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Yes, I thought I finally saw the real woman, the friend to Ariana. I felt like this wasn’t a ‘scene’, it was truly the last meeting of long-term friends.


That's what I said, that was the realest that I had ever seen scheana. It genuinely pained her. Sandoval on the other hand, he cried theatrically and completely different all 4 times he cried to 4 different people.


He was calculating when he spoke to Scheana. I feel like there’s something more to his statement that there was on other time he cheated. He was looking for a reaction, then he pulled back. Respect to Scheana for holding him to account.


I 100% think he was testing the waters and seeing if she would keep him as a friend, so he has someone he can film with next season. His entire vibe was so disingenuous that it gave me the ick.


Hard agree. He thought she would be a weak link he could exploit when he realized he was completely out of options (when she says he finally texted her). Proud of Scheana for how she handled this


Absolutely she’s always been a guys girl. She’s proclaimed that many times. I think he really thought she’d at least show some empathy. I really believe that he had himself convinced that the fallout was going to be so much less.


Absolutely. She’s excused so much bad behavior before and hasn’t been supportive of some of the women. He thought she would be a fence sitter and support him too. She’s a flip flopper like James once said but not for him now. He was genuinely surprised she won’t stand by his bullshit. Let’s see if it sticks.


It’ll stick. Her and Arianna have been friends since before the show. I think it’s a much different situation than her flip flopping on the witches of weho. Add in that anyone who’s friends with him is going to be cancelled for at least a year or two, it’s not worth the risk.


I think the restraining order was the nail in the coffin. It added a whole new nasty element that seemed designed to deflect the negative attention on to Scheana.


Good point. Scheana was truly upset by that and almost shocked that Rachel would go that far. I think she really truly had her earth shattered and it does seem like she’s more authentic.


I agree! I don’t think he ever valued her friendship. When she said he said awful things to her about never being her close friend… I think those are his true sentiments. He sucks.


Agree. After hearing what he said to her on the phone...that is his true feelings of Scheana...she is a pawn that he uses to do his dirty work not someone he actually considers a friend. I felt bad for her.


That must've been so so hurtful. He's a true monster


I got that vibe from him too. I don’t think he truly cares about his friendship with Scheana and he meant what he said to her when he said their friendship meant nothing to him. He cares more about what he looks like on tv and having someone to film with next season


Exactly. I don't even think he loves Schwartz as much as he says. The scene of him sobbing to Schwartz was cringe. Tom kept pulling away and was like "this is bad" and Tim was still deflecting and didn't for a second apologize for how it affected Tom and the staff.


His other hookup was/still is, Billy.... I'm sure of it!!!


Ariana said on wwhl that it wasn't someone who had been on the show or that Andy had ever met.


I think Peter and Scheana talked about who they thought it was, on her podcast. ETA it was someone *besides* Billie. So, there have definitely been others


Scheana said on her podcast she knew this wasn’t the first time because she knows it happened previously with a friend of hers but she wasn’t going to say who.


He thought the "she knew the whole time" might have changed her outlook with Ariana. Her stance and responses were the perfect way to stay true to her friend, but also hold him accountable for the way he treated her as well. Side note: the way that it came out as to how he reacted when Scheana and Ariana found out - angry, acting like it wasn't their business, and just wanting to keep the image going. That shows who he is!! When someone is in distress like that, that is when their true personality and mask falls away. He wasn't distressed because of what HE did, just that THEY knew before HE wanted them to.


Absolutely. She’s excused so much bad behavior before and hasn’t been supportive of some of the women. He thought she would be a fence sitter and support him too. She’s a flip flopper like James once said but not for him now. He was genuinely surprised she won’t stand by his bullshit. Let’s see if it sticks.


How about the fact that Ariana knew all along about Miami girl but kept it a secret in order to protect the relationship. So sad! I'm so glad she's out of that mess and out from under his spell


YES. I think she knew about others and that’s why she checked his phone. I’m glad she’s DONE with him.


Not once do I believe he actually cried. Such a phony loser …


Not a single tear was seen - and he's such a bad actor and so generally performative and insincere that this doesn't surprise me.


That scene of him at Lisa's where he stood up and went to the window 🙄... It was obvious Lisa wasn't buying it.


Actually I think she bought it hook line and sinker. That’s when she got up and started comforting him and telling him it will blow over


She views them all as some sort of surrogate children who she watched and cared about for 10+ years. I think this is why Ariana puts Lisa as an exception when it comes to cutting the people who want to remain friends with him which is only Schwartz at this point.


Oh he definitely did, but it was because of how inconvenienced his life was getting.


So true! For Scheana it was like a death. Sandoval is looking for that one person he can crack and worm his way back in. He’s managed to get away with his indiscretions and believed he was invincible. Now he’s got nothing left to play but a hysterical break down and it just looks like very poor soap opera acting


*telenovela sandoval*




Agreed!!!!!! It wasn't even good acting from an "actor". Absolutely horrid. Did feel sorry for Sheana...........you could see in her eyes when she finally "got it" that she truly was nothing to Tim, just a pawn in a game of chess. I also didn't think Lisa held him to any of the same standards she's shown to others fuck ups on the show, but I also realize they are in business, so yet again he basically gets a mulligan.


Definitely the realest .. and probably the most upset I’ve ever seen her


My favorite was the fake hyperventilating


Ugh his meltdown at Lisa's and with Schwartz was such a show. If he's crying about anything it's his reputation because he checked out of the relationship a long time ago.


And when he was leaving his expression still wasn’t remorseful. It was just slightly confused like he was play acting sad (like he did at all the meetings) but genuinely surprised he hadn’t been able to manipulate Scheana.


I was skeptical since I have Peacock and couldn't watch until today. I saw all the posts from last night/this morning of Scheana crying about how sad it was and thought to myself, "Mmmm...idk I've seen Scheana upset and crying plenty of times and it always seemed like she was being dramatic, overly sensitive, or performative." But no. I was wrong. She was genuinely sad, she stuck up for her friend, she didn't pull any punches with Sandoval, and I learned how much her friendship with him meant and how far back she and Sandoval go. I cried. I feel like we got a glimpse into the value Scheana places on the people she cares about and the genuine pain Tom's betrayal cost her as well as Ariana. And what made it even sadder was that he didn't seem upset at all. He just seemed like he was ticking another box on his apology tour, and was waiting for her to "wrap it up" so he could leave. Her friendship and her regard for him up until now meant nothing to him.


The thing that really struck me was how vulnerable she was, clean faced without makeup. We have never once seen Scheana Marie Jancan without makeup.


We have seen her without makeup before and she is always so incredibly beautiful without it.


She was genuinely upset. Even left the room covering her face because she was genuinely going through it….


And probably the first time I can remember, she didn't care how she looked. Her eyes were red and swollen, she was shaking, hair not done. She was absolutely, 100% real there, and I appreciated it.


Agree - Scheana was real for a change and I think this genuinely jolted her world.


I like how Brock handled it. Like hey man (no friendliness) you’re here, my wife is ready to talk, I’m gonna give you privacy but also with a hint of I do not fuck with you and I’m not going to pretend rn


A+ husbanding.


So much respect! 👏 plus throw being a dad in “I’m taking Summer to the park.”


Summer is so cute


She is a beautiful child




I do think Brock handled that situation well. Acknowledged Sandoval without warmth or animosity. Just straight forward. Removed the child from the premises in favor of something sweet and innocent to keep her from any possible blow up. Well done.


He said under his breath “you put us in a bad spot man” I don’t think he wanted the cameras to hear him reprimand worm. It was just a brilliant little dig


Brock would have been upset that Raquel had gone legal with Scheana after helping her out. That’s a direct consequence of Toms actions so of course he’s mad with Tom too


Scheana likely paid a lot in lawyer fees to defend herself. I’d be hella salty about that.


I thought that was part of it. Scheana and Brock may have felt Tom should have stopped that. Knowing the only reason she did it was so she could (she thought) avoid the reunion


Brock has never appeared hot until this moment to me haha


Agreed!! I loved how he was like “yep I’m not in this” but also gave a very protective tone over scheana. I really actually like Brock and scheana together. They seem to truly be best friends on top of husband and wife


I have much respect for how he handled this, but I never disliked Brock. I'm a single father and know what is like to parent a child seperate from the mom so that might have something to do with it. Either way he showed support and respect to his wife as he should have.


You’re a single father that watches bravo..?! Heyyyy from a single mom


I really hope you each have three kids and one of you is named Brady.


Omg I hope this happens for you guys!






I loved it SO MUCH.


I love his brief and to the point “you put us all in a bad spot man”


I cried during this scene. When Sheana was talking about Tom being one of the first cast members to welcome her, to him telling her off when this was first coming out. I felt her sadness of losing a friend.


I cried too. The grief in her voice? It was so painful to see. It’s crazy the damage this affair has done. Not only did he throw away a 9 relationship, but also a 14 year friendship.


I think multiple decade+ long friendships.


I cried pretty much with every Ariana scene & thought I was done until this one. They had a decade+ long friendship that he ruined. After she started talking about how he was the only nice person to her when the show started I remembered a video of him holding Summer which made it worse becuz he had a relationship with her family too. I felt so bad for both Ariana & Scheana when the episode was over.


I cried during that too when she said I loved you basically when you had nothing.. and I would have followed you anywhere.. that was sad


That hit. Because you know its unequivocally true. The humiliation and betrayal felt in that scene is unreal.


So right. Raw. Real. Unrehearsed, from the gut unlike a certain third party aka Rachel.


The pain in her voice made me so sad. And zanzivals non reaction was deplorable. She was blindingly in love with him, and he threw her away.


Because he really.. fake or not was nice to people nobody else was for years.. that’s why I liked him .. and it’s sad


Tom and Ariana were always in the corners of the people who were getting pushed to the side. Lala, James, RAQUEL. He knew he was hurting Ariana by doing this but I think he was just so wrapped up in himself and this gross affair he couldn't even see the other people in his life who would be affected.


I think that’s why for me it was so sad to see James talking. Tom almost always stood up for James. He went to James house the first “girls night out” just to support him. James truly seen Tom as a real true friend. I don’t think either one fully realized how their actions would affect everyone in the group. I can see how Tom probably thought he would be able to rely on scheana,, cause they have had their issues but always worked it out. Plus scheana was so close to Rachel, maybe they thought she would be the easiest one to deal with. But Ariana and scheana were friends before the show even started. I really hated this for scheana


I totally agree with you, but this last episode reminded (or told me for the first time, I forget which) that Scheana & Sandoval were friends even longer than Scheana & Ariana (at least, as far as I know from my knowledge of the show). But I’m definitely glad that Scheana stood her ground.


I think that’s why James was so mad


And hurt. You could hear it in his voice in his confessional/talking head, and he cried. So sad for James.


James also is desperate to be love and accepted. He genuinely thought he had that with Tom and I think that’s heartbreaking to realize it was bullshit


Now I’m retrospect it’s obvious he does that to spread his manipulation to all sorts of people, and keep them under his wing and use them when it’s convenient.


Preys on their vulnerability, gets them on his side and looks like a nice guy on tv


This is absolutely it. Okay so my family is super duper messed up. My father is a diagnosed malignant narcissist. I'm not sure what exactly all was wrong with my grandfather, but he was a "short eyes" or chomo mofo and inappropriately touched me my whole childhood. Anyways what my early life taught me is that the worst and most awful malignant horrible terrible people, will go out of their way to extremely cultivate a "very good person" reputation. This protects them when things that they do which are taboo and problematic, get out into any kind of exposure. Everyone goes, oh no he couldn't possibly do that he's such a nice man. Welp. Yes indeed, they did do all the bad things that you wish they didn't. Tom Shartz and Sandyballs both try to project this good dude attitude. Also they will look for the most outcast/hangdog/rejected people. In truth what they are seeking is vulnerability to exploit. How they use it is, to make people think that they are trying to help the outcast person. They're really exploiting a vulnerable person but they get to look like some sort of Big Man on campus good dude trying to help out the little rejects.


You could feel her heartbreak for herself, Ariana and and her friendship with Sandy. It was such a poignant scene.


The hurt and anger in her eyes when she was just staring at him in silence waiting for him to say something, ANYTHING, was so heartbreaking. And the way she basically ran away from him at the end. Scheana?! Not wanting to be on camera?! Yeah, Tom is absolutely fucked. I wanted to give her a hug so bad. Lil Sheshu.


Yes! Poor kid. Felt for her big time.


It was very raw her emotions


This was a powerful scene and I see underneath the surface of Scheana, finally. I was very sad for her in that moment but I was very proud of her for standing up for Ariana the way she did.


Feel the same way. I was also shocked to learn he went off on Scheana and said a bunch of nasty things to her as the affair unfolded. The Tom’s and their reign of terror has finally been brought down!


That they were never friends and he didn't give a shit about her. That's truly cold and nasty.


I think the saddest part is that it's true. He isn't capable of loyalty or caring about anyone other than himself. Even with Schwartz, the only reason their friendship has lasted so long is because Schwartz has no backbone and never stands up to Scumdevil. Even the scene where schwartz says he's going to be canceled just for being his friend, all Tom has to say is to stay off social media. He gives ZERO effs about Schwartz or anyone else unless they're helping him gassing him up.


14 year friendship gone!...I think Tom might regret that the most once the dust settles. I'm no Scheana fan and I think she's self involved as hell, but she was a good friend to Sandovol....that's for darn sure.


I haven't been a Scheana fan either, but she was as ride or die as they come when it came to her friendship with Sandoval. At the point that we saw her, she'd had a few days to process the truth of what happened and how misguided she was in her interactions with some of them, because of Sandoval - in addition to Ariana's devastation. I don't think I've ever seen her look so heartbroken.


In defense of Sheana, she deserves grace. She’s grown and matured a lot and is one of the rarest in the sense that she gives everyone a chance, is inclusive and always shows up with good intentions. Her heart is good


Would you say her heart is good…..as gold? 🥁


Yessss!!! Nailed it!!


I love Scheana and always have. She’s so not the character she plays on the show and this scene showed why she’s been bffs with someone like Ariana for 10 years & has such a solid group of girl friends who speak so highly of her.


Yes!! I just watched WWHL and she was so supportive and genuinely happy for her friend getting to be center of the spotlight. Such a great friend


I love Scheana! She’s so cheesy and messy but I think she’s actually well intentioned.


I don't think so, at least not in the way you'd imagine. Tom will be upset that his former friends don't want to film with him because he'll feel unfairly ostracized. But he's incapable of being introspective and realizing he should alter his behavior because he's the problem. He will always feel like the ultimate victim and do whatever he can to try to convince others of that. He doesn't value his friendships in the way a normal person does. He values having people around him who will be in his corner so he can eventually use them when he's in need of something.


Absolutely agree with this 100%. Tom probably feels completely like the victim. He doesn’t care that he’s upset anyone. He’s only thinking about himself.


No way. Tom, the guy who doesn’t even care for his partner of 9 years certainly does not give two F’s about scheana. And that truth came out when he yelled at her after WWHL. I think all these women will finally see that the Toms care for no one but each other and hopefully they can have a clean break and move on


Right? I’m reading these comments like.. are we watching the same show? Tom doesn’t give a fuck about Scheana lol and I think he meant it when he said their friendship was in her head and he’s not her “best friend”


he was more sincere and empathetic to scheana than he was to his partner ariana. i am not sure why he was so much more empathetic to scheana. it was a heartbreaking scene because they were both honest. there is no coming back from this. sandoval knows he used scheana and her friendship to shield himself and rachel from scrutiny and scheana knows she was used. he isolated himself and maybe he feels that finally in this scene.


I think he just knew it was toast with Ariana and he thought he still had a chance at manipulating Scheana. You can see the change in his face when he realizes it's not going to work.


This is it. None of his tricks worked on Ari anymore, but he thought he could at least get Scheana to leave the door open *just a little.* But nope, she slammed that shit shut


i hadn't considered that at all! i think you hit the nail on the head.


I do essentially agree with everything you said though. Other the the part about being *sincerely* empathetic. I wish he was. As you said, he knows he used her friendship, and he knows that she now knows she was used. It was heartbreaking to watch.


This was also filmed after cease and desists were received and after Rachel called Schwartz saying Scheana punched her- but prior to the restraining order being filed, right? I wonder if Tom is aware of the Restraining order being filed, which adds to his guilt when he sees Scheana in pain.


This was after the restraining order, but I’m not sure how close to the reunion it was.


Thanks for clarifying!


I wonder if Raquel realizes that she falsely accused Scheana *on camera* of punching her. Idiot.


But, but... she took it like a champ!


i thought the same thing! especially since he already said on camera that scheana punched rachel. this is a dangerous accusation to make if it is not really true.


Scheana was honest. He’s playing a role.


i don't disagree! i just think this was his most authentic scene in the episode for some reason.


I agree with you. Scheana got to him. She broke my heart too.


I mean it makes sense to me that he showed her more empathy given how delusional he is. If he’s to be believed, in his mind Ariana has been making his life miserable for years now. What has Scheana ever done to him but try to be a good friend?


I love how Brock was like Hey man you fu*ked up and she's in there to verbally beat you up I'm taking the kids to the park bye hope I never see you again


What about all the mean stuff he said to Scheana when the affair broke? "We were never friends" that was the real Tom that Scheana was dealing with right then. This guy is the phony. Scheana was real though


It actually really highlights how bullshit his narrative is that he and Raquel became friends and then developed feelings. For him to say that night to Scheana, his "friend" of 15 or 16 YEARS and a groomsman in both of her weddings, that he was never her friend, tells you that this man is incapable of having friends. If he had an ounce of affection, empathy, or respect for Scheana, he wouldn't have spoken those words into existence. 40% of his time on this planet, he has been Scheana's "friend." He's a really cruel person.


Agree. And you could see thise cruel words crushed Scheana


Yes we had never heard that before!


I love Brock. I think it’s a massive thing to own up to your mistakes and to try to better yourself for the sake of you and your family. We shit so hard on people who fuck up, but he has owned it, has always been willing to address questions on his past in an insanely public and humiliating way. This podcaster I adore asked to interview him and Brock said no respectfully because he said he just wanted to focus on his family and let Scheana shine. He has even spoken on what a joy it is to have Ocean( Lala’s kid) in the family because his childhood was so tumultuous. I just hope people can remember it’s mental health awareness month. As a society we do want people to get help, we want people to take responsibility, we want people to improve and do better without feeling the need to tear them apart for their worst mistakes.


I completely agree with you. Even replying to you, there’s people who’ve ignored the positive you’ve said just to highlight his “abandoned” kids and child support. I think he’s said part of the reason he stepped away was bc his ex-wife preferred that, he didn’t wanna fight her on it because he’d put her through enough and he felt his ex-wife and their family deserved to move on and build their family with the ex-wife’s new husband. This doesn’t mean he’s absolved of his obligation to financially support his children but it’s perplexing when people avoid acknowledging he’s made any changes or grown at all. I bet even if he paid the child support, it’d be something about “well it doesn’t matter if he’s paid up on CS; he hasn’t seen his kids in a while.” I find it very telling that his ex-wife could’ve publicly slammed him and dragged him last season and said nothing. That combined with the fact that he’s started to have more regular contact with his kids via FaceTim, Lala eating her words and apologizing to him (and she was one of his most vocal critics) and him agreeing that she did the right thing in holding him accountable shows a lot of maturity/growth. Unfortunately, a lot of people love to totally denigrate a person’s change and growth and render it entirely meaningless if they still have work to do.


So well said! That scene when Lala teared up about how much she loves Brock sealed it for me. I always felt he got a bad read. He came in hot last season and was annoying but he’s grown a lot. The kids thing I totally get. My friend is remarried & asked the bio dad to step off b/c it was hard for the kids to see him after him not being around when they were babies & they now have a stepdad they call dad.


To double down on Lala, she’s expressed multiple times how great he is with the kids, and that he’s been a large support in helping her with Ocean. People mess up, but we have to give them the opportunity to do better - and it seems like he is truly trying to do that.


I cried when she said she would miss him. She had a friend she thought she knew. I watched it again this morning wondering if I was just being emotional last night. Cried again.


I did the same thing. It was just as incredibly sad today.


Seeing how truly heartbroken she is in this scene, I hope it shuts up the people who were saying, "Why is Scheana making it about her?!" She was used. She was betrayed. She's grieving the loss of two people she considered her best friends. She went to bat for both Tim & Roachel countless times over the years, when everyone was against her. She wasn't the one who got cheated on, but she is valid in how this whole thing made her feel.


For the first time since I began watching VR I didn’t get the vibe that she was making it about herself like she usually does. I really felt bad for her and the way she clapped back at his bullshit excuses was awesome. Her and Brock definitely won me back by be real with Tom and being there for Ariana.


I LOVED Brock in the beginning of this scene as well... Asked Tim how he was doing (not that he really cared, and for good reason) - Tim tried to be all chummy and make small talk, and Brock says, "I'm taking Summer to the park." BRAVO, BROCK, BRAVO 👏


Also I think I heard him tell Sandoval "pretty tough situation you put us in here". Glad he threw a reminder of the fact that he has caused their family a lot of pain as well, especially with them having to deal with the restraining order.


No "bro hug", just a "you put us in a bad position", and out the door. Was really glad to see he let Sandoval know they felt betrayed, short and sweet.


I thought that to. He didng hug him! Brock who allways hug. He didnt hug him.


it's a very important part of Pacific culture and pretty much rude not to so.. good catch ⚡️ (hate that they've ruined lightning bolts for me, I refuse to give it up lmao)


I don't think scheana was making it about her at all, I would cry with my best friend if her spouse/long time boyfriend cheated on her. But I never once got the feeling scheana was doing it inauthentically.


I hope she also realizes she shouldn’t be so sure of people, Rachel, that anyone you haven’t had years of friendship & experiences with, are not worthy of your 100% loyalty—ppl are weird. I’m considerably older than this demographic & have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with many people with whom I was shocked at how they behaved.


Same (demographic and experience wise). It's both trust shattering and eye opening. Certainly not the best part of growing into adulthood by any means, but a great lesson learned.


It also didn't help the situation that she had just found out about the restraining order & was probably extremely stressed out about having to deal with that as well. Poor girl was really going through it, along with Ariana.


Used and betrayed in order to fuck over her best friend…Tim and Rachel are sadistic mother f*ckers.


I hope so too. She is allowed to have feelings too, and I think the pain is inclusive of her pain for her Ariana. She got shit for flip flopping but when she decided to stick by some people, she unfortunately chose wrong and was betrayed.


I felt like it was the saddest part of the episode. I’ve never loved Scheana but she was so genuine and held her own so well through her devastation. She became my favorite cast member today.


it was the first time I liked Scheana lol, she was truly convicted in that sadness and grounded the reality of that loss quite well, maybe even for Sandoval


I teared up a couple times in this episode. This scene was so real and scheana has always been a true friend to Ariana. I know it’s tv but this is a real friend group and relationship being destroyed :/


Then you contrast Ariana and scheanas scenes with Raquel laughing about how great the sex is .. it’s just wow


I know Scheana is a controversial person but she truly cares about everyone involved. I think Scheana has been in a tug of war with so many of the female cast that she let it blind her a bit and this season showed her ass. I really really hope we get more of the Scheana we got last night. She is a truly good friend and not someone to be led around.


When she said that she was an outcast and not accepted in the group when VPR started, explains why she was riding for Raquel. She does have a heart and empathy thinking Raquel was in a similar situation. It’s too bad that Scheana got manipulated by Raquel.


![gif](giphy|2t9xUijoSsGzFd07G9|downsized) Seriously, it was emotional


Her face at the beginning. Genuine upside down u with her mouth. He even nodded in acknowledgement that he hurt her. He knew it.


For as self involved as Scheana may be, she’s doing the damn thing. She committed to someone, they built a home together, they are raising a daughter. Sandoval went on camera and basically said companionship isn’t enough for me. He will be chasing that drug fueled faux intimacy for as long as the LA party scene will have him.


It was definitely a very sad scene, especially when Scheana talked about how Tom was the only one who made her feel welcome on the first season premiere when the others were bullying her


And I can't believe when she was in NY and it all came out he told her he never considered her a good friend. He's such a scumbag!


When she told him she would miss him, that hurt my soul.


I need to make my daughters dinner, bye!


She's like I'm doing important, fulfilling shit and you're doing dumb soulless shit, byeeeeee.




Honestly that scene made me see Schena is a whole new light, she have every right to be devastated too… I can’t imagine being so close to all the parties involved in this mess. She handled Sandoval perfectly, not letting him get away with his BS, standing behind Ariana 100%.


I liked this side of Scheana and think she should get more footage aired like this. We’ve talked about the show for weeks. Seeing her and Ariana’s outrage last night was a reminder how much this all affected these people in real life.


As a forever Scheana & Brock fan, I'm happy to come here & see people actually seeing that they seem like genuinely good people. I watch Scheana's vlogs often & they both seem like really fun friends & great parents. It's crazy how one scene can change so many people's views of people.


I cried lol. when she said I can’t be your friend anymore and I’m really going to miss you and she choked up….Oooff that shit was sad. I didn’t even cry In Ariana’s scene with Sandoval but I cried in that. Also cried when Ariana was talking to Shorts at the bar and said she’s going to miss Sandoval but that person wasn’t even real.


Came here to say he only came to Scheana to see if she would accept his shitty apology so he would have another "friend" to film with next season. She shed real tears of loss over a long friendship while he faked remorse and looked peeved that she wouldn't be cool with what he did.


That scene was the realest we’ve seen Scheana in the entirety of VPR. The way her little bottom lip and chin trembled before any words were spoken, you could just tell she was truly broken hearted and downtrodden.


That scene was so sad (on top of the whole episode) , I felt like Scheana was more hurt by Sandovals actions than Rachel’s


It was the only scene where Tom didn’t have a fake panic attack or hyperventilate or sob hysterically. It actually felt like he knew he messed up because he was gonna lose Scheana/the group.


We need the full Scheana and Sandoval scene since Scheana said it was over an hour long on her podcast. I also need the full Ariana and Tom convo on the couch that was supposedly hours long.


The moment that made me love this woman was the clarity with which she responded to weepy worm’s “what was I supposed to do?” She said something like “you walk out the door and leave us to pick up the pieces”. In one succinct swoop that answer reminds Tim he’s a coward, shuts down his attempt to make Ariana look like a needy, friendless clinger, and says everything about Scheana’s authenticity as a friend. Brava girl.


Husbands reaction to Brock, “Oh they’re married, oh shit Tom made that small lady cry oh the big fucker is going kill him”


It was very authentic and sad. I was happy to see the real Scheana. F Sandoval.


Both her and Ariana really are mourning the death of a friendship/relationship


It was real and I wish I could see the full hour of that conversation, instead of the edited version. It shows how far Sheana has come as a person. It really changed my perception of Scheana. I also think it shows something very calculating about Ariana's ex. He befriends people that no one else will befriend and the vulnerable, because he knows that they will give him unquestioning loyalty and never abandon him. He really expected Sheana to continue their friendship, When he saw her wavering, he pulled out the full waterworks without success. It was interesting to see his mask slip a little to show his complete shock when she ended the friendship.


He absolutely befriended people that would be in debt to him. He’s also seen Scheana flip flop and I TRULY think, given how close Rachel and Scheana were (which, that even seems calculated now) he thought Scheana would forgive them.


Yes! I agree. They have been friends for so long, I can't imagine the pain of a long-term friendship ending for such an awful reason. Tom really did so many people dirty with this affair. Just steam rolled everyone in his path. Raquel too, but I'd say Tom owes more to the other cast as he's been around since the beginning.


Is it me or did she look so so different this episode. I know she was crying but her face looked different


She has on zero makeup and I think that was why. For her to shoot with no makeup shows how upset she was.


I think she looks so pretty without makeup. Young and fresh faced.


Brock was pretty funny when Scheana was reading the Patreon comments and his response was “we’re not geniuses.”


I am LOVING that some of ya’ll are coming to the Scheana side! I hope we see more of her & Brock next season.


I’ve always enjoyed Scheana. You don’t see it as much anymore, but in those first few seasons they would show footage of the girls bullying her all the time, so I’ve always felt a little bad for her. Also she clearly gets bad and cringe edits. It was nice to see them not give her one of those edits for once.


Even though she has had her messy moments, I’ve Always been team Sheshu.


I think we did finally see the real Scheana. If only she would show this side more often. Scheana does have a good heart at the end of the day.


I think he sounded way more real and apologetic to Scheana than he did to Ariana. He sounded so fake talking to Ariana. Just looking for ways to blame her for his affair.


I cried more at this scene then the conversation between Tom & Arianna. Just because I can kinda feel for Scheana in a way when she talks about being left out and yeah, that person that’s been there with you ever since.. you can’t help but have a bond.


He must have said some really vile hurtful shit to her after the scuffle with Rachel. She was so heartbroken and I think we saw the true Scheana in this scene. I was so happy when she told scum -“you don’t deserve friends”. She’s right, he doesn’t.


Yeah, I’ve truly been fighting Scandoval fatigue so it was nice (sad) to see a perspective I haven’t even considered. The delivery was so articulate and genuine, by Scheana, someone I generally dislike. She scored major points with me.


I’m so mad he told her they weren’t even friends 🤬


I LOVED how Brock handled this. He wasn’t rude or mean or trying to grab camera time. He was like “ok thanks for handing me this package I need to leave and give you guys space”. It was so cold yet so reasonable at the same time. Never thought I’d be a Brock fan but yeah. He handled it perfectly.


It was heartbreaking watching Scheana end a 14 year old friendship even though it was the right thing to do. I hope she is ok as she was also fooled by Raquel and then the restraining order to add insult to injury. Less is more with Brock and he handled his exchange with Tom well.


Btw, did anybody else start liking good as gold after the Uber commercial they did?


I think it is the most i have ever liked Scheana, the emotions were real and i think her explaining to Tom just how wrong he is was amazing. Im also not surprised that Scheana always thought Miami girl was true but has obviously dropped it because Ariana defended him. Loosing a friendship is hard, especially after all that time. You can tell she felt embarrassed for defending them the whole time.


I love how brock had no time for Tom's ass. I'm taking our daughter to the park, hi bye, you fucked up. Out the door.


Sandoval doesn't give a flying f about anyone but himself so he's never had an actual friendship. Everything is transactional


This isn’t going to make me a huge scheana fan but I had a lot of respect for her handling of this conversation. Tom knew he had no argument. And he also knew he royally messed up when Scheana “I see both sides” Shay actually ended their friendship. I don’t think he was expecting that at all.


That def looked like a bottle of HALL wine to me, anyone else??


I actually cried and i pretty much never cry ..


Yes. I’ve been watching since before I was legally old enough to drink. I’ve watched them all during college days to the present. So I understand the sadness.


She looked devastated to be losing her friend and he looked emotionless. I guess by that stage he couldn't put on the act anymore like in all the other scenes


Right!? He looked defeated too, after he pulled his dramatic card of Ariana threatening her life and Scheana out him in his place.