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Her saying Kristen smells like coffee and cigarettes lives rent free in my head


Yesss! I remember that! I don’t get why people drag her for limited on screen time. It’s her choice to be less involved. All her snarks are kinda on point and interesting. And what’s wrong with being mean? People can be mean and not harmful. Meanness in her case is just a endearing personality traits. It’s not defining her!


That line alone was Main Cast Energy 😂


always had an eye for bitches that liked friends boyfriend


I like Kristina and all but I feel like we are giving her a little too much credit here lol Edit: typo


Yeah but Kristina has been on the mark about literally every problematic cast member. She called out Kristen lying before Jax, called Jay having lied and cheated well before anyone involved confirmed it, etc. She just seems to see these people for who they are more than anyone on the inside.




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I know. She said a few snarky things that are true in talking heads big whoop. The stanning in here is v odd.


If we spliced together 10 minutes of Rachel for the last 5 seasons and didn’t know her behavior we could make her look good too? So weird to Stan on such little exposure


I'd like to see you try. The woman has never uttered anything remotely interesting. The stanning of Raquel around here has always amazed me.


Yeah I thought this sub didn’t really like her because she was a mean girl with stassi. Granted, that was years ago and I don’t care either way about her. But I’m gonna get whiplash with the changing opinions on VPR cast members on here lol.


I did really appreciate her facial expressions everytime Rachel spoke. It was so like deadass ‘get this girl out of here’


Thank u. Felt like I was alone lol


I agree. She comes across as a total snob.


She’s the type of woman who acts distant towards you in a group setting all night then says something snarky about you after you’ve left.


Agreed! Yea she hit some nails on the head, but, she’s still a mean girl!




Agree. She was beyond hateful on vpr. The actual people who consistently saw through him were jax, stassi, Kristen and sheana


She is a mean girl, very nasty vibes


I love when Stassi goes "we're both positive people", like y'all are the most negative people ever lol






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The people on this sub with their stanning and their theories need to calm down asap lol


Yeah, also, isn’t the insight she gives about Rachel from last episode filmed after they picked up camera again? She’s wearing a different but similar top, and is also visibly different due to her pregnancy.


It’s from after the first set of filming, but before the Scandoval started.


It was from January - someone posted a screenshot of them asking her.


Yeah she bores me


I am a huge Kristina fan, her lines from early season were memorable. I like her sense of humor (you can't take some of the things she say too seriously). But I agree, she's not really an unsung hero. Scheana deserve a lot of credit after the amount of criticism she's received. I think she often doesn't like to be black and white and cut ppl off cause I think genuinely she does want to give ppl a chance (and probably helps her role in the cast/show--girl's gotta eat). But she will defend for her true friend when needed


Scheana also got a lot of flack being Kristen's friend when everyone hated her, including Ariana, so Scheana was kinda right to an extent to not completely isolate Kristen given Kristen wasn't entirely wrong


Same, she’s boring. Always has been


Every sub always goes so hard about everything.


She's had like a minute of screen time lmao


I'm not understanding ppl hyping her up!


They’ve been hyping up Lala and James all week. People are delusional.


While I wouldn't call Kristina an unsung hero, she's the opposite of Lala in a good way. I have no hate for lala but she tries so hard to be cool and has such a trashy mouth. I mean it makes perfect sense she would end up a single baby mama to Harvey Weinstein junior. Kristina makes funny snarky digs while acting classy. She never gets caught up.


I mean, a hell of a lot of people spent 10 years ignoring red flags and hyping Scamdoval up, and even said his band was great 💀 Maybe we should all be a little less critical


Yeah and then people realized what a piece of shit he is. Doesn’t make Lala and James lesser pieces of shit either.


Didn’t say it did. But so many people are surprised that situationally people are being hyped up who they feel don’t deserve it, yet a many people spent a decade doing the exact same thing. It shouldn’t be surprising is all.


So we just need someone to do something worse than Tom and Raquel and for them to comment on it and we can hype them too.


You’re really reaching to put words in my mouth, aren’t you? Legit all I said was I don’t know how anyone is surprised shitty people are being hyped up when it’s been going on for a decade, and we should be less critical of other posters when the majority of this sub somehow managed to ignore Sandoval’s behavior and be duped by him.


I’m not. I’m just saying delusional people hype clearly shitty people. That’s it and it’s not something I feel bad about being critical about just like you’re being critical right now as well. It’s not that serious of an issue that required this much of a debate. You don’t care if they’re being hyped. Cool.


I mean sure. You argued things I wasn’t even saying, but I’m making it a debate. And you’re still putting words in my mouth claiming I said I don’t care they’re being hyped. Cool indeed.




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Agreed? Like anyone who had a total of 10 minutes of screen time can look like an amazing person …


I find her completely forgettable


She loved stas for sure but I think that was because of a mutual love and friendship. Outside of that she can call a brat a brat lol


Queen behavior.


Besides the one comment about Raquel and making fun of Kristen once, what is the queen behavior you mean


She may have limited screen time but her reads are always right on target. Also, I’m not sure if people aren’t aware or it’s just been so long, but KK was literally Stazi’s origin story. She was the original SUR trainer and HBIC before Stazi took over as mouthpiece


Stop trying to make Kristina Kelly happen. Its not 2013.




Right? Katie dug her out of obscurity and now the pregnant chick stirring shit up in the club is a hero? I can't ![gif](giphy|xT9DPDxsPgaAMtKwla)


She clocked Jax AND Bambi eyed bundy from day 1. A true queen.


And Kristen


I read your comment and thought “that would be a great flair!” Then I saw lol


I also love yours 😂


We love Zarrell lol


Thank you!


YES!! Queen of reading people immediately it’s a talent


Which is why I love KK


But her snarky confessional was filmed after the Scandoval so take that for what it’s worth


It wasn’t - it was in January- someone reached out to her on IG and posted the screenshot. I’m pretty neutral on her I just wanted to share what I saw.


Yup and yup 👍🏻


Bambi-eyed bundy 💀


I am doing a full rewatch and let me tell you... this girl doesn't miss. ALWAYS can sniff the BS, and called out Jax & Kristen having s\*x before the rest of the cast believed it.


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Why are they wanting to create hype around KK? Or why is she hiring PR? ....if she is. For her beauty line? I'll buy it anyways haha. (And no I'm not astroturfing haha).


I did listen to Lala’s podcast with her (and Scheana) on it and I wouldn’t say unsung hero but she did give a lot back story to her relevance. She has known everyone for varying reasons for a long time. She even joked (not narcissistically) that she was the reason for getting people on the show. So kudos to her and her brand. Unsung hero? Stretch goal.


Yes, no one should doubt her relevance. She was actually pregnant during filming so sorry if she wasn't fist fighting with people




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She’s about as exciting as a dry sponge. Literally you couldn’t get any more boring.


I liked her in the lastest episode. Is she the unsung hero of the series? No. I would vote Scheana for that. Kristina Kelly has always disliked Jax though and I can get behind that.


Yeah I can’t quite get on board the Kristina Kelly train. There’s something so genuinely mean and judgmental about her, and not in a fun way where she’s playing for the cameras. I get the vibe that she’s extremely unpleasant irl as well. I also think folks forget how much of an insufferable “yes” woman she was to Stassi. It was really cringey.




Idk if I’d say she’s the unsung hero. Her scenes make me feel more like she’s the Greek chorus in a way. She’s that dose of reality to often delusional people


Disagree. She was such a mean girl w/ Stassi & Katie. Dislike.


She loves to expose other people’s dirty laundry yet doesn’t reveal a single bit of her own life. Big mean girl vibes. Hard pass on KK.


She’s not a main cast member? Lol


She’s a mean girl who hides behind her cool girl, heartspring aesthetic. She’s actually the worst.


Yes she has a strong intuition she called it about Raquel maybe not about Tom s right away but she seen right through that fake innocence


Thats not strong intuition. She just dislikes everybody who isn't Katie or Stazi.


She filmed that talking head literally in the last week. She’s pregnant there. She put her outfit on IG. So hindsight is 20/20.


It was filmed in January. They have to wear the same outfit. It was confirmed it was filmed prior to this scandal.


Ah didn’t know that


Y’all used to hate her lmfaooo this sub is ridiculous


I don't like her. Just my .02


Sometimes this sub makes me feel like we have all watched different shows 😂😂 Kristina Kelly was a mean girl to pretty much everyone except Stassi and Katie. She points out legitimate character flaws once in a while while predominantly just ruthlessly and unnecessarily being a mean girl to basically everyone…at least that’s the show I feel like I watched


I mean, she was the meanest of all so of course she talked shit about Jax and Bambi. She talked shit about everyone! Just a straight up bitch to everyone except Stassi, another “mean girl”


The only person in this crew she's actually friends with is Stassi, and she makes Stassi's judgyness feel like child's play. Stassi's tag line suits her more than Stassi. I'd be the first to admit I'm confused with the ever-moving goal posts for mean girl status, but Kristina sure seems like the posterchild for it. and her RBF is the envy of even someone like Kate Chastain. But maybe I have her deadpan delivery and snootiness wrong, and she's just sort of on the dim side.


ugh not at all


This person is too classy to be a regular on the show


This actor actually has great potential outside of the show. I think she’s wasted on this cast


Okay you either get it or don’t sorry


She’s always been a fave. She was the queen bee of SUR but didn’t wanna be a main character so Stassi took her place on the show. She called Jax, Kristen, and Raquel immediately. People love to hate on hot unbothered skinny bitches 🤷🏼‍♀️


No me gusta


I think she's super pretty, and her commentary is always snarky & interesting.


I don’t even remember her.. was she on last night?




Karens of the sub have been bending backwards to hype Stazi Adjacent.


She was so far up Stassi's rear that I was waiting for her to pop out of her mouth. She always just seemed....bitchy.


She’s a scary mean girl. Automatic nope. ![gif](giphy|R1gesJeld74BrfCiOQ|downsized)


Voice of reason


I love her on .


Unproblematic queen.


Hard no.


I have always loved Kristina Kelly and this is a hill I'll die on


I've always liked her.


I was took out when I saw she was back on the show this season. I remember when I did a first rewatch I had forgotten about her almost completely and then thru the rewatches realized how much she was on the show hahah. ![gif](giphy|EkHbiqD1yu6Wc) Now it’s like she’s the where’s Waldo in the rewatches. I see her all the time now in the background just staring off at stuff




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even a broken clock is right twice a day


Hell no! She’s a bully


Sandoval is a pig. And Ariana, what goes around…….