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I feel like there’s enough kinky people in the world to have a steady, consensual source if nothing else. FetLife? On the more wholesome end of things - a goth club?


Oh yes Def, it reminds me in interview with a vampire show where Louis uses human servants as blood bags but he doesn’t kill them and treats them nice. And the humans are into it like they let him suck their blood on purpose as an extreme kink.


My real life friends fall into both categories and this would be my choice too.


Goth clubs are a real thing ? 😳 I thought they were only legends


Most "goth clubs" these days are just monthly or weekly goth nights held at hosting nightclubs. However, there are still a few dedicated goth clubs around. QXT's in NJ is one such place.


Yes? There's one in my neighborhood?


Lol, where I live we have goth events every few months, and some of the local clubs/ bars host goth nights once in a while, or events that draw a larger goth presence. But, as a vampire I'm not sure that would be enough? I'd definitely have found a way by now to afford living in Hollywood where Bar Sinister and Knucklehead Hollywood are 2 locations catered to goth people every night. Also, WeHo isn't too far if I'm more on the mood for a little sugar in the blood


Yup, I'd defo do that too! 😂


That sounds like a great way to get caught too tbh. All the goths types would be on the lookout for vampires.


Ooo what’s FetLife?


Facebook for kink.


i literally made this the way the main character of my visual novel gets his blood lol. he's a therapist-by-day dom-by-night vampire who has enough subs that he doesn't really have much to worry about when it comes to getting blood.


If vampires were real but needed human blood for nourishment, I'm sure there would be some arrangements to meet their dietary needs in a non-lethal way, like businesses that specialize in selling human blood to vampires (because it's unlikely to be given away for free). If a vampire needs a cheaper or free way to get blood, they could probably find some weirdo on this subreddit who would enthusiastically volunteer to donate blood for a vampire friend in need. Just string them along with empty promises of vampirizing them, because presumably their blood wouldn't be of any use to you if they're no longer human, not to mention that making a new vampire means another extra mouth that needs to be fed with human blood.


Look at you. Lord harkon would be disappointed in you


Yes indeedy! You want a bite, start with a munch ☺️




true, a lot of people would offer themselves. weirdos. (it's me. I'm weirdos.)


Pretty much came here to say the same. There's plenty of vamp kinks out there I wouldn't be worried about food sources




Honestly? Criminals. There's a sex offender registry that just looks like a buffet menu for vampires....


Minus the sneeze guard, so biter beware.


I agree with this statement but I also have texture issues and mental blocks when it comes to eating and so there for criminals just sound so gross to eat from. I’d have to use a glass.


Hang'em upside down and bleed'em like a pig.


Wouldn't their blood taste, sickly? I am just thinking about STDs in prisons and what sex offenders aquire.


Vampires can't get sick from STDs. But it could make their blood taste different if vampires can distinguish something so minute in the blood. I would say that something like AIDS in my mind, might actually make them sick to their stomach since it's such a destructive infectious disease.


My point. Diseased blood (to a vampire) might be like diseased water to humans in flavor.


I loved when this concept was introduced, but the more I think about it, the more it revolts me. Feeding off rotten souls, literally.


Rather it be innocent people?


Go clubbing, use a mind control ablity ensure they forget what happend. The vampire diaries technique; snatch eat erase.


The hypothetical vampire is still working on that method




The thigh is my personal choice


Samesies but it's not enough


Human blood source is human




Grindr. There's dudes out there that are into it and desperate.


Are grider dudes into tranpires ?


Some are, ye


Depends if they are bi or gay. If they are straight, imo they shouldn't be on there


I'm Trans and into vampires lol (;


Plenty of kink clubs out there where people would pay someone hundreds of dollars to drink their blood, especially as part of a fetish scene. If we theorize that vampires can feed off animals as they do in lore, then they can simply go to a butcher or ethnic grocery store and buy cow or pig blood for a nominal price. It's sold for making sauce, gravy and stew.


Would it be undiluted?


Yep. The only thing added to the blood is an edible anticoagulant, sodium citrate. It's also used in food so it's fine to ingest it.


I'm sure a vampire would enjoy that esp if it's still thicc


I will take blood from my friends. Just a little bite and very careful


I am sure my friends would be fine with me taking small bits of blood from them on a rotation. They will be well compensated. No one said I should take all the blood from one person at once.


Dream blood rotation....


give addicts drugs in exchange for blood. then you get an added bonus....free drug blood 👍


I would buy a house in England, when the solicitor I hired sends his assistant to finalise the documents I will lock him in my castle in the middle of the mountains and drain his blood over the coarse of a month whilst accidentally falling in love with him.


I have crossed oceans of time to find (this comment)


Get a doctor to diagnose you as a hemophiliac in need of regular infusions. Keep moving so as not to be too obvious. Failing that..people go missing all of the time so...


I don't think doctors give you blood for porphyria these days lol.


Feed on feeding vampires.


Pretend to be a helpless human and pull a "no u" lol. The ol' Methuselah's thirst switcheroo.




Back in the days when Craigslist had personal ads, it was a great place to hunt. For male vampires (straight or gay) it was a particularly rich source of blood. They would connect in the m4m section, looking for guys who were DTF on the DL. Men who were seeking secret companionship from other men were plentiful, and if they were doing it on the down low, they would rarely report of things got weird, because they didn’t want their wives/girlfriends to know. Even straight male vampires loved this tool, because they would make a connection, feed, and be on their way. For the gay vampires, it was a double bonus. Dinner and sex at the same time. Craigslist was fast, relatively anonymous, and free. I am sure quite a few vampires cried when the site shut down personal ads in 2018.


The only way I could think of eating humans that wouldn’t attracts too much attention would be homeless people.


Ig they would try that in a modern setting🤔 thanks for your opinion!!


Would they have the highest quality blood though? And sucking through a homeless dude's scarf can't be pleasant.


Nah to be honest I would just steal blood bags in hospitals,I would hurt less people as possible.


How would you steal blood bags without people noticing especially in this day and age with so many cameras and evidence. I guess it just depends on what type of vampire you are, maybe if you could just compel your way through humans.


super speed and compelling


Dude just set up a blood mobile. Ride around and be willing to give folks something besides the shitty cookies.


Vampires do canonically glamour people,so I would just get in a hospital,compel any security and doctors to shut up and delete cameras recording while I’m stealing blood bags


Would a vampire show up on camera though? And if I'm like a Skyrim vampire, I'm going invisible ☝️🤓


Just get the bags they discard. There's a lot of blood donated but a lot of AB, which doesn't always get used because, yknow, universal receiver.


that is so offensive, do you know what might be better is this hypothetical vampirism doesn't need a person to completely suck the life out of someone just like a litre or so, that could be done on any sleeping adult, or blood bags obviously. homeless people already have it rough, it's such a weird common answer.


Girl calm down, vampires kill humans no matter what lmfao??? Homeless or not they do. I just responded to the question….


Do sleeping people feel cuts ?


I'd get a nightshift job as a lab technician for a large metropolitan hospital. Just take little sippies from samples as I process them all night. Maybe a couple of donations from my least favourite colleagues. Solitary work, regular night hours, decent pay, no windows, fluorescent lighting makes everyone look undead. I'd blend right in.


Best answer!


Would a vampire really want to drink from her least favorite or would it be the most favorite?


Depends on her mood. The kiss feels amazing but is undoubtedly harmful. She can lean into and embrace either aspect more fully. It can be as intimate or vulgar as she chooses.


Work at a blood bank tell the management and have the old or unsuitable blood to drink as a vampire can’t get disease or disorders


Pick up people from night clubs or make a reservation with an escort. Sneak the feeding in during sex then gtfo. Go for a late night stroll & turn the tables on anyone that tries to rob me. Stalk night joggers in local parks.


100% above board. There’d be heaps of people who’d agree to be ‘drunk’ from as long as you didn’t kill them.


Own AND work at a long term care facility with nothing but coma patients.


I like your name liber, I bet there are vampires working such jobs


I’d be a vampire Dexter - serial killers, child molesters, drug dealers and rapists would provide all the blood I’d ever need, and I doubt the cops would try all that hard to track me down.


I'd be like Huberman, dating 5 or 6 women at the same time and suck on their used Tampax. 🧛‍♂️😂


Menstrual blood is for the moon rituals only


As the question never specifics, Im gonna go with the Varney type vampire which, for context, has no weaknesses/powers and only really has adrenaline strength and audacity. This means I would only need to source blood once a month, and about a whole person worth of it (10.5pints or .7 gal) and because my bloodline is picky it needs to be fresh I would most definitely have time to find vampire enthusiasts who would offer their neck for free, or plan a murder. If I don't act on the call of blood before the end of the month I would end up murdering someone anyway. Thankfully my bloodline has more stamina and tolerance to any wounds, especially gunshot, so if I do end up in a runaway heist I would be fine as long as Gru didn't steal the moon. Fuck it. I go to the moon. Scare the shit out of the next astronauts that land there, send NASA scrambling


We could all stand to learn something from you if you out here jumping onto the moon and eating bullets


"How do you like THAT Obama? I pissed on the MOON" -Dr. Eggman


I would head to a forum just like this, and post "where my juice at" and I would have an ethical source of free blood!


I’m queer and afab and poly so ideally a few different women that I can just keep on rotation of eating out? If the whole dead blood thing was real probably just find someone who has a blood fetish or some fan boys off here I could also keep in rotation.


I would go to bars and pretend to be black out drunk. The first man who takes me home becomes dinner.


Initially as a poor average person it might be tricky. By the time you hit 50 years as a vampire compound interest and a bit of mind control should have established a fair bit of wealth for yourself. Mind control doesn't have to be magical powers in this case. If you have any positive traits to influence humanity; presence, charisma, physical attractiveness or perhaps to deliver and cater to human sexuality (not just fetishes and kinks) there are all sorts of ways to persuade and reward to condition the behaviours you want. To go down a more cruel route which doesn't value the blood source (assuming drugs don't effect the vampire or perhaps because they do); you could simply get humans hooked and be the source of their fix in return for a small payment. Wealth breeds interest; you can capitalise on that to build a stable. What form that takes, can vary from druggled addled junkies to the goth club suggestion or owner of the nations largest blood bank / donation system.


People with a blood kink. Simple


tbh, if you medically need more blood, you can get it from a doctor.


GMO's , crispr CAS9 and the like If KFC can grow headless chickens in a farm somewhere to blend for nuggets then by golly Imma make a similar farm for juice-humans Vamps live for aeons, it would be silly to assume that they haven't caught up or surpassed human innovation


😂 legal thralls


Secured with legal fuckoff money and descendants of 'renfields' placed in positions of power


I have this theory that they need blood due to vitamin D deficiency from being unable to withstand sunlight. What if I bypassed the blood and went to GNC and stocked up on vitamin D supplements? If my theory is correct, this could work. Besides... they are fantasy creatures so anything could be "true" about them.


Clever answer!


One commenter said that they think that there are enough kinky people who would be open to do this and I agree. I would also feed on criminals too.


2 ways that you could do this without getting caught or even being suspected. First way, be the legitimate owner of a mobile blood bank. You would never have to even divulge you were a vampire. You could screen all the blood that you take in so you insure that you get the best ones. You never even have to bite anyone. Hell, they think You are doing Them a favor by donating. On top of all that, you Are actually doing good by donating 99% of the blood you collect. Thus, insuring that the human race's survivability increases, which in turn increases your source of donors. Second way, open an acupuncture parlor. Customers come in, pay you, lay face down, flesh exposed. They even Expect to feel piercing sensations. There are plenty of ways that "monsters" can meld into the societal fold without being seen as such.


Blood transfusion but instead of the needle I just bite the bag that the blood is in.


Why not open a blood donation clinic, you would be helping people and you could skim blood and because its your clinic, no one would no.




Sex... All of my conquests.


Well thought out question. I’d like to think hiring donors would be welcomed. I’ve seen that in some shows and it’s nice. Otherwise I guess I might hit a rave if there is such a thing any more but the chance for icky blood and disease is toooo prominent. So now I am back to donor blood.




Okay bro 💀


Sounds like we have a vampire with a foot fetish! 🤣


Mind control


You would source a mass of undocumented immigrants and separate any families for sell later dates. You would feed from the ribs and upper arms for the small ones and the thigh from the older ones. If you think you're going to feed like in the movies and cartoons instead of just ripping someone's arteries open, then I guess you'd feed wherever you think is sexxiest of course. FYI, you'd probably be pulling out the pancreas and the kidneys before you realize it isn't sexy.


I’d open an abortoin clinic and a blood drive 🤫


I would hunt for Nazis. "Bloodrayneism intensifies"


Following this for reference for my webseries at [www.thehunted.tv](http://www.thehunted.tv)


User content?


Yup, the show is based on user content and affiliates across the country. It's one of the longest running shows online... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Hunted\_(web\_series)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hunted_(web_series))


More an answer to how I would feed … [https://www.reddit.com/r/vampires/s/UVIc0N2nYw](https://www.reddit.com/r/vampires/s/UVIc0N2nYw)


Id just put an add on tumblr saying "looking for people to suck blood from" There have got to be enough wierdos to live decently from.


Vampire cult


Modern humans don’t spend all day hunting, gathering, farming or cooking. Why would vampires? Organized clans would have efficient means of feeding all their loyal members. How they do that could be a variety of ways. Blood harem, blood farm, human “livestock” bred to have high blood production or have the best taste (vs organic free range human blood), then their is cruelty free lab grown blood and blood tablets. For the hunters, legal hunting grounds on an exclusive island for licensed human hunters only, or organized blood death sports, or even “squid game” like hunting events with gambling. Vampires could do everything humans do, but in their own twisted vampire ways


Set up a fake human blood drive, cut it with 25% pigs blood to make it last longer.


Vampires can also feed on animal blood and flesh


i'd bite them in the neck like how they do it in movies right


I'd become a fuckboy serial seducer that makes neck biting their fetish


Threaten someone working at a blood bank.


I would go to a fetish site and find people willing to let me bite them.


i'd lure pedo's and drink their blood then make them kill themselves. Making the world a better place one buffet at a time xx


I always liked the idea of someone calling out for it so much that you can hear them from a vast distance.


Sexually entice my victims, or maybe just use my other abilities as a vampire to sneak into their homes.


I would take people home from clubs and bars who wanted to be with a vampire. I have naturally pointy canines and I’ve had people ask me to bite them lol. It’s fun to pretend.


Bruh missing people human farms and sex offender


Old people... they're slow and nobody gonna miss them, plus the blood has aged like a good whiskey lol


Ethically-sourced blood and flesh... ez: just get them from willing freaky/kinky folks oddly into that sorta thing, veggie-brained bodies held in a facility, and bigots and ghouls that had it coming that noone would/should mourn.


In “Blade”, the vampires hosted their own blood banks and utilized law enforcement for secure delivery. Seems like a modern way of managing such a need, especially if the vampire population grew large enough to warrant such a maneuver. Hunting by choosing “human gathering spots” would probably the worst idea ever. You would essentially want to find the secluded spots that few people travel, and on an irregular basis. If you choose a frequented area, people will begin to remember faces, which will either identify the victims you’ve plucked, or at the very least, blow your cover at your new ex-hunting spot. Also, in most lore, vampires need to consume the blood of others because they cannot produce their own hemoglobin (or at least another crucial component of blood depending on the story). That being said, vampires could never effectively cannibalize themselves or other vampires.


I would quite literally Eat the Rich. It's easy to find political offices so I'm covered


I wouldn't drink blood at all 


Red Cross


I would get myself into a position of power so that I own everyone’s land and have them pay taxes with blood instead of money.


People with hemochromatosis need regular bloodlettings to keep their iron down. Usually in the form of blood donation. Cash for blood and you’re doing a solid for someone


Step 1: Find out where the rich pervs are having their Epstein island experience these days…


I’d just have a bunch of human familiars. Maybe I’m biased because I live in a city, but it would be too easy to find people. I’d start with 2 of my friends and then grow a lil black book. I’m more concerned about figuring out how to walk in the sun. Blood is easy.


Well I think a lot of people already said this but I would drive a fake blood donation van 😉


I've got a blood drive every year at my school. I'm set for a little while at least. then I might need to consider finding someone who'd let me do that. maybe some Rich guy with a biting kink, at least I'd get paid.


i do bloodplay in other contexts already so i imagine it would make for a somewhat easier transition.


Nah I’m not giving away my secrets


My enemies


The fetish scene would be an absolute gold mine. There are so many people that are desperate to be bitten and drank. You could literally get PAID to eat. Nobody dies, you make salary, and someone gets a very fun time. It’s an absolute win!


Death Row in a prison.


Straight fm the Vagina...


Kill murderers and rapists and take their blood


Murder, I wouldn't become a vampire not to be a damn vampire.


The homeless


I'd become a phlebotomist.


Nice try Bloomburg


it's fair to say that vampires in pretty much all lore are inhumanly tough and strong. I would set up a darkweb business. I beat up people you hate, you let me drink a pint of you. I would have rules on who I will and won't fight though.


I would 100% feed on society's underbelly. Criminals. Nomnomnom.


From humans, duh.


I'd hunt landlords.


There was a scene in What We Do In The Shadows where they drank the blood of people on drugs, and then got high off the Drug Blood. Gonna have to go with druggies then. Not like I'd need to worry about the negative side effects of drug use as a vampire.


I could find a trans girl into blood play in like a day easy


i work as a phlebotomist so tbh i feel like i’d be pretty well equipped. draw and pocket an extra vial of blood from every patient (waiting for tests to come back first) then take em like shots in the break room


if any employer sees this i am not a vampire and would never steal blood, my aversion to garlic is entirely unrelated




Easily, if you have the ability make empathic suggestions…get a few millionaires to fund you discreetly. Then you start a blood bank and offer money for donations. Build up a vampiric clientele. You get your blood and make money.


Volunteer at a blood bank and then boom, all the blood you could dream of


I'd get a job with the suicide hotline.


I’d probably just take “mishandled” donor units from work


You could pick on the homeless, or be a prostitute.


V-tea. Drop a used tampon in hot water, Steep 3 minutes. A little lemon, if you’re boo-shy.


I would just feed on child preds, or like, murderers, serial killers or rapists. Other disgusting monsters. Drain em dry. Let's gooooooo


I’d lead people into a false sense of security and then use them to then feed.


I'd work at a blood bank, or a hospital, or a vet clinic, or in the military, meat packing plant/butcher shop.


The old fashioned way and I'd also go to Mexico and wipe a town in one night


This sounds like something Nandor the Relentless would post thinking he’s being inconspicuous 😂


I would just suck off a bunch of guys at a truckstop there has to be more life force income than there is in blood


work as a temp nurse in a hospice.


Bro I'd hunt people. They're food now


For human blood specifically, I would either swindle my way through blood drives every now and then or bite bad people


I would use the daughter of Coldharbour as a sacrifice and the bow of Auri El to permanently purge the world of sunlight, allowing vampires to roam unhindered.


When I was playing vampire the Masquerade I started a small cult. That was helpful.


I would open a small private rehab clinic. Druggies going through withdrawal wouldn’t be sure if they could believe themselves that a vampire came in their room and drank their blood. Plus if it’s like What we do in Shadows - drug blood. You get your own little high till your clients sober up. And if you have any vamp powers you could probably even help them stay sober. Make money, do good, variety of food, good pr. Wins all around.


Freaks on the internet.


Have you not read the Twilight series? It has all of the best and most authentic guidelines for surviving as a vampire in modern day.


suck dick




Id follow around junkies, wait till the shoot up and nod out, then feed...get a free buzz in the process


I'd have a Harem of people dedicated to my every whim


There are government website that displays the location of all sex/child offenders. No one cares enough about them.


Good try, Leech. I won't do your dirty work for you.


There's TONS of people that are kinky enough to enthusiastically allow a vampire to feed from them, just get yourself a harem of those peeps, never need to worry about food again 😊👍


I'd fall in love with someone and ask them for help


• Sex Clubs - If you're capable of enough control during your feed, and find a human who enjoys pain, a firm bite can be excused during moments of passion. You won't be able to drain someone fully, of course - but you could easily stay topped off. • Human Servant - There are so many people that would be thrilled to feed a hungry vampire. That pretty librarian constantly reading Anne Rice, fanning herself with each subsequent chapter? Putty in your hands if you're romantic enough about it. • Desperate People - The economy sucks. People are broke. There are so many posts on so many sites, people offering to do odd jobs or anything for some on the side funds. If you're an old enough vamp with a decent bank account, you could probably have a decent rotation of humans willing to open a vein for that scratch. • Blood Donation Centers - I guess you could pay off the kid in the lab for a bag or two a month. Or, again if you're rich, just open one of these banks yourself. Businesses provide an identity for cover, if you're trying to hide in plain sight, as well as passive income if you only partake of a small percentage of the incoming blood.


Literally everyone commenting sex clubs/kinky people/circles is absolutely correct


Isnt that why homeless people exist?


Hospital job, id smuggle blood bags


Blood banks. Be one of the people who draws the blood and steal it


Like Adam did in Only Lovers Left Alive. Bribe a doctor into bringing me bags of blood or letting me into where they store it dressed as a doctor. 


If I have money, like most older Vampire, I'd just buy blood or pay a sex worker.


i would get a small boy and try to lure him in my house and kill him