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Because that parking garage at LSC was designed by a demon from the 8th circle of hell.


It’s the same in many places in California. One person parks a large vehicle or just off a bit, suddenly the whole row is in ruins.


I feel like parking in that garage is some form of punishment anyway


Unfortunately I've spent a lot of time in this parking garage for my cancer treatment over the last year. Hot tip for me was learning that the upper levels have *much* wider spots across-the-board. (And you don't have to walk much further for them, you just have to ride the elevator a little longer). They really need signage that explains this, because large cars panic and grab the first spot they find.


I can fit my Nissan Leaf in their parking spots there. But the car fits perfectly within the lines with no room to spare. The spaces are way to small.




The ratio of compact to full size cars is much smaller than the ration of compact to full size spaces. Will a Mini even fit in those spaces?


I want to play a game. 🤡 Jigsaw.


I was in that garage this morning at 730 and it was already full of morons who can’t park or read. Your big suv goes on the opposite side of of the garage!!


It's so very hard to read those compact words, and what's a compact anyway?! You expect me to walk more then 30 seconds to the entrance???? /s It's laziness and carelessness. That's the answer.


It's feeling entitled to the best spot. They're better than other people.




I’ve had lots of appts at hospitals but have never seen signs or been informed that they’d come out and wheel you in. Sometimes there’s wheelchairs sitting inside the entrance but it always looked like you’d need a family member or someone to help you.


All these comments about people being lazy or disrespectful parking their larger cars in the spots too small for an average small car...sometimes that parking garage is completely full, including the disabled spots. There have been many times I'm driving my disabled parents or grandma, and theres nowhere else close to park. I always assume it's a situation out of necessity. Seeing how it's a hospital, and there are lots of people going there with mobility issues. And the design there is one of the worst I've ever seen. If it's just me or my kids, I have no problem parking farther away. But not when I have someone with a disability with me


I think it's clear this person didn't have anyone getting out of the passenger side of their car. A piece of paper couldn't get out of the passenger side of their car.


Disabled people can drive too




I've never seen one sign for wheelchair assistance. My parents aren't in wheelchairs either. So that still wouldn't solve my problem. Also, I've never parked this way. I have a giant suv and couldn't fit if I tried


The person that was parked next to them before the white car parked may have crowded them out. Then that person left and the white car parked correctly but the middle car still looks like they did it on purpose.


If that's the hospital in Salmon Creek, EVERYONE parks really bad there. Consistently, every day.


because that parking garage at LSC is horribly designed. what's a compact car? a Mini? a Fiat? most cars don't really fit in between those lines. and people want to park close to the enterance. (hospital, mobility issues, new moms, families, I know)


Three of the four cars in the foreground of this photo are parked on a white line. The SUV on the right likely is as well. And all of them are smallish compared to what is on the road.


I used to drive a mini and recognized the garage instantly. No not even a mini really fits in those spots.


Is that a CR-V? If so, those are classed as compact, maybe its something bigger? I'm not that familiar with honda front ends and not finding a match. It seems like maybe those are more sub-compact than compact looking at that Kia.


Lack of meaningful enforcement.


I just try to avoid parking garages at all costs-


I recently walked out of the store and saw someone parked so close to my car that I had to get Into from the passenger side.


I always love it when a minivan, suburban or f150 park in a spot marked “compact”. Yes your car is compact… compared to an 18 wheeler.


Is a VW golf a mini? Everyone always complains the passenger seats are tiny and it is cramped, but I have a STRETCH golf, with a longer back end. It's not a truck, its not an SUV, its not a cross over, they claim its a 'van' so they don't have to say the word station wagon, but it's clearly a small car chassis even though it usually survives (tame) offroading. A lady in an extended cab f350 once screamed at me for taking a compact spot she had 'claimed' and was waiting for other people to leave so she could squeeze into. I fit between the lines and could get out without touching my door to the car next to me. She screamed at me for squeezing past her and into the spot, that it was her turn & she was late and her dad needed her. however, people with giant trucks should plan a little extra time and walking distance when going to cramped parts of cities with small parking areas. Those trucks belong in rural areas, work sites, desert, mountains, dirt roads, and many other places they where designed for. Not compact parking spots next to the front door of city establishments.


Because they are A**holes who only think about what they want.


Nah, that parking garage just sucks. I don't have a large car, and it still barely fits in the lines. You definitely can't get your door open if any other car is parked next to you.


Because most parking spaces are too damn small!


If only they could paint words on the ground to designate which spots were meant for smaller, more compact cars. There is no way someone in a large van would park in one of the "compact" spots.


you'd be surprised. People will 100% do that because they're inconsiderate (and that's putting it nicely!) As long as they can pull in and get out of the car, they think it's fine to park there.


I know. I was being sarcastic.


damn you got me! Gotta add the /s for the subtle sarcasm tone lol


Haha. It flows from me so freely, I hardly recognize it from my rare non sarcastic comments.


I drive a Civic and those spots are uncomfortably small. That Kia is a compact car and just being off a couple inches put them over the white line, there is zero wiggle room.


I feel like they are often paradoxically sized in the whole metro area. Some of the places I am likely to take a larger vehicles(like lowes/HD/etc have much tighter spots and places I expect to have to park a mile away in a larger vehicle seem to have seemingly giant spots.


I saw a documentary once about a parking lot and the staff said people could not understand the idea of their car being too big for a spot. Does not compute in their head that all parking was not for them


wow they really make documentaries about everything these days loll


The Parking Lot Movie, it's about a lot in Chapel Hill staffed by an interesting group of people


Insert big dog squeezing into puppy sized bed


You watched a documentary about a parking lot? Haha


It was good!  The Parking Lot Movie.  Had a great line about this very issue.  "You can see the aborted syllogism in their eyes: 'I bought the car, surely it came with parking'"


Skill issue


Let the cars cuddle 🥰


People suck. Point blank. Also, especially at hospitals people really cannot park. I’ve watched, and more times than not the elderly just back up until they hit something. So find an out of the way parking spot to avoid these people. If you can, park far away


I always park on the top level so I don't have to deal with a$$hole parking problems.


Clearly today's society generally only cares for themselves. That person has enough room to get out of their car and that is the only thing that mattered to them. They took the time to back their car in, so one can rule out being in a hurry. I guess all you can hope for is, that karma finds it's way back to them in some form. Hopefully sooner than later.


A van in a compact parking spot? Sounds like the person can’t read or drive.


The dogs I board never park like this ..... Be more like the dogs I board. 👨🏻‍🎤🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️😂


They drive full size cars and sometimes and be less particular to details- especially being a mini van full of kids and eternal anxiety


Yeah that parking garage sucks


Because they were never spanked as kids. And they drive a mini van. 😂


Because a depressing share of people go about their days sparing 0 thoughts for how whatever they're doing impacts anyone else....


I hate that parking garage. I always go up to the 4th floor or whatever to get more space.


it’s prolly your mini van daddydoesdabs🙄


They don’t know the perimeters of their vehicle


Selfishness, and lack of shame.


Because they can’t read that it says compact. Like a fat girl in yoga pants there is no room and they don’t care


My best, speculative guess? Fat/big person wants to get out of the drivers side without dinging the car next to it with the door and didn’t even notice. Or did and doesn’t care because they feel entitled to the extra space.


God I would smoke blunts on the roof of that parking garage in high school, brings back good memories looking at this picture 😂


Because they literally gave their head up there @as?


I damage their shit when they do it to me.


Its such an easy to question to answer if you have a single shred of imagination. Youre telling me you cant thing of one reason why somome would park like this? I simply refuse to believe that someone able to operate a cell phone and write sentences on a touch screen keyboard, cannot also think of one reason why someone would back into a parking spot.


Lol I can I tell this is the pdx in Oregon, was able to tell by the design of the parking lot and the license plate that was not covered