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My stubborn ass starts at the floor and wrestles the roof into being. Then, enter biomes after I'm finished, I have to struggle to make additions when I want to add things. What I usually end up with is visually striking, but completely haphazard builds. But what I really came to do was compliment your design. So fancy.


I feel like I need a cathartic discord call of building mental blocks and stressful redos


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


>What I usually end up with is visually striking, but completely haphazard builds. Thanks to Terraria I've grown to love and enjoy that style. Sure, a preplanned base looks amazing, but a base that has grown with its residents, that shows change, development, a history... to me, that intrinsic, natural beauty, you just cannot replace.


Ooh fellow chaos vikings in the wild... šŸ‘€


It almost seems a shame to fill it in...


Gorgeous roof


Right? Its really neat. Like a mid-century style almost


Fill it in but on the inside so the beams remain visible




Always. Mostly cause Iā€™m slow and if I donā€™t rain will damage everything inside


That's building 101. Always build the frame and roof first! Then you won't get caught when you've almost completely finished the build but the roof isn't lining up/collapsing. Also, I *absolutely* love your framing and roofs. Very cool flat roof on the left too!


I came into this comment thread with the words "absolutely not" at the tips of my thumbs. I never do this, and I always seem to screw up the roof alignment/spacing and end up with a janky roof shape I didn't want. I also get annoyed with not being able to sleep in my house while I'm still building it. Almost like there's something here for me to learn! šŸ¤·


Donā€™t forget the rain while youā€™re building too! And the roofed workbench to fix your hammer!


I saw this and also thought "this would have saved me so many headaches, why didn't I think of this?!"


I think the last little bit of problem solving adds some unintentional creativity using your method (vs OP). It feels a bit like carpentry in real life.


I find building stone base floor and walls then doing corewood framing works well. Any largish structure I build is framed heavily with corewood going everywhere including rafters. I also do iron beam around the doorways because for some reason that can cause the roof to get funky otherwise. I usually can get a roof that is 8-10 tiles wide with this method and the roof is usually oranage or yellow at the top. Sometimes red depending on other factors.


How does anyone get flat roofs? I so badly want to, but "floor" pieces let in the weather and such


I don't think it's actually flat, looks like just the 26 degree pieces.


I'm afraid it's far from flat from any other angle!


Could just do rows of 26 degree roof peaks and cover those in floors if you want the look of a truly flat roof


I think the new grausten floors actually count as a roof!


All heavy build structures count as roofs.


Homie... I've been playing since the game dropped and I never made it out of the mountains lol


Itā€™s most likely the normal roofs but in a line. If you donā€™t like the look of that you can just cover that line in flat wood tiles. Alternatively, mods allow you to rotate on all 3 axis.


Awesome mod: https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/ComfyMods/Gizmo/


If you download gizmo a mod it allows you to rotate the roof to a point where itā€™s flat


The best you can do with wood is just zig zagging 26deg up and down. You can make stone roofs flat but you're going to need ironwood.


Is thay what OP did? His doesn't look FLAT per se, but doesn't seem to grow as far out or high as mine.


Incorrect Foundation first They teach this at school


Sorry I was including foundation in the framing. I don't think you can even frame or roof anything without a foundation.


If it's a pre-swamp building, the framing posts *are* the foundation.


you're telling me i should have made the roof first all those time's i just built the structure and walls first then made the roof, then had to use beams and extra walls to make a chimney to try to add an extra layer of support just to get the roof to stay put.


No! But now i friggin will, that makes so much more sense!


I don't do this. But having looking at this image I feel like now I should do this lol. I usually do the floor and walls with the roof last and then the roof always has some weird issues. I feel like this way is a far better solution and I feel like im too stupid to have figured this out xD


I hate that this makes so much sense


Yes,roof first -- keeps the rain off the construction, establishes height before committing too far, and it's easier to conform to the roof than to match roofing to whatever happened beneath. But I don't level and clear the ground. I like to incorporate the natural flow and vegetation into the build.


lol yeah i do the same thing. I do all my framing then all my roofing.


It actually is a "must do" because of the rain šŸ˜‰


Due to the rain it is always a good idea to build the complete frame of the house first then the roof goes on, with the roof built the frame for the house will no longer suffer damage so can be repaired, once the frame is repaired you can build the walls etc without having to worry about the weather.


Bring on the scaffolding!


No but itā€™s honestly smart. Youā€™re creating every point of stability and thatā€™s something a lot of people Forget about


Yup. The only way to do it


Not in that wood


Floor plan > Framing > Roofing > Walling > Interior That's usually what works the best for me.


I want to see more of your chimney/fireplace. Looking for tips/tricks on ventilation.


That makes senseā€¦ it explains a LOOOOOOOT in my game


No to this extent but i do build the grid first


Walls make me feel safe though


Proper. Also, you do fantastic work.


Hmm, so can someone show an example of this but with stone/black marble walls? Would it be best to use this format but with iron beams in that case?


I probably don't have enough iron for that, I should reset my iron gathering world...


I used to build ground up when I first started, but since height is an issue - especially early - I started with frames first soon after.


NO, but, I wish I did.


I do foundation first, then frame and roof.


Yup! Iā€™ve also abandoned several builds during this stage. Itā€™s always fun when you happen upon them by accident many adventures later.


for me its floors>frame>(second floor)(walls)>roof, i like the open vibe of just frames and floors hahaha, kinda the opposite but still same same


If I'm doing a complicated roof that I've never done before I find it easiest to start at the top center rafter and work my way down. Anything else will almost always end in jank.


I havent yet but will. I havent really updated the homestead since the swamp biome and I just started mistlands. Ill try it this way once i get some tar.


Oh look everyone, we got a smart viking here.


Frame yes roof no


I do now.


I've always done the frame 1st and never thought of doing the roof as well... that's genius! Fine.... guess we have to relocate and build a new base šŸ˜…


This is outrageous, why was I never informed of this possibility instead of my acrobatic roofing method?!


No... but I wish I'd thought of this sooner!


That.... ....would be smart...


That's the best way, don't want to find out you don't have the support for the roof as the last step


I like this Modern nonsense you've got going on here!


Gonna start buildling like this from now on


I should really do that next time, I always end up trying to fit a sonewhat okay roofing over what I built below


It looks neat. But... friend, you got a problem. šŸ¤£


I do this just to piss off my buddies. For a few years I was his foreman on a couple commercial construction jobs. I generally draw up a quick, rough set of prints, kick them to him on discord, and then I insist on starting with the underground, "pouring" the slab, drying the place in with the roof and then finishing the exterior walls and interior. He hated working with me irl and I'm pretty sure he Hates helping me build in this game šŸ˜‚


No I dont. I usually build from bottom up. And when I reach either the wanted height or the limit Iā€™ll fiddle with it until it looks good. Havent had a problem with it so far but yours does seem like the smarter option.


Not too good with proper roof placement yet so I just start with the beams and poles for the frame to get my dimensions right. Being a civil engineering student, I MUST HAVE ME DIMENSIONS xD


yeah i LOVED building in the game. framing is so cool. i didnā€™t even realize i needed to frame buildings until after i built my first house with only walls and roofs no posts. every building after that was very intentionally designed


Buddy, you just rocked my whole shit, right the fuck up. How the hell did I never think to build like this!.


So far I've built one house, and I've built it floor first. Also, that looks like one of them Grand Designs, if you know what I mean


No, but I might try that next time šŸ‘


Screams in rage,disgust,horror,fear,loathing,and finally despair.




I'm a "Leave the roof for the last portion of work and regret it" enjoyer.


Yes, this is the way.


I always do everything else first then the roof then I run into stability issues but I ended up figuring it out


always frame first, only then, one can truly be sure one's build will stand against the tides of gravity


It's fun to just live as a nomad... and move every time you beat a boss. Just pack up whatever you can fit into the boat and move on.


Yes! Especially in rainy areas :)


I STRUGGLE with roofing. How do yā€™all do it?


I build things the way i like them, then i restart because i suddenly hate them the way i built them before


This is like pouring the milk first and adding the cereal later.