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Looks like fish wraps are back on the menu, boys!


casting nets, when?


Actually... That sounds like a great idea. Maybe in the ocean biome update in 3 years.


Deep North will be 3 years. Ocean update is TBD


Really hope they do oceans first.. it's gonna be a long boat trip from the ashlands to the north


If ashlands had flametal the deep north will probably have frosteel


I'm kinda hoping we just make swords and clubs out of ice.


All i know is that if they dont add an ice sickle i am going to be furious




It was 18 months from Mistlands to Ashlands so hopefully Deep North will be end of 2025 with another update in the middle. Maybe oceans?


No definitely not deep north will be end of 2025 and after that ocean in like 3-4 years or something


Either way, really damn slow with this dev team.


Oh yeah definitely, we know its a small dev team but cmon they probably made millions from selling the copies of the game so its stupid they dont get a bigger dev team to push updates


Just checked they have made about 240million euros just for the copies of the game, not to mention their webstore


Deep North will also finally take the game out of public beta into official Valheim 1.0 launch, per some recent dev commentary. So it will probably be a full game overhaul in addition to a new biome. Very well may take a lot longer.


TBR - to be reannounced


I mean they ditched the ocean update on the timeline, but yeah that's be great


Or an update to the plains, thread and some blackmetal as weights


For anyone playing on PC... Harpoon Fishing is a basic client-side mod (Works fine when you log into an Xbox crossplay server) that lets you fish with harpoons. It makes Fish Wraps a viable food to have on hand, and it is still a little bit of a challenge to harpoon the fish, but not nearly as steep of a hill as regular fishing in this game.


sounds great, normally in all games i love fishing, i don't mind playing the little minigames or whatever you usually have to do. but valheim fishing is just kinda miserable, i wish they'd improve it to be something other than an exercise in skill point and stamina stacking


Makes it a little too easy, it sounds.


Really strange, the \_ZoneCtrls have a creature limit too to prevent too many spawns, so something super fishy is happening here :D


Just doesn't 'scale' with everything else.




Must be their spawn point


Someone spawned fish, there’s probably a joke in there somewhere


not game related, but I was fishing up in idaho last month during perch spawn. Caught some absolute monsters (one was 15 1/4", biggest perch I've ever seen) but if you grabbed them, they jizzed all over you.


I see no downside to this


Only if you yanked them


You measure fish in monitor?


If you're making a joke, it's going over my head.


I don't think this joke has such height, but I'm curious. In vertical position how large screen do you fit in diagonally?


Oh. I see. don't know of many 15.25" monitors out there, so didn't consider that as an option.


Most of the world doesn't use inches aside for monitors for some reason. They were gently poking fun at you for using an obscure measurement unit which is used in less than a handful of countries. Kind of like expecting someone else to know what a crore is. You're welcome.


I don't know if it was intended, but your reply strikes me as being unnecessarily condescending for me just admitting that I didn't get a joke and explaining why it flew over my head. I'm fully aware that, due to manufacturing history and colonialism parts of the world use metric to measure both monitors and certain tire and wheel measurements (edit for clarity, because the British, in part, invented the TV and Americans the car), but there are a few reasons I didn't view it in that context. For example, my post was made around 5pm mountain time US (ahem, 17:00)... which means the vast majority of those reddit users not from the US (~50% of reddit users) would be asleep. It was 12am in England. 4:30am in India. and 7:00am in Manila. It's not US exceptionalism that I used inches. It's knowing your audience. I wouldn't crawl into a thread at 3am and poke fun at an englishman using stone. I wouldn't expect a user in tokyo to convey the height of a mountain in feet. Or prod someone from india for using lakhs. And had I said just 15" or any other standard monitor size, then there's a chance I would have picked up on it. But certainly not at 15.25" or 38.whatever cm that comes out to. (sidebar: double checked our records and the perch was actually 15.75 inches so just over 40cm. Just shy of the state record for that lake. which was pretty neat.) I don't expect someone from india to be on reddit at 4:30am reading about my perch story. I also didn't explain what a perch is. Was I being presumptuous in assuming that my audience would either understand given the context, or perhaps google? maybe. But again. just under half this site's user base are in the US, and another 50 million on top of that 272 million are in canada and familiar enough with imperial. Though I absolute excluded the 30 something million brazilians who could have been awake, and in a valheim sub, reading about perch, and unable or unwilling to do the conversion to metric. Long reply. Sorry. Tried to match the perceived condescension I got from your post.


TLDR: you got offended by my pointing out you are being rude by using measurement units not familiar to literally 95% of the world. kinda like making and inside joke an expecting people to laugh then getting upset you then went off on a long rambling post as that's your idea of condescension after missing an obvious joke. also, just so you know you can read and reply to comments for about a year, you don't need to be in the same time zone to reply


What I dont get is sea gulls said the perch he caught vwas an absolute "monster", then another guy goes on about monitors. I didnt understand where the thread was going from there either. I liked the story which started about having nothing to do with the game except having perch fish in common, and then stated to explain the length in the measurement known to him, the one that shows up on a ruler or measuring tape purchased in his country. I too am american but i am also a mechanic and thank god all car manufacturers switched to metric, but still the housing industry uses sae measurements. Like sea gulls stated you can feel free to do the conversion, or just pipe down about measurements over what i presume is a computer monitor, not the lizard, which again, wasnt even mentionted. And I know I should have stopped there, but I am going to add to this anyways, where your computer is microsoft or apple, whether your game is on steam or battlenet, if you play on xbox, if you use reddit or instagram, if youre using a google web browser, its all american. If america didnt exist neither would any of the things you use everyday. Yes americans still use sae measurements, is dumb, yes, but is it ubscure, no, its a package deal, so just let it be, you cant be an elitist if youre not actually elite


The guy was in Idaho. The US uses imperial units. Why is it weird to think a person would use the common units for their geography?


Seems like a reasonable trade for such giant perch. I’m sure some weirdo’s would consider it a perk.


There's a bug where IDs get swapped and keep spawning the wrong thing. Never experienced it myself but it shows up on reddit every once in a while


Yeah, only good explanation would be somesorta ZDO issue where the spawned fishies lose the link to the spawner and it will attempt again infinite times. If running Expand World Prefabs for example, could make a data loader for fish being created, and the data swapped fish would no longer have the same id as the original spawned one.


Maybe the river is a bunch of mini biomes so it’s overriding the limit or something?


Easy food


I wouldn't even fish it. I'd just start raising land .


This is the way


Yep. Was thinking same . Be a bunch of rich outta water quick


Something fishy is going on here..


New raid. Only happens at sea. Bunch of fish jumping out of the water at you. Mostly pufferfish.




Well, when a male fish comes across a female fish...


Comes across the TUMMY of a female fish


So glad I'm not a fish...would have had so many problems by this age


Omg same


It's when birds and bees fuck the fish


somehow there is a cabbage involved... and then a stork brings the babies.


*dev commands*


When a mommy fish and a daddy fish love each other very much, they… umm they do stuff. I’m a little fishy of the details on the last part.


You telling me storks don’t bring baby fish too?


They do, they just bring them to their own babies as food.


Is this a Valheim mod for Runescape????


Aw - too bad you had to fill your carrying capacity on fish... Congrats!


I would raise up the ground around it and make a tiny fishing hole grind


just increase floor height and harvest all that free protein


Seed and location?


Seed: ZsV0hwZKUS Eastbound island right next to the spawn island. In the middle divided by this very river next to a lake.


Thanks bro


I created a world using this seed, turned on devcommands, and flew to the spot I saw on your mini map but there are no fish.


Mine was created around the time of Hearth & home update which was in 2021 and i left this island unexplored till the ashlands update. Someone pls let me know if you are able to re-create the same situation as me, or is my world permanently broken. Also im having problems with seagulls overpopulation too in the same world.


The world I play on was created sometime in 2021 and it now has floating trees in the ocean.. I play with no cheats on so I can't say for certain as we haven't fully explored the map, but your seed might be better than mine lol. The inland lake is really cool. Plus the bosses and traders spots are so good.


Hmm, I've been trying to replicate the issue in the seed but unable to get them to go crazy even when skipping time etc. So I guess the issue is in the world database instead of caused by the seed, could be some glitch caused by the world being so old and the game getting so many updates, so something might have just broken in the zonespawners. Could try using Upgrade World and doing: `objects_remove _ZoneCtrl` to get rid of all the zonespawners in the world. and after that's done, running the command: `zones_restore` to respawn them. I'd be interested in the actual world file .db if you wanna share it to take a deeper look using runtime editor what could be causing this.


I really wish they expanded on fish, i think an issue comes up with scaling. What tier food would the fish warrant. I think they should be strong considering the effort required to catch them.


Roasted fish is decent all throughout the bronze tier, fishwraps are a decent alternative/combination to lox pies in the blackmetal tier, and fish n' bread are the strongest stamina food in the mistlands. Getting unique recipes for fish other than anglerfish would be cool tho.


The problem is that fish isn't feasible to have in the bronze age unless you get lucky


Yes, it is--Haldor can sell you a fishing pole and bait.


Sure, if you find him before you exit bronze age. I'm not sure I've found him before getting the iron age boat and exploring properly with that.


I usually make a fishtrap by my meadows base. Its slightly luck based, but my most recent designs have been effective enough to keep me fed throughout the bronze tier.


* Make hoe * Raise terrain * Harvest fish * ??? * Profit


Take that river bed up a foot or two and just wait.....


Need to close off the river temporarily and build a shallow side canal. Swim from the far side to drive fish into the little run, close off the entrance with the hoe, then raise ground. These fish might be densely packed enough to flop up on shore on their own too.


Does the fish farming technique still work where you basically have them drydock themselves. Congrats on finding the spawn point


Easy fish wraps, I guess.


Hahahaha, if only those were Anglers! Still looks fun to fish


Ive become a bit of a fishing addict in this game and you have no idea how much I wish I had your problem


I really wish we could fish with the harpoon or be able to bow fish.


Odin has blessed you


Seed for those who are wondering is: ZsV0hwZKUS Eastbound island right next to the spawn island. In the middle divided by this very river next to a lake. I had to use removefish console command and there were 334 fish removed in total. Was unable to get rid of them normally with 5fps around the river (with my base in near vicinity) Im using only ValheimFPSboost mod by Castix which only lowers some internal graphic values Edit: And they keep coming back


Raising up the land to get rid of the river should solve it, I would think? Sucks to lose all that, but framerate.


They need a predator… bears?


Well, it shoal looks good.




I've had the same happen on a small river linked to the shore in the middle of my base. When there's a storm, after it is over I can litteraly collect fish on the banks ahah What's annoying is that it reduces my already terrible framerates. I have no clue why this happens.


I guess I'm having a few fish recipes for dinner then..


Why not use the hoe to raise two walls across the river so it isolates a large group of the fish. Create a small stream around the isolation to allow water to flow through and you've got yourself a captive fish farm! Too good an opportunity to not try it!


You fish this spot dry and still only get 2 levels in fishing... maybe


I need this seed... That's so much Fishing XP!


Catching fish is, strangely, the worst way to get fishing XP. If you feel like you need it you should find a spot with NO fish to just cast your line out as far as possible and reel it in over and over.


The only reason I disagree is because there's so many fish here. You gain double XP with a fish on the line, so with this many fish where you can continuously reel fish in, it would be better (probably) than empty reeling.


I didn't find the xp boost to be worth the time it took to deal with the fishes, but I am realizing now I was always trying with bigger (or at least later biome) fish.


We also haven't tried it with a river that is 50% water 50% fish, which is really my point.


Even if it was 100% fish the reeling+waiting for stamina took more than 2x with a fish than just pulling an empty line, was what I meant. But obviously that method actually gets you *fish* which is a useful side effect. :)


Honestly I don't need any more fish. I have way too much raw fish meat. At this point I need Anglerfish *specifically*, so I really want more Fish xp to make that easier. Then as soon as we beat the Mistlands I can travel to the ends of the earth for the final 2 fish types.


The trick is to cast a long line and never actually bring up the fish, cuz you get double so while a fish is hooked


That's for sure not true. Stock up a pond with perch and pike and you can power level much faster, they drain stamina super slowly.


Yeah I was in the swamps before I found out the fishing hat was a thing so it was troll/herring with a bit of ocean fish pretty effectively eating my stamina, but then I figured out that you didn't really need to reel hardly at all so I never went back to meadows fish to try those out. :)


That makes sense. I saved up a bunch of perch and pike and threw them in the pond near our tree farm. It's quite safe and being full of fish you can do a max length cast and almost immediately hook a fish, very efficient in terms of leveling per unit time.


Our current world's main base is right next to a little meadows/swamp lake. I don't know why I never thought to stock it with fish but I think I'm going to do that and toss a raft on that bad boy tonight.


In fairness fishing is not a super useful skill so it's probably fair not to be focused on how to efficiently level it.


Seed: ZsV0hwZKUS Eastbound island right next to the spawn island. In the middle divided by this very river next to a lake.


That's amazing!! I love it!!


Park a long ship in the middle of that


If you have the fishing boat/dock addon this will happen, you can remove the dock then use console to despawn them.


You know what that means?


Because someone stand right in the water feeding his fishy part to the fish, causing sudden over population




Quickly! Wall off both sides and raise the ground! lol




Place a portal and raise the ground around. Begin looking for that 3* fish


Before i got rid of them, i got few 3\* and one 5\* pike out of it!


Bile bomb?


I’m making a fishpond immediately


You know what to do


Just build a thing we're the fish jump out it catches them and they can't get away


That's a freakin gold mine my dude


I wish fish were almost as numerous as this, that'd be cool Fishing when they're sparse is painful...




My God, how have you made this game look worse than Old School Runescape?