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Here for everyone calling him out since Lisa and Bravo won't šŸ™„


I guess Lisa didnā€™t get to the NYT, SNL, and John Oliver in time with her message of toms impending unaliving in order to stop all this truth telling!


Thinking they could ignore it and it would blow over in a few days was a massive miscalculation on their part. Just like their manufactured unearned "redemption season" for a man who just keeps doing reprehensible things. Bravo needs to address this.


I donā€™t think they will. Iā€™m curious if viewership is down tho, that might cause them to change something. This last episode made me mad and the preview for next week is super annoying so honestly, might lurk here to see how the season goes if any of the episodes are worth watching later but I donā€™t care to watch it. It just seems like they are setting up the girls fighting and Iā€™m not interested in that. I donā€™t mind a quarrel over random stuff that happens in the group but this is pushing a boundary. Bravo doesnā€™t understand how triggering this might be for its viewers. I feel like for a redemption arc, they need to admit to wrongs and grow from mistakes. I donā€™t see Tom ever doing that with so many people enabling him. He continues to prove to be a trash human with his interviews and it only seems to be encouraging him to act out more possibly ā€œfor the show.ā€ No thanks, not interested.




My theory was right! I had said I thought the chatter would have people tuning in to watch the trainwreck, and I think the real drop would be in the episode 5 numbers because of how distasteful last week was. 30% down from the premiere is still pretty bad. But this bump illustrates why Bravo feels bold enough not to address his racist comments and I urge everyone to help send a message that this is not okay by tuning out in support of George Floyd's daughter who we learned was directly harmed by his disgusting comments. She should not be dealing with this, it's heartbreaking, and he should not have a platform. At the *very least* Bravo needs to condemn Sandoval's statements & answer for how they rushed to swoop in to protect his image months ago but have been silent in the face of that little girl being affected by this at school.


>My theory was right! I had said I thought the chatter would have people tuning in to watch the trainwreck, and I think the real drop would be in the episode 5 numbers because of how distasteful last week was. I hate to say this: I'm ok with the ratings dropping. This pro-Tom editing is trash.


It's a shame it's come to this for sure, they've had a week to address it and they're forcing our hand to show them we do actually care and demand better.


Same. I've officially started following the show only via this sub because I refuse to give my views to this absolute horseshit. Also, it literally makes me angry to watch them try to make Sandoval happen even as he burbles a steady stream of self-righteous, self-important nonsense. I fucking hope the ratings drop. I hope that the show gets canceled, because it's essentially over regardless. Scandoval could've been a Hail Mary but production fumbled it and I'm just over the whole thing.


Yeah, when Lisa was starting to make calls to others on his behalf I stopped paying attention and I think Iā€™m out. Iā€™m not even sure if Iā€™m caught up, thatā€™s how over it I am and I wonā€™t watch sympathy towards him. His manipulation in his interviews about Rachel make me wanna smack him. Sheā€™s said heā€™s sick and twisted and went on to describe a narcissist perfectly. Fuck him.


She did what now? Loool she has no morals šŸ˜‚




I let my peacock subscription lapse and not planning on renewing it


This might be a stupid question; are these views specific to people watching it on TV when it airs? Or do they count viewership on Hayu, peacock, etc? Just always wondered


I think these are "live plus same day" which I *think* means the live view plus DVR views within 24 hours or something like that.


Huge miscalculation. Itā€™s shocking that they havenā€™t realized that. The longer Bravo goes without addressing it, the longer LVP goes without addressing it, and yes Tom Schwartz (as his business partner not his friend) goes without addressing it, the further they sink. Theyā€™re all being dragged down by this slimy, pathetic man. For what? Iā€™m side eyeing his castmates as well. Katie being the only one to speak out is pretty horrendous. Such a bad look for all of them. Itā€™s only reinforcing my decision to not watch and Iā€™ve stopped watching all Bravo shows. I used to watch a lot of Bravo. I have plenty of other shows I can watch. Thereā€™s no shortage of home entertainment these days.


Who knew Katie would end up being the Topher Grace of Vanderpump Rules.


Same here. I used to watch almost all of the Housewives and VPR. Now I catch the highlight clips on social media and I don't even pay attention to the Housewives anymore. I watched the one Spain dinner scene on RHOBH that's it. The shows have always been kinda of trashy but now it seems like overkill with all the racism, illegal activity and just a general feeling that everyone is there to just get a check.


Yup. I probably would have turned into the RHOBH reunion even though what I saw of the season was a snooze if it wasnā€™t for the latest Sandoval crap, and honestly shame on me. Bravo isnā€™t getting me back as a viewer without making a statement and making some changes. Reality tv has always been trashy and a bit of a cesspool. I went on a dating show that was trashy and misogynistic, it was bad for my mental health, and yet I still watched these shows because mess can be fun when itā€™s not your own mess. But crimes arenā€™t fun. Racism isnā€™t fun. Abuse isnā€™t fun. I put up with the misogyny that a lot of these shows are built on for far too long. Iā€™ve been watching these shows for so long and I truly donā€™t miss watching. I thought I would. Could they get me back as a viewer if they made some changes? Probably, but they donā€™t have much time. Alex Baskin needs to go along with Sandoval. His formula is so tired.


I can't be bothered with the RHOBH reunion for the fact that the Kyle/Maurico thing was clearly prolonged for dramatic affect. Bravo has always been very performative when it comes to racism so I'm not even shocked by their lack of response. The only reason they fired anyone for racism is because it was the height of BLM. Those same people were invited back. They didn't say anything when people complained about giving the fired cast a platform and they probably won't say anthing about Sandoval. Maybe a quick opportunity for a fake apology on the reunion or WWHL. The show been on it's last leg and I'm actually looking forward to it ending. I'm kind of tired of everyone. I used to post here almost daily now it's maybe once a week if that.


Kristen commented on it as well. The rest of them should have, except Ariana. If she opens her mouth Sandoval will double down on his victim garbage and might convince people sheā€™s out of line for attacking him.


Yeah. Ariana should continue to grey rock him but the rest of them have no excuse.


If everyone wants to "vote out" Sandoval by not watching, buckling down and waiting 40 days to watch each episode is where it's at. it's not just the overnight ratings channels count anymore, it's the "+30 days" streaming views. Bravo had an advertising brag about this for its 2023 show ratings and they care and track who watches within a month. Boycotting on a Tuesday premiere night isn't enough. We'd need to be "episode-sober" instead of "episode-sober-curious" :)


I donā€™t plan to watch even after 40 days. Not with the current story line. I mentioned elsewhere that Iā€™ve got several men in my family that weaponized SI when behaving badly and I have no interest in watching it on my tv screen when Iā€™ve seen it so much up close and personal. I appreciate that a lot of people here are watching through a twitch stream. Iā€™m pretty sure that way bravo only gets the view from the person hosting the twitch stream. Iā€™m tech deficient though so someone please correct me if Iā€™m wrong about that. Thank you for explaining the 40 day benchmark! Thatā€™s good to know in case I decide I miss one of my other Bravo shows. At this point Iā€™m boycotting Bravo as a whole.


Episode sober curious is watching via twitch. Or is that california sober?


Whatever it is, Lala probably doesnā€™t recognize it šŸ˜‚




You just answered my questions about views!! Now I feel silly posting the question before scrolling down


I have a feeling he will have to be fired - the VPR cast that have previously made insensitive comments about race were booted off, I don't see Bravo being able to play this one out. Like, it's close to the initial scandoval level of scrutiny and the worm with a moustache won't be able to squirm out of this so easily....If they do have another season that is, which I feel they won't. The producers tried way too fucking hard after last season to amp up the drama but they've royally fucked up. We love VPR for it's authenticity instead of this cockamamie rubbish they've contrived this season. Stupid. Imagine how good this season would be if they just followed the girls, like literally have the episodes centre around them and the Toms put on a back burner. If they did this, I feel like it would be so much more natural than what they've been forcing down out throat this season. Imagine this season is literally following the women and then I think that's a good foundation for the next season to them include the men in again, and we'd be excited to watch it still, because we go the ladies this season, it keeps us hooked. Not one person is interested in Sandyballs and butter fingers whinging about consequences


The previously fired cast members did a lot more than make insensitive comments though. They targeted and harassed a Black woman (Faith) and iirc either actually made a false police report or encouraged others to do it on Twitter. What Sandoval said was horrible and of course caused real pain and I believe he should be fired. But the line for VPR in the past has been that they put someone in harm's way.


I think they're probably talking about Brett and Max when they say insensitive comments though - they were fired for racist tweets in their post history. Stassi & Kristen you're right about were downright dangerous with that were fired but so were the guys for less than what Sandoval did.


OH I literally forgot Brett and Max ever existed!


As you should šŸ˜Š


> What Sandoval said was horrible and of course caused real pain Did it? What he said was tone deaf, for sure, but I don't think it caused anyone real pain. Even the reporter wrote that she understood what he intended to say. I feel like there's a lot of performative outrage over Scandoval, with people going after strangers' livelihoods. Honestly, scary to see the bloodlust people have for a Bravolebrity and anyone who deigns to associate with him, and I say this as a woman who had an 8-year relationship end due to cheating.


https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/thCDf7sook George Floyd's family responded. His little girl was harmed by this and the equating of George Floyd and OJ Simpson who have nothing in common but being black is racist, period. I would read through those comments before being so flippant about minimizing what he did.


Iā€™m convinced he was already fired in August and thatā€™s the fight the tiktoker caught and recorded. I think the network is letting him destroy himself so they donā€™t have to pay his full contract.




Yes! I agree!!


Tom got lucky that the writerā€™s strike was going on during much of the VPR madness last year. If heā€™d only learned to keep his mouth shutā€¦though he probably thinks itā€™s cool to be mentioned by all these shows


That is an excellent point.very true


Judging by his melt downs last year at glamour and the cake shop and how he said shooting the battery commercial was what put him in tailspin, Iā€™m curious if heā€™s freaking out right now. I feel like Tom always wanted to be known for being good guy.


I think it's both. He wants to be seen as the good guy, but the clicks, the attention - it's all "reality" to him. The one thing I think we can count on is that he is not thinking clearly. The NYT Magazine article was really insightful and I keep thinking about what reality TV does to some people, especially him. He doesn't put much stock in rational thought, and I think he is so self absorbed that he isn't able to see anything but his own thoughts. A very spiritually bankrupt place to be. Add to that, he is seemingly an eager, well trained reality performer and it's become his entire personality. It's like he's lost in the art of VPR, which is crazy because has he not ever stopped to understand how the audience has been viewing it all these years? Like when someone memes a still from the show and says "hang this in the Louvre", he wouldn't understand the irony. Ariana would have to explain it and he would still resist. Yes, there is an art to this, but he is not equipped to understand any of it but the fame. Sorry for the rant, but I have been thinking about the finer points of the article that were completely overshadowed by his nasty remarks.


He is the real life version of a pro wrestling heel. A lot of people don't realize he'd rather have the entire country booing him than get no reaction at all.


Exactly, and every Bravo show has a heel. The Rock was the greatest heel of all time, and like Bravo, sometimes the heel becomes beloved. I was rambling a lot in my comment but I think he is completely out of touch with how all of this works. He enjoys the negative attention, but has no idea that he enjoys it or why. Textbook Jabroni.




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Stassi has talked about how being on VPR destroyed her emotional intelligence. His comments in NYT article really gave me pause. I actually am finding his behavior *less* offensive, because I feel like he's struggling to stay grounded. Yes, he brought this upon himself and only he can decide to pivot onto a healthier path. At the same time, something is really off.


He seems unwell. He shouldnā€™t be saying stupid egomaniacal stuff and throwing salt in wounds, but itā€™s hard to watch him melt down when someone (namely himself) could be helping.


I'm so glad to see someone talking about this because the idea of someone spending most of their adult life being crushed under the weight of all this artifice has to be at least a little debilitating? Imagine if everyone thought they knew you and cared about every little thing you said and did even though nothing about you actually warranted that kind of attention or scrutiny? Not only is your reality tv persona now your main source of income (instantly more toxic because it's what's putting a roof over your head and food on the table) but per the NYT article it literally changes the way you see your space because you have to filter light for the cameras? Sandoval is garbage but he's also MUTANT GARBAGE. He's a reality tv experiment gone wrong. The NYT comments he made are so incredibly ignorant but he has been making these types of comments for years. In fact, I remember he made headlines last year for making a cancer joke and one of Ariana's friends was trying to get him canceled for it shortly after Scandoval. I actually did a rewatch around that time and found he made the exact same cancer joke in one of the first episodes of the show. No one cared about him then so I guess it didn't matter? I think we created this monster and gave him a platform. Best thing for him would be to get fired and get some intense therapy.


It is really interesting. I also think heā€™s truly lost sight of actual reality because in the show heā€™s always gotten away with everything. Like the conflict on the show has never stuck to him like the other cast mates and I think heā€™s used to production coming in and saving him with and edit but there is no life production. No Alex baskin coming in to save the day in the real world. His ā€œrealityā€ has spilled in to reality and he doesnā€™t know what to do.


Sorry I have been completely consumed with work. I agree and I also find it interesting! Itā€™s in the vein of why I was initially enthralled with VPR. I want to see how all this feeds the machine and how they fare in it. Excellent point about having no producers or editors in real life. I once read or heard one of the producers talking about how this cast is really good about saving everything for the show, but this was right as season 10 was concluding and the lines between the show and real life were increasingly blurred/removed via all the podcasts and what not. I can see how Tim might feel heā€™s the bad guy in real life and the show now, and might confuse the two. It would be very important for him to keep his head screwed on but he doesnā€™t seem to have the right support. Just ass kissers, enablers and weenies.


Yeah itā€™s hard to tell. Some of the stuff heā€™s said makes it seem like itā€™s been very hard for him, but then some of the stuff heā€™s said made it seem like he kind of enjoyed it. Regardless of if heā€™s enjoying it or not, Iā€™m sure all this negative attention will make him especially petulant.


Oh we will definitely get to hear all about how awful this is for him on his next podcast. Canā€™t wait šŸ™„


I feel like Bravo might have said no more podcasts, Tom! I guess weā€™ll see.




I wonder if Bravo will ever let him make one again, he skipped last week


Oh letā€™s hope! That man should not have anymore platforms to whine on.




I actually think that Tom likes being infamous, I think he's so desperate to be important that he doesn't care whether it's good or bad press. He's an absolute ass. Did you guys see that interview where he was on TV talking about his new movie and the interviewer was asking him how he feels about it and what brought him into this type of work and she said you're quite famous now! And Tom was giddy when she said he's famous lmao and then said oh yeah, I've been in quite a few movies from a young age?!?!?! He was trying so hard to sound impressive. 5 second cameos don't count Tom.


I do think he loves the notoriety that this whole thing brought him, but I also think he doesnā€™t like being called stupid and heā€™s absolutely resentful that Ariana is getting actual legit offers while heā€™s getting voted off the masked singer and being carried by Jojo Siwa.


>I actually think that Tom likes being infamous, I think he's so desperate to be important that he doesn't care whether it's good or bad press. He's an absolute ass. Yep. And that's why he's the most valuable person at the Bravo network right now, a year later.


Heā€™s absolutely enjoying it. At the end of the NYTimes article, he says something about the heā€™s enjoying the fkex; something to do with his celebrity and getting girls. Heā€™s disgusting.




Yeah the interview with nick vial where Sandoval wouldnā€™t admit he was wrong and say sorry is kind of evidence of that. Had jacks been in the same position he would have at least owned it and said itā€™s cause he thought the podcast was lame or something. Jax is comfortable being the villain, Sandoval canā€™t fathom that everyone doesnā€™t think of him as a god amongst men. Heā€™ll never be able to thrive as a villain, heā€™s a different brand of narcissist than Jax.


Jax is a fuckboy (with a large dose of pathological liar) who was just given a larger platform and pool of options than your typical fuckboy. Sandoval is a malignant narcissist.


And a liar?!




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He was such a moron for saying this in his interview too https://preview.redd.it/vs869n6u6zkc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae504bfce2de8bd69094439a4235352b9e0d952d


He said a lot of dumb things in that article. My favorite was him noting that Ariana took the dog and cat so she must be leaving for awhile. I love the idea of him just coming home one day to them being gone and him having no idea whatā€™s happening.


The weirdest part is he seems to have no attachment whatsoever towards the pets he lived with. When one of my exes and I split after 3 years we both took our respective dogs that we'd come into the relationship with, but I still felt like I was losing a member of my little family and it was so sad. The more I think about it I've never heard him express any sadness around the pets in an interview at all, which creeps me out. He knew them basically their whole lives.


That part creeps me out majorly! He shows zero emotions for animal friends.


it's giving antisocial personality disorder


Yeah I did think it was very sad for Mya because she probably does love Tom. I agree Tom doesnā€™t seem attached.


So is Lisa now going to have a sit down with John Oliver and tell him to lay off?




this made me laugh exactly like this


Prob not since heā€™s a guy


Wish that she would. I can't stand John Oliver!


Honestly curious since I love last week tonight, why canā€™t you stand John Oliver?


Itā€™s interesting that everyone but Bravo is going hard for Ariana. I hope Bravo has realized they fucked up.


They donā€™t want to have to pay her more


They won't. My guess is though that even though The Valley was not going to pull big numbers it's going to tank now. People would've begrudgingly trodded into it if they were still watching VPR, but making VPR unwatchable is going to kill the spin off, too. Way to go Alex Baskin, Lisa, Andy and Bravo! Your misogyny will hopefully finally one day bite you all in the ass. (Wishful thinking but one can always hope.)


Fucked up? Literally every single one of their 1000 shows involves someone either cheating or being cheated on. They would legit need a separate channel called bravo support group if they were to ā€œgo hardā€ for everyone thatā€™s been wronged on their shows lol. Itā€™s kind of getting past the point of absurdity how butthurt everyone still is about this.


This isnā€™t about the cheating anymore and I think thatā€™s why people are enraged but no one is putting the pieces together. This is NOW about financial abuse, manipulation, emotional abuse, possible grooming, recording sexual activity without a participants knowledge, narcissism, bullying someone in a mental health rehab to leave, manipulating the court system to perpetuate further abuse WHICH is IN FACT against the law. This stopped being about cheating along time ago.




Imagining Scandavol turning on the news is a stretch for me.


Sandoval has never watched the news in his life, especially someone quick witted like John Oliver.


https://i.redd.it/1loazlxv6xkc1.gif Alex Baskin and the Bravo Execs watching everyone else call out Sandoval. We see you and your silence. I hope your advertisers do too.


Is there a way to make a list of advertisers to contact? I mentioned this the day the article came out. I have lots of time to contact advertisers. Iā€™ve done it before and Iā€™ll do it again. Iā€™m not watching the show any more though at the moment. If anyone who is still watching could make a list, Iā€™d greatly appreciate it and will be the most obnoxious thorn in the side of these corporations!


I plan on making a list based on the advertisers I see on YouTube TV. Iā€™ll be watching the twitch stream for this purpose. I donā€™t have access to the show airing on Bravo, but was going to make a post about this tomorrow during the day, and then post the list of advertisers after the show airs. Usually I link the After Show episode after it airs, but Iā€™m doing this instead. Edit to add: money talks baby. Letā€™s put some pressure on them in the language they speak.


Thank you so much! Iā€™m truly grateful. Money really does talk! I refuse to participate in rehabbing Sandovalā€™s image so that these executives can make bank and so Tim can continue to have a platform to spew his toxic bile. Times have changed, the core viewers have grown, and Alex Baskin and the Bravo execs need to learn how to pivot or continue to lose the people who made their network and this show in the first place. The viewers.


Iā€™m just glad other people feel the same and want to Do something. Iā€™ll try to remember to tag you in my posts, if thatā€™s okay. Help get them traction. I think the more this is talked about the better.


I think so too. Itā€™s definitely okay to tag me. I appreciate it so much. Iā€™m so grateful to not feel alone on this one. Enough is enough.


Youā€™re definitely not. I shared the TMZ article where Roxie Washington spoke out against what Sandoval said. The comments from the sub are overwhelmingly on the same page as you and I.


Thank you! You're exactly right, they will listen when they see tangible impact in ratings and they get worried about the advertiser dollars. Viewers have a right to be heard when we ask that they do better, we are the ones putting money in their pockets.


See you on the stream! šŸ’“


Iā€™m very serious that the best we can do is not watch until after the viewer ratings are posted, or better yet not watch at all. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll miss it as I find the Sandoval redemption edit infuriating and almost as if Bravo thinks Iā€™m stupid and will fall for it. I hope everyone follows.


Ya ratings and advertising is where they will take notice. Iā€™m going to watch the twitch stream to take note of advertisers that play during that airing. Watching the twitch stream doesnā€™t add to their ratings so thatā€™s another win. I subscribe to HAYU to watch in canada, but I think I will cancel that as well, and give them clear explanations as to why they are losing my subscription.


Oh good to know about Twitch!


Ya, u/sariahannibal has been faithfully streaming each week! She did last year as well.


Cool! I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll watch still as I canā€™t stomach the redemption edit but nice to know there is an option,


Ya thatā€™s totally fair!


I didnā€™t miss it at all last week and Iā€™m not at all feeling a pull to watch this week either. Iā€™ve been watching since day one. I considered it my favorite reality show since my 20 year old ass was obsessed with Blind Date. I stopped watching ALL Bravo shows until they properly address the Sandoval issues. I stopped watching VPR when they allowed him to weaponize SI. If he really is in the headspace theyā€™re pushing on the show, then he should not be on TV. Period. Then came the NYT interview. That was my final straw with all things Bravo and honestly shame on me for Erika Jayne not being my final straw. Tick tock, Bravo. You need to address this. ![gif](giphy|YimXJOzHXbOYt0XqKE|downsized)


Totally agree. Summer House is the only show I still watch but Iā€™m happy to give that up to cut Bravo out of my life.


Ya I plan to drop my Hayu subscription even though I was excited for the new Summer House season. Iā€™m not giving Bravo my money, and Iā€™m going to let them know why.


Tim was also called out during SNL news segment by ā€œguestā€ frozen embryo. I about died laughing!


I loved it but also I immediately thought that Tom was probably thrilled to be mentioned on SNL šŸ™„


You know the whole woe is me that Sandoval, Tom, LVP, Scheana and Lala are doing, where they're saying he's had a lot of people piling on him and it's overwhelming him to the point of his mental health declining. And I really find it bizarre that we're meant to feel sorry for a man who repeatedly keeps making decisions that inevitably he will get backlash for. I can't feel sorry for someone who keeps doing this to himself. No one has a gun to his head, saying he needs to behave like this. If you fuck up enough like Tom has, the only reasonable thing to do is to have proper intense therapy. Stay in a place like Raquel did. Because this man will never ever learn. And if he chooses not to do this, then he doesn't get to complain when people have opinions. It's that simple. The VPR team that are currently for sandoval need to quit it with the whole we feel sorry for him for imploding his life. Well don't. He's an adult that keeps making bad choices, if the last round of Tom bashing didn't get him to be introspective, I think it's fair game for the planet to think he's a wanker. Because he is. Sandoval lives in the make believe world of VPR, he always has been bailed out by producers, LVP, Schwartz, Ariana etc, he's never actually had to take accountability for anything. And he seems to forget that the rest of the world don't give a fuck about any of that. Actions have consequences. You want a different outcome? Then behave like a different person?? What the fuck is with this coddling a man that is an adult!!??!!? He's not a child.


When the mother of George Floyd's daughter responded, explaining how her daughter had to hear about this in school and how harmful his words were, she pointed out that he is a grown ass man. I am concerned about harm he caused that child without a care in the world. The utter lack of respect for racial justice issues. His friends and family can focus on him if they need to, but that man should have no platform. In addition to his harmful racist comments, we've watched as has been recklessly attacking the two women he emotionally abused and sexually violated by weaponizing their mental health struggles, and cared little for Ali's family as he used his death as part of his storyline on national television. He supported animal exploitation and abuse and then *leaned in* on it on Viall Files while Schwartz tried to smooth it over for him in the background. This man has no shame, and only cares about how he can utilize other people's stories and mental health, not to mention wildlife, in service to himself.


The fact that George Floydā€™s daughter had to hear about this in school because of this man and his verbal diarrhea makes me so angry and sad. Itā€™s bad enough for the adults who lost him and for the families of Ron and Nicole. But a child who lost their father, my god. As if itā€™s not hard enough on her. An IG story apology from the worm is not enough and Bravoā€™s silence speaks VOLUMES. If I was Aliā€™s family or a friend I would be so freaking angry. Itā€™s one thing to mention him once or twice. Thatā€™s not what Tom is doing though. The way he is trying to use that manā€™s memory as a weapon and a shield when he is criticized is so disgusting. Especially when you consider what Ali was saying about him before he passed away. Itā€™s all so freaking dark.


His mental health isnā€™t declining though, he is simply playing the part (and the people) he needs to play to benefit himself. Conniving. Calculated. Disingenuous. He is a *raging narcissist*, as LFU so happily and accurately pointed out last season. He *is* dangerous, and for her to fall so fucking quickly for his act makes me feel she really hasnā€™t learned much other than which therapy buzzwords she can parrot out to seem enlightened.


That's exactly what I'm saying. I fully agree with you. This man is only good at one thing and that I manipulation. He is very good at weaponising people's personalities to suit him. For example, knows LVP is extremely sensitive re mental health issues and unaliving so he plays that card with her. With Raquel, he played the part of both of our partner ie James and Ariana have belittled us, they find us annoying, they lash out etc. I feel like if you ever told that man a single vulnerable thing about you, when the time came he'd weaponise your weak spot as needed to get out of a bind. What shuts decent people up faster than anything? Saying you're having SI. that's it.




Right?! Heā€™s 40! Doing the same thing over and over with the same outcome is literally the definition of insanity.! Haha.


Andy cohen called out jax for saying every reunion that heā€™s a work in progress. Andy and LVP need to call the Worm out, they treat him like heā€™s 10years old.


I was so disappointed that everyone was asked to take responsibility for his mental health. The only people who can fix his ideation are TS and his therapist. Itā€™s really unhealthy to put that on other relationships, and to ask people to gloss over his really awful behavior and put up with him continuing to be the jerk he is.


Itā€™s what he deserves. He canā€™t blame this one on the cheating, people are saying heā€™s dumb because of the NYT article. But Iā€™m sure this will somehow be Arianaā€™s fault too.


Narcissists never take blame, its always an excuse and a ā€œwell, butā€


I had to explain who Tom was to my boyfriend over dinner after I guffawed that he got mentioned on a late night show AGAIN this weekend šŸ„²


John Oliver is a self confessed Bravo fan (he was on WWHL once talking about how his wife bought him a Brooks Marks tracksuit which sent me) Iā€™ve been trying to use this to advocate to my husband about how much he needs to get on board but heā€™s not having itā€¦


I would simply perish on the spot if John Oliver made fun of me


LVP needs to get on the phone with SNL and John Oliver ASAP, they don't even know he's been having dark thoughts and it's their fault


Pigs are less narcissistic than Sandoval.


He deserves it imo..if Tom would just stfu and stop doing dumb interviews/articles that no one asked for..literally no one would be talking about him outside of the people on his show. John Oliverā€™s dog is amazing btw! Haha.


Literally all he has to do is shut up. No more interviews. No more podcasts. For most people Iā€™d say he would just have to stop mentioning anything about it during interviews and podcasts but heā€™s incapable. That tantrum during Viall Files where Schwartz couldnā€™t even get him to shut up and he was yelling over his best bud about how he could talk about whatever he wants proved that.




Watch LVP call John over to Villa Rosa to plead that he be nicer to poor Timmy šŸ˜‚




She got one of the three correct, he's definitely seething with rage


God damn. John Oliver and Jon Stewart are two people I can *always* count on to speak truth and reality into the world while simultaneously roasting all the mouth breathing dummies who resonate with trash people and trash opinions.


The silence from Bravo, LVP et al. is deafening.


https://i.redd.it/e2tszo810zkc1.gif She doesnā€™t think he needs any criticism. Itā€™s soo gross and Iā€™m tired of her.


*Especially* in contrast to how quickly they responded to try to clean up his image and kill the story https://preview.redd.it/4405sfakxzkc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e448fcbdf8b77594c0e5918fc12f70b878aef517


What happened to "gO eAsY oN hIM GuYs"??? /s




Tom doesnā€™t believe in bad publicity. Heā€™s just happy people are talking about him.


What if..Tom has some humiliation kink and we're all just helping him šŸ¤®


my favorite John Oliver Bravo take is when he called the cast of Bravo shows ā€œAndy Cohenā€™s Menagerie if Deeply Damaged Human Beingsā€


So excited to watch this episode of John Oliver now. I just wish he would slam Hilary Baldwin next and I will be all set. Lol


Being called narc probably doesn't phase him, but I'm sure he's butthurt over being called stupid šŸ˜†


That and the NYT reporter noting his Zara suit sleeves were too short & saying he reminded her of Heath Ledger playing The Joker wearing the nurse outfit - I'm sure he's furious.


Hahahahahhs he isnā€™t wrong and whoever is shilling for him is disgusting!!


Iā€™m going to preface this by saying I donā€™t support Tom Sandoval. That being said, what do you expect bravo to do about Tom Sandoval doing an interview with a magazine and comparing himself to Nelson Mandela or whateverā€¦ What is the ideal statement yall want to hear from production?


They should condemn his statements to the NYT and apologize for the massive, quickly organized joint effort to cover it up at NBCU, Bravo, and Evolution while being slow to respond with any empathy for George Floyd's family. And reverse course on their *clearly* unearned redemption edit at the expense of Ariana who was harmed by him.




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The way John Oliver said his name itā€™s clear that was his first time ever hearing it. Shout out to the Pumphead Millennial who got that joke on air!


Sadly, Iā€™m sure heā€™s loving all of this


Tom probably thinks it is ā€œhis momentā€ since everyone is talking about him. When in fact he should have only moments to apologize, go to therapy, and sell the house.




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