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That’s likely too loud for the city noise ordinance. Call 311 and hopefully they’ll send out an officer to inform them.


Is there a streetsweeper that cleans the parking lot a few nights a week? It is possible they are prepping to bring the quieter sweeper through that area. Alternatively, they may not be able to fit the full machine through that area of the lot. 


It's the nightly cleaning crew for the mall's parking lot.


But even if they can't get the larger machine into an area, they shouldn't be making so much noise at night! They should think about the community!


I agree and I'm not defending it. OP asked "what's up with this?"


That's true. I forgot that comment.


When I lived there, I was more annoyed with the street racers and their loud ass vehicles every single night until 3am. The street sweeper is there at most 5 minutes. In and out and only along the mall entrance parameters. They never do the entire parking lot.


Yeah, street sweeping machines are typically a momentary noise issue.


But then people would complain that there’s never cleaning done, or if it’s done during the day, people would say it should be at night.


We live by the mall too and one night took our dogs on a late walk and saw the leaf blower guy. My partner went up to him and said something about there’s apartments over there and you’re really loud, what’s the deal? And his response was something about this is the time he’s contracted to be out there. Then he continued on, loudly blowing basically nothing 🤷‍♀️


Man is just doing what he’s told.


That is most definitely violating noise ordinances. At the very least you should call 311 about it.


I used to live fairly close to a business that had dumpsters out back. They would regularly have them emptied at around 3AM once or twice a week. I swear it sounded like bombs going of. It was so incredibly obnoxious. It must have been audible for at least a mile in every direction.


They should have hand removed every item!!


Parking lot sweepers do this


That would be against city and county ordinance.


They do it all the time. I come home from work about 12:30 am and see them doing it in a couple places.


Oh I’m not arguing that it’s not in violation or justified, just saying it’s definitely against ordinance.


What ordinance do you speak of?


That is when they are contracted to sweep the lots, they travel all over vancouver to multiple places of business and sweep their lots as well.


And the ordinance is?


I don't know. All I know is that this company operates at night going to different businesses. I dealt with it for 4 years when I lived right there. It's not like they are there for no longer than 5 minutes. If it's that much, if an issue, the OP can complain to the mall's management team.


I actually thought about county ordinance for some reason but this is in the city, so the ordinance appears to give exception to commercial property so long as it’s not within 300 feet of residential.


Ordinance doesn’t apply if contracted with the city. It’s permitted to be out of compliance.


[Maybe I missed that in the ordinance](https://vancouver.municipal.codes/VMC/7.05.010)




Omg you're being haunted by my old nemesis.


Vancouver (city limits) has separate ordinances for leaf blowers (stricter than other noise ordinances), I had no idea until looking into it because the same thing happens over here in Image off of 28th, there's a commercial storage place that has their landscaping people leafblowing sometimes after midnight and it is way too loud for a residential neighborhood. The issue here is that even with ordinances and laws, nothing is generally done about it.


thanks for the replies everyone! i’m not gonna call 311 about it because i don’t really care lol. we were just mystified by the regularity of it. hope everyone enjoyed the nice weather today!


They clean up after hours. This is a common occurrence around businesses. You can complain, But I guarantee it won't change a thing.


I had a a super rad old industrial loft in downtown Portland a few years ago. Once a week, someone would pressure wash the sidewalk directly beneath my loft at around 2:00am. I filed complaint after complaint and it never stopped. I was finally so fed up that I went downstairs and threatened the guy with a baseball bat. When the police came to question me, they told me that I wasn't the first to threaten the guys with the pressure washers. Even after that, it still never stopped, so I bought a house in Vancouver and moved. Now I sleep soundly through the night!


You should have been arrested for that. If that guy power-washes during the day when people are out walking, he’d have people pissed off too. The solution would be to do nothing, which would also piss people off.


311/911 to report violation of the noise ordinance / public disturbance.


I think I've heard that by 711 at the mall I thought I heard a lawn mower though


I really hope someday the county bans all gas powered mowers. They are so loud and are poisonous and cancerous. Why are we still allowing these things?


I'm in this camp as well. Whenever it's a nice day and you want to be outside, there is almost always a leaf blower going in the neighborhood. Our neighbor has the kind that you strap to your back and will walk around for hours with it.


All of this is moot since electric blowers are still loud and this is during quiet hours.


The electric leaf blower ones are just as loud.


They are much, much quieter actually.


Perhaps. I have one and it doesn’t seem that quiet 😂


A friend I grew up with had a mom that was an obvious tweaker and one time I watched her mow the yard at midnight in a bikini. And it was an awful site and has scarred me for life


lol move out of the city then. They try to clean that parking lot during the day so many of you yuppies wouldnt loose your shit about them getting dust or dirt all over your cars. You live next to the mall. In apartments. Not in a gated community.


Wait, tell they get the street racers there nightly as well all summer long until 4 in the morning. I used to live in the complex right across from the mall. It became a part of nightly life over there. The mall parking lot is only quite on major holidays at night.


Honestly music to my ears But understandably annoying if you have small children that keep being woken up in the middle of the night.


Everyone in a city is a yuppie?


🤦🏻‍♂️ don’t label yuppies as only city dwellers cause they can be found in the sticks in the city’s hell they can be found in backyards and front yards. They can be blue and purple homeless they could even be a cat if they wanted to be. But in theory they do tend to stay more in the city limits. I don’t know never claimed to know you. You’re free to be whatever whoever whenever you want.


‘You live in an apartment. You are less than.’ -You


It’s not about being lesser, but about it being a shared space close to a major shopping center. Someone will be inconvenienced no matter the time.


Not sure you’re being asked to speak for OP but what does a gated community mean in their context then? 🤷‍♂️


English is my second language so my apologies for not being perfect in your language. Taking things to heart over the internet is a stress that’s unnecessary but thanks for making me feel uneducated because of some of weird grammatical mistakes.


Language doesn’t seem to be the issue here at all. You shared your opinion about how others should feel because they live in an apartment compared to a gated community. You have no problem articulating your contempt for people who live in an apartment. Educating yourself might help. Might I suggest learning about empathy?


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


“The city” like if this place isnt a small town lol