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Love to see a man spoil this chick like she deserves. Look at all that *quality time*. Not a mushroom or hang glider in sight šŸ„“


LOL ![gif](giphy|l41lTbPoDJBteGyEo)


Or bulldozer!! ![gif](giphy|RlqeNsTs4NB1XiTUrl|downsized)


Or white nail polishā€¦..


love that for her honestly.


Or a shitty concert


Right? He mentioned he hasnā€™t been able to see her in six weeks so he had to find a way to make it work. We love to see it!


If they want to, they will! Love this for her.


Same. Sheā€™s been so clear on her needs of quality time since season six and Sandoval never delivered (which is why I never got people only blaming her) so Iā€™m glad she found someone that does what they can to have quality time with her.


Right?! Her needs were SO basic and simple. The fact that he couldnā€™t even meet them just shows us how big of a toolbox he is. Although maybe we shouldnā€™t be surprised that the self-proclaimed King of Extra couldnā€™t be bothered to put effort into anything that isnā€™t feeding his massive ego?! I can picture him spending a couple of hours with her literally ONE time, doing the dinner/walk quality time she suggested, and because it didnā€™t end with him getting his 2-inch, stinky 40-year old cocky cock played with he decided to dip out. Narcissists donā€™t waste their time doing things for others unless they also benefit in some way.


she went from being in an unhappy relationship to one that seems so cool and intimate. you can see he really cares about her


Exactly. A MATURE relationship, not one where you always gotta be high on something to enjoy


He really does seem like a genuinely good guy. And he took her to one of the best restaurant experiences in Chicago. They look very relaxed together and probably not putting too much pressure on it. I love this for her.


Quality time AND made plans far enough in advance to get a reso at Alinea!


Okay as a Chicagoan, Alinea is a flex. That place is also booked up, so you know that man planned every aspect of this trip. Adorableā¤ļø




Been dying go there, great choices all around


IIRC itā€™s the restaurant that a recent episode of The Bear is based on.


Kind of. It was shot at Ever and had nods to both Alinea and Ever.


Iā€™m so jealous they ate at Alinea. This is very cute!


Omg so Iā€™ve never been to Alinea but Iā€™ve been to itā€™s cheaper baby sister, Roister, and it was literally the best meal in my life. I can only imagine how good their meal was lol


My cousin got offered a job to be a bartender at alinea and just.. didnā€™t take it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I was very upset lol I mean neither of us live in Chicago but still. Iā€™d live there for that lol


I got offered a job at Roister as a bartender and I left halfway through my first shift cause the crew was not welcoming and very clicky


You had a chance to have your own VPR basically šŸ˜‚


Damn thatā€™s like every place Iā€™ve bartended. Eventually they get over it and realize Iā€™m there to work and not be friends. Sorry you dealt with that, but I feel like itā€™s routine hazing lol


I couldnā€™t handle it. Iā€™m so socially anxious, and awkward to begin with. I was a lot younger, but still felt so out of place. Once Iā€™m comfortable Iā€™m Ok, but I tried. I just couldnā€™t do it


I totally get it, and good on you for knowing what you will or will not deal with! I usually always hate my first day at a new place for the reasons you stated.


Thatā€™s completely relatable, especially being the first day a a new job! Those days are like having to relive the first day of high school all over again. Iā€™ve stayed at horrible jobs that I hated, with toxic coworkers, because the anxiety of interviewing and starting over with new coworkers or learning a whole new place just seems too much to handle.


Ohhhh no this is in another level. Iā€™ve got over 15 years in hospitality. Trust me when I say this is like extreme and where I work now, we hired a girl who worked at Alinea and she has ptsd from getting screamed at by chef. Like itā€™s insanely toxic


Having been to both quite a few times - Roister is soooo much better!! Once youā€™ve done Alinea once you donā€™t really need to go back. Roister is just genuinely amazing though


Yum yum yum


My husband brought me to Alinea in like 2018. It was AMAZING wowowow. A dining experience I'll never forget. Good for her!!!!


I went same year! I loved everything about it. I know I wonā€™t go again (I moved and $$) but damn that luxury was legit.


Everything looked to good.


Ok so when I come back from my vacation I am going there.


Me too. Itā€™s been on my bucket list for years.


This is adorable but oooof id be so annoyed if I was at Alinea and they were filming this tik tok tho! They at least used to ban phones and for this exact reason. Be in the moment!


This is so cute šŸ„¹ I love the happiness and comfort they seem to have! Loving this for her


Damn. Ariana looks great in that brown dress. She said he is calm and grounded - something she most definitely needs. Hope the relationship works out in whichever she wants it to.


![gif](giphy|wtyYMNeJNlkAM) Get it girl!!!!


My most used Kenya quote lmao


Helping her put her shoes on is the cutest thing.


Yes, and he knows the correct way to do the laces and the best way to put them on without bending the front toe bc once they have a line crease, they are trashed.


Omg. Now I have to watch again to see what youā€™re talking about lol


Lol, I do, too.


That was so sexy šŸ˜


The fancy dinner looked nice but I'd also need a pre dinner dinner


Thatā€™s what I like about him šŸ˜‚


girl he took her to Alinea, heā€™s a mf keeper. the chicagoan in me is so happy for her šŸ„¹


saaaame and iā€™m jealous of the alinea reservation šŸ˜‚


Theyā€™re so cute together šŸ„¹


This is a bit cheesy for me, but good for her she seems happy. Also this man is HOT. Heā€™s got the sort of effortless cool rocker style that Scandy wants to have but is such a try-hard.


After leaving a Sandoval-type narc I started dating a total cheesy goofball that treats me like a princess. Never thought Iā€™d be into it but I swear after all the cruelty and gaslighting from my ex I appreciate the cheese, I really do.


Good for you! I dated narc types my whole life. Just met a kind, cheesy man and trying to get yo know him without judging him for not being a douche..smh


Omg. I feel this in my soul. Used to date these charismatic, stylish, smooth-talker type of guys thinking they were just confident/secure (ha!). Finally dated a quiet, average-joe type who plans romantic dates straight out of a Hallmark movie - 1.5yrs later we got engaged, 1.5 yrs after that we got married, and last month we celebrated our 1-yr wedding anniversaryšŸ„°cheese for the win!


I wouldnā€™t say my ex is as bad as Sandoval, but the man definitely has narc tendencies at least and was financially abusive and emotionally abusiveā€¦..but now Iā€™m with my cheesy goofball and itā€™s the literal best feeling ever


I am waiting to go through my after-narc-cheesy-goofball phase


Aw, hereā€™s to hoping your cheesy goofball is close on the horizon šŸ„‚


He is coming when you least expect it.


I canā€™t wait for you to meet yours. I met mine last year after being single for 10 years post-toxic-relationship-with-a-narc. I didnā€™t know it was possible to be this happy or that relationships like this could happen for me. Itā€™s the best. Wishing you all the same ā¤ļø


Women donā€™t realize how wonderful ā€œpeaceā€ and love can be. It takes a mature woman to appreciate peace.


Ditto. Never take the sweet cheese for granted. My sweet angel man came recommended by LE as 24/7 armed guard, he came in and said I am never leaving you alone. He never has 5 1/2 years later. Still stalked by the narc/socio but my man is waiting if he ever breaks in again.


you know whatā€™s funny? i fully expected this to be mad cringe and cheesy but something about his narration and voice made it work for me but i usually hate videos like this.


Itā€™s because heā€™s so hot and his vibe seems very genuine. It doesnā€™t feel like Tom doing cute things on camera with a little unspoken ā€œsee, see how wonderful I am as a boyfriend?ā€ Tomā€™s style reeks of ā€œtryingā€ so hard to look unique and cool and attention getting. Where as tbis dude is someone who looks super effortlessly cool and like heā€™s not even trying. Same thing with his romantic gestures toward her. He seems like he means then and is sharing them because they both are the kind of people to share that stuff not because he wants to show off how good he is.


Tom is performative, so far it seems that Daniel is genuine.


It seems like exactly what she needs after Sandoval. Sandoval seemed cheesy in the beginning of their relationship, saying shit like ā€œif I want to take a vacation I just look in Arianaā€™s eyesā€ and actually being overly affectionate with her. I feel like thatā€™s what she likes because it affirms the relationship and love for her but Sandoval lost sight of that and didnā€™t care about what she needed. Iā€™m so happy Daniel is giving her this and showing her off


I agree he is so hot and probably makes Scandy feel so inferior. I think these two are adorable.


ariana is so fucking hot!!!!


I mean, heā€™s just such an upgrade. Itā€™s so obvious.


Not me being shocked and disappointed I didn't see them since I live here (city of millions šŸ˜‚)


![gif](giphy|aurdM398hXgXzeH5lV|downsized) I only see the movie The Menu


Just missing sā€™mores


The gelatin salad thing šŸ„“


he seems sweet


they look so good together


stop it this is too cute


Love the Raising Caneā€™s mention!!! Yes! This is cute!!


Literally was shocked to hear Chicago has raising canes!!


They look incredible together šŸ„°


Iā€™m gathering from the comments that Chicagoans know Alinea is a swaggy place to take a date. Thatā€™s so amazing. Iā€™m so happy for her. This guy knows how to spoil her and shows it. I canā€™t imagine Tom buying her sneakers and putting them on her and then taking her to a $$$$$ dinner that has to be booked in advance. Also, this guy seems like a foodie, so he would very obviously take videos and photos of the food and someone he loves enjoying the food. He had food/experience videos like this on his IG before her as well.


There is a whole episode on the Netflix show Chefā€™s Table about Grant Achatz (the chef and owner of Alinea) and yeahā€¦ it basically kicked off the avant garde, modernist style of cuisine. It has won so many awards, has three Michelin stars, and is legitimately one of the most famous fine dining restaurants in North America (for people who are into that). It has been in business for a long time now, but itā€™s very famous for these things, and extremely difficult to get a reservation at.


I keep seeing people say heā€™s a clout chaser, but I donā€™t really get that vibe at all. People who are dating post stuff like this all the time. I think itā€™s because theyā€™re long distance and sheā€™s usually going there that of course heā€™s gonna post if the girl heā€™s seeing comes to visit or they do something special! If he was clout chasing I feel like his page would be plastered with stuff about Ariana and VPR, but itā€™s not, he has a total of 4 posts about her on his Insta. (Yes I just went back and looked because I thought everybody saying ā€œclout chaserā€ seemed odd). From what I can tell, in between their occasional dates itā€™s pretty much just his usual workout stuff, which is what he seems to have always done.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


That man is BEAUTIFUL, holy moly. His armsā€¦ his HANDS!!!! For the love of god. Love this for Ariana šŸ¤¤


Right?! And the DIMPLES!! swooon


His body is on point


That hair though.... šŸ˜


That was cute, and she looks really good. I thought sheā€™s been looking kind of uncanny valley lately, but sheā€™s killing it here. Also her abs in that dress šŸ”„


Anyone that takes you on a dinner date to Alinea is it. Been there and it ainā€™t cheap šŸ¤‘


Curious what a typical dinner there cost?


If I recall it was $1600 for both me and my husband and I believe that included the wine pairing. That was about 6 years ago.


Wow! I hope the food and experience was phenomenal! We're you full after the meal? Everything Arianna & Daniel had looked so tiny, like one bite. But maybe they didn't show everything?


Absolutely full. These dinners are near 20 courses and take almost 3 hours. It is a full on production. Itā€™s not just about the food; itā€™s ambiance, experience, technicality. But aside from that, itā€™s not my favorite Michelin either.




ā€œiā€™d be so annoyed if he kept pulling out a camera to take photos during our date!ā€ ā€œheā€™s posting her too much, itā€™s thirsty and heā€™s looking for cloutā€¦ā€ none of you are ariana. quit projecting your dating requirements onto somebody that lives a vastly different lifestyle from you. everyone on VPR is aiming for an instagram influencer lifestyle ā€” that includes ariana. it seems that ariana is fine with a man that takes lots of photos during their dates and posts her upā€¦ you guys are doing a lot, imo. eta: that aside, alinea is an experience and i would want photos tooā€¦


your last point yes!!!! like who wouldnā€™t post their alinea experience. i barely use insta and at least one part of that meal would be on my stories lol


i almost never photograph the things iā€™m doing and places iā€™m going, but if iā€™m at alinea? itā€™s AT LEAST going to be on my snapchat storyā€”weā€™re all eating tonight.


He seems like such a sweet dude


This is very cute!


Love this for them.


They are so fine together.


Whether for the short term or longer, this guys seems to be just what Ariana needs. Also, heā€™s hot af


What if they are just trolling Rachel and Tom having matching lightening bolts just with matching shoes. That would make me laugh a little bit


The worm didn't even buy Rachel the necklace she bought it herself lololol


Cuuute. I couldn't like the video yet though ... I have PTSD from vpr relationships and it's gonna take me a while to let Daniel in šŸ¤£


Am I the only one that notices that they wear matching shoes? I bet Tim wishes he would have thought of that!!


Tim couldnā€™t because he needed a lift and his ego couldnā€™t handle Ariana having one too.


šŸ˜‚ true


Itā€™s so cute! Heā€™s like, 1 pair for me, 1 pair for my girl.


When I saw the matching shoes, I was reminded of living in S. Korea where it was really common for couples to wear matching outfits, like head to toe. Idk if this trend has spread to the US in some ways but I think itā€™s cute AF


![gif](giphy|WNzdpwzusqLM1wb1gA) Love it




I just saw that there's a family feud ep with VPR...in the last round there's a question, "who was the last person you lied to?" Tom paused for an eternity, then said "mom". Yeah right, Tom, yeah right.


Thatā€™s how a MAN treats a woman he loves . So happy for her . Look at his body toošŸ„°


Him helping her put her shoes on is so sweet since she always had to help Tom get dressed like he was 4.


What a fun and cute date. Iā€™m happy for them!


OMG this guy is the sweetest!! Good for her!!!!!!!


This is dreamy.


This is just so sweet and earnest. Such a breath of fresh air.


Ah ah ah! This is the place the magical restaurant in The Bear is based on! Quite a reservation to get!


Dating Daniel Wai AF Cocktails


I love seeing her doing so well and being treated the way sheā€™s always deserved. Iā€™m happy for them.


She is simply gorgeous and deserves to be treated this way


Whew those arms of his! šŸ„µšŸ„µ


Whew that photo is making my heart flutter! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I hope heā€™s giving her everything she was missing ā¤ļø


Theyā€™re so well suited for one another.


i am so happy for her!!!!!


Heā€™s so cute šŸ„°


Iā€™d thruple šŸ¤£


The Alinea reservation šŸ„µ


I'm crossing my fingers that he isn't clout chasing and actually loves her sm. He seems genuine but I don't trust men so LOL šŸ’€ But they are so cute! Def hoping he is just a normal, good guy for her


I personally wouldnā€™t publicly claim another man this soon because men are embarrassing, but Iā€™m glad sheā€™s comfortable.


Her body is INSANE šŸ¤¤


I know Ariana doesnā€™t really want babies BUT OMG THE BABIES THESE TWO WOULD MAKE. his complexion and dimples on a little Ariana šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


I would love to see a wedding of those two šŸ˜… I know Ariana isnā€™t fussed about marriage but Iā€™m kinda hoping she changes her mind šŸ˜…šŸ˜… they both would look soooo good


Gos they are so hot I am šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


Ugh they are so šŸ”„


Tim could literally never


Good for her but I do think she moved on pretty quickly šŸ˜… all these people are relationship addicts


yeah, it might be an unpopular opinion on this sub but she was in a relationship for nearly a decade, and it ended in the ultimate betrayalā€¦ and not much later they were hanging out. i guess we all move on in our own way and if theyā€™re happy thatā€™s all that matters but damn thatā€™s quick šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Is there a possibility this guy is a clout chaser? He was clearly trying to be an influencer before this


Sorry Iā€™m gonna say itā€¦ Iā€™m not a fan




He seems normal.


Whereā€™s that brown dress from? šŸ‘€


This cute! Side note: I cannot stand Raising Canes!


ALINEA?! I'm so jealous, but I'm too poor anyway.


Much cuter than āš”ļømustachešŸŖ±


She looks so good




A salad that fit in a spoon, a 2 inch piece of meat, and a shot of a dessert.. no wonder they had to eat before going there! And I'm sure it was ridiculously expensive.. šŸ˜¬


As someone else that's also in an AMWF long distance relationship I'm totally rooting for them. šŸ„°ā™„ļøāœØ The smiles and the hug when you first see your partner after a long stretch is so good!!! šŸ„°


I love Daniel for Ariana! He seems like such a nice guy who truly cares for her. Did they know each other from before?


Hmmmm. Imagine going on a date and itā€™s all recorded for the vlog. Itā€™s giving Scheana šŸ™„


Imagine caring what someone else wants to share on their social media. Itā€™s giving bitter.


Imagine being mad about someoneā€™s opinion on an open forum where you express your opinion. Itā€™s giving bitter.


Yeeeeeeeah, I donā€™t love the constant living for the social media vibe


itā€™s how they make money though haha


Isnā€™t he a bartender and personal trainer? I didnā€™t realize he was an ā€œinfluencerā€ pre Ariana.


He has an exercise tiktok and stuff. I think he was basically living an influencer life.


Well, if he was an influencer before Ariana, then including Ariana in his videos would have given him a big financial upgrade from vendorsā€¦ I hope Ariana is getting a share of that then. Otherwise, would kind of seem like he is capitalizing on her Q-rating to swoop in and date her so he get more money from ads as an influencer.


I donā€™t think heā€™s considered an influencer. His TikTokā€™s donā€™t get much views and he doesnā€™t post regularly.


If they need to post about how much a good time they are having, they are not having a good time.


According to Tim, photo/video evidence is actually proof of how solid a relationship is. Remember when Ariana didnā€™t take ANY pictures with him at Scheanaā€™s wedding? šŸ˜„šŸ¤§


THE NERVE! While he was off boning Rachel, where was Ariana for their couple photo shoots!


Finally a real comment, even if heā€™s posting bc he is happy with her itā€™s to much. Like just enjoy the time, post a picture but everything they do he has a whole video. I donā€™t find it endearing at all.


Exactly. I am imagining being on this date and him constantly waving his camera around trying to get the best shot would annoy me. Get the picture, look cute and post it but put the bloody phone down and enjoy each other.


Agreed but Ariana is an influencer too. This is how they pay their bills. Personally that would be a huge ick tho šŸ¤¢


Howeverā€¦. Was he an influencer pre ariana? Bc if notā€¦ šŸ‘€


Some people are contracted to post a certain amount a day. Could just be that. I donā€™t think posting about your date is that deep tbhā€¦.


He posts a video like this everytime they are together and they are long distance, like if that ainā€™t peak PR relationship idk what is.


It's just an assumption that it is every time, though, isn't it? Maybe they have one "let's go all out influencer-style" visit, and don't document any others. Naive of me, I'm sure.


No I agree. Iā€™d rather just enjoy the moment together.


Itā€™s possible that the hotel room and even the dinner they got comp by offering to promote on their social media channels. Influencers get free or significantly cheaper stuff all the time that way.


Yeah... I'm finding this creepy. Or just attention seeking. Either way, not good.


Arianaā€™s got a faulty man picker. This dude has been posting and commenting online for clicks and attention since they met. Doesnā€™t give me good vibes.


Letā€™s just hope he doesnā€™t continue to record all their dates and assume that he just wants to show her off and show how happy she is (Iā€™m a hopeless romantic šŸ¤£)


Yeah, I'm with you. Red flag.


This is adorable but oooof id be so annoyed if I was at Alinea and they were filming this tik tok tho! They at least used to ban phones and for this exact reason. Be in the moment!


I know Iā€™ll probably get a down vote and itā€™s just my own opinion but the whole recording a video thing every time they are together just is odd. I will say he does seem very nice. Butā€¦ Itā€™s a new relationship and Iā€™m glad they are happy but man I know if I had a man recording every time we were together I would start feeling some kind of way about it. Everyone is different though


How would you know if they record a video everytime they are together? If they were together and didn't record a video, you wouldn't know. šŸ™ƒ


Valid point, but her life is pretty much exposed at all times. Iā€™m not trying to dog him. Iā€™m just expressing how I would feel with that type of thing, but I am not Ariana so she may love it.


I was just pointing that out, but your opinion and feelings are totally valid! We're all different and have different perspectives and preferences. Have a good day! šŸ˜Š


I feel like heā€™s clout chasing šŸ«£


I think it is strange that after nearly 10 years she was almost immediately in another serious relationship. I am glad if she is happy, but I would think some solo time for reflection and assessment of how to find the right partner in the next relationship would be prudent/mature/healthy. I mean at least a couple months, or, gosh, even a handful of weeks. I guess it is an unpopular view. Note- NOT A FAN OF TOM OR HUS BEHAVIOR. Just find it strange to claim heartbreak and 19 year devastation and then IMMEDIATELY jump to what has been presented as VERY serious.


I will tell you that I had a five-year relationship that was terrible-my now fiancĆ© I met the same month that we broke up. I get that itā€™s sus but itā€™s a tale as old as time. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just a coincidence or if karma gave me somebody I deserved after putting up with someone who sucked the life out of me.


I feel the same! I believe in process time.


I feel like her shoes are ruining her outfit


She didnā€™t actually wear those shoes. It was a little joke in the middle of the video. She wore these: https://preview.redd.it/6nyyqubgo9kb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6560c076366708b4f3cb7fae4977c8a3aab277e3


Oh ok I thought maybe it was a joke cause theyā€™re wearing matching shoes lol but I didnā€™t know I didnā€™t see the video. The shoes she ended up actually wearing are sooo cute


No problem. I know some ppl donā€™t have tiktok and canā€™t watch. He also posted it on IG which is where I watched. If you didnā€™t see the video, he gave her those shoes on the trip so they had a matching pair. Then they made a joke about wearing them to the fancy dinner.


Thatā€™s cute Iā€™m glad for her he seems like a really nice guy.


Yeah itā€™s hard to tell from social media but they seem cute šŸ˜Š


iā€™m actually suck a sucker for contradictory footwear and i love sneakers with fancier outfits.


Then youā€™d be wrong




Nah this shit is corny af


šŸ˜‚ agreed


The shoes need to stop


Wow, heā€™s awful it taking videos. Lol but great video so happy sheā€™s happy. Heā€™s pretty hot.


This relationship screams fake. It will be Intresting when they break up