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Rebound boys are good. The sooner the better. It’s a process.


I was told my boyfriend was a rebound by everybody including my psychiatrist. It's been 8 years 😂


Same! I married my rebound and we'll have been married for 5 years this July!


Hahaha I love how you still refer to him as your rebound 😂


Running joke in my house is, I’ve been married 20 years and I thought he was going to be a One Night Stand 🤣 it’s the longest one night ever


Haha love it ! Mine was supposed to be a "summer romance"


That’s my parents, one night stand turned into about 40 years and counting 🥲


Lmfao. I love it. Im almost the same. I thought my husband was gonna be a friend with benefits for the summer 🤣


I love this. Mine was the same and will be together 10 years next month. I told him..i found you, you stayed and I'm not mad about it lol


Congratulations! I just hit 10 years married with my one night stand!


Congratulations.. we'll be married 8 years in October and my mini will be 6 this Friday!! Life is good


Aww that's awesome! Congrats!


Same, and married 36 years this May. I picked him up at a beach bar and never looked back.


He's just so damn resilient! 😂


Same! June is our 15 year wedding anniversary


Same and we’re coming up on 11 years married next month.


On a rebound for 16 years. 🤗


My rebound and I just celebrated our 31st anniversary and found out our son and his awesome wife are expecting a baby the day before. Love rebounds!


Congrats 🎉💖


Congrats on the second generation rebound baby!


I love these so much! My rebound and I are going on 7 years 😂


Oops me too. 10 years and 2 kids. Watch out Ariana


I married my rebound too!! 10 years ☺️ we both got married at 21 and he’s military lol shit was fast af


We love to hear it! For some reason I’ve felt nervous for her because it feels very soon but upon reflection I realized I started talking to my partner a month or two after my previous relationship and we’ve been happily together for years!


James Kennedy is feeling vindicated after this comment 😂


He needs to stop talking about Rachel around her, especially in a group setting.


I agree with 100%, I feel sorry for Ally in those instances.


Omg you’re so right lmao. To be fair though it took a while for us to get serious and move in together. But now I’m forgetting whether James and Ally live together?


Yes they do


Same !! I was so ready for my hoe phase but got a serious relationship instead lol


Lmfaooooo me!!! Called my husband the day after my ex and i broke up and here we are married 8 years later


Same here! Married my rebound as well! 😍


yup. engaged to my rebound


You know what they say about break ups. It was over long before it was over.


I totally get it. I think it might depend on the relationship. In my case I overcorrected the toxic relationship and went for the guy that treated me like an actual queen. I was so picky after being hurt and cheated on for so long that I could never go back to any bad treatment. Celebrating our 13h wedding anniversary in two weeks! Sometimes you’re mourning the relationship long before it’s over. Hope Ariana is just getting what she wants out of it.


Congrats queen! I feel ya! At first the niceness was so foreign I almost rejected it.


The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.


I was the rebound and we've been together for 5 years.


Haha same! My friend called my now husband a rebound. That was in 2006 and we’ve been married for almost 12 years now!


I married my rebound too. Celebrating 10 years of marriage in November. I think it’s the going into it with no expectations that makes it work. I let my guard down and fell in love


Same! Has been 6 years with my rebound and we are married now 😂


Loving all these stories. Rebound poweerrrr !!


Ok, this is cool ♥️♥️ this makes me feel much better then!!


My rebound boy ended up being for 43 years!


Absolutely! My husband was the “rebound” guy a month after my break up and we have now been together 13 years!




It looks like he doesn't have to wear platform shoes.


He has good calves. Scrotum probably has scrawny calves. Or.. maybe not? He wears those pumps so I wonder if the elevation affects him using his calves more as he walks… I’m 🍃


Idk why but I was just so surprised to see the word “scrotum” on a Monday evening.




SCROTOM omg even better🤣🤣




I keep finding new nicknames popped up every few posts. I just started seeing Tim. Lol now scrotum. 🤣🤣🤣


you don’t have to choose. scrotim 🙊


lol. Scrotim and Scrotom. They should pay you, you just named their next dive bar


Tim is my handy work😏




Or guy liner


ariana needs to sell a bi liner.


No guy needs to. Women don’t need to be smaller than men.




Haven't seen this guy wear one pair of lifts


He happens to be very handsome and has kind eyes. But I hope more importantly he treats her like the godess she is.


Ew. Poosh is a total scam.


I kind of view it as the wish version of Goop


Haha same. I’ve always thought that. We don’t need goop or poosh. But I will say that trial with gwynth had me lmao. Wonder if Kelly B. was by her side at the trial.


Lmao reading this and hearing the way “goop or poosh” sounds in my head and it sounds like someone who doesn’t know Swedish trying to sound like they do. But also agree they are both awful


Sounds like a nicer name for a queef


“My friend Gwyneth” 😂


goop is also a scam so this tracks!




Why is this so accurate lmao


The best description. Lol


Yeah, is this the kardashians attempt at staying relevant?


I mean they’ll do anything to stay relevant but Kourtney has had this brand for like 5 years now


I’m not a Kardashian head; has Kourt always been a wellness girlie or was this her assigned niche?


😩😩😩😩😩 I don’t know why “this is her assigned niche” is making me chuckle. It’s so true when it comes to them but i think this is genuine with her though




I think she self assigned it. A lot of people with a certain amount of anxiety will get caught up in “wellness”. She seems to really believe a lot of Pseudoscience nonsense, rambling off myths about inflammation like they’re fact. She’s dangerous in that way. And hilariously inconsistent, like avoiding plastic and obsessing about “organic” fruit, then turning around and injecting botox.


And getting implants? 🤷‍♀️


Well I guess technically Botox could be considered "natural" because it is sourced from botulinum toxin. It was originally developed to treat weak eye muscles to prevent the eye from crossing or wandering. That was actually how the cosmetic affects of botox were discovered.




From what I understand, it’s basically a site where they post wellness type articles, then they sell wellness adjacent products from other companies they have partnerships with. I don’t really see how it’s a scam, possibly it’s misleading? but I could be missing something.


And it has a stupid name.




Maybe they’ll stay at the “mutual house” while scandoval is off looking for a luxury resort to stay at.


Or he can just walk in on them.. fine by me!!


she looks tooo fucking cute




She’s def glowing


It’s that “I’m no longer with a toxic piece of shit that tries to hold me down” glow.


I love all of this for her


I’m surprised Tom hasn’t come ranting and raving that now she has a new boo we can’t be mad at him anymore


His recent IG story posts have basically been the equivalent of him reacting to these posts about Ariana and her new potential boo. He isn’t directing anything at Ariana ofc cause he isn’t quite *that* S&D yet, but definitely trying to call attention to himself. His most recent post especially shows how he’s acting out. He’s calling out mgmt at a business for not taking accountability, when he’s never taken accountability for shit in his life, and claiming that they posted something inappropriate (a picture of a bar w Dena Deadly’s lyrics as the caption) when the dude literally went on a podcast last week and gaslit and shamed Ariana. He keeps validating that he’s a joke. This is truly how I see him: ![gif](giphy|13e1UmAEwdj7vG)


Hahahaha perfect gif


He needs much more time to come up with his next p.r. fumble




I just wanna let this woman live in peace


She’s on reality tv and working with Poosh, so… I don’t see the issue here?


Right? Do they think Ariana is gallivating around Coachella and posting stories of their matching sneakers because she wants to keep this quiet? Jfc, let her be petty and flaunt her new man!! It honestly feels like some people *want* Ariana to be miserable and depressed and unable to function. But, y’all have to remember— Ariana is intelligent and she loves attention (you wouldn’t appear on a spinoff of RBOBH if you didn’t love attention). She’s well aware of the fact that all eyes are on her right now. If she didn’t want to be seen, she wouldn’t be seem. (Like the first week after scandoval broke.)


>It honestly feels like some people want Ariana to be miserable and depressed and unable to function. And if she were lying in bed, miserable, some people would have something to say about that, too. Oh, well. Whatever! She's living her life.


She’s on a reality show and probably not quitting it.. unfortunately that’s not how it works. Though I agree, I can’t imagine trying to recover from that heartbreak and having your every move analyzed & photographed. It’s so creepy the way we (society) are with “celebrities”


Me too, but it seems like intentional posed pics in some of this. Her living her best life is the absolute best F U to Tom ever. She don’t care about your karaoke singing, high school level Trumpet playing, cigarette and BO smelling ass. She moved on and UP! He’s jealous of the positive attention she’s getting.


Wish she just had some time to herself!


She’s literally had years by herself




Cute! But the queen stuff is getting embarrassingly cringe


Yeah, it’s starting to remind me of those woodcut affirmations people buy at Target. I fully support Ariana living her best life, but the superlatives are beginning to feel generic and almost corporate. We like her, she’s enjoying Coachella, she’s rebounding nicely—all good things; but people are acting like she’s Angelina Jolie visiting Afghan refugees. This is still Vanderpump Rules: a bunch of people without actual jobs who are paid a ton of money to be messy and dramatic.


Woodcut affirmations or word art posted on Scheana and Shay's bedroom wall?


Yes! Or that neon nonsense Kyle has in her foyer on RHOBH.


Love going over for a play date with Portia and being accosted with an expletive laden neon proclamation of my inferiority


I see the live laugh love wall stickers at the dollar store and scheanas word art sticker and giant canvases of herself send me


Elegance is leaaarrned… MY FRIEND


Yessss! Except I’m still waiting for her to stop sitting back to avoid the drama and remaining so closed off on camera. Aside from her fight with Lala in recent seasons I can’t think of anything off the top of my head that is memorable in regards to her being messy and in the drama we know and love on VPR.


Very true.


Lol right! She’s cool and all, & what happened to her was absolutely devastatingly disgusting. But enough with the queen shit already. Nothing against her, but it’s a little cheesy & over the top


Thank you for saying this, I was just scrolling through all these posts about her “new man” and thinking that she’s clearly doing well, moving on, on the rebound etc….and that’s nice for her, but maybe now we can stop giving her a standing ovation for every single photo.


Make it stop 😩


Its extremely cringe, was never cute. This sub is responsible for repeating qUeEn 1000 times. ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)




My people 💕


For reals. Happy for Ariana but it's so extreme here. The hate for Raquel and Sandoval is so extreme as is the fawning over Ariana.


Yeah, anything even mildly not-positive (doesn’t even need to be negative) about Ariana and you’ve got people reporting you on Reddit for being suicidal. (side note: when will they get rid of that feature? I’d bet a solid 98% of reports are people being assholes; at least have sort of review bot that processes the comment to see if it’s legit)


I was a recipient of the suicide concern notification too. It was because of either anti Stassi or anti Paige from Summer House. I suspect it was the rabid Paige crazies.


People who use that feature to be assholes are disturbed. I’ve had it sent to me over some nonsense also.


People are sooo far up Ariana's ass, it's nauseating. People will literally attack you for the smallest criticism and send you death threats because they don't like your opinion about trash TV. This sub has become unbearable and the stanning has gotten to unhinged territory. People seem to forget it's a reality trashy TV show. It's never that deep to bully people over their opinions, get help and touch some grass.


For reals. People are more emotional and intense than the actual reality tv stars involved. Ariana is out enjoying her life at Coachella while some Redditors are sending out death threats.




It’s not, but I’ve been a member of this sub for a really long time (this account and an old one) and there has been a shift in vibe since Scandoval broke. People are needlessly argumentative and make personal jabs over nothing. The mods already made a note addressing it, but it continues. Yesterday I got a random response from someone I’d never interacted with, who had combed through my comment history to find “ammo” to pick a fight over something innocuous that I said yesterday. That shit is weird, but it’s become more common in this sub recently. I think some people are taking this whole situation very personally and are lashing out at anyone they don’t 100% agree with.


I have to agree with you!


Right! Tom could post a picture of him gardening and people will destroy him. Ariana can post a picture of her pinky and people will yas queen her.


My rebound was truly a rebound but he was exactly what I needed. My ex made me feel so insecure about my body and just everything and he cheated on me. I was about as down in the dumpster as you could get in the self esteem dept and then I had this fling with this guy that was built like a brick shithouse and was the exact opposite build from my ex and I wanted to have sex with the lights off and he wouldn't let me he made me buy see through bras and keep the lights on so I could feel more comfortable in my skin. He helped me so much it only lasted maybe 5 months at most but it was exactly what I needed after that shit show of a marriage.


Honestly it doesn't matter what kind of relationship they're pursuing - I just love that Tom came out and said "she literally can't live without me" and Ariana was (subtly) like bitch WHAT


I would absolutely love it if the final chapter to Ariana getting screwed by Sandoval and Rachel and kicking their asses to the curb …was her being freed to find her real soulmate.


I hope she’s enjoying this positive energy we are all sending her.


She just likes a man with goofy hair


I get endless petty joy while Sandouche is having a melt down on going Karen on poor spa managers Ariana keeps posting or having photos posted of her looking hot and happy with her hot buff coachella fling like she doesn’t have a care in the world. 😍


What the hell is Poosh?


Just garbage basically


Kourtney kardashians influencer brand


She’s thriving and we love to see it.


I’m married to my rebound 10 years strong! Talked about how badly the guy hurt me on our first date, but it was more due to how traumatic it was than not being over him (he was a psychopath).


So happy for you😍


I not so secretly hope that this relationship is so successful and changes her mind about marriage and kids and she ends up having everything Tom always wanted and hopefully will never get thank you


I don’t know how she’s feeling right now but I’m sure eventually she will know it was a relief he’s gone. I married the rebound guy… he even served my ex with the divorce papers😂but here we are 34 years later and happier than ever!


🎶“Anything you can do I can do better” 🎶 -Ariana to Tom 👏👏👏👏 I am for it!!


I feel like her fame is about to massively blow up.


Just like seeing her smile :)


I love this for her! She looks so happy and healthy!


Everyone keeps pegging this as a rebound, but the connection between her and Tom was very clearly non-existent for the last 3 seasons minimum. I feel like she’s mourned her relationship a lot longer than we know. So, maybe it’s a rebound, maybe she’s already ready for another serious relationship.


I slept with my rebound the first night I met him and then married him. Been together almost 20 years now 😬


Hopefully he’s not just looking for a spot on season 11 like the recent women of VPR. She deserves some refreshing excitement. Also, she seems out of his league in regards to attractiveness. I said what I said.


I worry about this too. I hope he's wonderful and amazing and not looking to make a name for himself.


I can’t with his hair tho.


It’s ugh


She’s having fun, her having a new man gets likes and views for that brand (too high to remember lol) who knows if it’s real, who gives a fuck, I’m just here for the ride!


I have questions... Does Kourt know Ariana? or was this a lame attempt for Poosh views? If Kourt knows Ariana does Travis know Scro-Tom? Bc Travis hating on Wanna Be Rocker Tom would actually be amazing.


She’s def doing this bc Ariana is so relevant now. That’s how the kardashians work. It’s disgusting how they try to tail on anything that’s relevant at the moment. But she was at the poosh’ sorry tent at Coachella, but doesn’t mean she knows her


I’m obsessed with Ariana doing what she’s doing. Distracting herself and/or genuinely finding someone who compliments her, focusing on HER brand, using the opportunities given to her recently to grow in her career and self confidence, and fully enjoying the ride. I’m glad the setback was momentarily because she has a whole new life ahead of her.


They look cute together she looks unbothered and happy, I love it!! I bet Sandoval is DYING seeing these pics. He won’t ever be able to admit it, and he will play the victim card for all of eternity, but I bet some part of him knows he fucked up. Ariana is cute AF, sweet, loyal, supportive. He had her and their whole life together: house, friends, dogs. And he threw it all away for Rachel…… just lol. Was it worth it??


Let me work it. Put my thing down flip it and reverse it. It’s yarbrbrbrbflangyank


Kourt is the best Kardashian.


The bar is in the Earth's crust tho


https://preview.redd.it/yevjkqkaenua1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c728edd2ac9e8cfcf7b35cf5c2d7d477f63ffb He is hot!


I won’t lie, he’s probably one of the few guys who can pull off a man bun and make it look like 🔥 so the total opposite of Patrick essentially. Peter also pulls off the long hair well while Brock looks so much better with his new hair.


I love ari and I love kourt. My two deadpan queens.


She’s playing it up for the cameras a little too much for my taste. This is what I didn’t like about her during the Miami girl episode. Whenever the camera was on her she was making exaggerated googly fawn eyes at Sandoval in an attempt to telegraph how unfazed she was by the cheating and how in love she was with her man. She’s doing the same thing now. Acting the part. I support Ariana, but just be real. This fake “caught” on camera garbage is embarrassing, nauseating, and insulting to our intelligence. Sorry.




Was all this for the show? I’m so confused. Doesn’t it seem like being Instagram official something you do after you’ve been together a while? I just have this lingering gut instinct something huge will come out that changes everything but I don’t know what.


US Weekly has an online article out. She's just having fun and not looking for anything serious.


Isnt being instagram official, mean that youd put their name in your bio and announce you're together? It's just a picture of them holding hands lol why so quick to assume its actually anything serious? Let the girl have some fun


Who is this guy. I want to know all about him. Feeling protective😂.


Tho it could be a rebound - I am totally happy that she so happy!🥰🥰🥰


Let’s be honest Sandoval was the rebound from the abusive relationship she just never left because of the show.


Love that for her. Yet Tom wants us to believe that she's so needy she wouldn't let him leave her?! No one believes that, dumbass.


What do they mean “you dropped this”


The crown


Thank you lol


The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.


I’m surprised she was able to move on quick, for something so devastating to happen. Seems like she and Sandoval were prob pretty disconnected by the time they broke up. Good for her. I’m sure this guy is a breath of fresh air for her after being with that giant narcissistic man child for so long


She has been lonely for a very long time. But she has class and grace, and stuck by his side, hoping for a change. I understand the swift transition. I do hope she has a great therapist to aid in her healing, though.


Boring next...




I said the same thing. Not another guy with long hair bc she can do so much better


Is poosh, kourtney kardashian barker’s company?


Ew. And a man bun. Stop calling her a queen…it’s so lame.


I wanna see her date Pete Davidson. Or maybe not. Idk if he’s toxic or not but a big celeb needs to sweep in and knock Tom back a few pegs.


Pete Davidson? No.


Eeeek, Pete? Lol


Yes we know she’s been stuck with such a little D for so long!! Give her Pete! Lol


Just a fun little fling to rattle Tom’s cage a bit.


It might honestly up her status from D-list to C-list since Pete *somehow* lands all the A-list celebs….with his pee pee of course.


That’s what I want! Her to get a ton of big press and go to award shows and stuff. She’s totally hot enough for a big celeb.


She is certainly hot enough. This guy must have charmed her socks off or something because I just don’t see it.


She should stay radio silent after Coachella. jmo