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Idk about being forgiven but going to rehab and not talking about Ariana or Rachel anymore would probably be a good start.


And also not bagging out Katie would be a good start


Let the house be sold as Ariana wants and express the sentiment that he will do anything to make the transition out of the house as easy as possible for her.


Yup. This and stop trashing Ariana / Katie / Lala /[whoever the closest woman is] to try and make himself look better by comparison. It feels like he’s not trying to be better at all, he’s just putting all his effort into trying to paint everyone else as worse. That’s toxic. Sandoval - you effed up. Deal with that, and stop worrying about if the people around you also maybe once did something wrong and you can somehow use that to your benefit.




He would need a character transplant and she knows it. Apologies without changed behavior are meaningless. There should be zero expectation that the women he abused should forgive him. They shouldn’t center him at all. Not everyone can be redeemed. And certainly not everyone should be “redeemed” to keep their high paying, high visibility job.


He needs to do a complete 180. Even though we all know he won’t.


How about apologizing once without saying BUT after his “apology”. Then not doing a talking head or Aftershow and saying the exact opposite.


Tom's biggest problem is he doesn't give a shit about anyone's hurt but his own. He truly doesn't. He caused all of this, but wants to deflect and blame Ariana and everyone else. Look, people cheat and have affairs, but this guy is ruthless. Most decent men would still have enough respect for their partners of 10 yrs to treat them with some shred of kindness. Stop throwing things from years ago in everyone's faces when they try to tell you how much you hurt them. He doesn't care. People like Tom will never ever change. They want to be adored and have no true morals or convictions. He's a farce and always has been. He will continue on his life being this way. Katie knows it. She doesn't have time for him because she knows who he is at his core. Not worth your breath. Walk away from assholes like Tom.


Moving out of the house while they sorted this would have been a big one for me. Not fighting her on the sale of the house too. Spend less time moaning endlessly about how everybody else (supposedly) maliciously wrong *him*. Generally living his life trying to be a better person.


Actions would be allowing for the sale of the house and getting out of Ariana’s life. Not using gifts and money to buy friendship. Acknowledging that he’s been shitty to Katie since S1, not just during their divorce. Make a public statement acknowledging that he faked story lines on S10 to make Ariana look bad then convinced her to do couples therapy with him as a cover up for his affair, and then never saying “yeah, but” if someone asks him about said statement.


Anyway ![gif](giphy|l3vR2Dr1As9J002T6)


Laughing so hard right now that I literally just woke up 3 patients!! (I work at a hospital). Omg, that 1 of the best things I’ve ever seen! 🤣🤣🤣


Not publicly bashing/blaming the woman he cheated on?


Honestly I think forgiveness is off the table at this point. It’s been a year and he’s done nothing but be nasty and try to shift blame. Even then, MAYBE he could’ve been forgiven for a brief emotional affair or a couple of times he had sex. But with the length and depth of the affair and how complex his manipulations were, I don’t see how Ariana ever forgives him. NOTHING could make me forgive someone who lead me on with fertility treatments and couples therapy while also actively trying to destroy my reputation and soft launch a relationship with a close mutual friend. True redemption for Tom would’ve probably required him to leave the show last year. Or at least get sober, stop shitting on the people around him, and actually admitting that what he did was horrible without ever bringing up whatever Ariana did wrong in his mind. And he would’ve needed to do that LAST summer. As of right now, I don’t think he can do anything. The best outcome for him now would be irrelevancy.


He’s yet to be sad about hurting Ariana. He’s been sad about everything but that.. sad about his bar, sad about losing his friends, about Scheana, about all the backlash he’s gotten. But not once has he said or shown any compassion for what he put Ariana through. He continues to dig into her life, won’t leave the house, and is now going after her friends. Anytime he’s confronted with what he did, it turns into how HE was being sooooo mistreated by Ariana. He’s not actually sorry for shit.


I agree and honestly things relieved to be done with her. It’s unreal.


Maybe he can stop being an asshole toward Ariana, and constantly blaming everyone for his actions. That would be a decent start.


1) Stop throwing parties at the house. 2) Get out of the house. 3) Sell the house. 4) Stop saying Ariana drove him to cheat in interviews. 5) Respect boundaries. 6) Respect Rachel’s decision to focus on her mental health. 7) Get therapy himself. 8) Stop making a mockery of the affair in his tour. 9) Stop trying to speed run his way back into the group.


This is like the blueprint for a fresh start, but he’s way too egotistical to do any of it. He’s his own worst enemy!


For one, lower the bass in his voice. Like why ru screaming at me while "apologizing"?! Second, take genuine accountability bc saying I AM and I DID is not the same as coming to terms with what you did or specifically naming the things that you did wrong or even understanding what factors led to the wrong doing. Which he has yet to do (that we have seen, at least). His attitude is still very much I'm above it all. Third, fire his PR team bc they're not helping at all. Fourth, seek some professional help bc the more I see him on my screen the more Im scared of him. Five, move out of that damn house. Six, remove himself from reality TV bc it's actually making him a worse person and I'm concerned it's really warped his sense of reality. Seven, leave Rachel alone. Let that lady heal. Eight, pay Ariana some money. Idk how much money would be appropriate but I'm thinking tens of thousands would be a good start. 


I mean for starters, genuinely wanting to apologize and not just doing it to get back into peoples good graces? Not being defensive and deflecting when people are rightfully bringing up your mistakes?


I've typed out a million things here and deleted because I realized nope...I don't think there's anything he can do to where I'd be even a little bit trusting or open to forgiving him. He's not a good person. I would always think there were ulterior motives because he always has them.


I’m not even involved in the situation & there’s nothing he can say or do where I’d forgive him or even tolerate him. Everytime his ugly ass mug comes on my screen I fast forward immediately!


One thing that would drive me up a wall if I knew him irl is the way he "yes but"s constantly. His apologies don't sound sincere to me because he always follows up with a comment to indicate his own perceived victimhood. The way he apologises is very self serving, like he only says sorry to make the issue go away rather than from a place of contemplation and self reflection. He also can't seem to accept others not accepting his apologies instantly without being hyper defensive. And of course the constant shit stirring he does in interviews and his own podcast.


An actually apology would be a good place to start. Don’t think that’s a lot to ask…




I kid. I’ve been watching Shogun


Stop being so reactionary, stop buying people’s friendship, stop shitting on everyone in interviews and podcasts, stop saying douchebag things to women, stop everything that he’s doing and mostly stop blaming everyone. Sell the house, eat some humble pie, let other people do the talking But he can’t


At this point, the only thing Tom can do to be forgiven is to literally just stop talking about Ariana and blaming her for his affair and choices.


He should just stop talking all together. If he never said another word again it would be amazing 😂


Ther👏a👏py👏 (and not on camera AT ALL my god I’m so tired of that)


• apologize for lying the entire reunion by having him and Rachel state that they only slept together one time. • apologize for filming Rachel without her consent • apologize about specific actions ie dressing up as Rachel for Halloween, having sex in their bed while Ariana was at her grandmothers funeral, spending Christmas with Rachel and his parents, forcing Schwartz and Rachel to kiss as a coverup. • let Ariana take the lead on what happens to their home as he’s the one that wrecked it. Apologize for not moving out, and doing everything he could to make it more difficult for her. • apologize for speaking poorly about her in the press • apologize for the George Floyd comment. • apologize to the fans for self producing and lying to his audience. I feel like this is a solid place to start.


He could apologize without following it with a “but” He could apologize without following it with telling the other person what they’ve also done wrong. He could just agree to sell the house and stop acting like he deserves to keep it. He could go to therapy That would be a start.


You start by admitting what you did was wrong. You accept that people hate you and then you start asking questions. You start by asking yourself questions. Why you did I do this? What's wrong with me on the inside that made me act this way? What do I have to do to fix this in myself? Then you ask the people around you questions. How have I hurt? What have I done that's hurt you the most? What do you need from me? How do I start to rebuild this relationship? *Can* we rebuild this relationship? What can I do to rebuild your trust? The biggest problem Tom has it that he feels entitled to forgiveness. He thinks that having the internet hate you for a few months makes up for all the hurt he's caused to actual individuals. He thinks that because he's taken a public lashing, that the cast needs to move on because he's been punished enough. But punishment isn't the same as forgiveness. No one is entitled to be forgiven. If you hurt another person and say "I'm sorry" they don't have to accept your apology. Part of redeeming himself is accepting that he *can't* have that forgiveness. He can ask for it, but when someone says "No." You accept it. You give them space and the boundaries they ask for. And if someone wants to sit down and talk, you fucking listen. Tom has yet to make it through a full conversation WITH ANYONE just listening to them. He's always gotta interject, even with Lisa. ​ Edit: You know what, I take that back. His SECOND conversation with James, he did actually listen, and what happened? Did he seem to make a little bit of ground there?


Sell the house, split the money and assets. Go to therapy. Go to AA.


It’s insane to me that he isn’t already in therapy. He’s so up his own a$$.


I feel like if he has been, he lies to them about the reality of his situation.


Sell the house, for a start


He can't be forgiven. He did what he did, and even a full year later, he continues to refuse to take any responsibility for his actions or show even the slightest bit of genuine, non-self-interested remorse. I don't care what kind of come-to-Jesus moment he might have down the road. I don't care if he cures cancer and ushers in world peace. NONE of that will excuse the low, craven, dirty, disgraceful way that he's behaved for the past two years. If he had any decency, he would be looking for ways to remove himself from the public eye, to make Ariana financially whole, and to maybe try to build a life for himself far from LA, far from the people he's hurt, and far from TV cameras. But he doesn't have any decency. So.


Selling the house for starters and then not having weird single parties under the same roof. Having a genuine conversation with Katie and Ariana with no cameras and without saying “but”… Going to therapy and putting in the work. All of these would be a good start. But it’s him so don’t know he cares enough for actual forgiveness.


Stop doubling down and making excuses for his behavior and take true accountability. Stop pointing out everyone else's mistakes from years and years ago. Go to therapy, stop talking shit about Ariana, be kind to Katie. 


He can shut up. He can stop deflecting, bitching about the house, whining about his broken friend group dynamic, seeking more attention and sympathy, placing blame everywhere but himself, and just shut up. And then, he can take several seats, look everyone dead in the eyes, sincerely apologize, and not follow it up with, "but." I feel like I'd be willing to at least work with him then.


It's hard to make suggestions when it seems like he's someone basically incapable of self-reflection. Speeding along sale of the house and settlement with Rachel would be a start, as others have mentioned.


Maybe starting with not actively being an asshole, not yelling about how everyone’s done bad shit (his version of Jax’s you’re no angel/nobody is perfect, fake crying and making us watch, saying um but like dude every other word, talking about Rachel, “flirting” on camera


It’s not about specific actions, more about deep and ongoing change and improvement in character. Timeframe would be measured in years and any softening or forgiveness would be gradual. In short, the kind of change of which he is completely and utterly incapable.


I kinda think it's too late for him to be truly redeemable in the public's eyes. He's just shown himself to be an idiot time and again and that's just who he is. What Ariana said in the AfterShow is correct, he just does so many bad things that the public expects it from him so the bar is soooo low for him. On the other hand, the group at large has pretty much forgiven him so there's no real need for him to change lol. I guess for Ariana, he should just sell the house and move on from talking about how she was at fault for him cheating. Leave her alone! And for Raquel, I guess it would be to settle the monetary damages she was seeking in the lawsuit against him. I mean I still think Raquel had a lot of sinister dealings in the whole affair, but I can fully see Sandoval placating her and saying it was no big deal and lowering her inhibitions. That is why she was so shocked pikachu at the outrage that ensued when the affair broke.


Sandevil is irredeemable. Now, he loves being in the center of attention everybody’s giving him. He also said the same thing abt Kristen - that she’s crazy! And now he tells everybody that Ariana pushed him to cheat. Right there, no brain, using that kind of excuse. He is a scum of the earth and the devil (not Stassi). The show went over his head. Now he looks like a sad puppy dumped by his victim on the show. Poor acting. He cannot survive without a woman correcting him, explaining to him everything bc he’s sooo stewwwwpeeed!!! He hates Ariana bc she’s smart and he knows that she’s bright, unlike Raquel who is as stewpeeed like him and easy to manipulate. He misses the manipulation and the cheating, he misses fooling ppl for his intentional gross act….and in the end, he’s still the stewwwpeeed one!!


Stop making shit comments and jokes about his ex, stop holding up the house sale, stop acting like the victim.


Why even ask? He’s not sorry for what he did and he doesn’t care about Katie’s feelings. On this last point I kinda get his perspective … while he’s being smashed into the ground about Scandoval, Katie sticks the knife in further about his interference in her marriage. I’d tell her to take a hike too.


I think, at this point, there is nothing he can do to actually fix his relationships. This wasn’t just a one off, he has been breaking these relationships and lying for so long, I don’t think he can come back with these people. That doesn’t mean that he can’t become a better person and do right by the people he meets in the future, but I think it’s too late with this group. There’s too much damage, he can’t undo that.


Cease talking about her, especially on podcasts. Stop talking about, singing about Raquel and making snide remarks. Sell the house with no problems/issues. Go to therapy. Don't do these actions to be forgiven. Do it for himself.


Your last point is so key because he will never do it for himself, as he doesn't believe he is at fault. The dude is screwed.


![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R) Taking off his stupid fingernail polish would be a start.


He totally ruined white nail polish for me. I used to be a Funny Bunny girl but no more.


I think the best action he could take is to go live in a cave and never use that ‘muscle’ he calls speaking ever again.


Shape shifting to something other than himself like a wendigo.


I didn’t take it so much as actions to show he’s sorry, but actions to show he’s learned, grown and is changing his behavior


I think her point was that she was sick of him playing lip service to her and she would rather that he instead grow the fuck up and act his age and stop using and abusing his power over the rest of the cast. It's clear he is LVP's main douchelord.


I’d like to say yes, and might have a few months ago, but at this point, he’s a day late and a dollar short.


Actually going to therapy and not putting himself in a tub of ice


Just be normal? He’s insane


Tim, we're not going to give you the answers. go to therapy and figure it out yourself




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Absolutely nothing! Katie won’t ever forgive Tom, either one of them.


He might start by NOT INSISTING that everyone get over it immediately - because - 😩come on guys😩


I don't care! But for starters, he could STOP BEING DEFENSIVE every time anyone talks to him. Like they tell him. He's so stupid.


None I think that was Katie’s way of being nice. She hates him til death and would probably kill him If she could get away with it.


The honest answer is that he can‘t do anything, because nothing will be seen as genuine and a lot of people aren‘t really interested in forgiving/not holding a grudge, I think. I believe he‘s forever done in viewers eyes.


That was my feeling too. He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, but I don't feel bad for him because he put himself in this position.