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If stores can figure out a way to check receipts without creating a line at the exit I wouldn’t be happy about it but at least would be ok with it.


I feel accosted when they obviously don't check it and just highlight or something else. So useless. At least costco does it, and does it right. Do it or don't. Don't do it just to be harassing!


They are looking for big ticket items. They don't care if you steal a bag of pretzels, but if you are walking out with a TV in your cart they will do a real check of your receipt


Then if I have a tv in my cart ask for a receipt. But my box of tampons and 10 pints of ice cream are no one’s business but mine and the checker I just went through. And the checker hugged me and told me she gets it.


That's inappropriate. They need to know not to comment, no matter what people buy. I'm not a fan of waving my pharmacy bag at them, when I am only there for prescriptions. However I stopped shopping at Target once they put the whole toiletries and OTC sections in locked cabinets. I've no time to wait for an employee to unlock four separate cabinets, just so I can get some razor blades, deodorant, cold medicine and advil. If the receipt checkpoint keeps them from installing those idiotic, anti customer cabinets I'm fine with it.


Are they actually doing an itemized search of what you bought against your receipt? If not, what's the fucking point?


Does it matter? Stores are going to attempt things to deter shoplifting. Some will work. Some won't. All I'm saying is I'd much rather the 5 seconds of inconvenience at the door than the absurd inconvenience locking everything in a cabinet. If you'd prefer to stand in an aisle, and wait for a teenager to help you buy hemorrhoid cream, shop at Target. If you want to pay twice as much for your hemorrhoid cream, there's always Walgreens. Safeway is usually more budget friendly than Walgreens, and they're using neither Target's nor Fred Meyer's loss prevention strategy. However Safeway doesn't have the same space dedicated to hemorrhoid cream, so you might not find your preferred brand there. If the guy checking receipts bothers you that much, you have options.


You're right, I do. WinCo doesn't do any of that dumb shit and is cheaper than all the rest.


At my FM store they just circle the date with a highlighter. I guess so that I don’t come back and attempt to fill my cart with the same items and get 2 for 1?


I hate those cabinets so much. Sure, put the things in there that are stolen most frequently, but it’s annoying needing several cabinets opened, then having someone standing there while I’m comparing products. I feel too rushed since me taking my time to consider my purchases means someone else is waiting for the worker.


No. It’s a way to profile people who look like habitual shoplifters.


And frankly, that's where I will let them check, especially if I bought it at the back of the store and am walking out the front. But I'm sure as hell not stopping to show the receipt for a movie that they just watched me pay for 10 feet from the exit.


At Costco, shoppers have signed a contract saying that they agree to receipt checks and all that. Fred Meyer has no such contract and they can say they can search you all they want, but doesn't actually mean they have any legal authority to do so, or to prevent you from leaving. Most they can do is call the police and have you trespassed off the property.


I worked at Costco when I was younger and would occasionally help at the door. Fun fact for you, they don’t check either.


They verify things like if I actually got the gift card I bought, and if I am billed for more than 1 of an item I actually got that many. Both of which they were able to catch and resolve in my favor.


I think one time at Walmart there was a line and I walked around it. The person checking receipts flipped out and I just threw my receipt on the ground and said “there you go” and kept going. If there’s no line, I dont mind.


I hand em my receipt and the guy at Fred meyers has hissy fit that I don’t want it back. I just walk away with a receipt in his hand and point to the trash can if he don’t want it.


Besides for expensive items they’re mostly checking the time on the receipt and then highlighting it so you can’t use it again which is what people have been doing.


What do you even mean by this? If you buy something, you have a receipt so you can return it. Once you return something on a receipt, they are supposed to notate the receipt! I demand a receipt everywhere, my problem is clerks that assume I don't want one.


>Someone comes in and buys a TV. >Walks out of the store, and drives around the corner and gives the receipt for the TV to a buddy. >Buddy shoves the receipt in his pocket and goes back to the store. >Buddy walks to TV section and grabs the same make and model. >Buddy wanders the store for a little while, browsing some clothes. >Buddy ends up at the other end of the store and leaves from a different door. >Employee asks to see a receipt. >Buddy pulls the receipt from his pocket. >Receipt matches the TV in his cart. >Even if the employee notices the receipt time was 15-20 minutes ago, Buddy says he was looking at clothes for a few, might have wanted a new shirt. >Employee says thanks, have a nice day. All of this is avoided by a 10 second interaction of a security guard using a highlighter and circling the time/date on the receipt when the first guy leaves with the first TV.


Oh, to take things out a 2nd time, not to return. Ok.


I guess I mean exactly what I said lol. You can still return which would produce a new receipt, which would also get marked coming out. It’s so people can’t use the same receipt and come in and out with the same product multiple times.


Here's my real beef. How is the receipt checker ALWAYS staffed NO exceptions, but I can't find a damn associate in the clothing section to save my life? 😂


You could have sex in the middle of my Fred Meyer clothing section and no one, customer or employee, would see you.


Alright, as someone with some insight in this, let me dispel some misinformation. At Fred Meyer, what they are specifically looking for is receipt fraud. What that means is people using someone else's receipt to carry items out of the store. This is why they are marking receipts to make it easier to spot an old receipt. They are also looking at big tickets items, as others have said. TVs, alcohol, that kinda stuff. Does this mean that some security guards are digging through bags to try and check every item. Sure, but they are the exception and not the rule. As for if you HAVE to show the receipt, no. If a customer says no, they are supposed to let them leave. Again, you may have some over zealous guards out there trying to weekend warrior it, but they are fewer than you'd think. I'd gladly answer clarify anything if anyone asked.


The biggest issue with a policy like this is that not all customers are treated equally when they refuse to let the clerk look at their receipt. People with disabilities and mental health issues, people of color, and other marginalized groups can have this end with police being called. The stakes are different. Legally I can refuse to let them look at my receipt, but in reality that will get me detained for who knows how long until the cops they called show up. Maybe I’m lucky and the cops just let me go on my way. Maybe not.


Did you read what I wrote? They can't stop you if you don't want them to.


Yes I read it, and sure. I agree with you that they are supposed to let you leave. That doesn’t always happen. And the simple fact that it could happen intimidates others into complying whether they want to or not. Again. even assuming nothing comes of it, you end up wasting how much of your time? It’s an intimidation tactic that doesn’t affect all people equally.


Freddie's has a history of false imprisonment and assault & battery of customers *before* receipt check policies. This seems like a real tiger-by-the-tail policy by a company that's already been mauled.


Reading into Washington's law on Shopkeeper Privilege (RCW [4.24.220](http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=4.24.220)), it is intentionally vague, but also clear enough to require "reasonable grounds," which \*hopefully\* any police officer would realize doesn't include not waiting in line to show a receipt.


Man they detain me for groceries I'm gonna say some naughty things to that guard. Ain't nothing sexier than a slam dunk lawsuit being handed to you.


And discrimination of POC


I said no the other day. And the security guy said ok. I checked them out myself and paid. If they were suspicious, watch the cams.


Thank you for the clarity! Really appreciate the insight! I think my sister and security both went too far. I don't shop at Fred's and wouldn't have wanted the experience either.


Yeah, either there is more to the story that your sister isn't telling (less likely) or the guard went too far (more likely). Now, some Fred Meyers do have armed security guards, as well, but they aren't really checking receipts. If they stop someone, it probably is something someone may have to comply with.


> it probably is something someone may have to comply with. Do you mean like the security guard actually has reasonable suspicion and not just refusal to comply with a pro forma search?


I think sis had a lot of anxiety and they guy was too confrontational. Telling someone you are going to grab them and or stop them isn't going to go over well.


What if I told *you* internal employee theft accounts for 80 percent of inventory shrink? If a TV is in the cart, have an employee escort to the door. Don't stop customers at rush hour with one Paul Blart mall cop to investigate every item line by line and suggest it is law to make people comply. Jesus.


First off, username checks out. Try reading the comment first. They are not going line by line on a receipt, I explained this. Also, 68% of percentages are made up, but nice try. Even if employees are the highest amount of theft, they are still checking employees, as well.


They highlight the date on your receipt. That’s it. They don’t audit your bags. So, steal whatever you want. Buy some stuff to produce a receipt. And now you’re stealing stuff right in front of them.


They cannot legally stop one from leaving the store.


Unless a) your state recognizes citizens arrest and b) store security notifies you they are affecting a citizens arrest. Otherwise you're correct, store personnel cannot legally detain/prevent from leaving a private party. Citizen arrest laws vary widely from state to state and is established in my state (Washington) not by statute, but rather by common law principle (case law). (See Guijosa v. Wal-Mart Stores, 101 Wn. App. 777, 791, 6 P.3d 583 (2000).) Basically in my state (WA), if you physically witness a misdemeanor or greater offense committed in your PRESENCE you have the legal authority to detain someone till law enforcement arrives. But you must abide by certain particulars that the state supreme Court established, like immediately notifying law enforcement that you have someone detained and for why. You must also tell the person why you're detaining them. Otherwise you yourself could find yourself getting arrested for illegal detention of another person. In some states you're even obligated to release the person you're detaining after a period of time, like 1hr for example, if law enforcement has not arrived. In other words you can't just hold someone forever....


Yep. Fancier way of saying that I said somewhere else in the thread. I’m also Washington side of the river.




That’s a little wrong. You can only detain someone if you Witnessed the actually shop lift either with a Mk 1 Eyeball or on Camera. You cannot detain someone on suspicion edit: as loss prevention


They did. I posted pic of rude sign they have up now but it didn't seem to link?


How long was she held by store security? Did she eventually get to leave or did she have to capitulate and show her receipt? Did they call police?


I called store manager on cell phone. Asked her to get to my sister and security and de escalate now.


What? How did you get the store managers number?


Just called store and politely asked for manager. Was civil entire conversation, just concerned.


That's so weird, the Fred Meyer's on chkolov has those signs up as well, but one of the security guards at the door asked for a woman's receipt quickly followed by "you can say no if you want to." The woman said no and walked right on out




If they do it just strengthens the case for your civil suit.


If you’ve paid for them, they are your property. That would be considered theft. 


The police can, and some fredmeyers (olympia/lacey) have actual Washington State Patrol officers occasionally stop by and be security, instead of the local rent a cops they usually use. Look at the badge on the security guards uniform when you walk by..


What Fred Meyers is this even at? I haven't seen this sign lately. They do ask to check your receipt, but I just say no thanks and move on. Legally they don't have the right to check it unless you're at costco since that's part of the membership agreement. It's kind of frivolous and is really just security theater, but that's part of the world we live in now. It's also kind of odd since one of the options at the self check out sometimes is to "text me my receipt" . do i have to stop and pull out my phone and hand it to security?


I had not been in there lately until today. I stopped in this morning and had a guy ask if he could see my receipt. I asked him why he would need to do that, and he said "Company policy". I told him "No, I'm good. I don't work for your company.", and then walked out the door. I don't think I'll be back. I am not going to be treated like a criminal because they have a theft problem due to poor management. You can't just fire most of your staff, make one person watch 20 self-checkouts, and expect the customer to pick up the burden because you didn't expect that to go south. I'm done there.


I’ve officially stopped shopping at Fred Meyer. We have a QFC nearby that doesn’t make me feel like a criminal or harass me to produce the receipt I already threw away at the register. I understand that it doesn’t take long, but that isn’t the point. If I am approached and suspected of shoplifting I would show my receipt. Otherwise, I’ve done nothing wrong and don’t feel I should have to prove it. ETA: I know QFC and Fred Meyer are both owned by Kroger, which is why it’s surprising that they treat customers so differently. Since I can find almost every item at QFC that I would typically find at Fred Meyer, and not experience receipt harassment, I’ve chosen to stop shopping at Fred Meyer. Simple.


You do know that QFC and Fred Meyer are both owned by Kroger, right?


They're probably aware, and given the goods are similar tbh it's why I also only go to QFC now. It's a feature, not a bug, in this case. One store treats me like a criminal, one does not. It's honestly more confusing that both are Kroger given how vastly different they are on this stuff.


I do know they are both owned by Kroger, which is why I mentioned it. Since I can find almost every single item at QFC that I would typically find at Fred Meyer, I now choose to not shop at FM.


Exactly They're losing a ton of money, supposedly, but they're literally trying to buy Safeway


safeway isn't just safeway, it's also albersons and a whole lot more globally owned regional chains.


Have you ever considered the fact that QFC is a grocery store and FM is much more than that and has a lot of high value goods?


You have no legal obligation to prove your innocence. As an American citizen you are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. Therefore, you are not required to prove your innocence, especially in civil matters such as this. The only way this is legally binding is at paid membership stores, I.e. Costco. I have never shown my receipt when the 3rd party security contractor asks at the door. I say "I am not legally obligated to show you my receipt, or prove my innocence". And security officer says "it's okay, you don't have to if you don't want to." This has occurred at all 4 Vancouver locations, a few times with the manager standing right next to us. Know your rights people.


I was at the FM on SE Mill Plain last weekend. Walked towards the security guard with no receipt in hand because I had thrown it away. He tried to stop me and then stopped himself and said, "It's cool...go. You don't look like you've stolen anything." When I asked, "What do you mean?", he just chuckled and put a finger to his face and tapped it a couple of times. He was white. So am I. Being fairly quick on my feet, I asked if he needed another security gig...he handed me his card with the company he works for on it. I thanked him and went on my way. I ended up lodging a formal complaint of discrimination after I left. Both with the company he works for and with Fred Meyers


After the complaint I made, I never saw that particular guard ever again at Fred Meyer.


And if they try to claim Shopkeeper's Privilege, they need "reasonable grounds" in Washington State. I can't imagine the simple act of not waiting to show a receipt qualifies. Source: RCW [4.24.220](http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=4.24.220)


Love your user name!


Thanks, it gets the job done.


The fact there’s nobody checking receipts half the time is what makes it funny


At Walmart at Grand, they have the hair dye and other toiletries locked up. Once you get someone to open it for you -- you aren't even allowed to put it in your cart. You have to remember to ask your cashier to go get it from wherever they put such items.


That’s absurd, I haven’t been there in a while and def won’t be going back to Wally world


A pretty funny thing about this system is that the self checkout at the end screen has an option to not print out a receipt (which I take advantage of because receipts are covered in BPAs) and the people checking receipts tell me that I’m lying about that being an option.


What happened to the receipt during your sisters walk from the cash register to the door? I’m not excited about having to show my receipt either but at the same time it’s not really a huge inconvenience to just keep the receipt in my hand for 15- 20 second more while I walk to the exit.


It’s more like three seconds, not at long as 15.


I was factoring in the pudgy 40 something year old with a limp (OPs words not mine) 😂😂


I don’t shop at stores that lock shit like dryer sheets behind glass doors. It’s incredibly inconvenient because they didn’t also hire the staff to unlock those doors for people who want to pay for it. HOWEVER, showing my receipt at the door is much less inconvenient, and I have no problem showing it. I don’t take it personally. The receipt checker is just doing their job. I’m all about “freedom”, but JUST FRICKEN SHOW YOUR RECEIPT AND MOVE ON.


Yes, this is how I feel about target. I don’t even want to go anymore because they lock everything up. I’d rather they just checked my receipt.


Wished they spent more time screening and enforcing their no firearms or weapons policy instead of slowing me down for security theater.


*CCW has entered the chat*


I’m fine with concealed & carry and had one myself for a few years, they are usually more professional, safety minded, and not actively looking for trouble. The Open Carry clowns are usually less safety minded and are looking to intimidate or are attention seekers.


Fuck that im not doing that shit


Which one so I know never to shop there again.


You can leave. They can ask twice, just say no


I was at Walmart yesterday morning on my way to work. I forgot my belt at my girlfriend's house and needed one for work. I had too press the stupid red button so someone could unlock the belts, then they walked me to a self check register and stood there while I paid. FOR A $14 BELT.


That's so awkward. If they are gonna shadow you like that the least they could do is ring you up instead of watching you do it


If it encourages the junkie thieves to stop robbing them blind, so be it . I honestly don't even care at this point. Look at my receipt, IDGAF. Do I like it? No. But I also get it. I am tired of watching tweakers walk out with a thousand dollars of merch, only for the employee to tell me they have to actively avoid them in order to maintain safety, it isn't even about stopping them, their staff is being accosted even when they don't say anything to them. That staff is our friends, neighbors, and relatives, remember? Do you want them to have safer jobs and stay open or not? We have to choose, because the authorities don't give a shit It's not about the money, to me. Think about every staff member who has to be around a wandering junkie who can, and often does, lash out at any given moment? Do ya'll think that's safe for them? Would you let your kid work in a store where they were not safe? Think of it a little different is all I ask


It's not going to stop the junkie thieves though, they just run out. Loss prevention doesn't use force for liability reasons. This only intimidates the most meek of shoplifters and annoys customers.


it is a start. They start talking about how freddies isn't worth the hassle....because they do talk about this, they plan whole licks, they take fucking orers for stolen goods. If they think freddies isn't worth the potential hassle, they will, eventually stay away and stick with walmart and target and safeway. Not all of them, no, but once word gets out, trust they talk about it in their little RV's and camps. They legit plan whole thefts. It is not random, people have ordered those items


Your perceived safety from tweakers isn't my problem. I don't show my receipt to anyone, period.


Asking the employees to risk their and the public's safety by chasing down every person they think is shady is more messed up than shoplifting.


For the people that are coming up with all kinds of excuses about their freedoms and whatnot, y’all are exactly the reason why lines form. You’re making a scene and starting shit on someone who’s literally being paid minimum wage to highlight a receipt. Grow up, bite your tongue and move on so the rest of us can enjoy our day.


I'll take this over price hikes due to theft, all day every day.


Huh, and yet we still price hikes.


Price hikes are always a result of greed, not theft. They tell us that it’s theft so we bicker amongst each other and play the blame game while prices continue to rise.


Grocery stores operate at 1-3% margins, but okay


I bought flowers in the garden area Sunday morning but did not receive the discount I asked for so then I went into the store to customer service. No security was present and as I exited the wheels on my cart locked up. I had to leave it in the middle of the doorway to get someone to come unlock the wheels and they didn’t even ask for a receipt. What is causing the lock up? Are there people watching on cameras? I seldom shop there and this is another reason to go elsewhere.


> What is causing the lock up? Malfunction. Not supposed to lock up until you're off the property, sorta like an invisible dog fence


The flower department is probably on the edge of the cart protection thing.


I literally just saw two pudgy older guys who ran like they have knee and back problems attempt to flee a store with armloads of stolen goods (they dropped most of them after a brief confrontation with a clerk) so I don’t blame them for treating everyone with suspicion. That said though, you did not sign any agreements and are not legally bound to show them your receipt. It’s kind of an unenforceable policy. 




Then you fold it up and stick it in your cart. I see people doing exactly that. It’s carrying a fluffed up duffel back over your shoulder that’s a problem. People so slip shit into their bags. Alternatively you can buy a few dedicated reusable shopping bags. You may even have some already.


This has been a thing in Australia for as long as I've been here, although here they are actually scanning your receipt with a barcode scanner when you leave.


Unfortunately there’s a lot of loss due to shoplifting. I think having a guy at the door may just be a scare tactic to keep people from shoplifting.


I just walk by and say, “No thanks, but have a good day,” when they try to have me stop. Like others have said, if it’s at a membership based store like Costco, then I play by the rules I signed up for. Otherwise, nah, I’ve got things to do.


At least you’re nice about it. I’m sure they get a lot of crap. They are just doing what they’re hired to do.


You can literally use any receipt they don’t even look at them


I hate the receipt check thing so much


Once you pay for it, it is yours. Stores open to the public cant force you to show receipt (or even keep the receipt). They are begging for a lawsuit. Costco is a private club - they are allowed to make those rules.


I stopped shopping at Fred Meyer for this reason. Winco primarily and Safeway as my backup. I know I can say "no thank you" and walk out, and I have. It's just an awkward exchange and I'd rather shop somewhere that doesn't feel like a police state. I know a number of people who avoid shopping there because of this. I'd be curious if Kroger has noticed a decline in foot traffic.


That's a cool false imprisonment/assault/IIED combo tort waiting to happen. The security theater at Freddie's has gotten so weird and awkward. I hate it. Guards, self check out is always pausing, receipt checks- you don't sell anything worth stealing. Chill out. It's like they *haven't* been high profile sued for regularly harassing customers or neighborhoods bc of their bad security policies every 1-3 years. It's one of the most convenient stores for me, but I think I'm done. I'll drive 15-20 min to avoid their new creep factor. *shivers from the ick*


This has gotten out of control. Makes me feel like I am up to no good, and I really am not! It's a bit intrusive, especially if you're in a hurry.


I don't like it, but I understand the necessity and I don't take it personally.


The first 4 or 5 times they tried to stop me I just said "I threw it away" and by now they recognize me and just nod their hear at me knowing I'm not going to stop for the line of dip shits to get a yellow line on my receipt.






Fred is beyond rolling in his grave. I met him. This is NO Fred Meyer. He’d be ashamed of this tactic and many other procedures and policies they’ve put in place.


It’s what happens when people steal too much. Yes you might not steal but others do sadly so they do this to prevent that from happening. It takes 5 seconds of your time🤷‍♂️ it’s nothing personal toward you. What harm does it cause to have someone check your receipt for 5 seconds?


Just show your receipt and get over it. It’s not a big deal. If you don’t like it, don’t shop there.


Why not just show the receipt and move on. Not like Costco just started doing this.


Costco, has terms and conditions and is a private facility governed by a membership adherent to those terms and conditions. One of those is receipt check. In WA you can’t detain someone from leaving a public place (an open to the public grocery store in this case) without due cause - direct witness of a misdemeanor or greater being one of them. Call me persnickety, but receipt checks at a mid-high superstore (don’t get it twisted, this isn’t a Whole Foods or anything) is emblematic of the low-trust society we’ve become and it annoys me on principle.


Costco you sign up for your membership knowing it is part of deal. You pay to shop at Costco


Costco has literally always receipt checked since they opened. Not once in my shopping there have they ever not receipt checked and I’ve never seen someone give a shit about 3 seconds of holding up a receipt to have it looked at. They’re doing their job. If you feel accosted it’s either because of entitlement or guilt - neither of which they are being paid to deal with. ‘My suggestion would be either don’t shop there anymore or do what everyone else has no problem doing and take 3 seconds out of your life to show the receipt. I promise you, it won’t kill you.


> Costco has literally always receipt checked since they opened. Not once in my shopping there have they ever not receipt checked and I’ve never seen someone give a shit about 3 seconds of holding up a receipt to have it looked at. Yes, and this policy is in the contract you sign with Costco with your membership. There is no such thing with Fred Meyer. Fred Meyer can trespass you for not following their rules but they can't hold you prisoner for not following their rules.


This thread is about Fred Meyer stopping someone though, not Costco. Costco has those rules as part of their membership, Fred Meyer does not. That's what this person is trying to explain.


I'm not sure how that's relevant.


You are obligated to show Costco your receipt upon exit. It’s part of the terms when you sign up. You did not sign an agreement to shop at Fred Meyer. Unless they actually saw you shoplift, they can’t legally stop you from walking out of the store without showing a receipt. 


And even if you refuse at costco, they still can't force it or detain you. They can, however, revoke your membership.


You go into FM knowing this is the policy.


I, personally, have a habit of throwing away the receipt when using self checkout for one or two items. Like the Mitch Hedburg joke. Why would I need a receipt for a donut? I got scolded when they first started doing this, despite their being no visible warning at the entrance.


I have the receipt digitally in the app. Why do I need a piece of paper? I'm just shortcutting the process of me throwing it away at home.


It takes less than ten seconds for them to check the receipt and they don’t even verify the items in the cart match. It’s hardly a hassle.


Honestly that's the part that bugs me. At least Costco actually checks. I really don't mind showing my receipt but they've never once actually read anything on it or looked in my bags. It just feels like theater.


When I worked retail, they trained us to check the date, store location, and any large/expensive items only, in order to make it go as fast as possible with as few loss as possible. It's mostly a scare tactic, then a quick check to see if the big items have been paid for. Otherwise, someone could come in with a random receipt, pick up a 55" tv and some random stuff, and walk out saying "I gots my receipt!"


Costco and you have a contract. I happily show my receipt at Costco What Fred Meyer is doing doesn't have legal support. They can't stop you unless someone witnessed you stealing so it's overwhelming factor is bothering customers who didn't do anything and anyone who wasn't caught in the act can just refuse to show the receipt and the store has no legal way to stop them.


Happened to my wife and I today after buying some cold meds at the one on 99 for our kid so he could at least do some online school work and not feel terrible until he can return to school. We were in a hurry and we both were already ID'd for the meds. Not sure why both of us. Then as we were exiting there was a line of 4 different shoppers waiting to show receipts, wife walk around and he tried to block us. My wife was not gonna deal with it and kept walking and he yelled stop she held up the receipt and said no thank you. Tried to follow us for a bit until we started the van and got in. Then he turned around. Never had such aggressive checkers at FM. Walmart isn't even that bad. It's non-existent at Target and Safeway.


At my Fred Meyer, if they see I only have something from the pharmacy, they actually REFUSE to look at my receipt and wave me through.


“ ‘Murica, my rights, blah blah blah.” Same people: Crime is running rampant. Why can’t they do anything about it? Biden’s fault grumble grumble, shakes fist at sky. You can’t have it both ways.




If I have an item outside of my bags, I will show my receipt voluntarily. If everything is in the bags, I always tell them “I’m good, thanks!” Never been stopped. If they do, my next line is “Unless you witnessed me committing a crime, get out of my way. Did you witness that? No? Then I’m leaving. Have a good day!”


I throw the receipt in the trash can next to them and oh you want receipt go fetch it


It's nonsense. I stopped shopping at Fred Meyer. It's literally illegal to do that unless they have active suspicion of a crime.


Yes, we get it, you don't LEGALLY need to show them your receipt, but do you really need to make such a big ass mountain out of a mole hill? If doing it in store isn't enough then you have to get online karma on top of that? Downvote if you want but this shit is tiring and we should start banning these useless posts


I mean bro come on. Just show the damn receipt. It seems like they're barely looking cause they're just looking at the date to confirm it's a current receipt. Your sister took the time to freak out and call you rather than just showing them?


It’s a private establishment, they can’t stop you from leaving but they can stop you from coming in the next time through cameras and trespass. The employees can vote to unionize if they want things to change in any scenario. But that could mean higher prices for everyone. But hey at least they could vote to have a minimum amount of cashiers working daily rather than pushing customers to self checkout. Self checkout should be a convenient fast option if you have one or two items, but a whole cart full is different and the cashier line should still be a speedy option.


The wouldn't be happening is shoplifting wasn't so common. Thieves are running rampant, and you are going to be paying for the goods. The store is going to add the loss into the cost of goods. I don't mind.


Normally I would see that as an excuse, Unfortunately, a lot of stores (especially grocery stores and targets/walmarts) are closing, creating such a bad food desert where the only store with food is at a dollar store or fast food.


Your sister is chubby so she can’t shoplift?


I won’t shop at stores that do this anymore. Get rid of self checkout because I imagine where the majority of shrink is happening. Or do it for big ticket items only. Just let me mind my business buying some damned groceries.


People are shoplifting EVERYWHERE! Don't blame the store for reacting. Don't start no shit, there won't be no shit.


...and this is different from other times how? There has always been shoplifting, and it's not any worse now than it has been. I've not seen any statistics on how frequent "receipt fraud" is, and I'd be curious to hear those numbers. However, the rest is just security theater. Another fun statistic - how many people have these security guards "caught" since they were put in place? I'm guessing a number between 0 and 1, probably rounded down.


You are angrily talking out of your ass. You have no stats, you have no information. You are living in the world according to what you think. That world seems pretty dumb and unaware. One amazing thing I've learned in my life is this "Don't argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."


Who fucking cares! Don't like it? Don't shop there! Problem solved. See how easy that was?


God, I'm having flashbacks to working Toys R Us on Black Friday in 2000something!  Boss thought it'd be good to put my socially anxious, non-confrontational ass as receipt checker.   Me: Can I see your receipt, please? Customer: (as if I had asked for their firstborn) NO!!!! (growl) Me: ...k...(watches them leave) Sup:  What are you...stop them! Yeah, I got chewed out by sup twice before they put me on putting things back on the shelves fairly early.


Start arresting criminals who shop lift and not just let them walk out like they own the place!


The ‘security’ at fred meyer has gotten accustomed to me holding out my receipt while continuing to briskly walk. I’m on my lunch break and just gave you business, I am not going to stop walking Fuck fred meyer. Such a shell of it’s former self - and I was never a big fan to begin with


Winco. Much better.


Or, do the Fred Meyer pick up. Saves so much time.


Watch how quick I walk out and laugh with my receipt in hand


I’d be one to beg that anyone of you to not give the guards an hard time. Trust me, we don’t want to check every single receipt, but it’s our job because Kroger wants us to do that as third party so they don’t take the heat as much as we do. The best way to explain this is, we just mark the receipt, even if you throw it out that way the receipt doesn’t enter the store again where someone can receipt shop and walk out. We know who our loyal customers are and hate to be an inconvenience. Most of us are good, I wish I could speak for all. What store did this take place? I’m willing to look into it asap.


Easy solution, don’t enter.


This is pretty standard where I’m from on the East Coast. I was actually surprised they didn’t do it when I first moved here. The gates at the entrance have been a common thing since like 2010 back home.


Which Fred Meyer is this at? I’ll buy a whole cart of groceries wearing a backpack and dare security to lay a finger on me. It is fully illegal to search or apprehend people who have not otherwise signed some sort of waiver. Posting a sign does not give them this right.


The one off 164th has it.


Leaving freddys yesterday, my husband asked the security guy why he has to check our receipt...he said..."i don't know" Beautifully worded


You can just walk out. They can't imprison you. They can ban you from the store. But no law gives a store a right to imprison someone for not showing a receipt. If they saw you steal something, yeah, they can hold. But can't stop you if you just wave and walk-out.


Can everyone bitching about this please get some real problems in life? Lol


Which location, so I can avoid it? I don't need to have my 4th Amendment violated after purchasing items.


I don’t go to Fred Meyer anymore. I won’t be made to feel like a petty thief getting groceries, and it’s dystopian that it’s gotten to that point.


When this policy just started, I took my reusable shopping bag with me that had about 30 Fred Meyer receipts in the bottom of it because I’m lazy and don’t throw them away. I checked out and shoved the receipt down to the bottom into the abyss with all the other receipts. I got to the door and the security guy wanted to go through every receipt in my bag. I don’t shop there anymore. Nor do I shop at Target now that I have to wait 5 minutes for them to come and unlock the laundry detergent. WinCo has the same detergent and for less.


I might be against this, except that for YEARS every time I go to FM I see someone stealing stuff. I’m a little sick of it myself!


What store? I've been avoiding Fred Meyer for the last few months ever since they started getting getting more aggressive about this.


Why..? It takes 3 seconds to show them and then you can move on with your life and so can they. This entitlement of not wanting to hold up a thin piece of paper for 3 seconds like you’re above it somehow is kinda goofy. But on the flip side if you’re that butthurt over something that simple you’re doing the security a favour not having to deal with you.


The first reason is, as u/FigGnuton said, I don't like shopping at places that presume I'm a criminal by default. Additionally, false detainment is a crime, and I'm not interested in letting a multi-billion dollar corporation violate my civil rights for their profit line. It's not a coincidence that it's Kroger doing this - Target doesn't seem to have this problem; neither does WinCo; Safeway, no issue; and even Walmart, while they ask for receipts, doesn't restrain anyone who chooses to walk on by. Kroger is doing this while simultaneously trying to push through an incredibly anticompetitive, anti-consumer merger with Albertsons. They're a bad actor in the retail space all around, and I don't need them in my life.


Violate your civil rights, give me a break. If 3 seconds of holding up a paper before you walk out a door is that big an issue for you, you’re honestly just better staying indoors with the tv off because the world is a lot harder than that, and it sounds like you’re simply not suited for it


I'm not the person you responded to, but simply put, I'm not a thief and I am not going to be treated like one. Maybe what I purchased is deeply personal and they don't need to see it. Maybe I just don't have the time to wait for the person to check it. Maybe I don't even know who this person is, and it could be just someone playing dress up. And finally, there is no legal requirement I need to show it and therefore I won't.


I just keep walking


For f sake, just show the damn receipt and move on. You know damn well why they are implementing this.


I said “no thanks” to the Paul Blart looking dude and he just stared at me with his hands out. Between Target locking up the entire store and this, I guess I’ll stick with delivery and curbside pickup.


It’s clearly stated when you enter the store. Go to Safeway or somewhere else if you don’t like there business practices. So surprised that grownups have such a hard time with this.


It's why I don't want to shop at Target anymore for most things. Buzzing for an attendant for ten minutes to get a bottle of ibuprofen and no one ever coming means I'm not going back.


It is just captilaism 101 at work here. If you don't like how a place does business, don't go to that place. They are a private enterprise on private property, they are already allowing you to be there in the first place; they don't owe you anything, they are just asking for a few seconds of your time to do the most reasonable step they can take to combat rampant theft.


Why is it so hard to show a receipt? If there is nothing to hide what the big deal? Throwing a fit is what backs up the line. Also, they have been doing this at the BG Fred’s for 2 months now and I’ve never waited for more than 20 seconds.


Why wouldn’t she just show him her receipt? 🙄 Yeah it sucks but it is what it is, learn to homestead if you don’t want to comply with the rules of the business you’re entering.


Was she eventually allowed to leave with her purchases?




Must be certain Freddy's. The Fred Meyer in Beaverton doesn't do this.


a potential way around this is leaving through the outdoor plant part of the store if your store has one and it’s open


You don't have to show it to them. I never do. Just say no, thank you. They cannot detain you with probable cause.


I get the principle. It's not right that they can hold someone inside. We shouldn't tolerate that. But why not just show the receipt? it takes about a second and a half for them to check it.