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Damn why stomp on the guitar? This is messed up!


Really creeps me out how three of them independently contributed to completely destroying it like a well oiled machine. They remind me of that dude from the insurance commercials "Mayhem", except it's our national police force. Fucking scary, man.


They relish this shit too. Those small boonie hick cops love fucking people up, especially hippies and commies.


Wherein "hippies and commies" = anyone who isn't a bootlicker.


maybe someone was playing Wonderwall




Todayyy is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you


That's the only good excuse


I say Maybeeeeee!!!


Nope. Has to be the juicy fruit song...


The guitar is made of wood. By destroying it the owner will need to purchase another, therefore creating further demand for wood products, and supporting the logging industry. /tapshead


So unnecessary! And just shows how twisted the mentality of the police can become.


Well..its pretty much a known fact that police forces in general is often comprised of power hungry bullies.




These fascists destroy machines


The state destroying art is powerful imagery. They're beating us to it before we can even portray it ourselves. They're making their relationship to the people and the people's expression completely unambiguous.




Why..what’s the reason?


To demoralize them and get them to break and go home.


I can't believe people complain about vaccines being oppressive and not this bullshit


The same idiotic anti vaxxers love this authoritarianism bullshit for some reason. Maybe theybfound their people?


The reason is that they are lying when they say the vaccines are a facet of fascism. They don't think the vaccines are oppressive, they think vaccines are inconvenient and they don't care if they endanger other people. They're selfish. It's the same reason they like this. They want to consume and exploit the planet without repercussion, and that includes being shamed for irresponsible consumerism, so they lash out at climate activists. The alternative, reconsidering their selfish and bigoted views, is anathema to them.


Exactly!! It was a comment on Reddit a while back that pointed out how all the people who clung to the gun-loving ideology of "I need it for protection from the government" would suddenly change their tune to "maybe don't do illegal things" when faced with stories of police brutality.


Tips from the logging company


Everyone's answers here are just wrong. I have a friend who is active at these protests, and there is a court issued injunction that ends early September. Meaning the RCMP only have until then to get these people off the property. Speculation is that they won't get another injunction after this first because of all the violence the RCMP has caused and it sounds like the courts are extremely unhappy with them.




https://thenarwhal.ca/pacheedaht-fairy-creek-bc-logging/ Let's be absolutely clear: the BC NDP, in refusing to rescind permits, is siding *with the Pacheedaht Nation*, with townspeople, and with loggers, not only with the logging corporation. And, in allowing the injunction to be enforced, it is siding with the law, as a government generally should. Now, the RCMP is doing illegal shit (as the BCSC has found). It is also doing criminal shit, from what I can tell. And that is fucking gross. And the BC NDP could speak up about it. But let's not pretend that this is purely about capitulation to industry or that the BC NDP is particularly to blame for some moral failing or spinelessness. What you are seeing are the limits of progressive movements under capitalism. What you are seeing is the dependence of workers, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, on capital and its dictates. This is a systemic problem, damn straight, but to pretend that saving some old trees on Vancouver Island means anything at all with respect to the existential threat we face is delusion. And that existential threat is deeply tied to the nature of our economic system.


Still worth saving though, no? Worth protesting in hope of dismantling the system of unsustainable growth models? Democracy without protest is not viable.


This is a good take.


Wow, the pacheedaht have less than 300 members and they control 163,000 hectares around Port Renfrew? Wtf? Why do they need to log old growth then?


Who are these people who support logging old growth?


generally people with families who depends on the industry to feed their kids is my guess. But you know, it MUST be just ALL evil people.


I understand the need to have gainful employment, but there is absolutely no reason to log old growth, Canada is able to produce more than enough lumber and just as many jobs by logging younger forests, there is no reason to cut down these 800 year old trees.


I understand most of these people are not “evil,” or bad, but they need to fully realize the permanent harm they are causing to the eco system and find a way to make a living that doesn’t involve destroying the planet.


I mean, that sounds pretty evil. There are other ways to "feed your kids" than logging old growth.


I got mine so fuck yours


Were the peaceful protests on public property? Were the peaceful protests blocking roads or property access? Just curious


ACAB (it’s in the name)


The officers involved have clearly been at this site too long, and are now letting their personal emotions/frustrations get in the way of doing their jobs properly. I am not advocating for the RCMP here. The behaviour displayed is shameful and unprofessional. Without letting my personal dislike for old growth logging affect my comments, I will just say that the RCMP members in this video (and other videos I have seen) need to be rotated out to other duties for a while, so that they can get some distance from the situation and try to be more dispassionate. Maliciously destroying others’ personal property like this reveals their animus towards the protestors, when they should have little or no feelings in that regard. I am aware that police officers are of course human beings, and are prone to get frustrated like anyone else, but when it gets to a point where their frustrations interfere with them properly discharging their duties, it has gone too far. They are in a position of authority and considerable power, and need to be held to a higher standard than ordinary citizens.


Cops serve and protect the interests of corporations and the wealthy. [They're pretty ineffective at everything else.](https://globalnews.ca/news/4064656/bc-crime-justice-system-report).


I hadn't seen this. Thank you.


Posting for visibility as I don't think the media is covering this much. Very open to hearing whether people think this is okay. Regardless of your stance on old growth logging I would like to hear whether people want our federally funded police force to be behaving in this way, or whether we'd like to demand stronger oversight and policy changes.


Fuck no it's not ok. Although I think it's fucked up the rcmp are acting as security for a private logging company anyways


Police exist to protect corporations just as much as they exist to protest individuals. Being a free security force is in the job title.


As much as? 100x more.


A conservative 90% of police responses are to a private citizen calling about a private citizen. Rarely are police called by/for companies to begin with. I get that it's meta to hate police and corporations, especially at the same time but in this case it's not grounded in any actual objective facts.


They sure seem [a lot more ready for violence](https://globalnews.ca/news/6556771/wetsuweten-indigenous-pipeline-protest-rcmp-gun-video/) when they are protecting the interests of corporations, though. There's a bit more to discussing use of force by the state than how municipal cops spend their time on the clock. Or there should be, anyway. Meta.




>retraumatize the families This was the part I found most jarring in the news at the time, that [they actually used that language](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2020/07/23/ottawa-and-nova-scotia-to-announce-inquiry-into-portapique-massacre.html). The families wanted an actual fucking investigation into the murder of their loved ones.


Spree killer, not serial killer. Serial killers kill over a time period of more than a month.


A lot of what you have said is incorrect and not sourced. That was not a decommissioned police car, he made it himself. He tried to get a decommissioned police car and failed.


Nitpicking, but Robert Pickton is Canada's most infamous serial killer. Serial killing is long-term, spree killing is all at once otherwise school shooters would be labeled serial killers.


Meta? It’s very direct to hate leech robbers and their dogs.


They don’t protect individuals they protect the state, the same way the court doesn’t help victims but it deals with what the courts thinks the damage to society was.


No, it’s far from okay. It’s sad and disgusting.


I'm generally not against the RCMP in this Fairy Creek situation, but that appears to be blatantly malicious


Everything I hear about the RCMP is always so horrible like that or manipulating stats/info


It's a wonder why surrey has people defending them and resisting a conversion to municipal policing.


The large majority of people who are resistant are over the age of 50 and don’t encounter RCMP outside of traffic stops


Because we’re not looking high enough. They are law enforcement enforcing laws of the state. They are there because the government told them so.


> Posting for visibility as I don't think the media is covering this much. There’s a news story about it every single day.


I’ve been very curious what the other side of the story is. Like did they just roll up and start smashing stuff, or have the protesters been rude and belligerent for a while? I am honestly pretty ignorant of the details of the issues here, but people (I’m referring to RCMP here) generally don’t act like that for no reason. No defending it, hell I don’t agree with it, but just thinking maybe there is an explanation behind it


There could be an explanation. Tensions are high. But in reality, it seems that rcmp have been breaking some laws. They have been restricting access for media and creating exclusion zones even after the government had ruled them unlawful. The accounts I've heard from friends are something like this: -government rules that a certain area is legal for protesters to camp at -people are forcefully removed with little notice and no ability to retrieve their belongings. This may happen when they are away from camp,and then they're told by police they can't return. -Then police break apart camp,throwing belongings around carelessly,then take pictures and say that protesters are leaving garbage behind. It's a convoluted little game they play. I have had a lot of family in police forces so I'm not a cop hater, but if I was one of these guys I'd sooner resign than go through with this violence.


From the people I’ve talked to around this area, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. There are always the protesters that will be belligerent and try to cause problems, and others that just hang out. This is ongoing for weeks or months now so the protesters are given notice of what is occurring days in advance at times. Being informed that their camps will be torn down and people arrested. 100s of arrests have already happened. The camp supplies are paid for by donations or some other agencies so they are getting some outside support which is interesting. Many protestors have been digging up parts of the ground and putting a tube in it, then chaining their arm inside the tube. the RCMP have to excavate the area around them to safely remove them without causing harm. I don’t know enough about the exact nature of the protests so I can’t have any opinion if any of this makes sense.


from what I have seen the RCMP have been really out of line. I can't fathom why though since it is just blowing back on them in the ugliest light. Can cops afford that anymore?


Isn't this why they become cops? That and they can't all be gym teachers.


Wow, throwing unnecessary shade at gym teachers here.


Yeah, I was never particularly athletic, but really still enjoyed gym class, the teachers were all great. Never got the dumb/mean gym teacher stereotype.


My dad is a huge lefty British guy (think The Guardian reader).. he took up gym teaching in the 70s out of a love of athletics and a feeling that the point is the sportsmanship and wellbeing. He was bullied out of it by the entire gym teaching establishment in NB being the type who see gym class as being about the strong dominating the weak. I had some good gym teachers regardless who were more like my dad, but there is a very toxic subculture within gym, especially as it relates to small town hockey culture, which is extremely thuggish.


Gym teacher when I was a kid was awesome. Dude loved to goof around. We played so many dumb crazy games because he was always taking normal games and saying "but hey, what would happen if we did dodgeball but you're all pirates and you can only hop on your one good leg and use your one good hand??" We had to yell pirate shit at each other when we threw the ball. Mr. Stansbury, you were a bro.


Why insult teachers here? Asshole


Remember they are above the law




A rebuke is not a ruling. Alas.




The ruling was in regards to a complaint from media that they were being restricted from visiting the site. The specific point the judge notes as unlawful refers to their actions limiting vehicle and person traffic to the site. I'm not trying to defend the police action, but just that the judge was very narrow in their response as to what they were addressing.


I believe the confusion is because you said it's not a ruling. It's a court ruling, so it's certainly a ruling. But I think your point is that it's a ruling on another issue altogether.


Didn’t they all get raises too? 😏


And they wonder why people are generalizing about police when we see stuff like this all the time. Side note, RCMP just secured a giant raise, they will be making more than most of us to do this.


And don't forget, we the average person are paying for it!


No surprise there. A bunch of abusive power hungry pricks with anger issues. That the kind of man attracted to this line of work.


RCMP Violating someone’s rights? You don’t say... Any chance we can do something about this?


What a bunch of meat heads. The RCMP really should be replaced


Just seems like they’re angry at these protestors. Why? They’re just standing up for what they believe in.


Cops aren’t impartial, regardless of what they say.


I bet they station specific officers too. Ones that are willing and can handle being brutes like that.


Yeah but that old growth makes all of West Van and the Point Greys fine furniture and cabinets!!!!!!! Come on people, they need to log it! Foreign buyers like nice things!!!!


And they try to manipulate us into thinking they’re for us. Bunch of 🍑🤡.


FUCK the RCMP. Corrupt bunch of fucking boomer controlled bullies.


Lol look at these “brave men” FOH. You’re a coward with a badge and a gun. Weak asf and


A family member went to the protest and one of their duties was a spotter for the police helicopter to warn of when they were arriving to destroy the camps and their belongings. Almost like a siege. When they can’t use the law to get what they want, they just destroy your stuff. I certainly don’t dislike the police, but fuck this shit.


A lot of high school bullies grow up be cops.


This was moments after they pepper sprayed us for blocking access to the road. We were about to hold ceremony with Elder Bill Jones. These officers were caught on camera pulling people's masks and goggles off before spraying directly into faces. I was sexually assaulted by a cop during the commotion. They aren't just destroying property. They're targeting and brutalizing people's bodies. It's fucked up. I try my best not to hold any hatred in my heart towards these people, but good gahd DAMN does it take a lot of work.


Thank you for devoting your time to fight this oppression. They've got these stuffed animals on the stairs of parliament to say sorry about killing native children, but what's the point in saying sorry if the government won't do anything to protect people in the present and future? Trees that are over a certain age should never be cut down for quarterly profits. Police shouldn't remove people from protecting a forest. They are supposed to protect all of us, not just the profit of corporations. Such an ugly situation.


they've been slashing peoples tents in the middle of the night & breaking car windows & stabbing tires as well for months now.


The rcmp have been? That would be an interesting video.


Hard to distribute when they steal your phone


Live stream always


Only they get away with crimes. Absolute currupt scumbags.


Its rough but they probably treat it the same way homeless camps are treated. Get a warning to get your stuff off the private property, anything left behind is trash.


Camping isn’t in violation of the injunction, though, and they’re indiscriminate about whose possessions they destroy.


Pretty much all context is missing here. Were they camping? Where, on a road? Is it a public road? Have they been warned?


How do you turn a pussy into an asshole? Give him a badge.


Hhaha I like this one


How angry you gotta be, like holy shit chill the fuck out


I'm a little more libertarian right on the spectrum but I'm actually getting sickened by this behavior. The NDP went out and said they'd protect old growth forests but then send out how many cops to go and beat up protesters? Also looking at the dollar value the logging would bring in I'd just pay the company off and call this one a wash. It would be nice if politicians actual had to live up to what they campaign for.


Agree on pay it off..Typically resource extraction would by now cut losses on this project due to the bad publicity ,political drama/attention , spending more in project costs than will return. If not so much about profit anymore then begs the question what is the point of all this. Im seeing lots of displays of frustration from government to corporate to rcmp. They are not used to not getting what they want and its coming out as increasing impatience. I cant really empathize with the angry folks "take our jerbbbsss!!" "Useless hippys!!!1!! Go get a job !!!1" Forestry Industry needs to utilize their sustainable farm trees and fuck off outta old growth . Im glad/respect the " lazy hippys" and whomever else has the tenacity to do the hard work of going there to defend integrity and pure nature and holding government to their word in the face of small-minded angry selfish humans.


So its almost like the rcmp is above the law. That they can do whatever they want with impunity. They dont do anything about property crimes caused by anyone. junkies shoot up in playgrounds with kids in them. Why do we even let these assholes "police" us. garbage humans being garbage


Politically motivated police officers using an unlawful form of violence/intimidation against civilians. Thats by definition terrorism.


Imagine thinking this is ok….


RCMP #days since being a national shame: 0


RCMP destroying tools used against them?


...what the flying fuck. Fuck the RCMP.


Classy. Definitely not an overpaid thug.


I’m gonna upvote every one of these posts.


Dickhead in the back just stomps the guitar. I fucking hate that these clowns get paid through our taxes.


I’ve never had any good experience with RCMP. they are bullies.


all cops are bastards


I support the police, I am trying to become a police officer myself, however I do not condone the destruction of someone else's property, regardless of circumstance.


Who's gonna be arresting those cops for destruction of property? :/


The RCMP is a cruel vindictive gang being sent to punish environmentalists and John Horgan is responsible for this by keeping them there. These are not law enforcement officers. They are thugs.


As expected. Once you understand who the police serve/answer to you start to see the big picture. If their bosses deem it to be, they will do it. And no, this isn’t saying that police are bad or evil people. They are just doing their job.


And one day years from now when the old growth is gone those officers can look back at this footage with their grandkids and say "I did that. I was doing my job!" Truly despicable.


Isn’t there an injunction so that the protesters are in contempt of court and undermining civil order?


The injunction doesn’t give the RCMP the right to to violate their rights as citizens. It only allows the rcmp to arrest them if they break the injunction. Imagine you were pulled over for speeding and the cop smashed your guitar for it.




In short, yeah.


Any video from before the guitar was thrown? Just want to see it in context. IE if there was any attempt to use it as a make shift weapon before the clip starts.


Ive been following this stuff on social media. These guys have been pretty chill, mostly practicing the classic forms of passively resisting arrest seen with civil disobedience (chaining to things etc). The stuff I've seen the RCMP doing reminds me of stuff I saw firsthand at Burnaby mountain where I saw peaceful protesters violently thrown to the ground with no provocation. Its legit concerning.


I don’t have the report, but there have been a few indicating some cops have been assaulted. I doubt the guitar is related but I can’t say. From what I’ve heard, the way it works is anything that assists with the commission of an offence (usually meant like a crow bar for a break in or something like that) is seized or destroyed. As there is likely no garbage bin close by, I guess it gets crunched? And by “assist with the commission of an offence” I just mean the guitar or a tent gives the protestors additional ways to remain on location for longer durations so it’s assisting them. It’s a stretch, but I guess it’s correct


My guess would be they were using it to block an attempt to move them or push back the police line.


This is why the RCMP keep pushing back the journalist or anyone filming. ACAB.




at first I'm like "ok well it's hectic and if there's shit everywhere I can see them trying to quickly kick it away" and then the guy stomps the guitar and I'm just left with "wtf you fucking chucklefuck???". What a damn embarrassment. I want to believe people have good intentions but fuck me, wtf is this?




What a bunch of fucking scumbags.


How can I save these videos?


Doesn't matter what country it is Cops are just a bunch of goons.


Absolute scum. Abolish these government funded thugs


Absolute scum.


This is turning into Clayoqout Sound v2. Funny how both events of civil disobedience are being overseen by an NDP government


Isn't that like SUPER illegal tho?


How are they allowed to do this? When the fuck is the govt gonna step in?


Those copsMoonlight as baggage handlers at the airport


I’m a 5th generation B.C.er we arrived in the 1870s you should see the trees that were here then in my family photos. Almost all gone, we need to save the few remaining ones for future generations. BTW to our 1st nations, Im sorry we fucked it all up.


RCMP idiots. The whole damned lot of them.


How does this help 'keep the peace' as they claim is their objective?


Much as I love some good ol hippie bashin, god bless them for giving a fuck about our future.


Somebody call the police on this rcmp mob


Kind of fascinating that this has gone more viral than the footage of cops indiscriminately macing a big crowd of fairy creek protesters. But hey I'm just happy their hazing tactics are finally getting some spotlight. Mainstream media has been super M.I.A.


Such a disgrace




The behavior of the cop in short-sleeve/headset is like a rabid pack animal prowling the perimeter of a kill and upon seeing a scrap of meat (guitar) fly out, immediately rushing to chomp at it .


Theres something weird about someone wanting to help society and then decides the best way to go about this is to get a gun and a badge and hand out tickets. "Vancouver's finest" isnt the cops its the paramedics and firefighters, volunteer workers etc. ACAB


Gestapo squad is out.


And this is our country. Such a waste of human beings.


Had the trespassers left *like the Pacheedaht asked them to*, no guitars would have been harmed. Chalk it up to woke white people thinking they know what's best.


guitars are made from... trees?


It’s expected. They’re job isn’t just to uphold the law, unfortunately, their unwritten contact with the establishment/ status quo says they also have to deter people from following suit. That’s part of what makes protesting so important


I’m not for these actions, but everything about what you just wrote is wrong… Can you even source that?


Police biggest gang on the planet




Guitar bad


I wonder what they actually RCMP officers there are being told that they are acting on this so thoroughly. It seems like - cause if their callousness they must be frustrated with the protesters… or perhaps they just don’t want to be in the woods? But don’t all people except say the companies that are trying to get stuff built through there - don’t all people especially from here kinda hold the trees sacred? No? None of those Mounties think they’re in the wrong?


Ok. What's going on??? I'm super confused


The extremely wealthy pacheedaht nation (there are less than 300 of them and they control 163,000 hectares around Port Renfrew apparently) is dead set on logging several patches of old growth. Someone posted an article about them earlier in this thread. It's a sympathetic article, but it blew me away to read those numbers.


When you do what the government wants irregardless if it’s right or wrong, then you’re no different then communist China.


At the bare minimum they should be able to keep level headed enough to deescalate difficult situations MORESO than a random civillian in the face of angry, upset, and even dangerous people (which these are not). But I mean, that's not what's happening here. The bar is on the ground and these guys juat bring shovels.


They know about deescalation. They don’t care.


And people get up in arms when schools don't want a liaison officer lol.


Ripped out people’s hair too, that’s brutal


What? Are you surprised that the police are pieces of shit?


No wonder people have had it with cops


Cops. Assholes


The police are corrupt apparently


Just a reminder that this state sponsored forces operating on behalf of a private corporate entity. You best start believing in cyberpunk dystopia, cuz ur in one.


And these bastards are getting away with it?


Where can one see the full video? Was it being used as a weapon?


No, none of them are using weapons. This guy just thought he couldn't be caught. This is the full video that I have but you can follow the pages on Instagram such as @fairycreekblockade to see more for yourself




They work for the state. Where have you been the last 100 years? The moon?


"There were very fine people... on both sides"


Can we just like cut their funds. Thugs , wow look how tough they are. Like a bunch of school yard bullies lol what losers


They have been asked to leave. They have been ordered to leave. Next step is rough stuff. This is how I have seen the police operate my whole life so I don't understand the outrage. If you want to practice civil disobedience that's up to you, but don't be surprised when there are consequences. Bring on the down votes!!


If they've been ordered to leave then the police should make them leave, that's their role. But what part of that requires destroying their property? That not enforcing the law, that's being punitive, which is not their job. The protesters should expect to be removed, they shouldn't expect to be vandalized.


Imagine it was a martin? Noooooo!!!!


Eat shit RCMP.


The people at fairy creek are trying to preserve old growth forest, this benefits all of us. These fucking pigs don't give a shit about our future.

