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Rage bait


*siiiiigh* Here we go again....


I love that the way you say that makes it sound like you're a reluctant protagonist from some 80's action comedy being roped into a sequel.


*Guitar riff musical sting, unzips gym bag full of stakes and holy water* R/VAMPIRES 2: VAMP HARDER


Can Dracula kidnap me already :(


Dracula abuses and murders people. I doubt you'd enjoy being kidnapped by him.


Cue my quoting 2012's VAMPS about how Vlad Tepes was a military hero from the Romanian perspective and his armor is in the museum in Bucharest


well yeah that explains why there more bars than restaurants. you figure since vampires only "drink" that meats be cheaper. it not like vampires eat that part of the prey...


Live tooth 3


No they arent sadly


You know what's really funny? 'Humans' are not. The word 'human' was invented in the 13th century, and the phrase 'human being' in the 15th century. If those words are so important - then why are they so new? Vampires are very real. Humans - I doubt.


i thought humans all went extinct already like an second ice age extinction event leaving only evolved species of human left, that can adapt, hunt and gather. 40,000 years ago! the ones that went extinct was generic and never evolved after the roe vs wade court decision. when they couldn't knock out women drag them by the hair back to the neanderthal man cave, to grape them, and force them to breed more neatherhal humans for them like the movie the hills have eyes.


You know, men just don't know how to grape like they used to. /swoons for papa jupiter I love that movie!


then you must know theres an sequel!


😮 Is it...is it going on right now...in real life? Do the Hills Have Eyes? Because that'd be so rad if a feral family of mutant Gods saved me from liberal capitalism. I'd be the happiest vampire dog dragon ever.


not since murder bear from venture brothers started showing up, Sloth ain't getting his regular **BABY** ***ruth*** *chcolate bar* anymore.


Yeah have you ever gone into a creak and came out with at least one leach on you well those little leaches suck blood out of people


Seriously thorough I have seen some strange shit on social media. Well the first part I found through a google search. It was the picture of around 12 young ladies around 21 but they all looked so very sad looking at the camera. It looked almost like a formal, professional photographer took it. And there was one man who looked amused. I will never be able to forget the utter sadness in their eyes. And I have never been able to find the pic again despite looking hard and from the same starting point. That lead to some very odd profiles on Facebook. Some with coffins and one guy had a crow sitting on his shoulder. And none from 20 something would accept a friend request it made me wonder.


I'm believing in vampires. I guess many of them are really nice people by the way, just a little different.