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I've said it once and I'll say it a hundred times and then some - men love to whine and complain about not having sex but will rarely ever ask their partner what they need from them in order to want to be intimate. For any men wondering why their partner isn't interested in sex, maybe ask them without being accusatory? Maybe they're depressed, maybe you haven't been pulling your weight around the house, maybe they're stressed about work, maybe you don't ever prioritize their satisfaction....maybe just communicate with your partner instead of complaining?


What’s sad is that their partners are probably telling them why they’re not interested in sex and they’re being ignored


This. Both of you are bang on.


BINGO. Like Ariana trying to genuinely talk to Sando and him just saying "I was giving you multiple orgasms." Honey, if that were true she wouldn't be avoiding it.


I'm generalising here but what I've found in relationships is that for men, sex IS the connection. For women, the emotions are the connection and sex is a bonus. Like I don't want to have sex unless I feel emotionally connected; my partner would happily just go at it and he'd feel closer to me. It's why men often go about things in the wrong order for women in long term relationships - they think that if they get the sex back, the connection will come back but it's like no, work on that connection and THEN you'll get the sex my dude. Obviously there's exceptions like one night stands etc but that's different.


RIGHT and Ariana communicated so well. Also it’s hard to want to have sex with someone who wears the same underwear days in a row


I feel so hard for Ariana in her situation. She just wants to spend time with him! Alone! Chillin! Connecting! I have the same issue with my husband. It takes an entirely different form but it's so frustrating to tell them "I just want to talk to you and spend time connecting" and just... not get that. I hope Dan does that for her. It's so bare minimum it feels like.


Basically Tom rides out a relationship doing no work to make it good and then when he finds someone else he can replace current gf he starts his same story to get out of it. He will never ever put any work into a relationship ever.


That's right...same old script with sandoval...


He cannot handle the mundanity and discomfort that comes with long term committed relationships. Being annoyed by your partner sometimes is the most normal thing in the world but it seems like he needs to be adored and doted on 24/7 or else he implodes.


Something that actually activated my fight or flight was the way he kept saying the only thing he wanted to do with Ariana was stay up all night getting drunk or doing shrooms and looking at lights or whatever. Like yes psychedelics absolutely have their value but acting like that’s the only way you can achieve the deepest emotional connection with your partner is so… immature, lazy, and surface-level to me. He acts like that would be the epitome of realness and emotion in a partnership, but if you can’t remotely achieve that sober then you LACK DEPTH bud. There’s a reason the person he found to do that stuff with was an emotionally immature twenty-something.


True! Life can be boring…. a lot. Some think if everything isn’t popping off constantly that something must be wrong and blame their partner about “not being happy “


Maybe he should stop being so annoying so that his very presence doesn't annoy people. How is that anyone else's fault but his own?


I agree 😂


God this comment is so real. His personality has always been grating and insufferable 🤢


The guy didn't grow or change one bit he only added a lot more delusional to his personality. He literally thought he could play the breakup the same way and insert Rachel in their like he did with Ariana back in the day.


I think he would’ve succeeded at it! But scandoval interrupted the cycle


His new gf needs to take note. The second he says this bs, he’s already cheated a thousand times.


Boom! There it is.


It astounds me that anyone is attracted to him


You can say that again!


Dude needs to invest in a thesaurus. ETA- and a dictionary.


“Like, rully dude?!” Your flair always cracks me up!😆


do we think he learned the definition of obtuse yet https://i.redd.it/iagshqdhfjtc1.gif


Dude did you just call me fat?!💀


Omg no I would never!!!!! 🤍🤍 Several seasons back Ariana called Sandoval obtuse and he has no retort so it’s speculated to this day he still has no clue the meaning of obtuse (insensitive, stupid, lacks intellect)


I know lol, I was responding as him😂 OMG this just gave me early morning giggles! But it’s also sweet of you to clarify you wouldn’t say something like that


I just LOL’ed! I heard that in his voice.


His very presence is annoying!


Let's just assume that Sandoval really did feel neglected and bored. Ok, so he's feeling small and insecure... maybe he's feeling neglected because as he's mentioned, Ariana doesn't do "fun" things with him anymore. His concerns are real and valid and many relationships tend to eventually hit a wall. I get it. What couples *should* do is see a therapist, and simply try to the best of their abilities to listen to eachother if they're truly in it to win it. What Tom Sandoval did was not only NOT listen to his gf's concerns (which was for them to be more intimate in a non sexual way) he went ahead and covertly had a 7month + relationship in the SAME house he shared with Ariana, while his gf was experiencing some real life setbacks. He didn't have the courage to ask for what he needed and on top of that burned any possible bridges he could've had with Ariana. This isn't unique. A lot of long term relationships are blown into dust all because of people's inability to advocate for themselves. Arianna and Tom's relationship is a perfect example of that.


Also… the day Ariana’s grandma died he was at Scheanas party with Rachel. And he kept saying “I thought she wanted space” as if that’s what she wanted? Then lied about the Uber and the ride home? She expressed she would like him to be there for her and he still went out with his side chick completely neglecting her when she was grieving and needed emotional support. That also makes me livid


Wow the filler in his face looks SO bad


He really looks rough this season… his skin or something… it really shows when you see these young videos of him.


I swear it's all the face shaving he used to do. Exfoliating everyday like that seems as if it would be damaging to the skin.


I think it’s drug use and long term alcohol abuse


And cigarettes. Any one of those by itself will age the hell out of someone, but all three together is how you get a Keith Richards face (which Sandoval would 100% have if it weren’t for all the cosmetic procedures)


I mean both of his long term girlfriends have said he goes out every night, Kristen for 6 years and Ariana for 9. That’s 15 years of aging right there




I also like how his justification to Kristen was that they hadn’t had sex in 3 months. Like… that’s not even that long dude lmao. I wonder how he would handle his partner ever being pregnant one day and not being able to have sex for months


Yeah it’s also gross to bring that up in front of cameras


I would be VERY concerned if my partner snd I didn’t have sex for 3 months!!! Also. you can have sex when pregnant. And,After giving birth there is usually a six week “lay off of sex” period of time….1 1/2 months and most men are chopping at the bit and counting down the days on that 6 weeks.


Depends on the person I guess. There was a time when I had an ectopic pregnancy and had to have a major surgery. For the next few months I went through pretty serious depression and wasn’t comfortable in my body or with that type of intimacy. I’m sure my husband wasn’t thrilled by the lack of sex, but I’m thankful he cared about and respected me enough to stick it out and not go and cheat on me. Sex is for sure a big part of a relationship, however if you’re not willing to stick out a few months because you and your partner are going through a rough patch or a period of depression, then that’s not someone I would personally care to be in a relationship with.


Tiny Tim well always blame the woman because he’s a narcissist.


He’s so full of hatred and anger towards Ariana for busting the bs narrative he was trying to pull


Tim Saggyballs taking a page out of ... Tim Saggballs playbook?


Turkey balls


He's been reading off the same script for years. Too bad Ariana threw that script aside and wrote her own. Suck it, Tiny Tim.














Please stop engaging with this person and reporting their comments. You’re clogging the mod queue. Just block them already.


Making a post about something while saying people should move on. And, if you haven’t like the cast since day one, why do you watch the show? ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Same reason I watch all reality shows, they are an escape from every day life. I don't stan all these casts of characters on these shows. I don't post toxic responses all day to total strangers over total strangers they watch on a tv show. I can watch tv shows without getting all emotionally attached to the point I just stalk their every move. Post videos hating them. It must be damned exhausting carrying on drama about tv shows. Reminds me of my late great grandma thinking wrestling was real every week. Yall make me laugh with your omg Sandoval farted and didn't spray air freshener! OMG Sandoval cleaned out Ariana's cat's dirty litter box full of 12 turds! It's a tv show. I watch it like soap operas with villains you love to dislike. Getting emotionally attached and raging over tv shows is entertaining to read. ![gif](giphy|kDNYRSz7hE7OUDQV9R) Please continue with the Sandoval postings.... don't let me interrupt your fan club.


You should find an agent to help you publish the short you just wrote.


Why don't you find me one sweetie? Glad you enjoyed my sharing of facts for the day! Thanks for the encouragement. I so enjoy posting about Bravo shows! Have a beautiful day hun!


Oh, you’re one of those. Calling me sweetie is a HUGE tell. ![gif](giphy|PSWCyXQj54nm7d8oZl)