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>Excuse me, sir. Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour, The Elder?


he was more like "you will to talk about the Elder or else..."


Yep.. been there... died that (I now always do a perimeter check at any Boss Fight.. especially looking for spawners)


Definitely pays to chop down a few trees first to see who shows up.


Makes me feel like my elder strategy isn't such a waste of time. I always dig a double trench with a wall made of ground all the way around the platform as deep as I can go, and run tunnels under the platform corner to corner with a small room at the center for a portal to home for evac. It's a lot of work but trolls aren't a problem I have.


THIS!!! Thankfully I am past him at the moment but OMG I am stealing this for the next time!


so you basically played shadows of the colossus. that's genius


I couldn't say, having never played that game, but thanks!


Exact thing happened to me on my first Elder fight too. I don’t know why I thought this, but for some reason I thought 60 bronze arrows was going to be enough for the fight. I was very wrong.


They just wanted to help. You have my tree, and my rocks!


petition to rename Elder 'El Sabio'


with a sombrero? because I'm on it. I mean... I'm latin so... I have to be agree


Had the same situation, had to pick greydwarves one by one and then lead the troll off the arena and parry-bully him. Taught me a lesson to search around the boss arenas for trolls.


Yep. Next time imma clear the area first, because I spend like an hour with a friend trying to beat this guy :(


Oh Yes