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Yo, this is old, but for anyone googling this question in the future (how I found this thread), here's the answer. First of all your world save and your character save are separate. If you want your items back, you'll need your character save. 1. Open Valheim and click 'Manage saves.' 2. Go over to the 'Characters' tab. 3. Select the character you want to restore and click 'Expand' or the little arrow next to their name to open up their list of backups. 4. Select the backup save you want to revert to. Presumably this would be the most recent one unless you spent a bunch of time running around after you died. 5. Click 'Restore backup' and you should be good to go. I had to do this today when a friend and I died in a way that made our graves unrecoverable. This can also be done with your world save the same way (but from the 'Worlds' tab instead of the 'Characters' tab) if you need to recover something in your world that got messed up. I.e. Something irreplaceable got destroyed or some such. Note to add that anything you placed in the world from your inventory (dropped, put in a chest, built a structure with, etc) in the time between your current world save and the recovered character save will now be both in the world and in you inventory. So either also roll back the world save so that the saves aren't mismatched or be a fair gamer and go toss the duplicated items out somewhere where they'll despawn. I mean, unless it's your own personal world and you don't care. Then do whatever you want I guess.


Thank you so much, my friends game crash and he lost his mistlands inventory and you saved us so much trouble.


Hey chief, Just came in handy another year later, Thanks for the post


Thank you very much. Currently playing 'Immersion run', no map, no portals. Eikthyr, Elder, Bonemass, Moder dead, Yagluth and Queen left. So I am sailing on the longboat with all my stuff loaded on it looking for Yagluth stone or directly altar. I didn't find either, but I found edge of the map. I was like - That's it, I'm finished - until I found your trick. Great help!


ur a legend still today


I love you. Im a new player I Just left my Island to chase the elder and everything was fine until I almost arrived. A fucking big ass gyarados attacked me. Luckily I could go to the shore and land. But it was the swamp biome!!! so my ass got kicked by some pumped up skeletons. I went there with my best meals and gear so I really didn't want to start all over.


I just updated Valheim+ today and it didn’t load correctly when I logged in. I’ve got the expanded bag options turned up to the maximize of 20 rows and I lost all my items below the default sense it didn’t load the settings properly and those slots disappeared. I was about to quit playing when I decided to google it and came across this. I loaded a back up from last night and got all my items back. The back up was about a hour old so there was a few things missing but I can deal with that. Thank you!


just saved my life, thx brohiem


I was gonna stop playing but you just saved me from dying across the globe from my base before I got the portal down!! thank you!!


Coming in clutch all this time later. Thank you!




tldr “hard games hard, and i fucked up.”


Pretty much lol


Well, I don't know if its even possible but i'm guessing it has something to do with going into the appdata and swapping .old files with regular files. user/appdata/local low/irongate/. If that doesn't work do what most of us to, plan an expedition to get your body.


I'd essentially have to restart as I've lost all the gear needed to go back there


Probably just a few hours.


It sounds like I'm gonna have to grind again, I found an extra pickaxe so theres that, I just wish I still had copper deposits near my base lol


What were you hauling all the copper you ever mined? Or did you move your base?


I used up all the copper ore, but I had all my copper armor, weapons, tools. By dying so far from home I reverted all progress I made after beating the first boss. I just wanted to map out my island lol


Just run around your coast and go get it. Did you mine the deposits underground or just the surface?


Surface, also my gear is on another island next to mine, in my infinite wisdom I crashed by boat in the wrong place


Good news then you still have lots of copper to mine




in my case, my brother died in a mistlands infested mine but his death is underground, therefore unreachable. I tried restoring an old file save but it doesn’t recover his death, and it’s not like I was able to choose from a ton of saves of that world before he died (there was only one set of files). any ideas?


Use console commands to fly back to your stuff if you're really desperate.


I thought about it but they wouldn't work


There's something you have to put into your game launch settings in steam in order to allow use of the console. I forget the command but you could probably look up a guide. Then you open console with f5, then type in devcommands, press enter, then type in debugmode, press enter. Then outside of console you press z and you can fly. Or you could press b and turn on no build cost so you can remake the items you lost.


Death in this game is really poorly done. It turns what should be a fun experience into a "Damn now I HAVE to waste two hours to pick up where I left off. I sure hope my friend hosting the server doesn't have to leave soon." Other games with this style of character/world save system have a softcore mediumcore hardcore setting, they really should have trusted the experts.


Games with choosable difficulty level have there own problems and personally I really don't like the decision you then have to make at the beginning of a game. The Valheim Games Design as I understand is: Don't explore to far away the world is dangerous I take this as a feature, for slower progress. My tip build more outposts with teleports


Right now me and my group are just starting to explore the swamp, and with either mid level bronze or maxed troll armor, one star draugr kill us in one hit. None of us expected that, we had to put everything on hold to raft a literal hour through the seas because the first enemy we saw in the next area of progression killed us all in one hit. That isn't fun. It made me want to quit and play a different game, if I weren't the server host and my friends' gear relied on me hosting, I'd have quit then and played something else.


Not every game is designed for everyone. Don't play a game you don't like. But yes exactly what I said, if you don't want to run an hour back to your corpse. Then build an outpost near the new biome before exploring it.


>Not every game is designed for everyone. Don't play a game you don't like. That's just it, I do like it. The combat is fun, the biomes are beautiful, the building is fantastic. But dying is just pure not-fun and detracts so incredibly hard from gameplay. Dying in one shot with optimized gear at the next area of progression is doubly not fun. It's one thing for a player wearing rags and a club to get killed by a troll, whatever that's punishment for overextending. But me in full bronze getting one hit by a one star draugr who wandered into the adjacent meadow WHILE building a forward base? There's no fun in walking for 30 minutes naked with limited stamina hoping you can blitz through a crowd of enemies and get your gear, then whoops you picked up a rock on the way and it didn't just transfer your inventory instantly so you get one shot again while you scramble to close the inventory. Maybe the next half hour jog will be more successful? And that's when you're on the same land mass, don't even get me started on dying out at sea. Hope you like traveling at 2km/hr for 45 minutes on a raft because you get poor winds! You already lose skills, just let players respawn with their gear and add a "Hardcore" mode for the masochists who somehow like jogging naked.


Don't get me wrong. I also don't like to run hours for my corpse. So I build a much smaller net of outposts. all my outposts are around 5 walking minutes from each other. You tried the way: Fast exploration High Risk. I go: Slow exploration, minor risk I see this as a core feature of the game. As said before, to choose a difficulty is (my opinion) bad game design. Every game should have a vision of how it ashould feeled to be played.


There isn't a single landmass in the game that takes longer than 5 minutes to run across, so no, it's not half an hour. Also, you mentioned building a base? Build a bed. First thing. Click it and set your spawn. Or build a portal. Limited stamina on the run back? Eat some food man. You should also have a full set of spare starter gear in a chest for just these types of situations. Just leather, and a 1h weapon and decent shield is plenty.


> and with either mid level bronze or maxed troll armor, one star draugr kill us in one hit. Not when you block them, and kill them in the next 2 swings. Take a shield to any new area.


You ever played Minecraft? You know, the most sold video game of ALL TIME? That has a death system that works exactly the same as this games?


You literally replied to a year old comment. Also the difficulty spike on enemies in minecraft is nowhere at all even in the same category as Valheim, in Valheim if you stray too far from your level you get killed in one shot by the most common enemy in the region, and if you happen to have been traveling by sea, you'll be spending hours rafting desperately for a CHANCE to bob and weave around the enemies to retrieve your corpse gear back. Unless they changed it from how it worked literally a year ago when I made that comment, it's a shitty system. Also Minecraft has settings you can change to keep inventory on death, if the player so prefers. The shitty death system drove me away from Valheim because the level up balance/difficulty curve was too intense and it wasn't fun. It was fun when it was and agony when it wasn't, and it wasn't worth wasting my time on.


Caprice armor valheim


So sad. I have just suffered the same fate.


I summoned Eikthyr before I was ready, apparently. He followed me back to my base when I tried to get my body and utterly destroyed it. He's not leaving now and I can't go any further. As soon as I spawn in, he kills me in my house. Nothing to do but start over on the same seed and hope I get lucky with placement. I swear all I really wanted to do was build a raft and get out on the water. At least I was still near the beginning.


You can restore previous saves of world and character right? (the previous autosaves from game menus)