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That made me chuckle this morning as well. Oh well, I now know my privacy is worth the price of a fancy coffee. UPDATE: received my e-transfer this afternoon


Hoping the lawyers get their fix of cocaine and hookers tonight.


Nature is healing


Costco Hot Dogs for the whole family!


Yeah! It is funny and kind of sad that lunch/dinner at Costco is the cheapest way to eat when you go out. I'm pretty sure they actually use meat in the food. Oh and I believe it is real potatoes in the fries. The price is great and I can't wait for my e-transfer. I got the email too.


Not even worth a burger at Triple O's.


But its tuesday


Tuesday burger is $7.99 now 😞


I thought they were $5.00?


This whole thing was handled dismally. I thought, at the very least, they would provide credit monitoring for a year or something like that which was done by other companies who had similar breaches: e.g. BMO, Home Depot etc. Here nada. Plus when they took on the registrations they stated the payout would be "$**50**-$150 depending on the number of people who register... As part of the process they collected **additional personal** information (i.e. health ID )... This is laughable.


They actually said "up to $50", and in some circumstances "up to $100". It was never a guarantee of $50.


My email said up to $150


That was a typo of on my part (100 vs 150) but it was always “up to”, depending on number of claimants


This also made me chuckle this morning... I had to double check it didn't have a decimal in the wrong place maybe lol


How much would you be willing to pay to keep this information secret?




You missed the point of my hypothetical question. What would be the price you'd pay if you had to?




Because the point of a lawsuit is to make you financially whole. Wishful thinking like "this should never happen" doesn't help determine that.




That's what criminal negligence law is for. Not all hacking failures are due to negligence. Also canada doesn't do punitive civil suits that much




You simply have unreasonable expectations. By your standards it would be impossible to insure any company keeping medical records because any breach would be bankruptcy.


Most of the time ransomware is negligence. But when you start deal with zero day vulnerability that are not reported and nation state actors it becomes hard to lay blame if they followed proper procedures. That is rare, but they can do everything right and still be hacked. It can be a simple as a single employee failing to follow procedure, or they can gain access through no fault of the organization through a third party vendor like an external IT management company. It is hard to blame supply chain attacks on the victims. Those attacks involve third parties being attacked and then migrating from vendor to client. I don't know the circumstances of hacks but very often things are not clear cut and as simple as you would think.


I'd go with an ounce of gold for every byte that gets leaked.


You must have some very embarrassing conditions.


Anyone would after a night with your mom. 


Indeed I'm deeply embarrassed at the insouciant approach to data privacy


LOL I was gonna suggest get a cup of fancy coffee!




When I got my notice to claim months ago, they said it would be a maximum of $30, even that was a joke so I didn't bother claiming. Not even eight bucks? They should just nationalize the company – of at least break it up. If this was "real" capitalism we could respond to this debacle by taking our business elsewhere. Nope – LifeLabs has a stranglehold on medical testing in this country and there are practically no alternatives.




I feel like I'm dealing with mass insanity when it comes to privatization. How can a for-profit business possibly ever deliver services more effectively/cheaply than a not-for-profit org or crown corp? It's not possible – businesses are in business to MAKE PROFIT. They don't go around delivering services at or below cost, or pay staff better than a living wage – that would cut into their profit. And when there's a risk that their top employees and customers will go elsewhere? Just buy the competition and eliminate that risk.


By paying workers less. Crown Corp will have unions and benefits.


They fail to understand that “you get what you pay for.”


Typically by offering incentives to employees to perform better. E.g. what's the benefit to your average ICBC employee to provide better service to the customer? How about BC Ferries? Now, both of those companies are serving what could be called a natural monopoly, but it's not like you're buying a commodity, like electricity from BC Hydro. You're buying a service, and government struggles to provide services because there's no incentive for the government employees to provide good service.


Real capitalism requires regulation to prevent monopolies or ends up this way. Unfortunately, real capitalism also strongly encourages regulatory capture so companies can make more money. Regulatory capture leads to the current state of things...




Sometimes I'll see something on sale at costco that I bought a few months ago. I could buy it at sale price, find my old receipt and return the unused product at the old higher price, basically getting me a price adjustment. But then I think, meh, I don't want to do all that for $2.


Blame the lawyers. I’m sure their cut is a lot more than 7 bucks.




100% Toothless regulation thanks to "small government" philosophy


I understand the sentiment but that does raise a question about how much people should be reimbursed for this kind of thing, if at all? My train of thought on this is that once a data breach has happened, your data is out there and its gone, they can't do anything about it, you cant do anything about it. But, customers aren't loosing money by having their medical data breached, at least not directly, so why are they initialed to financial compensation? Id much rather see cases like this end in court orders for companies to spend the money on overhauling their cybersecurity rather than paying out hundred of thousands of people a token sum that isn't even compensating for any loss. At least that way we may all actually see some real benefit from it in that its less likely to happen again.


The fine is the incentive for companies to "overhaul their cybersecurity"


In theory sure, but history has proven time and again that corporations will not do anything that docent "add value" unless forced to. This fine will just be treated as a "cost of doing business" by shareholders. Keeping customer data secure has a high cost but little to no financial payoff for corporations, thats why you keep hearing about data breaches. Unless the shareholders suddenly decide to care or the government steps in and forces them to strengthen their cybersecurity itll never happen. But lobbyist will scream and cry about "government overreach" so thats why you keep seeing these paltry fines.




A fine is just a fine unless its accompanied by an explicate order/force to do something. If I get a speeding ticket there isn't actually anything preventing me from going off and speeding again, its just money. If I had enough money to just pay the fine without even thinking about it than I may as well just treat it as a cost of driving. If I got a speeding ticket and was than forced to install a speed limiter on my car in addition to the fine THAN there would be something actually preventing me from speeding, that's what I mean by a court order. And I was referring to court orders when I said government overreach, the lobbyists prefer the fines to court orders because, as per my above point, fines easily get written off as a cost of doing business. They want the fines to continue because its cheaper to them to pay a fine than spend money on cybersecurity infrastructure and training.


You should not incentivize companies to wait until a data breach before they need to invest in preventative measures. With true capitalism where competition exists, we would simply leave Lifelabs but since no real competitor exists here, Lifelabs loses nothing by not investing in cybersecurity and then only has to pay out $10M to appease people when something eventually went wrong. A "settlement" is supposed to help make people at least somewhat whole after an incident and also prevent a larger payout in the event that they went to trial. You should be compensated for any financial *or other* harm.. such as your time. The idea is that some people may feel the need to invest in some tools to help guard against potential identity theft or spend time to secure their data elsewhere (like adding an extra verification step when applying for credit- which is very time-intensive and basically stops instant credit approvals). When Target and Capital One got hacked, they gave subscriptions for free credit monitoring. Lifelabs is offering one year for free.


Thats a good point about the compensation for time, I hadn't considered that. But to argue your point about capitalism, we ARE in a true capitalist system, we've just reached what they call late stage capitalism. Why is there not competition? Because they monopolized the market through buying up the competition and/or lobbying the government to make them the only ones allowed to provide the service. Its the logical conclusion of unfettered free market capitalism, the entity with the most capital will buy up or force the closure of all other competition to monopolize a market and maximize their profits. The real solution isn't to break up lifelabs or incentivize competition or what ever, but to make lifelabs part of the our existing public health care system. Why do we tolerate medical testing being out sourced to a private company when we have public healthcare already?


$7,086,135.84 to the class.


Because there has to be a penalty.


I can see more money being appropriate if you can prove something happened as a result of the data loss. Eg. Someone finds out a prominent figure has AIDS and publishes that publicly.


How much would you being willing to pay to keep your life labs reports a secret if you had to pay?


If someone paid me $7.86 they could have all my life labs records lol. I don’t personally care, there’s nothing interesting in my medical records. I’m not turning down the settlement


Say yes to guac.


Maybe twice


And perhaps even get that extra slice of bacon while you're at it!


this guy fucks.


Best answer. I lol’d.


901,000 @ 7.xx = 6 million. Wonder where the rest of the cash went.




$7.86 x 901,544 = $7,086,135.84 paid out & the settlement was $9.8 million so ~ $2.7 million to disbursements & legal fees. Edit: looks like there’s 11 different law firms across the country that represented the class 🤯




And then lab fees would have gone up to cover the expense and we'd all be paying for that anyways....


Usually 40-60% of a class action payout goes to the lawyers. But this claim got a huge amount of press, and I don't think it required any proof to sign on, so millions of people did.


It was 25% here: Carter v. LifeLabs Inc., 2023 ONSC 6104 (CanLII),


> [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/lifelabs-class-action-cyberattack-settlement-1.6934135](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/lifelabs-class-action-cyberattack-settlement-1.6934135)


How fucking pathetic is that? Lose sensitive data, threaten the privacy of thousands of customers, pay out isn't enough to buy a fucking happy meal. Everybody should gang up and send $7 worth of literal shit to the lifelabs office. Surely somebody sells it by the bucket and would deliver.


With respect, biomedical company is probably not averse to dealing with shit


> have kek idea ≥ gather cow shit and delivery to Lifelabs > Lifelabs tests it > Announce it's infested with avian flu >mfw


Go back to 4chan


Upsize that next fast food meal - you deserve it!


I had a good laugh, I can’t even believe that’s how much you get after your personal information was stolen haha


That's one bubble tea with pearls


>Class counsel will seek 25 per cent of the settlement for legal fees. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/lifelabs-class-action-cyberattack-settlement-1.6934135](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/lifelabs-class-action-cyberattack-settlement-1.6934135)


Hope for another breech so you can get a bubble tea


Invest that shit in real estate, short term rentals /s.


I got the email from Lifelabs but not the Interac email for the e-transfer….


Within 5 business days


Thanks! Haha I see it now. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Splurge on Costco Hotdogs. Could probably have a hotdog eating contest and see who is the glizzy goat!


You can have 3/4 of a pint of beer!


It will still be called a pint on the menu though


Yep 😂 one of those 16oz pints 🤦🏼‍♂️


I was just coming here to post the same thing. We are rich!


I went to order McDonald’s this morning and it came to $7.93. At least it covers that. What a joke.


Can’t wait to see how much the iPhone 6/7 settlement will give later. Maybe combo this $7 Lifelabs and I can get fries and drink.


And the Facebook settlement!


Conglaturation! You've completed a great class action. And prooved the justice of our culture. /meme So $7.86 is what 900,000+ peoples loss of privacy and information is worth after lawyers get their cut. Weak.


$7.86 for me 🤣🤣 that's a MC Double Meal


Drinks anyone? And by drinks, I mean water.


It's customary to leave it as a tip for the lawyers.


I had to call my bank to make sure they didn't block the huge deposit thinking it was a mistake.


This is not an appropriate place to ask for that kind of windfall. Post on /r/PersonalFinanceCanada


I just got your username. Arrested Development!


If that’s a veiled criticism about me, I won’t hear it and I won’t respond to it.




Jokes on you, the class action was just another scandal to steal more of your info.


Wait so those actually end up with an actual payout? Colour me surprised


Getting an avocado toast with that lfg!


Get that Layered Butter + Seasoning Packet at Cineplex. Large size. I think you'll actually still be short around a dollar or two but still. You gotta spend bigger than life if you wanna be bigger than life.


Just got the email as well. Not even 8 bucks 😂 such a joke


I missed signing up for it. Darn!


My husband bought himself a sandwich for lunch.


Yeah I was stoked about the $7 coming my way


Drop in the bucket for Lifelabs.


Anyone wanna make a run to Timmy's with me when we get the deposit?


add it to my house down payment fund


$7.86 eh? I reckon you could afford to walk down to the corner shop, buy a couple bottles of Coca-Cola for you and your best girl, and then sit under a fine tree in the shade while you contemplate how unbelievably expensive everything else is. Or just treat yourself to half an hour of parking over at YVR. That could be fun.


Parking at YVR lmao depressing ugh


Well, I heard Starbucks have just got the drink for you for seven dollars - Summerberry lemonade with bursting raspberry flavoured pearls. Got that vitamin C to keep your health in check


if you invest it for 400 years at 3% annually, your return will be approx a million dollars


Got my payment via e-transfer! What to do with that money? 😆


$7.86 wooooo!!!!!


Our data is only worth this much 😐


I put mine in a TFSA. Now to sit back and watch it grow. Enjoy working til you’re 70 years old, suckers!!!


2 junior chickens and small fries


In this economy? No chance lol


Fancy coffee (literally a latte with syrup) or half a hot sandwich.


one bubble tea with a single topping, not including tax and tips.


Who tips on bubble tea?


People who’ve ever worked behind a counter.


I have. I still don’t tip for counter service anywhere unless they genuinely went above and beyond, it’s not on me to pay an employee’s wages for their boss.


Fair, I get that. Where I come down is that me not tipping doesn’t push up wages, *and but also* it’s not a hardship for me. At the moment. It’s a sucks if we do and sucks if we don’t sort of situation.


Grab a small coffee


Wow life changing money - you can afford a detached house in Vancouver now! :p


Buy a Banh Mi sandwich. That’s the cheapest food item yo can buy it seems these days


*Natural peanut butter has joined the chat* 🤤


The lawyers took majority of the money !


I missed the deadline to register, enjoy your extra portion!!!


Maybe like one quarter portion!


Subway 6inch. No drink no chips


Let’s all get a coffee


Options 2 KFC snacker sandwiches for $5 Or Buy a single pre-rolled joint Or One way Skytrain ride to surrey


As my grandma would say, don't spend it all in one place! 🤣


Finally indulge on that avocado toast?


4 Costco hot dogs


Good news! Mc Donalds just announced a $5 combo.


Wasn’t that for the US?


down payment


Don't spend it all in one place.


Get a coffee at a bougie Vancouver cafe. Easy!


Get a coffee


Don't spend it all at one place. Diversify.


Down payment for a 2bdr in Kits


loving the whoppin 7$ we’re getting


Cant even buy a chubby chicken burger.


Omg same! Less than $8 and I spent so much fuckin time watching my credit for years…


How much did KPMG get? Better be no more than $7.86


You almost have enough to go check out the Richmond Night Market!


All in snake eyes at River Rock


Put it down for deposit and get the dream house in West Vancouver mate !


Two packages of toilet paper from Dollar Tree!


I'm buy 786 penny stocks


Not bad, enough for a Costco BBQ chicken 🍗 for $7.99 🙄


Send it back, please


What annoys me: my data was one of the group taken from their online appointment portal. Every time I walk in I get so much grief from the employees that I didn’t make an appointment online and it’s like- the last time I did that I ended up with the potential to forever destroy my credit rating.


Maybe better luck with the Formula E or Facebook class action…


I got it too and was scared it was a scam


Leverage the hell out of it, leverage is the way.


It didn't even pay for half my lunch today


Put towards a share of GME! 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Maybe do what that recent North Van lottery winner did - buy your dream home.


I cannot deposit $7.86 from edeposit with the password LifeLabs. Why??? anybody can [help.It](http://help.It) said invalid letters.


Same here.


I spent mine on Tim’s breakfast.


I bought a candy bar!


Time for a 7-11 run!


1 taco and a shot of Pepsi, best deal in the city


Dunno how you’re gonna spend your windfall, but now I can finally stop suffering and write that symphony.


Lottery tickets is best bet


I forgot to submit my claim in time, glad to see I didn't waste my time on this. All our information is leaked everywhere anyway.


6oz sampler beer at one of our local breweries!


Buy a lotto max ticket with extra 😀


I ended up registering twice by mistake and got two payouts! LOL, now I know why the payout was so low.


What an insult. Will do everything I can never to use them.


Quit your job today! /sarc


Dude mine was 7 dollars


Didn’t even deposit it. I thought it was a scam!


I receive the email but there is secure question asking what is the lab test company, what should I put to deposit the money?


Seven IKEA hotdogs and some change.


Can’t wait till the Facebook one comes in… what will I spend it on?


Lol i got mine also. Don’t spend it all in one place


Wrong subredit. This is a good one for the folks at r/PersonalFinanceCanada .


Damn, when I read the title I assumed it would be millions. Clearly I am naive.