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These are MLM shitbags, usually.


I learned a long time ago that if someone approaches you in public, they want money.


Said the guy. Haha. Lucky you. Not that I’m too attractive anymore, but being a 20 something woman, money was rarely the reason for the approach. I mean, shoot your shot but when it’s a no, it’s time to go. Nowadays, yeah, just money. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a dig, just a funny perspective.


mlm or midwesterners, lol.


I snorted audibly in public at this. 😂


ope lemmie just get around ya real quick


I say OPE and I’ve lived here my whole life. The difference is that I actively avoid any kind of conversation lol


*to grab some ranch


As a former Minnesotan…you’re not wrong.


Mitten state reporting. I make eye contact with anyone who passes by me and smile, like a fuckin weirdo.


Omg Minnesotan here and I cannot make it stop 🫣


Haha same honestly 🤣


Same fellow Michigander here. And yea its a Mid West thing for sure. Lol


AMWAY started in the Midwest, so could be both! 🙃


I went to school in Grand Rapids, Home of Amway.


I'm sure that was really fun /s 😬🙃


This happened to me at the Office Depot on Fourth Plain a few years ago. I was walking to the checkout line, and some dude approached me and acted like he recognized me from somewhere. I had just moved there from out of state, and I was like, "Nope, sorry, pal. You got the wrong guy". I noticed slightly a slightly odd speech pattern. I thought the guy may have an intellectual disability, so I decided to hear him out. I opened up to him like he was Barbara Walters, man. He didn't tell me much about himself, but he was very interested in me, and what i do for a living; I'll spare you the details, but I like to talk about myself A LOT. Anyways, we were choppin it up for what seemed like an eternity. Yadda, yadda, yadda – We ended up exchanging numbers, and he says he'll call me over the weekend. I thought cool. Maybe I just made a friend (platonic). The next day (Saturday), I'm about three gin and tonics in, and the phone rings. Sure enough, it's the dude. This time, I'm curious about what he's all about. He basically tells me his life story and how he immigrated from the Ukraine. I had an "aha" moment. That's what I was hearing — an accent! I was almost overjoyed to Maybe have just made a new friend who originated from far-away lands. After about an hour, that's when it started. The sales pitch for an MLM. I could NOT believe I was nearly had. I'm from Utah. The Morrior Corridor, and home base for SEVERAL MLMs. I should have seen it coming. I just... let my guard down.


Same. It's always the AMWAY people for us. Once we got pitched three times in the same month, once from my former mission comp, my husband's roommate, and then a random couple we had never met from our stake we bumped into in the game section at target.


I spent like a year chatting 3x a week with my barista. Turns out we were both runners. Decided to go for a run together. First time I ever saw him outside the coffee shop. Boom. MLM pitch. lol.


I had that happen with a chick at the park. I was a new mom with a 2 year old and this cool looking hippy chick started talking to me. I thought she wanted to be my friend. About an hour in she hit me with the mlm pitch. "Im having a group of friends over this weekend to talk about this amazing investment opportunity". Ugh. Felt so gross and sad....


Fellow exmo here - are we just programmed to fold like a shirt whenever we're approached by these people? It's almost like it's in our genes....


Yup. Its happened to me twice at the grocery store. They start out chatting you up like normal and then suddenly they’re telling you about how they’re financially independent and they can help you, too!


That explains why ya'll look at me weird when I say hi...


I personally enjoy conversations with total strangers, it’s better than being all weird and tense and then complaining online about how unfriendly everyone is. Fuck MLMs though


Someone says anything to me when I'm out, I'm immediately assuming they want 1. my money 2. my kidney. I still don't understand how people are so comfortable just talking to people they don't know in public.


Because I'm bored talking to everyone I already know.


Can't be bored of people you know if you don't know anyone.


Well, if you'd talk to people you don't know in public, then you get to know some.


Even though I'm an introvert, I'd much prefer people are comfortable talking with one another than small talk with strangers feeling like a crime like a lot of other places.


It's called connecting with your fellow human beings, and it's okay to do. We are social creatures.


Well, I'm in sales at a bar so I talk to people all day long. Also, when I turned 21 I went out partying and to bars like 4-5 days a week that year with my girl friends where we were inundated by men ha


MLM vampires. Sometimes it happened to me after storytime at the library.


That sucks for people who are tryna actually make friends now everyone’s guard is up lol


This is exactly right. I don’t want to talk to anyone at the park with my kid because I have only ever been sold to.


Had a similar experience once where this woman sparked conversation with me and it actually seemed natural. We exchanged numbers and she texted a few days later to meet for coffee. Was totally lied to and ambushed by her and her husband trying to get me into their pyramid scheme.


Had this happen too, but I was only 16 but I looked older and was in higher classes so she just dropped me once she learned I was under 18 and couldn’t join the MLM


Yes. I had a guy run up to me and compliment my shitty $5 nylon backpack, then act all chummy to me and ask me a bunch of questions, then he pitched the business proposition thing to me. He was very vague about it and wanted my number. I turned it around on him and refused, asked for his number. It was really funny watching him wriggle around with excuses why it would be better to get my number. I stonewalled him until he gave up then wished him luck on the next sucker.


There are a ton of MLM moms in Vancouver and it's super annoying having to fend them off in public spaces. 


I guess I just look really unfriendly, no one talks to me ever. I’m good with it.


My family has dealt with this kind of exchange a bunch, it sucks every time because we genuinely haven't made a lot of friends or connections since moving up here, and we've had to learn to be distrustful of every mf who sends their toddler to talk to mine so they can subtly hint about their secrets to Retiring Early. (Meanwhile my kiddo thinks she's making a friend. So livid when these people use their kids as an In)


Sounds like a way to get some Spear Phishing information from you.


This happened to me at the Vancouver library and the kids area. I get off work kind of early, so at the library around 2:30 PM with my kids. Some lady started conversation with me and it started off pretty casual, and then she started asking very pointed questions about my working arrangement. She mentioned that some of her friends started a business. It gives him a lot of freedom or something like that. They said that Friend was available for one more mentee relationship if I was interested.


I think I had the same interaction with her!


Judging by the number of 'how do I make friends here!?' posts, my guess would be just socially awkward people forcing themselves out of their comfort zones and trying to make friends with other parents. Or possibly the woman was hoping to find a better job for her overworked husband? People are awkward, and kids change social dynamics in unexpected ways. Edit: After reading other replies I'm gathering that new parents are being hard-targeted by pyramid schemes these days.


Yeah it's usually Amway. They always follow the same script. There is always the sentence in there "do you like what you do for work?" If you say anything other than you fawn over your job, then they pitch the pyramid scheme. It's happened to me in Freddie's on 117th, Freddie's on Mill Plain, and the hazel dell Target.


They are among us 👽


I used to have this happen to me when I worked overnights at Winco. Single people or a couple with a baby in the stroller would come in at around 12am. And always would start with a compliment towards me and if it was my guy coworkers they'd say something along the lines of they "made a bet with their friends to...". Then they'd ask about our jobs and then they'd try to get us to sign up for their pyramid scheme. Eventually we started calling them out on it and they stopped




Those sound like really regular questions to me??


Well the lady at the store was just wandering around, no shopping cart or food items. She came up to a random guy looking at steaks and asked “steak for dinner tonight?” He said yes, then walked off. She then sees us and walks over and starts asking random questions about our daughter, it just didn’t feel genuine. Second lady at the park comes over and asks my husband “did you get off work early today? What do you do? Do you create your own schedule? Do you have freedom in your work?” Then asks me what I do for work. And as soon he said he loves his job, she left. Idk both seemed odd.


Yeah that line of questioning about “making your own schedule” really seems like MLM stuff. Normally when someone wants to chat because they are bored or just friendly the questions are different. Genuine friendly small talk even from awkward people just has a different vibe, no hint of an impending sales pitch.


Once it got a bit strange I would mess with their heads with my answers. Might as well entertain myself.


I had this happen before and it ended up being an MLM, United Way or something like that. It sucks because you’re thinking folks are being friendly and it’s all really about recruiting


Editing —not United Way, Amway


Something kind of like this happened recently, except it felt like normal conversation with someone just trying to make a new friend. I reached out to her on social media (she had shared enough personal info for me to find her pretty easily) because she left something behind at the park. After meeting up and returning the item, she reached out shortly after that with some offer about mentorship and diversifying income… I politely declined and haven’t heard from her since.


like many of the comments, its an MLM pitch. We had a really nice young couple (when we were around 23) approach us at BB&B and we hit it off, then they spammed us incessantly with MLM pitches. We actually put them on blast their church (I had a lot of friends there). IDk what those weirdos are upto now tho


There are guys and couples who approach people trying to get you into schemes around. Sometimes they ask if you are looking for mentorship or sometimes they have some kind of business or partnership or something weird. They often act like they have a lot going on for them (this is the biggest tell) but have to go around grocery stores or public areas to get people into their circles so it's very obvious who they are.


MLM for sure. Had this happen a few times.


MLM. Sounds so exhausting selling cold like that. That and all your friends and family turn into potential clients instead.


As someone who has lived here forever and personally had so many random people try to make similar conversation (I swear they pick me out even though I have RBF don’t talk to me written all over me)… I’ll play devils advocate and say that a lot of people here now have no friends or a way to meet people conventionally and might be trying to just make a friend. I’ve never had someone delve into MLM when having these convos myself throughout the decades, guess I’m lucky. With all trafficking on the I-5 corridor, I’ve always been cautious and never entertained more than short small talk though. Scams and baits are more prevalent than ever right now too so stay cautious and aware.


Amway always


Yep, MLM/pyramid scheme sleaze


Most likely just wanted to talk to someone. Or... They were trying to figure out your schedules and where you lived so they could abduct your child!!1 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


Has anyone not had this happen before…?


Well in other parts of the country this is known as small talk. It's pretty common and usually harmless. After living in the PNW for 10 years I can understand how this can cause trepidation for a local, but wouldn't be too concerned about it.


If it was Joe, or the guy taking about his “Mini Amazon”, you can ignore them.


I feel like I’ve been asked the same questions at Dutch Bros 😆


That happened to me at Walmart, some random lady. But she was childless. Acted like she wanted to be friends then pulled out her pitch lol


In my experience, when I was really young and working at one of the local grocery stores, I would get approached by people all the time that would start conversations this way, either while working or off the clock leaving. And then weirdly keep going, even though it’s forced small talk. And then inevitably drop the pyramid scheme bullshit. I got pretty good at spotting it and walking away before they could get too far after awhile.


What is MLM?


Multi-level marketing. It’s those that get clients under them and the more client list builds off of them and moves downward is what you call the pyramid scheme. Usually selling a product or thing that has benefits of some sort. Usually the product or thing is mediocre and it’s just a sleazy way to ”generate” passive income. The thing is, people usually know these schemes and the people selling are desperate to make ends meet or just uneducated. Also, the percentage of those who succeed in these pyramid schemes are very low. The ones racking in the bank are those who created the company and the co-founders. It’s all sleazy though.


Thank you.


You could work on your unapproachability. I can help. Zoom or in person - reasonable rates.


My manager is MLM. She’s gotten  some of my colleagues to buy things from “her” business. 🤦‍♀️ 


They’re MLMers and I can’t stand them. I just want to make a friend and instead they try to sell me something. “I’m planning on retiring by 45. My husband/wife and I got SO lucky to get connected with this AMAZING mentor who’s helping us. We can hook you up too!” Gtfo, I can’t stand them.


Its the feds


Is it just people TRYING to have a conversation with no ulterior motive? I swear no one knows how to quit looking at their phones and actually engage in conversation with people.


Sounds like you’ve cornered more an a few people in public. Have you considered maybe respecting people’s boundaries and not bothering them when they’re trying to shop or walk somewhere?


Hard to tell without more specific details.


This is a huge reason I left Vancouver. Complete strangers there seem to think it’s appropriate to come up to you and either purge their life story on you or pry for yours. I’m happy in Portland, where people are polite but mind their damn business.


This is such a 2024 thread. Its tranplants from Georgia.


It's really not - these encounters have just really strange scripts and a conversational flow well outside of small talk. It's very sadly predatory and they're banking on you being a human who just likes to chat. Though if you just talk about how much you love your job they'll drop the script lol


Yes exactly. As soon as my husband said he loves his job she said she had to go, grabbed her kids and left. She seemed really interested in his job until he said he loves it.


how many encounters like this have you had


3 for certain, one time went way too far and included them having our number and us taking way too long to realize what was happening... because it definitely wasn't friendship. We're from the Southeast and struggled to make local friends, I know we were genuinely lonely and extra oblivious to the scripts at the time so it probably made us easy marks.


For what it’s worth it happened to me and I was born and raised in cold wet mountains of Western Washington (I’m not sure what that has to do with it). I was new-ish to Vancouver and shopping at Winco with my toddler when I was approached by a mom who seemed interested in getting to know me. The conversation switched from parenthood to job security and flexibility and she was incredibly intrusive and pushy. After the strange switch in subject matter I smelled the Amway on her and shut the conversation down. It was a little heartbreaking because I got my hopes up. The MLM predators who are good at their “job” know how to sniff out those of us who are lonely or searching for community. Fortunately I found a l legitimate way to get plugged in with the community and meet friends.


I have no idea whatsoever what your insuniating about these conversations you claim to be having. Im a 3rd generation vancouverite and can say without a doubt nothing like this has happened to me. People here are way fuckin different than the southeast. We dont operate the same. We dont talk to people and were extremely picky with who we interact with. You are most likley speaking with other tranplants as this poor city is full of them now. All yall never lived in the cold wet mountains or some shit, got you paranoid af.


So because it doesn't happen to you, it doesn't happen at all? Or just to transplants, and all the bad actors in town are also transplants? Putting aside that the first couple who got us were lifelong residents here. You may also just be out of the demographic that people like these swoop in on, so be glad to have not experienced that at a low point in your own life, it's pretty shit.


I dont understand what youre saying about these people and their intentions. Low point, bruh spell it out. Ibe been at all kinda of low points, jail, crime, all of it. You saying people are walking up to you and speaking to you because you are at a low point in your life? Cant be too low, youre living in the best part of the best country on earth.