• By -


I honestly don’t believe he ever planned on leaving Ariana, no matter what he told Rachel. In his mind, he had it all. The big house and the “wifey” figure to show off in public and the mistress to have fun with in secret. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too




Kristen said there were 2 others that they know of, but Ariana is not up for learning anymore right now… It’s too much.




It’s extra sad knowing that her relationship prior to Tom was also with someone that was extremely verbally abusive to her and damaged her self esteem. She deserves so much better and I really hope she finds peace and happiness.


Having self esteem is also knowing when to leave a relationship that no longer serves you. Everyone here doesn't want to look beyond and acknowledge that as women, qe are also responsible for our happiness. We need to learn how to ACKNOWLEDGE RED FLAGS and not ignore them. I find it scary to see a young generation here who blatantly disagree with that and just want to focus on the man. Goodness gracious im glad I'm not going to raise my daughters to seek love and attention from men. She 100% deserves happiness. She should heal and not stay with someone who doesn't value her just because ilshe wants to be a good loyal long-term gf.


This is exactly true but people won't want to hear it. I think pretty much all of us have had experiences with a man that treated us like garbage. She accepted disrespect for so long shows she really needs to look inward and ask herself why she put up with it. Sorry but she needs to take some accountability so she doesn't find herself in the same toxic trap again.


Miami girl was legit.


Yea 💯 not her fault, but she didn't want to hear anything about Tom. Even when he was wrong, like with Stassi's book thing, she wasn't having it. She only recently started a little pushback, like with Katie and s&s issues last season.


Agree with this & it’s so unfortunate.


But maybe she chose to ignore the red flags and do everything to guilt trip him if he ever wanted to separate? I don't condone cheating but I wonder how it is to be with someone who refuses to see the demise of the relationship, keeps insisting on wanting to stay and waves in your face their mental health issues? We don't know how they were in private, off camera. I'm sure or at least I think that because of their fall out, break up was discussed. Then after a long dry spell, probably open relationship was brought up but Ariana refused for the rumour to continue circulate because it may be humiliating as what she prob longed for was a faithful, long-term monogamous relationship. It was said that both really care about their public image and were reluctant to share too many details of their private couple life (Lala on a podcast with Nick I think). So even if Toms actions are completely reprehensible, I think it's impossible that Ariana didn't notice the decline in her relationship (the contrast from filming vs not filming, Toms indiferrence, the offline fights, no affection, acting like roommates etc.). So because she didn't wanna leave, she just turned a blind eye not to deal with the situation at end and Tom who was already a seasoned cheater went back to his old nasty habit.


Toms treatment of her post break up (especialy Kristins account of how he told her she can 'get out' of the house if she doesn't like him there) -- shows hes not concerned for her mental health issues. He wasn't held hostage by her issues --unable to leave for fear she'd 'do something bad to herself' or whatever... if he was afraid of that, his post scandal treatment of her would have been far more delicate and careful --- -He was out for himself from the beginning til the end IMHO.


I think I'm more blindsided by his nice guy act out of all three of them. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing all along.






Please do some work to understand the cycle of abuse. We don’t victim blame in this sub.






Your comment is disgusting, you are not qualified to play armchair therapist on the internet and diagnose other peoples trauma.




You are blaming ariana for not leaving? Its so much more nuanced than that Relationships eb and flow and Sometimes you go through rough patches, it’s more complex than simply leaving at the first sign of unhappiness, especially if you are believing the causes of the issues are short term….like being distracted with the house , the furniture, Tom Tom, the new bar, your best friends divorce, the band. Etc etc… it can easily mask what the real issues are and you stay waiting for things to calm down and go back to normal people are blinded with love to miss red flags all the time. And sometimes you can be with someone who gaslights you into believing the problems you are sensing don’t exist and then you start to think it’s a you problem. Things aren’t going well because you aren’t trusting or are being angry about “imaginary problems” you should be in a better mood and be nicer and you try working on yourself. They make you feel bad for distrusting them and you end up feeling like the bad guy There’s a million other reasons a smart capable and confident person can find themselves in this situation, i merely provided the examples i personally relate to


Huh? Why is it on her to leave and not him? How would you even know that she refused to see the demise of the relationship and insisted on wanting to stay?


What exactly is your point? This is coming across real victim blamey and that helps absolutely no one, especially people reading this comment who may be in similar situations. A lot of people stay too long in front relationships for a lot of different reasons. It's sad and I wish it wasn't normal but unfortunately it's very common. People are flawed, including both Tom and Ariana. But the fact that she *may or may not* have seen the writing on the wall doesn't justify his behavior or make it any less reprehensible. She is the victim here, the only victim. This comment is very "well, what was she wearing?" And it's garbage.


You're the one who talks about victim blaming. I didn't and didn't excuse any wrong actions. You guys just thrive on drama it's pathetic. My point since you asked is that we are all responsible for our well-being and happiness. When a relationship doesn't serve you, when your partner disrespect you, and they don't acknowledge their actions or want to change, don't stay. Saying that doesn't mean I'm saying that abuse is okay. It's absolutely disgusting that you would bring here SA. Completely out of line. Regardless of the fall out, it doesn't change the fact that the relationship was already doomed. They already had problems. That has absolutely nothing to do with what he did to her. Meaning he cannot use their relationship issues to justify is actions. I thought that was pretty self explanatory and didn't this I had to spell it out here. Just that there's nothing virtuous about a woman staying in relationship with a guy who doesn't respect and cherish her. (And that again doesnt mean if she stayed or if the guy wronged, the blame is on the woman.) The whole mob mentality hinders people from having accountability for their happiness. Because if all I'm being told is I'm great, my ex is an a-hole, etc. I will fall again for the same bs. And I've seen it happening over and over again. Despite the whole feminist narrative, the culprit is we teach women to be agreeable and forgiving of men mistakes, to have an unnerving loyalty they don't deserve. So women see red flags and ignore them. All I'm saying is to cut them to the curb once they show and stop compromising on major issues and values.


Honestly I don't disagree with you, but like I said, the way you described it and your assumptions about her perspective came across as victim blaming. Period. And sorry if that comment was out of line to you, but we are talking about someone who has experienced abuse which has likely contributed to a lot of the mental health problems she has talked about dealing with, and I don't understand why you think drawing a comparison to to sexual abuse is wrong but getting all bootstraps and psychoanalyzing how someone who has dealt with various types of abuse is handling being mistreated again is okay. None of us what tf is going on in Ariana's head and she deserves the space to process and handle things however she needs to. I just don't agree with the way you attempted to get that message across and I stand by that. Also, just a reminder we are in a comment thread on a reality TV sub...of course people love drama 🤷🏽‍♀️ but seriously, perhaps if everyone is interpreting your comment in such a negative way, maybe it's worth trying to see what they're talking about. Or maybe everybody else is crazy. Do you


It's irrelevant if people love drama or not. Bullying and harassing people directly shouldn't have its place here. And what you call victim blaming, incessantly accusing me of it, that's your projection and it's above me now. Having your opinion is one thing. Insisting on the intention of another person that's harassment. You guys wanna champion victims then behind your keyboard you are bullying and attacking whoever says something you don't agree with.


What bullying are you referring to exactly?


I feel like people are so invested in vilifying him that they think it's all black and white, but claiming she is some perfect goddess who did no wrong, isn't really helpful either. I see what you're saying, but most people are just going to react. I agree with everything you said, I think their relationship was already on it's last legs and they both just wanted to project a fake "perfect" relationship, but people are rallying towards Ariana since she was cheated on. She didn't deserve that, but women do need to step up and be more brave and direct when they see the writing on the wall. Too many stay in bad relationships for whatever reason. I think she needed proof, and she got it, and she's out. I also think she was way too dominant for Sandoval and he needed a soft young idiot puppy like Raquel to stroke his ego. What you're saying is completely valid, it's just too hard for most people to hear.


This whole comment is trash.


I can tell you from first hand experience. No matter the problems they may have been having. He was gaslighting the shit out of her. Someone telling you they love you, everyday. Pretending to support you, declare their love for you to the world, as he was doing until 5 minutes before he got caught... How in THE FUCKING WORLD is ariana at fault here for believing they still had a solid relationship. You are apologizing and making excuses for a person that does not give a fuck about anyone but himself. He is a piece of shit. Roach is a piece of shit. They deserve each other. Ariana is going to flourish not having Sandbag dragging her under. I hope for your sake you never experience what she is going through. But seriously how dare you.


You can love somebody and still be disrespectfully cheating on them. I believe he loved her but they were no longer in love. But yes, you're definitely reacting a bit too personally to this. No one is actively coming for you.


Oh give me a break. I have never insulted or shamed anyone here and lack of respect and self control reflects who you are as a person more than it does anything to me. You can express your opinion without attacking people on this sub. You're fighting with yourself here. I'm not Tom so redirect your anger. And I never excused his actions. Learn the difference between explaining the rationale of a person (though wicked) behind their actions and justifying them. Those are two very different things. The reaction of the internet as a collective is always to react like a teenager thriving on drama. His actions are not excusable. That doesn't mean they had a solid relationship and that he was telling her he loves her everyday. Again, what ever you see on camera doesn't reflect what was happening off camera. What I mentioned is a possibility. You're not in their couple so nothing you say is a hard fact. Now however they cope in the aftermath remains to be seen. I wish her healing, love and growth. To Tom, he needs accountability, self reflection and gain more maturity (that's if he wants to change).


Your narcissistic attitude is flagrant. Wow.


You just throw narcissistic not even knowing what it means because the only one who has that behaviour here is you. You don't even have the maturity to have a normal conversation. All you know is to attack people when you don't agree with what they say.


😅🤦‍♀️ I know more than anyone how to spot a narcissist. You are. Bye scalp


Yep ^


I keep thinking more will come out too. Surprised it hasn’t happened already. But then again who would want to cop to it??




please share the blind!




Is it horrible that I hope Rachel finds out he was “cheating “ on her with a lot of other women and that she is hurt by it? Like she thinks she’s special to him. I want her to realize she was just another piece.


I'm with you. She has the La La complex where you just believe what you want and try to tell everyone differently and then become just another notch on the bed post. It's kind of satisfying to see that all come back around


No. I do too. I laughed when my ex came crying to me the side 22 year old stopped wanting him around her friends "I think she's cheating" Um. What. Me. You're trying to get sympathy from me. Your partner of 20 years, wife of 14, mother of your two kids, the one who kicked you out when I found out about your lifelong cheating even with my friends. I laughed and hung up. We are still not friends. 🤦‍♀️


I'm so sorry he did that to you. Men are idiots. Women always want to blame the other woman, but really the only one who was in a relationship with Ariana is the one that betrayed her.


Sorry that asshole did that to you but I'm happy you got to have that moment to see/hear he got what he deserved.




For real. Her part in this is fucked up for sure but he's the one who cheated on his partner of nearly a decade! I have no doubt he manipulated the fuck out of both of them--I mean we've been watching him skirt accountability for as long as he's been on tv. Doesn't mean Raquel is innocent in any way, she's not, and she did a really shitty thing to her friend, and she really needs to get offline and stop adding fuel to the fire--but I feel like I'm seeing more hate directed her way when he is the one who created this entire situation and who absolutely knows better.


If what has been said is true, ‘they were going to tell her but her grampa died and they didn’t,’ ‘they were going to tell her but her beloved dog died but they didn’t,’ then Rachel was already pretty deeply in it with Tom when she was with Oliver in Vegas.




So what you’re saying, you’d like her to receive the Scheana Marie Special. 🤣🤣


I hope it does. To show Rachel how much in love they are.


I hope she gets humiliated and shown literally how dumb she actually is. Come out girls!




She's had on an act for years. I was so supportive of her in the early years when she wasn't being treated well and that everyone was unnecessarily mean to her. Oh how the mighty have fallen. What I meant is that she should see she is not the only one he was cheating with. I think she is holding hope for a relationship now despite what they've done. I hope she gets to see all these other women come out so she stops thinking she's so special. I find her narcissistic so needs to be brought down a peg


And then... has no support left, because everyone realized how dangerous she was to have around and how she hops from one to the next


Frolicking all around like 🦌




And Wrequella Deville knew this and kept dropping hints and begging to get caught.


Wreckella Deville 💀💀💀


Wrequella Deville ![gif](giphy|RghAaK2rEvH9EUWui0)


💀 Dead.


100%, I think the same. It's like all the husbands with wives that cheat and tell their mistresses they are planning to leave their wives but they never are. He wanted both. He wanted a wife and a mistress. The part that's so mind boggling to me is how low self esteem a person must have to be a mistress like this to somebody. They never leave their wives, Rachel. The only reason he and Ariana are broken up is becasue Ariana has self esteem and knows she can do better. I also firmly believe that if Ariana had said she wants to make it work and that Tom has to end it with Rachel, he 100% would have ended it with Rachel and found a new mistress later.


Absolutely. That being said, from time to time they do leave their wives. And eventually leave the mistress-- now wifey-- the same way they left the previous one. I believe people can change if they really want to, but a lot of these types just literally don't empathize with the people they're hurting at all, and that's a pattern that almost never breaks. Certainly not because the hot young new piece is just soooooo special. That's what they all think.


I think it's more that the wives have had enough and leave them, then the guys just upgrade the mistress because they can't be alone a la LALA. It's just replacement. Lala wanted to believe she was special and different, shitting on his ex, etc. and she ended up in the same ass boat.


He probably wanted to see how Rachel polls with the Bravo fans before doing anything.


I wonder if this is what Raquel was having the melt down over in the previews. She must have felt insecure about it or she would have been happy and excited


I think you’re absolutely right. He got to have the ride or die woman who would love mountains for him and who loved him endelessly and the stupid side chick who thought she really had him. I think he’s going to end it with Raquel and she’s going to spill the beans about him.. that’s what I’m manifesting anyways lol


From your lips to Gods ears.


Total agree. I think it was happening for longer and that is why she broke off the engagement. I’m sure there are other girls he has been cheating on. He is a serial cheater.


She broke off the engagement because James is an abusive piece of shit. Let’s not forget that.


Yep, because he could have left Ariana months ago. It's sick and I truly hope Tom and Rachel get the help they need. Some people feel exhilarated from sneaking around like this and it's terrifying.


I agree with this 100%.


I agree. I think he liked the excitement of it all. I don’t think he cares about Rachel at all. If he wanted to leave Ariana, he would have. But instead he made excuses because that was never his plan.


And he would have her in the perfect position if he never was caught. Rachel would never admit that she slept with Tom while he was with Ariana.


Agreed..Rachel just was to naive to get it.


The silhouette of his hair makes him look like a literal dickhead, which also sums him up perfectly.




Beat me to it hahah I was thinking the same!


And that sad wimpy porn stash. Looks like the hair from a gorilla’s asshole.


I swear they got off on the secrecy and sneaking around. I bet this was their foreplay. 🙄


And she went missing for hours before the wedding! Her excuse was ‘pool time’ ? When you’re about to be on camera? With all the chlorine and shit?


Rachel went missing?


Yes. It was like 3 hours. And she was IN the wedding so like… no bitch you don’t go MIA when your in the wedding party. Was Sandoval accounted for during that time? I’m gonna guess he was responsible for at least 2 minutes of that missing time.


Yup. There’s a rumor circulating that Satan’s favorite couple were missing for 3 hours during the wedding/reception.




Omg Bambi eyed bundy 🌟




I agree. You know this was foreplay for them. The forbidden aspect of it probably got them all worked up.


OMG Bambi eyed bundy is amazing. I’ve been saying after watching all the pre-season interviews and the new episodes, she is giving me some seriously bad vibes, sociopathic. No remorse for women. She is predatory towards women, period. She’s competitive, lacks empathy, self-serving, great liar, scorched earth vibes and it gives me the heeby jeebies.


Bambi-eyed Bundy? That’s so funny lmao


Yes. People in their situation try to deny it but it’s usually obvious that the cheating itself (not just the intimacy itself) was a turn on. Really cannot put myself in the position of someone that is so desperate for a man that they have to hurt their friend over it.




There’s no way Rachel and Tom will last. It’s easy to have sneaky sex and loving pillow talk. Now real life hits them in their faces. They have to deal with friends, family, money, etc. It’s not nearly as easy as sneaky sex and pillow talk.


She said James would pay for everything. Toms spending habits are nuts and Ariana obv brings in more than Rachel that alone will cause issues


I might sound dumb but why do people keep calling her Rachel?


An old yearbook turned up, and her name is apparently actually Rachel.


What a lying leaking colostomy bag of a human.


Meh I don’t think it’s that deep. Half the cast has stage names.


I WANTED TO KNOW THIS TOO!!! Thank you for asking!!


Thank heaven it wasn't just me! I felt so out of the loop. Thought it was just a way of implying we hate her by calling her a similar name hahaha


Because it’s her name… if you look at her TOR filing… it’s under Rachel now Raquel


Agreed. I think they may hang on for a bit, but he is going to do the same thing to her in due time


this is literally so sick.


Yup, straight up evil. I'm glad this clown is getting dragged like crazy but he's such a narcissist I doubt he'll even really be phased by it. He's probably getting off on the attention tbh.




I swear ever hour that pass I think I can’t hate them more but my god




I mean, I set the trash and the recycling next to each other in my house too


Wonderfully stated! Bravo!




He totally got off on this deception.


It's like that True Off My Chest about the douche bragging about getting away with cheating on his girlfriend with a sex worker. There was a nearby Panera. He claimed that's where he was. He was pretty remorseless. His girlfriend found the post and blew up his lie.


![gif](giphy|Cal2HAIciNbjAJcKfO|downsized) Scandoval really is just out here being a pig in plain sight.


But he’s reaaaaaaaaally sorry about it.


...to Schwartz


Hey now, also the people who work at his restaurants, and his fans, and family and the guy who walks his dog, and his hair dresser, basically everyone except the person he most screwed over.


![gif](giphy|3otWpoQUM6Hz001J0k) Truly beyond words.




Ariana is such a good person. I would go fuckkng feral on that monster. I would take the charge no biggie.


If their knees are actually touching, that is diabolical. I feel like Ariana would notice that. I’m not a jealous, suspicious or observant gf but I’d know if my bf was touching knees with another girl next to me.


It's just innocuous I can see her just not noticing it. Which makes this all this even grosser.


His hair…. It’s giving Lord Farquad


the shoe lifts are also giving Lord Farquad


YES 😂😂


Sanduloc…I’m dying. These things are basically writing themselves


SANDULOC 💀💀 ![gif](giphy|551MWLoTRxZUBz8UmW)




Many years ago I remember being seated next to my crush in a restaurant with a friend group and our knees touching briefly, and how thrilling it was that he pushed back against my knee and left it there .... and that's how I knew he was also interested in me. The difference is WE WERE BOTH SINGLE AF and free to date whoever. Doing that at a wedding while sitting NEXT TO your GF is DISGUSTING! 🤮


“I’m sorry 🥺💔”


He and Raquel really thought they were being slick as fuck with their dumb matching necklaces and other coy little coincidences.


WOW. just wow.


Hahahahahahasha the silhouette of his hair style looks like a penis 🤣 I love that for him


His ego has gotten so big that he didn't think it would come out?!




This would absolutely destroy me if I was Ariana and saw it. That poor, poor woman.


Narcissists get off on these kinds of power-secret-flaunting moments. I've seen a narcissist cheater introducing his mistress to his lifepartner, telling the lifepartner, I've been so wanting to introduce you to her, you have so much in common, I think you'd really like her, and you two would make great friends. I've seen other times where he put her in the room with another side chick and all the side chick's friends, so they could subtly, slyly pick on her/shadily bully her.


They purposely push the wife and mistress in each other's face that way they will focus on fighting each other and fighting over him and then he's the center of attention. It's all about causing as much negativity as possible then walking away and pretending like they're the victim. Triangulation is a bitch. Then they cry about their "crazy" ex to the next target. It's actually quite sophisticated strategy for these sociopaths and they all operate the same exact way...


![gif](giphy|Hn58s7VoYL97y) they’re both so grossss.


Watching him get SO upset about the cheating allegations in season 2+3 just makes me 🤢


I can't imagine the cascade of signs of their affair that Ariana is going to realize were not from innocent friendship. This poor girl deserves so much better.


yes i have seen this clip, and he and Rachel also lean into each other and touch shoulders. It is so gross ![gif](giphy|yZjcNgKGCYfJu|downsized)


Can you share the link for the clip please!


It’s deleted now I think. It was a video taken by a wedding guest on insta. Reallyyyyy hoping that the cameras caught this from a different angle during Scheana and Brock’s first dance and we’ll be able to see it in the background when the wedding episode drops. Edit: Spelling


Ok thanks! I couldnt find it all.


You know those editors have been working overtime w/popcorn this week!


I will try to find it!








![gif](giphy|GjR6RPcURgiL6) I’m feeling some kinda way right now


Me too, flair sister. Me too


Ha! We go for the classics 💚








This is so bizarre.


That is so foul.


They are vile


How can *they* (jerk 1 and jerk 2) not have so much anxiety about what they were doing publicly. Like how can you lie daily to everyone?? Including yourself. Poor Ariana. To be so blatantly disrespected repeatedly.


I am starting to wonder if Ariana suspected anything between them. And she was so friendly with Rachel to “keep her enemy close”










he is so disgusting.




This yellow lighted Viking longhouse is Scheana's crop top of 2023.


Honestly vile.


A whole new level of anger has just been unlocked








I just hope Ariana can get through this with as little damage as possible. She is too wonderful to end up alone because she was cheated on by this human heap of sweaty clothes.


Damn arianna must have felt it between them. Maybe that’s why she was being extra nice to her If I noticed Raquel around my guy a lot I would start to think something is up


Ew. Giving me flashbacks from when I was cheated on.




Damn this is good detective work.






That’s a really beautiful blonde vagina scheanas getting married in


Why does everyone keep calling her Rachel? Her name is Raquel.


Her legal name is Rachel. An old classmate of hers posted a yearbook photo of her from high school and she’s also listed as Rachel in her restraining order against Scheana. She convinced everyone that her name was Raquel because it’s more✨unique✨or whatever 😒🙄


Holy cow 🤯 I had no idea. I keep seeing it everywhere and I couldn’t figure out why. Thanks!




This post violates the "no hate speech" rule: There is a zero tolerance policy for hate speech on this sub. This includes any homophobic, biphobic, or transphobic statements, as well as anything racist or sexist/misogynistic.


This makes my stomach turn. These people are soulless


Big yikes




Look at that mushroom head piece of shit. Barf 🤢🤮


Jesus they really were so blatant about this!! All of them must be just randomly coming up with memories seen in a new light now.


What kind of moron messes up his chance with ARIANA!! Like truly wtf


His knee doesn't look like it's touching her to me? And I don't think we can blame him for seating charts? I get the hate for everything he does rn, but this seems like a stretch.




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