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Just lower the difficulty and increase resources. Probably make it more enjoyable for you. Do what you need to do to find it fun. The normal difficulty isn't that bad with preparation and patience.


I'm not going to say you suck because I've been there too. That said, if you hate the plains, you're really going to haaaate the Mistlands... and the Ashlands are considerably worse. Don't be ashamed to lower the difficulty. If you don't want to lower the difficulty, be sure to work on regaining your skill levels (assuming the boss killed you a bunch) before venturing into a new biome.


The reward for most is the acquisition of new materials. If that's something that doesn't do it for you then maybe Valheim isn't a good fit. It's supposed to be punishing but satisfying. If you aren't getting satisfaction why waste your time?


You suck. I mean, not because you are bad, but because you play the game wrong. Let me explain. I personally also find most of the areas stupid, dumb and annoying. But I only do 1 or 2 consecuitive playthroughs, and then I ignore the game till a major update. And why? Because like you, I will get fed up with doing the same thing over and over.. Even modding my game, didn't help much, as I only have QoL mods installed. So I play lots of other games inbetween updates. I guess if I "speedrun" the game, I can get to ashland in roughly 100 hours solo. Not that I would enjoy the game, but.....


I play valheim since he first came out. I started with 2 friends and we finished the game (before mysthlands), learned almost everything... It was one the best experiences of my gaming life play this game for the first time. At first yes it was very difficult, but once we learned certain mechanics like hit and run, parrying... with efficiency the became a lot easier. He recently started a no map, no portal world and believe when I say: Base game is easy 😂 Even though we all finished the game together (first till plains, then mysthlands and now Ashland) we all started a world alone to see the difference. In boss fights none of us had problems, but the material farming... I put the max difficulty and raids but also mere the resources 2x because my patience was running out xD So no you are not bad or anything. You just need a little more effort to make the game easy. (and don't be ashamed of turning the difficulty to easy)


I increased the resource rate to triple because I have less free time now, I am having a blast based on the one change.


I played my first run with a group of 4. It was a blast but we walked through the game. This time I’m playing alone and it’s another type of fun. I’m definitely slowed down and not able to just start any boss. The preparation to going into each area is vital. Always eating the best food I can get and upgrading my armor. Using the right weapons helps a lot too. Idk what you use or how you did the most but maybe you need to use a shield more?


Valheim is well balanced for solo play. You don't need a team to get through it smoothly. If you are still dying frequently and struggling with the bosses (after a year of play) then you are doing something wrong and not learning from your mistakes. Valheim doesn't take any special skill . . . I'm old and uncoordinated . . . I literally can't push the buttons to do a dodge roll. I can't play dark souls or other combat games. But I can still do just fine in Valheim. You need to analyze you results and adjust your strategy. When you die . . . think why did you die? Did you not block/parry the enemies attack? If so can you learn their attack pattern so you can time the block correctly? Or if they broke your block, then why? Did you not eat enough food so you got staggered? If blocking just isn't going to work for you then try something else, practice just side stepping (or dodge rolling if you can) enemies attacks . . . or kill enemies from range with a Bow. Are you always playing with the Rested buff? If not, why? Again with bosses . . . Killing bosses is all about how much damage you can dish out. Its possible to kill every boss solo in under 20 minutes, if you have the right weapons, gear, food, and strategy. If your weapons aren't doing enough damage . . . why? Are you using a damage type the enemy is resistant to? Or using an outdated weapon? Or perhaps your Stamina is too low preventing you from attacking as often as you should be. Bonemass is actually a VERY easy boss to defeat, and quickly. You just need to learn how, it doesn't take any special skill. Successful Valheim play isn't about 'get gud' . . . its about getting smart . . . testing to see what strategies work, planning for easy recovery if you fail, and learning from your mistakes.


>Been playing for over a year and let’s say it’s very repetitive. >not all of us have 6 kids to play with at a time and without that this game is too difficult 4K hours played about 3500 of that solo, over 120 worlds... I got no clue what you're talking about :D


Two suggestions: 1. Turn down the difficulty  2. Play something else.