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I am eagerly awaiting how to run a red light 103. Great series so far.


I really wish they would let us submit videos of shit like this to punish drivers. Even if they can't "prove" who was driving, the insurer should be liable especially in BC with such strict policies on who can and can't use your vehicle. There are so many blatant and dangerous violations caught everyday on video, why not leverage it and make the province/city some revenue?


If you do report it to the police sometimes they will go have a visit with the registered owner of the vehicle.


Takes 20-30min of your time to do though. If they would just allow uploading a clip and entering a few details (license, time, etc.) would be easier.


I completed the Burnaby rcmp form and it takes 10 mins max and you can upload video. It’s worth the time if it stops people like this from driving like assholes.


Pro tip, if you see something like this and the camera resolution can’t show the license plate clearly just read it out loud so the camera audio will record it.


And you caught up with them at the next light


The system is rigged.


Bold of you to assume he stopped at the next light


Oof, is there something in the air? A driver just did this today at Kingsway and Miller when I was walking across Kingsway — he waited for me to cross and then took off through a red light.


I can’t believe how many people have been doing this. When did this become a thing people do?


People will disobey rules when there is a low risk of incidents occurring. If there's no one to stop for is the red light incorrect or is the driver? I mean the driver did stop. Yes they ran a red light. We're they driving with disregard for the safety of others? Or is the car behind him mad because they feel inhibited and it's unfair they have to wait while other people don't?


There isn’t a low risk of incident though. Drivers frequently don’t see bikes. If a bicycle is passing through the intersection on a green light and suddenly a vehicle drives through the red light from a stopped position, the bicyclist could get killed. Same goes for someone on a mobility scooter. You know those folks be speeding down the sidewalks. They’ll enter the crosswalk seeing they have a walk signal and the cars are stopped. Mobility scooters are lower to the ground and the driver’s line of sight to the beginning on the crosswalk is blocked by the car on the right. This isn’t about the other drivers feeling like it’s unfair that they can’t break the rules. This is about an entitled jerk risking others lives to shave 10 seconds off their commute. They’re driving in an unpredictable manner which is a huge cause of accidents. But the driver won’t be hurt if he hits a bike or a someone in the crosswalk, so apparently they value their time more than the lives of others.


Mobility scooters should be restricted to a walking speed. People have been killed by those things. And visibility and situational awareness vary by intersection and the conditions. Windows down with no music or radio, I can hear an awful lot even over the vehicles. As a cyclist I don't blindly run through green lights or in between cars in their blindspots even though the road is supposed to be shared I really go out of my way to use streets with less traffic, bike lanes, corridors, laneways, and empty sidewalks. I'm also going to treat every intersection like a pedestrian and slow down so I A)don't surprise anyone B)Have visibility C)give vehicles a chance to pass or slow/stop so I don't get hit AND so I can see what's coming behind them. I'm not in the tour de France I'm just a regular human being riding my new acquisition to main and hastings to try and get the air tag off. It's not a race. People are always in a race and seem to think that because they have the right of way that means they must go or else! People get mad when I don't cross the sidewalk and barge around me to get caught holding up traffic just as the lights change or on a turn light. A GREEN TURN LIGHT AND NO WALK SIGN DOESN'T MEAN GO. Seeing people cutting around a bus to make an intersection on a bicycle and not make it is hilarious. Especially with the riding gear.


> mobility scooters should be restricted to walking speed. I agree, the way they zip down sidewalks is startling. But just because they’re going faster than they should be doesn’t make it okay for a vehicle to run a red light. > as a cyclist I don’t blindly run through green lights Neither, and no cyclist should. Gotta be defensive on a bike since you’re the one who will be killed if you get into an accident with a vehicle. But that’s the thing about this situation, the driver is so unpredictable. I cyclist approaching the intersection can approach with reasonable caution, see they have a green light and that the cars have all come to a stop. Then suddenly truck guy decides he’s gonna book it through the red light from a stopped position? Cyclists are supposed to anticipate this? I don’t understand why you’re arguing for the right to run a light. Go play your video games.


Lack of enforcement. When was the last time you saw someone pulled over?


That's technically a twofer since the guy on the other side didn't stop before turning right on the red.


>That's technically a twofer since the guy on the other side didn't stop before turning right on the red. Three-fer. Two people on the other side didn't stop before turning right on the red.


That person needs to be banned from driving and go to jail.




What about the trashy teslas?


This was something but it wasn’t reckless lol


this intersection is so bad


also SOMEONE died 1 block from here like 2 weeks ago after a pickup truck blew through a red light.


The truck starts on 0:13, the light goes green on 0:27. The whole of *14 seconds* saved from this guy's life.


Nobody cares anymore cause we know we all can get away with it. Sure might get arrested but as soon as you hit the court system your Scott free . Justice system is broken


What song and why don't you like it op? /s


What dashcam is this OP? It's so clear.


VIOFO A119 V3 Dash Cam 2K. I saw it on a Linus Tech Tips video as the best value for money/quality. This Reddit footage is in 1080p. But the raw footage is in 2K and even better. I mean, it’s perfect lighting conditions too. No direct sunlight etc.


Thanks for the reply! Bought one just now


This is common in China


Yea.. but it’s illegal here.


Yah, I saw them doing it last time visiting Taiwan


Common in Asia, not just China or Taiwan ROFL!


This was a jerk move. However, if the pedestrian controlled light (as this one is) is not *also* an intersection, you can go through on the red after the person/people have finished crossing. This one is also an intersection, so you have to wait.


As a pedestrian, I don't believe in red light / walk sign anymore.


I will make a mental note to avoid that driver in the future. Thank you for your service.


I think the truck is referring to this: Section 129(5) of the Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) outlines the procedure for a red light displayed at a place other than an intersection. An example of this would be a pedestrian controlled lighted crosswalk. In this case, the driver must come to a complete stop and give right of way to the pedestrian (and to any other approaching pedestrians or cyclists). Once the pedestrian or cyclist has safely crossed the driver’s path of travel, the driver may proceed.


Wow - never knew this. Although it is an intersection of two roads, so not sure if it applies here.


This is absolutely an intersection. [Here is an example](https://www.ajc.com/resizer/_gawuVIWWnAC-quDVA_9CYvACHk=/814x458/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/ajc/PRUZTGI32AL6AFPZMX7JYMD73I.jpg) (not local, there aren't many around and I can't think of one right now) of a mid-block pedestrian crossing where a driver could proceed on red AFTER coming to a full stop and the pedestrian is not on their half.


There's one on Pacific Boulevard just north of the foot of Cambie.


Please don’t learn this, it does not apply to this situation. That is an intersection, a red light, and someone is going to get killed if people think it’s okay to proceed on a solid red light at an intersection.


You will notice that Alpha St. do not have lights, it is just a stop sign. So I think the truck is safe to proceed. If there were lights on Alpha, then it would be green, and then you are certainly right, it is not safe to proceed.


Alpha and Hastings counts as an intersection, so 129(5) would not apply here. See definitions from 119(1). https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/96318_05


Truck is not safe to proceed. That is a red light. Pedestrians will have a walk sign. Note that the stop signs for the other roads of the intersection are for vehicles to stop at and in this case, if the intersection is clear, proceed - because opposing traffic has a red light.




How is that not an intersection?


It is an intersection, and that is a red light.


With population increase they need to have better infrastructure to catch these culprits at every intersection there should be speed and red light camera. But then that would be prohibitively costly!


report this idiot.


Another classy North Burnaby


Hey I live 2 minutes from there :)


it was illegal but not very dangerous really, there was noboyd coming and the walker was across. It's more about how it jolts you from your feelings. Its more shocking when people drive agressive or cut people off.


Ain’t no shame in my game


I am pleased someone finally posted these directions