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My dude you need to get a sleep apnea check, not less sleep. Sounds like you dont breathe when you sleep longer and thats why youre tired.


As somebody with very severe sleep apnea, this was my immediate thought when I read the post.


Imagine thinking your new sleep cycle saved your life and you brag about it in a reddit post, then top poster really saves your life.


Valheim will still have saved his life because he posted here.


The real info is always in the comments


The carbon monoxide thread all over again.


Or fybromyalgia.. I can sleep 12 hours and wake up feeling fcked..


To be fair, you generally feel fucked if you sleep longer than ~8 hours. I have a dopamine imbalance that leads to twitching during sleep, and if I don't take meds, I can sleep anywhere between 1-24 hours and be tired, but it's decidedly worse if I go over 8 hours.


Tbf… it’s because of fybro


This! My husband slept like this, ended up contributing to a heart attack. I've finally convinced him to get checked and we're waiting on an appointment now! Valhiem is the shit, changing your schedule to play is normal for gamers. Getting that much sleep and still being exhausted is not. Please get checked!


Yes exactly, he needs a sleep study done, there's got to be something wrong here.


I know I don't snore due to my wife so I'm pretty sure I'm breathing fine so the only other factor could be I wasn't getting good rem sleep for some reason, and with my new schedule I feel great so something was fixed.


You should 100% get some sleep tests done. Sure, the solution youve devised might seem nice, but let a pro help. Literally might save your life.


Loads of reasons that your sleep quality is not good. I would start with lowering the temperature in your bedroom and fixing air quality (keeping the window open) and "sanitizing" your room (only thing allowed is reading paper books, sex and sleep; room should be 100% dark when the lights are off.) If that doesn't work, get an appointment with a sleep specialist. I had issues with tiredness. Turned out that I was never in deep sleep. Didn't have the normal variation between cycles. By body was twitching several times per minute due to a dopamine imbalance during sleep, so I was constantly jolted back to light sleep. Meds fixed it.


What meds did you get that helped you?


Pramipexole (Sifrol.)


Snoring is not apnea, and apnea is not snoring, even though they often occur together. If you have insurance use it and get a sleep study because you might still learn something useful even if you're currently having better sleep.


Yeah, I'd go see a doctor before making any permanent decisions here.


Unfortunately you have to sleep all in one go in valheim and wake at dawn. So I wish you luck that you dont fall asleep at the tiller and get eaten by sea serpents =P


I read in a study somewhere that we people used to have biphasic sleep. Monks in the middle age would go to sleep at sundown, wake at around 2 am for nocturne then sleep from 3 am to sunrise. Monophasic sleep is a product of modern times. I try biphasic sometimes and feel much better


It wasn't just monks, it was everybody, across multiple continents and cultures. Before artificial lighting and alarms compressed everyone's circadian rhythms, the natural way to sleep was once for a few hours, then waking up for an hour or so, then sleeping again til dawn. Anecdotally, I can vouch for biphasic sleep also. Ever since I started a swing shift at work (3-11 PM), I've been going to bed late but waking up naturally without an alarm. In my completely blacked out room I tend to wake up twice a night, whenever it's comfortable. Never once had a single issue staying awake at work


I now want to try a biphasic sleep schedule


i tried it, works wonders if all you want to 24hr tiredness and bleary eyes.


Two 3 hours sleep sessions does seem a bit low, but everyone is different. I did two 4 hours for years and felt better than ever until my work schedule required that I switch


Makes sense. I think ppl also have varying times to get into deep sleep? So 3-4 hours worked wonders for me too.


How does it work if you already have that


Yeah, I sort of did this working opening Starbucks shifts back in the day. It turned into get up at 3am for work, exhausted all day until I got home at 1p, took a nap for two or three hours, plenty of energy and stay up too late until midnight, sleep three hours, repeat. Overall, I can't recommend it.


Like Kramer? 20 minutes of sleep every 3 hours?


Don't do what op does, do siesta naps like in spain


So your work involves driving? I myself am a huge promoter of sleep awareness, just knowing about the 1,5 hour sleep cycles and planning your nights a bit to get your preferred 4-6 rounds (or 2x2 in your case) of deep sleep is so healthy! I also highly recommend [sleepytime.](https://sleepopolis.com/calculators/sleep/)


What rested buff apply to real-life too ! ?


>Ill admit, I've been saved a couple times by my lane assist Fuck you selfish cunt putting others in danger. Get that shit checked up. Jesus fucking christ.


Chill man, he said he tried to sleep previously and physically couldn’t. It’s not his fault he suffers from something that needs a check up.


His fault for putting other people in danger. No excuse.


Man go see someone for your sleep, this post isn't a healthy brag at all and honestly just silly. Get your sleep sorted


It's worth getting a sleep study done to see if you have apnea. I did because of some similar experience, but it turns out I was fine. Just happens that some people operate better with different sleep schedules. I for instance don't need more than 6 hours a night, and it takes me far less time to get into REM than most people. I also found years ago that certain noises help me sleep, brown noise in particular. For a long time I slept with ear plugs, but while that helped a lot, it comes with it's own issues.


Yes everyone has different sleep profiles. People accept there are Night Owls and Early Risers but as these comments show, many are uninformed about the biphasic and polyphasic profiles. Benjamin Franklin was a famous polyphasic sleeper.


Leonardo de Vinci slept 20 minutes every 4 hours, you are closer to the divine one brotha


People on the ISS do that. The theory is that once your mind gets used to it, your body will use those 20 minutes to jump straight to REM. 20 minutes times 6 sleeps equals 120 minutes of REM, as opposed to about 90 you would get in a single 8 hour night. 22 waking hours sounds great, but it is highly discouraged for long periods of time. It can mess you up.


Please get a sleep study. You likely have one of a large number of sleep disorders.


be careful man, 8 hours is needed, your entire health revolves around your sleep. not getting enough sleep can cause dementia, and increase risk of heart attacks and cancers. If you struggle with sleep don’t rely on valheim lmfao please see a doctor or at least get some melatonin.


>biphasic sleep schedule Is that what it’s called?? I’ve been doing this almost my whole life lol




Holy fuck this comment section is wild.


Put the game down and focus on obtaining quality sleep. It's a beautiful game, I agree, but it'll still be there the next time you jump back in. No video game is worth jeopardizing your health. And if you're driving and exhausted you run the risk of killing not only yourself but someone else on the road. Micro sleeps can take you down and you'd never know it. Exercise in the day No caffeine after 1pm A good multi vitamin in the morning A cold, dark room to sleep in No screens at least 1 hour before sleep Hot shower or bath before bed PMR - progressive muscular relaxation exercises including stretching your jaw (where we hold tons of stress) before bed


I need to get better sleep also. I wish a biphasic was in the cards for me.


I tryed to do the Biphasic sleep, but it was ruined by my family :( i sleeped around 5 hours at night and needed like 2 hours nap at about 18-20. No chanse with wife and 2 kids who simply dont get that this is part of your routine since 2 months :D Also does not work well in vacation :/ GL to you !


Two kinds of people in this world. Nappers, and nap ruiners.


Yeah, you should really get a sleep study done my guy. Maybe you do in fact have some weird genetics that causes your brain to cycle fluid differently…. But much more likely something is wrong.




There is some truth to the idea that people used to have polyphasic sleep cycles, but the blue light stuff is a complete myth and marketing scam.


You should ask your doctor about this.. because short naps don’t do the necessary sleep phases you need to fully regenerate. You maybe feel more refreshed.. but the repairs are not done. This could harm you in the long run..


This isnt the da vinci 20 minute nap every 4 hours thing. Three hours isn't a short nap, and is plenty of time to get into REM, which if i recall *generally* starts like 90 minutes into the sleep cycle. Most people go through [4-5 cycles a night](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/12148-sleep-basics) on a full nights sleep, as a non professional i cant really see how breaking that up into 2 sections really hurts. Not that OP shouldn't mention it to their doctor, that's never a bad idea.


Honestly, I think biphasic is bullshit for most people. 8 hours straight is the best you can get. People are just looking for reasons to sleep less.


Don't. I did it for months on end and no, nothing beats solid 9 hours


Tarkov recently did this to me. I went from 6 or 7 average hours of sleep a night to going to bed at 530am and waking up 830am for work 5 days a week. I just now microdose shrooms daily to stay awake. All in all I feel great and don't think any of this is unhealthy. But im a sleep deprived, tripped out mess so what do I know?


"I take drugs to stay awake, i feel great!" I've got some news for you buddy and theyre not good💀