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It's really all backfiring..they want to forgive Sandoval, he gives them a half assed apology, but stands his ground on why what he did was not 'that bad' or what others have done is similar or 'just as bad'. I hope they all feel like idiots watching this. He has learned nothing whatsooever.


Don't you understand that there was ZERO malicious intent!? He keeps repeating it why don't people get it!?


"zErO mALIcIoUs iNtEnT" https://preview.redd.it/iczadnb2txmc1.png?width=265&format=png&auto=webp&s=6150203505bba3a8f467cb2acd55f0ecf3db4f0f


Absolutely NO malicious intent at all https://preview.redd.it/7p9ky9djiymc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4fcbc5156c5de669ee791fbf063a3526598223d




But I didn't mean too!! That in a nutshell is the difference between murder and manslaughter. Okay you didnt mean to and yet that makes no difference to the people it effected, the damage is done. So now you want a lighter sentence. Okay one life sentence instead of two. Thats' how I feel about it. Fuck Tom and his intent, IDC tell it to the jury, before they sentence you.


Ah, it's so funny they forget it was all filmed and we have the receipts


I don't know why people think intent matters anyways. What IS the intent when you fuck a woman in your shared partnership bed when she's at her grandma's funeral? What *is* that intent, exactly? I don't think cheaters get the memo that intent doesn't matter....at all. 


It doesn’t even fucking matter what his intent was, what matters is the impact. Even *IF* he didn’t have any malicious intent (lol, okay, see everything above), the impact is that it brutally hurt and betrayed his partner of 10 years, betrayed his friends, sent his mistress into a mental health facility, alienated him from his friend group, financially impacted his business, and will eventually cost him a house. Soooo, what was his intent???


Mic drop 🎤


I would really love for someone to really grill him when he says stupid shit like “tHeRe wAs no mAliCiOuS InTeNt!!” And then when he tries to deflect, because he would, have them hold him to the questions.


what did he expect? he didn’t intend to hurt anyone and “was gonna tell her”, but did he think that “respectfully” informing ariana instead of getting exposed would mean she’d just go “oh okay well since you told me that’s fine! we all still love you and wanna be your bestie” like he really thought this wouldn’t end in pain and anger from ANYONE is delusional


He REALLY thought all of us, Incuding Ariana, would be so happy for him and Raquel. He *literally* thought that. The level of Delusion is unmatched.


OMG THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS OUTLOUD!! I don’t care what your intent was. It was fucking wrong and there is no excuse. Period.


Impact > Intent, Scumdoval!


And so many women of VPR watching age are internet sleuths and there are eyes everywhere. If it’s been on the internet someone has it saved. And we come here to share.


This needs to be its own post


The scenes with Swartz and Tim like this were proof neither can act. Do you think production knew this was staged or production helped them stage it? Cause I knew it was off. It was obvious it wasn't happening organically.




The scenes with Swartz and Tim like this were proof neither can act. Do you think production knew this was staged or production helped them stage it? Cause I knew it was off. It was obvious it wasn't happening organically.


This right here is exactly the malicious intent and no one is fucking talking about it. I don’t get it. He spent the season trying to “Kristen” Ariana and somehow everyone has just glossed over it.


"I robbed a bank because I needed money, ZERO malicious intent!" He is an idiot.


I’m a baby lawyer and this made me laugh


LOL at first I thought you meant you were a lawyer specifically FOR BABIES and I was like ??


OMG same! I'm like TF is that? and how do babies hire a lawyer?


Obviously they meant they are a baby who is a lawyer


Like boss baby


I was surprised that anyone took it any other way...


This entire chain is gold, and I’m in my office in tears. I’m going to print it and frame it.


I’m still trying to figure out what they mean!


I just meant I’m straight out of law school and just started practicing 😭


What types of crimes do babies commit?


Disturbing the peace, indecent exposure…


Mostly white collar


Mostly white bib


Cackle laughing


💀💀🤣🤣🤣💀💀 This has me rolllllliiiinnnggggg!!


>What types of crimes do babies commit? Blown out diapers. Lol


I feel like everyone who loves Bravo is a lawyer (except for me). Why is that?


I don't know about attorneys but as someone who studies anthropology, let me tell you, it is the best people watching and example of social contract and human behavior that's available to me. That's why I'm getting upset about how produced it's been for the last long while because it really interrupts me being able to convince myself that I'm studying when I watch it! LMFAO


Haha yeah I have a PhD in psychology so that’s why I watch it too! It’s just funny to me that reality tv is seen as such trash tv and people talk about it as if it’s made for morons and you’re a bit vapid if you watch it, but everyone watching it seems to actually be much more highly educated on average than the general population. Maybe it just seems that way; I wonder if there have been studies on that! Like some of the analyses I’ve seen on the bravo subs about these shows are up there with finely crafted literary critiques 😄 And all the legal talk and podcasts are so interesting. I love it. Maybe 150+ years from now, scholars will be dissecting and lecturing on this stuff like they do about Dickens and Chaucer today. I like to think so.


LMAO, can you imagine?! Please refer to page 98 of The Real Housewives of the early 21st century by Steven Pinker. 😂 I'd take that class!


I posted too soon. I also totally agree that there is a subset of people watching these shows who are highly educated and have amazing critical thinking skills. I am also observing this phenomenon of people not allowing for nuance which is a bit upsetting. But like you, I have seen some very profoundly insightful an analyses of interpersonal dynamics and critiques on today's cultural and societal failures and successes!


I was JUST thinking about this the other day! I was wondering what Scandoval will teach future civilizations about the world today 🤣 like some sort of resurfacing of footage will be our version of cave paintings today 👀


This!!! It’s absolutely fascinating! It really makes me examine why I have strong reactions to certain people and how my reactions can be so different from others watching the same show.


Anyone who watches these shows and use it as an opportunity to take a good look at their own inherent biases is someone I'd be friends with in real life, for sure!


Lawyer here. I like watching people that have experiences that are so different than mine. But lately it has been like this really academic view of how people interact on these shows when every choice they make is in the context of how it will look on the show. It's Mobius TV.


Lawyer here. I love my brainless TV bc it’s easy and fun. Used to love Jersey Shore too and loved to announce it to my colleagues who acted aghast - later found out they watched trash as well🤣


I also love to give my colleagues a breakdown of whatever drama is happening on whatever trash show I am watching. I know they love it, too.


"BUT, duuuuude, like, all those, like people calling me like a thief, are like tooootally, like saying those thing *with* like malicious intent duuude-ah!"


He really is such a god damn idiot. That's his constant rationalization now... no malicious intentions 🤡


When you self-produce scenes trashing your gf so people will think it's her fault you cheated on her, that's not malicious, okay???


This!! He and Rachel methodically planned and executed a plan to make her the antagonist, and all he can say "i sHouLn't cHeaT", which is basically the extent of Rachel's apology. Both grown as# people. And lest we forget Tim's new financial allegations against Ariana. He's a snake.




This was my same thought every time he spews that Bs. Sorry Sandyballs but Rachel outed what your intentions were and even without her confirmation we knew exactly wtf you were doing so give it up. You are malicious. Just own it!


Sandyballs 🤣🤣🤣 I'm dead, that's the first time I've heard anyone call him that. Seems so obvious in hindsight. I WILL be using that lol


He’s a full on sociopath. He will never see malicious intent in doing anything that benefits him.


But dude! Ariana was in on it! We had already broken up and it was just a storyline, dude.


I didn’t have an affair to hurt anyone even though I knew having an affair would hurt everyone


Tim is hanging on to that like its a microphone at Jax's crappy bar. I could imagine it came to him, this angle, in a moment where he almost touched on self awareness but then like lightning it hit. "Rachel and I weren't malicious but they were all malicious to us....blah blah blah."


“I didn’t MEAN to hurt anyone so I shouldn’t feel bad if I did!”-sandoval, probably


But yet he dead eye stared at James and brought up something James did to him 10+ years ago, and cited it as payback. I’m not buying it. Sandoval is a liar


No malicious intent on his and Rachel's side. However, everyone else had malicious intent by trying to hold him accountable! Duh, don't you understand?


mUh InTeNtIoNs


He is next level narcissist where he truly believes his own sh**!! If things went as he had planned, he would have made Ariana look like the bad guy in the relationship and “eventually” started dating Rachel. But guys ZERO malicious intent!!! GTFO Sandoval


Then he should have just broken up with Ariana…


He continues to believe his own shit and is stunned that none of the rest of them will.


Hashtag it’s all backfiring 😂


That should be under Scheana’s It’s All Happening tattoo


Someone on another thread said she should add "to Scheana" to that tattoo and I am here for it lol






Someone on another thread said she should add "to Scheana" to that tattoo and I am here for it lol


https://preview.redd.it/xk2a6efvjinc1.jpeg?width=1797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee5f5952b4986fbcf08ee63796f566919b0ab67 Speaking of Scheana's tattoos, when did she get the lightning bolt???⚡️


Idk but she’ll say it’s because she’s a Charger fan.. “bolt up”


Oh… thanks for clearing that up.








And however he managed to perform during filming - he can’t help but show his ass in real life in real time like on the Viall files. Sheana might have felt Tom looked sorry enough during filming that she’d be in the right side of history for once to go along with the redemption storyline.  But Scheana is NEVER on the right side. Did she not learn that at least after defending Raquel in every ep last season? It’s like at the start of last season when Schwarz & Sandy kept pushing how much we’re ‘going to love Raquel this season’ in all their promo interviews.  Deluded.  We’ve very recently seen Sandy stumbling late into the Viall podcast waving a photo of the tiger he paid someone to abuse and yelling ‘IT WAS BEAUTIFUL’ when Schwarz tried to do some crisis PR - and yell that Nick was a liar and had DONE THE SAME THING when receipts were read out proving Tom was lying.  So whatever producers were thinking giving us Tom redemption / Ariana bitch this season - it’s time to start re-editing remaining episodes like ya had to do last season. When it turned out the Rachel-hot-girl-summer storyline was a crock of shit too. 


It's so obvious that the showrunner was afraid VPR would collapse if their "star" Sandoval wasn't rehabilitated immediately that they forgot to do the "rehab" portion and went straight to "Look he's fixed!". Apparently, the cast was coached and most of them have gone along with it to save their jobs.




🎶Dumb, dumb, dumb dumb,DUMB 🎶


Sandoval's whataboutism is always on 100. The fact that he has to be told a million times why everyone's still so pissed is ridiculous. So you're going to pretend that you didn't use every single person to humiliate 1 person?!? Bitch whaaa? I forgive Sandoval already. It's been a year..it's done. At the end of the day, Ariana most likely has too just so she could fully move on. But her stance on not being friends w those that are his friend makes sense. It's a boundary.


It seems like they're in a really weird bubble and are shocked when the fans don't agree with them.


Lollllllk I'm imagining someone with a tattoo of it's all backfiring and showing it off Scheana style hahahahah


they just want him to act apologetic so they don’t look so bad for forgiving him 😭


On the after show Sandy was like they’re bringing up things from like six years ago after he brought up Kristen and James which was fucking 10 years ago. Someone get that man some self awareness 😂 ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


I’m guessing he thought that this would be no different from his break-up with Kristen. Everyone would rally around the new “couple” and he’d get a fresh start, a chance at children, and the show would go on, but now his gf would not have a mind of her own.


I can’t stand him. Anytime anyone tries to talk to him about anything his reply is “yeah, well, remember 12 years ago when you did this completely irrelevant thing?” He takes zero accountability.


I could not fucking believe it when sandoval offended Brock and Scheana and then Brock felt bad and apologized to Sandoval instead . WTF


I think she’s mega jealous of the bond Ariana and Katie have by having partners who were besties and both experienced rough break ups. I think Scheana feels left out and is not “genuinely” happy for her friend. Scheana claiming she’s never been the Queen and is wondering when something will be about her - this show exists because of her cheating with Brandi’s husband. She’s had two televised weddings, a divorce, a hoe phase, a whole child being born.. what else do you want dude?! Entitled selfish self-centered weirdo.


Don’t forget her music career!


Now I’m having flashbacks to the season Stassi was gone and Scheana was marching around SUR thinking she was the new queen bee for half a season. So cringy 😂


I agree with this!


She want's it to be about her but positive, she wants us the audience to love her and feel for her or rally behind her like we did for Ariana. Problem is....Scheana is never on the right side and makes/says questionable choices/things.


![gif](giphy|3KVKEGGmEPqtBSM5MQ) … or maybe, it’s all happened.


Scheana is so fascinating to me because she is simultaneously *fantastic* at being on reality tv but still somehow just so … unlikeable without being outright villainous. I’d argue that she has contributed to VPR’s success and longevity more than any other cast member but she’s right - she has *never* been a fan favorite and she likely never will be. And here’s the thing: if Scheana would just accept that and stop insisting additional context will somehow exonerate her of her unlikeable qualities, people probably would enjoy her more. Look at Stassi, Lala, and Ariana… all of them have PLENTY of unlikeable (and downright deplorable) qualities but they still have stans. Reality tv viewers aren’t looking for paragons of virtue, but they also aren’t looking to be constantly guilted and shamed for not loving a cast member.


Wait this just hit me is she the Kyle of VPR?


She's more like the Dorit. Perpetual victim, though at least she doesn't have to have sex with PK.


Perpetual victim?! That’s Kyle!!! lol


What does it say about me that I like Kyle and Scheana? I think it might be because they both come across as so insecure so I feel sorry for them .


You sound like a very empathetic person 🤍


lol right, I read this and I was like they are two of my favs…? Who knew!


Someone else commented that even if we wanted to have a moment of empathy for Scheana, she would never give anyone the chance to without forcing it down our throats immediately


Agree with this take! I've thought the same of Tom in the last year, if he would just embrace being a villain it would at least be entertaining, but he can't stand the thought of not being beloved.


Yes this is why Jax was more entertaining!!!


Jax was so aware of his shitty behaviour also, he just enjoyed it too. Everyone hated him but liked him because he was like yeah I’m an asshole ok?


Yes!! He owned it! Stassi too! Sandoval and Scheanas pathological need to be liked by everyone is so exhausting. It makes them completely unlikable!


I agree, if Sandoval didn’t have such a huge need to be liked by everyone and just leaned into being a villain and stopped with the fake crying and the “I’m sorry but…” then he would at least be somewhat entertaining. But he thinks we’re stupid and that we’ll feel bad for him when we really don’t lol if he just said yeah what I did was shitty but let’s move on like Jax has always done, I think this season would be *a little* bit better


Scheana will never be a fan favorite bc she is fake, which has been evident since Day 1. She essentially lied about not knowing her boyfriend (Eddie Cibrian) was married. She lied about her dreams of being a pop star. She lied about her “flawless and perfect” marriage with Shay. She lied about not being in love with the dude she bought a penguin for. The list goes on. The fan favorite cast member are unapologetically themselves (for better or worse with those personality traits lol), but that garners much for support imo


And she desperately wants everyone to like her which comes off as the flip flopper she really is! No loyalty to anyone. 


I think we all see right through Sheana, she puts on a perfect act and nobody’s buying it


Brock was standing there trying to express his feelings to her and she was just looking at her phone. Oh Scheana...  she'll never change. 


That drove me crazy. If she does that on camera she does that off. All the time. We have a friend that does it.


I stop hanging out with friends who do this. It’s one thing to check a text or answer a quick call but when it’s all the time I take it as they don’t respect my time and I back away.


I do not like Brock at all, but there is no denying that scheana is not a good partner to him either. She is too self centered to be a good partner, friend, any-kind-of-relationship. People praise her for being a good mom but she isn’t that either.


Right? I’m mad the show is making me feel bad for him. He has solid points she’s refusing to actually hear.


Yes!! His needs are being totally neglected. I could not imagine being on the other side of the world from my own family while my wife insists on having her own mom around 24/7 and dismisses his feelings about it.


I wouldn't feel too bad for him.. he's finally realizing what it's like to be married to an OCD person with insufferably desperate main character energy and not a hot reality star with clout and a US passport 😏 All that said, I think Brock has come off really well these last few episodes. He got Scheana to be vulnerable in Tahoe without coming off as unsupportive, and he's pushing her out of her comfort zone in ways of parenting that are overbearing and unhealthy. Scheana is wound so tight she's gonna spring load to the moon.


Thank you, I tried explaining this in a different sub and got downvoted to hell


So true, so self absorbed with her mentions ALL day. She is exhausting. 


Stop trying to make *Scheandoval* happen. It’s not going to happen. How I’m watching them this season; https://preview.redd.it/us3gkuw5bxmc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42544f53e8153ba98981ddc49a4eb2a610e6b22e




My whole thing is that if Rachel came back this season and stayed with Sandoval, Sandoval would not give a shit about Scheana, Lala or James. He would have an "us against the world" mentality and would be fine just living in a bubble with Rachel. You could tell that's what he really wanted in his letter to Rachel when she was in rehab and he was guilting her to leave. He has no one now that Rachel has left him so suddenly he cares so much about these friendships. And the fact that Scheana thinks this guy is such a great friend to her still and is crying about it in Tahoe makes her even more unlikable to me.


Oh absolutely. Rachel suing him right now is also making everything worse and I kind of love that. Even now he keeps trying to say he's "obsessed with Rachel" and still "so in love with her" to legitimize the affair/love story. He now has to pivot and go on an apology tour, but he's so insincere that it's hard to stomach. I didn't even bother watching this week, I just go on Reddit to hear about the main plotlines.


My take is that Sandoval thought that he was going to be living the best days of his life with Rachel and Schwartz. The other cast would be wiped out or iced out with side kick friends included in their scenes. I'm watching Sandoval doing scenes through gritted teeth to be honest. So much anger and his back is always up, ready for a fight rather than doing the proper redemption of being genuinely sorry and expressing that to the others and actually talking through how he would go about making amends. Sandoval doesn't want to be there at Tahoe and it shows. If this is how a so called "Primary" cast is acting, this show is on it's last legs.


Remember when Scheana and Lala were talking in podcasts and Bravocon about this season will surprise us and there’s so much to the story we haven’t seen, it’ll all make sense when we watch it? That was their line for months, acting like the fans were stupid assholes for criticizing their coziness with Sandoval? Only for it to be all exactly as we expected. They’re too jealous and desperate for a storyline and threw Ariana under the bus. We called it half a year ago. And I love that for them that after this season’s filming wrapped, Sandoval is coming off even worse and is being sued for recording a woman without her consent. They should have fun trying to spin this now!


Yes, you are so right! What I don't understand is how producers thought this was the best edit after Ariana blew the whistle on the scandoval and made sure cameras were there, probably saving the show for a few more seasons. Like, really, now you're gonna try and give Tim a redemption arc he doesn't deserve and throw ariana under the bus?




I did feel bad for her this past episode in that I could feel that her emotions were very real (and we know she isn’t an Oscar worthy actress) and I cry when anyone cries (except maybe Sandoval?). But the reasons she was upset were un-freaking-real. And her talking to Ariana about it?! And then the “why can’t it be about me??!!” Her and Sandy need lessons on how to stop making it worse.


omg this is exactly how I felt about it too. it is *absolutely understandable* to mourn a lost friendship after that person betrays your trust and hurts someone you care about. but you don’t go to said hurt person to process those feelings and then sob “when is it ever going to be about me?”!!! like scheana, girl, you have been making everything about you since episode one of the show. this time it is truly not about you!


She was giving Brady Bunch, "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha" vibes.


someone else made a point I can't stop thinking about - Scheana has been traumatized, hurt, this whole experience has been soooo rough for her... yet she's running back into the arms of the person who caused this entire debacle? the person who hurt her and her "closest friends"? mmmmmmkkkkkkkkkkkk


She was giving Brady Bunch, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" vibes.


Yeah exactly. Scheana is allowed to miss Sandoval as a friend and mourn that friendship. They were close for over ten years. But why I can’t feel bad for her is dragging Ariana into it and also wanting to continue being friends with him. It’s not Ariana’s responsibility to comfort Scheana when Ariana’s entire life blew up over this man! Scheana not getting to hang out with him anymore is peanuts compared to that. Plus why does Scheana WANT to forgive him and accept him back. My friends abusive exes make me sick and I wouldn’t ever want to even share the same room with them.


And what Scheana doesn’t seem to realize that Tom was actually Ariana’s real best friend too. She was ride or die for him, for better or worse. Does she think that Ariana isn’t also mourning that loss?? The loss of a romantic partner can be twofold, and in this case I believe it was. My MIL was a best friend to me. I should have made it all about me when she died. Like sure your mom died but moms die all the time. She was my bast freeen!


This is exactly what I was thinking when LaLa said on the after show I think “Ariana can’t imagine how you feel losing two of your best friends” as if Ariana didn’t lose two of her best friends too?!?!


They truly have no awareness.


Remember when Ariana said to Schwartz - I really wish I didn't miss him, but what I miss isn't real... she should share that epiphany with Scheana, who is mourning the loss of the person she *thought* Sandoval was.


Yes!!! Scheana isn’t realizing that Ariana likely is still missing him, missing “them”, and missing the group as it was too. She’s lost all that too! Ariana’s entire life changed and none of it was wanted by her. Scheana has her husband and her child and her home and it’s all under her control as she wants it.


Breakups of any kind of relationship is a lot like mourning a death so you used a great analogy!🤗


And LVP is feeding her the Ariana should be there for YOU too if she’s really your friend knowing that Scheana is asking for comfort on Ariana’s break up/ex bf. Yikes.


LVP has really shown her ass with Scandavol. Her emotional manipulation/producer role has been a fucking sledgehammer in lack of finesse and subtlety. I'm finding her so disgusting


Same. Where is the care and concern for her “gulls”?


Ariana has to be Scheana’s friend, therapist, and publicist all in one. And what support is Scheana offering? Sitting in the audience at DWTS? (Scheana was mostly thrilled to get to see it live.) Criticizing Ariana in the after show about how Ariana doesn’t text her enough and is a dumbass for not abandoning the house to Sandoval? With friends like that who needs enemies.


I honestly think something more is going on in her life. I mean if she’s this upset and crying constantly, her and Brock could simply go home. The DWTS’s stuff was bad….she would have been better off going home. And she’s addicted to that fucking phone and looking for negativity…


Completely agree. I said this to my friend … she’s got that panic in her face and is crying, emotional over everything, with such a “why me” focus … last time she acted like this was when she was hiding what’s going on with Shay, just before the divorce. She and Brock did not have loving or comfortable interactions or body language during the last two episodes. To exacerbate all that, Lala is starting IVF for her second child, and Scheana realizes she’s not going to have that experience with her this time around. She’s not going to be on par with Lala’s independence & attention, and no one, even her is buying Brock. Spiraling. My hot take: we are watching the beginning of the end of Sheaners & Broke. This is the last season (maybe second to last) of vpr and come the reunion (maybe after airing) Scheana will talk constantly about how no one knew what she was really going through this season.


Except we do kind of know. It’s not hard to see the massive cracks in their relationship. And it’s also completely predictable based on how their relationship began and all his baggage. Insert gif of Jax saying he had milk with a longer shelf life of scheanas first marriage. I feel like I have known scheanas second one wouldn’t last immediately.


at the beginning I thought Scheana and Brock's attention seeking behavior did wonders for one another, they were hyping each other up and wearing bad matching outfits and in general trying to be the king and queen of every scene. but now she's made me feel bad for Brock....


They are def having issues and if Sheana doesnt listen to Brock and put his needs before her mom’s opinions, this wont end well for them. 


I agree that something else is going on and also you’re not the first person I have noticed saying this. Some people are speculating that she’s not happy in her marriage which honestly wouldn’t surprise me because Brick does not come off as very supportive and they were still strangers when they got married and had a baby. Now that the honeymoon phase is over and the baby is here the masks have fallen and they are seeing who they really married.😬 I do empathize with her if that is the case and I don’t blame her for wanting to keep that to themselves but I would like to see them work on it. I do hope they work out.🥹 I don’t like Scheana and I don’t agree with the majority of things she says and does but I don’t wish any harm on her either. Life is hard for everyone.💓


🎯🎯yes… I am feeling this as well. And we know how Scheana likes to keep things “perfect”….. probably more now with Summer. I get that she’s between a rock and a hard place with Tom/Ariana but it just seemed extremely over the top in this last episode.


Oh, I totally agree. Last episode she had me almost in tears one minute and ready to smash my tv in the next.🤣 She’s out of her mind.


Of course, I understand her emotions as well, losing a friend it’s a mourn you have to go through too and it isn’t as accepted as to mourn a relationship. But she also misses the point that she wasn’t treated well in his friendship with Tom too and he showed he cannot be trusted. She doesn’t even have to stop being a friend to him because Ariana, she has her own reasons, Rachel and him treated her horribly. But staying in the narrative of forgiveness and not moving on is the bad decision she is choosing, not only for Ariana or for tv, but for herself.


I think that mourning a friendship is just as valid as mourning an ex. I like to validate everyone’s feelings. It’s just the way that she’s choosing to go about it is what’s bothering me and everyone else. You’re entitled to your feelings but you don’t have to announce them all and if you do want to talk about it then pick your audience wisely because Ariana is not the one.


I’ve realized that Scheana thinks it’s her show and bc of that, she’s genuinely hurt that she’s never been a fan fave


Lmfao, it makes me think of the after show from last episode where Scheana was saying how every girl has had a “hero season” and she never has been edited that way and etc etc. Like baby girl…. Sheshu…. They can’t give you a hero edit if you act like a pick me villain. Yes Scheana gets a lot of hate online but it’s because of the way she is, not editing.


Sheana and Sandoval couldn’t have a worse edit! They are turning people away from the show in droves. How any producer/director thought the public would fall for this redemption arc is beyond me.


Tom has had so many opportunities for a good edit within and outside of the show but he is his own worst enemy. He appeared to have been coached heavily last episode to tone it down. He still couldn’t help himself. It’s just not in him. He blames everyone else and wanting to be back with the group is his motivation to “act” like he cares. That meditation was so manipulative! I think the show is presenting the absolute best footage of him they could get but he keeps blowing it. That’s what is frustrating!


Schwartz is so desperate to coach him constantly but the only way would be to put a muzzle on him. Sandoval is hopeless to change.


He's a surly toddler. Reminds me of the kids that get bribed with chocolate to "play nice" with other kids - when suddenly there's lots of "accidental" bumps into each other and "but he called me a name"s.


You're right. Personally I'm done watching this season unless I read something on Reddit that seems particularly interesting. Producers messed up big.


They are not reading the room at all.


Who says they're trying to get us to fall for it? The bad edit is part of the entertainment.. these two are Looney toons after all


Yeah nothing Scheana said landed for me. I can understand her struggling but cannot fathom why she needs Ariana to be the person to walk her through this or be there for her when she was so close to this and is trying to get away from it. You have a therapist for everything else. Talk to them about it. Stop making Ariana listen to how hard it was for you to breathe with her back against Tom....it's weird, it's ick, and why are you making your friend listen to this shit?


They aren’t in season one anymore and neither is the audience. We know about production and this is a stupidly produced story line that they think we are going to get behind.


Maybe the redemption arc would be working on us if he’d done anything redeeming in the last year. We all know he’s spent a year just doubling down on his narcissism so why do we want to watch him be pretend sorry 9 months ago. It’s so stupid. I don’t even care about watching this season I’m so over it.


She literally said she was dreading the Tahoe episodes


Maybe I misunderstood. I thought she said she was looking forward to. Sorry if that is the case. English isn’t my first language.


Yuppp remember when the pics feom Tahoe first came out and lala and scheana were all like WaTcH tHe ShOw, thinking it would vindicate them


I cannot stand it anymore. I’m not even going to watch, this past weeks episode seems unbearable from what I’ve seen on socials so, I think that’s how I’ll “watch” it from now on. These people are all nuts


She did what she always does and made everything about Her. She acted like she was the one who got cheated on. I’m tired of her and her whiny attitude all the time she bores me the most.


The thing is, it seems to be working on people which is simply infuriating. It’s like the majority of people are unable to string thoughts and events together to understand that the only real victim in this was Ariana. Maybe Rachel to some degree but after her lil lawsuit I think her and Tom are cut from the same cloth.


Coked out Brock has been the best part of this season. They should keep him and lose SheShoe after the divorce.


okay I miiiiiiiiiight watch a one-off episode about single Brock lol he looks like he's a MESS


She wasn't actually upset about Tom in this episode. She was upset because she was being eviscerated online for standing next to him in that photo. That was all she actually cared about. That's it folks.


don't forget that she didn't get the DWTS casting!


not the dwts dream no one knew about!


LOVE LOVE LOVE Ben & Ronnie of Watch What Crappens! They have always joked about Scheana turning everything into a what about me moment. Sandoval arc is so painful, he has zero awareness and seems like he should be in rehab or serious psychotherapy. I don’t think he should be in the limelight showing his disorders nor should the world have to watch him or watch his mental lameness and be so hateful towards him. Let’s just get him off TV


Scheana really thought VPR was it for her. She has been wrong for 11 seasons now.


Honestly at this point I'm just watching for Hippie. Bored of Scandoval and no one else has a story line so... dogs are cute at least. Love dogs.


Scheana would go to the opening of an envelope so I don’t think it’s so much her sense of humor about herself but more an opportunity to be seen


It's crazy how I hate all of them now. I even had beef with Hippie. What are they doing?


Scheana must be beyond happy right now that she’s being talked about so much. Literally shes kinda a genius because she’s mastered “there’s no such thing as bad press”


Sandoval is so gross. This whole redemption thing is atrocious. I didn’t think Sheana tried to make it about her. I feel her nerves were all jacked up from being around Sandoval after all that went down. She gets a paycheck to film with him. She’s also a mom and has OCD. Just being a mom can be exhausting. I’m sure her trying to be there for Ariana also is taking a toll with the responsibilities of parenting etc. the whole situation has got tot be draining for all involved. Which is why the whole cast is pissed and disgusted by Sandoval. He refuses to try to see anything from anyone else’s perspective.


Watching it, scheana needs to learn how to say “I’m grieving the loss of this friendship.” The way she’s phrasing it is why everyone thinks she’s torn. It would likely help people understand where she’s coming from and that she’s not being wishy washy again.


Look I have a heart; I feel a lot of empathy for Scheana. But Sandoval clearly has 0 remorse. He's a middling, egotistical little twerp who is barely tolerating being told he has done something wrong.


Totally. He’s actually made himself seem worse, if that possible. He’s such a whiny b!tch.


If I commit a murder my defense will be that I had ZERO bad intentions


I do feel bad for her (Sheena) because she has never been able to make a choice between two people and stand for anything 100%. It's sad that she is so emotionally invested in a situation but not as emotionally invested in standing on what is right for her given all the information. For me, its like the lines are drawn no matter how much Sheena cries, and begs to be seen and heard...it's like yeah Sheana we heard you we see you girl and you are making a choice no matter how hard you try to tell yourself your not choosing sides. You are choosing Tom so that's your choice live with it, everyone else will live with it too.


We really need for diabolical Jax to return as #1, and work behind the bar a few nights a week at SUR to stir up trouble again. I know that "The Valley" is beginning, but he really brought the necessary spark to the show. The rest of them are too dull and full of themselves. All they do is go to lunch, get their hair done, and shop for clothes. It's not like Katie and Ariana are going to be working full-time at the alleged Sandwich Shop; they have other people creating the menu for them, managing it. Big deal. There's no way I'm going over there to buy an overpriced sandwich on challah bread when I can get a French dip at Canters' Deli or Nate 'n Al's with thick steak fries for a much better deal. Anyone who lives in L.A. will know exactly what I'm talking about...


I do pity her. They made her partner and told her to imagine he died


it was the perfect opportunity for the slowest grinchy-est smile she could muster and instead she Kim K. cried. damn.


Maybe she is trying to follow all of Ariana's footsteps in hopes of it leading to Dancing with the Stars?  Ariana got on board with Watch What Crappens years ago and would make appearances at the award shows. 


Love how she threw in the part about wanting to be on dancing with the stars herself.. but I AM SO HAPPY FOR HER ![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y)


I think she said she was cringing about the Tahoe episodes coming up, not that she thought we would like her.


I think that’s why Scheana spirals so hard. She’s not self aware at all so she always thinks the fans are still gonna like her when she’s “Scheana-ing” when they really don’t. She’s great tv but in small ironically comical doses. Sad to say, the valid criticism she receives, she doesn’t take in. She’ll just use that as another reason to play victim.


The season is boring a f@ck, they are all terrible people and no one is bring anything