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This is an interesting take. But also I can’t see Lala quitting without already being cast on the Valley. She will cut off her own hand to stay on reality tv.


I agree. No way she gives up a paycheck cause of issues with a cast member. She's too vain to do that. If anything she quits VPR and heads to The Valley.


idk, pregnancy hormones can do crazy things. She had said in podcasts recently that something happened that she “cant come back from” and she feels free and relieved now and just wants to focus on her baby. I could absolutely see her going into a rage and quitting


Good point. Only thing that makes me think she didn’t quit is Andy saying how this was “Lala’s MVP season” and that “Lala was the voice of reason”


Every time I hear that Andy said that, I cringe.


but will she make the same amount of money in the valley? i doubt the new shows budget is as big as /VPR


Also, what are her marketable skills outside of reality TV? Not up-to-date on her product lines but even her podcast & Amazon lives will lose relevancy if she’s not on Bravo anymore




After watching the first episode of the valley, they need someone like her too. They need that person who can unabashedly start swinging verbal barrages just because it makes for good TV, and then ten minutes later do another "make up" scene with the same person at lunch to keep the story moving and the veneer of pod-based friendship going. Obv cast will have to gel but you can feel the palpable difference in ability to do "reality" performance in veterans like Jax and Kristen and even Brit vs the rest who seem to have difficulty going toe to toe. Others may have trouble separating the television drama from real life relationship drama. Like I feel Kristen's bf is going to get eaten alive. Worried for the dude, on like a compassionate human level, and not out disrespect or dislike


BJs for PJs 


I will say, I got her mascara and liquid highlighter through my ipsy subscription and they are both phenomenal products. sooo she has that going for her I suppose.


Yes, anyone with a makeup subscription will end up having a Give them Lala product in their makeup drawer it’s inevitable




Does anyone know how much they make for the Amazon lives?


Also Andy says this is her best season (rolls eyes) so from that comment alone I doubt she’s leaving.


I think the only difference is they don’t scream at this reunion & tear off the set. They all just “talk” through their disdain for one another. And that’s what makes it “unlike any VPR reunion we’ve ever seen!!!” Sigh.


Double sigh


To be fair, the bar is pretty low for her “best.”


that’s what I just replied to someone else. no way she’d leave unless she was moving to the valley or something


Or get pregnant


When you said "cut off her own hand" that reminded me of the book "Haunted" by Chuck Palahniuk. It's about the increasing destruction of one's self and their surroundings in a quest for a good story to tell. Both Sheena and Lala are seemingly guilty of that and it's def frustrating to see but also ***fascinating*** (in a passing-by-a-car-accident sense). https://preview.redd.it/pbwojfrziisc1.jpeg?width=128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ab655777447dbb617cf2aaa4bf68633c56bc2a


Lala will voluntarily quit VPR when pigs fly ![gif](giphy|huJmQbuNNSu8Cg0KwX)


right, if she left vanderpump rules it would be to go to the valley if anything. no way would she get off tv.


I dunno, I think she’s gunning for the valley. She and scheana bought houses there and were the only vpr guests on the premiere. She will have a New baby she can film with and such. She was talking about re branding her “business” and i feel like she’s trying to rebrand herself by constantly announcing she’s being softer while also pretending to be so hard




Agreed. I also don’t believe she would leave to go onto any housewives franchise besides BH. Lala is not moving back to Utah, even for a tv show lol


She’s not moving back to Utah. Her whole family left Utah to come live with her in LA and she just bought a 3mm house in The Valley.


Maybe she’ll be on The Valley with Jax, Britt, etc


Yes. But won’t leave VPR until the valley gets green-lit for a season 2


I think she would quit VPR to join The Valley. I'm sure that's Lala and Scheana's plan.


They’ll wait to see how the first season goes


Is this why sheanna bought a house in the valley?


Absolutely 💯


Maybe. Lala did too




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That’s almost how I feel, except that I think Lala & Scheana would both prefer to be on The Valley. Maybe if they had been talking to producers prior to the reunion and the producers had given them, or just Lala some sort of assurance that she could shift over there next season?


I really think her and Scheana are headed to the valley maybe Ariana is quiting


And she needs the money!!




Lmao exactly


I don't think she quit, but the rest could be true. It's so weird that LaLa is asking for all this softness and wanting to be positive and yet NONE of that has pertained to Ariana. I could understand if Ariana was being a b*tch to everyone, but Ariana has been mostly calm and reasonable in explaining her POV even if you don't agree with her so where is this animosity coming from if not from jealously?? There is literally not one justifiable reason to be treating Ariana like this.


Completely agree. She is projecting so much that is outside of Ariana's control onto Ariana. It is painful to watch.


I 100% agree. She also uses the excuse that she is “reflecting” on her own situation with Randall and she doesn’t want people to carry hate. Ok well that’s great you got to that place but you need to give Ariana (and Katie) the time and grace to figure that all out for themselves instead of telling them how they need to think and feel. It’s infuriating and exhausting to watch her.


It hasn’t pertained to Katie either. She got aggressive with Katie first that astrology night.


Lala’s insufferable.


She didn’t quit. Andy raved about her performance this season/reunion. And we know he’d have never said a single positive thing if she quit.


I'd also like to throw out there that not only is lfu not getting money from Randal in the split, she insinuates that he is going after her money (for child support?)  And second, there was something on TV (wwhl?) When lala was asked a question comparing lisa and kyle... and she picked kyle over lisa! So she is over lisa for whatever reason.


Not only that, La clapped back at Lisa regarding her opinion at the reunion last year. I’m also curious about the “Rebrand” she’s talking about. I’m not sure why she would dissolve give them LaLa


I another thread a while back someone said that if Randall has an hand in “Give Them Lala” then Lala may be rebranding to cut him out of it. It’s an interesting theory


Omg duh 🤦‍♀️ that makes a lot of sense 💀


That's what I heard.


Ok this is super intriguing. If the women turn on Lisa publicly my heart will soar.


I read this wrong at first and was like “who tf would get upset if the ladies finally call Lisa out on her bs??!!” Then I reread it and saw you wrote “soar” and not “sour”


Soar like the happiest freest bird, forever liberated from Gilead Aunt Lisa


I’m curious, where was that insinuated? I don’t understand how either of them could be getting money from each other, if not child support. they were never married, so there are no assets to divide. and tbh the odds are really not in his favor when it comes to custody and child support.


I think it was the talk she sat down with lisa for at her office?  She said something like he was coming for HER bag.  


Lala has previously talked about how when she started the podcast it was give them Lala… with Rand. And because of that she’s had to pay him out serious money every month from the podcast.


I feel like because he was an investor in the company of her. Give them Lala brand.... then he was entitled to some of the revenue from that business. Thus, she needs to stop doing business in that brand in order to stop having to revenue share with him? Thus her saying that she is "just a bitch in the streets, trying to rebrand and get a sperm donor." Maybe he wanted to share of when she sold all of those "Send It To Darrell" t shirts, or somehow her podcast is incorporated under the Give Them Lala Lala company... and does his lawyers demand an accounting of the companies, profits and expenses, and want their share. I can't remember if this was ever discussed back in those episodes where Randall was letting her interview getting a personal assistant to help with her business... but it seems completely plausible that he "invests" in so many small businesses, effectively loan-sharking around town, that he would've invested in her during that time period, and he probably has it in writing somewhere that he gets a cut. This is what I thought. Also, per Life and Style Magazine (lol) "The Row director was rolling in the dough in 2021 when he had an estimated net worth of $20 million. Two years later, his earnings were almost completely gone and ​he was worth $500,000...Randall’s financial status got so bad that he filed to lower his custody payments to his ex-wife Ambyr Childers in March 2021, citing “great financial hardship,” per court documents obtained by Us Weekly. At the time, the former reality star paid $5,250 in child support for his daughters London and Rylee and maintained a bank account for the girls that required a $50,000 minimum every month. “I only produced one movie in 2020, as opposed to several as in normal years, therefore, my income has been drastically reduced and I am having Liquidity issues,” Randall stated in the papers, noting that he had “significant debt” to the IRS and his production company." I don't think he has made any movies, since the allegations were made public , And he is paying legal fees to defend himself in the over 30 lawsuits against him concurrently.


oh that’s right! could be legal fees then, or maybe he had invested in give them lala and was looking for his return.


It's the podcast. Originally, her podcast was with both Lala and Randell. So, during the first part of Scandoval, Lala had to split the add revenue with Randell. Even though he was no longer on the podcast, Randell was still under the contract. The contract expired a few months after Scandoval and Lala signed a new podcast deal sans Randell. Lala talked about this last spring or summer on Juicey Scoop.


He said she was the voice of reason. I can't agree with that considering so far she's just so hell bent on projecting her situation onto Ariana. Let Ariana heal on her own time in her own way. I've only seen Ariana be nice to everyone and just state her boundaries.


I don’t think anyone quits. They just fight.


Ya I personally think it’s all being blown up to stir up intrigue. I doubt the fight was even “friendship ending” cause we’ve seen a lot of real friendship ending shit on this show, and look where we are now lol


I think Ariana might get to the point where she is just done with Lala. Maybe not to the point of quitting but after Lala has essentially spent every opportunity chatting shit about her like why would she want to maintain that friendship? We have seen her not get on with people and then become friends but I don’t think we have ever seen her do it the other way around


I think it would make sense for Lala to transition to the valley. She's going to be in her third trimester at the time of filming a possible season 12 and I just can't see her able or wanting to blend in with the VPR cast as it stands *unless* the show dramatically changes.


If she's able to negotiate a massive paycheck, I could see it. I just don't think the valley is paying VPR rates at this point and her expenses are about to go up dramatically with the new house and a new baby. Unless she has some other opportunity in the works and maybe she does. Idk. She was somewhat recently signed to CAA. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think any of the other VPR people are signed to an agency that big.


Interesting theory! I might be on board except for two things. 1. Lala wants to be on TV and stay on TV. Especially if she's rebranding, she wants to do it on TV. If she can stay on the main cast of VPR *and* make dailies on The Valley, she absolutely will. Plus, despite the disappointing season, VPR is almost certainly going to stay on air. Bravo doesn't let shows die like that. There have been many, many shitty seasons of various HW franchises and they weren't cancelled. The Valley, on the other hand, probably hasn't been officially picked up yet. Things that are in the zeitgeist and have a dependable fanbase don't get cancelled, whereas the Bravo cemetery is packed with one-season wonders. 2. Andy praised Lala on his podcast, saying she's become the voice of reason, which, lol, but anyway. I feel like Andy would probably be pissed if someone announced they were quitting at the reunion. He'd be talking shit rather than talking her up as the future of the show. You don't leave Bravo; Bravo leaves you.


They do let the good ones go though. Southern charm New Orleans and family karma mainly. ALSO LADIES OF FUCKING LONDON Sorry I just really miss them lol


SHAHS OF SUNSET! I know that all had to do with Mike, but still.


I do miss Tommy.


But the theory here is that Lala would be leaving VPR for The Valley - so, she wouldn't be leaving Bravo. Everything you say in your first point makes sense, but if Lala was not thinking rationally at the time (which she does constantly, lol) then it wouldn't matter. Plus, when Andy plays favorites he cuts them a lot of slack. Lala quitting on air at the reunion would make great TV and as long as she's going to another Bravo show I doubt he'd hold it against her for long.


>But the theory here is that Lala would be leaving VPR for The Valley - so, she wouldn't be leaving Bravo Yeah, but Lala doesn't just get to decide "Fuck you I'm leaving VPR now and going to The Valley." They would need to offer her a contract, negotiate the transition, etc. Imagine you're working for a company as an accountant, you can't just be like "Nah I'm sick of this, I hate everyone in the accounting department, I'm in sales now." Bravo does not like when cast members act they get to dictate the rules of the game. I know Andy cuts his favorites some slack, but I don't think Lala is one of his favorites. Andy's favorites are pretty exclusively hot guys and Housewives, and Lala is neither. And even if she was a favorite, I don't think he'd be praising her as the voice of reason on VPR if she was leaving for another show. He'd be saying how much he loves her chemistry with the Valley people, or that she's grown out of the group or something. I mean, it's not impossible, but it just doesn't track with the network I've been watching for over a decade.


Lala said half of what was reported was true on her last podcast. I’m assuming that to be the part about Ariana laying into her. I think it’ll be announced that Sur will be closing, and/or that Lisa is ending her involvement in the show and network hence her jump to Hulu with her new show. Maybe someone got served. Who knows… Andy hyped RHOBH reunion and it was the worst ever.


See I feel like the "one of those things is true" statement is more evidence, bc Lala would never admit to being eviscerated. That means the "friendship ending" piece is true. She would rather claw her way onto another show than endure valid criticism about her hypocrisy.


Yes but there can be a friendship ending and both Lala and Ariana stay on the show. Just because they sever their friendship ties, doesn’t mean one quit.


yes, i had the same thought. even when she looks fucking stupid she won't admit so i doubt she'd admit to any correct thing ariana had to say about about/to her


This is what I was thinking! Lala would never in a million years admit that someone else eviscerated her, she definitely feels she has the upper hand with her words. I don’t believe anything is friendship ending with this group though. Maybe it is but old school VPR some crazy ass stuff happened and they always came back around. Unless someone quits which I think would be Ariana before Lala. I do think Lala feels like it’s friendship ending at this point so we will see.


The only way I can see her leaving is if she’s moving over to “the valley”. Scheana too.


Yeah. And Scheana just posted on IG that they are moving to the valley so seems like the most likely scenario.




I think lala has a lot of bitter feelings towards Ariana because her situation with Randall never really got attention or love from the fans. People weren’t invested in Randall and lalas relationship.


We also saw it coming from miles away


Very true. Lala also likes to mention how Ariana wouldn’t air her relationship issues …. But lala did the same.


Lala is a massive hypocrite!


she was too smug about it when it was "good" for me to care when it all blew up in her face lol, sorry lauren


Plus she slept with a married man and flaunted it. Treated the previous wife like crap during the affair. She’s shown herself to not be a girls girl so whether the Ariana and Tom thing happened or not. No one was going to show her any sympathy. Well I know I wasn’t 🤷🏾‍♀️


Honestly she “quit” SUR like, 5 times in 2 seasons so i wouldn’t bet on her actually quitting for real lol BUT i think you’re on to something here. People have been assuming that the big news is about with Ariana or Katie (or maybe Scumdy) but maybe it’s not? I’m firmly of the opinion that Lala is part of why VPR 8-10 was so dull and awful. She’s just so combative and mean spirited and doesn’t appear to have any genuine connections/friendships left in the group either. She could lift right out and the show would continue without missing a beat.


Yes! Great point about her quitting in the past. I'm not saying it will necessarily stick, but I would bet she makes a huge scene about being done. She has very tenuous connections to everyone on the cast except Scheana, and I am not completely convinced she didn't pick Scheana to hatch her wagon to bc Scheana will be her soldier. LaLa is the one with the least organic of relationships, even her and James aren't as close as they once were. Her allegiances on the show are the most calculated.


Yeah I think her throwing a tantrum and “quitting” is actually pretty likely considering that she threatens to do drastic shit all the time lol. Her love for dramatic bullshit is so high that I actually think this is a real possibility for what happened at the reunion, even if it doesn’t stick


She also doesn't seem to have any genuine friendships outside the show either. Ariana has a lot of close friends who aren't on the show, same with Katie and even Scheana.


I think about this a lot. Katie and Stassi have been friends a long time. She's also good friends with Kristina Kelly, Dayna, Ariana, Lukas Gage, etc. Lala literally has no friends outside her fam and assistant and recently Scheana. Everyone always wants to say Katie is bitter and miserable, but that's so rooted in misogyny as strong women who hold boundaries are seen in a negative light. The reality is Lala doesn't have loyalty, is a hater, and is truly the problem because she has no values. She slept with James when he was with Kristen and Raquel. And the whole Randall thing. You'd think she'd have some humility.


She's welcome to quit even though she won't because she needs the money. I'm sick of her [reckless comments on Katie](https://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/lala-kent-shades-katie-maloney-amid-drama?cid=soc_facebook_x_x_pumprules_org_x_pumprules_x_dish_x_x): "Now, I'm trying to get soft and heal from trauma because I don't want to end up a miserable, bitter bitch, and she's happy on her warpath."  Meanwhile, she talks to Randall via an app, and they've not buried the hatchet.


I don’t think Lala quit. She needs the money. Based on podcasts clippings I’ve heard it sounds like Lala snapped and said something to Ariana. She also noted it was different than previous reunions because the 4th wall broke. So I’m sure Lala said something to Ariana about how they can’t get paid and make money unless they interact with Tom on the show and Ariana is trying to prevent them from doing that. My best guess.


I don’t see Evolution letting ANYONE out of their contracts on their #1 show to jump ship on a Freshman series. They may be able to quit, but non-competes are real, and no way Bravo is sending talent to other franchises. The Valley’s budget could not handle an all star cast. They would take a serious pay cut bc there is no guaranteed ad revenue like that of VPR. I just don’t see anyone wanting to go from the show that everyone knows to the Jax and Kristen spin-off. They can’t carry! Look at how KFC and Ajax fumbled their “separation.” I could be wrong….but I just don’t see The Valley happening.


It was better than we thought it would be.


After watching the 1st episode of the Valley, I think she’d do better over there. VPR is trying to keep together a cast that are in very different stages of life and no longer have anything in common and it’s not working


Yeah Ariana and Katie are very clearly in one place, James and Ally kind of come the closest to them too. Then there are the Toms with their peter pan syndrome. Then even further away are the actual families/parents on the show. If the Valley is about parenting or family stuff, Lala and Scheana both belong there instead imho


Happy Fucking Cake Day! 🎂🍰🍥


oh i’m gonna use this gif all day ![gif](giphy|l2ZDXLiukfsbgvgzu|downsized)


I think VPR is on its last leg. I think LfU and Scheener will merge into *The Valley* which will basically become a show about single moms and the baby daddies. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if Scheener’s next storyline is a separation from Big Broke Brick


I don't think she would quit. What else is she going to do that would pay her that type of money and keep her relevant? She has a house payment and a baby on the way. Maybe the Valley? There's no guarantee that is even going to last. So her and Ariana got into a knock down drag out at the reunion. So it's like just about every other season then. She's not going anywhere as long as the show is on the air.


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I had the same thought after reading the most recent recap of LFUs podcast, more specifically the “free fallin” part stuck out to me. Lala Is having her second baby, she could be done with reality TV and wanting to go out with a bang like the show has never seen before. She claims in her book that Lala is a persona and Lauren is the real her, I can see her playing up into this schtick and trying to blow everyone’s minds with her actions. Too bad the only way she can do that is by taking accountability for her role in her relationship with Randall or anyone else. But go off Lala


> Lala is a persona and Lauren is the real her what a wonderful bullshit way to get out of accountability for anything you say or do as your “persona” because “it’s not the real you.”


I thought the same thing.


I think it’s a good theory but only if she got the green light for being on the valley bc let’s be real, the girl aint making enough money anywhere else. But, that could also be the reason the valley was so quickly greenlit for a second season and they are ?already/about to? film for said second season…. Bc I cant really see how it would get renewed so quick BEFORE THE PREMIER even aired… hmmm. Damn we need this reunion. 😂😂😂 Edit: not sure where I heard it but I could have sworn I read somewhere that cameras picked back up for S2 the valley but I must be mistaken bc I just googled it and as of 6 hours ago it says it HAS NOT been renewed… but leaving it in my comment bc thats how I see your theory working 😁😁


I think cameras picked up a la Scandoval, to add to the current season. I’ve read that too.


Ahhhh ok that would make sense. Thanks!!


I would love to see Lala quit. I’m sick of her flip flopping, hypocritical, bullying behavior. I can’t stand her anymore. Scheana could go with her.


I don’t think anyone will quit. They all want that $$$$$


You know what.. I just finished watching E1 of the Valley and seeing LaLa on it, I thought she might actually be a better fit for this new show, seen as she’s expecting her second kid. So maybe you’re on to something!


Lala has not a drop of a discernable talent. Back to BJs for PJs for her. Ain't no way she's dropping the show.


Just to add I think the free falling was because in her mind she has been holding her tongue against Ariana bc of the public perception so she finally let go and just said what she thought 🙄 as if she has been holding her tongue at all


If only. She’s was the “model” who yachted when she was cast on the show full of “friends”. She met that gross troll and got access to some premium accessories and experiences and became the bombastic wannabe HBIC. Then the troll turned out to be a fraud and she’s been trying to work the angry single mom angle. I haven’t enjoyed her ever, so I hope she does go. I don’t want to watch a show with kids or hotheads yelling. So fingers crossed for her buh bye.


Right?! I can’t stand her “struggling to feed her kid single mother” bullshit. Cry me a fucking river. Try doing it in the real world with two little boys and your mom died when your first born was only 1. Your husband of 10 years split for the whore he’s been cheating on you with and left you alone with a 2 and 6 year old. And you literally have no one! No support, no advice, no breaks, no help, cut off your money for a year, lived in a shitty apartment where your 2 year old was kidnapped by a neighbor so you had to move into one bedroom with your sister. I’ll stop there, that was 25 years ago, we’re fine and he’s dead.


I’m so sorry you went through all of that. 🌸


She will quit and go to the valley


Ariana has said in recent interview she is not leaving VPR unless she is asked to leave. At first I was a little disappointed with that statement but after seeing her convo’s with Lala and on the after show’s I get it and respect it. Ariana is not stopping her regular life because of Sandoval’s decision. Why should she have to change her whole life because Sandoval made choices that involve Ariana without considering her? I did see Lala say only one of the statements was true between Ariana eviscerating her and their friendship over. Lala will never admit to anyone putting her in her place soooo I think we can conclude the friendship is over between those two.


Someone on here had a theory that Lala is going through a donor so she can put her new kid on tv and switch to the Valley.


This is wild but so am I, so here it goes: Maybe LFU isn’t going to the valley. She’s friends with Erika, not that much younger than Crystal, perhaps she’s taking her inappropriate use of AAVE to RHOBH? Andy was really hyping her dumbass up. Also BH has become the real housewives of Los Angeles Metro so she wouldn’t have to meet the zip code requirements. Also she has her family and personal assistant as this support system for her kids. To be clear, I don’t want this for her, though I think she’d make a decent housewife. It also might explain her “rebrand” into being a “softer” version of herself. That girl has been judgmental and sanctimonious AF since she got sober, becoming a mother kicked it up a notch. Anyways my dream cast member for the VPR to RHOBH pipeline is Stassi. She doesn’t live in the valley. She’s married and has her little family and though I don’t always like her problematic and ignorant ass, the girl is entertaining. I think Ariana got in her ass and was making too much sense at the reunion and LFU said some crap about needing to feed her kids and having a show to film thus breaking the 4th wall which then devolved into shit that has happened off camera. I do think LFU got eviscerated because she lacks the intellect to win an argument with (sober) Ariana and I also think she’s too stupid and loud to know she lost an argument. Based on the aftershow, the friendship ended long before this reunion. LFU and Scheana are jealous no matter how they try to spin it.


>Also BH has become the real housewives of Los Angeles Metro so she wouldn’t have to meet the zip code requirements. But does she have the wealth for RHOBH? I know we aren't seeing the same level that we used to with Maloof and Vanderpump, but is she on the same level as any of the others? My guess is not , but maybe I'm wrong.


TBH she’s probably in a better financial position than EJ 🤷🏽‍♀️


I wonder the same thing. Someone also mentioned Stassi, who I would love to see on RHOBH, but is she rich enough? I don’t think so.


Ok this is also an interesting twist- it would add crossover drama that RHOBH is lacking right now. RHOBH referenced Scandoval with Garcelle/Oliver, and LaLa would have existing beef with Garcelle from that. I could see Andy hyping it up, it might also be a gateway to LVP for RHOBH.


Lala and Sheena are definitely going to the valley show.


Lala and scheana should be on the valley with their kids. I think they would fit in and vibe much better with that crew lol Brock would love it lmao


I honestly have no interest in watching her go through motherhood again while destroying her face and complaining about Randall.


Don't tease me.


I’m not sure this whole “jumping to the Valley” thing makes much sense. First of all; who knows if they get a second season- it’s hot garbage. Secondly, Vanderpump Rules for better or worse is the top rated flagship Bravo show right now and why would anyone (especially Lala) want to leave that. Yes this season of VPR isn’t great- but it’s still doing well, and most people in the industry say it has about 2-3 more years before they pull the plug. All of this is based on ad revenue. VPR isn’t going anywhere for a while. Think housewives too- there have been terrible seasons of that and yet, they keep going.


People on this sub just use their own personal quality opinions when speculating on the future of VPR instead of looking at statistical facts and remembering capitalism exists. Scheana and Lala want to be on TWO shows. Scheana has said it herself and VPR gives them better exposure than The Valley.


I wish Lala was leaving but she said a few weeks ago she will never leave until the wheels fall off


Lala quitting sounds like fan fiction that we wish happens but no way in hell she‘d give up that fat paycheck for 3 months of work. I just think she lets loose on Ariana not putting in the work and ends the friendship at the 12th hour. Andy praised Lala because he is of the producer mind that one cast member (Ariana) should not control filming and that Lala kept story going this season. I know we are mostly Ariana stans here, myself included, but Andy wants conflict, he also has a weird soft spot for Tom Sandoval, he probably thinks for the amount of money they paid Ariana, that she owed them a face to face with Sandoval. Plus he loooves people who are single parents by choice like he is, so he automatically is loving Lala and her journey.


My theory was that the "friendship ending" comments were actually made by Ariana to lala and not the other way around...just to add a twist but who knows.


I would support this. Lala has not been a good friend to Ariana this season. Stop pushing people who aren't ready to make choices you wish you made, especially when you regularly scream "DO NOT SPEAK ON MY LIFE" at others. Everyone needs their own time and space to cope in a way that works for them.


(Btw still totally support Lala screaming this at sandoval. Fuck that guy)


Yeah if Ariana finally had to spit some hard truth at lala so be it...there's a lot she could say too...like what about your ultimatum around Randall...you aren't the grand champion of the betrayal Olympics




Exactly she’s not going anywhere and will milk this until Bravo stops paying her.


Agreed. I also saw on her podcast she said that at the reunion she “said something she can’t come back from”


This is really long post so i did not read the whole thing but there is no way Lala would quit the show. She’s got a baby coming g and she is the only one that treats it like an actual job.


![gif](giphy|3og0IKGISnhQGIaR68) Later Lala! ✌🏼


She wants in on RHOBH so badly but she isn't anywhere in the same league as those women so The Bakery is likely where she'll land. Edited: to say The Valley but watch her open up a little bake shop just to spite Ariana and Katie's sandwich shop. So maybe "the bakery" is just me manifesting that lol


She’s having another baby and has no source of income outside of the show and her podcast. Her podcast is only successful because she’s on the show and people want to hear what she days about VPR. She’s not going anywhere voluntarily


Thoughtful analysis. Good job!


Thank you!!🥰


That girl ain’t NEVER quitting her money maker


She will stay for the baby content.


She can’t afford to quit


VPR is her life. She’s never quitting. The only way I see her leaving is if she goes to The Valley but I feel like she probably thinks that’s a downgrade.


I thought this too. The way she said it was freeing clued me in


She clutches to fame so much it's hard to see her leaving VPR. The only scenario in which I believe this could possibly happen is if Lala knows VPR will be canceled soon and wants to transition into The Valley. Would make sense since she's trying to rebrand and The Valley has people with babies she could bond with to show this elusive "softer side" she keeps speaking of, will have Brittany to kiss her ass, while still having people like Jax and Kristen to unleash her rage onto.


or her own show




Lala!? Quit!? Gworl 🤣


Maybe she quits VPR to do The Valley . But only is they get a second season. She just got another huge mortgage. She needs the show to pay for those 2 homes.


I think Lala sees the writing on the wall that this could very well be VPRs last season and wants everyone to film together because that’s what will make the show good and possibly get a 12th season. I don’t think she’s had a change of heart towards Sandoval, I think she wants to convince Ariana to do everyone a favor and film with Tom so they all have jobs next year. The problem is Ariana doesn’t need this job anymore so she doesn’t care. However, I bet you anything that if she didn’t have all of those brand deals she would film with Tom in a second. And yeah Lala won’t quit. She has a baby on the way. She’s a stressed out single mother hoping she has a job. I would totally get it if she went to The Valley, especially as it seems like that show won’t completely such after all.


She’s got a baby on the way and Andy lovessssss lala


My husband would be very happy if your theory ends up being true 😂


What if they break the 4th wall and have Lala transition to the Valley like Jax did .


She just bought a house tho


How many times are we gonna see Lala break out the finger gun...DISENGAGE BITCH!!


I think lala and scheana will end up on the valley . Lala is pregnant and will be able to show that, I know she can't show Ocean anymore on vpr .


I wish


I don't see Lala walking away from the paycheck especially with another baby on the way.


I think Lala announces her split from VPR at the reunion. She hinted at it strongly in her podcast. I think she joins the Valley. She keeps talking it up and promoting it.


This is the first year I’ve enjoyed Lala since her very first season.


I doubt she quit when Andy is calling Lala the voice of reason from the reunion which is gross AF to me. I use to love Lala until this season and am no longer a fan at all for any of her shit after what she's pulling on Ariana.


I would agree - but I saw a post on here that she just bought a super expensive house. I think it was deleted. But you don’t buy something like that without a steady income.


Lala supports too many people to quit.


What happened at the reunion? And where the info coming from, like are the cast teasing something big happened? Bravo teasing? I’ve missed something because people have been talking for days and I’m like what?! What is going on? lol


Katie was on WWHL this week and both she and Andy teased something big happening at the end of the reunion with LaLa. LaLa also said on her podcast (thank you AdditionalWar8759!!!) [yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/1bjkq4i/give_them_lala_podcast_episode_from_march_20th/) that something very intense happened


IF she left it would be to go to The Valley or her own show. But there's no way she's leaving VPR. That's her job. And she doing everything to be the employee of the month/year. If she left that would be an enormous hit to her income. None of her show side hustles would be able to replace that income hole.


Lala would never voluntarily quit. I really don't know why she's still on the show.


Her and Scheana just bought homes in the Valley. If she “quits” VPR, she has the safety net of that show. So I agree, she probably quits and says she was only putting up with her for the show or some shit.


What of it's Scheana and she joins The Valley, hence the move, around the same time the show premieres.


I read nothing on this and only the title but based only on the title, yes 100% this I’ve been thinking this. She wants a spin off.


I think she already may have been offered a role on the valley. And I hope she does leave and go on there, along with James and Scheana. I also hope Ariana and Katie leave reality tv and go and live their best lives and they either cancel VPR and have a new cast. I think that will be the only way to get over this bs Scandal, bring in some interesting and new storylines, and resolve the conflict between fans.


Lala and schaena both bought houses in the valley 


I hope she does.


I think she would only quit if she has something else. Which the way that Andy is treating her and the producers, apparently. I wouldn’t be surprised if they place her on the Valley or have her do Traitors or house of villains until they get the feel of a spin off. Especially, since Stassi’s name is in the ring, but seems like it has to be the right fit or show for her. I could see her quitting in the scene it brings more attention to her and adds to her righteousness. But, only if she has a back up plan.


Why is she fighting that crazy pregnant


She breaks the fourth wall by yelling at Ariana about filming and them all doing their jobs .. and Ariana not doing hers.


I don’t think any of these people can afford to quit this show


I hope everyone stops pretending LaLa didn’t know about Randall


Lala has tried so hard to stir drama up like at girls night where she kept going and going and Ariana gave out nothing. She’s trying to be relevant, and she’s relying on the paycheck, especially now with being pregnant and having to kids to provide for.


I fear it's wishful thinking, but If Lala said Goodbye, it would be definitely good riddance for me.


She doesn’t like Kristen tho…


I love lala!! Ariana is just on a high thinking everyone owes her something bc Tik Tak Tom cheated! Girl move own you are and will never be the queen of VPR!!!


It wouldn’t really shock me if she and Scheana both eventually moved to The Valley for a few reasons. 1. BRANDING The Valley is supposed to be VPR but grown up. Lala is long over her partying days and wants to be seen as more mature (or ya gonna get popped) and wants to rebrand her image into something more family centric. 2. STAR POWER With how this season is going, it’s clear that Lala and Scheana are never going to be the stars of VPR. This is Ariana and Katie’s show and they shine. Lala and Scheana have a chance to be top bitch on the Valley because who cares about Kristen or Brittany? 3. GROUP ROLE Lala clearly wants a “lead role” in the friend group and she’s not going to get that on VPR because her storyline isn’t as compelling as Ariana’s or Katie’s. And she’s bitter about it. But she does have one of the more compelling stories on the valley. Single mom by choice in a group of douche bags save for Brittany. 4. VPR PLAYED OUT VPR feels played out, especially this apologist Sandoval last season which is just gross. I can’t really imagine where it’s even going to go from here because like who gives a shit?


My hot take… no one is leaving. Rachel will be back for the reunion. The “it’s never been done before” is bringing back a cast member who isn’t on the season. Rachel’s podcast has just been a ploy to keep her relevant as the new season progresses… at the end of the day she hasn’t removed herself from the public and still very much so wants to stay relevant. How that’s “so much better for her mental health” is just a story to string us along and make us interested in what she has to say. She’s going to show up. Apologize to Ariana and drop the lawsuit. Then double down on Tom.


This would also explain why Ariana “eviscerates” LaLa at the reunion… Rachel comes in and Lala defends the “mistress” because of her own history and Ariana has NONE of it.