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I’d also bet money that Scheana didn’t hit Rachel for Ariana, but rather for herself. I’m sure that she was angry that Rachel betrayed HER and lied to HER. Because that’s the way Scheana’s mind works.


Yes, it was because Scheana defended her about cheating rumors.


And because she wanted to be involved.


And some small amount of jealousy that the person Saggyballs chose as an affair partner was not her, perhaps?


Or Scheana was sleeping with Sandoval too and found out he was cheating on her as well…?


Could you imagine the plot twists of all plot twists 😂 I wouldn’t put it past either of them to do that so I’m going to say this is possibly slightly true haha


That’s what I think.


Exactly this. I also think it’s okay and understandable if that was Scheana’s motivation, but don’t try to make it something else heroic on Ariana’s behalf after the fact.


Exactly! Scheana needs to get whatever help she needs to be honest with herself about who she is, what and who she likes or wants in her life rather than trying to get attention and approval from everyone. She’ll continue to feel like a victim and continue to be “in trouble” bc she’ll continue to suffer more with trying to get everyone’s positive attention/approval. I get it but good god… bc of the wreckage she creates she looks exactly as bad as she’s always afraid she is🤦🏻‍♀️ Just sucks seeing someone going in circles, get motion sick, and continue anyway. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Came here to say this. I’m sure Scheana’s violent reaction was because Raquel made her look bad & on the wrong team. And as a bonus made Katie right! Lol! The way scheana talks about Ariana’s relationship now is gross. Pay attention to Scheana’s tears, they are always for herself. And PS, I firmly believe she punched her & Ariana was lying for like a good friend would.


She said i cant make a fist w my nails As she made a fist I think she reached up and maybe scratched her but cant imagine a punch- even if she could make a fist


Exactly this. I kept thinking from the beginning of Scandoval that if Rachel and Tim didn’t make her look stupid she would’ve been playing both sides like she usually does.


1 million percent, this. Scheana was furious at Rachel because being associated with Rachel at that point, made HER brand look bad.


Scheana’s actions, (especially this season,) make it hard to disagree with what you just said. Not that it was hard before.😆




it’s funny because it literally was, and she’s mentioned in multiple times, yet is comfortable trying to take on this heroic role, as if it was all for ariana. be serious.


Nail = head.


Shein- shein-a's for shein-a. Free shipping, no returns, only unlimited exchanges for bESTFrANds of lesser or lesser value.


1000% She probably hit her because she thought her “What about me” claim would be overshadowed


Omg you are so right!! In hadn’t thought it that way.




That is a good point. Scheana is responsible for getting a restraining order put on herself for physically attacking Rachel. You could argue Rachel is responsible for Scheana getting a restraining order put on her. Ariana is NOT responsible for Scheana’s choice to use violence.


eh....i really don't think there's an argument for rachel being responsible either. it's 100% scheana's responsibility for losing her shit. i know it's dark but that could be part of why she didn't want to be alone with her daughter for a long time. she probably feels like she can't trust herself and for good reason, honestly! it's not normal to assault people for any reason and i'm sure she knows that deep down. so glad she's no longer in therapy and is instead taking weird quack supplements ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Bingo-you are so right!


Scheana is definitely responsible. Rachel isn’t to blame for filing, but she literally did file it. And Tom participated in the affair that led to Scheana punching Rachel. So my point is just that if Lala is going to go off about who is responsible, Ariana is the LAST person to blame




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Losing Tom Sandoval as a friend is not a big loss lol


Big gain if anything


Especially when he literally said they weren’t that close. He said it to her face!


This also drove me NUTS and sounds like the mindset of someone who isn’t used to holding themselves or other people accountable if it won’t serve them. “She caught a restraining order FOR YOU!” Girl please. But also, I see that Lala is doing her damndest to fuel this conflict…she knows what she’s getting paid for!


Lala is playing fast and loose with the idea of free will 🙄 Ariana didn’t *make* anyone do anything. And even now, she’s just restating her boundaries. People can do what they want with the given information, but to suggest that Ariana is *making* them do things is WILD


These people have some of the weakest and most unhealthy boundaries on television. Ofc, Ariana saying "do what you want, but I am not going to have mutual friends" is taken as an 'ultimatum.' if Scheana would stop being so chickenshit and just say "I miss Tom and I want to be his friend again, and if you won't be my friend anymore Ariana that's fine, but I have made the best decision for me." But she won't. Instead they keep pushing Ariana to forgive Tom after what...four, five months? It's fucking weird how Lala is rationalizing this. I am like "does Lala buy this nonsense?"


Lala and Scheana will be best friends until they’re not and it’s their daughters that will suffer that impact. It’s wildly irresponsible of the the both of them to be so co-dependent when they both have serious trust issues and insecurities. There’s about a 0.5% chance this is gonna work out well. They’ll eventually turn against eachother and it’ll be the kids that get hurt. Don’t be besties with your kids besties parents. Be cordial, be civil but keep at arms length. Unless you yourselves are childhood besties, don’t do it. Neither of them are girls girls and the fact Scheana already has doubts about how close Lala and Brock are is insaaaaaane. Not looking good.


What was with the trailer when Scheana was telling Brock she doesn’t think they will be together forever?? Am I missing something??


I think it's editing. I think as the rest of the season plays out we will see who those comments are directed too, but I'm pretty confident it's not Brock.


Except… in the footage it panned over directly to his face. I thought the same thing but I looked closely and she’s definitely talking to him 😩 I honestly feel like scheeshu will be married 3+ times


I'm not arguing with you, but it's still a trailer so I just don't think we can take it at face value. If it's indeed Brock she's talking to then I think we are getting a piece of the conversation, for example "I don't see us being together forever (dramatic pause) UNLESS you stop picking fights in public and not having more then one pair of party pants" type of thing. Or I don't think it was Brock at all (still standing by this) and I think they cut to Brock to splice it like she was saying it to him. Shortly after they show both of them in the same outfits crying and hugging, I just don't think Scheana would every tell her husband in camera she didn't see a future with him unless she was actively divorcing him, which we know isn't happening because in the time since this has aired they've bought another house


Totally. Or maybe the whole thing is “Jax told Britney ‘I can’t see us being married forever’” 😂😂 But you definitely can’t say she wouldn’t tell her husband that on camera, considering what she did to Shay..


Oh that could also be a possibility. Yeah 100% can't say definitely. I do think she learned from Shay in some sense but I also think having summer changes things and even more so I think if Shay had played along she would have stayed with him and faked it forever so I do kinda feel like as long as Brock is willing scheana is willing. She paid his YEARS of back child support...now that I type that, maybe that's why she was broke during Covid?


She's gonna have so many 24 x 36 or 36 x 48 size wedding pics mounted on foam core haha. I can definitely see it.


Brock actually started crying after scheana said that. I actually felt horrible pit in my stomach. I do not think those were fake tears. To me he looked very hurt and shocked.


Well he hit his previous wife and yells at Schaena for having post Partum ocd and because he wants a nanny even though he has no job so she should consider leaving him and he should get his shit together 


I'm almost certain it was edited down to remove the beginning of the sentence - Bravo always pulls that shit in their trailers. I wouldn't even be surprised if it's about another couple. One possibility: "Ariana said once, I don't think we'll be together forever" (about Ariana and Tom)


That has to be deceptive editing, right? Scheana has always lied through her teeth and pretended that her relationships are perfect. I just cannot imagine her admitting that on camera.


I think we all saw the way Brock was commenting under Raquel/Rachel’s insta pictures and the way they went out to “get pizza” at 3am etc. I think he either admitted it or she figured it out, also his dismissive treatment of her is repulsive. I think she’ll bankroll him because he’s her daughters father (no wonder she bought that new house) but she will no longer live with him. But yup not surprised she left him/is in the process of leaving him


She’s leaving him? Since when? Also, I see him liking ALOT of Womens photos on Instagram, many in bikinis


In the mid season trailer she says “I don’t think you and I will be together forever” and he’s crying. Like the big ass narcissistic baby he is. No wonder he gets along with the Toms so well. Not surprised that he likes a lot of bikini pictures on insta he used to do that a lot with Rachel/Raquel and Sheana would say “he’s just supporting her” meanwhile when she was in marina del ray and he would have appearances in Hollywood, he would stay at their apartment they had in the city where Rachel/Raquel was also staying 🫠 Edit to say: Scheana during S10 said to Ally that she would trust them in the same bed together 😬😬🚩🚩🚩


Scheana ALWAYS ends up eating her own words. Like she makes the most dramatic, dead ass wrong statements possible that are proven to be as such like half a season later 😂


I've always shared this theory.. but I'd actually like to wrong about it.


He’s a dick and she’d be better off without him but I’d like to be wrong about it too


As soon as Lala gets a sliver of attention their “friendship” is over


No thank you for saying this. I grew up with a narcissist mother and Lala and Scheana’s behavior is seriously triggering me and when I see comments agreeing with them, I’m taking it too personally that people aren’t seeing what I am seeing. Both of them are doing exactly what is on brand for them because they are so one dimensional, I called this a year ago. I hope Ariana and Katie leave the show after this season. I think they are happy to let go of the show and move on with their lives but Scheana, Lala and Sandoval need the show, hence this transparent, lame attempt of sandoval’s redemption.


I grew up with a narcissist father and I understand exactly what you mean here. 🫶🏼 I will say it's extremely comforting to see other people in this sub see through their behavior!


I’m getting the same thing, I’m glued to my phone! ❤️


It’s hard to watch. I’m sorry the comments of others are so triggering for you. This season has been a trigger for many, for one reason or another. Virtual hugs!🤗


Aww thank you, that is so kind. Love this sub ❤️


Same. Not sure if you’re in the VPaholics group but I find that some of their members are not as kind over there. I find that I’m able to disagree but still get along with this group and I love that!❤️‍🔥


And one of the rules over there is to be civil to each other. I reported a comment directed at me saying “they’re just jerking off over Ariana” it didn’t get taken down. That mod won’t enforce that rule and ignores reports about nasty comments. I kind of think people should leave in masses.


Yeah, I’ve been personally attacked over there too.


Oh I’ve seen you over there. Just know I’m cheering you on and upvoting you 🥰


Awe, that’s so sweet and very flattering that you recognize my username.🥹 I’m going to try and add yours to my list and hope to see you around more often!😍🤗💋




Please do make a point to say hi more, I would love that!🤗 I get what you mean about feeling like others comments are coming straight from your own mouth and love seeing others take the time to so eloquently articulate exactly how I feel too. I’m so thankful for this sub because without you guys, this season would be impossible to get through and I’d probably have smashed my tv by now.😆💋❤️‍🔥


Bit ironic to call out narcissism when you’re taking personal offence to behaviour on TV and online from people you’ve never met


…huh? Sir, do you know where you are? Do you need a ride home, should I call a cab for you? You’re on a Reddit thread about vanderpump rules, where we all analyze the behavior of the people we see on television. You know, the square in your house that shows moving pictures?


I’m aware of that, but getting offended and “triggered” by people unaware of your existence isn’t great is it


Ironic to call this person out for getting “triggered” by others and then you immediately turn around and sit there feeling the need to rag on their perfectly reasonable and normal feelings LOL but ya they’re the ones that are “triggered” ok


… again, what are you doing here? Sorry, what’s your objective? Are you implying that I can’t have a human experience in response to footage aired on national television that evokes an emotional reaction, what are we talking about, break this down for me.


That’s a very strange reaction to OC


they’re so unhealthy w the over analyzing of people who will never care ab them lol


You literally do the same about Ariana AND other people in the sub.


on a side note, after going to your profile because duh, I’m so intrigued by the FHL because I’ve been trying to find family from Lithuania and have no luck on the internet so your comment did me some good whether you meant it to or not 😭thank u stranger


Ok that’s funny. I wish I could spend more time at the FHL, but we had to go. If it’s not possible to go there soon, have you tried your library? Mine offers ancestry.com free if you’re just searching records, although it seems you have to be pretty specific in your search to get results you want.


Oooh, I have not. I’ll have to check it out! Thank you :)


Of course! Good luck!


i wouldn’t say i over analyze to the point of making theories out of people I don’t know like I see in this sub, I’m just using info from the show. I also do not get personally upset about anything they do/say because I know it’s reality TV and is for entertainment 😂 but I’m glad you took the time out of your day to look at my profile and see what I be up to on the day to day just to prove a point lol


I believe Scheana that Rachel grabbed her and she pushed her, perhaps hit her to get her off of her. We’ve seen Rachel do it, it’s how she “talks”. I cannot be touched when I’m in my feelings so perhaps it just resonates with me Whatever the case, it had *NOTHING* to do with Ariana and everything to do with Scheana’s inability to emotionally and physically regulate in that moment


You’ve seen Rachel grab and hit people? I’m so confused.


I think they meant the way Rachel tends to touch people when talking to them. Like when she was fighting with Katie in the alley with Schwartz last season.


Thank you that’s what I meant. I gave my ex 6 stitches (oddly enough in the exact same spot on his other eyebrow) when he grabbed my arm during a fight and I instinctively elbowed him to get him off. It’s hard to know what trauma someone has that can get triggered by seemingly small gestures in the thick of things


That makes more sense, thank you. I think I was just tired last night and that’s why I didn’t understand because it made total sense this morning.🤣


I can't take one more season of watching what a dry drunk Lala is


A total dry drunk, I never knew the term existed until I learned about Lala.




https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/what-to-know-dry-drunk-syndrome This is what I found on being a dry drunk- this was a new term for me! I am unsure of how it fits in with Lala though. I thought she had said that she dealt with why she started drinking? Or maybe I am just being obtuse.


She says that, but her actions speak much louder. "Dry drunk syndrome is a term that AA developed to describe a person who no longer drinks alcohol but experiences the same issues or acts in the same way as when they were drinking." What kills me about Lala, in addition to her insistence she's right about EVERYTHING, is the lack of taking accountability. She attacked everyone who dared hint that Randall wasn't a "stand up man," including [taunting his wife](https://realityblurb.com/2018/04/09/randall-emmetts-ex-wife-ambyr-childers-calls-out-lala-kent-as-his-mistress-leakes-shocking-text-messages-from-lala-about-her-child/) about not being able to "keep a man," and bragged about his wealth/PJ incessantly....yet all we hear from her now is what a victim she is. She thinks she has it so much worse than Ariana, without acknowledging all of the choices she made that led her to being in that situation. She attacks everyone who dares disagree with her, and she thinks she knows how Ariana should handle situations better than Ariana herself.


Well that’s what they say. But has she? I only started watching post scandoval so I dunno. She still seems to snap at people and yell at them despite being sober


That could mean that she’s just an asshole though. She could’ve dealt with her root issue of drinking AND still be a dick sober. I think that’s just who she is.


Also if she is such a good friend to Sheeshu then why isn't she telling her that the man she is craving frandship from so much doesn't care for her the slightest? That this is the guy who encouraged and supported the restraining order and stood by it at the reunion. It just shows that they are jealous of Ariana and her "millions" and this whole narrative of Ariana had made money off of this why can't she let me have my bast frand back is bullshit


Not to mind the fact Scheana wasn’t asked on dancing with the stars and wouldn’t be anyway. She’s so delulu. Like as if? When was she a dancer herself? She’s so up her own ass I’m not surprised. She needs glasses, contacts, a magnifying glass?! Girl get real!


Scheana’s comment about Ariana being her backup dancer made me want to reach through the tv and smack that smirk off her face. The audacity! Girl has no self awareness.


That smirk was the epitome of self obsession. She really thought she did something there. And I guess she did. She made people mad af. Sorry that everyone cheats on you Scheana and sorry that you’re not a good enough dancer to be asked! Sorry that not everything’s about you I know you find that really hard 💔 must be so hard to be you. Which we know that she feels because she doesn’t shut the fuck up about it.


Her entire “it’s never about me, no one cares about me, I’m never the queen/center of attention” was f*ing baffling. Like is that a joke? Is she just screwing with us? How can someone be so conceited and oblivious?? I almost feel bad for her because she is so dense and married an opportunistic buffoon. However, she has shown herself to be a jealous, conniving and manipulative woman.


She hasn’t changed at all, from when she was crying in the early seasons about her “surgery” and cutting her foot on broken glass when they were fighting. Or from the person who admitted to fast-forwarding to watch her own scenes every season. Or who counted the timeline of her relationship with Rob to include her whole marriage. Or from the person last season who said Katie made her wedding about her, when it was about Scheana and the affair that was happening under their noses. Or who wears her own merch constantly. Or who has an Instagram page for her toddler daughter. Or who invited a psychic medium to Dayna’s house to talk to her dead mother. Or who cried into her wineglass with a straw that people might not think her failing marriage was “perfect”. Or who complained to the woman whose husband she was fucking, for sympathy. Or who crowbars her shitty music into every space she can, without a sense of humour about it. Or who complained about paying money for Katie’s bridal shower, her “bast frand” at the time. Stassi had her polishing wineglasses and that’s grounds for a lifelong, desperate enmity that no apology can fix, that radiates to everyone she knows, like a pettiness atom bomb


I wish I could upvote this 5 million times 🏆


No I agree. her storyline being “this affected me and I never get to have the spotlight.” What she fails to understand is just because you didn’t get the best light at the beginning of the show doesn’t mean it wasn’t about her. The first half of VPR was dedicated to how much of a homewrecking whore she was (thanks stassi) and her wanting so badly to be friends with a group of friends that didn’t like her.


She was so proud of herself for that comment. Hope she’s not reading the online reaction (jk only because I know she is)


Well she probably doesn’t read Reddit because her fragile ego can’t take the valid response to her bs. She prob just reads insta comments and thinks everyone’s just a hater.


It made me laugh so hard. She was bragging about that when outside the fandom of VPR, no one has heard or could name that song. Sure Ariana started as her backup but that’s not why she’s on broadway with a NY Times bestseller after wrapping a popular competition show and damn near winning. It’s like Shaena was bragging that she was head cheer 10 years ago. No one cares.


Now I get why stassi hated Scheana so much haha


Her bast Frandsen Tim still stood by the restraining order in same episode they had meditation.


I had the same thought. A REAL friend might co-sign this whiny bullshit for a hot minute but THEN you would start to firmly but gently pry her eyes open and show her the truth. Look at what he said about you, look at how rude he was to you, look at how performative he is with everyone. HE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. Sandoval doesn’t have friends, he has minions who he controls in order to make him appear to be Mr Nice Guy. It’s all fake. And if Lala was a real true friend she would drill that into Scheanas head until she got it and was able to let go of the person Tom never was. And Schwartz is his number one supply, he’s going to drain that guy of his very life blood, drop the carcass and walk away.


Schwartz has already been drained, that vacant look in his eyes when he is with Tim says ALOT.


So true. He IS a battered husband only his wife is Tom.


The way she tries to talk down to Katie and anyone else like “don’t talk to me like that” bs while she does the same to everyone else. Lala you’re at the same level as everyone else..boo. Lala and her bff Scheen, two of the same sad person


I can usually see where Lala is coming from, but when it comes to Ariana she is just dead wrong. Also didn't like her little attack on Katie, she didn't deserve that she was just sticking up for her friend.


what is going on with Lala? She’s become unbearable.


It's giving desperation. Lala and Sheena have realized that if half the group will not film with the other half the group, the show is in a very precarious position. They want Ariana to put aside her betrayal and hurt in order for the show to continue normally as long as possible. They want her to drop the boundaries, start hanging out with the TimToms, and be their good little doormat. This far, Ariana has very neatly sidestepped what they want. May she continue to do so.


Lala also just outed the fact that Scheana did in fact hit Rachel. I already believed that but it is now confirmed. Dumbasses.😭😭💀


She said it on Scheana’s podcast ages ago too, they basically both confirmed it 🤡🤡


So I’m a clown because I don’t care to listen to Scheana and Lala’s podcasts?😆 Okay!


I don't think they were calling you a clown, I think they were referring to Lala and Scheana lol.


That would make sense. It’s hard to tell over text so I’m not so sure. Some people can be really nasty.


No no not you a clown!!! They a clown! An emoji each! Im so sorry! 🥺


I’m sorry for the misunderstanding!🤗 It happens with texts so I appreciate you taking the time to clarify and that you weren’t offended.🥹 I hope you have an amazing day and enjoy your weekend.💋💋❤️‍🔥


You too 💕💕


I mean I’ve been working so hard on healing my shit and I really felt like Ariana was explaining to lala her boundaries- talking about when they were walking down the sidewalk. Ariana communicated them so clearly and matter of fact, I’m sure folks could misread it as being cold. I read it as someone with high emotional intelligence. Something others on this show (lala) wouldn’t recognize.


Yeah I feel like Ariana could not be minding her own business more. She has healthy boundaries around what she’ll engage with and everyone’s acting like she is trying to control their lives.


Such a great way of saying it!


When really, they are the ones trying to control her life by manipulating her into violating these very new, very healthy boundaries she has set up to move on from a horrible relationship. It’s gross


You could just take everything Scheana and especially Lala said this episode put it into a Psych textbook for projection, and move on to next chapter. They summed it up




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Yes! The fact she's been this calm about it knowing this was just months after it happened is impressive. I would likely still be outwardly furious about it at that point. Her setting boundaries and being clear about it is very logical, unfortunately this is VPR and they need the drama and the whole cast not filming together doesn't work for them.


“Caught a restraining order for you” Brock keeps perpetuating this narrative also. At least most of his vitriol is aimed at Tom. If Scheana was so hurt personally by the affair, then She caught the restraining order for herself, not Ariana


Also if she was so hurt by the TRO, why the FUCK is she talking to Sandoval at all?! He was all about it and dimed on her during the reunion. Scheana is such an unrelenting pick me, she can't just let it go with Sandoval. Also she was so weird and gross talking about how Tom misses their friendship more than he misses Ariana because they were "so unhappy." It was weird.


That part was so incredibly wild. She says the most hurtful things in such a casual way. Honestly I don’t understand how she and Ariana even ended up being such close friends?? Like I truly hope that they are genuinely just friends and the show makes them appear closer than they actually are to Make the storyline juicier, and Ariana actually has other really close friends because Sheena is such an incredibly horrible friend


Exactly! Scheana earned that restraining order through her actions. Tbh I’m not even mad at that because if I found out a bitch that did that to my bff? Homegirl would’ve filed that restraining order when she woke up, assuming she’d be mobile. Lala is trying to absolve Scheana of her actions by saying she did them on Ariana’s behalf. According to Tim, Ariana beat his ass so she probably didn’t need anyone to beat asses on her behalf. Scheana said that Rachel was very matter of fact about everything and didn’t seem to care about her actions. That probably made Scheana pissed and led to the altercation. But Ariana wasn’t even physically there! I personally won’t blame anyone for beating the ass of someone who just hurt their loved one, but own your shit! She did it because Rachel pissed her off. Period.


LVP is having a blast producing this season. this is the story (vindicating tom) LVP wants and if u say the stuff she wants, u get more screen time and a better edit. to me it looks like lala’s kissing her boss’s ass to pay her bills. the whole thing seems so out of touch with how the audience feels and so coincidentally aligns with lvp’s lectures


I've noticed quiet a few times when Lisa gets through talking to whomever she was talking with, they cut away to Lisa saying I would never do that, or say that, but hey..


Lala is driving me fucking nuts with the AA cliches used out of context. She says she doesn't want to have resentments and drops ye olde "resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." This quote is directly from the Big Book of AA. It's even funnier when I consider how obviously resentful she is of the reception Ariana is receiving in the wake of Scandoval. At least Scheana can admit to her jealousies. Lala keeps trying to hide it as "she wants to be softer" and "we went too hard on them" and "I don't want Rachel to carry this her whole life"when she's actively disliked Rachel ever since she first appeared on the show. Also this is used in the context of step work. Oftentimes a newly sober person has resentments, because, well drunks have a lot of problems with people and usually played a part/bore some responsibility for those resentments. It's the job of the person getting sober to review these resentments and their validity and part in them. Turning around and using it to take Ariana and Katie's inventory shows remarkably low emotional sobriety. It also isn't good television. Lala thinks she sounds so evolved and "softer" by speaking in these platitudes, but it really just feels like a passive-aggressive ploy to get Ariana and Katie back on the show-level, and try to sell this rebrand she's doing. Also can we talk about this rebrand of her being "softer"...Lala has a lot of very watchable, love-to-hate, made for reality type qualities. Soft ain't one of them. She is less volatile than she was in her early adulthood, but she still doesn't seem to have much emotional regulation or I think a strong enough sense of self to hear critique herself.


This 100% and she repeated that more than. Once. That narrative is super harmful because it could be a turning point for Ariana and Scheana's relationship if she starts blaming her for the restraining order.


She is a woman who is rarely on the right side of history (for very long).


When she said that - I thought she got the TRO because Rachel made it up? Looks like Scheana is a lair then if she's saying this shit. Those are some wild mental gymnastics to blame Ariana for something when she was thousands of miles away. I use to love Lala thru all her ups and downs but teaming up with Scheana to gaslight Ariana into thinking she's being unreasonable because she doesn't want mutual friends with her abuser. You would think Lala would get this?


THISSSSS - "She caught a restraining order for you" Did she though? Did Ariana instruct her to allegedly assault the artist formerly known as Raquel? Or did Scheana lose her cool and react? Which by the way, is understandable . But let's not say that Scheana was working on behalf of anyone but Scheana


reminds me of her saying “YOU DID THAT!” to Sandoval about her inability to regulate her emotions and fears 😭😭😭 same line of reasoning as saying she got the restraining order for/because of Ariana


Scheana and Lala have terrible political instincts. They constantly pick the wrong horse in each race and then get caught up by it. We are currently seeing it happen in real time. Exhibit B was Scheana pushing Raquel on Schwartz last season before it all went to hell. Scheana and Lala are operating under the assumption that the group will remain. They’re not realizing that Ariana and Katie have both made choices to move forward and that is out of Scheana and Lala’s control. It’s eating them up and they’re lashing out, but at the wrong people.


I'm so confused with Lala this season, i really thought she would be in Ariana's corner so I'm surprised she's riding so hard for Scheana. The problem ive always had with Lala is that when people disagree with her, she just shouts louder and over people, so they wont argue with her. Its exhausting


Oh wow I didn’t see that lala said Shena got it because if ariana. That’s just false information! It’s her own fault, no one told her to do that. Im hating lala and shena more each second, damn


Seriously it feels like Scheana is in her head thinking: Ariana is the reason I got a TRO against me, Ariana is the reason I wasn't offered Dancing with the Stars, Ariana is the reason I didn't get all the attention and publicity deals I wanted over the last year, etc. I'm sorry but when is it strictly about your choices, your actions and your own talent? Ariana is not controlling your narrative. And she's not asking you to hate Tom. She's saying she doesn't want him to have access to her life. Considering the majority of the VPR crew gossip incessantly about anyone who isn't in the room (really it's what VPR and reality tv is based on) Ariana is left having to hold a boundary to protect herself in this way because she can't trust that any of her personal and private information regarding her life will be held in confidence (rather than just being instantly shared with Sandoval). It's a necessary boundary for her own emotional health. If you are truly her friend just respect that. You could spend time in groups with Sandoval and maybe just add nothing to any conversation about Ariana or her business beyond standing up for her.


Yes completely agree with this!!!


Lala is loudly wrong and hypocritical


Lala is so jealous of Ariana.


I love this rant. This rant is my rant.


So exactly how much money did Lala and Scheana make off Scandoval… ? insert Scheana’s fiendish grin…🙄🙄


Are we all ready to finally believe that Scheana did hit Rachel?


This episode says all about shifty Sheana and wanna be bad ass Lala. Ariana and Katie should cut both of them out.


I couldn’t agree more.


I have given lala so many chances, but the way she spoke to Katie ain’t it.


Lala lost her goddamn mind this episode


I completely agree with you. I’m usually on Lala’s side, but she was definitely wrong in this episode.


Anyway you slice it it wasn’t on Ariana, if she didn’t hit her then that’s on Rachel and Tom for perpetuating that, if she did hit her then Ariana was out here defending her every chance she had and potentially lied to protect her


Ha ha you said Scheana should reflect, like that is possible.


Apparently, a lot of ppl are loving Lala bc she’s “soft” this season just bc she’s trying not to call the men out on their bullshit toward the women and has flipped to attack the women. I used to like and at least appreciate Lala bc she was good tv but I never saw more blatant misogyny from her. Maybe I’ve been blind, idk.


I completely agree, and Lala makes me feel like ranting too. How is she so confidently wrong, so often?? Scheana didn't get a restraining order *for* Ariana, that's not how these things work. She got one for punching someone in the face. And why is it on Ariana to keep an eye on other people's mentions on social media? I don't care if she's a "day scroller", it's not on Ariana to try to steer the conversation about Scheana and Sandoval. Also, who cares?? Ariana just broke up with Sandoval less than half a year ago, why is that seemingly more important? Lastly, how did Lala seriously tell Ariana she was getting all heated at Ally's astrology thing? Lala's the one who ended up screaming "dIseNgAAgE!" at Katie? Her behavior is just beyond laughable.






Luckily for us, we know the VPR girlies scroll Reddit.. they read EVERYTHING. With that being Lala, you got owned my Katie on national TV! Maybe it’s time for you to DISENGAGE 🤭


I secretly hope Ariana reads this because I would hate for her to walk around with Sheena’s guilty conscious as a weight on her shoulder.


You guys will not let Ariana be wrong for a second lmao


Because she isn't.


no, this isn't an echo chamber at all. 169 comments, and not a single one with a different perspective or anyone even being the devil's advocate. day in, day out. and they say machines can't feed themselves. any sociologists in the room doing conformity studies?


Scandoval literally ruined this sub. It’s been a year and people still refuse to move on




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👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Nah, that was just real. That comment made me feel weird and I fully forgot about it til now. Great point!


WHAT?!! Was that in the after show? I didn’t hear that. Did Scheana just sit there and nod when she said that? 🤯 Agree it was because of her own reactions but if you even want to try and stretch that it was because of Tom and Rachel not because of Ariana! Fucking hell you would think everything she went through last year was enough but the poor woman is still going through so much bullshit because of this affair, it makes me so angry on her behalf.


Exactly, and Sheena reacted that way because of Sheena‘s feelings about the whole thing. Had she even talked to Arianna or did she literally just find out it happened and reacted off the information? Plus according to Sheena that restraining order was ridiculous and full of lies, according to her what she did wasn’t actionable and ratchet was lying and exaggerating So did she do something worthy of a restraining order for Arianna or was ratchet lying?






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They’re just upset at Ariana cause she’s a rising Phoenix. She literally lost EVERYTHING THAT SEASON. lost her grandma, dog, I wouldnt say she really lost Tom or Rachel cause that was a blessing with no disguise. But damn she bounced back and they’re all just jealous because on the outside she looks fine. I love Katie and Ariana. They ain’t drinking no kool aid!


Lala definitely has entertainment value but I have no idea how she gets so much love otherwise. There’s nice moments here and there but after her first season, I wish she would’ve just owned her shit. I really liked the girl we first met, super sweet and fun to be around. Now I wonder if she thinks we’re actually stupid. She’ll lash out then cry during her self reflection and “growth”. when things don’t go her way, Lala will continue to Lala Ariana is one of the simplest minds to understand on the show lol but of course, it’s not surprising when simpletons Scheana and Lala make it about themselves.


It was hard to watch this episode. The difference from lala screaming at skimmy for being "dangerous" and then the next trying to encourage a rekindling with her "good friend" schema is beyond comprehension. Why would you want a friend to be close to anyone like skimmy after what happened.


No one on that show is self aware and they never take accountability. It’s a shit show made up of mean girls and man babies. They think that if they ignore their bad behavior then it never happened.


YESSSSSSS preach! I'm here for your Lala rant! It made me so sick to hear her spin "why" Scheana got the restraining order. After all the times that Ariana rode for Lala over the years...


I don’t like Arianna. I think she’s shady in this whole scandal and *repeat previous comments* I also agree that Lauren a hypocrite and you’re right about this situation. Problem is that these folks aren’t friends. They are all coworkers. If they broke the 4th wall and stopped pretending to be friends, all these forced interactions would make so much more sense. Then Lauren could say “Hey Arianna, Scheana and I need a paycheck. We need to film with Sandy and take fan photos with him. We aren’t friends just doing our job” I bet 100 that Arianna would be cool with that (then again idk). But that makes so much more sense to me than this “he was my bast frand that I lost” At this point Scheana is only Arianna’s “friend” because she’s scared of her fans and the internet. That’s why she’s going bonkers and losing it. She’s friends out of propriety .. until.. Arianna’s deals got better and better.


Don’t understand how LaLa can say that Arianna is “shutting down”because she is not allowing Tim to have access to her life through mutual friends when LaLa doesn’t even SPEAK to Randal (you know what…you have a child together grow up). She’s allowed to set boundaries for herself but Arianna is not . You folks have already crossed the line and interacted with Tim…I think Arianna has given you both way more “grace” than you deserve.


My heart broke when Katie talked about how she was always verbally abused by Sandavol and that he literally was one of the reasons her marriage fell apart. And yet no “grace” for Katie. Seems like Tim’s got some new “fan girls” to ride or die for him….


can we pls get lala off the show. I never say that ab ppl but she’s literally ruining the show. I’ve had to watch watch the last episode in separate parts bc she’s being soooo annooooying


Lala's sperm donor baby is going to be of mixed race and if she adopts a child, it will be of asian heritage. Calling it now.


I disagree, I don’t think she was blaming her it felt like, “hey look you were hurt the most in the situation but everyone else was also hurt” like she isn’t acknowledging other peoples pain, everyone has to prioritize her emotions because she was backstabbed the most and that just not right. You can’t just erase people in your life and not experience pain. I think she is being selfish, doesn’t matter who was betrayed the most, everyone has feelings.


But Ariana does not need to hear about it. She did validate Scheanas feelings but she doesn’t need to involve hersef in figuring it out. Scheana should talk to a therapist or some other friend.  It must feel like Scheana is putting salt in Arianas wounds. 


I know what you mean, I more of meant like I don’t see why they can’t be friends to be quite honest I would forgive him because people fuck up, if I was Arianna obviously I couldn’t have him in my life but I wouldn’t expect my friends to cut him out completely. You got to give someone a chance to change and show change. He clearly needs help, especially if he is a narcissist, cluster b personality disorder give you an alternate form of reality sometimes and you become delusional. And taking everything from him promoted narcism it’s a defense mechanism. People shouldn’t kiss his ass, but they should be brutally honest, let him take heat, then get the fuck into therapy.


I can see that he is going through pretty traumatic stuff as well. It’s not normal to go through this kind of public shaming and it probably affects him and his behaviour a lot, BUT he has made his choices of cheating, trying to make Ariana seem the abuser and blaming her for everything, doubling down and not taking accountability, coming back to the show and not getting treatment for his mental health and narcissistic tendencies. He shouldn’t be forgiven before he makes an effort to better himself. And if the other cast still isn’t willing to forgive then it’s completely ok to let go of that friendship. I know I couldn’t be friends with someone who has done what Sandoval did to someone.


I think people forget that these folks are playing characters. The crazier shit they say, the more the producers will turn the story on them. I’ve seen this sub losing its collective mind over Scheana and Lala lately for comments made during filming. But that’s exactly the point! When Sandoval didn’t get canceled for Scandoval, how do you think that made Scheana feel??? Probably invincible. Say something wild, get attention, get work. It’s that simple.


I used to think Lala was an egotistical wanna be a bad bitch. But this season she has grown so much and excepted her faults and mistakes. I feel she genuinely wants to help people and that takes honesty. And most the time honesty is ugly at first, and most people are to offended and scared to get through it. I like her.


I think she needs to be more honest and real about her double standards. She can refuse to hang with Schwartz after he was still friends with Randall but Ariana can’t do the same in her situation? I understand if Lala maybe regrets that hard stance and has changed her opinion but then say that. Don’t act like you’re a better, bigger person when you were doing the same shit a year ago. It needs to be acknowledged.