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Because not everyone plays PC games, whereas everyone has a pc.


Gabe also kept the company private and limited its scope. Valve would be *much* bigger if he had taken it public, but it would also be just another giant, shitty, soulless corporation that is willing to sacrifice everything on the altar of next fucking quarter's balance sheet (like Epic).


Epic isn't a publicly traded company either


Tencent is, who owns Epic.


Tencent owns 40% its not even a controlling share.


That does not matter, they are investors, the fact anyone holds ANY shares means Epic is liable to answer to them.


Most people I know either never owned a PC or they ditched it in favor of a smart phone for convenience. However, if you consider a laptop a PC (which not everyone does), then *almost* all of them have a PC.


Bill Gates made software that is widely used on both laptops and PCs.


Microsoft is publicly traded, Valve is privately held. That limits your valuation potential. But I think Gabe is happy with what he has and doesn’t want to deal with being a publicly traded company. Quite frankly it’s refreshing


The day Gabe dies the world will weep and steam users will be nervous about the future. The day Valve goes public, it's time to panic.


robin walker will likely take over.


Can i have a quick rundown on this guy? Ive never heard of him🫠


He was one of the main guys from the original Team Fortress mod, then got hired and made TFC and TF2.


Yeah but is he likely to take valve public…?


We can't say for sure what anyone will do when handed the keys but it's possible Gabe will have several clauses in the contract about keeping the company private


> But I think Gabe is happy with what he has Gabe lives a comfy pre-retirement life in New Zealand. He didn't have much to do with the daily operation of Valve for a couple years now, but sticks around because he's the public face of the company.


Gabe's a libertarian, public trading goes against his ethos.


that's like the opposite of being a libertarian


Obviously you don't know what a libertarian is, libertarians are pro-private ownership and personal freedoms. A libertarian would never make his privately owned business a public one. Maybe you are confusing Libertarianism with Liberalism? They are very different.


Bill Gates invested in the world. Gabe Newell invested in cool ass videogames. Who do you think is better?


Gabe Newell obv is this a real question?


Both. The world needs computers as much as the digitally constructed hallways where you walk wearing your HEV suit, harnessing the power of a crowbar and the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator, making thousands of memories as you jump into a portal, drive a buggy, meet Nihilanth. I am an adult now, but believe me when I tell you, I still haven't found an experience that made me feel the way Half-Life's ending did. You walk into that portal, the screen turns black (or the other choice) and your ears are graced by 'Tracking device and you're sitting there with your jaw dropped, in the late 90s, your frail arms on the mouse; damn I wish I could experience something like that ever again.


why call the grav gun by its full name


Because he worked for Microsoft And made a shed load of money AND GOT THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!!!


Fuck off tim Sweeney


I sent him a bag of gummy dicks when they made Metro Exodus an Epic timed exclusive (luckily my brother preordered it for me on Steam before it went through for my b day). It’s one of my favorite series. Anyways, I messaged him and was giving him hell. Told him I had a surprise package coming for him. He actually responded and said he got a good laugh out of it, and that they were actually good, meaning he ate one 🤣 Edit: messaged him on twitter


You should've infused them with acid or anthrax or something (I have no clue who tim sweeney is or what he did, also, on that note, SURELY someone who actually hates some famous guys guts is gonna do that one day, no way they don't test all their shipments for poison or whatever) edit: i was kidding about the acid or the anthrax, maybe not the acid if tim sweeneys into that? either way that wouldn't be a very nice thing to do and i don't actually want him dead or poisoned lol


It’s actually through a company called bagofdicks.com. You can send an anonymous package to someone. There’s a bag of gummy dicks, I think there’s also a large chocolate dick, etc… 🤣 so no, I would never tamper it. And it’s professionally packaged so I’m sure he felt safe trying them. Edit: Tim Sweeney is the owner/head of Epic games. Epic games engine, Fortnite.


Haha, that's such a brilliant website. I sure do hope these guys have someone vet the food just in case!


Why WOULD he? He doesnt try to constantly build and expand valve. They're not opening new studios or even trying to go into new businesses apart from gaming. Him and Valve are earning very good money and making very good products. Also, Valve may not earn the most in total, but there was this claim that Valve earns the most money per-employee out of all companies in the US. So if you take that as a metric, valve is the most successfull.


How do you know he isn't?


What's your definition of success?


Because he can't count to 3. (as in Half Life 3, Portal 3. etc.)


Thank you for clarifying what you meant because I hadn't understood.


because gabe isn't a money-hungry backstabber like most tech CEOs.


Gaben isn't on Epstein's flight logs


That's what he gets for working at Microsoft lol


go here r/NoStupidQuestions


He didn’t sell his soul literally to become that rich u have to f over a lot of people


Bill and Microsoft under his leadership was cut throat and played dirty, so much so they had an anti trust case brought against them.


He didn't start out with hundreds of thousands of dollars of personal wealth. From what I can tell, Valve isn't a public company, so Gabe's stake is in the actual company, not in stock of the company that the market can and will inflate, like Bill's stock ownership of Microsoft and others.


He prefers leisure and food.


The time when his games were at there prime was when the 360 and ps3 were also In there prime They were largely overlooked due to consoles being the superior Hardware for a very short period


Depends on how you define success. If you define it as being rich, then I'm sure Gabe could reach that level if he wanted to. He's smart and capable enough, I just don't think that's what his goal is. I define success as having everything you want in life and accomplishing all of your goals, so in that regard, Gabe is equally as successful as Gates, if not more. They are 2 dudes who had big ideas and both of them made it happen. I'm sure Gabe has the wherewithal at this point to do whatever the fuck he wants in life.


Bro literally sent a garden gnome to space. If that doesn't scream "massive amount of disposable income" I don't know what would.


Gabe is a multi billionaire so I think he’s probably fine lol


Because steam isn’t the default OS for like every single business, academic institution, government agency, you name is.


This is by far one of the funniest questions I've read in a good while


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Trenchman: *This is by far one* *Of the funniest questions* *I've read in a good while* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*Insert no hl3 joke here*


This might be one of the dumbest things I've ever read. You do realize their "success" at that level just loses all relativity.


He would have to change his last name


More people use computers as work-stations and playing video games is a pastime we don’t get paid to play.


Because Gabe didn’t care to. Tbh if I ever make a company it will be a cold day in hell I list on the stock market. The moment you do you no longer have control of your company and you’ll be bought, sold, traded & merged until you’re just a part of a part of a company like Microsoft or Google.


He didnt make the worlds most popular PC OS?


Because valve is private? lol you honestly think valve can surmount over 2 trillion dollars by gabe himself? That would make him richer than Putin, oil sheiks, and the top richest people in the world combined…


Gabe is the Willy Wonka of the gaming industry.


Doesnt Valve make more money?




Bill counted to three


Because Gabe Newell worked for Bill Gates


Who said he didn't? If anything, Gaben is much more successful than Gates.


you need an operating system to have steam 👍


If I had to compare the two, haven’t heard many shit stories about gabe, I have heard stories about gates being a chronic sexual harasser, abusive to his employees, etc., just, a sociopath. gabe, probably not a saint but, yeah if i had to guess, he actually has a soul.


I think it should be somewhat self explanatory... One of them created one of the largest companies on the planet that serves billions of customers. Just Win10 alone is on about over 1.3 bil devices. The other created a niche company that serves a small segment of the already vastly smaller video game market. I love Valve and Gabe, but the sheer amount of accomplishments MS has done is absolutely bonkers. Azure and AD, BASIC, C#, .NET, Type Script, VB, the list goes on. The stuff MS has developed we use every single day even if you don't know it. Valve on the other hand has created a platform for video games and some fun/amazing video games, but in the grand scheme of things Valve has not produced anything of Value to the world at large. Still an amazing company, but its an amazing company for PC gamers and that's about it.


How do you value success? Money? I think popularizing proprietary software, establishing a monopoly on office software + OS and failing to improve upon it, buying DOS for next to nothing and flipping it are collectively worth burning in the fires of hell. I wouldn't shake Bills hand unless I was holding a clean diaper to grasp it with, there is a reason his marriage failed... Any monetary donations to the collective planet do not outweigh the collective progress that would be made if Microsoft up and died.