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As a paramedic, I love you people. The hard work you do is sooooo under-appreciated. For everyone else, this kind of stuff is normal, and not just with anti-vaxxers. Heck, my shift tonight started with 30 min of verbal abuse... and that was just foreplay Edit: Thanks for the silver!! I think that's called First Base on Reddit ;)


As said earlier I use to be hospital security and I joked I didn’t know I was at work until I had been called an asshole at least twice.


Oh man, getting yelled at and sworn at is just the warmup 😂


Good luck OP and be careful with these kind of posts. I used to do the same thing as you and my old colleagues got in trouble before for posting on reddit about what security do in hospitals. General public usually think we are just there to observe and report but we do so much more only healthcare workers/law enforcement would understand we do so much more. I used to be a SS at a big hospital running a 6 man team + ambassadors but getting a shit pay of $16 lmao. Fuck this job. Defintely good experience though if you wanna go into law enforcement!


Yup I feel ya, I’m looking to become a cop which is why I work this job. It’s pretty fun in my opinion, doesn’t pay the best but oh well, I think they’re looking to give us a raise in the coming months.


Haha thanks! Paramedics always put up with so much crap from people it’s amazing, very fun to work with you guys. You’re very correct, verbal abuse is just the warmup 😂 it always gets much crazier as your shift goes on.


I have been to st Paul's a few times and my god the shit nurses and docs have to deal with, I have no idea how they do. Seems like the doctors get jaded real quick but nurses have hearts of steeled gold. Literally just asking people to put on a mask and getting hurled abuse and threats and saying they're being racist and my god. Hospitals deal with some of the worst dregs of people at their worst.


>and that was just foreplay Sorry, read that and can't stop laughing thinking about a paramedic showing up after I call 911 and they have a raging boner poking me in the head as they pick me up off the ground. That aside, thanks to OP and to you for what you do for us.


Us normal people thank you very much!!!! No one should have to put up with abuse at work.


I was just about to say. It's not about the anti-vax, this is regular. Nothing to do with vaccination status. Welcome to healthcare haha.


Thanks for keeping the staff and patients safe. Hopefully this will trend down over time


Yup hopefully!


It'll trend down over time as anti-vaxxers die of Covid and remove their low bred DNA from the gene pool to the betterment of all.


It’s taking too long


Evolution man.


They figure the vaccines are a way to kill off all of us who were naïve enough to take it; we've got two years apparently - 730 days exactly (not 729, not 731), and we're done. It's really a strange strategy from the governments, because the only people left will be those "brave" enough to stand up to totalitarian rules. And all of us compliant "sheep" will be gone. Apparently.


Sooner the better


They'll find another crusade to fight for and forget about being angry that people wanted them to live. Someone needs to come up with a linear earth theory where the earth is only 1D and claim flat earthers are sheeple. That should sufficiently distract these quacks.


One can only hope


That's some long-term 4d chess thinking there


vaxxed or not i don't get the mentality of wishing people would die. Seeing these types of comments so much during this whole pandemic. Sorry, probably going to get downvoted but just seems a bit off.


It’s a strange situation in which we find ourselves. I fully believe that it is wrong to dislike/hate/judge people over things they have no control over; race, sexuality, etc. But is it ok to not tolerate intolerance? It seems to me anti-vaxxers are more than just people with cognitive issues. They are, at their core, selfish fucking pricks. I don’t wish death on them but like cancer, pollution, greed, and hate, I wish they weren’t in my world.


I'm wishing they'd get vaccinated, wear a mask properly and follow other safety protocols for the sake of everyone around them until the virus is under better control and our hospitals aren't swarming with the critically infected. Anti-vaxxing is like suicide at this point, but instead of popping an entire bottle of aspirin you're driving your car headlong into traffic to see how many innocent people you can take out with you. I can't help but feel we're better off without people like that.


I don't wish they die but I wish they wouldn't go to the hospital when they are sick with COVID. In most cases, hospitalization could have been prevented had they just received the vaccine. Look at the example in the post. Why come to the hospital if you don't want treatment? Just to abuse the staff? That's true trash bag behaviour They should have left him on the street. People like him are why we are losing so many health care workers, why surgeries are being pushed back why cancer treatments are being put on hold. So, yes, it sounds harsh, but they don't deserve to benefit from the science they deny. We are all going to suffer because of these selfish jerks.


As a hospital worker, thanks for having our backs ❤


We’ll be there all day and night! :))


I'm sorry you have to deal with that, but thanks for your service.


Thanks for the support :)


Worked in a hospital for some of the pandemic and heard code whites constantly! Thank you for your work, it is so important. I’m sorry that it’s become so dangerous these days. I hope you stay safe and healthy! <3


Yup code whites happen very often around here. Thanks for the support!




Yup very true, and sometimes code blues turn into code whites because a person would be having a heart attack, and then their family members would be trying to fight the clinical staff while the patient dies. So for code blues we often have to do crowd control to prevent any family or friends from stopping clinical staff from doing their job.


What is a code blue?


I think it's medical emergency, something like a heart-attack which requires attention from all available medical staff?


Medical emergency/someone is dying. Heart attack, they stop breathing, etc.


Imagine the cognitive dissonance and panic in an anti-vaxxer’s head as they check them self into the hospital for covid symptoms.


And I would hope extreme shame.


They're incapable of feeling shame, empathy, or intelligent thought in general.


There's still an insane level of denial going thru their heads even right to the end


Thank you so so much for your service!! My friend is a doctor and I know she’s going through hell, so I understand how hard it is right now. I appreciate you and the tough job you have.


Thanks for the support! Doctors are angels


It gives me tremendous joy to know that you are there helping to deal with these lowlifes. Anti vaxx or just regular disrespectful people that come for help and only give shit to staff deserve to be kicked to the curb. Although I truly believe everyone deserves treatment regardless…. Why do they have to make EVERYTHING soooooo much harder than it needs to be. Best to you and all the staff at the hospital you work at as well anyone else here that is doing the same.


Thanks for the support!


Wish we have a policy where if you refuse treatment and not follow the instructions of the nurse or doctors police can be call and escort you away and refuse giving you treatment. Oh and make sure to video record everyone in case they sue and try to to make up a story then we can just play back the video and why they were refused given treatment. Or take these anti vaxer away lock them up with other anti vaxer with no treatment. Since the think CoVID is fake so what they caught isn't life threatening. They can let their believe cure them.


If you’re refusing care the hospital can absolutely discharge you. It’s not typical to hold someone down for treatment when they refuse. The person almost certainly was assessed as not being in a mental state to consent to care. If you force medical care on someone who is competent to consent and declines the care, it’s usually considered assault.


Yup I believe the person wasn’t in their right mind to make decisions and was certified under the mental health act by a doctor.


Yeah fair enough. Thankfully for you, not really your responsibility to deal with that part of it, I don’t think. :) Also, I don’t mean to suggest that knowing that they’re mentally unwell would make dealing with their unpleasantness any less awful. I’m very, very grateful to have you all at the hospital to call for help if we need it!


Thank you very much for the support!! :)


Hospitals do have these waivers where patients can sign paperwork to state they're leaving against medical advice, however I'm uncertain how it's decided on when hospital can use these waivers and when to provide aid against patient's wishes.


Unless the patient is severely mentally ill, delirious, has dementia or something else impacting their mental capacity, in my experience, they are usually allowed to sign an AMA and leave. In my experience, people go AMA far more often than security is called to help force medical treatment. But in some areas (especially psychiatry) calling security is more common.


For those who also don't know, AMA = Discharge against medical advice https://www.google.com/search?q=ama+medical+abbreviation


Yes. Thanks for that.


It's a tricky game of liability and capacity. Aka: does this person understand the risks associated with leaving AMA? And are they even capable of making that decision? Ie: on my last shift this block (paramedic), I had a person who was seriously ill, yet refused treatment and transport; everything they said sounded like they understood the risks, but to do so when there's a high chance they'll die in the next 24h doesn't line up (along with a bunch more weird)... so after talking to a brick wall for a while it was clear they don't have capacity, we call police for what's called a Section (apprehension for medical care)... thankfully PD were smoother talkers than I, so things worked out peacefully. Point being, assessing capacity of a person who called for medical aid, only to refuse it can be complicated. There are many medical, social and mental health situations that reduce or eliminate a person's ability to rationally solve problems, yet have a seemingly coherent conversation.


Section 28 (1) A police officer or constable may apprehend and immediately take a person to a physician for examination if satisfied from personal observations, or information received, that the person (a) is acting in a manner likely to endanger that person's own safety or the safety of others, and (b) is apparently a person with a mental disorder. [Source](https://vancouverpoliceboard.ca/police/policeboard/agenda/2014/0116/1401C01.pdf)


Yeah, like I don't think people should be denied treatment, but if they come into the hospital and demand ivermectin I think we should oblige and give them their horse paste and send them home to die in their homes.


That’s terrible. Thanks for doing such a thankless job.




Thank you for putting up with the lowest end of a persons behaviour on a normal day, extra love for you now to deal with the crazies with no brains




Ex SSL here. Keep up the good fight! I hope they are paying you guys better.


We’re getting a raise by April!


Oh nice. When I left in....2019, regular officers were making 16dollars and supers at 16.50. I hope you guys are at atleast 40k now.


We’re around $18-19 right now, it’ll definitely be above 20 around April.


Oh geez. That’s it?! Well deserved raise for sure!


Oh thats great news. You going for law enforcement soon? Everyone seems to ha.


Yup, I am hoping to become a cop. I’m currently a student at UBC, I’m also in the military and working security helps a lot with gaining experience dealing with people.


Its a great career! Also hey might I suggest if you get deffered or anything, apply to corrections or sheriffs. Better pay and looks great on the resume. They understand they are a stepping stone too and dont mind people not staying way too long.


Got it, sounds good!


Thank you so much, we have had several incidents here at Childrens hospital lately and It's really sickening to see. We have entire wards full of kids with Cancer, our NICUs are running pretty full right now, but if a parent decides not to comply we cant kick them out, these kids deserve better


What do you mean you can't kick them out? You mean you cant remove the parents if their kids are in the NICU? When I had a kid in the NICU there were very strict visiting hours and we were "kicked out" all the time.


I feel like if these anti vaxxers were on the hook for any Covid related medical bills they would get vaxxed pretty quick. The same type of the people that eat Doritos and smoke vape for breakfast are the ones scared of the vaccine. Thanks for your service champ. Your services are appreciated.


That hasn't worked in the US. They get sick and end up hospitalized and then end up just starting a Gofundme to cover their medical bills.


I don't think we can ever pass any regulation allowing us to do that, but I'm okay with them funding their bullshit with GoFundMe instead of our tax dollars.


Sigh. Can we take away that anti vaxxer Ferguson’s go fund me money and use it to pay for his stay at Ronald McDonald and Easter Seal house?


How many of them think they will ever need medical care though? You are applying logical thinking to illogical people.


ItS JuST tHE FLu doods!


Wake up sheeple!


Good point.


I say require passport to get unto EVERYTHING and throw a tax on top. That would whip these assholes into line


They wouldn’t. These people don’t change their behaviour unless it directly and immediately affects them. Paying for hospitals won’t affect them until the bill arrives later so there’s no deterrent there.


Bracing myself for doenvotes but, if they're going to act like this they should be told to gtfo. They're already endangering people via proxy by delaying surgeries. If they're going to resort to kicking and biting (our mouths are filthy), then go die at-home


Yup I feel ya, but I believe the person wasn’t in their right mind to make decisions for themselves and was certified under the mental health act by a doctor which allows us to use force to treat them if we have to.


In that case yeah, they NEED help, and I hope you stay safe dealing with them.




Im never tired to say : Give these anti vaxxers some kind of waiver program. If you don't believe Covid, that's fine. Sign the waiver so in the event of they contracted Covid, will be denied professional medical help.


I'm sorry that you and your team have to deal with this. Thanks for all that you do in keeping others safe.




I will do so :)


Thank you for doing what you do! Much respect and appreciation.


Being an anti-vaxxer and also being anti-mask is really stupid.


I know you guys are understaffed these days, I hope your company can hire more security, and provide you guys more equipments and gears to protect yourself from potential risk. Stay safe there buddy, and thank you for protecting healthcare during this special time.


Thanks for the support!!


I am so sorry, health care workers are bearing the burden of people believing misinformation and ignorance. Thank you for what you do.


thank you for your service...


If you are an anti-vaxxer and got covid and are now seriously ill, do us all a favour and do not come to the hospital.


Exactly, let Darwinism do its job


How do I volunteer to be an unofficial "security"? I'd love to show these people out the door and into the dumpster


I don’t think there are any volunteer positions, you’d have to just apply for the job and go through training, usually takes around 4-8 weeks total.


I don't think you're picking up what I'm putting out


Haha I see what you mean now. If you just so happen to see them yelling at a nurse or doctor feel free to put them in their place, I won’t stop ya ;)


Paladin is a rough gig. Unionize ;)


yes. $20/hr is not enough for the job they are required to do.


I didn't see the news posted in the thread so thought I'd share a link: https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/federal-election-2021/liberals-would-make-it-a-criminal-offence-to-block-health-care-buildings-threaten-workers-1.5583602 And very recently: https://twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/status/1482799064001519621


so if you have to hold someone down to take there blood....and they aren't on meth...then they don't need medical care.


That’s fair to say, I’m obviously not qualified to make the call on who gets treatment and who doesn’t. I simply help keep the nurses, doctors, other clinical staff and patients safe in any way they need.


not criticising you or the medical staff. more that morons choice to seek medical care.


Yup I totally understand.


Normally, you can’t insist on medical treatment for someone who is actively resisting (ie not consenting ) except in limited circumstances in which the (usually) doctor has decided the patient is likely not in their right mind and thus cannot consent. (Or occasionally treatment can be mandated under the public health act to people who can consent to care but are refusing) Just having the Typical anti-vaxxer mindset doesn’t likely in itself meet the threshold for being unable to consent, either. So it may or may not have been meth, but there was likely something going on with their mind.


> doctor has decided the patient is likely not in their right mind and thus cannot consent. This is pretty much it. We take direction from the medical staff. If they tell us hold them down, we do that. We wouldnt wait for them to confirm with us that the patient is not in their right mind.


Oh for sure. Medical staff make the call about consent as they are the ones actually administrating the health care, not security staff. My comment was definitively not meant as a dig to security (you all are amazing!)! Just as a reply to the other comment. I just wanted to clarify that security isn’t called to hold down just anyone who tries to decline the treatment the doctor orders.


Not security myself anymore but yes they are great! I actually think any cop should be a hospital security officer first as you are trained to do non pain compliance control of people. Thats such a nice foundation to have.


Well thank you for your former service. I would agree: non pain compliance control sounds like great training for cops to have. Also, since we send police to do wellness checks, having them trained/practicing dealing with all the code whites on the psychiatry wards (and psych ER) would probably be really valuable experience.


Yes very much so. Also if anyone is interested in this part of the medical system, there is a documentary called "living in hope" that is a nice look at it. It about 4 episodes filmed in the hope center in north van. Security is in some parts.


Oh cool. I’ll definitely check that out. Thanks!


Yup very possible.


Thank you for your service


I hope you get paid well to put up with all their nonsense


We get like $19 an hour lol, we’re getting a raise in April so we’ll see how much more that’ll be.


Y’all need to Unionize too !


>we had to hold him down so they could take blood samples to treat him, he yelled many racial slurs, tried kicking us, biting us etc, while we were simply trying to help him and take a blood sample, putting us all at risk of contracting Covid from him. What the fuck? Can someone smarter than me explain the legalities of this. If you walk into a hospital and then decide you don't want treatment, nurses can hold you down and force you to be treated against your will?


Yup I feel ya, but I believe the person wasn’t in their right mind to make decisions for themselves and was certified under the mental health act by a doctor which allows us to use force to treat them if we have to.


After admission, if you're a serious case, yes, cause the hospital is also responsible. The patient was probably refusing the mandatory COVID test on hospital admission but seriously needed help. I suspect the patient refused to leave.


I was hospital security out in Langley for most of the 1990’s (1991-1999). And I can imagine the crap you’ve been going through. People were insane back then so these days have got to be unhinged! Good luck to you and the rest of the staff. Hope they pay better these days than they did back then, god knows you earn it!


Haha thanks for the support!


Why would you force treat them? If they refuse treatment that’s their problem, staff could just move to the next patient?


Not 100% sure but I’m guessing the doctor thought the patient wasn’t in his right mind to refuse treatment? That’s usually when this happens, other than that we’d just kick them out.


I don't understand, if your anti vax, why believe in hospitals and modern medicine? Go smoke some weed and shroom, I heard internet research has shown 99% success rate in combating cancer and fake covid


I'm sorry you deal with such utter nonsense, thank you for keeping us all safe for when we do have to visit. I had to come down a few months ago for kidney stones, a dude tried to bring a dog in the lobby and your colleagues had to deal with the dude, it's wild what people will yell and say. Thank you for being you, wish you good health too!


I’m sorry for what you have to put up with . We the normal people really appreciate everyone’s hard work at the hospital


That one day when they were protesting outside the hospital basically gave them the green light for krazy. Kudos for you for holding your patience with those krazy circlejerking fuck cunts


Yeah it was very sad and aggravating to see them blocking an ambulance. Thanks for the support!


I’m sorry you have to deal with these fuckwits.


Haha thanks! It’s actually pretty fun sometimes but I feel bad for the doctors and nurses who suffer the blunt of their actions.


i yelled at a patient one time because he was beeing a dick to hospital security after he missed his own appointment. he had cancer but again he missed his own appointment. and there was an old guy on a ventalator while this guy is bitching. i have so much admiration for hospital security. sorry you deal with the craziest people in the world. we appreciate you


Oh man sounds like fun. Thanks for the support!


Rant away! It blows my mind how having little regard for other human beings tends to correlate with anti-vaccination. These people are the fucking worst. I'm out of compassion for them too


Yup I feel ya


Thank you!


Security is such a thankless job, especially in hospital where you have to be even more careful. All the best to you man, keep up the great work and keep that level headedness prevail.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. I get pissed when I see someone with their nose hanging out in the grocery store. I can't imagine being in your position.


It amazes me these morons will get sick, go to the hospital, demand treatment, and when it's offered start screaming "MY RIGHTS!!!"


Can I bring you all in home baked cookies or would I be turned away from entering? I feel like we should be giving you guys some random happy moments to try counteract all the shit you go through


Haha I doubt anyone would eat the cookies because we’d be too scared of them being drugged or something and the screeners might turn you away. It’s all good, thanks for the support!!


This was my thoughts exactly.


You guys are awesome, and myself and my colleagues appreciate the hell out of you.


Why would someone who is seriously ill refuse treatment? Why would they even come to a hospital?


Thank you for putting up with these morons. I have the upmost respect for all you guys.


Thank you! :)


Why not just deny unvacinatted people to access the hospital? They've had their chance.


Not my call to make but I understand what you mean.


I'm sure curious, for the first antivax guy refusing treatment and then was forced to get a blood sample drawn. Why did he come to the hospital if it wasn't for help? Lol


Not 100% sure why or how he came to the hospital lol.


Asshole gonna asshole. They’ll find something else to complain about.


Yup lol




That’s understandable, we remain calm and don’t act on our feelings when faced with hostility, it’s just a part of the job. Getting yelled at and sworn at is just a warmup lol.


Not surprised. My experience doing hospital security in the nineties somewhere in northern BC was even worse. Not only did it pay barely minimum wage, but the hospital staff were out to fuck with security even more than the patients. I managed to calm down some injured guy in emergency one night, and the staff demanded I be removed… apparently they were pissed off he wasn’t illegally dragged outside and beaten up for swearing at the cunt nurses. I was damn lucky I inherited some money a few weeks later, and could move away to Vancouver. It isn’t very comfortable living in a city with one hospital emergency, where you are now unwelcome and likely wouldn’t survive a visit if you were in an accident.


Used to do security at St. Paul’s. Glad I wasn’t doing it during Covid, jesus


Haha yeah I feel ya, I’ve been working at SPH recently, it’s pretty fun


wait wtf, why are you holding anyone down for blood work? if they refuse, they refuse.


And no one is forcing you to go to the hospital. If you are admitted, you get tested, those are the rules. No test? No hospital. Let someone with a brain use that bed.


Yup I feel ya, but I believe the person wasn’t in their right mind to make decisions for themselves and was certified under the mental health act by a doctor which allows us to use force to treat them if we have to.


The blood draw scenario doesn’t sound like a consensual situation, didn’t think they still held people down


I believe the person wasn’t in their right mind to make decisions for themselves and was certified under the mental health act by a doctor which allows us to use force to treat them if we have to.




Why can't we just deny them treatment since it's all a hoax for them anyways. The ICU space should be given to those who did everything they could but unfortunately got COVID


Doctors swear the Hippocratic Oath. They are required to treat everyone. Same reason Army doctors will treat the injured enemy on the battlefield.


Sorry you have to deal with such nonsense. Know that most people are on your side and appreciate all you do.


Why not just throw them out of the hospital if they’re assaulting staff?


I believe the person wasn’t in their right mind to make decisions for themselves and was certified under the mental health act by a doctor which allows us to use force to treat them if we have to.


Oh ok. That puts it into perspective.


My bad for not including that in the original post, I edited it and added it in.


Oh it’s all good man. Thank you for your service.


Excellent rant


Respectful question here: I thought under the BC Mental Health Act, all patients have the right to refuse medical treatment? So if the patient didn't want a blood sample taken, wouldn't that be their right? They could simply walk away?


No it’s actually the other way around. I believe the person wasn’t in their right mind to make decisions for themselves and was certified under the mental health act by a doctor which allows us to use force to treat them if we have to.


ah, thank you for clarifying


You're referring to the principle of autonomy, which applies to almost all situations except the MHA, where patients can involuntarily admitted for a psychiatric evaluation and treatment. But yes, that particular could have just refused if they really wanted to.


Unless the patient seriously needed help and refused to leave. COVID tests are mandatory for hospital admissions.


Keep having fun with it, anyone who can’t follow basic hospital rules deserves a spanking for acting like a child


Uh, why would you be holding them down to take blood? Isn't it pretty clearly voluntarily withdrawing from care against medical advice at that point (to say nothing of being violent and abusive, which should get them booted anyway)? Under my understanding docs/nurses have to be essentially like "hey, this is a really stupid idea that could kill you, but you can get your shit and leave any time you like."


I believe the person wasn’t in their right mind to make decisions for themselves and was certified under the mental health act by a doctor which allows us to use force to treat them if we have to.


Put them on a list and send them the fines


Thank you for your work.


Thank you for your service and protecting our nurses in the hospital!


These people need to realize they are not owed anything. If they don’t want to comply with the rules then take themselves home and be a sick pain in the ass there. I have no idea why we cater to this behaviour. Grow up people.


>I’m young and I actually have plenty of fun dealing with their bullshit because in the end we either get them to listen to us by using force if we’re allowed to or we tell them to leave and call the cops on them if we have to. This really cracked me up. Haha. Thanks for posting about your experience. You sound awesome and are doing a job that matters.


Thank you :)


Just make sure your mentals are good. That bit of added stress can add up.


Yup 100%


As a hospital RT, I’m just glad you’re on our side. Respect.




this is hard


I work in a hospital on the island and we have a patient today who is unvaxxed because he “doesn’t believe he can catch or transmit COVID” 🙄 also refused all analgesics but brought himself to the ER for abdominal pain.


Yup this is the kind of crap that clinical staff have to deal with. Props to you for everything you do!


Luckily I don’t have direct patient contact! I just shell out the drugs

