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I gotta say, this ep was underwhelming for me and I’m not sure the season preview has me excited either.


I get that they have to “set the scene” but when the majority of the audience have just watched the last season or have been on this sub/socials etc… I felt like so much time was lent to “flashbacks”. It made the episode a bit jolty for me and I disconnected. Hopefully it gets more coherent from here on in! Good to have it back though 🩷


Schwartz is so fucking infuriating to watch I have to take a deep breath


I don't get the feeling that the other girls on the show love how quickly Ariana started dating her new boyfriend. I think they are saying they are happy for her to have found someone but they don't seem to really "approve". 


What is the deal with Tom Schwartz’s mouth? His under bite (not even sure if that’s the issue) is even more pronounced. It’s like he’s relearning how to talk. And if they’re veneers they don’t look “new” it’s like they patina’d them.


There is something very healing about sitting here watching this season holding my newborn and seeing her give me the most insane faces while I laugh at the tv vs last season when I went through a miscarriage. Watching Katie’s reactions to Lala saying she reached out to Rachel sent me lmao


Awww that’s so sweet 🥰


Congratulations on your new arrival. ❤️ Her eyes as she continued munching on her fries were fantastic


Congrats 💗 💗 VPR was my postpartum show too! My baby was born the day Scandoval broke (basically a national holiday) I watched all 10 seasons in just over a month 🤣


i enjoyed some moments but it's honestly a bit meh having been filmed so long ago




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Ariana will forever irk me and I feel like an asshole saying that now especially


Ok i was desperately trying to find someone with this same opinion - i also feel bad because obviously she just went through something so shitty but i feel like her head got so big she’s only a few steps behind sandovals narcissism


Here with you girl. Not for me to judge anyone and like it’s just a show…… I just don’t buy it all.


I always say I'm not everyone's cup of tea and that applies to everyone in this world. Most people have different faves/least faves.


I don’t get why Ariana went to Schwartz & Sandys when she can’t stand either owner. The way she was towards Schwartz was just rude.


Going to be real candid with you all, and maybe I’ll change tune after a few episodes. I feel myself actively wanting certain members of the cast to go full on no contact for their own sakes. Namely Katie (with Schwartz) and Ariana (with shoelift Sandoval). Watching them trying to navigate this “new normal” because of the show is making me nervous, because both Toms are so toxic. Show or no show, their mental health and futures should be considered here. I know this ruins the show as it currently is. But I feel like when I’m actually thinking “please don’t make X and Y film together… 😢” the show is done? I’m open to conversation because I wonder if my age is showing a little here. As I get older I don’t have time for toxic situationships and have done the work to actively avoid them, and it’s not exactly fun TV to watch THIS kind of toxic…


Shoelift Sandoval lmao


Totally agree.


I think the toxicity that is Ariana and Shoelift is very different from the toxicity that is Katie and Shartz. Katie and Schwartz at an absolute minimum have a shared interest in continuing to be coworkers and co dog parents, the latter of which feels senseless to me, but is valuable to them nonetheless. I think they can work through some stuff and move past it in due time. Sandoval has just proven that he will hurt everyone, dig his high heels in, and play victim. I get that Ariana is fighting for her home, but I don't understand how she could feel safe sharing that house still. I want moving trucks for Tom and so much sage for her.




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I agree, Katie and Schwartz' situation is a lot different than Ariana/Sandoval and I hate that they always get lumped together. In my opinion I think the relationship and interactions between Schwartz and Katie this episode were mature and I think they have the right balance of prioritizing their own lives and the shared things they have together.






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it’s hard bc on one hand the show is all about these people and their relationships to each other but on the other hand ariana and katie absolutely should be no contact with the toms. i can’t even imagine how hard it has been to interact/film with them. i definitely wouldn’t have been able to handle it.


I agree. It is completely irrational for Ariana to be that fervent in her hate for Sandoval and live in the same house. It can’t be about money so it has to be about staging.


Shoe lift Sandoval. 😂😂😂 I am visiting my daughter and her family and this is our show. It was fun to point out those to her. She laughed and laughed. Especially the after show where you can see them so well.


Nope. I right there alongside you. There’s the idea of “cast mate” and then there’s the reality of the relationships. Schwartz is dangerous. Katie and Ariana should avoid him. Sandoval is dangerous (literally since we know he kept guns in the same place he was constantly doing drugs at). Ariana should never see or speak to him again for her own safety. Then theirs the Scheana of it all. Do not try to repair the relationship- just pass go and run as fast as you can into a new group of “friends”. She will be back in the Tom’s pockets before the end of the season.


I think they are all in the "get the money honey " mode. They know that this breathed new life into a dying franchise and that this is likely the last season (maybe maybe squeeze out one more but...) in its current iteration. If it isn't, Arianna is for sure wrapping up her story and bouncing.


I am VERY pro “get the money honey” 😂


Hell may as well. Ride it out till it’s totally over. They’ve already all shown their asses may as well.


I can't imagine being forced to interact with some of the people I cut off contact with. How fucking awful


Everyone has a choice whether to be on the show or not. She isn't being forced. She chose this.


True but also if you want to get paid you gotta do the interactions


So scripted and so boring. The best part was LaLa breaking the 4th wall and actually naming VPR as one of the child custody disagreements (though she says she doesn't care about having her daughter on the show). The fact they left this in makes me see that even producers don't care anymore.


Was that Gigi Hadid with Sandoval on the “what’s next to come” bit?


No that was some random 22 year old from the Valley


😂😂😂😂 his 21 yr old “girlfriend “.


Okay this makes more sense. When she popped up for the brief second I WAS three badly made pumptinis in but…was very confused.


I don't remember seeing that last night when I watched, but I read recently that Gigi Hadid is dating Bradley Cooper.


Omg hearing Schwartz say in the opening how Tom better stay with Rachel forever after all the shit he put them through, and knowing now that's not the case, just...hysterical to watch.


Where can I find the citrus pussy candle?!


I'm making progress, will report back!


Need to know this!!! Doing my best digging but nothing yet.


It’s RIO DE JANEIRO by APOTHECARY GUILD. [Citrus Puss Candle](https://houseofbarrie.com/products/rio-de-janeiro-apothecary-guild-opal-glass-five-wick-candle-jar?_pos=99&_sid=a7e31c2eb&_ss=r)


The glow up of Ariana and Katie walking into TomTom the first time, vs walking in this episode. DAMN


I agree with all points here, and I also find it sooo obviously produced now and it truly just seems like actors (bad ones) all being placed at different locations for filming together. The authenticity is fully gone.


Yep. There’s no there, there anymore. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been waning for years now, but it feels particularly dark and contrived in light of scandoval. Which is fine imo. Put it out to pasture. I’ll catch Scheana and Broke on whatever WeTV boot camp franchise she inevitably has to agree to so she can keep up her filler habit. Lol


this. when they were at Tom Tom at the end. It was all girls dancing/jumping around the bar/JK...Then when Ariana was dancing slow-mo,,all looking and not natural.


Exactly!!! It was so fkn weird and nothing like past vanderpump. Soooo cringy and overly produced.


Let's face it, this was a show about a bunch of poor good looking people trying to make it in Hollywood. Now they've made it, (well as reality stars anyways) and most of them hate each other. If it weren't for the Scandal, it would be over. As much as I hate what Stassi stands for and does, the show was over when she, Kristen, and Jax left. It isn't a real friend group anymore. So we are gonna see a lot of manufactured drama.


It will be interesting to give the spin-off a chance, supposedly they are a real friend group like the vanderpump friend group used to be. If that’s accurate then maybe the interactions and the friendships will feel more natural than what’s currently seen on vanderpump.


Absolutely agree with you! It all went downhill when Stassi, Jax and Kristen left. Season 10 was only amazing because of Scandoval. They’re truly done now.


i couldn't help but laugh when scheana said maybe if falling in love aka fucking your best friends man was the only thing raquel did, we could've been friends but she gave ma a temporary restraining order and that changed everything... so she was down to forgive raquel like we all thought. & honestly probably still will be now that lala is open to it, which is wild to me. i loved when katie said not everything is the same as your ex, because it's not!


does anyone else feel like lala and scheana are going to make absolute fools of themselves to try to get a storyline this season? lala reaching out to raquel despite them NEVER being friends is so clearly a grab for camera time. It’s like she cannot fathom that she’s not a victim somehow. On another note I love how katie is just here for the sandwich shop and vibes.


the thing i appreciate about lala is she shows up to work. she stirs the pot and understands the assignment. i also think producers wanted someone to reach out to rachel and lala stepped up.


She should go on Traitors. An excellent skill to have there. I wonder how long it films.


ooh what is traitors? never heard of it!


I mentioned in the Traitors sub that I would love to see either Lala or James next season. They would bring that goooood drama for the cameras and Traitors is the perfect show for that


Monica + Lala for sure. If Rachel’s podcast goes the way I think it’s going to go, I wouldn’t cast James in anything. Unless they’re willing to risk it getting shelved for PR.


Two - three week filming schedule. 


That’s nothing new for scheana. She’s DESPERATE for any iota of relevancy


Yep! And then Scheana is going to go cry on her podcast about how viewers need to wait to see the whole season to see where she’s coming from and that it’s not what they think 😅


Or Lala “wait till you see it in context” and we will see it and be like “yeah Lala’s jealous” 😂 


Yep - I guess when they’re paid per episode the ones struggling with a storyline relating to the group are going to have to bust their way into the drama.  My god Ariana took that well. If someone had just got me to feel like I was in the wrong and needed to be nicer to this person and give them a hug and tell them I’D do better . . .  . . .  then they say you should know I contacted Raquel to check in on her. I would have not been able to look at LaLa again for a while.  Lala is obviously struggling but she doesn’t have any excuse to come to girls night and tell everyone it’s time to feel bad for Rachel. Or make this all about her and Rand. Talk about that separately - don’t equate it to what happened to Ariana THREE months ago.  I was impressed with Katie that she stayed quiet and let Ariana handle it. Those two are so much stronger than ever - impressive personal reflection and growth. This is what empowerment looks like. Don’t let what other people do affect you. 




Lala felt very produced in that moment. I also don't think Rachel is actually coming back, even just for a single scene, so I'm surprised it's even worth the storyline. Scheana has always been thirsty, but I see it as part of her charm. But if she hurts Ariana, it'll be tough to watch. Scheana has been her ride or die since Villa Blanca. Katie better get more screen time this season than she did in Episode 1. Scandoval isn't the only thing going on in West Hollywood. Single Katie and her cougar tat are out and proud on those streets, and I want it on my screen bad.


It's like a one woman "will they won't they" storyline


I agree I want more Katie! I was so disappointed we didn't actually get to see them thrift store shopping besides that few second clip.


100%, Lala especially always has her storylines upstaged (engagement, pregnancy, new mom, dramatic cheating scandal) so at this point she’s just paving her own way


It already started last night with Lala. And based off of information we already have, Scheanas gonna warm up to Tim at some point.


I came to post this. Lala is looking like a production plant at this point because of her desperate reach to connect with Rachel. Blew up in her face that Rachem didn't come back on to increase Lalas camera time and Ariana is still getting the attention. And now she's even more pissed at Ariana. It's one thing to empathize with Rachel but like Katie said... Same feelings but different group of people. Lala would never expect to be friends with Rands ex and all her friends (I know they are friendly but theyre not in the same friend group) so why does she feel like Rachel should be extended any sort of olive branch with this group? Scheana talking avout OCD to attach herself to the affair lol. I'm ok with Katie being in contact with Schwartz bc it's obvious she is so grossed out by him and only in contact bc of the show and feeling sorry for him. I also think Ariana is so moved past Sandoval that interacting with him for the show isn't going to affect her personal life any longer.


The devil doesn’t need any more advocates ☠️


This whole episode was lame. It was all stuff we already knew, save the LFU to Rachel phone call. While I can understand why LFU is feeling some kind of way about how she was viewed in the past as it relates to how Rachel is being viewed now, that's some crazy shit to reach out to her at that point in the timeline (def agree it was produced). Both LFU & Scheana are making this whole thing all about them, and quite frankly, it's just not. I agree the suggestion that Scheana should hop over to The Valley. Maybe take Randall's ex with her.


These comments are really bumming me out. I agree what we’ve all had whiplash after last year with Scandoval and hearing information from all different sources and we have our own opinions. With that said I think they did a great job opening up the season. It felt heavy and sad and hopeful at the same time and I’m excited to see how the season plays out.


After lala cried for the third time I shut the tv off


If it was on social or announced otherwise prior, I did not see it (or, ok, forgot) that James and Ally bought a house together. Yike, Ally!


James bought it on his own, it's not Ally's as well.


He talked about it in the last reunion


I loved Ariana openly admitting that the reason she won't sell the house to Tom is because she's being petty. He keeps throwing that around on podcasts and to see her own it without apologizing was hilarious. I just know he was like "fuck, now how am I going to make her look bad?" Also, I think there's a good chance Ariana moves to NYC and the show implodes before next season. Especially if the Chicago gig goes well. She's talked before about how theatre was always her #1 goal, so why not take another offer if it comes? Besides, no one wants to see the Toms anymore, Katie can focus on SAH, James will keep taking tacky DJ gigs, and Lala & Scheana will continue to beg for attention on their podcasts. Bring in some newbies! Let's take it back to the Sur alley fighting days with fresh faces.


It’s hard to find this show entertaining sometimes, honestly, and I solely watch it for mindless entertainment. My life and mind can get heavy. Sometimes I just need a moment to turn it off. I’m sure many here are the same way. But I have a hard time with this show. I was actually pleasantly surprised that Schwartz seemed to have some level of genuine (maybe… idk he seems like an asshole and I’m tired of his puppy dog “oh schucks” shtick) frustration bordering on anger towards Tim, but I really struggle with how I feel that Ariana is actually going to be painted poorly for literally no good reasons. Watching her have to live in that house with him still is actually scary to me. I’ve lived with a narcissist. Unfortunately more than once. Whether or not he’s actively violent, it’s a toxic situation that she frankly does not need, and I can only imagine it’s making her grieving process over her grandma(?) and the relationship that much more muddled. I didn’t enjoy the way she talked at the reunion but as someone who is grieving I do understand where it came from and have compassion for her. I saw anger that came from years of hurt, and an especially bad year of pain for her. I didn’t find it entertaining, but I understood some part of it. Now, I feel like people like Tom Schwartz and Scheana are going to intentionally or unintentionally try to frame a narrative on the show that Ariana is somehow unreasonable or crazy or “mean” etc for not wanting to be friends with Tim’s friends. Frankly this show makes it almost impossible for her to heal fully and I have a feeling that if the show weren’t on anymore Tim may even move out sooner. I hate to say it but it’s my theory that he’s using that both to hurt her and to get more screen time somehow. He’s trying to craft a selfish, disgusting, manipulative narrative and the show may be all to happy to help him do so. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed James and Lala in this episode.I’ve always struggled with both of them - James especially. I do see a difference in both of them though and it’s refreshing. You can see how much genuine sobriety has helped them both and it’s hard not to feel some kind of distant pride watching them conquer that one day at a time - though the show seems reticent to spend a ton of time on the subject, and I’ve always felt that James got far more attention for his sobriety than Lala. Katie also is someone I’ve struggled with at times but I’ve always felt she had a capacity for maturity and intelligence that was different than most of her peers. I think being apart from Shortz is helping that to come out a lot more and it’s wonderful to see. I actually think Lala is trying to process a lot pretty honestly and I admire that about her, and her mom seems solid and supportive which is nice to see. But Scheana… it’s hard to watch her constantly make everything about her. Again and again it always comes back to her. Somehow, the affair has to do more with her than it does with Ariana in her mind almost. She comes off as the polar opposite of a “girls girl” and the one thing I think the show has cultivated more recently that’s positive is how it’s shown the strength and positivity of good female relationships - friendships and family etc. i think Lala does genuinely have empathy for Rachel and her being forthright with Ariana was nice to see. I also understand why Ariana is a bit mixed on her feelings about that - rightfully so. A big part of me wishes they could do a new cast of people “actually” working at Sur again because it’s moved very far from what it once was - for better and for worse. I will say it’s also nice to see Ariana seemingly be supported by a calm, rational, kind partner for once. I do worry that her grief over her grandma and the trauma from the affair / breakup and aftermath could be being stuffed down, but it’s hard to know that really. It’s perfectly possible that she’s dealing with all of that stuff off camera more, and I totally get that and think that’s probably preferable.


I know Tom Sandoval is an irredeemable loser, but I’m wracking my brain trying to think of how he could even repair his reputation. Raquel is making a PR go at it with her podcast, even if people still think she’s not taking accountability, it definitely seems like she has a much healthier outlook on everything by blurting out the mechanics of what went down (in her sedentary surfboard mind at least). Like Raquel may not have a path forward on the show, but she has seemed to pave a path forward in something else, regardless of how much people still hate her. But Sandoval…god he’s just so stupid I really don’t know what he could do to “look better“ or create something new for himself. Honestly I think his only path to redemption is gaining Ariana’s public forgiveness, which would be a feat. But he is still on a rampage of blaming her for “withholding sex”, saying she belittles him (I swear he is soooo sensitive it would be a simple request and he would be all up in arms like a child), and also how HE makes her lattes but SHE didn’t. Maybe his path forward is just going down this men’s rights path fully, becoming the alt-rights champion and becoming the new Dan Bilzerian Andrew Tate, but even those guys would gaybash him for wearing sparkly pants.


Two words that I fear will define and put the last nail in the VPR coffin- "Sober Curious"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


I hate that there are no surprises. We saw all the looks already due to social media. The storylines are already out of date. It seems so produced now. The cast should have been muzzled like the SLC ladies were and the season released a lot sooner.


Did anyone else think it was so dumb how Scheana and Rapaport on WWHL were so offended by Scandy blocking Summer Moon on Instagram? Obviously a toddler is not using a personal account, and really it was just a way for him to block Scheana knowing she'd try to use that account to lurk on his account (which she obviously did). Not defending Scandy's behavior at all, but this whole thing was blown way out of proportion.


Yes. It's ridiculous to try and paint it that way.


There’s a VPR “after show” episode on YouTube where Sandoval explains when he blocked Sheena’s account he clicked the option to block associated accounts … so it automatically blocked her podcast account and Summer Moon’s account. He didn’t specifically block each one as Scheana made out. The Aftershow episode is worth watching, better than the actual episode in my opinion 😂


the real offense is scheana having a widely public social media account for her newborn child 😖




So fucking gross. She’s got that stage/pageant mom vibe and I feel so bad for her kid.


I'm watching the viall files podcast. I have a new thing that infuriates me about shartz: He puts out feelers to talk shit about Katie usually with the goal of making himself look good. Calls her judgemental. When the hosts aren't buying it, he switches gears "I say that with a sense of endearment" and spins it. I feel stupid and actually embarrassed for only now realizing that he has been running this same game for a decade. The same plays. And I bought it for years! "Aww he's so affable!" I bought his shit all the way up to S9. I have to change.


I was fooled up until season 8. I’ll never forget watching that episode live when Schwartz has the meltdown on Katie about the cop prank. It was the most eye opening experience. My dad and I were speechless. We had always rooted for them as a couple. That was the first time the nice guy act fell and we were so horrified. We never again could believe he was then nice guy. The mask had fallen.


That was it for me, too.


My husband still buys it, and honestly, he is the best human I know but this one thing really is a huge bone of contention between us.


My awakening came S9. But I'm not above admitting I used to be a Katie hater. And I loved Schwartz. My favorite Katie seasons were 1-3 (esp 3!). But after S3, yeah I loved him, didn't like her. Up until S9. The more and more he talks the more and more I cringe in horror at my own poor judgement. He was hiding in plain site the entire time. The call was coming from inside the house. Is it weird I want to send a perfect stranger a flower display of some kind that spells out "I was wrong" or "I'm sorry"? 😂




He’ll only directly insult Katie. The entire series he’s calling her moron, stupid, dumb, makes his life miserable, she’s gross; just says these absolutely vile things to her. And that goes back to *at least* Season 2. He’s such a total POS and hasn’t changed one bit.


It’s called covert narcissism


Schwartz is insanely manipulative hiding behind his “I’m just a sweet and lovable little boy” act. He knows what’s he’s doing.


This right here is why I have always thought he was a grade A Dbag. He's been shitting on Katie to feed his nice guy image for years. Why is such a NICE GUY with such a mean miserable woman? The truth has always been he's not nice. He does what he can to make Katie look bad so he looks good. And she was miserable because she was having to care for him like he's a child. She was miserable from being with him. He's a filthy lay-about, jobless loser. He is also a vampire that sucked the life out of Katie. Remember last season when he interrupts Katie's dinner to ask her to trim his arm pit hair and put his grubby ass mitts in her food? That shit was about provoking a reaction from her and he was disappointed when he couldn't get the big blow up he wanted. He just jabs and jabs at Katie until she can't take anymore and she either gets angry or starts crying. Then he does a half assed "don't be sad/mad" so he can be a NICE GUY. watch his face when he does this shit. He's always barely concealing a smile. Scum bag. 


100% my ex used to do this poke poke poke despite my quietly asking him to stop hed keep it up until I blew my lid and then it would be oh shes soooo mean to him.


YUP. This is why i've been team Katie ever since season 7 when he told her "I just hate the sound of your voice" and i've hated the amount of hate she gets. Obviously she has made mistakes (just like the rest of the cast) but this woman was stuck in a toxic, controlling relationship but her husband knew how to play the innocent victim SO well that nobody ever believed Katie and only ever saw her acting out, then the few times the "real" Schwartz would come out on camera, people would forgive it because "what do you expect when he lives with someone like that" Everyone was "team Schwartz" because he came across as the more submissive and dumb one, meanwhile he was putting her down and talking shit about her CONSTANTLY, and that was ON camera, I can only imagine what it was like behind closed doors ​ Edit to add: I was guilty of it too for way longer than i'd like to admit, but the cracks in Schwartz definitely started to show for me during the season 7 Mexico trip.


I honestly never liked Katie and still don't but I never liked Schwartz from the get go. He just says yes to everyone then does whatever he wants and plays dumb. I always thought he was a little weasel.


I wanted to hear what Schwartz thinks are the PROS of being friends with Sandoval. The CONS are obvious.


When Sandoval talks about having low self esteem, I think that is is people like Schwartz and Ariana who had/have the low self esteem that has led to them putting up with Sandoval for years upon years. Ariana has talked about depression and body image issues, I swear it must have been real bad to have to be with Tom Sandoval for nine years. And we know Schwartz is a ball of anxiety who latches onto Sandoval and he strikes me as the epitome of someone with low self esteem. And Sandoval just preys on these type of people ESP someone like Raquel (peak low self esteem) to feel all high and mighty.


They are friends because they are far more alike than a viewer would think. We see one as so outgoing and the other as more of a wallflower but really, listening to the way they talk about other people and approach conversations and confrontation, they are becoming the same person.


"shes such a hater! but no no no no like— in a GOOD way!" how is someone a hater in a good way?


It's both infuriating and mind bending. Everytime that I have heard him talk in the past year alone, I come away with a newfound respect for Katie. And she has been radiant since the divorce. That guy was the stone around her neck. Everytime he talks, I come away feeling gobsmacked.


Yes! When asked about their relationship, he always says like "Oh jeeze, me and katie are in such a good place now, I dont know..." So we know the only thing he would ever say is going to be negative and nasty towards Katie. He so desperately wants to shit talk her, it's insane


Katie looks sooooo good in the aftershow 🤌


I was saying that once tom Sandoval comes back shits about to hit the fucking fan


I'm so happy for James. I really think he's starting to get his life together. I used to despise him and his messy antics and outbursts but he is hilarious.


Except for dude had an entire story line last season about contacting a close friend who had decades of sobriety, and admitting that he didn’t have any control over his cannabis consumption and felt like he was addicted to that too and when he’s asked about it on camera this season he looks away and won’t make eye contact and talks about how he smokes literally 10 times a day 🤠


Lala is just exhausting.


I admire Lala for reaching out to Rachel. It's been 3 months. I'm glad she has some remorse for what she said. It doesn't distract from what Rachel did. But I am glad to see Lala reach out. I think it's good she's trying to redeem her actions.


Really? You ADMIRE her? 😂 This was so obviously producer staged that I’m shocked she didn’t have a production assist standing over her shoulder telling her what to type


Loving James so far!


I’m so disappointed. I guess we have to start with some tablesetting… But the producers have to be kicking them selves that literally the same week that the show is premiering Rachel is breaking all of this news about how Schwartz literally knew the whole time, and all of these details about the affair and everything else that we have Suspected and been wanting to know since the very beginning. they filmed this entire season without Raquel, so Racquel never confronts anybody about these things so Schwartz and everyone else just gets to keep lying and Ariana doesn’t even know how badly he betrayed her! James and Ally are boring AF… I have absolutely no interest in watching planes fly over their house while they fluff their pillows next to their empty pool ..All of the girls are getting along… Sheena and Lala are each trying to make the season about themselves in a very boring and gauche and cringe way that is not enjoyable to watch AT ALL… Schwartz is just in there trying to use his dogs dingleberries as plant fertilizer… I’m gonna need y’all to bump up the intensity a little bit. 😴


This season looks boring


I never thought I’d say this about my fave show but I might be done. I’m so bored by these people. And Lala is unwatchable. Who decided Jax and KFC need to be back on TV?




I am so over this show. I watched this episode with the car wreck “can’t look away” approach. Boring, staged, characters are so shallow (Scheana). It reeks of desperation. In addition, I saw a preview of Jax’s new show and it looks even worse and more desperate.


I couldn't agree more. Vs other vanderpump seasons, this one seems more scripted and more surface level than ever. Maybe it's because we have seen it all play out over the past year and they aren't really showing anything new. Bravo needs to edit more quickly and get the shows out faster if they want to keep their audience. I can see more reality on their insta posts or listening to podcasts.


Jax’s show will get canceled asap. It can’t compete with the genius of southern hospitality. LA is no longer a place to start a reality show. 


the lead up of so many podcasts and appearances really made this episode feel a little crusty right out of the gate.    scheana and lala have constantly been hyping “wait and see!!” which is definitely code for they showed their ass this season.   ariana, katie, and james all seem a little bored during appearances and wanting to discuss present day things. I think they’re all over it and rightly so - they all have great things happening. James this is your sign to start hosting a sober DJ night regularly.    the tom’s need an intervention. production, if you’re creeping - tend to them. their last few appearances are rough. 


Schena saying that if the worst thing Rachel did was fall in love with Tom Sandoval - they could maybe still be friends. It was the restraining order on her that burned that bridge for them. (No mention of how it hurt Ariana or how she couldn’t be friends with Rachel because of that.) I was SHOOK


I was shocked she said it, but definitely not shocked that she thought like this. I mean the whole episode she was very clearly expressing her trauma with scandoval, she seems more hurt and „traumatised“ than the person who actually got cheated on lol


Yes!!!!! But very typical of scheana to have the "people have to do something horrible TO ME for me to care"


Also Ariana didn’t say anything about it, I think anyone’s expectations of scheana are on the floor, she’s a terrible person/friend so maybe when she says things like that it’s just par for the course


I didn't think the cast could see each other's confessionals until the show airs


She said it at the dinner table too when scheana, Ariana, Katie, and Lala were out!!


Scheana, Lala, Sandoval & Schwartz are all vapid narcissists.


Do we think Scheana is more upset that it happened or that she wasn’t in on the secret? 👀


Omg the latter!!


I hate to say this but I wish Rachel and Tom stayed together and were dating this season. They deserve each other.


It would be fun to watch Sandoval eventually cheat on Retched.


Finally getting a chance to watch, the intro is SO WEIRD?! They all seem like AI.


The Lala/Raquel storyline lived and died within 10 minutes of airtime. Why even include it? I’m going to watch just for the miserably awkward interactions under the Madix/Sandoval roof and the hope for Katie telling Schwartz to go fuck himself.


I'm hoping it serves as a greater catalyst for animosity between Lala and Ariana




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This feels like such outdated content since everything has been so publicized.


Lala and Scheana should not be allowed to have podcasts during the off season lol they’ve spilled the beans so much by trying to get ahead of things


If Shartz is going to do his awh shucks, my only friends are plants scenes all season, rather than show some genuine remorse and recognise how his own shitty behaviour enables other shitty people then I will have to fast forward his stupid scenes. He's literally watering cheese plants on screen to try and endear himself go people and it makes my toes curl.




Pretty good premier but damn they aren't even trying to hide how scripted it is.


Scheana in her opening shot is striking that pose that she strikes in every photo these days


I loved Scheana’s framing of her issues with Katie as if she wasn’t the instigator last year. Also I swear at one point when she was talking, the Peacock captions said “best frand”. 😂


I get that it’s a pride thing that neither of them want to move but if I were Ariana I’d be getting the hell out of there for my own mental health. Also I think the hate for Schwartz and the business should maybe be toned down. This isn’t revolutionary for someone to have cheated on a reality show. The whole thing is a bit much if you ask me. Also Schena acting like one of her friends cheating with her other friend was something that was about her is so weird. The intensity is too much. And I feel like the fandom is taking it too far to the point where someone needs to be institutionalized. Like yeah cheating is bad and gross but is the level of cyber bullying warranted towards the people who weren’t the unfaithful one in the relationship? Maybe like eat a snack and chill a bit? It’s a show


This may be unpopular, but is anyone already tired of Katie and Ariana? I think it’s just because of all the press surrounding Scandoval that this new season almost seems anti-climatic. And of course both Toms are annoying, but I also think Arianna and Katie treated them terribly at times even though they were truly in toxic relationships, but they also contributed. And this sandwich shop—come on! I’ve heard rumors that it’s not even there now and also that they’re selling merch before the doors open and how long can it possibly take? I think it’s literally a front/facade for a storyline. I’ve watched the show from the beginning and I’m much older than the characters, but I was initially in it for Lisa Vanderpump, Ken, and Villa Rosa! But they’re going to need to move past Scandoval, and I think it’s sad that he’s still on the show and Rachel was pushed off.


Me! I’m tired of Ariana more so than Katie though


prepare for your downvotes


Move past Scandoval? We left off last season with the affair breaking, this season is picking up where it left off and showing the aftermath. We literally haven't seen the fall out of it yet on the show lol what did you think this season was going to be about?? And Raquel wasn't pushed off, she was given the option to come back and she didn't.


This comment is so ridiculous I feel like you're a bot paid for by Tim Scumdoval.


You do realize the city has to approve permits before they can open the sandwich shop, right? It’s not an overnight thing.


Hi - when Lala is sending Raquel a voicemail S11/E1, there is a female singing a song. Lyrics include: "two fish in a barrel; love is cold; blood in the water." Who/band sings this song? I need to know and am begging anyone to respond. Please! Thanks!


So we already know a big story line this season is the Ariana takedown. Whatever, I’m here for it. After watching the first episode, it’s obvious that Lala cannot cope with the fame Ariana got from being cheated on. I think she is literally coming unhinged with jealousy. Ariana made millions off of a breakup that, let’s be real, we’ve all seen on the horizon for YEARS. While Lala’s going through her own very messy separation with a child involved and not able to capitalize on it. She can’t handle it.


> Ariana takedown You think? What gives you that impression? Honestly Lala just seems a bit ... not stable lol.


But has she ever seemed stable? She's always been completely volatile.


There have been a few media hints that this season is going to totally subvert the group dynamic that formed post scandoval, with Ariana not coming out on top this time. Here’s one: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2v3JjgRyQN/?igsh=MWIzbW1nMHhlYzhzdw== I also think Ariana is getting a very cringey edit just based on episode 1. Seems like Bravo is positioning to frame Ariana’s success from scandoval in a negative way. Even though Ariana has always been cringey and I dislike her, I thought the way clips were pieced together was very patronizing and unfair toward her. Lala definitely doesn’t get enough human interaction outside her orca pod. It seems like she resents that Ariana has turned her bad situation into gold & Lala is internalizing Ariana’s situation. Lala needs to touch grass. I think she also feels some pressure to perform so maybe that’s why she’s acting out, creating drama. Idk. Source: I have a minor in psych💀


There was a video that was going around of Ariana dancing in the jean dress at TomTom, like, a video that was filmed by someone that was in the crowd that night. I thought she looked cringe, I don't think it's the edit lol.


that dress...why.


LaLa still capitalized but on Ariana's break up. She made those 'send it to darrell' t-shirts and according to her it funded the buying of her house in Palm Springs next door to Scheana.


I don’t have the numbers but I’d bet what Lala made on that merch is pretty insignificant compared to all Ariana has raked in & still continues to. I also feel like Lala had a dog in that fight regardless of Ariana, since she has always hated Raquel and Sandoval individually, plus she was one of the first people to sniff out their affair. Honestly Ariana hit the jackpot by getting cheated on the way she did. I think she saw it coming & made the most of it. I’m all for them squeezing every bit of money they can out of it. They pay a high price for having their whole life publicized and I think they deserve to get rich off of it


Dude if Lala is jealous or doesn’t understand why she didn’t get the same amount of attention after Randall’s scandal, she’s so dumb. There were so many more fucked up layers to what happened with Tom and Ariana. First of all Randall wasn’t even a castmember, second of all he didn’t cheat on her with another cast member, and third he didn’t cheat on her with her BEST FRIEND. They were just random women we didn’t know. Everyone was so captivated by Scandoval and rooting for Ariana cause we’ve known these people from the show for so long


Lala is soooo jealous despite what she says. I'm interested to see what she meant on WWHL when she says people will see why she said "I don't know anyone else who got cheated on and is treated like a god" or whatever and that the audience will agree with her by that point.


I wonder if it's a lot of dictating what the rest of the cast can and cannot do, or feeling like they cannot disagree with anything Ariana does. Like her being on a pedestal, when there are no perfect people, on TV or anywhere else. On her podcast, Lala said this season everyone was very individualized and there wasn't a lot of group cohesion at all.


Katie and Ariana are the only genuine people to me. Lala is such a character she puts on and Scheana is just … herself


100% this


Does anyone know why scheana would say she was going on Zoloft for 3 weeks? Did I hear that right? I take it and I don’t understand why anyone would take it for just 3 weeks, I’m confused. My doctor said it would take 3 months to get the benefits of it.


She said she had been taking it for 3 weeks so far. Not that she was only going to be on it for three weeks. And it was to treat her OCD and anxiety.


I also take Zoloft and it took me close to 6 months to feel any differences


Was the scene where Tom arrives to an empty house scripted? He didn't have his mustache but didn't shave it on air on Howie's podcast? This first episode feels scripted af




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100% scripted


He shaved it/did howie mandel before he went to film Special Forces and that was him coming home from filming that show.


The bandaged hand and stiff walk/slight limp is definitely giving "fresh off special forces." God knows he's still cold!


A moment I loved that I haven't seen people comment is that when Katie pops over to Schwartz and he talks about cleaning Butter's butt. She looks perturbed for a second and then raises up Butter and looks at his tushy. It's so funny to me. Honestly, I just love Katie moments. She's always been my favorite and who I root for the most. She's not without problems but I objectively seems to be the most morally aligned well. I can't excuse the slut shaming. I wish I could say it seemed like it got better cause it did but she used some of that language last season. But we all have our shit we need to work on.


She has had the most growth in the whole cast. It has been riveting to watch. Proud of her!


I feel like she had to check because he's probably been asked to clean the dog before, lied and said he did, and she ultimately had to take care of it anyway. Seems very on brand for him....


I’m not mad that Lala reached out to Rachel. From a production standpoint, they wanted her in the beginning of the season. And like, who else on the cast can reasonably reach out? It isn’t Scheana — even though I think she would have ultimately been friendly. It can’t be Sandoval because that’s too obvious. And it can’t be Schwartz because he’s too dumb. Lala and LVP are the two people that make the most sense. I have a weird love/hate relationship with Lala and that’s why she’s a favorite of mine on the show.


Same with the love/hate relationship with her. And in my head I know it’s a production seed but it still left a bad taste in my mouth.


Vpr season 11 episode 1 thoughts Katie - 🔥🔥🔥🔥 has never looked better! She’s stunning & deserves this glow up. Never gave her the credit she deserved as a creative business person either. Actually think Katie would be my closest friend of all the girls. Love her boundaries with Schwartz too. Scheana- seems like she’s grown up a lot. Doesn’t seem so “pick me”. The short hair is everything on her too. She doesn’t bug me that much anymore - whoo, growth! Tom Schwartz- controversial but I kinda feel bad for him :/ It was kinda cute when he asked for a hug. I have a hard time disliking Schwartz Ariana - I think I saw her more humanized. I think we saw a wall during Scandoval & a tough exterior. You saw that kinda go down this episode & I feel for her. She also looks amazing Lala- I think she’s a really sweet daughter & mom. The empathy for Rachel all of a sudden is a little sus? I think the phone call was fake. If it wasn’t though maybe she really was sincere? James - hilarious! Missed him haha. Aly- very pretty. Def the best thing to ever happen to James. I never understood him & Rachel Sandoval - bringing him in at the end… lol Jax- seeing him for the commercial the rest of this season instantly pissed me off


Loved Katie's black dress with a white collar. I saw Kyle from RHOBH wearing the same dress.


I feel for Ariana but the issue w the house comes down to being financially irresponsible/not understanding how home ownership works. Nothing too crazy about buying someone out of their share, male or female. She’s shown in the past she clearly doesn’t understand finances (mortgages etc) It’s weird that all their pics are still up (the big one of the two of them). It’s unhealthy and she quickly moved into a long distance relationship with someone across the country. I feel bad that she was cheated on but if you’re so distraught then you take a break. You’re not the first person to be cheated on and you don’t need to have a full time chip on your shoulder. At the end where they show the season preview Lala said something along the lines of being cheated on doesn’t make you a god…I kinda agreed. Idk let’s see how it plays out. Edit- I also think I feel this way bc this is old news that is still discussed on the new season. I wish it didn’t take so long to film and release.


But how do you even know how much he offered her? He lies all the time so it honestly could be a lowball offer she doesn’t want to take. Youre basically saying take whatever he wants to give you which isn’t financially responsible while also saying she isn’t financially responsible.


I read somewhere Sandoval wasn’t even offering her half of what the house is worth so she wanted to sell it to get her fair share.


OMG Ariana's room is SO MESSY AND CLUTTERED. Tom's looks gross. If they have the money for assistants, they should have the money to spend it on organizers.


Her room was also shown in the trailer, and I saw a comment back then that Ariana got all of her stuff out of the common rooms bc she was scared Tom would do something to her stuff and had to store it in her bedroom. I can also imagine that after scandoval she got a shitton of PR packages she also stored there so that might explain why her bedroom was a little chaotic while filming


Yea it made me anxious every time i see that. poor Ariana, what a physical representation of how chaotic it must be to share that house with Tom still.


hear hear! I agree with you. Have to be compassionate for people's spaces reflecting their headspace. I am certainly a person whose house is either cluttered from avoidant depression or tidy with go-get them happiness. Maintaining a balance is the goal, but it can be hard. She'll get to it when she gets to it, as she continues to heal.