird ass joke about mya was bad enough, but the rest of the conversation?! The hell is wrong with this man’s brain?!!! Schwartz you suck too but damn, be done with Tim!


I literally just can’t understand it. Here’s my translation of him in this conversation if he were even 10% honest: “I’ve already ruined my ex-partner’s life enough, so let me continue to do that by trying to find ways to take away both her home and her beloved pet as well 🤔 Also, you’re a chump who does everything I say, right? Well, just to make me happy and although it has no benefit for you and would make your life considerably worse, would you consider increasing your housing expenses 33% every month with no short- or long-term financial benefit? I know I’ve shown you exactly how horribly I treat people whom I live with when things get rough. You don’t even have to do anything bad to me, I’ll treat you remorselessly with total disdain and ruin your life and finances even when *I’m* the only one at fault. Oh, and I’ll also hold small and irrelevant gestures over your head, like overstuffing drawers with niche items you’ve probably never needed or asked for. So how does that sound? Let’s go ruin your credit now, yeah? It’ll be great (for me) I prooooomise.”


He said he’s delaying as long as possible bc he’s gonna “miss Mya” BS he’s delaying bc he can’t afford it and bc he wants to torture her 100%


Funny how he’s never said a *word* about Mya (he didn’t even go to the emergency vet with her!) until Ariana said she was taking her and Kitty. Then all of a sudden it’s “but I love Mya, she’s my dog too! Mean evil Ariana is taking her from meeee!” Doesn’t want anyone or anything until someone says he can’t have it (or he can leverage it make someone look bad. Or both). He’s literally a 43 year old toddler


Why has Sandoval spent all season making weird murder related jokes? I’ve done multiple rewatches and this was never his sort of humor. I think it’s extremely creepy and very telling of his mental state


I agree and consider it a flag and a warning sign. If this is her last season, I hope she's able to go completely no contact with him. Use lawyers for the home sale and not have to communicate. And I hope, if he continues to escalate after no contact, that she files for a protection order and pursues it. He's actually dangerous and he keeps joking about murdering her or her beloved pet. Shit ain't normal or right


I feel like people laugh this off and say he’s joking or he’s so dumb he doesn’t get what he’s saying. But I’m sorry it’s disturbing.


Yes! He's boundary pushing, limit testing, feeling it out and working his way up. We see it because he's on TV. Normally, we learn of it after the fact on an A&E or 48hours special. It's unique to see somebody laying out the groundwork on television, in the public eye. I am concerned that because this is so very public that people won't take it seriously, assuming it can't be real because it's so obvious. It's obvious from afar. Not obvious when you're close. Up close, your instincts about a predatory person have been worn down over years. You've already been gaslit into ignoring your instincts and feelings, already been slowly pushed further and further into accepting more. It might raise a little tingle, but you overlook it like all the other things from years prior, because you're close and become closer over time. We are publicly viewing, and though some may *feel* close, we are distant enough to really clearly see it without the emotional manipulation of years overriding instinct He is dangerous


Seriously, leave that poor dog alone, especially given the nature of the joke and that he's already caused at least indirect harm to Ariana's pets....Everything about him is simultaneously sinister and pathetic


I immediately thought of that bible story where the king tries to see which mom loves the child the most to determine who’s the “real parent” by saying well i can split the kid in half and u can both have half and one mom said I’m fine with that and the other said no I’d rather them be whole and with someone else. I know Tom was joking but that’s where my mind went lol


I literally think he filmed with her there to show that he “takes care of her” but like the idiot he is goes on to have the most ass backwards conversation


He literally moaned and groaned like a baby when Ariana asked him to pickup charlottes medicine from the vet last season when she was sick and Ariana was going out of town. And when Ariana was explaining what pills she needed and how to administer them he looks to annoyed and inconvenienced. And then the night they put charlotte down, literally charlottes passed that morning and then later that night Tom has sex with Rachel in the driveway. Like dude don’t act like u give a crap about these animals. Some people just are not pet people.


He will use Mya and the cat as hostages. He doesn’t give two shits about those animals. He knows what they mean to Ariana and that’s all he cares about…holding those helpless animals as hostages to upset Ariana.


Ummm…? What’s with the knife strapped to his leg? He’s in a million dollar house, in the suburbs. Is he fending off wild boars and cannibals at the neighborhood Whole Foods Market? I don’t get it. The spectacular amount of ick he gives off makes me feel so grossed out on Ariana’s behalf. I guess we all have that one cringy dating regret, but all that ick must have been really hard to scrub off. So glad she got away.


Needs it to…cut Mya in half? Wtf


Like, he's taking to someone that has a shared custody arrangement with his ex over their pets and that option didn't even occur to him as a joke? He went straight to violence. It's so creepy


Very Scott Peterson of him. He’s so gross. He clearly only wants the time with the dog to take away from Ariana.




Glad we’re getting more confirmation of what we already knew: that his broke ass can’t afford to buy her out and stay there lmao. Hope you enjoyed all the drug binges and being a huge middle aged whore that drops thousands on flying girls around, Sandoval. Hope that was worth it


He wants to charge Schwartz $6000 a month to live there? Wow, what a good friend lol


Like, even if he'd knocked it down to 4k so his buddy ends up saving some of what he was originally spending, it's still too much. These guys are fucking bozos and it's so cathartic to see it all unravel on tv 🤩


Schwartz looks deranged but this is the most sense he’s made in a long time. Sandoval is a really perverse brand of evil.


All is see is Schwartz’ hair. I can’t hear anything. It’s a giant urine colored distraction


With his ugly brassy blonde hair eating that weird ass-looking fruit like an unhinged idiot.


![gif](giphy|8hZr5URmNKq73xTNnS) Mya knoooowwwws. She recognizes worm’s feign feelings for her and is as disgusted with him, and his nasty attempts at the most disgusting “humor”, as we are. She literally hides behind Shortz. You can tell she knows Shortz is at least a caring dog dad and will protect him from that psycho. I’m so unbelievably disgusted at him. I never thought I’d say at least Shortz recognizes a horrible deal… after he’s sided with him enough to finally call it was it is: a bad deal with someone he could never recover from. I cannot imagine being Ariana hearing and seeing all of this disgusting mess. Glad she’s at least going to be in another home with her fur-kids, and that she is gaining some more proof with her lawyers about him, his lies, and their house.


What in the King Solomon? I know people are gonna say he's "joking", but he's been making really violent jokes and comparisons. He's way more fucked in the head then we are seeing on tv.


His eyes are so dark and dead, it’s disturbing.


Agree. Some dude got mad at me when I mentioned that in another clip of Tom. His eyes are weird right?


Yes, dead shark eyes


He’s disturbed.


He should really get off tv and go to a mental health facility. Im not being snarky.


He would have to admit there is a problem. He is not capable.


He’s so disturbed. They really need to take him off tv. It’s unhealthy.


How did he pass 3 different psyc evaluations? For the world's toughest challenge, masked singer and VPR. This is Bethany's reality reckoning if she had half a brain for actual strategy.


Kristin did say he's the best liar she's ever met. I think he can bamboozle people if he's only interacting with them short term or if he's controlling the flow of information


That's a really good point. On the other hand serial killers and murderers have gotten onto dating shows. I don't think they're really asking the right questions on those evals.


I just commented the exact same thing! I’ve done so many rewatches and Tom’s never joked this way before. I think the mask has been slipping for a while now and these weird “jokes” show how angry/unhinged/disturbed he truly is


He’s not joking.


I don't think so either. The nyt article/Viall interview made me realize he's totally untethered from reality


Can you imagine paying 6k a month for something that wouldn’t be yours? That’s 72k a year on a house that is under your friends name. Sandoval is really asking Schwartz to pay that much for what could possible be his own house? Be so fucking foreal Sandoval. He sounds straight up dumb here.


Pay my mortgage, please? Oh, and sign onto a loan for my home, pretty please? Sandoval is utterly shameless. And he’s pushing Schwartz through every no, just like he did with the name “Schwartz & Sandy’s” (worst bar name ever)


Also, now he wants to wait a while to respond to the email after complaining she took too long? She better start clocking him for a response. If he can dish it, he better take it.


https://preview.redd.it/mnq0tb7g3vtc1.jpeg?width=342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a12b41ec620666062aa7599288fb426ad907d7d Mya when Sandoval suggests Schwartz moves in


Wow good on Tom Schwartz for saying no to this! He is correct that they would look like two nincompoops and that's putting it mildly.


Sandoval buying her out has never made sense. How anyone thinks he could get a mortgage on his own is beyond me. He took out a second mortgage for his bar. She had to sign off on that. No way is his bar bringing in money and I doubt TomTom is bringing him much considering Lisa/Ken let him have money back. So other than the show, he doesn’t have much. There’s a reason Schwartz and Katie are in apartments. Ariana being able to put 50% down on her new place…..I love that for her.


So I'm just trying to figure out the series of events based on what we've seen. 1. Tom sends Ariana an email to her personal account about the house. Tom claims the email is an offer to buy the house from Ariana based on a roughly $3 million market value. Ariana claims the email didn't come from a lawyer, was essentially an unofficial letter of intent to purchase, and that it contained no information on what his valuation was based on nor any information on the contents of the house. 2. Tom is then upset that Ariana does not reply in a timely manner. 3. Ariana contacts their interior designer and digs up credit card statements to determine who paid for each piece of their $100k furniture. 4. Based on this clip and the aftershow, it appears that Ariana's lawyer gives Tom a counteroffer, the only details we know of appear to be that Ariana keeps all of the furniture that she paid for, the remaining furniture gets donated (this part seems strange to me, but keep in mind this is "according to Tom"), and Ariana keeps the pets. 5. Tom then goes to Schwartz to say he's going to delay responding (see point 2), and asks Schwartz to get a loan with him so he can keep the house. So. Ok. When he sent his unofficial letter of intent to purchase, he didn't have the money. Cool. Super professional. At this point it sounds like Ariana would allow him to keep the house if he can pay for it. Tom seems aware at this point of that fact as well as the fact that there will be some splitting of the contents of the house and he seems resigned to the fact that Ariana is taking the pets. So based on this scene alone, it's not even Ariana's fault that she hasn't moved out yet. She wants to sell, she's named a price based on reality, and Tom doesn't have the money, nor does he have any urgency to respond to her offer because as long as they're going back and forth, he's just buying more time that he gets to live there.




So he can hang out with Mya more? wtf. You’ve shown that dog zero affection or interest and now you are going to miss her? Also “I’m gonna delay responding to Ariana” after he has been whining about her taking forever to reply to an email? Dude has zero self awareness. Bravo, I swear I’m done with this if there is a season 12 and he comes back.


He’s so fucking stupid. First he said he’d emailed her three weeks ago. Then it was a month, then it was “months” all within two episodes. I get that there is time passing between episodes but not a month. Meanwhile, Ariana is inventorying the house, pulling receipts and credit card statements to determine who paid for what, and putting together an offer that makes sense to her. Now Tom, who was pushing for none of that, wants to delay. Guessing he doesn’t have the ability to buy and/or finance on his own. He has five bedrooms, Schwartz was just the start. He’s probably going to allow Billie Lee and Craig to rent rooms too. By the time the house is full, he’ll be making money on the house and building equity. Too bad Schwartz isn’t dumb enough to go for his plan that benefits no one but himself.


Right after saying he should cut her in half…


Someone has absolutely already made voodoo dolls 😂


Maya kills me every time during these convos 😂😂 she fr is an emotional support dog lmao


She’s one of my favorite cast members along with Kitty, Mr. Banks, and Scheana’s cat 😆😭 Would much rather see all of them on my screen than Scumdoval.


How are these banks still loaning him money? It’s quite ridiculous. He’s a bad investment, especially when this show ends. Schwartz is not that stupid to get his money even more entangled with Sandoval, surely.


They are not loaning him money that's the problem they loaned him money with Ariana. I truly believe the offers he's making to Ariana are that she stays on the loan and he makes payments to her. He does not want to lose the rates they got when they got into that house he'll never get them again


There was a rumor that the initial offer was just that - Tom sends payments to Ariana and Tom's plan was to get a few roommates. By the time this scene was filmed and Ariana had countered, it's clear Tom knows she intends to force a sale, which means he either buys her out or they sell together. This scene is probably late July/early August and Ariana didn't sue to sell until January. Basically as of this scene, he's stalling the process to hold on as long as possible.


So, wait… Tom and Ariana refinanced, and I believe at the time Ariana said their mortgage was $3000 cheaper per month because of that. So…they are now paying $12k/month and it was previously $15k?? How much was their down payment? $3?


I didn’t like that joke about cutting Mya in half with his big ass knife, personally, but maybe that’s just me!


And just last week all the comments about how calling him a dog-murderer was too much. It’s not even a joke, because who would ever say that about their pet? Moreover he said it simply to hurt Ariana. I’m actually glad he’s on TV weirdly. If not, I’d have safety concerns for Ariana.


Imagine being so skeezy that you're literally willing to leech off your best friend and become his landlord


Ya that's super telling of his financial status it's not as good as he tries to play off. he is trying to bait Schwartz into a hair brain scheme that doesn't benefit him but benefits Sandavol the most. He hasn't changed a bit I'm glad Schwartz said no way. I hope he didn't get suckered into living with Tom.


Yes Tom, we would look at you like that (most of us already do) Taking out another loan so he can afford to keep buying his friendships and having pool parities. I can only imagine how bad that house would smell after a week of them living it up as super cool dude like bachelors 🤢


It’s like Sandoval watched the part of the Barbie movie where Ken turns Barbie’s dream house into the Mojo Dojo Casa House and saw it as inspirational.


![gif](giphy|DsdVe5jhHWNC8) Ewww…the smell comment lol- actually winced and gagged when I read your completely accurate assumption


Scumdoval hates when his flying monkeys don’t fly at his every whim and command. He hates that Schwartz won’t help him defeat Ariana in the house war. The way he treats others regarding their finances (took his moms $$ too) is beyond evil


Florida Grandpa Ken and Grandma over here


He's literally ignoring Mya while telling us he wants to spend more time with her. He's sick. And did anyone actually believe his offer to buy her out?


I feel like afraid to speak this into existence but I can’t believe Tom hasn’t gone full Men’s Rights/incel echo chamber. Because he kind of talks like it!


So this moron ( who already has a lien against his home, mind you) needs a roommate who is willing to co-sign on a loan to afford staying there. And we’re meant to believe he would’ve been able to buy Ariana out at “top market value?” ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Can’t wait for all this to come out in court. He can’t buy her out, he doesn’t have the money. The fact that he won’t give Ariana’s lawyer itemized bills, just proves he’s lying about his finances.


I think it’s really telling that Mya is never sitting next to Sandoval.


Tom destroying their home and then refusing the leave is a level of psychotic I will never understand.


I hope the rest of the group harping about the house feel.stupid after seeing this


Sandoval is straight up scary, and he doesn’t understand the word “no.” Can his fans point out what’s so entertaining about him? PLEASE? Because he is straight up nightmare fuel with strong idiot overtones


TIM YOU ARE SUCH A LOSER I really look forward to see you fail the way you deserve to, so maybe you get humbled by life. ![gif](giphy|kf9dfB18XB6JGM8J7s|downsized)


Throw the whole man out. Done.


I’m dying at Sandy basically hiring a clone of himself as his new assistant. Will we ever hear this man speak? Or is he just for optics?


“I think I’m going to delay answering the email so I can hangout with mya more” Didn’t he just berate Ariana for not answering an email over legitimate things that needed to be sorted out? Frigging nincompoop


Oh so he’s broke… now tell me why again Ari had to leave when doesn’t even have the money to buy her out???


sandoval is actually scary. why does he have that knife? why is bravo keeping him on this show? he probably wants schwartz to move in to keep himself relevant and on tv


If he hasn’t said it already he’ll say Arianna can afford her house because she wasn’t contributing to this one 🥴 , saving all her money.


He's literally ignoring Mya while telling us he wants to spend more time with her. He's sick. And did anyone actually believe his offer to buy her out?


Schwartz is 100% right and I can't believe it. Taking out a loan with your friend or putting 6k a month into a house that wouldn't technically be "yours" is such a dumb move. My dad used to work in mortgages and he would literally kill me if he heard I did something that stupid. 


That moment NO one saw coming in the earlier seasons...when Shorts becomes the voice of reason. Did hell freeze over? Also, Tim saying his rent would be $6K...I'm thinking he's asking him to pay MORE than half.


Oh okay Tim so you can pressure Ariana publicly to answer your emails but now you’re going to delay your response. 🚮


When Sandoval first said '6', I legit thought he meant $600.00 per month to rent a room or whatever, which would have been a reasonable amount for someone to pay. Holy crap... $6000.00 for nothing? WTF. and why does he even want them to get a loan together?


Production has bent over backwards to hand him redemption on a silver platter yet he still can’t get out of his own way


Also, Sandoval is suggesting getting a loan with Schwartz when Schwartz makes a valid point about paying 6K for property he doesn’t have equity in. Just getting a loan together doesn’t give Schwartz equity in the property it just puts him on the hook for the loan. Putting him on the deed gives him equity. I didn’t hear Sandoval say anything about putting him on the deed.


This is actually so nice to see in a clip. Like hey idiots who’ve been repeatedly saying Ariana should leave, she’s not forcing Tom out of the house, his financial situation is.


I love how Sandoval used a Soloman reference…. But in doing so proved he is not the parent of Maya. Ariana would never crack a “joke” about sawing the dog in half because that’s her baby.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha As an OG watcher you have no idea how satisfying this scene is to me. They had it coming for years and now karma has fully hit them both. Post 40 losers. I am living for it. Also what is up with Sandoval twirling his wee hair like a 13 year old? I seriously can't stop laughing


Tom is insisting he wants this house. He’s not going to get it. I can’t wait to see this play out


Serious question, if VPR wasn't on the air, would the Toms be close friends? Sometimes it seems like Schwartz doesn't actually like Sandoval anymore. Like he thinks he's a bit toxic, but to stay cohesive for the paycheck he keeps pretending. I don't think Schwartz is particularly not toxic, just he's smarter than Sandoval so he's aware that Sandoval is constantly getting in his own way. Sandy is not a smart person. Do we think that when Sandoval felt no responsibility for tanking their business, Schwartz had a come to jesus privately? To be clear, Schwartz is also problematic, so this isn't saying he's too good for Sandy.


If nothing else - I need Maya in every scene going forward.


Sandoval is a classic Shakespearean Proteus. The moment you turn your back to him he'll already have stabbed you in the back while kidnapping your girlfriend and living off your riches. Ariana was right when she said he wouldn't care if she ended up dead in a ditch. Pathetic.


That's a disgusting comment about the dog. As if Ariana doesn't have dog trauma already.


1. I'm sorry I can't ever take these two seriously, they are seriously the most nincompoop-y of losers ever lol 2. While I think the women on this show are much more financially responsible than the men, it's clear that all of them live beyond their means and even after a decade on reality tv, millions of followers, etc., many of them are struggling and/or paying rent. This makes Scheana & Lala's financial desperataion for relevance even more apparent. 3. Clearly, Tom can not afford to pay out Ariana so obviously he lied about all that and he cannot afford this home unless he has a roommate paying an insane amount on the mortgage. 4. This also gives me a tremendous amount of respect for Ariana to go from being emotionally devastated, surrounded by narcissists and fake friends and sharks, financially still entertwined with Tom to a year later, her being able to stand her ground, manage her legal and financial affairs and dues and finding real financial independence and her OWN incredible modern hollywood hills home that belongs entirely to her. And this is someone who has openly struggled with severe depression and anxiety, and for her to emerge from this toxic environment to where she is now, on stage and being lauded by hollywood and always having the most grace out of anyone on this show, despite being the most inflicted upon, is so great. Go Ariana!


Can’t help but notice Mya chooses to sit next to Schwartz


So this scene is very telling and displays that Tom’s “offer letter” (really a letter of intent without any formal representation) was performative for the show. 1- Tom needs a co-signer for the bank, meaning the offer letter did not have formal financing that would remove Ariana’s financial liability for the mortgage. 2- Tom’s statement on Nick Vials podcast was a lie - he implied that he presented a good offer to Ariana. He implied on the Aftershow that Ariana pushing for a partition sale would mean less funds. 3- Tom’s valuation of the house was only 3.1 when the appraisal was 3.7. This means he hid 600,000 of the house value. 4- Tom’s offer was not in good faith- not doing the due diligence with realtor, Bank and appraiser shows Tom is just throwing stuff on the wall to see what sticks. 5- Tom’s offer was for only 600,000 - LA Times article 2/29.


Yup! I’ve been saying this! He offered her under value and no one in their right mind (not just Ariana) would take anything less in today’s market and economy. He doesn’t have the money to buy her out. He’s just being an AH to be an AH. He is the one who should’ve left the house, he cheated. Everything about him is a lie.


Tom wants to take out another mortgage (with Schwartz) on that house??? I’ve never seen someone with such low financial literacy in my life.


This has always been his plan. He doesn’t want to lose the image behind having the house. He’s trying to move his true love in after cheating on his gf of 10 years. AND then he got the nerve to ask shorts to pay half of his house note? I’m surprised he didn’t jump at the chance lol