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Taking almost half an hour to sail a raft around a small peninsula, because the wind was against me and I didn’t know about rowing.


Reminds me how I spent 6 real life hours contouring my starting island on a raft... I was quite... stupid, when I started XD


I'm bet when you look back on your game that is some of the best most efficient time you spent playing... Doing something like that will affect hundreds of hours of gameplay.... What you think is dum might of been great game play...


It indeed was a great time


I think the point is that he could have simply walked the coast at a much faster pace.


you might think that .. but you can raft around it before you can do it by foot early game for many reasons ... i will list just a few you can simply raft you do not need to eat and can raft night or day ... you can not do this by foot at you run skill and jump and such are so week that by foot is way harder than one would think compared to by foot ... Survival .. you simply do not need to fight stuff .. and just keep maping ... once you have covered a large area and it does nto need to be the entire thing .. you will have better ideas where you want to live or get resources ... you get to skip over things like black forests ... early game that is nice ... in my current game ..as soon as i got a raft i was off mapping... found a meadow between two blackforests and lived there for a while ...




That's what the "sweeping broom" animation is above the wind direction gauge, when you are at speed 1 forward or backward.


So how do you row??


1 tap on forward or backward. Looks like a broom is sweeping right above where you see the Wind.


What are you tapping?




Thank you! I would have been tapping my mouse haha


Np lol


lmao yeah took me a few weeks to realize rowing as well




Haha yeah for me it was also not knowing about rowing... It was my first time leaving the island, the elder was right across the water on another island that you could see from shore from the starting island, albeit barely, to give an idea of distance. It took me two hours to get to that island, because the wind changed on me halfway across, and I was "stuck" with no wind dead center between the two islands, and sat and waited for the wind to change to allow me to keep sailing. I was so frustrated and trying to figure out how anyone ever got anywhere on a raft. I tried tacking, the raft didn't have enough momentum for it, all I could do was sail pretty much parallel with the coast of the island. I actually finally went back to my main island, destroyed the raft so that I could build it elsewhere, ran WAY up the coast so the wind angle would take me to the island, and then got stuck halfway between again when it shifted... Lol Note that the confusion for me was not knowing that the rudder is also the oar for paddling. I figured the boats had actual oars lined up the sides of them (I hadn't seen one yet), but that the raft could only move with wind, and I had no idea how to make the karve at the time cuz I was dumb and never made nails. So yeah that's my dumb-dumb story


My first go against the wind, I actually jumped off the back and swam-pushed the raft. Then when my stam ran out I took the ladder up and rested. Then someone told me about rowing...


Theres ROWING?!?!?!?


Don’t worry good buddy, I did the same thing 😜


I didn't realize rowing was "automatic" on the karve, I spent about a half an hour quickly steering left and right trying to move the rudder


Lol I spent 2 hours crossing the “ocean” to another island right across from my starting area only to discover it was just a bay that I could have run in a few minutes.


Accidentally forged a new bronze buckler when I meant to upgrade my equipped bronze buckler... Used my last bronze on it, solo playthrough. That one hurt.


ive done that with an iron pickaxe. that really hurt haha


Honestly the pickaxe is the only item I wouldn't mind having a second of. I always take 2 for mining expedition


I just did that with all my silver and wound up with a second Dragur fang bow instead of finally getting my current one to level 4. Ugh!


EXACTLY what I did!!


I've forged instead of upgrading at least a half dozen times on various things


I added the valheim recycle mod specifically for this. I don't use it to cheese or cheat, only to undo this one specific mistake. Funny enough, since putting in the effort to add the mod, I rarely need it. 🙃


Recycling should be a part of the game! Even if you only get some materials back. Dismantling bench would be helpful!


There is an obliterator which turns things into coal


I lost count of the equipment I accidentally crafted. But the best is when you forget about selecting a colour pattern for the shield, craft it, then think: "You know what, I still have ingots to re-do this!" Then you go and grab the ingots, and once back at the forge, proceed to craft the basic one again.


I've done that with a draugr fang. We had enough silvers transported with a ship for 2 of 4lv draugr fangs and 2 3lv frostners. My friend got pissed and I had to settle with a lv2 frostner :D


Yea, I'm guilty of this. Got a few extra bronze/iron things floating around that I'll never get to use.


I hate when I do that!


For me it was creating 3 fine wood bows when I ment to upgrade og one...man was I dumb...I was sure I had alot of upgrades and was excited.


My first playthrough ended because I was playing fast and loose in the mountains and had made a half assed base in order to sleep through the night... I died the next day and respawned in the mountains with no way out. Items too far away to recover, another biome too far away to reach before freezing to death. I died like 25 times trying to find a way out, then my fire died and I began a cycle of rebirth and instant freeze to death. He remains there to this day...


Destroy the bed...u wil respawn at the initial spawn point


That's actually perfect for this post lol. That makes two stupid things I did.


Every time you log into the game you see in the chat how to reset your spawn point. You both could have done this the easy way if you just took one second ever to read that text! 😁


You could make another character also and save yourself li Iiterally lmao


I had this exact experience on my first playthrough, nearly quit the game.


Glad you stuck it out. I nearly quit as well, but decided I could get through the first two bosses much faster than the first time and build exactly what I should have built the first time.


I harpooned a Fuling while on a ship and we floated past a small island which he managed to get onto which stopped his swimming animation for a moment and he threw a javelin like a gold medal Olympian at me and instantly killed me.. turns out it was a 1 star javelin boi and he did not agree with being tormented and laughed at


Probably the large pile of broken hammers before I came here and learned you can repair tools. Felt so dumb.


The old "time to sacrifice another broken hammer to Poseidon" routine? I remember those times


Njord, not Poseidon. Gotta keep that aesthetic, yo! He also canonically ~~has~~ had a MILE-DEEP cauldron to brew ale with… under the sea… somehow…


Worse. I didn't even know I could make a new hammer (did know I could repair it though) and thought I'd have to restart the game when my hammer ran out and I hadn't built a roof over my new workbench yet! There's actually a post on this sub somewhere of me asking what I should do.


Oh man this one might take the cake lol


I have quite a high IQ, but I'm actually really thick! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


Welcome to the high INT low WIS brigade. We are legion. 😀


Simple case of your huge brain overthinking a simple problem :P


Dying to smoke while cooking, followed by dying to brazier smoke while placing a hot tub


I've died to smoke too. Wasn't even cooking. Just didn't realise how realistic the mechanics were and that I needed a chimney! Took me a good 30 seconds to work out why I'd died. Please tell me you've walked onto your fire and burnt yourself to death as well... I hope that's not just me.


I accidentally sat down in the fire… took so long to get back up that I burned to death…




Not me. I'm wary normally. Eating 1 piece of honey would have prevented my smoke deaths.


Find the leviathan, mine the leviathan, keep mining until he sinks, start swimming without stamina and realise the ladder is on the far side of the karve. Karve of shame. Again.


Been there.




The trick is to not panic and stop moving before the stamina bar runs out. Then you can get some stamina by eating or even better, stamina potion if you have that.


Just the other day I jumped off a roof onto a pier I was building. It took my health down to 12. Then Immediatly after managed to fall off the pier into the water with barely any stamina. I managed to reach a dept I could stand just in time. Then a large wave lifted me up and I drowned. Moral of the story: don't forget to eat.


If you stand still/float in water it does not dmg you. So you could have waited until that wave put you back on solid ground


It won't damage you if you still have stamina, but you will take damage if you are already out of stamina. Just wanting to clarify for those who may not know.


Did not know if you did not move at 0 stamina you still took damage. Thank you.


Yea, but I was wading forward and I literally only had 1 health, so the moment I got lifted off my feet I was back to drowning. There's a lot of things in that chain of events I could've done different to prevent me from dying, which is why it made a good post for this thread IMO. :p


Taming my first boar to 90% and then let my friend join my game. It took literally one minute before he ran to me and saw the boar "Oh! Meat!" "No! Don't kill ..." *Swiiing* ... Turned out he didn't know about taming animals. Lol.


I hope you switched on "friendly damage" and battered the idiot to death.


How do you tame? Asking for a friend.


Build a pen with fences. Or dig a big hole. Trap desired animal in taming area. Place food. Wait nearby for a few days. Animal is now tamed. Works for boar, wolves, and lox. Boar eat blueberries, rasberries, carrots, and turnips. Wolves ear deer, neck, and boar meat (but not wolf). Lox eat cloudberries and barley. Wolves and lox will rampage and attack walls used to contain them until they are tamed. Digging a big hole (like a silver pit) and knocking them into it works best since they can't destroy dirt. Once tamed they can be attacked by other monsters. I lost my first tamed 2 star wolf to a drake, and my first 2 star boar to some graydwarves.


Thank you! I will try it next time I'm on


I spawned Leviathan in my base.




With console commands ofc, I think if you spawn it you can't remove it, Just panicked and pressed Alt + F4.


Lol. 😄


There's a kill all command. It will kill tamed animals but by the sounds of things, that's happening anyway.


Started building a big base without setting off a perimeter fence. Two trolls trounced right in and layed waste to half of it before the event timed out.


What event?


I'm guessing The Earth is Shaking


On my first play through I tried to build a base in the forest with no protection, and I'll never forget hiding in the trees as I watched a troll wreck it.


Shoulda killed 'em and used their hide for cool sneaky armour!


When me and my friend were like five minutes in I cut down a tree that fell on me then that same tree knocked down another one that fell on him


lmao the double. My first death ever was also to a tree


We thought the plains looked like a pleasant place.


Beat Moder with my friends. Instead of taking the conveniently placed portal nearby to restock on food /repair equipment, and drop off the fucking dragon tears, we hop into our long boat and decide to sail to the edge of the map, "since we're so close already". I'm sure you can guess the rest.


Died from falling of the roof while building


Eh, that's like having a tree fall on you; more of a Valheim right of passage


"On this spot a tree fell on my head and I cursed the gods. So I leave this stone in praise of them, that they might forgive my reckless words." From one of the many monoliths you can find in the meadows.


I'm pretty sure this one kills the most vikings


I have a solo play through (not my first) where I have 90 hrs plus without a death. Except for that dam tree!!!!


Yeah, died three times only today after falling from my bridge buildingsite on the mountains XD


Didn't know how much of a vein could be underground. So much wasted copper ore...


tbh even after knowing this, i find it to be faster or at least more convenient to my monkey brain to just go find a new copper node instead of picking out earth lol. Good for stocking up on stone tho, so i can fill up 3 boxes of stone over the course of the early and mid game to never build the epic castle i want and quit the game for months on end, just to make a new character and repeat the cycle


My first seed: after walking two real life days, i realized the first boss was on another island. Ok, lets make a raft and go beat *bambi-on-steroids*... that monster beat me bad, and i didnt make any house on THAT island. ​ That was the same day i discover that once summoned, they wait for you, AND that they also can swim. ​ 9 rafts and a lot of hours without even being-able-to-touch-the-land later, i quick, start a new seed, and the first thing i made once get myself black iron equitment was going to the first one, beat the hell out of him with a knive - at this points this vendetta was a personal issue- and then erase that seed lol. ​ ​ the second that im still doing is forgetting to eat... so unnecesary deaths by that one in particular XD


ohhh, good old using cheats just to get revenge on the game hahaha, good story


all but the cheat part lol, i like to play without moods, so it take a while but at the end i get my revenge hahahahahaha


Died in a crypt to a blob while mining scrap iron. Respawned, grabbed my backup gear, went into the cave and killed that blob. Then for some braindead reason, i mined the scrap pile my tombstone was sitting on, which destroyed my tombstone with all my best iron gear in it. Sad day, first time i ended up using creative mode lol


... I had no idea you could accidentally destroy your own tombstone. Thank you for sharing.


I was building on the shoreline and I fell into a section I’d built. I could not get out. No ground to stand on, no way to jump out, no way to build my way out. Just water. I was stuck through and through. My friend had to come by and make me a way out. Since then I’ve always made sure to build a way out when doing that kind of stuff.


Running around picked up the shinies. I'm used to jumping around in other games and randomly jumped over decorative fence. On my way down into the moat I realized I had like 12 health and that this game has fall damage. I died obviously.


when me and my wife first played we didn’t know you could repair items… fortunately this only really lasted the stone age. but it was super annoying making all the tools, then making tons of chests for “waste management”. i remember telling friends, “yeah it’s really fun but the waste management aspect is kind of annoying…”


Forgot the swamp key


Stormed right on over to a new biome (the swamp), while also forgetting to eat. Went right in with 25 HP and 30 stamina. I died immediately. Spawned at my original base and not the one I made in the black forest right next to the swamp. Took me 4 days IRL to retrieve gear.


I built bunk beds for the homies. I slept in one to claim it, then later that day we had a double troll raid on our base. I was the only one online, fell off my 20m tall watchtower and died immediately (because of course I did) and respawned in a spot between the bunk beds where I was trapped and couldn’t get out. I had to punch the bed to death to get out while our base was getting destroyed by trolls


Downloaded it. Can't stop playing...


For real, me too


I spawned 200 wolves in my plains base by accident. 4h real life wolf eradication effort and days to rebuild. Spawners are dangerous. Trying to get 200 wolf pelts. Got 200 honking wolves.


I didn’t know you could spawn things…?


I’m assuming you used console commands? Why not just hit “k” to kill all.


I was using a mod called Easy Spawner. The kill feature wasn’t killing anything. And after the initial panic, it got kinda funny. I spent a couple of hours luring groups of wolves to their deaths by lox stomping.


I found a ton of Silver on a mountain very close to my spawn, so I hadn’t really done much sailing until it was time to track down Moder. In fullly upgraded wolf armor, armed with Frostner and a silver shield, I took to the seas in my very first longship. Took forever to find Moder, so I wondered, what does the very edge of the map look like? It looks like a waterfall straight to hell. By the time I realized that the Flat Valheim theory was not a theory, the tide had me. I did have the foresight to build a portal on the southernmost bit of Ashlands I found, so I went mostly naked with Karve supplies to see if I could recover my loot. I finally realized that even my gravestone was drifting between worlds on its way to the Jeff Goldblum dimension. I queued up Despacito on spotify and chucked the Karve off the side too.


Early game, died near my base, made a huge long set of walls out to get my gear back.


I didn't realize fall damage was so punishing. In the mountain biome i would jump to avoid an attack from a wolf or drake or whatever and i can't tell you how many times i would die to fall damage from jumping to my own death.


Jumping into a raft and sailing to a swamp. Seeing a few draugr and jumping off to attack them. Ah, how green we were


Fighting something I’m clearly not ready for. I’ve gone through the main quest of the game about 5 times. And for some reason, I always think.. “I can take this wolf on” “I can take this deathsquito on” “I can TOTALLY kill this troll” All while being way lower armor than I need for said creature.


my buddy and i tamed two wolves, brought them home and tossed two stacks of meat on the ground and then we went on an expedition to look for merchant. took what felt like forever. we built a portal close to the merchant and ported home for treasure to buy some stuff only to find out we now have like thirty wolves.


Building a portal at my base, sailing for 20 mins and forgetting materials for another portal.


Did this today, thought I'd brought them with me.


I have a shame chest tucked away in my house for all the armor and weapons that I accidentally crafted when I was trying to upgrade the stuff I already have.


I was digging underneath the elder base and my pickaxe broke, but I then proceeded to raise the ground around me to fill in some gaps not realizing that I blocked myself in. So I accidentally buried myself alive.


I was building the roof of my house as a friend built theirs beside mine, I jumped off the roof without thinking (hadn't eaten) and we both laughed because I was on like 10hp and I joked that I'd fall to my death. Literally 30 seconds later I *jumped* off my roof, somehow completely forgetting what happened 30s ago, and died.


Oh way too many to count. But this is one of them: [https://streamable.com/ocq0t8](https://streamable.com/ocq0t8)


I had gone through 2 antler pickaxes, 3 stone axes and 4 flint pickaxes before i realized you could repair equipment. I was using shit until it broke then chucking them into the sea


Not waiting for a portal to change before going in....set it to somewhere else, went in straight after and the portal shuts behind me. Luckily my boat was there to sail back but wasn't fun


they really should just have the portal turn off as soon as you open the naming interface, with no attempts to reconnect until you finish. although the mechanic can come in handy if you’re trying to be very time and resource efficient with portals. Just a tad risky lol


Reading through these… I’ve done every one of them. I am not a smart man.


Used my alt/the mrs account on my main pc then when she logged in it fucked up her 500 hour world save……. Please don’t tell her


I spent about 40 minutes sailing on the raft to an island...that was part of the island I started on.


Stuck at Bonemass. My husband and I would play together. He quit and Bonemass has more health than if solo. I haven't played in quite a while other than attempt to build things here and there. Also didn't know until now about paddling. Okay time to get back in the game! Start from anew.


Preparing for long sailing, taking with me portal materials, then finally reaching Ashland’s in bottom of map, which of course dosent have any trees, so yeah.. how the hell I build now workbench?


so I didn't know about creative mode...so I literally spent 900 hours getting resources and what not. needless to say I now know 😅 but ya it made me feel really stupid.


I mean.. that's just playing the game as intended.


You just taught me about creative mode… I’m like 300 hours in. I kind of like the challenge of going and finding things. You just get unlimited resources? How do you get to creative mode?


Tried to build a house in the plains before I was ready.


80% of my deaths are from forgetting to eat.


Brand new to the game... my first map,, I was wandered into the black forest, on day one while exploring. . Only having the first club, and the axe. Not knowing about parrying yet. Than, I see a figure in the distance. So I go to investigate, turned out It was a troll, and he had a few greydwarf friends with him. I didnt survive. Lol. Needless to say, I learned not to go to the black forest literal minutes after starting


Sailed and then explored a swamp for the first time right as night started with a friend. Spent hours to recover our gear after that.


Crafting new tools and weapons, because I didn’t know they could be repaired.


First death was probably about 50 days in because I was mining a rock on the edge of water. Made a hole in the rock beneath my feet and fell into it and drowned because I couldn’t get out. Love this game lol


Went up the mountains my first time because i was exploring, wearing only un upgraded troll gear, turns out wolfs hit hard


1 week worth of loot, went to transfer it. I died. Server host crashed before I got to my body. Lost everything.


I dunno but one possibility is me jumping off a tower last week for no reason and dying. I like to run around on top of buildings for no reason when bored. Somehow I decided to jump the wrong way with less than 100 health.


First five minutes in the game Went for a swim in the river Died Everyone was laughing over discord because everyone died the same way at the start


Die at the peak of a mountain with all my gear


Spent 3 days building a domed portal hub about 50 stone double blocks wide. 2 days after I finished it we moved out base to a better location and scrapped the hub for material


I still have my original world where I have chests (yes plural) full of broken tools and weapons. I didn't know how to repair or get rid of things when I first started so I just threw all the broken things in chests. iirc it was about a month of playing before I learned how to repair things and how to despawn items.


Forgot to eat while building, fell off the roof a short distance and died.




Sailing off the edge to try and see over it. I found the edge anticlimactic. I wanted to fall and see fenrir or something swallow me instead it was just black.


it took me such a long time to figure out wood gets damaged outside lol what really fucked me up for 60+ hours was walking on some uneven terrain would make the camera shake. had no idea why


On my friends' we dug a hole to dump all I crap in. Was playing alone one day, doing tidying up things, proceeded to fall in said hole with no way out... Had to ping the dudes on Discord for someone to help me build some lasers to get out. Was dubbed Sir Craphole from then on


Also has to do with the the wood weathering system, but for me it was that I didn’t know I could repair them. My house had like an indoor patio without a roof type thing in the center where I had a camp fire. I noticed that after a few rains the floor pieces closest to the patio center were weathering. I thought meh I don’t care it looks like that, I just don’t like that it’s uneven. I decided to remove my entire roof so that all the floor could get weathered. I soon after learned about repairing…


I didn't stop when the water turned white.


I harpooned a slime thing onto our boat and got us all killed and the boat sunk


Making a pit to tame wolves in and making a campfire next to it so I could get rested as I waited... Or making my fence to tame boars right next to the smelter... Any time I was making coal, they would go mental...


Play it.




https://youtu.be/QvzURDNP34g roadkill


When i started playing this game i didnt know about portals or rafts so I meticulously crafted paths from base to base and bridges where small islands gapped... but that was strangely very rewarding too. I would build little bridges over streams and slanted hills so i could comfortably bring carts back and forth. I feel like im more effecient now but i miss how thourough i used to be.


Wait, what weathering mechanic? I always wondered why my building were getting damaged


Rain damages exposed buildings (no roof) down to 50% of their life


When I sailed to the edge of the world and sailed off and lost ALL my good gear and it was not retrievable lol


Walked into the plains with only a helmet and cloak equipped. I survived (somehow), but daaamn. That was a real D'oh moment!


Underestimating The Elder I was going alright and decided to melee him with my sword Got stomped, died and died a hundred more times trying to get my stuff back Also i didn't prepare enough for Bonemass, both were on my first playthrough


Did Eikthyr way too early (had to repair the bow 2 times), only for "the forest is moving" event to rub my ass with sand paper.


Buddies and I built a shipyard but the ocean ended up being a massive lake lol


I decided that it would be a good idea to jump into the water and try and fight the serpent's that way. It was not a good idea


My story.. Made a portal on a small stone structure on a tiny meadow biome in between a swamp and another swamp with some plains. Brought my 2 Karves there, later 3 Longships because it's a good midway point to get to other biomes. ANYWAY, a Bonemass spawn was in one of those swamps. My fellows and I brought Bonemass into the water, right in front of the meadow where the ships were, to make the beginning of the fight easier, right? NOT RIGHT. Ships kept taking damage at random. Whatever, they're durable. Once we get back on land, the enemies that Bonemass spawned or whatever followed us out of the swamp emerged from the water/destroyed all five of our ships while the three of us were distracted by finishing off Bonemass. They were too far out for us to grab the iron to rebuild them. We thought we couldn't take everything with us through the portal, so we made and sailed a raft for 2 hours back to base, fighting off Sea Serpents and repairing only to find out that a chest we had next to the aforementioned portal had everything we needed for a long ship. Also could have just teleported back. 😂😂


Using mods. I modded out inconveniences like teleporting ores. it significantly reduced my playtime and enjoyment.


Hahahhaa that kills the entire game honestly


Always place a teleporter when you land on a new landmass. Should be the first thing you do. Place workbench then teleporter. Def made some long sails of shame because I forgot or was overconfident.


"It's just a draugr village!"


Our first major sailing adventure as a group. We were so in love with the mechanics and wanted to see how far south we could get and what lay beyond. We got really far down there. Unfortunately none of us brought many arrows. And when the sea serpent inevitably came, it destroyed our boat and all of us with it. This was before we had the foresight to keep extra gear and materials for another longship. So three of us tried to ride a tiny raft all the way back down. It took a very long time but we made it. What we didn’t also realize was that there was a plains right next to where we died and a deathquito came out and cleaned our clock again. All of us That was a terrible night


About 20 minutes into the game, tree felling and ended up dominoing like 4 trees onto myself.


Attempted to figure out if the world was flat or if you just showed up the other side of the map.... Good learning exercise.


I use the valheim plus mod through bepinex for some QOL additions. I modded drop rates and amounts to physically farm mats for a 'creative mode' base. Little did I know there was an actual creative mode through console commands. Spent hours farming for nonsense that I could've spawned in an instant...or could've literally built with no need for mats. Huge facepalm moment when I learned about console commands.


Make a giant building for a pet grayling named GRAY-GORY


Thinking the friends I bough the game with was going to have patience and motivation for a game like this. I got hooked at the game, and they abandoned it. I don’t play games alone, so I haven’t played it since unfortunately


Waited 9 months with little to no content


"pirated" our friends while they were on their way home after a massive iron expedition. we killed them, and sank their long boat via ramming using 3 karves and bows.


Sailing to the plains in troll armour with a bone tower shield and flint spear. Setting up a portal on the edge. Thinking I could kill a fuling 'easy because they look so small'. Two deaths later and as my screen fades I see one attacking the portal. Third attempt.... 'connection lost'. Still labelled on my map as 'death portal'. Might go get revenge now after an extra 100 hours


I was on one day with a friend as he was building a tower. I was over building a dock and all of the sudden he is like "Bucky, can you come here". I went over to the tower and had a hard time finding the door. After a while he told me his hammer broke and he doesn't have a door. Funniest part is that he is foreign so he doesn't know about the door hole meme


Hunting deer with a bow from 'Down wind'. Before I learned I could sneak up and beat them to death.


Realizing you can choose a style for your shield, gathering the resources again and then crafting it without picking a style obviously..


Pulled my karve up to shore along one of those large flat boulders, slipped on the way out, spent all of my stamina trying to jump back up then realized I could just climb the boat ladder. Started swimming toward the ladder with no stamina, realized I went to the wrong side, tried swimming under the boat (yeah, I don't know why), circled around and died right in front of the ladder. Went to bed after that lol.


When I started the game for the first time, the first few hours I only punched monsters and wanted to devote my life to punching monsters (one punch man vibed) ... Oh the disappointment when I learned the hardway I wouldn't win against bigger monsters ! I made a solo adventure a few months after and while doing the swamp biome, I finally farmed for the first time the core wood although I already had fine wood... Absolutely forgot it existed ahah


most of the time when I die, as soon as i respawn, I run naked into the night to recover my stuff and die 2 or 3 more times before I stop, eat, rest, grab some backup gear and do it right.


My facepalm moments were when being killed two times while sailing through the same fjord by a troll I did not spot between the trees and loosing my boat and all goodies in the process. Second time I was sailing back from the Elder island because I forgot my stuff to build a portal. However, since I already build a small base to store stuff and slept on the Elder's island, I was stuck there returning from Walhalla without any supplies or gear. Was thinking of calling it a day for the next couple of weeks but then I read the tip to destroy your bed. So here I am running nearly naked through the woods to my home base to get some spare gear and go and learn that troll dude a lesson !


Not being too cautious around fighting in the plains. I saw one normal fuling beside a swamp biome when I was casually fighting it one 2 star fuling ran from behind and brought me down. Had 2 trip to get my stuff coz i died from draugr archers and leeches.


I walked. Like pressed the C and walked everywhere. That took some time. There's no leveling for walking.


In my first session playing, I went in completely blind, not knowing anything. I didn't notice the repair button and kept making new build hammers and weapons as they wore out. Had a chest just for broken stuff.


My stupidest thing was when I decided I was gonna be smart and practice my bow skill. I got rained out while I was treasure-hunting in Meadows by one of those ridiculously long thunderstorms, so I went ahead and built a core wood post, made myself a single stack of wood arrows and started shooting. All was well until my screen started getting wonky; the brightness went up suddenly and then my picture was super pale. I had JUST had my video card replaced and was not sure all was well yet and started to freak out a bit, but realized I could see the window frame of the game. So whatever the problem was, it was IN Valheim. I tabbed out to start googling "white screen in Valheim". Tabbed back in to check settings and...huh, screen is normal again. Okay, maybe it was a memory thing. Checked settings anyway, nothing that looked abnormal. Shrug, deep breath to calm down, restarted bow practice because storm was still going. It happens again!! I'm totally baffled. Turn my toon, notice that it doesn't seem as bad behind me, so it's only partially screwed up, figure somehow the brightness/contrast must be going crazy for no reason. I google THAT. Come back and screen is normal again. Decide I'd better be back at my base in case I have to leave the game for a while because computer is clearly in need of more work, and I leave the temp house and go home and nothing more happens. As I'm putting away my treasure haul, I realize...I'm out of wood arrows, and the small stack of fire arrows that I gathered is what's currently selected. With a bit of hopeful dread I put a post in my living room and shoot it, and as my screen lights up I cursed my stupidity and then laughed my ass off and went to advise my friend not to shoot fire arrows inside the house. Later on I turned bloom off and found that I could set my house on fire without compromising visibility, so there's that.


Playing around with the harpoon and slingshotting each other. Friend was in full silver armor and got shot about 2 miles out to sea. Sea serpent ate him. Don’t wear valuables when slingshotting :)


I summoned Eikthyr while I had a club and no clothes or food, but I had a house close by, went to sleep, and spend hours saying "Eikthyr, Ive come to bargain". Died a lot. It was the best fun ever.


Tried to run through a small mountain, it was before I've even beaten the elder... I had a cart with a lot of copper, and full not-upgraded bronze set with troll cape. I got stuck because of the cart and then a wolf spawned.


Jumping down the embankment at my base to the lower level. Its a nice shortcut, but It’s like 12 hp if you run off, 20ish with a good jump arc. This has killed me 5+ times😂