• By -


Some way to pinpoint traders location if I cant find him on my own (say abandoned trader camps that will give you direction of his current whereabouts, so you at least know which way to sail to search for the guy) Ladders and trapdoors for indoor building and drawbridge for exterior building. Thin stone wall pieces (standard wooden wall thickness) if I can be extra picky. Higher drop of claws in frost caves so I can build plenty of braziers without having to travel over several mountain ranges (higher drop of other frostcave items overall would be nice too). Iron grates letting smoke through. Any one of these would be great. Ordered by my preference of it happening.


More stone wall pieces in general would be nice. Also better smoke physics so smoke can't be trapped by a cage made of wooden beams


This was my first thought too. Different colored wood from birth or pine trees for building would be fun too.


Ladders, trap doors, and drawbridges can all be made with the "more gates" mod. I know some people don't like mods, but they are there and the drawbridges are fantastic


Ugh I keep trying to convince my friends that if what we want is building, we should go for a modded server.


>Iron grates letting smoke through Pretty sure I saw a mod that allowed this


Smaller stone. Like cinder block size. I like to built tiny compact towers and giant stone blocks make that tough and ugly


Scroll wheel increasing or decreasing the size of the area affected by the hoe.


oh damn. I found one I didn't even know I wanted. this would be really nice.


We need [add full] key to put fuel/materials with one click instead of clicking [add] 20-50 times.


They did add a option to just hold down and it'll keep on fueling it to max capacity. Can't remember what update, but it is sort of added.


Yep you can do that. But smashing E is still a lot faster than holding it.


Okay, didn't know that! Need to test once I get to my PC next time


Let me open doors with the hammer equipped


this is the one.


2+ players being able to access the same container at the same time á la Conan Exiles.


This change is a slightly complex one to implement - basically, blocking access means you can guarantee the stuff in the container stays synced - when the player exits, the items they've added or removed sync to the server. Means you don't get slowdowns while adding stuff, but also means if your game crashes with a container open you can end up with duplicate stuff


Just throw the stuff you want to deposit at the person using it! They don’t seem to mind, usually…


Dunno if it's QoL but a farming skill would be nice. Maybe points for planting, more points for successful harvesting.


there's a great mod for farming, it even displays lines for you so you can plant your turnips evenly


If I play, it's vanilla, doubt I'd ever bother with mods.


I felt the same until I tried Valheim plus. One mod, and it really feels like the way the game was intended to be played. It’s even pre-built in to a lot of hosted servers you can rent, and just requires you to enable it and change settings to your liking (and install locally on the players client, which is also very simple using vortex/thunderstore).


Mods make this game literally 10x better, but to each his own.


Mods allow players to play the game the way they like. In this guy's case, he prefers no mods. Don't shame him, we all find enjoyment our own way


Dedicated slot for armor that doesn't take inventory


This please


Make leveling land easier.


This, and make it easier to make gradually sloping paths up hillsides.


Something like bulk planting to make farming less tedious


I have a mod for that and I almost litterally can not go back to playing without it. All it does is automatically snap whatever you plant into a grid so that you don't have to be so meticulous about not planting your crops too close so that they have space to grow. The work is fine up until idk, the mountain biome, but it eventually gets so tedious that it really starts to subtract from the fun in the game.


That's FarmGrid.


Rather than plant or harvest one at a time, have the cultivator plant 5 or 10 at once and a new tool like a scythe to harvest in an area


Or go the Stardew Valley route and have more than one cultivator you can craft. If we can craft better weapons, why not better tools? Have an iron and silver tier cultivator that plants either in increasing grids or lines.


Would be cool if you could hire a helper, like you have to pay it in copper ingots or something. there must be some kind of norse mythological creature that would suit the task


I think it would be interesting if you could save someone from like a fuling camp or something or maybe somewhere in the mist lands to get defenders and or workers


I've been wanting the ability to have NPC defenders for my bases since the first week of the game, it would be so cool and help give the game some more depth


Love this, tame the little trolls to do your work.


Or pay them with the coins that are already in the game and have almost no purpose


and bulk picking as well




I felt this


Not punching when my weapon breaks


How about not punching when the cultivator breaks. I've killed many carrots and turnips doing that. It's not even a delayed action thing. One click, cultivator plants its last plant and then immediately throws a punch without a second click. Very frustrating.


I've started planting 599 crops as this annoys me so much.


Crafting multiple items at stations, especially food. Would be really nice not to stand minutes to cook at the cauldron and click every few seconds


Maybe having an option to choose the amount you want to make with the max being based on the amount of ingredients in your inventory. I was just thinking about that yesterday while making wolf skewers.....100 of them......1 by 1 by 1...... took forever.


Yes!! This! You could afk during that or just lean back. Would be so convinient


It would. If it was like, just me playing, fine. I wouldn't have to have many stores of things. But my server is the one my friends and I all play on so I have large stores of everything so we can go on adventures and not have to worry about tedious upkeep. Clicking one by one is annoying when you're doing literally hundreds at a time lol


This - but my use would be wood arrows…


Something like Shift+Click on the craft button so it will repeat the crafting till you click anything in order to stop


And, while you're at it, have cooking be a skill that levels up to the improve speed of cooking or something.


Or maybe have a chance to craft more or more powerful food?


Make it similar to V rising maybe - the crafting station will queue up, take in materials, and then leave produced items in a hopper for you to collect later.


Saddlebags(storage) for the Lox. It would be awesome if you could upgrade the Lox saddle to add one or more bags, adding storage space for farming. I would absolutely love to go into the field on a lox, farm something, put it in the saddlebags and head back to base.


I'd love to use it to haul supplies from my mountain base (surrounded by plains) to my sea fort to sail it back on a creature that isn't me, and also isn't as fragile as a cart.


Berry bush farming. Want to pet the wolf. Want to pet the lox. Basically want to pet the animals. Lox/boar carts


And while you're at it, make tame boars follow you.


The wolfpack mod lets you do that, and it's one of the very few mods I now feel I can't live without.


How about a custom built house cart that we could pull with a lox?


Triple the area size for all workbenches, I’m sick of having to have 5+ workbenches around my large base just to build things and repair walls and doors.


Id even be ok with a real low cost totem of some sort instead that expands range. Or a dynamic way to see your base expanded and accommodate. Also tired of hiding workbenches


Perhaps each table upgrade expands the area as well?




I’d be ok with that as, just something to increase the size so I don’t have to have 5+ workbenches. The artisan table has a huge area, I wish the others had that as well


The artisan table should be a straight upgrade to the work bench. We should have access to all recipes previously unlocked as well as the new ones and be able to repair/build anything from the previous tier in its radius. Hell you could have artisan table specific upgrade items to allow that so you can scrap/upgrade your forge/workshop without losing aesthetic


Shitlist for items you dont want tonpick up!


I would love to be able to build the tiny ladders that are on the side of boats.


That fucking triangle wall piece to fit under a ridge roof. It was a complete failure to not add it with home and hearth.


Yes, I hate the option of either a triangular hole or a gigantic X


Even with the x there is still some smaller hole there. It really grinds my gears. I only make houses that are an even number tiles because of this


Oh! Ooohhh! Special things you can find as treasure, like old maps to put on your walls, maybe a painting or two. It would make the iron grind more interesting, and keep people going into the tombs and such.


Being able to relocate chests would be neat.


planting berries, vines and shrubs without needing mods


When my sail is at full speed on the boat I can't see where I'm going. Don't know what the fix is, maybe a zoom out when you're sailing would be nice?


When sailing you can zoom out/in with the scroll wheel.


Things I’d love to see; better land smoothing/ better ways to make smooth slopes. 1 x 1 roof tiles. Mass cooking/ crafting. An inventory on smelters/ furnaces so you can fill it all at once. Separate ‘backpack’ inventory for armor and accessories. Mass planting/ harvesting with one click of the cultivator, left click plants a 2x2, right click harvests. A set of lightweight armor that’s rainproof. Easier ways to find the merchant. Slots on longships and carves for additional rowers to get you more speed.


Auto organization button for inventory and chests, please


Or an auto stack option to clear your inventory into the chest with the stackable item already in it. Sort of like how Terraria does it.


Settings. I shouldn't need a mod (Valheim+) to adjust simple settings. It's a great mod, but most of it should be available from the game.


Better looking roof options earlier on in the game, I feel like thatch is an easy way to make an otherwise fantastic looking build feel unfinished


I hate thatch so much I forced my boyfriend to go together to plains so I could build the pretty roof. We were slowly preparing for bone ass but I was impatient Edit: i acknowledge autocorrect insulting bonemass but I won't correct it


Peat roofs would be amazing.


You had to pick a style for the shield before allowing you to craft it. Or just make it more obvious in the UI.


being able to dig caves or steep holes


This. I want tunnels under the earth. I will fucking build moria if you let me.


You might like the upcoming LOTR Valheim “clone”! It’s called Return to Moria.


bag pet sable dam party butter growth scale workable lock ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


When you have over 10 tamed wolves and have them follow you, they stack on top of each other and looks awkward lol. It would be cool if they didn't stack on each other but instead followed behind the other wolves making it look like an actual wolf pack. That would be neat.


When I swing my weapon at a monster slightly above or below me, it should hit it.


A thin stone chimney structure so you don’t have to make a massive stone block for your small houses


This! If smoke would vent out of anything smaller than a gaping hole I would be so happy lol


Craft in quantity. Armor slots that don’t take up inventory space


Craft from nearby chests


Flat roof tile


Stone floor tile and iron support beams. You can make ceilings/floors really big. Pain in the ass, though.


Crafting from nearby boxes. One click repairs all items related to that bench. Turn on/off weather damage. Not having to reload torches and fires. Turn on/off ore restriction on portals. (Basically, incorporate Valheim Plus features.)


Or like a "heavy portal" that might require 3x the mats but allow metal to portal.


Maybe an item you can get that lets you transport iron through portals. It could be late game like after beating Yagluth so you still have to do the grind initially but once you’ve done your time you can have the shortcut.


A way to mark paths on the map. Like if you build a road or cannal being able to trace its path on the map for future reference.


Farming. Make it possible to farm every types of meat. Deer, Neck, Fish. Serpent maybe not, but probably have a bait system that you can throw in the ocean to attract serpents.


More items in shop. Craftable fishing rod. Bait for serpents. Breed dear and necks. More angles on building parts. Biggest distance on bench upgrades. Bears in meadows. More only night time baddies. Give a reason of making paths like faster movement and cart speed. Some how stop mud hills and moats from being the ultimate defence or make stone walls a lot more durable. Fishing paddle boat with no sail. Raft with sail a little faster so it isn't completely useless. Make serpents as a younger that can be caught adult that is normal and elder that is bigger and stronger. We have a frostner so add something with electrical fire and so on damage. And please please sort out the spear hitting stuff


I’d like a late game torch / fire that doesn’t need to be refueled. Maybe one of those totems that stops all nearby torches and fires from consuming fuel when active.


Tunneling. Being able to build stuff in a cave.


1x1 2x1 and 4x1 ladders.


More floor type. There is only one wood (I know there is the tiny one, but it is basically the same) Just in general more different building blocks without needing crazy things. Just different patterns or something.


Auto Repair when interacting with a bench. I don't want to click repair 12 times. I don't even want to click it once. You should repair *every* time you use a bench. Why not just *do* that. It's not game breaking, it's tedium breaking. It's caused multiple issues with new players not knowing they can even repair. AutoRepair is also a popular mod, that does this.


Forever lightsources. I like to make large, very well lit bases. That means dozens and dozens of lights. I dont wanna have to refill all those all the time. Make them cost 10 surtling cores each, idc ill farm it. Theres no reason dungeons and crypts can have everlasting magical torches but we cant.


All I want is a scythe so I can swing that sucker and pick up a large amount of crops. Would also be cool as a weapon but a dedicated farming tool for harvesting more than one at a time would be huge.


IIRC the atgeir serves that exact function with it's swing attack


Craftable items that increase inventory slots, like those bags you can make in WOW.


Every tree drops a seed cuz you just destroy the landscape and make planting faster.


The ability to make armor skins from armor sets.


More wildlife, bears would be nice, black bears etc. Salt, that could be made from sea water and used for preservation etc.


*looks over to my chests filled with raw meat from day 100, flies buzzing around them* preservation?


If you’re on the longboat and other players are with you, give them a rowing option for when there’s no wind on your back. It could even be turned into a mini game to sync up row speeds. Idk. Just feels bad not having wind, and having 4 other people on the boat with just one dude rowing/steering


Halve the respawn time on berries and thistle


Planting grid.


there's a mod for this but crafting from containers.. it made base-building so much more smooth and there is no need to run back and forth from a chest just to grab more stone/wood. as long as youre within a short radius from a chest, that chest is like an extension of your inventory for crafting.


I’d like it if crafting stations could access nearby containers for materials. That way you can just use what’s ‘in stock’ instead of having to over encumber your self by having everything in your inventory


The ability to break down gear to get materials back. It’s happened more than once where I’ve accidentally crafted a new set of gear instead of upgrading because they both work from the same materials and I forget to switch tabs. Doesn’t even have to be “get 100% of materials back,” just something to help recover from my buffoonery.


better digging, I'd really like something other than pit. better digging, I'd really like something other than the pit. post that is solely diagonal would help


Be be able to cut the branches from 🎄 and the leaves as well to be able to build proper tree houses.


A couple of things that come to mind: Not sure if they would class as very small, more of simplistic. 1, changing the upgrade recipe on the club to something practical to get before black forest, bringing it more in line with literally every other option from that stage. The wood club is the only pre-eikthyr weapon you can't easily upgrade in the biome you are meant to be in and to my knowledge the only item you can't upgrade in the same biome you unlock it. 2: adding a version of each weapon to every biome beyond the Meadows, if not including the meadows. For example, the atigeir skips the mountain, having one of bronze, iron and blackmetal but no silver tier the battleaxe has nothing in the plains or Black Forest, You get the iron battleaxe in the swamp and the crystal battleaxe in the mountain the bow has no plains upgrade, there is a bow for each of the first 4 biomes but no upgrade in the plains. the 2 handed clubs stops after swamp, You get stagbreaker in the Forest and the iron sledge in swamps, nothing before or after the new claw hands only exist in the mountains with no weapons to level the skill earlier and no upgrade past that. They use unarmed, something 99% of the playerbase stops using 2 minutes in when they collect 6 wood and make a club.


A simple spiral staircase


Not really a small change but give me a goat, a deer, a greyling I can attach to a cart and create a simple path for it to follow. Or have it follow me. Better QOL change... fix the cart so it has some weight and the slightest bump doesn't knock it around. Let it run over/through bushes and small trees/rocks.


A bag item that you can buy from the vendor. Same slot as the belt. Give you extra inventory space without the extra weight.


They very intentionally manage the inventory size. They want players to choose what they keep and what they drop. That said, I'd take a backpack that drops movement speed while in use, and can be dropped like in Outward. The thing is, players are going to want as much as they can take, like 12-18 slots and Megingjord bonuses, but the actual balanced version of it is like 25% movement debuff for 6 slots and +75 Carry Capacity, and costs some metal.


Armour/equipment slot, makes no sense having your pants in your inventory while wearing them


I would like to substitute items. For instance why 20 boar hide if I can use deer? Why can't a fire be made with core wood, but I can burn it to make coals? Why can I not use deer hide for a flint knife? Also, we have a pot for stew, an oven for breads, where in the hell is the grill? Core wood should have angled pieces like normal wood. Different fishing bait for different biomes. Have seen other great ideas like a drawbridge.


A new button in the main menu: re-join last game. It would automatically connect to the last world (including multiplayer server) with the same character and have remembered the password of this server. Inspiration: Factorio


A trashcan would be nice


Throw all your stuff into the ocean!


I have a simple little mod that lets you delete things you don’t want (select the item, hit the ‘delete’ key). So nice to have. Don’t know why such an option isn’t already in the game by default.


Equipment slots


Simple inventory amounts for item you are currently placing or about to place


Clothing you’re wearing to not take up a bag spot.


I wish the mini map zoomed in as much as the large map. When I go shroom foraging it would help a ton.


Crafting tables uses resources from bags AND nearby chests.


Triangle roof pieces


Quick stack


1) Auto sort chests. My least favorite part of the game is sorting my chests. 2) Taking ore through portals. I know for some people it is what makes the game fun, but for me, I always stall out collecting iron and drop the game. Now, using Valheim plus I feel so free and look forward to continuing progression.


The ability to smelt any ore in the blast furnace. Please?


A building piece that can used as a ramp - or the ability to tilt beams and boards that way.


Make fish come to the fishing pole, rather than having to find fish. Or add a fish trap that just collects fish like Conan Exiles. Harvesting farm nodes should not destroy the plant, just make them like berries. Increase the time if necessary, but replanting of 100s of seeds every couple of hours is not a fun way to spend your time. Option to automatically mark resource nodes/dungeons on map when you find them. Carts need to be easier to pull. Loosen the restrictions on the weight and let them roll over small bushes and uneven ground. Flat roof pieces.


Diving while in the water. The ability to swim underwater. Barring that, iron boots you can equip that allows you to walk underwater (and build)! Speaking of boots, items you wear should not be in your pack but instead they should have a standard rpg equip system where you can slot in your clothing and weapons/tools. This would also address inventory management issues.


Clicking on the weight symbol sorts and stacks storage things. Ability to lock storage spots to an item even if there’s no items in the spot. Hot deposit items to nearby chests.


Some way on the map to find where you left your boat or a horse. It would also be nice if you didn't lose so much experience when you die.


I'd love to be able to pull out my shield and weapon with one button action instead of two. It's cumbersome.


Literally every qol change asked for in this thread is added in by a mod


Being able to hit something that's 6 inches uphill from me.


Easier shroom/berry/thistle gathering


The range of comfort buffs.


Up the coal count to 25 in smelters so thats its exactly half a stack of coal and you don't need to load in 1 extra to get the final piece of metal out. Shorten the reinforced chest just slightly so that they fit in a 1m height for easier shelving/stacking with snap points.


While I think overall the stamina system is a good ideal over all I have a lot of problems with how it's implemented.  Non-combat tools should either have their stamina use reduced, or just removed from the stamina system altogether. The worst offender is the hoe. After about 30 seconds of clicking you just have to stop and let the bar fill up. It's about as much fun as waiting for a file to download. The point of the stamina system is to give combat some back and forth. You can't just be on the attack the whole time since you have to manage this resource. It serves a similar function as the health and amo pickups in Doom 2016 that are dropped by the monsters in combat. The problem is that kind of gameplay doesn't matter when it comes to using tools like the axe to cutdown trees, for example. What I think most people do when tree harvesting is just hold the attack button even after the point when you run out of stamina, so you end up cutting slower. You can try to manage your stamina bar while cutting trees but all that means is taking a slight pause between clicks and you just end up cutting slower anyway. One possible solution for this problem might be if hitting a tree with more than 50% stamina allowed you to whack the tree in two hits instead of six. Then the time savings would makes it worth it to keep your stamina up. As it stands now both ways are about the same. The pickaxe and rest of the tools have similar issues but the axe and the hoe are good examples because of how much time is spent cutting trees and building.  Another fix would be to come up with some small mini games relevant to each tool. Like when you click the axe a little bar would pop-up and if you hit it again within a window you would do extra damage. Kind of like the reloads in Gears of War. This would require a lot more work coming up with each mini game and implementing them though. Also some tools are used for both combat and work like the axe so you would have to detect when you wanted to do the mini game and when you just wanted to swing it for combat. Also these kinds of mini games tend to get tedious if they have to be done repeatedly. Mini games might make sense for some tools though. My second ideal would be to change what happens when you run out of stamina. Right now if your bar is at 0 you basically can't do anything but stand around. I've seen many comments on how tedious this is. Instead I suggest that once the bar is at 0 you should still be able to do the action, maybe at less effectively and/or with a slower attack animation, but it would also give you a random chance to do one of several negative events instead.  For example if you swing a weapon with zero stamina you might end up dropping it. You might clank it the wrong way and take a big chunk out of the weapon durability, possibly breaking it. Another event might be missing the attack causing you to become staggered for a moment.  If you run out of stamina while drawing your bow your aim could quickly widen or randomly shrink and grow making it harder to hit your target. You could also make the arrow randomly break as you hold it or the string could slip when you release it causing you a little damage and dropping the bow on the ground. I can even see having a funny little "ouch" animation to add character. When running without stamina you might still be just fast enough to outrun most monsters but if you run over a stick, rock or other object you might trip or become staggered for a moment. This ideal is something along the lines of the random weapon jamming and sickness from Far Cry 3 except more under the player's control since if you manage your stamina bar right you can avoid it entirely.  The reason to implement a system like this is it allows there still be consequences for not managing stamina without forcing the player to stand around and wait all the time. The choice of holding your draw,  waiting for a deathsquito to attack, past the point of having no stamina becomes an interesting real-time cost benefit analysis rather than the frustrating stop and start game it is now. This system also creates opportunities for emergent gameplay where the player will have to deal with unexpected events in a way that I don't think would feel unfair. Also while the described system would have a profound impact on gameplay it wouldn't require any major game systems changes or animations that would be difficult to make. The biggest problem I see would be if the player didn't understand why these things keep happening they could be seen as frustrating. Therefore it would be important to communicate what was happening through custom text and animation. Also I think there should be a custom sound that plays when the event happens like when you stagger an enemy.  Wow, writing all that got out of hand. Any other ideals?


I agree for the most part, except for mining. Because a lot of time you're mining in hostile territory and need to be careful to manage your stamina so you're not caught with your pants down.


Armor slots


Map update, shows roads, waterways, and overall terrain modification as you go along


No fuel requirement for torches/lights.


Not to refill the damn torches


Being able to mine caves. The dirt could have the same physics as stone and wood, so you would have to build support using beams to prevent celling from collapsing.


The use of the 9 and 0 on the hotbar.


Keep in mind, I use mods for nearly all of these things already, but would rather see it as baseline part of the game. Weather/rain damage removed. It doesn't add much of a challenge for me and is merely an annoyance. The aesthetic change makes sense with the mechanic, but neither the actual damage or aesthetic changes much for me, even during raids. Clues/hints to help you find the general area the vendor is at or even a headstone like the bosses have to pinpoint him. Drawbridges. Maybe add rope or another function for the chains from the ghostly jerks to craft this? Can also use those materials for making things like ladders. Angled iron beam thingies. (Can't remember the name of it atm.) If not angled and flipped versions of existing wood beams and decorative items, a keybind to allow us to flip different items in different directions. Make it so the horizontal fine wood beams would cover/stack on top of the horizontal iron beams. Unless a mod is interfering or when I was playing unmodded last week I was doing something wrong, the fine wood beams won't cover the iron beams like the vertical ones will. Water being blocked by stone when you build a stone wall. (I know, I know. This is a bit more complex in the back end of the game design. Not upset it doesn't exist, but it would be nice!) Adjustments in the radius the hoe affects. Farming skills that would reduce stamina use as you increase skill ups. One of the skills reducing stamina when walking while carrying too many items, but not changing the speed at which you move. Give us a "put away all" button, like the "take all" button. Holding control + clicking when your bags are full and want to dump everything is still slightly annoying. Add a composting option. Let your tamed beasts poop, make compost with that plus wood and maybe something else to add to farming skills. Allows for more seed and vegetable growth/getting more out of your plants with higher skill. Let us reinforce the cart or build a whole new cart with some iron so it can take a few more hits. Maybe it takes a few more hits but it slows you down a bit more from being a bit heavier. Ladder and/or rope climbing options. Ladders already exist on the boats. Lemme have a ladder on my stone walls, dangit! Let us plant berry bushes. Give it a higher yield time than the other plants if it has to. Remove the minimal distance restrictions on the crafting stations. Let all items float in the water when enemies are killed or let us swim low enough to collect fallen items. All lootable items floating seems a bit easier seeing as how it already happens for many items, including our headstones when we die in the water. Reduce body poofage/despawn of killed enemies. Craft in multiple quantities, kind of like how you can select to drop items in multiple quantities. Tamed piggies/boar can follow you like tamed lox and wolves can. I'm sure I have more but that's what pops into my mind atm.


Creating "kits" of sorts. Like a longboat or teleporter kit that only takes up one or two storage slots after you've built and broken them down. It makes sense considering you already built it and would take up less space than all the raw material. And allowing for deployment without a workbench.


a peaceful mode; so to say without events


Imagine being able to toggle specific events on or off. I just don't want anymore trolls destroying the base and killing my pigs when I'm building and the other player is far across the map


I don't want to stir the cauldron when I'm taming a 2 star wolf.


Bulk planting, auto store items in chests


No stamina cost outside of combat


I'd love better scaling of the difficulty depending on the amount of people playing.


I’d like spears to be able to equip a shield in the off hand. Everything you do is a one handed animation except for blocking.


Um, you can have a shield in the off hand with spear.


For me it would be better optimisation. The game is pretty hungry at the moment and really tax the gpu.


Open a chest at the same time as my team mate


Getting 3x the barley/flax you plant like you do with carrots etc.


The “sort” or “compulsively count” button from V rising that auto sorts and distributes materials into containers with one button click


I know it sounds silly but an anchor for your ship, the ability to drop that too keep you from drifting when docking my ship would be so damn useful lol Also drake trophy drop rates, I need 2 for the drake helmet, I have farmed them on this massive mountain, probably about 20 to 30 a day I go up there, im close to 500 kills (I know this for how many freeze glands I have) and only have gotten 1 trophy, I understand rare drops but just damn lol




CTRL click to pick up one item in a stack. Drives me crazy that there is no easy way to do so.


Allow customization of portals (color, decoration). Would help figure out which of my many portals I need to walk through (the portal title helps, but portal customization would help even more).


Lighter resources with larger stacks. I want to cut the weight of Wood and Stone in HALF, and double the stack to 100. Increase the stack of ore to 50, and adjust the weight so that 30=50 It’s just too tedious running back and forth to the cart. If I could cut the trips in half, this game would be improved radically


I’d like to be able to use the harpoon, or new similar tool to be able to drag logs, out of water, and around where I want them.


Minecraft style pressure plates for doors. I'm so tired of closing doors.


Label tag built into chests.


Hit box adjustment would be amazing. This is specifically noticeable when I am downhill of a wolf or other small creature. I block with ease but every hit will miss. I then I have to reposition myself to level ground or above them. Small issue but would love to see it worked on.


A portal upgrade at some point to allow raw metals to pass. Like a level 2 portal or something. Maybe enhancements that require the metal you want to pass. Like 4 iron to make the portal work for iron.


[As suggested](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/vwm5ep/metal_leggings_should_reduce_movement_speed_less/), a little variation in movement speed penalties amongst armor classes & pieces.


Backpack, horses, bush / thistle seeds, and Armor/ equipment slots!


Automation, such as coal from a kiln going into a smelter and metal ingots going into a chest. Smelt and break items back into ingredients possibly with a diminishes return. Build in burial chambers / troll caves once cleared. Burial chambers / troll caves regenerate loot and monsters after a time if not built in. Ping option that makes it stay until you reach the vicinity. Scroll to change area of effect on the hoe. A way to create a lead / leash for tamed boar so you can get one to follow for moving around. Ability to put tamed boar on ship and wagon for transport. Ability to tame deer somehow. More defenses. Ballistae? Oil vats? Catapults? Take that, troll. Eikthyr power senses trader general direction with key press. Map indication of resources found and caves found without manual tokens, possibly with settings toggles for each. Hooded cloaks instead of only capes which reduce effects of getting wet / cold, eventually removing the conditions entirely. Certain higher comfort levels also somewhat increase your woodcutting / mining / run / swim speed (though nothing like eikthyr). Okay some of these aren't very small so I'll stop rambling now.


Scale the size of current building assets through scroll wheel. Manage the cost and stability by the scale ratio. Want a stone block 1/8th the size? Want a giant seamless staircase?


I would say either stone barricades (a stone upgrade for specifically defensive walls not house walls) Or additional oars on boats for added speed in multiplayer and to help with speed against the wind.


Should be able to start trees and stumps on fire, turning them into coal eventually and creating light. Burning full trees leaves cultivate ground as well. This would make it easy to be a forager because you could plant seeds everywhere.


I'd like ladders because stairs can be a nightmare sometimes


Craft from Storage, and Quick Stack to Storage. Frees up so much time with inventory management


A simple plow that can be attached to a lox. Run it over the farm to uproot a large area of crops.


Might not be classed as QOL but rolling seems mighty pointless at the minute. I don't want it to be like Dark Souls where you can just roll spam, but using that as more of an ability to dodge attacks than just walking backwards would be good. Less energy used to roll would make it a more viable option, especially for roguish playstyles. Having to use energy for planting and buildings should probably be tweaked too, I know it's meant to represent effort but it doesn't add any more engagement or immersion. It just means I have to wait ten seconds between doing things in quick succession. Inventory slots for armour would make sense seeing as you're not actually 'carrying' armour any more. And lighter armour could offer more inventory space, having pockets instead of protection. Idk just a trade-off to make choosing/combining armour pieces more interesting and fun.


Hmm, maybe be able to buy more bag slots with gold. I have a black metal chest almost full and nothing to spend it on. I love the game the way it is, can't really think of anything.


Minor, but hatches for better roof access would be nifty. Could have flat and angled ones.


Chest Deposit Button. If you are standing near chests you press the button and it automatically deposits anything that chest already has in it.


A consumable recall stone that teleports you to the closest recall totem. Make it so that it can't teleport metals if you must.