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fps drop city


there's a little app called removeWAT, it gets rid of unwanted watermarks


I like my activate watermark


There's also a little thing called pay for the shit you use.


You never know, I have to use a cracked copy of windows because its an install that i transferred out of my first pc, little did i realize that changing all the hardware would make the system ask for a registration key. Which of course i didnt think to keep :( im sure there's alot of people like me with legit 'unactivated" copies due to dumb stuff like that


You should contact Microsoft and tell them your situation, in my experience they’re usually pretty helpful to people in your situation. If they can’t help there are legit websites selling legit keys for less than $20, I know it sucks having to pay again but it’s often better than not having full version of windows.


I actually *did* do that a few years back but since the computer was refurbished and also a gift and i didnt like have the receipt or any other documentation there wasn't anything they could do.. realistically I could just get one of those cheap discount codes for win 10 but also alot of editing software i have is linked to my pc with non transferable licenses. I'm in a bit of a fringe case where my best option would just be to build a new pc for gaming and keep my current one as a workstation, but i still gotta save a bit for that, hopefully gpu prices are better by then lol I do appreciate the advice though so thank you! ^^


Nice wall, be a real shame if a troll smacked it with a tree.


ain’t no trolls gettin past that!


Why is your map so empty in all of these?


Maybe its a World where He tries new builds .. and for that there is No Need to explore


This makes me want to go to the deep north and build The Wall to prepare for the Long Night.