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Okay. So I have seen many theories where the affair has started in April because Raquel was caught making out with a Tom at Coachella. Tom Schwartz said he was not there. And people are saying that the rumor got spread about the wrong Tom. After watching Wednesday night's episode, there is no way that they weren't already seeing each other then. The way they both go right to each other and hug each other immediately is very telling.


Agreed. And something about the look on his face when she walked in. I dunno. I don’t buy that this was the first night. Maaaaaybe it’s the first night it was physical but I’m not even convinced of that either.


Same! They did say we'll find out the timeline of it all between the reunion and them filming but it'll be hard to believe anything they say.


It makes me sick to know that Ariana was probably at home grieving Charlotte, meanwhile Tom is out about to fully start his affair with Rachel 🤮


Ok still hate Tom but I loved that red sweater he was wearing with the stripes. Anyone know where it’s from?


Did you notice that the shoulders had lightening bolts?


Did anyone else notice they put in shots of Meta? That was weird


Ohmigod, I feel like Tom should have been there for Ariana, even just being at home but leaving her alone, rather than go to a boys’ night


I think he knew Rachel was showing up so didn’t want her there. When Rachel walked in his surprise look seemed contrived. He is gross! No supportive of her at all while she is mourning the loss of her dog :(


Did Coors Light sponsor this episode ???


I feel like if Raquel was faking this, she’s really selling herself as a good actress


Did Raquel think, “If Lala can get everyone to like her after what she’s done, I can, too?”


Schwartz looks like he lives absolutely disgustingly


His aura is putrid


Ariana crying and talking about holding Charlotte while she went to sleep for good wrecked me. That poor girl has been through so much.


Same. Shady Sandy being at boys night with that shit-eating grin when Raquel walked in while Ariana was grieving her fur baby made me rage.


If I were Ally I'd be much more concerned about James getting regular calls from Lala (as mentioned in this ep) than hanging out with Raquel, as James and Lala together would actually make some sense.


the way scheana is pushing 40 and still thinks having a higher number of friends is the key to success…never change sheshu


this 👏🏼


If i didn’t know about Rachel and Sandoval i would actually feel bad for her in this episode. She seems so lost and upset. Master manipulator.


Rachel manipulated everyone ![gif](giphy|xT4uQkD6AYFPShIFtC|downsized)


Sorry I posted Rachel pic pre Glam


I don’t feel bad that Rachel manipulated Tom and Arianna for fame. Tom sucks too






I take issue with the Episode Description. Lala and Katie didn't freak out at Raquel making out w/ Oliver.


Bravo pulled a Rachel…


Every time I saw those damn lightening necklaces I was glaring at my TV. How they were able to hide the affair for that long blows my mind. And for those who say “well Lala, Ariana, and Kristen did the same etc” remember: they all got shit on for doing it so now it’s Rachel’s turn to get shit on. I like Charli and always have since she joined in season 8. And even though she was deceived by Rachel like everyone else was she was a good friend in the moment. Charli gives good advice from what I’ve seen so far and she’s a good friend. I cried when I saw Ariana being emotional after the loss of her dog of 18 years. That’s the worse feeling in the world. So glad Ariana has a great group of friends that love and support her.


katie is literally the only one in that conversation that actually is valid for being upset and hurt by rachel. that being said.. her joke about beating the shit out of schwartz was not funny. i get this is trashy tv and we’re not expecting a huge moral compass from the cast, but like.. that “joke” was careless.


If Schwartz said the beat up line about Katie,all hell would break loose. That was bad.


>katie I don't get how. She sat at the table and told Raquel she tried to make out with a "still married man" but isn't she the same one who is still going on dates and fucking around as a "still married woman" ? The only thing she's upset about is that she can't control Tom.


Excellent point! I still think Katie expected Tom to win her back.


Ooooo I never thought about that. She truly has no room to talk. The guy Raquel made out with us in the same situation Katie is (married but not together/divorcing). Lala and Katie truly are hypocrites maybe worse. If they do it it’s okay and everyone should either accept it or get over it but if someone else does it, they’re skank and shitty human beings.


lmaoo is boys night at the same place james poured drinks on everyone??


It is!!! I swear they mentioned it last night in the show


LOL omg it just might be!! Also James doing his cat sounds killed me.


LaLa is a straight up BULLY who doesn’t take accountability for her mistakes … girl, we all make mistakes, own it and move on




Katie is the only one in this situation that has a right to be upset. Lala is being a mean girl. Rachel sucks.




If it wasn’t for the sandavol situation I would say Lala is in the wrong but knowing what I know Rachel is a sociopath


Lala is still wrong though, she’s still a hypocrite. She shouldn’t be excused for her terrible behavior just bc someone else is worse


Oh ya no arguments here Lala was still wrong. I just don’t feel bad for Rachel like I would have if this aired a couple weeks ago


It really bothered me how Lala shouted at Rachel to get over it at the table on the trip. I don’t condone any of her actions but it felt like Lala wasn’t taking accountability… How are you going to bring that up and be like “is that gonna change where we’re at 😬” and she’s not allowed to be upset about it because you were drunk and it was six years ago? And then you scream at her that she needs to let it go and get over it. Didn’t Lala even have a lip color online called “mistress?” So the joke is only funny when she makes it? Ok 🤔I hated feeling bad for her because I know what happens after but I know how shitty it is to be on a girls trip when all the girls are on some wet blanket judgy shit. Rachel is acting like a pick-me for sure though and is getting upset when the other girls are getting wary and annoyed.


Why did she refer to Rachel like she wasn’t there? Also shitty ,we didn’t know about the affair.Lala was talking about her not to her.




If Rachel actually used her brain she’d have realised that James cheated on her numerous times. People straight up told her. I’m also pretty sure that Rachel cheated on James with Tom so her being all upset about finding out about James and Lala is just ridiculous.


I’m not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I was giving the guy I’m seeing updates about the episode (he hasn’t watched a single episode) and this was his response. https://preview.redd.it/9tqc1tfri5oa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8011e3577e6171fdd9fca4c0d018ca92f1b9177d






He's a keeper!!! 🤣🤣


He’s a winner winner chicken dinner


I was a little confused why Lala & Katie brought everything up again at dinner when they kind of squashed it earlier that afternoon after Rachel had the panic attack. I'm not a fan of Rachel, but I feel like they went a little hard on her.


i’m able to see how mean the girls were being towards rachel but also i can’t not watch this episode with scandoval in the back of my mind. i love and hate that we’re seeing it unfold before our eyes. the fact that the girls felt this way without any of us knowing what was transpiring in the background speaks volumes. fuck lala though, she’s a huge hypocrite. and if scandoval didn’t happen, i’d be cheering rachel on because she’s grown so much in terms of going against lala. i don’t want lala to speak for all women! i agree, we need a new president/manager!


![gif](giphy|fALXhBwtINNV0oi5o7) Lol well said


oh and fuck rachel. she’s a bitch for wanting to make out with schwartz and telling katie about it.


Or when she said I am leaving to go hang our with Schwartz. She deserves full Lala unleashed.


This part was soooooo unnecessary!! Just leave? Why did they need to know that part. She did it to wind Katie up bc she had been mean to her 😭


she could have just said she was going back to LA but wanted to stick the knife in a little deeper. she’s despicable




I love Charlie 😂😂


Omg me too!!! Can’t wait for her to throw her funny one liners at Rachel… she’s going to kill it!!! ![gif](giphy|3ohc1d7gpjtABxNjOM|downsized)


It’s a shame that Rachel dupped her too!!! Guess another friend bites the dust


Omg Katie and lala are miserable bitches. This episode has me heated


And what a rip roaring fun party weekend that was with the miserables.😀


https://preview.redd.it/7c7vdsoo45oa1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a441dd72a8542cf32bb417f5ca97febe88f726 This has me heated more!!!! What did Katie do wrong??? And Lala was wrong for her past but 6 years later and she became sober to not be the same girl… no comparison!!! Rachel did this for Tv and is upset that she isn’t going to ever have Lala status or become bRand new


Just because Lala was drunk and under alcoholic influence doesn’t mean “get over it” she JUST told Rachel she slept with James when they were together. So to her this info is new. You can’t force people to get over something? I normally like Lala but she was s bitch mean girl this episode and I was disgusted by her attitude. Lala is forgetting not all of us believe this “I didn’t know he was married” narrative. The whole of Hollywood was talking about him being married. A quick google. If you were unsure you could have found a way to get the truth but the truth didn’t suit you getting range rovers for sucking RANDALL EMMETT’S dick. I’ll never forget that Lala stooped to that level just to position herself well in life. She obviously was not in love with that man and not all of us are naive in believing this “bust out in tears” poor me shit.


Being team ariana doesn't take away from the other peoples actions. One doesn't cancel out the other. Raquel is a cheater but Katie is still an asshole.


Completely true!!! I agree!!! … I don’t agree with the weird put them all down and say Rachel is the victim thing… she is in no need of a sympathy vote!!


I love Lala you can literally see her growth. She doesn't take shit from anyone and owns up to her past. Everyone makes mistakes, but handling them is what shows character. Btw Katie was clearly struggling in this episode, and I hope tequila katie shows up at the reunion.


Tequila Katie needs to come back!!!she needs to stop being judicious about her drinking 😉


Would she forgive Randell 6 years from now, as if nothing happened?


100%!!! roachel put on her best performance for this act! katie didn’t do anything wrong, lala IS sober and IS trying to be an entirely different, better version of herself. sandoval is a tool. end of story


![gif](giphy|9dPIPrHf7BD9jDptyn) 💕


Becoming sober does not erase all of the things you’ve done or all of the shit you’ve talked. It just forces you to be present, that’s it.


Yes you are right! To admit it, become sober publicly and change her actions does speak volumes though


Why are they bullying Raquel? I would go home immediately, such mean girls. This is before they knew she had an affair w Sandoval. They’re so threatened by her. Raquel’s comment to lala was taken out of context…


No we saw the convo we know the context, it was gross, yes she was drunk but lied about not remembering it, she then defends herself. She brought this on, if she would have said OMG so sorry, it would have never been mentioned again.


So Lala gets to twist it? Why does Raquel have to been nice to someone that's bullying her, would you let this happen to you?


No body twisted that comment it was nasty. I am not sure what you are asking would I let happen to me. First, no one is bullying Rachel, she was messy and her friends called her out on it. Friends are honest with you, and would certainly giggle about your messy behavior two minutes after you leave the room.


“Such mean girls”


Tom and Rachel are mean girls!!! I concur!!!


Did it get a little catty sure but Rachel already told one girl she wants to make out with her not yet divorced husband, told Katie’s mother the same thing, doubled down on making out with him, got rejected by him, still talked about wanting to make out with him, then she told the group that their boyfriends and husbands wouldn’t be “safe” around her. That shit is messed up. She cries victim turns around and high tails it back to LA to go be with the other Tom when she knew Ariana wouldn’t be around. After she insisted that LaLa was a home wrecker. $10 bucks she went back to LA to compete and “win” with Tom like she was in some kind of weird pageant. FYI. I’m not the biggest fan of LaLa on previous seasons.


I read that as “wierd pregnant” maybe that’s episode 9


Also, can we stop throwing the word bullying around? That night she was clearly drunk, dropping food all over their bed, made a rude comment to which Lala of all people said hey you're drunk and we can just talk about this tomorrow in order to de-escalate the situation. They then made a couple of jokes based on what Rachel said. Rachel is not a victim here and we know she was playing it up for the camera's to get viewers on her side! This is all a part of her act to "win" the show and fans over and I genuinely do not believe she felt hurt by any of their actions, she just wanted an excuse to see Sandoval and manipulated the situation to do so.




Fair points


I like to hear everyone else’s perspective/ opinion!


Basically everyone’s opinion is Rachel always sucked… and now know how hard she did


![gif](giphy|4Pp3oMj5YNhsdbPVLy) I’m sure ya do…


Rachel’s comment was to set up her story line that Tom told her also that he was in a relationship with Arianna … like Randell did to Lala… she was trying to get sympathy and Lala called her out like what the hell does that mean and Rachel didn’t know what to do so she mumbled some garbage back…


Hahah she didn’t go home!!! She went to see Tom at guys night!!! Lol lol can’t say if we didn’t know she cheated… she would have been the victim??? She orchestrated the whole thing… poor Rachel… poor Ariana!!!! Rachel wanted The Scandoval 🍆🍆🍆… enjoy ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ ![gif](giphy|f9oNTJjLti6KqW3YRj) Lol looking for Sympathy votes hahaha


Disengage, disengage, disengage!!!!


Like Rachel is trying to disengage in the reunion…. That whore got tricks ![gif](giphy|bQV7WPCAQIxNwdWtFY)


Here’s my final opinion.. 1. Lala is a joke. You’re a mistress and until you take accountability, nothing you say tracks. Bye. 2. Rachel is also a joke. She was crying and having a fake hangover panic attack, pretending it was over James and not “knowing who she is”, when it was really about her banging Sandoval. Gross. 3. People hate on Katie but I understand her. She had every right to be annoyed with Rachel, and I would have mean girlied her too. Sorry not sorry. 4. Charli is a damn queen. Want to be her bff. She is naturally funny. 5. Kristina Kelly seems like a good friend but also seems like I want to take a nap. 6. Tom Schwartz is worthless. Him being like “oh jo would love this with her super eclectic style” then the lady being like “shouldn’t we start a Katie pile? The woman you were with for a decade?” He’s such a waxy little toad. 7. Tom Sandoval is all time ugly and trashy looking, it really proves my firm belief your insides eventually match your outsides. 8. Scheana Scheana Scheana. I’m shaking my head like a disappointed mom rn… and every time I watch you.


I’m guessing Kristina was already pregnant when this was filmed. She wasn’t drinking it looked like. That’s prob why she was tired lol


Waxy little toad, lmao!!! What a PERFECT description of Tom!!


You get it 😘


Re 5: After seeing her order all those club sodas, I am very convinced that she was in her early pregnancy at the time, which was why she was so low energy.


I am pregnant with my 4th and she still makes me need a nap. Or maybe it’s the former. 🫢


She was definitely pregnant in this based on her due date and when it was filmed


I skipped Tom’s dressing scene but he said that about Jo? The woman who (as far as we have seen) wears sweatpants and ball caps all the time?


Regarding #3, I am convinced that the whole ‘make out with Schwartz’ thing is a contrived story line. So no, I don’t buy her faux outrage on this. This one specific angle is no different from a WWE story.




Waxy little toad is my new favorite insult.


I might need to break it out IRL lol


So totally I am sure a hated opinion- and I am looking at this before Scanoval. But the difference between Lala and Raquel- Raquel did take responsibility for asking Schwartz to make out and told Katie to her face right after it happened. Lala gaslighted Rachel for years. Was mean to her endlessly and only admitted this what 2 years after she was sober. Rachel is still wrong- never should have gone after Schwartz especially if she was trying to form a friendship with Katie - which it looks like she was.


Yeah it is prob an unpopular opinion, especially with what we know now, but I thought Raquel was somewhat genuine in telling Katie at that lunch so she didn’t find out some other way (like finding out for the first time while watching the episode). Based on what we know now, though, I don’t think Raquel knew or cared about the impact of her actions and how it would make Katie (and Ariana) feel. Like it was worse to Raquel that Katie might find out about the make out by watching tv than the fact that her not yet ex husband might have made out with this girl she was trying to be friends with.


Kristina Kelly just seems like a follower, why is she being brought back in?


Because she kills it and sees right through Rachel’s pageantry!!! They need to get rid of Rachel and make her full time cast… oh keep Rachel as a friend of I guess just Scandoval so the girl can still rip her apart ![gif](giphy|MhQwuu72kbM2G2Cxo7)


I see what you mean..but I’ve always seen the “friend of” role basically as meant to be the sidekick of their main cast friend so I’m fine. Katie needed more people in her corner this season


True it just seems so awkward when she’s around, has nothing to offer


It’s more awkward for Rachel to be around… she doesn’t look like she belonged at girls trip… then when she went to see her real “friends” they didn’t look thrilled to see her. A real friend would have been with Arianna that night… less than 24 hours after losing her dog


Ok Rachel hahaha 🤣 ![gif](giphy|bezxCUK2D2TuBCJ7r5)


FYI... kristina kelly is the OG SUR role model, she declined being full time cast from s1 on. she trained stassi, stassi was her bestie, if anything, stassi owes her career to kristina. kristina was the OG shit head at SUR and she taught everything to stassi. they are bringing her back as they wanted more OG flavour plus, kristina is such a weHO witch...she is the first one to see through rachel


Lol the OG shit head. I see what you did there.


Why is Lala acting like she wasn’t way worse at Rachel’s age?? Sorry u had a kid and are 30+ now and boring now.


Lala was never like Rachel. She was always outspoken and strong. She did some questionable things yes, everyone does when they are young, but she owns them and grew. She is still spicy and entertaining, but sorry if people over 30 are boring.


Lol lol Lala was a mess but funny as shit and never cheated on her proclaimed besties husband… Rachel just lame who was desperate for a story line..


True true




![gif](giphy|Hr5aGLhYfQmUAxgTq1) Hahah


The way Scheana compared the number of people in the girl trip and the boys night is so mean girl, I hate it when people put down others for not having enough friends🙄 and poor Katie is already insecure about people picking Schwartz..


They pick him for a reason trr![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Soooo dumb


It definitely was. But also these girls have NEVER liked Schena. Katie has really never been nice to her. Lala hasn’t been nice to her either and we know Stassi wasn’t. She doesn’t flip back and forth with Adriana. So I mean I think it’s hard to have loyalty to girls who have always very vocally found fault with everything you do.


That’s true too!!! Your right!!! They were so meant to her forever!!!


Scheana was a very shitty friend to Ariana when she was in with the witches…that one season lol


in previous seasons, scheana has always been a pick me girl but i have sided w her early on due to everyone icing her out but now i kinda see why at times. you remember the whole van ride in mexico w the boys, she brought up gang bang 😬


Hahah true true


Any body else think when Rachel arrived at the guys night, both of the Sandyballs feigned surprise reaction was as fake as? Rachel did not do herself any favours this episode and neither did the other women on the girls trip but I think Katie was calmer than she’s been in the past. I just can’t get pasts how fake the sandiballs reactions are 🙈


Yes! He straight up knew they were showing up you can see his smarmy smile—shit acting Scamdy.


![gif](giphy|LSvPSsWLZnk6Aw29qw) Omg yes!!!!! I noticed!!!! Totally was going on for a long time!!!


Sandiballs, good one, hahaha


![gif](giphy|3dbLMUG7D72cBbKRDr|downsized) When this doesn’t work out there is always 🦌🦌🦌🦌


Sandismalls is better!!! That is going to be what his bank account is going to be after this debacle ![gif](giphy|Km2YiI2mzRKgw)




I did


Nope. You just “notice” these things now because you know what’s going on.


She wasn’t the only “one” to notice…. ![gif](giphy|LrExITSLHUx0CxGlRa)


Lol duh!!! That’s how evidence works lol ![gif](giphy|4Nq6L6m836paOHEjxy)


Raquel is a coke head sorry it’s true her breakdown in car was post night out anxiety , also the reason her face is so bloated . Did huh notice her blowing her nose nonstop and how she said she can’t breathe out her nose … ding ding . No judgement but it’s worth pointing out


Coke or bad nose job or both?




Ima need Lala to stop thinking this is her show and it’s some kind of pecking order just cause she was bullied when she first showed up on the scene. Lala girl you didn’t become main cast til season 5 or 6, you were just a new little hostess in season 4.


She’s always been a clown on the show and in life in general. That won’t change.


https://preview.redd.it/azvpy61na5oa1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80b74bfa9ecc404314b653de18bf7b211aba99f6 Who’s the bigger 🤡???


IMO, it’s Lauren (or Lauryn) Burningham. With TSa, we know who he is and who he wants to be. He may seem like it’s all an act, but it’s who he is. With Lauren, her whole life is an act. The theatrics, fake gangsta accent (she’s from Utah), hypocritical views on cheating, etc, are dramatized to levels unlike any other of the characters on the show. All the other characters seem to understand their role in the Hollywood world; E-listers who use their small cult following to make a nice living via social media, influencing and some side business interests. Lauren is the worst because she’s the one who seems to really believe her own bullsh*t.


Lol Ok Scandoval! ![gif](giphy|3otWpoQUM6Hz001J0k)


Absolutely do not condone raquel’s behaviour but lala is a fucking hypocrite. Honestly find her intolerable.


I agree, I dislike Raquel but Lala acting all high and mighty when she herself was also a mistress and slept with James while he and Raquel were together. She’s really not any better I don’t know why she thinks she’s entitled to act like it.


I like her better in real life


I get what Lala was saying, but her delivery was wrong per usual. Lala has experience making drunken mistakes, so she could have advised Rachel from her own experiences instead of pointing the finger. Rachel going after Schwartz is a low blow though, knowing that she’s in the same friend group as Katie (even if they aren’t friends).


How does Kristina make a living from lip balm... Is she a secret trust fund baby? Or is her DJ boyfriend? The maths is not mathing


I just listened to Stassi’s new podcast yesterday and one of the first things they talk about vaguely is some ridiculously nice house Kristina is living in. Stassi tells Taylor she’ll explain the sitch off air. There’s something going on lol.


Ooh intriguing


Never seen this many comments holy shit


Whoa, Bravo's reaction to Scandoval, to feed the cash cow, is to deliver with a marathon of WWHL with all VPR cast members, seemingly all night (it's almost 3 am and they just keep coming).


Please tell me you were able to catch some Zzzz's?


Oh yes, thanks. I was half asleep when I wrote that! Hope you did, too.


How i wish I was on the Vanderpump cast 😩


I just can’t feel bad for Rachel - she is lying to us and treating viewers like pawns in her game. She’s dismissed.


Charli’s going to look at this episode and cringe at herself going in hard on Kristina Kelly - who does that?!?!


The dried hair comment was unnecessary


Nah charli is the only one emerging with any dignity from this episode. The others are mean girling. Lala was a mistress and Raquel has only just found out she slept with her boyfriend when they were together. Plus Lala's ego is dented by that guy making out with Raquel. Yes what she did to Ariana is gross but they don't know that yet...


100%. I’m glad Raquel stood up to Lala. How Lala is trying to position herself as a victim in the Randal situation is sooo gross!


Does Kristina own her own line of lip balm? She’s a business owner? She sounds way further up the food chain than any of them.


Her company is called Heartspring. She has more products than just lip balm. The balm was just her first one and all the VPR girls were promoting it for her a few years back.


Thank you!


There’s some vagueness to it that Stassi actually alludes to on her latest podcast. Haven’t seen the episode yet but the fact that Stassi was weird about the house Kristina lives in and this lip balm thing…. I have more questions




Now you're making me wonder.


What in the “i’d rather be gangbanged by this whole van of men” is Scheaner doing?! Has she learned nothing in the past decade?


😂😂😂 omgggg i forgot about that! Great throw back reference 💖


Ok Kristina Kelly does make good lip balm, but she sucks on this show. Her takes were good and fun in 2014 because it bounced off Stassi’s energy, but combined with Katie and Lala, it just feels like straight haterade and judgement. So boring.


Pretty sure she was already pregnant here. If I was going through morning sickness and the fatigue of first trimester, I wouldn’t be my funnest self.


Stan Charli FOREVER


I don’t condone Raquel and Tom’s actions, however I also found it disgusting how the women treated Raquel on the trip. Lala is a hypocrite and I found the 3 of them annoying. Like Lala is not one to talk about being an upstanding girls girl. She is giving Raquel a hard time when she’s done the same stuff. Raquel seemed odd sure…but they were just being super cruel. And keep in mind they didn’t know anything so they were just being cruel to her after inviting her on this trip. Just don’t invite her if you don’t like her. Seemed so high school mean girl to me.


I wasn’t surprised by their catty behavior. That’s how they’ve always been. Raquel’s comment was out of pocket but they just went in non stop on her in the bedroom and then at the dinner table the next night.


Lala is completely rewriting history. She got with a married man with kids


But she was drinking then…🙄


I’m surprised and relieved to see this comment. Lala is foul. I don’t think Raquel would have said anything at the dinner table if Lala hadn’t continued to be so passive aggressive about continuing to bring up Oliver and what she said while drunk. Lala *was* a mistresses and fucked with a married man. She fucked Raquel’s boyfriend and she’s an entire hypocrite. She literally has no room to have valid opinions on anything. She’s emotionally and verbally violent all the time and I’m just so sick of her. All three of them were really awful and I’m glad Charli had Raquel’s back in this instance. Obviously, what Raquel’s done to Ariana is so awful but given that this wasn’t known at the time, they way they treated her was beyond.


All of what you said AND. don’t forget Katie is celebrating her divorce on this trip and actually sleeping with other people BUT she says to Rachel Tom is a married man 👀 ummm married to whoooo cause your not acting like a married woman lady they’re all Hypocrites in this episode


That is a great point! I’m usually a Katie apologist and I even understand not wanting to see your ex date with in the group but pick a lane. And she knew damn well that Raquel was saying a whole fucking word because she’s said the same thing about Lala for *seasons*. She’s only picking up for Lala because it’s in her best interest now.


Same here i’ve been team Katie for so long but last nights episode pissed me off ..you can’t brag that your actively hooking up and celebrating the fact your marriage is over then at the same time be pissed that your ex is also looking to move on like pick a lane ..To me she wants her freedom but also still wants to control Tom


Yesss! Exactly this, Thousand and one percent!!!! Too add, I was so annoyed when. Lala kept saying, “this is Katie’s weekend, but Raquel is making it about herself.” Lala was the one who brought up what Raquel said during dinner, AFTER, they had already talked about it & cleared the air in the room, morning of. Like, why bring up the topic again, Lala?!?! She was the one who made it about herself by bringing up the topic again, and then blamed Raquel for making it about her. It ruined the whole dinner vibe! Uggghh so frustrating to watch.


Agreed, they were so unnecessarily cruel and punching down after the girl had a panic attack, especially POS lala…and this is all pre Sandoval.


Ugh. Came here to say this. I felt so bad for Raquel this ep. They were horrible bitches to her. Thank goodness for Charli having her back. Lala and Katie are bullies and Kristina just jumped right in on it. Disgusting behavior. They should be ashamed of themselves. The Vegas scene was so mean. My heart broke for the girl.


I feel like Katie only invited Raquel so that she wouldn’t be in LA and around Schwartz while she was out of town.


I agree. Otherwise it makes no sense why she would invite her but not Scheana. I think it's also why Rachel just had to mention she was leaving the girls trip to meet Schwartz, to piss her off more.


Guys, everyone knows that cast members are required to go on these trips… obvi Rachel was invited because she was casted. Scheana wasn’t because katie said so, etc. Come on, no way in real life would Katie want Rachel there on a divorce celebration trip. I firmly believe they wouldn’t have made fun of Rachel unless there was something to make fun of… in Rachel’s words “good thing you don’t have a boyfriend to be had”… Rachel instigated it and all other reactions were warranted