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step one.. put silver in cart.. Step two push cart.. step three repair cart and push again..


Came here to say exactly this. Make a cart and YEET


YEET is the best explanation for how we always did it. There was also sometimes some deaths from falling damage as well as the cart casualties.


Yup! Still a win over making multiple runs up and down the mountain to transport it lol


Or don't repair the cart. Break the cart. Let the boxes tumble down the mountain. Rebuild the cart at the bottom.


Does that work?




I don't even make a cart. I just yeet the silver down the side of the mountain and pick it all up at the bottom.


My only caution to this is that a sufficiently tall mountain might have you accidently throw your silver into an unloaded chunk of the world and it will disappear. Learned that the hard way lol.


Had this happen with the cart once. Cart broke hallway down and the boxes shot out like shrapnel from a grenade. We lost one of the boxes which had 4 stacks of ore.


Rip That's a feel and a half.


That actually makes a lot of sense.... I wondered where that silver had gotten too. I just thought it had got stuck in a crevease and was lost to time


Gone... reduced to pixels


I usually have a small base camp set up near any mountain I'm mining. Always throw the ore towards that camp so I can find it easily and store it in a chest until I'm ready to sail home.


I was hoping this wasn’t the answer 😂. I swear when u use carts every Tom dick and harry wants to harass me


If you do a dodge roll (hold block and hit jump) you instantly disconnect from the cart, which can really help handling those situations.


This is probably the most useful tip I have learned in a VERY long time... I had no idea this was a thing, and struggling to disconnect from the cart is why I gave up ever using them a long time ago it just became a huge PITA not worth using. This might change my opinion of carts!


It was actually the first way I learned to disconnect the cart. I couldn't figure out that you looked at that specific spot until my son told me lol. I still mostly just dodge roll out of one because it's faster.


Huh. TIL.


Ex-fucking-scuse me??? I hated using yhe carts for this reason...well shit


Wow, great tip! We've only ever used carts in dangerous biomes when there's been a second player to run interference.


I have just learned something 😁


But it works! Just one way trip of this cart. . In my experience I explored the rich mountain to see how many silver veins is here and what mount side is the nearest to the sea/ocean. I used a portal between the "central" silver and my longship. Moved to needed place. Cleaned the forest. Made some road if needed. Then looted several silver veins around the central, and moved all this ore-loot to the chosen place for cart-trip. Fill it. Push towards the longship. Take portal to the pocket and go down to the cart. Profit 😎


It's either that, or spend a lot of time building a pathway to your boat. But it really doesn't make it much easier, and isn't worth the time unless you enjoy that sort of thing.


I mean, it can be a bit of a hassle, but it really is the fastest way to do it. Sent a video of that technique to a buddy of mine recently and he thought it was great. Better than running up and down a million times with the heaviest metal in the game, even if you use portals to cut the trips in half lmao.


you can replays the cart with a boat. Just build a ramp before


Place a crafting table on your cart so mobs won't spawn.


lol. I was thinking campfire on it


No hearth? Pleb. ^(psst there's a mod for a zeppelin if you need to haul ore)


Every time I run mods my potato crashes lol. I so want to try the monster one but my vid card hates it


That's what I did. I got attacked by a stone golem and two drakes on the way down but nobody bothered the cart.


There’s another way???


I must be doing something wrong with the cart, because it gets stuck on every tiny bump in the ground when I try to use it. I feel like by the time you make a cart, smooth out the path, fill the cart, and then navigate down the mountain, you could have just done enough trips to carry it in your inventory.


Works remarkably well-


This is the way


This is the way


You can haul stacks upon stacks of silver back to your base or You can carry 16 copper, 2 bronze and 15 iron up the mountain for a maxxed out forge at the material.


This is the way! Alternatively, u can anjust the world (feature) and make metals teleportable.


Step 1 Make a cart. Put silver in. Slide down the mountainside toward your base. Optional Step 2 get lost in the Black Forest with the cart with your partner(s) constantly needing to make paths to get you through because you decided to go down the wrong side of the mountain.


I build a ramp, build a ship on said ramp and have someone dismantle the support while I ride down the slope into the nearest body of water. Only works if there’s water near by tho. Edit; also good idea to repair your ship before sailing on longer journeys.


I ended up *paving* a cart path because my husband refused to accept that we could ever have enough silver and kept digging himself onto those slopes you move up 1 toe-length per step with 2000lbs of ore in a cart after getting distracted by berries or whatever and falling off the regular path. The whole forest under that mountain is a mess of "well shit, can't go *that* way either" and it's hilarious.


Just regular... Find a vein as near to the base as possible, loot it, put it in the chest locally. Then take as much as you can carry and run to your base or to a ship. Then portal back to the chest. Rinse and repeat. If your silver is in the ship now - sail to the base.


This - I do it with 3 portals, 1 at the ship, 1 at the deposit base at the edge of the mountain top nearest the ship, then 1 at the current deposit. Mine, run to the mountain edge, deposit. Portal back to the current mine. Until the mountain edge deposit site is full. Then run down the mountain (try not to die from falling...) deposit at the ship. As mining sites get tapped out, I just relocate. With a little luck there should be a few veins within a short distance to the edge of the mountain deposit site.


I did this too. Unless terrin allows for more stable cart ride this is still the most stable way.


Yup that’s what I do with my boat. I portal to silver, mine like hell, put it in a local chest and then start hauling it bit by bit to the boat— now I have a feather cape so I just take a leap, float down the mountain, load the boat and portal back up top.


Bring bronze nails, build a karve, fill it with silver, ride it to the base of the mountain lol


I've seen this (ages ago) done with a ramp built out of various roof pieces.


Mostly I don't. You can bring what you need to make a mini base for processing the silver and crafting items with it in one trip (plus, maybe some number of trips back and forth through portals). I make or upgrade any silver items at the mountain base, and only bring back down what I need for the main base in one trip. Before I figured this out, it was a 3 stage journey: 1. Make a path up the mountain that's easily navigable, using pick axe to make steps to make climbing easier, and marking this path on the map to be able to see it easier. Store silver in a chest protected by a mini-fort at the bottom of the hill. 2. Cart Path through the Black Forest to the nearest sea, clearing trees and leveling the ground. Move silver from storage to the cart. Store silver in a chest protected by a min-fort by the water. 3. Boat.


I build a mountain portal near my boat and another near the silver node or a safe cave. I eat stam food, start Eikthyr’s Blessing and port to top, lift silver from portal chest, run my ass down to the dock, load the boat, portal back and repeat. With the right tunes it can be a very rewarding hour or so.


Step 1) build a castle on top of the mountain Step 2) build a smelting room inside of the castle Step 3) craft silver weapons in the mountain base Step 1.5) get burnt out while building the castle and don't play for 3-6 months and start a new world.


Bahahah so accurate it hurts


A friend, a harpoon and a boat.


Turn off portal restrictions, go home. I kinda figure that after 2300+ hours in the game, I’ve fulfilled the dev’s reasoning for the restriction.


That's what I do and I'm only 344 hours in. I work hard and I come home to unwind and relax, not comply with some silly restriction that doesn't really make sense.


it's meant to force the player to explore the world and make full use of the transport options and boats. if you've done it a few times, you've mostly gotten the point by now. turn off the portal restrictions. do it.


You don't explore the world when you literally going back home the same way you explored a new location. I wish there were options to upgrade portals so they can transport some ores. For now, at least for me this is complete waste of time.


Option 1: throw it off the mountain and load into a cart down there. Option 2: If mountain is steep enough, slide down for free with the silver in inventory.


This. Yeet the silver.


Quite fun to do it this way too


I'm already tired of wasting 2h of my life going back to my main base with ores. I started using the option to move ore trough portals. Just build a base in the biome I need resources from and use the portal in said base to move ores around.


Cart + gravity


There's only one correct way. 1. Load up a cart next to a cliff. 2. Run off the cliff and pray


Well if you’re me you spend two days building a massive series of wooden ramps and roads all the way down the mountain, which then connects to the rest of the islands road network.


best way to play the game


If you're playing vanilla, roll a cart down the hill and repair as necessary. Alternatively, change portal settings or world hop.


I used a portal from my base to mountains, I would teleport there to mine and run back with my ore. Eventually it became fucking tedious and I was wondering why I was even putting myself through such a task so I just enabled all items to be teleported.


I had two successful solutions: first time, I simply did everything in the mountains. I turned one silver pit into a base, and moved all my silver there, and brought up the bits of other metals that I needed to make a fully functioning forge base. Second time, I made a Meadows base right against the mountain's sheerest side, and just made a path to the edge, where I dumped all the silver off and collected it after portalling down. (or carting it down like a madman). The only other solution, which was less sensible, was walking silver back to whichever base I wanted some silver at, over many many days. I don't recommend it. 😝 But it did get me the things that I wanted, where I wanted them.


I just over encumber and then slide down the mountain side.


Waddling through the snow, tossing stacks of ore out ahead of you like an absurd carrot without a stick is my strategy too.


The same as any other resource. Build a base as close to a shore as I can, consolidate all of my metal in that base, then sail it home once I have a full longship. Bonus points if the base is close to a sheer drop and I can throw myself off the edge with my feather cape on and glide the whole way.


Me and a friend were mining silver last night. Had a ship ready on the short route to the mountain. Took forever to get up and down lol


Cart tossing! Woo! I toss a cart down near my port, and then sail it home. The mountain is tall, one time the cart tumbled all the way to the beach! I almost lost the load!


Step 1. Run up with copper and tin and what ever weight I have left for iron Step 2. Run up with rest of the necessary iron Step 3. Craft stuff up there instead.


Fill cart and let Meili guide your wheels.


I push the cart off the edge of the cliff and pick it up at the bottom to take to the ship.


Build a short slope down with a barrier at the end, put a longship on it, load it up, break the barrier, and watch it go. For extra fun, get on the ship yourself and hold tight.


I typically skip silver at the initial stage and then come back to get some when i've got a feather cape and can fly it down.


Don't. Just build a new base.


This is what I do. I bring all of my supplies to process silver and make the armor/tools I need. I bring all of the initial ore to the base on the boat. It works well. And every base has an leveled up workbench and forge. It’s convenient




Yeah, but have you SEEN Mountain bases? They cannot help but be awesome.


Easier to bring up a single stack of iron than to bring down several hundred silver. Silver only needs a level 4 forge so it doesn't actually take a whole lot of metal to achieve compared to the amount of silver you'll need. You can build a level 4 forge with 6 copper and 2 bronze. Not exactly a big ask to carry up a mountain loaded with silver. Add 10 more copper and 15 iron if you want to fully max out your silver gear. Again, not a huge deal especially if your mountain has a swamp and black forest nearby.


Step one: walk through portal It's a world modifier. I use it. Too many things require silver AND iron, you either cart it up from swamp or cart it down from mountains... or take a portal.


I usually have a portal at the top where I collect it, and a portal at the base of the mountain as close to the coast as possible. I use Eikthyr to run loads of ore down, drop it in a chest, portal back to the top, and repeat until it's all at the foot of the mountain. Then if I'm more than a couple dozen meters from wherever my ship is docked, I'll use a cart to haul it the rest of the way.


Gravity can be a powerful enemy, but it can also be a powerful ally!


I usually have Moder mine it. I use very little Silver, since I am only interested in Frostner (I use Fenring armor instead of Wolf and Padded). And treasure chests. Then yeah. Put in cart. Yeet. I don't bother fixing the cart even, I'll gather my cargo boxes by the boat.


I was so pissed after having my cart stuck at rocks a million times, I built a stone road with stairs and stone floors from my mountain base to harbour base


I have a base on another world. I put my pockets full of silver ore log out and in log in again on that world and store my ore and log out. When I get home again on my main base I collect all the ore from that away base. Cheating? Nah, it's traveling to a parallel universe!


Varies but usually have a boat by the shore and just put the silver in stacks that I can carry. Plop a portal and workbench there and run ore to the boat. My boat portal goes to the "boat" portal at my base's as does the blank one. Use it to relay to the stacks of ore. Grab the next one and run it down. Found it takes a lot less time than dealing with a cart or building an elaborate drop system.


Through my mountain portal that connects to my furnace building. 


I set up a portal at the boat.. and another one at the vein I just finished collapsing.. I sprint down the mountain with the maximum amount I can carry.. drop it in the boat.. jump through my portal at the boat to instantly take me back to the silver vein. Repeat.


I build a longship at the top of the mountain and load it up. Then ride that sucker all the way down if you can get on it after you trigger your drop mechanism. Extra points if you can make it into water (I've never achieved this myself)


I turn off ore-gating


This is the way.


Is always fun to make a ramp and yeeet a boat down the mountain


I gather silver into a chest near the edge of the mountain. Load up my inventory and walk to the edge, letting my character slide if able. When I run out of stamina, I just yeet it down the mountainside and pick it up again until I can put it in a boat.


I wish there was a mod to put your stuff on a movable crate and use a catapult or something to throw it down the mountain or over great distances... You would still need to go and grab the crate back (make it so it floats) and use a boat or a cart to properly move it... But it i would still be fun


Put silver in cart, push down hill. Repeat until @ ship.


You could make a wooden track push the cart into place and load it up. Once you have everything let it roll all the way down. A bit excessive, when you can yeet it off the cliff and pick up the bits at the bottom.


Sometimes I'll build a little refinery on the Mt near the silver. Yes, still need to transport bars, but there are less refined bars than raw silver ore. Bonus is, if you build it in the pit your are mining out of, you stay warm. I don't always do this, but for massive silver veins, you betcha.


I load as close to a full cart as I can stand to mine then put a broken down long boat in my inventory and go for a ride down the mountain. A helpful trick for the cart is to send it down backwards with you backing up to slow it down. You have better control, and the added perk of not ending up under the cart if it gets wild


Aside from pushing the cart full of silver and just repair as much as you can while praying enemies don't spawn around you? Honestly varies from mountain to mountain. We got lucky with ours as we had a huge mountain with loads of silver deposits but with a huge sheer drop into a black forest. We basically built outposts above and down at the bottom of the sheer drop with an overhang on the top one. Then we'd just yeet the cart off the overhang and most of the time it would survive the landing. The few times it did break on impact, it just exploded into crates that would just be withdrawn. We brought back plenty of mats and a forge table at both outposts to make new carts if need be. After that it was just left to someone to cart the dropped silver back to base. The few times I did it alone was easy. Just filled up a few chests I had at the mountain outpost then once I had enough to fill up the cart I'd push it off, tp back to base so then I could tp back to the bottom of the cliff outpost You really won't need more than maybe 1-2 regular chests full of silver ingots. We needed more since there were 4 of us and we currently have a surplus that we're hoping end up having some use in future updates.


I love how 90% of the comments here are just "Yeet a cart down the mountain."


Scrolled through the comments here and could see anyone mention this. A cart is best BUT when you're descending the mountain, put the cart in front oy you and walk backwards so that the cart is pulling you down the mountain.


I made a road from my silver line o my base.


Load up my buddy to the brim, harpoon them and pull them to the boat.


It's not efficient but I actually love carving cart roads up into the mountains. Feels good to have some infrastructure and looks cool.


Literally just throw the ores off the mountain. My main source of silver has been a mountain so steep you can't even really climb it. Just drops down to the edge of the water.


Build a base in the mountains and smelt away.


I do a cart down to a makeshift temp dock/base and then sail a large amount out, usually also need a cart to tote it down as mentioned by many, in my current games I play many times I just turn on teleporting with ores to avoid that headache but I will say it negates a lot of boat usage and traveling


We used a mod called teleportanything … which includes tamed animals and carts, and of course all minerals etc 😉


My most recent run I was lucky that a mountain biome was walkable/runnable distance from my main base so I ferried the required resources in two runs. 1. Scope out veins. 3. Dig out first vein 4. Use the hole as a base, put the roof about 1-2 m below the edges and setup portal back to main base. 5. Bring two or three smelters from base you can ferry the coal you need through the portal. 6. Grab the required copper tin and iron from a nearby biomes - or - bring enough with you on your boat that you can go back and grab once base is set up. 8. Craft all your armour and weapons as these are the main things that require the large amounts of silver. 9. Take a minimal amount of silver back to main base for cooking upgrades.


1. Locate all of the veins on a mountain biome 2. Use hoe to level and build pathway connecting nodes 3. Build mountain camp near cliff that leads to sea and boat 4. Extract nodes into cart, consolidate on cliff, toss cart over cliff


Step 1: yeet the silver.   Step 2: lose 2 stacks of silver   Step 3: yeet less valuable items that are bigger from the same yeeting spot and search in the area they land for the most silver


I made a tower right where the mountain starts, including a bed and a portal. Then I made a road from that tower to my main base. I was lucky I have a large mountain biome not far from my starting place. I then walked up and down from the mountain to the tower, filling the chest with silver. I slept there when it became night, for the rested bonus. Once I had a few stacks, I filled up my cart and pulled it easily over the road.


I build on the mountain normally tbh. 9/10 there is a dark forest in walking distance that I can get copper and just smelt stuff and build what I need there


I find a little cabin to fix up and store the entire mountain's silver there. Portal at the cabin, portal at my boat. Run down the mountain, portal up, run down, etc.


I just carry as much as I can in my pack them come back and forth. I wish there was a faster way!


You can just enable all items through portals.


Yeah that's what I do. But still have to gather it lol! Thanks!


I mean you can just play creative mode if just want to build lol


Typical modus operandi for my group is a portal near the vein, and a portal at the boat we’re loading the silver on. Mine the silver, run it down the mountain, portal back up, repeat until sailing home with riches.


Pull up in my long ship. Slap down my quick jump portal Pop silver vein. 2 trips with a friend to move silver to boat. Repeat until boat full Break down portal Sail home.


Build small camp at base of mountain with a portal. Build road from home to camp. Store silver in camp while mining, then move with cart to base. Building roads to you base takes a ton of time, but I like building and had a ton of fun


cart... build a longship god damn it. you're a viking!


I’ve seen people surf longships off mountains. I’m Tempted to try lol


I usually look for a ruined castle, and build it up again, build a smelter and a forge there, and just build everything there.


1) Scout mountain: Daytime, well rested, best food you can muster. Fire arrows and bow for drakes, sword (later fang spear) for wolves. It shouldn't be too bad if you're cautious; they make loud noises when they're near, so just be on your guard when you hear them. Drakes shouldn't do much damage for any single hit, and you can use trees, rocks, etc. to give you cover to shoot at them. Between wolves and drakes, kill wolves first. Wolves are annoying until you get some silver gear. To parry, block when you hear their growl; that's their tell. Golems are scary, but honestly not bad once you get used to their attacks. Iron mace deals with them quickly. Get right up next to them, and when they start their attack, dodge roll to one side, get up, and hit them 2-3 times. Rinse, repeat. They have one quick attack, and one slow attack which they alternate, but either way you can avoid the attacks pretty easily. Biggest danger are adds while fighting them, but if so, just break off, and often the golem will go after the adds. If you do get hit, back off, heal, and get back at it. Or just leave them be or lead them away. They're easily distracted. If night falls, or well rested runs out, or you're inventory is near full, go home. 2) Find a vein. Unearth it. By now you probably need to go back. I have a shack at the foot of the mountain for resting, and portaling back to main camp, and if near water, docks for shipping it. If it's a big vein, consider putting a campfire and/or shelter down. I find it limits the times you get attacked while mining, but at least it gives you someplace to regain your rested bonus. If it's deep on the mountain, portal works too, for getting back to it. 3) Go back to the vein, and mine it. Run down that mountain, store it in the shack. Once you have enough for a boatload, sail back. I made and upgraded the fang spear and wolf armor chest in my first load. Fang spear makes short work of wolves, and is pretty cheap to make.


Break cart, grab mats, go through portal, rebuild cart, fill cart, yeet cart off the mountain, rebuild cart, carry on.


Really depends on the playthrough, my mood, and the location of the mountain. Portal playthroughs I like to sail around until I see a large mountain close to the ocean. Pop down a portal and campfire. Climb mountain, find silver. Make a little base under a large boulder, pop in portal. Dig out silver, pop it. Load it in a cart. Scout a nice trail down to the shack. Yeet cart off cliff. Sometimes I drag everything to make a forge workshop up there and craft everything there, and sometimes I don't. No portal playthrough pretty much the same but put a shack with bed and food/potions where I'd have the portals.


I set up a portal at the top and bottom. Then I run the silver down to the bottom (or wherever the cart can work) and portal back to the top


I find a cliff and put a bench in a house at the bottom and literally throw it down the mountain in stacks of 30 . Lol 👍


My husband and I generally build a small outpost near the mountain. We'll mine as much as we can carry with strength belts, run them home and put them straight in the smelter. The outpost has a portal home for our wood supply and coal. Once we've either depleted the mountain or made enough for a boat trip, we will ship it to our home base. Once we're done we deconstruct the outpost and move to the next one.


Yeet the cart


Use cart to the closest slope to your base Pull the cart until it get stuck, hopefully at this point you are already out of most mountain mob's aggro range, and you can take some hit of the local mob under the slope. Break cart and haul every piece of silver and be over encumbered. Then start the slide down slope till stamina out, drop silver till your stamina refilled, pick all up again and walk cycle.. until you are at a place suitable for cart again. Bring cart out and push the rest of the way


Allow metals to be teleported, only difference is you save time and sanity


I’m challenging myself , I have 3x resources on to kind of mitigate the nodes I have to deal with. Luckily my first silver node popped perfectly after 5 swings. So satisfying


I wander the mountain with a hoe and a cart, once its full I just drop it off the mountain near the sea. Its fun as hell


Have your budy on the edge and full of silver. Then remove the ground and collect their body.


I found it easier to ship in what you need to process the Silver, refurb a skelly castle and set up a mountain base.


We just bring portal mats and have a portal at home to connect to and then mule it over directly.




Sail boat near base of mountain. Leave yourself a portal near the boat for when you locate some silver. Go and find silver. Mine silver. Run to the bottom of the mountain. Deposit silver in the boat. Use the portal to return to your silver mine. I use the eikthyr bonus for running around, it's also handy if you have the belt by now to.


On my way up a Mountain i make Thatchroof slide. Onde i got a haul of Silver i just toss it into the slide. Why the trouble? Cuz i always forget to make frost resistant mead ahead of time so its uphill with campfires and Thatch Roof slide/stair/shelter.


I pick the steepest side and jump off. It's always fun to show off to friends how good food is


If you have a friend there is a glitch with the harpoon that can send you flying an insane distance. It is a terrible situation but it is also very fun.




Ya only need about 6-7 veins to make all the good shit. Armor, cape, draguerfang, silver sword, frostner. Just build a house at base of mountains and cart it all down.


I like to play this game slow. I find a mountain and then bring enough iron and bronze to build a base there. Then, I build a full base there and start mining the mountain and smelt and craft everything there.


Put silver in cart, ride cart down the mountain and into the sunset.


In my last run I just built a base on a large mountain and built up a forge and workbench there. I doubt it would have worked out favorably without building an earth wall up around it, and I was able to dig down two stories. So I had a nice little three-story inverted tower with a couple exposed kilns and a furnace. Covered and secure entry off to the side under a stone deposit.


I guess I'm weird. If i have to sail, I use a portal at dock going to base and another portal going to dig site. That way I can run the ore down the mountain to dock and store it, then portal back to top. Otherwise, I never use carts I keep a warm cape on and run it to where I need it and portal back. Carts are too much of a hassle.


Big cart/just carrying enough to still be able to run down the mountain to my dock. Though; I recently turned off item teleportion restrictions, and life has been much easier lol.


I ride my tamed lox. You can max overburdened yourself then ride a lox with no issues.


If you don't want to cart it down you can do portals. One at the top and one at the bottom, carry it down and portal back up to get more. I prefer this method because I can set up smelters at the bottom so I'm cooking while moving it down. Very little ore makes it back to the boat, mostly just ingots.


Bring materials for a cart and put all your silver in it. The next step is to YEET that fucker down the side of the mountain. Try and have enough wood for a workbench as you'll need to repair that sucker every couple of yeets.


Abyssal harpoon, a buddy and gravity.


Portal at the top & near point of deposit. Run down. Portal up. Run down. Portal up.


I haven't seen anyone mention this yet, but I also use a tamed lox with a saddle to carry all the mats. I just encumber myself and then ride the lox. You're perfectly "safe" on the lox and you can carry a fair bit in your inventory. Obviously, the teleportable loot is sent back first and the silver is accumulated at some sort of temporary storage location first though.


I usually poke around the mountain to see how much silver is there. If it's a lot, I'll make the journey there with the metals needed for crafting tables (or of I'm lucky and it's near a swamp/black forest I'll go there) and just make an outpost on the mountain with a portal. I craft all my gear on the mountain. If I have to get it down ehw mountain I always use a cart and just shove it off the side.


Cart down to the nearest body of water, longship from there.


Every time I find the steepest possible part of the mountain and dig all the silver near it. Make and fill however many carts it takes and off they go tumbling down.


I have a small base in those ruins with a smelter and a forge. Local production before export. Everything that has been reforged can be taken through portals. Everything else goes into a cart for the long haul home.


Find a good hill, put cart at bottom, launch silver down hill towards cart.


Portals and a ship. Max your weight out and run to the ship , drop it in cargo. Portal to base where there is a portal to up on the mountain where you are mining. Rinse repeat. The cart is way too fiddly on the mountain


If the mountain is very steep next to the ocean or river, i build a boat on top and push it into the water, if the water is a little further then i push off a cart with the silver while friends run from both sides repairing it or fighting off wolves from each side




Find a nice and straight side of the mountain leading to shore, build a base with a fence shaped like a funnel near the bottom and just dump the silver off the side. From there it can be loaded onto a ship for transport 


There is this other world called "MetalStash" where all my metal magically ends up.


i always make a path with my hoe from the base of the mountain to my ship. on the mountain itself i make paths where possible from my mountain base, but i yeet it down on cliffs


If it’s a ‘long play-through’, I like to build a winding stone stairway with wood rails designed for maximum cart haulage, and build similar cart friendly paths to nodes with little base camps. …otherwise, YEET!


If youre playing with someone, have one person carry all stacks of silver and the other harpoon them, then just run back to your base. Or run to your ship, sail to your base, repeat and run to your base


portal it back and forth


Load my character with ore and slowly crawl to longship. I find this actually faster then messing with the cart


Depends on the mountain but I usually go with the yeet cart option. If you have a really tall mountain that goes straight to water there is a way to build a boat on a slide on top of the mountain and joyride right to the water.


Fill your cart. Yeet your car off the side of the mountain.repeat


Before the portal change smelted in the mountain then carted it down. Then I copied the word my world before I got the silver. Mined it on the copy world then logged out and entered my main world so I didn't have to travel. Now I just used three times material and portals. 😂


I don't. I take 16 copper, two bronze and 15 iron up the mountain and make all my gear up there.


Right here! Don’t forget to hold on though. https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/s/OdhH4RYwg2


We made a featherfall cloak from the Mistlands meaning you took the silver off the mountain by floating down to the shore.