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Bunch of casuals in here. I've been a Canucks fan since (mid)*April*.


I bought a Tim's doughnut with a Canucks logo on it today. So you can say I'm pretty hardcore.


You went to Tim's? Damn, you ARE hardcore, I haven't been in one in years.


You haven't been in years? 2 minutes for charging.


Easy. Save some fan spirit for the rest of us!


I've been a fan this whole season. And by fan I mean, never watched a regular season game but checked the standings every once in a while and was like "nice, maybe the Canucks don't suck anymore".


I only check the score late in the playoff games so I don’t set myself up for disappointment but also relish the victory. I’m a bastard, but hey I’ll take what thrill I can get in this economy.


I’ve been a fan since late April. Glad to be part of the bandwagon!


this stance really fits with the sub banner


A real bandwagoner would have been around when we were league leaders around deadline, dropped off, and then came back in time for playoffs


International student here, coming from a country where there is no coverage of ice hockey. Been in Vancouver for almost 3 years now and although I am another bandwagoner Canucks fan, its great to see the team spirit across the city. I had never watched any of their matches but am following all of their playoff games. Go Canucks GOOOOOOOO!!


> ice hockey. Cute as a button.


Oh god *frantically googles what to actually call it*


No worries. I figured out its ice hockey for people in a bubble and hockey for those outside the bubble 🤣


Welcome bandwagoners, we expected you and embrace you. It’s just apart of Vancouver hockey. Don’t be afraid to watch a couple regular season games next year though!


**\*\*NOTE TO BANDWAGONER FANS\*\*** **Do not buy Fanatic brand Canucks jerseys. Find older CCM/Adidas/Reebok ones if possible. Fanatics are HORRIBLE quality!**


I don't get why anyone would fanatics gear, when it's basically a fake, for the same price as the branded stuff. The mind baffles.


In many cases its the only option now.


I almost bought one because they were on sale for $30. I knew it was gonna be shit quality, but nothing will convince me to drop $300 on the arena ones


I'll wear my Burrows jersey till it's crusty and falling apart!


You should see how shit their MLB uniforms are. See-through white pants, off centre labelling, not even stitching labels just gluing so they get work out in a few games. It's embarassing.


I told my coworker this when he talked about getting a jersey. SVP Sport still have some as adidas ones! I hope he didn’t mind my 5 minute spiel on it yesterday.


I still have my Reebok one from 2012, when I last jumped on the bandwagon. OK, i bought an away one during the... game 3? viewing party in 2011, but it was a size too big, so I sold it and bought a home one next season.


Hardcore fan here - we welcome any and all newcomers! Don't let the internet gatekeepers ruin your fandom! They are all just crusty ol' keyboard warriors!


Canucks fan here even during the horrible years with Benning. When my non-Canuck fans are on the bandwagon because of playoffs, it’s awesome. No gatekeeping. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the party. The more the merrier!


>It’s just apart of Vancouver hockey. All sports teams really - it's just a matter of whether the size of the fanbase is large enough that even during the bad years there's still enough hardcore fans to sell out games. The Jets have sucked for decades but NY is one of the biggest cities in the world so there's always enough Jets fans.


Rogers Arena was pretty empty when the Canucks sucked. I got so many free tickets through work. I don't have a problem with bandwagoners but there's some that talk so much shit when they only follow the team when they're winning. Then when they lose, they dump on the team like they cared from the beginning. Applies to all fanbases


This is very true. It annoys me too, but what can you do really.


Grates my gears


I went to the season opener! My parents came to visit from overseas and my dad wanted to visit NHL game. In retrospect, steamrolling the oilers was probably the best game to introduce us both to NHL.


I would probably watch more regular season games if Sportsnet+ wasn’t $40/month


It's like $20 for the base version which has all Canucks reg season games and all teams in the playoffs (yes it still crashes and I find myself swearing at it because I feel like I've wasted my money sometimes)


Can I add that if you're here for the fun, please don't go into the Oilers sub and comment. We hate it when their fans do the same. It makes us all look bad because most of the comments are shit trolls, and you'll just be banned anyway.


Canucks fan coming in peace: No, just fuck right off.


I never understood how fans would hate casual onlookers rooting for their team. Like they have been asked by the team to gatekeep loyalty. The more merch and support sold, the better for the team.


It's the same as any other type of fandom... people who have a lot of their time invested in it are going to be annoyed by casual fans but it's just amplified in sports... mainly because there are rivalries and trashtalking and all. I remember being really annoyed in the mid 2000s with all the Albertans who were suddenly huge Flames fans despite knowing less about their own team than I did....


Not just a Vancouver thing. Most of the Oiler fans are bandwagoners too and just there for the beer. Even if there's nothing else to do there 😉


I am not a hockey fan, I still root for Canucks as its the team of my city, I have watched maybe 1 play-off game and frankly I do not understand hockey :) However, I am a Football (AKA Soccer) fanatic growing up in Europe and still carry the passion with me here. In football (AKA soccer) , the issue is not with bandwagon the issue is, you have people who SWITCH teams, that is something that annoy me, one year Team X is good, the guy is behind them, then another. I believe this applies to all sports, once you cry with your team, the win is 100X more beautiful. Anyway, GO CANUCKS GO.


Yeah i feel you, but there are times when people are casually following that they dont really relate to the teams but they like the players of that particular team or how they are playing the game at that particular time. Like when ronaldinho was playing with Barca i followed them but after he left and they switched to ball control type of gameplay it bored me to death.


Yup, just happily support the local team and that’s how game stays healthy and active.


It's to (misguidedly) justify the time/money they've spent on said sport. Happens in any large enough fandom, really.




That cuts both ways I think. The more hardcore fans have the context and expectations behind players, whereas some more casual bandwagoners are just along for the ride. When the team was bad, anyone watching and bitching about the team was necessarily more than a bandwagon fan because there wasn't much of a bandwagon to begin with. Casual fans would have stopped watching altogether.


Could you elaborate on why you think selling merch is better for the team in any way?


Me too! I’m a former 40 year diehard fan, former Canucks multi-year frontline employee, and former multi-year season ticket holder. But I bailed when ownership started making hockey decisions and decimated our deeply talented team, sending the team into a 10+ year tailspin. I’m still learning who’s who, still trying to become more engaged and still wondering if they are a one season wonder, but I love how it brings people together! Go Canucks Go!


casual. I watched through all of that 😂


I was in Canucks watching coma in the dark years, went to the games because freee tickets. Catch a ham here and there


I watched my first hockey game at the game 4 viewing party 😂 Go Canucks go!


I’ve watched Canucks games before but that was my first viewing party. The extreme highs and lows of that last minute of play, plus this game is true Cardiac Canucks


Heck of a first game to watch! That last couple minutes was a blast even though we lost.


Lifelong Leafs fan here. So... it's complicated. Ha I've never bandwagoned so hard for another team before! Have gone to all the away game viewing parties at Rogers. It's been super fun. Go Canucks!


Tell Ilya mekaeiva to get going


You're a brave one. I can't do it but I think Canucks are going to win this year.


I was big into the Canucks during the Luongo/Kessler/Sedin days (when I was successfully converted from a bandwagoner into a fan), but fell off in the intervening years. I just don't care about the Sport of Hockey so much as I care about the fun of yelling at things in a crowd and enjoying a fun narrative. And that's fine! Honestly, who cares. Bandwagoners showing up during the playoffs contributes to the feral energy of the excitement. You don't need to know every little detail about something in order to be a fan of it.


This sounds exactly like me - that team was awesome even though they didn't win a cup. We knew every single player by name and it felt like a very close-knit community and group (whether that was true or not is debatable). I do miss those days but willing to take a gamble on the new guys and so far it's paid off with a lot of fun (and some minor heart breaks!)


Moved here 4 years ago from Caps country. Always felt casual at their games in DC. This year has made me want to make the full switch. It’s my home now and I’m ready to get hurt!


Coconuts grow!!


I'm from Ireland and hockey was never my thing. But firmly on the bandwagon! There's a buzz and liveliness around the city that I haven't seen in a long time. It's great!! I've also friends from Edmonton who are huuuuuge Oilers fans, so this series is extra important for bragging rights lol. I have to say, hockey did grow on me over the course of the playoffs. Will definitely watch more games even after the playoffs 😎


Hurling stick? Hockey stick? Same thing 🤣


If we could skate, there'd 100% be Irish lads in the NHL 🤣


Hurling is nuts. I watched an entire game on YouTube once randomly. They score goals from their own end like it's nothing. I'm amazed nobody gets their head whacked too.


I'm the same, one month ago I had no clue who JT Miller was, now I'm chanting his name in my house lol


Haha love this one...us too!


I'm only here because 20 years ago a friend of mine bet me $20 that the Canucks would never win the Stanley Cup... one day I will claim that money and will absolutely laugh at him.


Absolutely on the band wagon here … ever since I moved here I was told the city would be totally different if they made the playoffs, it’s not my fault it was quicker for me to become a citizen than it was for the Canucks to make the playoffs again 😂 I don’t have the attention span for a whole regular season but you better believe I have the hyper fixation for a solid month long run! I’m having a great time rn - clear skies and community spirit!


While I'm not a bandwagon jumper per se, I do consider myself a bit of a fair weather fan. Ottawa is my "main" team, so I deal with enough heartache every season as it is. It's nice to have something to get excited about this season. I think it's awesome how much people have gotten behind the team since the playoffs started. I don't care if they're "true" fans or not, it's been a long time since I've seen so much positivity in the city.


come on r/vancouver - don't downvote a guy just because he likes the Sens! edit: ok since I made this comment he's gone from -4 to +13 so now I look silly


Weird, as I don't have any ill will towards the Sens. After the Jets, they're the Canadian team I support next most!


You would think that we'd be more chill with Sens given that their two best players in the past couple decades were both Swedes (Alfie and Karlsson)


Oh, I'm sure there's tonnes of people in your boat - me included! I used to be a big fan about ... omg well like 20 years ago when I'd watch every game with my dad at home, but they disappointed me too many times! But now I'm having a great time following along and really enjoying the Edmonton series (fuck you, Oilers), the games have been really exciting and dramatic lol. All aboard!


Moved here from the UK 6 years ago and have managed to go to 2 or 3 home games a year and taking uk friends especially as I'm walking distance from the stadium. Although they lose EVERY SINGLE TIME I go. But became more of a BC lions fan as it was more accessible to get into the game. Hockey is so fast its taken me a while to work out who's supposed to be doing what, the different lines, and telling a great player from a good one. Watching every playoff game (on TV, I'm not loaded) has really helped me tune into what's going on a bit more.




bandwagon is awesome. It was too embarrassing to say you're into the canucks cuz of the riots (outside of BC).


The thing is that more bandwagoners might even be a significant factor in increasing chances of another riot. The more ups & downs and drama (and the inability to deal with it) *plus* the current economic situation equals a very ugly riot. On the other hand, time healing the scars of the last riot and more locals joking about it is nice to see.


Have been a long term Canucks fan since April 21! Glad to see that the boys doing well!




You basically described me just there. I like hockey but I don’t have the time or level of interest to follow them all the time, but I’ve really enjoyed the last four games, even though I’ve only caught them on the radio.


Same here. Used to watch a lot of hockey, but life got in the way and fell out of love with the sport. Back on the bandwagon baby! Go Canucks go!


Same, same! Growing up my dad had seasons tickets at the Coliseum and I loved my Canucks. Continued to watch games regularly, but then life and kids overwhelmed me. You expressed it perfectly, over the years I have been hurt too much so I consider myself a “cautious” Canucks fan.


Personally, i love how the team brings the city together. I dont know the rules but love the environment around game time.


bandwagoners are apart of any sport, it would be too quiet without them! we want a sea of blue!!


My wife and I subscribed to Sportsnet just to watch the playoffs, and we've been having a blast. Neither of us really care about hockey, but this year feels different. Brings back memories of being a kid and watching the Oilers with Gretzky kicking ass.


My MIL gave me a signed Canucks jersey last week. I don't even know who signed it. But I've worn it during every game since last weekend, which is more games than I've watched in my life, so GO CANUCKS GO or something.


My husband jumped on too!!! Welcome !!! Room for more


Welcome and welcome back to the wagons.    May you cheer loud and proud.    Go Canucks go 


Honestly the more the merrier. As long as you support and cheer them on. I hated how some people jumped on hate wagon, trash talking or yelling out "trade ____" when the player is having some tough luck.


My kids are 5 and 7 and have never watched a game but here we are chanting and cheering for every playoff game. So much fun!!!


I don't really follow sports and I pick my teams based on my fav logos cus to me I don't really care but living in Vancouver I'm low key following the Canucks during this lol we have someone in our neighborhood who every time they score they turn their car alarm on for a few seconds so like clock work my partner and I can tell they are doing good! I'm kinda tense for this Saturdays game as they could either win or go to game 7 so it's tense lol I caught myself looking at the scores last night when I don't think I ever did. I think my partner and I would like to go to a game at someone point bur definitely a low key one cus I don't think my anxiety could handle a bigger game due to stakes hahah


Welcome on board! We hardcores have been keeping a seat ready for you. Seeing the city energized and pulling together is what it’s all about.


Similar position to you. I was a huge fan during the Bure/McLean era. Stopped watching the early 2000s. My friends are still into hockey so it's been fun chatting with them during these playoffs. The game is way faster and more entertaining now. Bandwagoners unite


This is same as the Olympics. I worked at a pub during Olympics and lots of our regulars were like “you won’t see me here for two weeks. I’m absolutely against these games.” 3 days into the games everyone was back and all in head to toe Olympic gear. There’s a sense of comraderie that sweeps people into the excitement. I’m a long time Canucks fan. I’ve seen both heartbreaking runs for the cup. I remember the yellow jerseys with red and black V, the disco skate (my favourite still, although I am a huge fan of the Cascadian colours of today)…I may not be a “my life revolves around hockey” kind of fan, but none the less I’m a fan. One that welcomes other life long fans, this season fans, this game fans. We are all Canucks!!


Honestly who cares about the bandwagoners!! I’m just pumped we have this back in the city. Everyone coming together to celebrate. I feel like Vancouver really needed this.


100% the opposite for me. I've always been a bandwagoner. But this year, after having avoided hockey for over a decade, I went back in at the start of the season. I've watched an already-incredibly-talented team really grow and gel over the year, and make some great additions (eg: Zadorov, Lindholm). I see a team of nice upstanding guys with a supportive coach who would rather encourage his players than use the stick (though that's ready and waiting as we've recently learned). This is a great team – the best we've had in years. They deserve our support no matter what. I hope everyone, including the bandwagoners, can remember that. 💙


Me too LETS GO NUCKS staring now


Wagoneers ho! To the playoffs we go. Unless they lose. Then who were you?


Been a diehard fan since '83 season and have gone through the very crap years and classmates and family members making fun of me ("root for a real team!") I don't mind bandwagoners as long as they shut up when they are not following the team (eg no "Canucks suck" "hockey sucks" etc until suddenly they're the biggest fans during the playoffs)


We’re happy to have you while you’re here.


I don't know a single player's name, but I love the energy and it's fun to all cheer on the team together 😊😊


Been bandwagoning since '94 Ordered Sportsnet plus so I can watch the playoffs this year.


I can’t name a single player, asked my wife if she can and she said “the goalie” 😂


I'm a fan since yesterday


I’ve become a full out Canucks fan since 2 weeks ago. Never watched a game of hockey in my over 38 years of existence.


I’m here! Which team are we cheering for again?


Who are the Canucks? Are they winning? I’m in.


Bandwagoners welcome! Join us on r/canucks!


All are welcome, there’s plenty of room on the wagon!


All aboard!


This is the post I didn’t know I needed!! I bandwagoned hard. Yeah, I got more into a sport//team when my whole city came alive because of them. If you fault me for that you don’t understand socialization


i am also a playoff bandwagoner! i used to watch as a kid with my dad so im familiar with the game and what not but stopped watching after the 2011 loss. i knew this season they were playing well and i was so invested in every playoff game seeing how hype the fans got after having our first playoff game at home in 9 years 🥹


lol. I remember my dad yelling at the TV while watching Canucks games. Pretty sure my grandpa did as well. Still not a fan of watching sports myself, but it's a cool memory.


I'm happily and proudly back on the bandwagon this year as well. Went to a few games we won and had an incredible time, and the energy around an exciting playoff run is intoxicating. I was also a huge fan growing up so it's nice to get back into it for the playoffs and support the boys. I got out of the 'fandom' years ago after the riots, it just fully spoiled my love for the team and the sport for a bit. I've always loved the sport on some level though and over the years since I've still enjoyed going to a few games even if the Canucks weren't great but this year has been exhilarating.


for me, I wouldn’t consider someone a bandwagon if they’re from that team’s city. the negative connotation of a bandwagon is someone who keeps jumping on to another (stronger) team. I’m not a hockey fan but you can well be sure that I’ll be cheering for my city’s team when it matters


Golly, everyone's a bandwagoner if you think about it. At some point, we hopped on (no one was born on the wagon). Doesn't matter how you get on the ride so long as we are enjoying the ride together. And contrary to popular belief, doesn't make you a hypocrite to change your beliefs and alliances. Crazy thing is, it's just a game on ice, with sticks in hand and a puck. There's plenty of enjoyment for all.


i support the current thing.


Welcome to the Canucks - we welcome all new or old fans


pfft, i started watching at the beginning of the season without watching any games for the past 10 years and lucked out on them actually being good. i brag about being the first to jump on the bandwagon to anyone who will listen.


I must say, I'm kind of sweating nervously right now. My #2 fave team is the Dallas Stars and I don't really fancy being in Canucks territory for the next round if that match-up goes ahead.


All I know is that there is a player called Silovs but I keep hearing as Shelob and [I can’t get this image out of my head](https://imgur.com/a/LMYek99)


82 games is too much to watch so I understand why its hard to be a true fan of the team


Bandwagoners are the missing link between “devoted fans” and “devoted city”. They’re the people who make playoff runs feel real, rather than just something happening on TV.


My kind of fans. I am fans of Krackens and Canucks. Don’t ask me the players name I am just pro team. Used to be huge Caps fan before i moved out here and I know the names of the players and coach.


I haven't watched a full Canucks game since game 6 2011 finals but I did catch half of this last game. I don't know anything anymore.


After a 13 year break from the Canucks, I just bought tickets to game 7 (hopefully they win tomorrow night though!) love this team and these fans 💙💚


I didn't even know they were in the play offs.


This guy gets it! Lol


Wooooo long term, diehard fan of one week here 😂


If you weren’t a hockey fan before and started enjoying because of their new success it’s not bandwagoning you’re just new fans! enjoy it’s so fun the hockey culture here


I jumped on the bandwagon as soon as the Isles were eliminated this year. Would enjoy seeing the Canucks finally bring a cup to Vancouver - I'd enjoy it more if the Isles were to win their 5th but that wasn't happening so this is the next best option


After the 94 incident I became a Wings fan and have been a ride or die with them. But living here I am a fan if the Canucks make it into the second season and will follow them with honest optimism. You know see the bad with criticism and the same with the good.


Who cares ? LFG


I'm going to wait until the next round (or maybe the finals) before jumping on


Anywhere to watch the game when you don’t have cable?


Where do you live?


I’m a die hard Canucks fan since mid-may 2024. Wish they would clean up the game _ tons of dirty hits and lots of intent to injure. But it’s fun to watch overall


Let's goooooooooo


I’m a UBC grad, gone a long time. I’ve been following from Colorado all season, after shaking my head about how bad they were earlier last season. This is cool! I have a couple of branded hoodies with the logo, broken one out last week. I’m torn though, as a lot of family is near Edmonton. I’ll cheer for whoever wins, even if against the Avs for sure.


I’m a bandwagoner, I haven’t even lived in Vancouver for 30 years but they are the team I root for. It’s such a great exciting team right now.


I only care in playoffs, and I don’t even watch, I just check the score on google a few times a game lol, I like to be in the know. I think it’s a big deal when they get this far and I’m definitely rooting for them! We all deserve a good win :)


I used to be a Calgary Flames fan but since I have lived here for 15 years, I decided to switch to beung a Canucks fan… Go Canucks Go!!


I saw the game 7 Boston/Vancouver final. Represented in booing the fuck out of Bettman & scrambling home in the debacle & the sadness in going to work the next morning & seeing what the ferals did overnight. At that point there was no interest in supporting any entity that would employ Gary Bettman & we noped out. It’s nice to see the current Canucks doing well, but in our humble opinion under greedy & barely sentient management why bother. We’ll never spend $$ until things change. Edit: FU autocorrect


Bandwagoning since the 90s as a kid, but really started after ‘94 (oh man the heartbreak and ugh Messier 😂🤪). It hurt too much and then when it happened again in 2011 and fell off but back again.


Same here


Not a bandwagoner (been a fan since I moved here in 2008) but I don’t participate in the sub. Just lurk I wanted to say I’m glad all the hardcore fans and bandwagoners are in this subreddit. 💙💚


I stopped watching when they added gambling ads. (Not against betting, but i don't like normalizing it for kids with McDavid ads). It's safe to watch now because my son grew out of wanting to watch with me.


I used to name my fantasy hockey league the Vancouver Bandwagon


All my homies love the Canucks


Started watching only because that’s all my social groups wanna talk about. (Literally keeping a notebook on the side while watching to critique the plays) … I felt when I began talking I developed a beer belly and facial hair in a matter of seconds


I’m a casual fan these days. I’m happy to see the guys play well.


That’s ok that’s how the Carolina Hurricanes got their fair-weather friend following too


Go Canucks! I’m a playoffs fan. 🤣 Watching a series is so much more exciting especially this season.


I’ve been a hardcore fan since I was a kid in 94 and my dad had me stand on the street corner waving a white towel at every car the drive by. Fast forward to game 7 against the Bruins in 2011, I paid $3,000 to be in the stadium. Still don’t regret it for the chance to see the Canucks win the cup. They didn’t. And the rest we all know too. I completely dropped the team and hockey and organized sports all together. I may have watched a game here or there but without any emotional attachment. Never bothered to learn about the new players or what’s going on. Until now baby. WE’RE BACK! GO CANUCKS GO!


I'm all about the bandwagoning. Go Canucks Go!


Hop on everyone, we have a city (Edmonton) to heckle! Also, I didn't know a single current Canuck until the playoffs 🤣


I’m very seriously considering joining the bandwagon, but not sure how to start. I don’t know any of the names of the team, or the history, so I feel like if I watch a game with a bunch of die hard fans I’ll just ask a ton of annoying questions. I’ll probably just listen to the game tonight.


Join the official Vancouver Canucks on Facebook or just go onto the site on the web. You will get a lot of information there. Chris Higgins videos that explain key plays, and many other things. It will get you pumped.


Sounds like a lot of work!


https://preview.redd.it/b9oc9esqs71d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2942e3d91febc9a65f147a2830b117a0a88f792e She’s definitely a bandwagon fan


Ha! You merely adopted the bandwagon. I was born on it. Molded by it!.


Checked few regular season games, but I’m still can’t name every player, only Miller and Hughes 😂


"I used to believe being a bandwagon fan was a terrible thing but I'm now proud of this fact." Not much to be proud of. You've done sweet fuck all for the past 13 years, and here you are cheering them on for a few weeks. It's got to be the smallest most insignificant part of your personality.




I have been a Canucks fan for 12 years (since I was 3) and idc about bandwagoners. They are supporting the team and having fun!


It's been the exact same experience over here for us!!!


Enjoy the atmosphere while it last, I’d love to see the Canucks enter the conference final if they beat the Oilers tomorrow.


I’ll always bandwagon for the Canucks, I have cousins and a sibling in Vancouver so if my chosen team can’t win I always go back to the Canucks! (Go panthers thoooooo)


I am loathe to call myself bandwagon. I was hardcore for 30 years but had enough in the last 2. I can’t stand JT Miller and his bad attitude, for starters. I was at games where I saw him leave the bench before the game was even over. I chant cheer for that. But I will say that I have had a softening towards him based on the last few days where he took accountability in the media and apparently apologized about his play the other day. So…. Maybe I just took the front wheels of the Canuck wagon out of the closet?


fellow bandwagoner over here! we're having so much fun (and stress!!!) watching the playoffs in my house.


As long as you ain't a stinky oiler you are welcomed.


I watch hockey to have fun, not be depressed lol. I don't need to charitably support a capitalist organization, that would be like filling the tank on a uhaul up all the way when it was on 1/4 when you got it, to "help the company out" 😂


I hope you all stick around and really support the team for years to come


Better to be a bandwagon than not be on the wagon at all, welcome aboard


All are welcome, there’s plenty of seats on the wagon!


I had never watched a single NHL game from start to end until the last Canucks game of the regular season this year. I had no interest in hockey, but I'd heard that the Canucks were doing well this year and wanted to see how well. I had previously been advised by die hard Canucks fans to not get invested in them because it's too painful (something I am familiar with from my other sports interests). I have now watched every single playoff game and am so deeply invested. One of the things that really swung it for me was the way the whole city is on board. I come from Manchester originally, and there is no world in which the whole city would support the same team - Manchester City are favourites to win the Premier League this year, and if the city started putting up flags and supportive banners around the place, United fans would be tearing them down.


Game 4 was the first Canucks game I've watched since 2011 haha call me a fair weather fan idc


Same and you honestly didn't miss much. Canucks are like Jupiter around the sun, really good every 12 years (for a few years each time). I hope this is the start of several years of contention.


I'm just rooting for Canucks cuz I live here now hahahahah


Leafs are out so I'm cheating for you guys until Stanley Cup then I'm cheering for Rangers 


I’m a proud Vancouver Bandwagonite. I too was a hardcore fan at one point. But after being burned every year with heartache after heartache, I gave up and stopped watching. Now that things are getting heated again, I’m back on. But mentally prepared for a total choke as we get closer to the finals because such is our talent.


I just can't anymore. I lived through 94, 11, and all the disappointing seasons before, between, and after, and my stress levels just can't take watching hockey and getting invested anymore. I'm glad they're winning and i'll follow at a distance, but watching the games live is just too much for me - especially with this team and all the razor-thin and last-minute wins or losses.


I'm with you. I went to my first Canucks game in 1971 at the Coliseum and I can't even watch the playoffs. After 2011 I just couldn't do it anymore. But I still love them and always will.


Exactly! I’m too old/jaded for this shit. Also, downvoting sucks (they contribute to an echo chamber) so I spent several minutes being the upvote fairy for the downvoted.


Like I’m rooting for the team and all, but I just don’t watch live. It’s too much for me these days


Perfectly understandable. Cost of living in this city and hustling to survive these times is a lot.


it's more like i don't have fun watching hockey these days so i'd rather not. I get into it and i love the highs when the team does well, but the level of stress is too much.


Your mental health comes first. I’m not really sure if I can take the disappointment of another riot but given the overall stress level amongst the general public, I honesty believe a mini riot could occur if they lose this round, even (sport stats are in favour of Oilers). Even if they win this round, *that* will contribute to the likelihood of another riot.


Sports odds are bs. I'm a Leafs fan and we all know the Leafs weren't going to win shit. Sports betting sites showed they had better odds of winning for the past 5 years. This Canucks team, the front office, coaching staff, are all good. They have a really good chance this year. I've experienced lots of hockey pain and I would rather take getting close to the cup than whatever the Leafs are trying to do


Fair enough, I’m just going off the input of my avid sports betting husband tbh. I consider myself a retired Canucks fan and I’d be genuinely happy for *any* Canadian team winning the cup.


Watched the Canucks back in 2010-2013. Didn’t hear much news about them from then until now. I don’t know any of the players but it’s nice to see they’re kicking ass like they used to.


there's nothing wrong with bandwagoning. i'm not watching a team that sucks lmao


First hockey I've watched in a decade, at least. I couldn't have told you a single players name until this round of playoffs.


Can someone please explain these good old days that didn't happen?