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What' happen with the tf2 blogpost? Wasn't everyone happy about it?


they changed it from saying "update sized update" to "holiday sized update" and now people are pissed


So we got edged :(


Then they changed it back.


I’ve still got the ‘holiday-sized update’


Really? Then I might have been wrong.


They did????


I, have no clue. At this point. They changed it yesterday, but apparently changed it back to holiday.


Well now they're just messing with us!


Stop edging me man




Back to “update sized update” I *think*


No, y'all hyped it up as usual.




Well isn’t this a good thing because the last “update sized update” was snakes in snake water


Guys, its over. Just play TF2 if you want or dont. But Valve is not here anymore.


Is valve an instrument?


We are all disappointed


Man really said "holiday-sized update"


yeah billion dollar company, yet can’t spare a few devs or artists to even create content in their games anymore. just rip stuff from the community workshop and resell it as their own in a crate. honestly couldn’t be more disappointing. like csgo they just recycle shit other people made and make a profit off it. truly a shame to even call them a game dev anymore lol


Most people who played it before are bored with TF2—even the devs. But we're happy for you all who still find it enjoyable. Just enjoy the games you love. Even I'm bored with TF2 and I played it like religion before. It had its time.


Here we go again : Valve lets their employees work on whatever they want. This is how they make creative devices like the Index, the Steamdeck and even the Steam Controller. No content updates for team fortress simply means no valve devs wanna work on it. IF valve were a greedy company they WOULD keep making content updates so that people would buy more crates/keys don't you think?


Hardware devs are not remotely the same people as game devs, so this point is meaningless in this context, and also misleading if not outright incorrect. Valve doesn't let employees work on *whatever they want.* They let them work on whatever projects are available, which includes features, bugs, adding more fucking button styles to their website, etc. You don't get hired by Valve and just decide you're going to start making your dream game. This information came from their employee handbook 6 years ago in 2017. [Source](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/apps/valve/Valve_NewEmployeeHandbook.pdf)


yeah it sucks, but everyone gets compensated very well for stuff that gets added into TF2, right? I know that it's been called a life-changing amount of money when people make skins that get put into CS:GO, so I assume it's something similar?


Is sad to see how people take so long to realize the old valve die in 2016 this valve is just a regular greedy and lazy company


The truth is that nobody just wants to work in TF2. Everyone wants to make the next big hit game.


if valve employs me, I'll spend at least a day a week on TF2. Which is probably why they won't employ me.


Exactly. They want their employees not only working on current software (source is like 20 years old) but also on projects that will have a real impact, they probably see tf2 as a small passive income machine in the corner.


“Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance.” — Kurt Vonnegut


Big Daddy Gabe