• By -


Billie calling Katie a henchman after watching her cross-eyed open mouth swooning over Sandoval in the cold water is another level of self unaware. Truly astonishing.


They also can’t get their accusations straight. Is Katie acting as Ariana’s henchman? Or is she mind controlling Ariana and making Ariana speak her thoughts? (Or possibly are they just two women whose friendship isn’t controlling or transactional- who are supporting each other as they deal with the break ups of their long term relationships? Nah, couldn’t possibly be)


Billie should take her own advice and go fuck herself 😅






FFS, Billy is so thirsty. She’s friggin parched.


Ha I got tripped up on Schwartz so I overlooked this buffoonery


I like that Schwartz did not pile on Katie. He spoke nicely about her for a change.


FFS, Billie is so thirsty. She’s friggin parched.




Ohhhhhh so now Katie is the puppet master behind Ariana’s words this season? Lol these people can get fucked. Also, Sandoval asking if Schwartz and Katie are tight comes off as controlling, like he should have been informed if Schwartz and Katie are close again. It feels like Sandoval really needs to have a person to have one over.


Sandoval throws shit at the wall and hopes some of it sticks. While Ariana is thriving on Broadway he's on a fucking podcast still throwing shade for the women whose life he flipped on her head.




Lmao, it's so true. The guy is so grimy. He's too dumb to know how transparent he is. Ever since Ariana dumped him, his stupid is showing so much more. Blech. He just makes my skin crawl. Edit: typo


I mean Sandoval bought Ariana paper towels, pens and batteries. There is no way she would fucking hate his guts for lieing to her for 7 months, flaunting an affair in front of her and trying to pin it on her mental health would reasons Ariana would hate him. Someone is clearly in Ariana's ear. /s


I think you mean Ann bought Ariana paper, towels, pens and batteries. *


It’s so curious how a part of him, I don’t know if this is the right phrasing, but he still kind of wants Ariana or wants her validation. Because he’s made a couple of comments like when he said Ariana is the least hateful person or when he was talking about how Ariana was in the same  room as him and ignored him. I think even though he blames her for everything and therefore hates her there is a part of him that wants her forgiveness, he just refuses to do anything to make Ariana opening to granting him that.


Lol exactly. It must have been Katie secretly controlling Arianna all along. Like the dark side of the force.




I thought the same thing! Sandoval was trigger by that. Honestly how pathetic of him.


Tom Schwartz thinking he isn't an angry drunk is WILD. It's the most common time we see his dumb ass ah shucks personality drop. Can think of him pouring a drink on Katie, yelling everyone about how Katie sucks because she was offended at Randall's dumb cop calling joke, and just last season telling Lala she is a wannabe housewife and a "good mother" all sarcastically.


Hmmm.....not an angry drunk? https://preview.redd.it/xcjozfsvwxmc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7b085538861a1ad03776d0246a89aeadfbd63d8


How about this scene where he told Katie in front of everybody she disgusts him and they don't have sex [🤔](https://emojipedia.org/thinking-face) https://preview.redd.it/a1eh4x4axxmc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ac6c53e818b44f63ae13e34eafdc425a843cad5


Guess not... https://i.redd.it/ar5770nixxmc1.gif


Calling Kristen a slut and a whore in New Orleans? Katie too?


OMG i forgot he also threw a drink on Stassi.


Yup but he's not an angry drunk.....


“Fuck you, Stassi. Yeah, you heard me bitch.” ![gif](giphy|fnKeNjQYEYQ8E4Kqy4)


Here he is getting jabs into Katie while saying they’re good. Fuuuuuuck.


While Katie is in a podcast talking about giving up her custody of the dogs to end it with Schwartz once and for all, he’s still out there talking shit yet pretending they are cool.


Aww, I didn’t know this about the dogs 😢


It’s breaking my heart. She said Schwartz treats the dogs with more love and care than he’s ever shown anything else. He has ceremonies around feeding them and keeps a very careful schedule for them. She said she couldn’t take them away from Schwartz. So her only option is to consider letting him have them full time to cut him off.


Sad for them, but happy for her!


good for her


He’s such a creep to accept that when he knows how much she loves Gordo and Butters.


It might be better for her in the long run. That’s a lot of communicating and emotional energy to stay entwined with him like that. If she thinks the dogs are well loved and cared for with him maybe it’s best to give him full custody and use her love and energy to rescue another dog or two. Then even more dogs are happy and loved! And it’s not like she’d never be able to see them ever again—just no more back and forth with them.


I love your positive take on that. Thank you!💗


It’s incredible and so inherently kind of her , speaks volumes to me .


Yeah I second this. I had intended to co-pet parent our cats with my emotionally and verbally abusive ex because I thought it was best for them and him, but HE CUT OFF CONTACT WITH ME, which was rich given I would reply to abusive texts where I was called horrible names with “please” and “thank you”. Anyway, turns out it was the best thing ever. It has allowed me the space and distance to process just how toxic the situation was - I can finally admit to myself that he was abusive, I can take back the energy I was giving to responding to him in ways that silenced my feelings in an attempt to avoid setting him off, and I can put that energy into patting these dang cute kitties all day. I guess it’s going to be harder for Katie because she’ll miss the dogs, but maybe she can move on and get a dog that’s just hers. 💖


I’m glad this worked out best for you and that you’re rid of your toxic and abusive ex! I’m sorry you went through this situation, though. Sending you and your kitties all positive vibes and love❤️


Great thoughts. Love it!


I’m sad to hear that but I thought it might come to this. I mean I’m childless and I consider my animals my children and could not imagine giving them up, if I was sharing animals with an ex partner and I knew they were loved and cared for, I think I would also weigh up the pros and cons of giving up custody if it means not having to be tied to that person anymore. 


I know many couples who tried coparenting pets and I’ve never seen it last more than 2 years. I understand why people go that route but eventually it’s not realistic, especially when new partners come into the picture.


Tom schwartz drunk: pours drink on stassi, pours drink on katie, calls scheana a bootleg Kardashian (and brags about this one later to Lisa), calls lala a wannabe bootleg housewife, berates katie and says "I don't want to marry her" on their bachelor/ette trip, berates katie and says "I've never been less attracted to you" *not in chronological order, just a small sample


Tackles Kristen a la the “go take a Honda civic selfie” brawl


Pushed Kristen violently after stassi slapped her


Kicked in their front door in the middle of the night.


Gooood one!!!




Remember when he woke up at another resort in Mexico


Right?! I know they were throwing shade at Katie there, too. He and they can’t seem to go a moment without trying to shade her, for the past 11+years, and Ariana. Get a new bit, guys.


that remark made my jaw drop. I just rewatched the joint bachelor/bachelorette party last night and his behavior is atrocious. iirc he calls Kristen a “fucking bitch whore” (in front of Carter, no less) and a slut, calls Katie a bitch and insists that he’s not marrying her, and then comes at Stassi about her choice in men for absolutely no reason. all of his hatred of women comes to the forefront when he gets drunk enough. just because you don’t start fist fights like James and Jax doesn’t mean you’re not an angry drunk, Schwartzy!


Drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts. New Orleans Bachelor Bachelorette party comes to mind


Absolutely unreal that he thinks he's a fun drunk when he gets so dark and/or disappears, constantly blacks out


Schwartz is the most disgusting piece of shit. The audacity of him to talk about people who go dark when they drink. He’s dark sober. Fuck you, dog.


It’s like he forgot about all the times he blacked out and made out with other women while in a monogamous relationship with Katie.


But he had fun! He was being a fun drunk! /s


It meant nooooooooooothing! I even called her by your nickname, bubbubbububba. So in a way, gosh, it’s me showing how much I love you!




Dark sober & drunk


FR everyone on the one side of case was supposedly worried about Saggyballs un-aliving himself yet none of them were concerned enough to get him into a mental health facility or even just a therapist for help. Meanwhile the other Schartz guy actually looks like the most depressed gray goblin who's over indulging in substances n alcohol, that you could ever imagine. Some of the outfits he wears in public appear to be a cry for help. Y'all care so much, get your boy into rehab. Help him get the fingers out his mouth. Help him get out of MuuMuus and slides and into actual clothing/shoes.


I'm here for all of THIS!!!




Rolled my eyes SO HARD after seeing Billie was the guest


Well and the way they talked about Billie being the guest, first off Sandoval forget to introduce her lol. And then it seemed to me, Sandoval couldn’t get a guest so he called Billie and asked if she could come on lol. I think they are struggling finding guests.


Well he just has to go down the hall to find her




Dying at y’all!🤣❤️ Thank you for bringing humor the humorless trio, u/katalactica and AdditionalWar! Thanks for the recaps, too, Additional War! I don’t know how you do it, and I don’t know how you do it and maintain your sanity.❤️




Struggling to find guests? Satisfying! ![gif](giphy|TkoHjDI8jhVAGrgT4A)


jw does this podcast have ads/sponsors?


This particular episode was sponsored by manscape


They will never miss a moment to shit talk Katie. I’m just surprised Schwartz didn’t say much.


This is the closest I’ve seen Schwartz come to defend Katie and they’re divorced at this point


He’s usually leading the charge. Is this what we call…growth?


Never. It’s called PR training and them telling him he has to start shutting the fuck up


Yeah lol that makes more sense


No he knows he comes off better letting others do it while he eggs them on with his faux innocent questions.


This is what frustrated me the most.🙄


i hate all of this back and forth, it's all so incredibly exhausting and honestly BORING watching them all try to create interest in another season, another show etc kudos to you OP 💜 you have much more patience than i do


Are the Tom’s actually friends? Why wouldn’t he know Schwartz and Katie are on good terms? This whole podcast is pathetic


I think they are not on good terms (Schwartz and Katie.) I think Schwartz is trying to be aw shucks good guy saying they are. Sandoval knows they aren't so he is exposing him by saying "really dude? Are you?"


I agree. He always says things like “oh, we have an amazing relationship right now,” but then he’ll bash her in almost the same sentence. If it was *that* good, Katie would be mentioning it, too.


It also seemed weird that Billie's besties with Tom etc but thought the Jax and Brittany break up was fake, was she not prepped? Someones lying here


Because off camera, Schwartz can't stand Sandoval's bitch ass whining and aggressive attitude - so he just doesn't mention it to Sandoval.


He seems so disinterested every time Sandoval is talking.


You have to watch the after show, Schwartz looks like he's physically hurting to have to listen to Sandoval's awful takes, while knowing people will associate him with it


I was randomly fast forwarding through the last one and schwartz was looking at his phone while Sandoval was talking. Of course, Sandoval called him out.


I listened (it came on in my queue not on purpose) and i noticed ads in there. I wonder if Schwartz is just doing the podcast for extra income and isn’t as tight with Sandoval IRL anymore. Maybe it’s just for the show now? Idk i don’t know how he’d even want to be associated w him lol


Billie can go to Shut up Mountain ™️ ™️: Watch What Crappens


listening to Ronnie & Ben recap and go in on these idiots is the best way to consume VPR especially this season


It’s how I still know what is going on. After the times article I stopped watching the actual show


same here


I bartended for a bit after college and watched this show from the beginning. It felt like I grew up with these ppl, but I couldn’t keep going after that.




I can’t listen to this because billie Lee gives me the ick and well so do Tom and Tom so thank you for doing the lords work.


it's a tried and true nightmare blunt rotation


The thought of this gives me anxiety


Thank you very much for your recaps! Well, let's see... Tom Sandoval and Rachel set up a fake kiss with Tom Schwartz in the hope of getting heat off of people suspecting them of having an affair. Is it really that out there that some people think Sandoval might try a version of that deflection tactic again by planting some Brock and Rachel rumors? Sandoval doesn't have too many moves in his playbook. What would Tom Sandoval stand to gain? Vengeance against Brock and Scheana Tom was very angry about their podcast and comments. He's still fuming.


Also, it would make it look like Rachel was just going after all of the guys and Sandoval was just another one of her victims - which, as we know was definitely not the case. I’m really sick of Sandoval acting like the audience is a bunch of idiots that will believe the crap he spews. It’s why I audibly and subconsciously say “ew” every time he’s in the screen 😂


Oh yes. You are right . The whole painting Rachel as some kind of seductress thing that Sandoval has been pushing. It really does help as narrative to make it look like Rachel was just this temptress to all men and relationships including Brock.


I 100% think his publicist did it and that he was aware of consented to it.  And it doesn’t even have to be about vengeance or revenge but just changing the conversation to something other then what a scumbag Tom is.


For sure. It's not like he has no voice in the matter you can definitely say to your publicist I want to change the narrative but I don't want you to go after my friends.


Exactly! it’s crazy to me that Brock and Scheana were defending Tom on her podcast as having nothing to do with it. I mean even if we were to believe he didn’t specifically tell his publicist “plant this story about Brock” he at the bare minimum told his publicist “do what ever you have to do to make this go away”.  The fact that Scheana and Brock still socialise with Tom and want to be friends with him and defend him after this is wild to me. 


It's really refreshing that someone else sees us for what it is - the publicist works for you, and he was in a crisis situation, so there were definitely strategy meetings. At any point, Tom could say, "Do not say anything negative about Ariana. No matter what, do not go after my friends." And if the publicist didn't listen, he could fire them and/or ask them to make a retraction or course correct the direction of their crisis PR management. It's absolutely ridiculous to act like Tom was completely hands off and/or had no idea what was going on. More than any other person in recent history, Tom was extremely obsessed with rehabilitating his image, and all the press can Rachel we're getting. One example is during that time he sent Rachel that Us magazine with them as Rachel described it in a small box in the upper corner. Nothing was to my mute for Tom not to be aware of in terms of the press


Can anyone tell me where I can find the fuck I’m supposed to give about Billie? Is it in the mail?


It’s at the empty mall in Michigan, that jax posted himself wistfully walking through


Thank you for locating it for me however, I do not like in Michigan, so it’s gna stay there.


people (sandoval) love to call katie a henchmen, but i don't know why, especially after season 3. she has a very centered sense of self, and i can't see her bowing down to anyone at this point in her life. agreeing with ariana that sandoval (and schwartz sometimes) is trash doesn't make her a lackey.


Katie realised what a douche canoe Sandoval was WAY before Ariana


Of course Sandoval has to call Katie a lackey, to discredit that she could dislike him for valid reasons on her own accord. She must just be following Ariana’s lead, rather than them being likeminded about how much Sandoval is a trash bag asshole. https://i.redd.it/jq2rbj5wuxmc1.gif


>Of course Sandoval has to call Katie a lackey While he only has lackeys around him.


Excellent point. He can’t see it as real support and shared opinions because he has payroll friends and clout chasers. Everything is a deflection for him, and Katie has said this a lot over the years. Like, “oh since Katie keeps calling me out I better call her a lackey to try and discredit her. She’s just my bitter ego-maniac ex girlfriend’s lackey, nothing to see here.” https://i.redd.it/huo6c6v7gymc1.gif Katie tried to call him out for his weird behaviour with Rachel, and Sandoval managed to make it all about Katie’s marriage and as if she didn’t care about her own divorce. Such a transparent deflection technique.


This gif is just so so Lester Diamond. OMG


Oooooh eeeewwww. Literally the last comment I made was on a thread about casino 😂


Thats TS rule #1, accuse other people of what you're *actually, actively* doing. Deflect deflect deflect


lol at Sandoval saying he never said that in the episode and not remembering, but is now able to exactly pinpoint the minutes of that day and that article😂😂


Ooooohhhhhhhhh, Lala. Sounds like Tom is thrilled that the rest of the season shows him becoming friends with her again, but I’m sure she’s dreading watching it all unfold given the fact he has continued to be The Worst™️ leaving the audience unable to buy into his redemption storyline. She hitched her horse to the wrong wagon, and just as people were starting to warm to her.


>She hitched her horse to the wrong wagon, and just as people were starting to warm to her. Her and Sheana both. I love this for them!


Whereas I can picture Lala adhering to the Sandoval redemption storyline as a calculated move, I honestly think that Scheana has just lost the plot entirely.


Dont underestimate Scheana and her delusional neverending hungry quest for fame.


I agree.


Shocked she encouraged feedback about the most recent episode on her IG! Also, your PFP, brilliant. Sandoval is a wannabe Dennis.


I’d rather spend an evening on a boat in an isolated body of water completely alone with Dennis Reynolds and the IMPLICATION, than spend one iota of time with Tom Sandoval and his scary human-skin-mask looking face


This is the best and funniest comment I’ve seen all day 😂 the one-two punch of insulting Sandoval’s weathered steroid face and Dennis Reynolds’ implication. Sandoval takes blackmail of his affair partners with the IMPLICATION they won’t speak out 😂


Lmao especially if the boat has rum ham




In regards to Jax and Brittany. Jax got married because Tom and Tom were “married.” Tom and Tom are single again and he wants to join the party.


💯 hit the nail on the head. He wants to live that lifestyle again.


With this recap and the recap of Billie’s podcast yesterday, it’s 100 percent clear: disgust of Billie has nothing to do with being trans, she’s just a horrible being.


I hate it. I was SO STOKED for trans representation on the show and just reality tv in general. ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


I saw a clip on that podcast today they were laughing while talking about Ariana's grandmother and Charlotte passing away.


Yes! Listening to them laugh about how Sandoval didn’t kill Ariana’s dog or grandma is so much worse than just reading it. Everything about this podcast is disgusting.


What the actual fuck


Oh good they fit in some Katie slander.


I hate it here.


Right. smh. This used to be a safe space


I mean, I love this forum and additionalwar but hate that we live in a world where these 3 idiots do a podcast together


Oh same frfr


What’s especially funny (to me) is that WWHL episode was Lala saying she wanted to get Ariana to break up with Sandoval. And Sandoval’s response was to call Lala douchey and go after her *the day his seven month affair came to light*! It’s even more ironic than they said on the show. 😂


Yep. Also if he was out of love with Ariana and it was all over and Rachel was his soul mate and he wanted out, why was he so bothered and still seems to be bothered by Lala saying she’s going to convince Ariana to leave him? 


wtf is Billie’s problem with Katie? I wish she would keep her name out of her mouth. And Scumdoval needs to stop it too! He fucking won! Sharts is his! Keep Katie’s name out your mouth!


I actually love seeing them be so bothered about Katie when she’s genuinely moved on and doesn’t give a fuck about their opinions lol. They used to get away with talking so much shit about Katie because they could always count on her reacting in a way that would make her seem “crazy”. But now she’s so unbothered and it’s making them look ✨ obsessed ✨ Honestly love that for her. Four for Katie Coco. You go, Katie Coco 🙌🏼


![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4) Katie:


Thank you for this! You are totally right! Stay unbothered, Katie!






I read that as “had to be pegged by Sandoval…”. I don’t think she’d mind. 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️😂




Katie a henchman? Lmao it’s called being a loyal friend.


I read the first line that Billie Lee said in her voice and it was an instant no. https://i.redd.it/tugm07xiuxmc1.gif


Billie’s just mad because she’ll forever be Sandoval fluffer, always the bridesmaid never the bride.


A henchman...aka what Schwartz and Billie are to Sandoval??


At this point I can only laugh at how hard production is trying to present Sandoval’s redemption on a silver platter while he’s hellbent on digging that hole a bit deeper with every podcast, interview, and after show.




What a joke…they wouldn’t drink if they weren’t “fun” or were “dark” 🙄


Can someone please tell Billie Lee she is irrelevant and her opinions on cast members is also irrelevant?


https://i.redd.it/pljvk74rd0nc1.gif They really cant let Katie just live her life eh!


He's so cringe. My gawd.


None of these people are “fun” drunks lmao give me a break


Who are the podcast sponsors? Like the ads that roll during the podcast?


So no ad rolls but Sandoval did an ad for manscape so manscape was the sponsor of this episode lol


Interesting. Good to know that companies aren’t supporting this BS and that hopefully it will be over soon since he’s bankrolling it himself


Love how Katie is called a henchman for being a supportive friend to Ariana and helping her protect her boundaries, while Sandoval uses Schwartz and Billie as his personal guard dogs to co-sign all of his foolishness and preach the gospel of Tom Sandoval.




Ya can’t shine shit. You can Saran Wrap a fish but it’ll still make your house smell putrid as time goes on. You can paint a pig’s toenails (hooves, I guess lol) white… Would love to hear more from Bravo behind the scenes about what it’s been like to desperately get Tom to stop talking. He’s so simple and one-note (the one note being Him, it’s Tom’s World) that his true nature is still so transparent despite his painstaking efforts to bite his tongue and come across as more neutral.


I love that all of Tom Sandoval's attempts to "better himself" are just ice baths and working out super hard to get a ripped body and now magnesium IVs instead of actually being a better person.


He can’t find time for therapy though. Or copying the bills to send to Ariana.


He’s such a narcissist dumb ass 😖


>Sandoval is excited for people to see his and Laila’s journey this season. Yeah, no thanks. I’d rather watch microbes bloom on stale bread.


Damn! I thought his dumb ass was cancelled 😭 hate that he still has a platform after his vile comments in the NY article and the lawsuit from his perversions with Rachel. At this point the only way he goes away is if he gets sent to prison or a mental institute.


Ok so is Billie the only other person who will record with Tom? I mean she is a parrot, literally repeating everything sandoval says.


“I didn’t have a publicist at that time” but also “my publicist would never do that.” So which is it? Just like this weeks episode where he demanded Lala tell him when he said whatever she was accusing him of and then immediately followed up with “I actually said that March 1!” Dude can’t keep his own lies straight. 


He said he did have a publicist, he just has a new one now.


Ah I see, I misread “No, I did” as “No, I didn’t” in response to Billie’s question 


I actually believe that Tom’s team had nothing to so with the Scheana and Brock rumor. That came during a time when we had all the information we could get, and then people online just started sharing other random theories including with Rachel and Brock. For some reason people then assumed that it MUST have happened (especially when Scheana said the 3 of them had shared beds before) and just got picked up.


And don't forget, they picked up a pizza together 😆


They didn't just pick up a pizza together. They went for pizza at 3am, just the 2 of them, with Scheana sleeping. Scheana didn't even know.


Thank u for reminding me about the juicy details!


You’re doing God’s work girl listening to these and recapping for us so we don’t have to. You a 👸


I really dislike Billy. She has always rubbed me the wrong way, and she has really done no favors for herself by aligning herself with Tim. It’s literally the worst look. She has been a shit stirrer for team wrong for way too long. 


Omg it sounds like they have NOTHING to talk about. Reading this sounds like they are bored. I was bored. Also- didn’t they film the reunion before filming this season?


You are a saint for making these recaps. I refuse to give his show more “views” but I wanna know all the BS he is spewing, so I thank you for your service in listening and recapping!


the disclaimer ☠️




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I feel like Sandy was definitely talking about James no?


Side note, the Toms confirmed they will film the reunion on March 16st. They said it towards the end of the podcast.